{"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012078", "l": "fovea capitis of femur", "d": ["The surface of the head of the femur is smooth, coated with cartilage in the fresh state, except over an ovoid depression, the fovea of head of femur, which is situated a little below and behind the center of the head, and gives attachment to the ligamentum teres."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001200", "l": "corpuscles of Stannius", "d": ["Islands of eosinic cells found on the lateroventral surface of the kidney. Function is thought to be that of the parathyroid gland in other vertebrates, which are lacking in fishes. These cells secrete hypocalcin (teleocalcin) to regulate calcium metabolism."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014914", "l": "haemolymphatic fluid-testis barrier", "d": ["A barrier between the blood or haemolymphatic fluid and the testes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009697", "l": "epithelium of appendix", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a vermiform appendix."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "52.65044149101044", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000991", "l": "gonad", "d": ["Reproductive organ that produces and releases eggs (ovary) or sperm (testis)."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0018067", "l": "Gonadal structure", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D006066", "l": "Gonads", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12725", "l": "Gonad", "d": ["A reproductive system organ that produces and releases either sperm (testis) or eggs (ovary)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006494", "l": "apex of arytenoid", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001335", "l": "supradorsal", "d": ["Supradorsals are small paired nodules of cartilage positioned at the distal ends of neural arches and the proximal end of neural spines (Arratia et al., 2001)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015418", "l": "urethra mesenchymal layer", "d": ["A mesenchyme that is part of a urethra."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010738", "l": "distal tarsal bone 5", "d": ["Endochondral tarsal bone articulating with centralia and metatarsal 5."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000438", "l": "parhypural", "d": ["Haemal spine of last hemal arch that is pierced by the haemal canal through which the caudal vessels pass or haemal arch of preural centrum 1. Its distal part commonly supports lepidotrichia. The parhypural is an unpaired median haemal spine."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011150", "l": "pharyngeal arch derived gill", "d": ["A gill that develops_from a pharyngeal gill precursor."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0017558", "l": "Gill structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C92593", "l": "Gill", "d": ["A respiratory organ found in aquatic animals that allows for the exchange of dissolved oxygen from water into the blood stream."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005600", "l": "crus commune", "d": ["A region formed by non-ampulated ends of posterior and superior semicircular canals of vestibular apparatus in inner ear."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009496", "l": "intrahepatic part of biliary bud", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004520", "l": "striated muscle tissue of prostate", "d": ["A portion of striated muscle tissue that is part of a prostate gland [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000389", "l": "lens cortex", "d": ["Tissue that surrounds the lens nucleus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0023307", "l": "Structure of cortex of lens", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D007904", "l": "Lens Cortex, Crystalline", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8470002", "l": "moderator band", "d": ["A muscular trabecula in the right ventricle of the heart that connects the interventricular septum to the anterior wall and to the base of the anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200109", "l": "outer digits of pes", "d": ["The flanking digit of the pes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003539", "l": "left lung bronchiole", "d": ["A bronchiole that is part of a left lung [Automatically generated definition]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0225674", "l": "Structure of bronchiole of left lung", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49252", "l": "Left Lung Bronchiole", "d": ["A bronchiole located in the left lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004625", "l": "sacral vertebra 4", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0223601", "l": "Structure of fourth sacral vertebra", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33501", "l": "S4 Vertebra", "d": ["The fourth of five sacral vertebrae."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011954", "l": "stomach non-glandular region", "d": ["A region of the stomach is lined with non-glandular epithelium. Examples of a stomach non-glandular region are found in rodents."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C2698493", "l": "Nonglandular Stomach", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C77662", "l": "Nonglandular Stomach", "d": ["The portion of the rodent stomach that is responsible for storage and digestion of food particles but does not contain the gastric mucosa-associated glands."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001980", "l": "vertebral element 6", "d": ["Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 5."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012644", "l": "trophosome", "d": ["An organ of dark green-brown spongy tissue in a tubeworm which is a host to symbiotic microbes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013206", "l": "nasal tentacle", "d": ["A fleshy appendage ringing the snout of a Star-nosed mole."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2002282", "l": "preopercle-opercle joint", "d": ["Joint that articulates the preopercle and opercle. Preopercle-opercle joint is paired."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "66.007347202863528", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008835", "l": "hepatic diverticulum", "d": ["An out-pocket of thickened ventral foregut epithelium adjacent to the developing heart. Constitutes the first morphological sign of the embryonic liver. The anterior portion of the hepatic diverticulum gives rise to the liver and intrahepatic biliary tree, while the posterior portion forms the gall bladder and extrahepatic bile ducts."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1512407", "l": "Hepatic Diverticulum", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34187", "l": "Hepatic Diverticulum", "d": ["An out-pocket of thickened ventral foregut that develops approximately during the 4th week of embryonic development, and gives rise to the liver, gallbladder, and biliary duct system."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001673", "l": "central retinal vein", "d": ["The central retinal vein (retinal vein) is a short vein that runs through the optic nerve and drains blood from the capillaries of the retina into the larger veins outside the eye. The anatomy of the veins of the orbit of the eye varies between individuals, and in some the central retinal vein drains into the superior ophthalmic vein, and in some it drains directly into the cavernous sinus. [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0035327", "l": "Structure of central vein of the retina", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D012169", "l": "Retinal Vein", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C53063", "l": "Retinal Vein", "d": ["A vein that drains the retina of the eye."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005588", "l": "rhombomere 8 floor plate", "d": ["A rhombomere floor plate that is part of a rhombomere 8."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013511", "l": "ambiens muscle", "d": ["A long muscle found in reptiles that originates on the ilium and crosses the acetabulum and the knee joint before being inserted on the tibia."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003654", "l": "metatarsal bone of digit 5", "d": ["A metatarsal bone that distally_connected_to a proximal phalanx of pedal digit 5."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1709003", "l": "Metatarsal Bone Digit 5", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C52787", "l": "Metatarsal Bone Digit 5", "d": ["The fifth of the five long bones located in the mid-foot, which articulates proximally with the cuboid bone at the tarsometatarsal joint and distally with the metatarsophalangeal joint."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013639", "l": "mechanical papilla of tongue", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2002292", "l": "epaxial basal fulcrum", "d": ["Basal fulcrum that is positioned at the dorsal or anterodorsal margin of the caudal fin. Arratia, G. 2009. Identifying patterns of diversity of the actinopterygian fulcra. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 90 (Suppl. 1): 220-235."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "69.928990792433112", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007775", "l": "secondary tooth", "d": ["A tooth that forms after a primary tooth."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0348070", "l": "Structure of permanent tooth", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33313", "l": "Permanent Tooth", "d": ["Any of the 32 teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "66.08567671964029", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006929", "l": "glandular columnar epithelium", "d": ["Simple columnar epithelium that constitutes the secretory part of a gland. Examples: epithelium of stomach, luminal epithelium of lactiferous duct.[FMA]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0225337", "l": "Columnar epithelium", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13182", "l": "Columnar Epithelium", "d": ["Epithelium that is composed of columnar glandular cells."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000851", "l": "somite 12", "d": ["Undifferentiated mesodermal component of early trunk segment 12 or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome. Kimmel et al, 1995."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007188", "l": "mesothelium of serous pericardium", "d": ["A mesothelium that is part of a serous pericardium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "82.076046914303362", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002451", "l": "endometrial gland", "d": ["The mucous secreting gland associated with the mucuous membrane lining the uterus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1183035", "l": "Uterine gland", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33842", "l": "Uterine Gland", "d": ["Mucus gland in the endometrium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "71.88020023694385", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003968", "l": "peripheral lymph node", "d": ["The lymph nodes located outside the thoracic and abdominal cavities, such as the submandibular, prescapular, axillary, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8600013", "l": "submucosal gland collecting duct", "d": ["A non-secretory tubular structure in the submucosal gland where secretions are collected before flowing towards the surface epithelium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200235", "l": "postcoronoid bone", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "73.976162571356099", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002894", "l": "olfactory cortex", "d": ["Aggregate brain region defined as those areas of cerebral cortex receiving direct synaptic input from the olfactory bulb (Price, 1973). It usually includes the piriform cortex and sometimes other areas."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0162434", "l": "Olfactory Cortex", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D066194", "l": "Olfactory Cortex", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "69.999780418226806", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007301", "l": "appendage blood vessel", "d": ["A blood vessel that is part of a limb/fin."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035834", "l": "lower esophagus mucosa", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003540", "l": "right lung terminal bronchiole", "d": ["A terminal bronchiole that is part of a right lung [Automatically generated definition]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1709961", "l": "Right Lung Terminal Bronchiole", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49294", "l": "Right Lung Terminal Bronchiole", "d": ["A terminal bronchiole located in the right lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2002059", "l": "posttemporal-parietal joint", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001030", "l": "epaxial region somite 21", "d": ["The epaxial region of somite 21 derived body wall muscle. The epaxial region is dorsal to the horizontal myoseptum. Kimmel et al, 1995."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "42.536793475630866", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002101", "l": "limb", "d": ["A paired appendage that is evolved from a paired fin. The extent of this structure includes autopod, stylopod and zeugopod regions when present, but excludes the girdle and its parts."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0015385", "l": "Limb structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12429", "l": "Limb", "d": ["A body region referring to an upper or lower extremity."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035532", "l": "deep middle cerebral vein", "d": ["The blood vessel that receives deoxygenated blood from the insula and gyri and drains into the basal vein of Rosenthal deep in the lateral sulcus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226586", "l": "Structure of deep middle cerebral vein", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32440", "l": "Deep Middle Cerebral Vein", "d": ["The blood vessel that receives deoxygenated blood from the insula and gyri and drains into the basal vein of Rosenthal deep in the lateral sulcus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "74.37742281270377", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004323", "l": "middle phalanx of manual digit 5", "d": ["A middle phalanx that is part of a hand digit 5 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000487", "l": "simple squamous epithelium", "d": ["Unilaminar epithelium which consists of a single layer of squamous cells. Examples: pulmonary alveolar epithelium, endothelium.[FMA]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0836133", "l": "Simple squamous epithelium", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13178", "l": "Simple Squamous Epithelium", "d": ["Epithelium composed of a single layer of flat cells wider than they are tall. This epithelium is found in anatomic sites where exchange of nutrients, wastes and gases occur."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014770", "l": "palpebral artery", "d": ["An artery that supplies blood to an eyelid."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012494", "l": "muscularis mucosae of duodenum", "d": ["A muscularis mucosa that is part of a duodenum."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.128890093485552", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0019325", "l": "exorbital lacrimal gland", "d": ["A lacrimal gland located subcutaneously at the anteroventral base of the ear adjacent to the parotid gland."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1882664", "l": "Rat Extraorbital Lacrimal Gland", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C60564", "l": "Rat Extraorbital Lacrimal Gland", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "59.476647131362029", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011164", "l": "neurocranium bone", "d": ["A bone that is part of a neurocranium [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000280", "l": "margo mandibularis of pterygoid", "d": ["Ventrally directed margin that connects the anterior and posterior rami of the pterygoid."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010220", "l": "arytenoid pre-cartilage condensation", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005655", "l": "right lung accessory lobe epithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a right lung accessory lobe."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004224", "l": "muscular coat of vas deferens", "d": ["A muscular coat that is part of a vas deferens [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "65.133274683488168", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003841", "l": "autopod joint", "d": ["A limb joint that is part of an autopod [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2007042", "l": "spinal cord neural tube", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008972", "l": "right colon", "d": ["The proximal portion of the colon, extending from the ileocecal valve usually to a point proximal to the left colic flexure; it develops embryonically from the terminal portion of the midgut and functions in absorption."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1305188", "l": "Right colon", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12383", "l": "Right Colon", "d": ["The proximal segment of the large intestine that is located in the right side of the abdominal cavity. It includes the cecum (with the attached appendix) and the ascending colon."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002468", "l": "foliate papilla", "d": ["Any of the papillae located on the sides of the tongue."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226969", "l": "Foliate papilla of tongue", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0545785", "l": "Set of foliate papillae", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32619", "l": "Foliate Papilla", "d": ["A type of lingual papillae located on the posterior lateral borders of the tongue, which are arranged in several transverse folds, and contain a moderate number of taste buds."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034860", "l": "stratum pyramidale of uncal CA1", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000816", "l": "margo fenestralis", "d": ["Anterior margin of the coracoid, which forms the posterior edge of the pectoral fenestra."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "74.516770421031836", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001499", "l": "muscle of arm", "d": ["A muscle organ that is part of an arm [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034972", "l": "jugular body", "d": ["A nonchromaffin paraganglion located in the wall of the jugular bulb."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0017670", "l": "Glomus jugulare", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D005924", "l": "Glomus Jugulare", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018278", "l": "epidermal egg tooth", "d": ["Epidermal outgrowth that facilitates breaking of the eggshell in archosaurs and monotremes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008606", "l": "antitragicus muscle", "d": ["The Antitragicus arises from the outer part of the antitragus, and is inserted into the cauda helicis and antihelix."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003668", "l": "synovial bursa", "d": ["A small fluid-filled sac lined by synovial membrane with an inner capillary layer of slimy fluid. It provides a cushion between bones and tendons and/or muscles around a joint. This helps to reduce friction between the bones and allows free movement. Bursae are filled with synovial fluid and are found around most major joints of the body."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0006441", "l": "Synovial bursa", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D002061", "l": "Bursa, Synovial", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33717", "l": "Synovial Bursa", "d": ["A membrane-lined sac that is located in a joint, and is filled with synovial fluid; it provides a cushion between bones and tendons and/or muscles, decreasing the friction between two moving structures and allowing for unrestricted movement."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "56.851283591334017", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0016525", "l": "frontal lobe", "d": ["Frontal lobe is the anterior-most of five lobes of the cerebral hemisphere. It is bounded by the central sulcus on its posterior border and by the longitudinal cerebral fissure on its medial border."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0016733", "l": "frontal lobe", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1268977", "l": "Entire frontal lobe", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D005625", "l": "Frontal Lobe", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12352", "l": "Frontal Lobe", "d": ["The part of the brain located anterior to the parietal lobes at the front of each cerebral hemisphere."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "68.594400196502249", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4000164", "l": "caudal fin", "d": ["The caudal fin is the most posterior median fin. It is composed of a complex of modified centra and modified neural and hemal arches and spines."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008857", "l": "stomach smooth muscle circular layer", "d": ["The middle layer of the muscularis; it is continuous with the circular layer of the esophagus, but is absent in the fundus and lies concentric to the longitudinal axis of the stomach; the circular layer is normally tonically constricted forming a functional pyloric sphincter, which controls the movement of chyme into the duodenum."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "62.359235643024689", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001774", "l": "skeletal muscle of trunk", "d": ["A skeletal muscle organ that is part of the trunk region."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005313", "l": "mammary duct terminal end bud", "d": ["A unique club-shaped epithelial structure that develops at the tip of the mammary duct at the onset of puberty under the action of circulating hormones."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "86.236661114203869", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004231", "l": "anal region smooth muscle", "d": ["A portion of smooth muscle tissue that is part of an anal region [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "63.670000558372379", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000101", "l": "lobe of lung", "d": ["A lung lobe is one of the rounded projections that compose the lung[GO]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0225752", "l": "Structure of lobe of lung", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34021", "l": "Lung Lobe", "d": ["One of the subdivisions of the lung, 2 in the left lung and 3 in the right lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008712", "l": "stylohyoid muscle", "d": ["The stylohyoid is a pharyngeal arch II muscle that participates in oral/pharygeal behaviors and is innervated by the stylohoid branch of the facial nerve and attaches to the stylohyal and the non-stylohyal part of the hyoid apparatus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000802", "l": "fossa glenoidalis", "d": ["Concave articular facet of the vertebral centrum for the articulation with the adjacent centrum."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "75.751739371353352", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002343", "l": "abdomen musculature", "d": ["Set of all muscles in abdomen."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "82.076046914303362", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0016884", "l": "shoulder joint", "d": ["The joint that is formed by the union of the humerus, the scapula (or shoulder blade), and the clavicle (or collarbone). Commonly thought of as a single joint, the shoulder is actually made up of two separate joints - the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "61.380747715658053", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001229", "l": "renal corpuscle", "d": ["The structure containing the glomerular capsule and the glomerulus that serves as the initial blood-filtering component of a nephron."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0227635", "l": "Renal corpuscle structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33456", "l": "Renal Corpuscle", "d": ["A component of the nephron comprising two structures: Bowman capsule and the glomerulus, and which is responsible for the filtration of plasma."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000040", "l": "Leydig's organ", "d": ["A hemopoietic organ found in elasmobranchs. Along with the spleen and special tissue around the gonads, this structure produces red blood cells and it is nestled along the top and bottom of the esophagus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.944915021140389", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001172", "l": "hepatic acinus", "d": ["The functional unit of the liver, consisting of a mass of hepatocytes from adjacent liver lobules aligned around the hepatic arterioles and portal venules just as they anastomose into sinusoids."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0227519", "l": "Structure of hepatic acinus", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32992", "l": "Liver Acinus", "d": ["The smallest functional unit of the liver, comprising all of the liver parenchyma supplied by a terminal branch of the portal vein and hepatic artery; typically involves segments of two lobules lying between two terminal hepatic venules."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001870", "l": "supraneural 3 cartilage", "d": ["Postcranial axial cartilage located dorsal to vertebrae 3 and 4."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.061101857006449", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001481", "l": "distal carpal bone", "d": ["A distal carpal endochondral element that is composed primarily of a bone tissue."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007170", "l": "squamous part of occipital bone", "d": ["The squama of the occipital bone, situated above and behind the foramen magnum, is curved from above downward and from side to side."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004990", "l": "mucosa of ascending colon", "d": ["A mucosa that is part of an ascending colon [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012480", "l": "cloacal mucosa", "d": ["A mucosa that is part of a cloaca [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013774", "l": "diaphysis of metatarsal bone", "d": ["A diaphysis that is part of a metatarsal bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012134", "l": "medial-intermediate intercuneiform joint", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000187", "l": "lateral granular eminence", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014763", "l": "fused metatarsal bones 2-4", "d": ["An element formed from the fusion of metapodium bones 2, 3 and 4 in the pedal autopod."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8410051", "l": "lymphatic vessel of colon", "d": ["A lymphatic vessel located in the colon."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004986", "l": "mucosa of deferent duct", "d": ["A mucosa that is part of a vas deferens [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010745", "l": "M. coccygeosacralis", "d": ["Originates on the lateral surface of the urostyle and inserts on the neural arch of the sacrum or on the sacral diapophysis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "74.516770421031836", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005689", "l": "2nd arch mesenchyme", "d": ["Mesenchyme that is part of a pharyngeal arch 2."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:5111983", "l": "manual digit 8 digitopodial skeleton", "d": ["A subdivision of the skeleton of the autopod consisting of the phalanges of manual digit 8 plus the associated metapodial element."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011472", "l": "ventral lateral sacrocaudal muscle", "d": ["The ventral lateral sacrocaudal is a long strong muscle consisting of numerous individual parts. Its first segment originates from the last lumbar vertebrae and the remainder from the transverse processes of the caudal vertebrae. From the segmented bellies arise long tendons which are embedded in caudal fascia. The first of these tendons inserts onto the sixth caudal vertebrae, the second onto the seventh and so on until the last caudal vertebrae. The ventral lateral sacrocaudal acts to flex the tail and occasionally assists with lateral movement."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013524", "l": "median vaginal canal", "d": ["A median canal in the reproductive system of marsupials that connects the uteri to a common tract, joining with the two lateral vaginas. Connects the uterine openings directly with the urogenital sinus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004428", "l": "proximal epiphysis of second metatarsal bone", "d": ["A proximal epiphysis that is part of a metatarsal bone of digit 2 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007195", "l": "stroma of bone marrow", "d": ["The stroma of the bone marrow is all tissue not directly involved in the primary function of hematopoiesis. The yellow bone marrow belongs here, and makes the majority of the bone marrow stroma, in addition to stromal cells located in the red bone marrow. Yellow bone marrow is found in the Medullary cavity. Still, the stroma is indirectly involved in hematopoiesis, since it provides the hematopoietic microenvironment that facilitates hematopoiesis by the parenchymal cells. For instance, they generate colony stimulating factors, affecting hematopoiesis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034804", "l": "stratum radiatum of caudal CA2", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006220", "l": "diencephalic part of interventricular foramen", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "79.541110464886842", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0016545", "l": "pharyngeal ectoderm", "d": ["The external part of the developing pharynx that is made of ectoderm. During vertebrate development, pockets form in pharyngeal ectoderm between the pharyngeal arches."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010071", "l": "layer of tympanic membrane", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012076", "l": "tibiotalar joint", "d": ["A skeletal joint that connects a tibia and connects a talus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010048", "l": "Duvernoy's gland", "d": ["A gland situated on the upper lip posterior to the eye, found in non-venomous snakes. Releases secretion via duct adjacent to posterior maxillary teeth."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "71.693743768401106", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002186", "l": "bronchiole", "d": ["The conducting airway of the lungs found terminal to the bronchi; these structures contain neither cartilage nor mucous-secreting glands; the epithelium of the bronchioles becomes thinner with each branching."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0006270", "l": "Bronchioles", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D055745", "l": "Bronchioles", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12684", "l": "Bronchiole", "d": ["The smallest subdivisions of the bronchial tree, which are both acartilagenous and aglandular."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018593", "l": "upper central primary incisor tooth", "d": ["A upper primary canine tooth that is in_the_central_side_of a dentition."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "63.481265292451688", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003729", "l": "mouth mucosa", "d": ["A mucous membrane that lines the mouth."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026639", "l": "Oral mucous membrane structure", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D009061", "l": "Mouth Mucosa", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C77637", "l": "Oral Mucosa", "d": ["Moist tissue lining the oral cavity, containing mucous secreting glands."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001649", "l": "basihyal tooth", "d": ["Tooth that is attached to the basihyal tooth plate."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013715", "l": "ilio-marsupialis muscle", "d": ["A muscle that originates on the anterior iliac spine that passes through the inguinal canal before dividing into four branches, each attaching to a pouch nipple."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034935", "l": "pars plicata of ciliary body", "d": ["Corrugated anterior region of ciliary body where ciliary processes arise."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004427", "l": "proximal epiphysis of first metatarsal bone", "d": ["A proximal epiphysis that is part of a metatarsal bone of digit 1 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "76.46797986554256", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004316", "l": "distal phalanx of pedal digit 2", "d": ["A distal phalanx that is part of a foot digit 2 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "83.023198044254755", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004747", "l": "supraoccipital bone", "d": ["Endochondral bone that is located at the dorsal part of the occipital region of the cranium or the dorso-posterior part of the skull[TAP,modified]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001324", "l": "enteric musculature", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005342", "l": "malleus head", "d": ["Rounded portion of the malleus that articulates with the body of the incus[MP]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001695", "l": "mediopharyngobranchial", "d": ["Pharyngeal arch cartilage, elongate and usually bifurcated posteriorly, located anteriorly on the upper branchial arches, attached to the anterior tips of the first infrapharyngobranchials. It supports rows of gill rakers on each side and is not homologous to other structures in the teleost gill-arch skeleton. One or two mediopharyngobranchials may be present."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004619", "l": "lumbar vertebra 3", "d": ["The third lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0223522", "l": "Third lumbar vertebra", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32901", "l": "L3 Vertebra", "d": ["The third lumbar vertebra counting from the top down."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003541", "l": "left lung terminal bronchiole", "d": ["A terminal bronchiole that is part of a left lung [Automatically generated definition]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1708675", "l": "Left Lung Terminal Bronchiole", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49255", "l": "Left Lung Terminal Bronchiole", "d": ["A terminal bronchiole located in the left lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "63.892501069853253", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003252", "l": "thoracic rib cage", "d": ["Subdivision of skeletal system that consists of all ribs in an organism connected to the sternum and the vertebrae. Some vertebrates have abdominal ribs (gastrialia), not connected to the vertebrate - these are not considered part of the rib case."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001471", "l": "skin of prepuce of penis", "d": ["The loose fold of skin that covers the penis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0028415", "l": "Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 10m", "d": ["Area 10m is a cortical area in the frontal lobe defined on multiple architectonic criteria."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006321", "l": "superior oblique extraocular muscle", "d": ["The superior oblique muscle, or obliquus oculi superior, is a fusiform muscle in the upper, medial side of the orbit whose primary action is downward, lateral rotation of the eye. One of the extraocular muscles, the superior oblique is the only muscle innervated by the trochlear nerve (the fourth cranial nerve)."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0582816", "l": "Superior oblique muscle structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33688", "l": "Superior Oblique Muscle", "d": ["A muscle extending from the optic canal to the upper portion of the orbit that primarily rotates the eye medially but can also depress and abduct the eye."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015051", "l": "exoccipital endochondral element", "d": ["An exoccipital bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "76.46797986554256", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004341", "l": "primitive streak", "d": ["The primitive streak is a structure that forms during the early stages of avian, reptilian and mammalian embryonic development[WP]. the midline ridge of the embryonic epiblast that later develops into mesoderm and endoderm[MP]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0033153", "l": "Primitive Streak", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D054240", "l": "Primitive Streak", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28402", "l": "Primitive Streak", "d": ["A thickened, linear band on the dorsal aspect of the embryonic disc, which elongates by the addition of cells to its caudal end, establishing bilateral symmetry and representing the site of cell migration during gastrulation."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003708", "l": "carotid sinus", "d": ["A localized dilation of the internal carotid artery at its origin, the common carotid artery bifurcation."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007281", "l": "Structure of carotid sinus", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D002346", "l": "Carotid Sinus", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.061101857006449", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002361", "l": "pia mater", "d": ["The innermost layer of the leptomeninges, consisting of a delicate membrane closely covering the surface of the brain and spinal cord,and lying under the arachnoid membrane. The pia, unlike the arachnoid, extends into the sulci in gyrencephalic animals."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0031869", "l": "Pia Mater", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D010841", "l": "Pia Mater", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33321", "l": "Pia Mater", "d": ["The delicate, highly vascular, innermost membrane encasing the brain and spinal cord."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2002027", "l": "pectoral fin proximal radial bone 2", "d": ["Pectoral fin proximal radial 2 element that is composed of bone tissue."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "79.246894609297499", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010186", "l": "male urethral gland", "d": ["Any of the numerous small mucous-secreting glands located in the wall of the penile urethra."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1314737", "l": "Structure of Littre's gland", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49311", "l": "Gland of Littre", "d": ["Any of the glands located at the wall of the urethra of male mammals that produce and secrete mucus, a major component of semen."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010399", "l": "spleen trabecular artery", "d": ["One of the branches of the splenic artery[MP]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1710159", "l": "Splenic Trabecular Artery", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49775", "l": "Splenic Trabecular Artery", "d": ["The arteries branching from the splenic artery within the trabeculae of the spleen."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8300002", "l": "left forelimb", "d": ["A forelimb that is on the left side of a pectoral complex."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001998", "l": "posttemporal-supracleithrum", "d": ["Dermal bone that results from the fusion of the dermal posttemporal and the dermal supracleithrum. Forms the upper skeletal element of the pectoral girdle between the cleithrum and neurocranium. Posttemporal-supracleithrum is paired."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.128890093485552", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010392", "l": "B cell domain", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000882", "l": "interilial region", "d": ["Area of convergence of the ilial shafts. When the preacetabular ilium is narrow, the interilial configuration is V-shaped or narrowly rounded, whereas when the interilial region is broadly expanded the interilial configuration is U-shaped."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005327", "l": "mesonephric glomerular epithelium", "d": ["A mesonephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell is a specialized epithelial cell that contains 'feet' that interdigitate with the 'feet' of other glomerular epithelial cells in the mesonephros[GO]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "72.072061987060081", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006920", "l": "esophagus squamous epithelium", "d": ["A squamous epithelium that is part of a esophagus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1707950", "l": "Esophageal Squamous Epithelium", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49222", "l": "Esophageal Squamous Epithelium", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0038687", "l": "visceral lymph node of abdomen", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8410065", "l": "lymph node follicle marginal zone", "d": ["Histologically, the marginal zone pattern of the lymph node is characterized by lymphoid follicles with three distinct layers. The inner layer is composed of follicular center zones, the middle layer of darkly stained mantle zones, and the outer layer of marginal zones. However, the marginal zone pattern is rarely seen in reactive lymph nodes except for mesenteric lymph nodes. Lymph node marginal zones are populated by marginal zone B cells which express CD19 and CD20 and have the phenotypic features of memory B cells."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011359", "l": "urophysis", "d": ["This is a neurosecretory organ rostral to the ampulla caudalis on the ventral surface of the distal end of the spinal cord. Receives axons from caudal neurosecretory nucleus, which contains Dahlgren cells that secrete urotensin I and II, implicated in osmotic regulation, cardiovascular function and reproduction[Butler]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:7500123", "l": "incisor tooth 3", "d": ["The incisor tooth of the upper or lower jaw that is phylogenetically number 3."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001163", "l": "supraneural 7 bone", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.712653754434029", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002357", "l": "serous pericardium", "d": ["Serous membrane which is divided into parietal and visceral serous pericardium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007819", "l": "minor alar cartilage", "d": ["The part which forms the lateral wall is curved to correspond with the ala of the nose; it is oval and flattened, narrow behind, where it is connected with the frontal process of the maxilla by a tough fibrous membrane, in which are found three or four small cartilaginous plates, the lesser alar cartilages."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "59.973853075229059", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:6001743", "l": "insect larval prothoracic segment", "d": ["Any prothoracic segment (UBERON:6000017) that is part of some larval thorax (UBERON:6001741)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014847", "l": "vastus intermedius", "d": ["The Vastus intermedius (Cruraeus) arises from the front and lateral surfaces of the body of the femur in its upper two-thirds, sitting under Rectus Femoris and from the lower part of the lateral intermuscular septum. Its fibers end in a superficial aponeurosis, which forms the deep part of the Quadriceps femoris tendon. The Vastus medialis and Vastus intermedius appear to be inseparably united, but when the Rectus femoris has been reflected a narrow interval will be observed extending upward from the medial border of the patella between the two muscles, and the separation may be continued as far as the lower part of the intertrochanteric line, where, however, the two muscles are frequently continuous."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010214", "l": "cricoid pre-cartilage condensation", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005437", "l": "conus medullaris", "d": ["The conus medullaris is the terminal end of the spinal cord. It occurs near lumbar vertebral levels 1 (L1) and 2 (L2). After the spinal cord tapers out, the spinal nerves continue as dangling nerve roots called cauda equina. This terminal nerve root tail is referred to as the filum terminale. The upper end of the conus medullaris is usually not well defined."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0149601", "l": "Structure of conus medullaris", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12832", "l": "Conus Medullaris", "d": ["The terminal, cone-shaped end of the spinal cord."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.75972595860604", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015143", "l": "mesenteric fat pad", "d": ["Encapsulated adipose tissue associated with the mesentery."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4000055", "l": "polypteroid scale", "d": ["Multi-tissue structure composed of ganoine, dentine, elasmodine and cellular bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002380", "l": "trapezius muscle", "d": ["A large superficial muscle that extends longitudinally from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and laterally to the spine of the scapula (shoulder blade). Its functions are to move the scapulae and support the arm. The trapezius has three functional regions: the superior region (descending part), which supports the weight of the arm; the intermediate region (transverse part), which retracts the scapulae; and the inferior region (ascending part), which medially rotates and depresses the scapulae. [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0224361", "l": "Structure of trapezius muscle", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33809", "l": "Trapezius Muscle", "d": ["One of a pair of flat, large, triangular muscles that extend from the external occipital protuberance and the medial third of the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone to the middle of the back. The trapezius muscle is involved in moving the shoulder and arm."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004620", "l": "lumbar vertebra 4", "d": ["The fourth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0223537", "l": "Fourth lumbar vertebra", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32902", "l": "L4 Vertebra", "d": ["The fourth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018561", "l": "upper secondary canine tooth", "d": ["A secondary canine tooth that is part of a upper jaw region."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004626", "l": "thoracic vertebra 1", "d": ["The first thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. Note that members of this class are not necessarily homologous[ncit,modified]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0459933", "l": "Bone structure of T1", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33720", "l": "T1 Vertebra", "d": ["The first thoracic vertebra counting from the top down."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8480009", "l": "tendon of semitendinosus", "d": ["A tendon that attaches to a semitendinosus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "73.124874125835319", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001905", "l": "pineal body", "d": ["A midline, cone like structure located in the dorso-caudal roof of the 3rd ventricle, attached by peduncles to the habenular and posterior commissures. The stalk contains nerve fibers, blood vessels, connective tissue and parenchymal cells (Paxinos, The Rat Central Nervous System, 2nd ed, pg 399)."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0031939", "l": "Pineal gland", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D010870", "l": "Pineal Gland", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12398", "l": "Pineal Gland", "d": ["A small endocrine gland in the brain, situated beneath the back part of the corpus callosum, that secretes melatonin."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "42.951470449509728", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:6000137", "l": "embryonic tagma", "d": ["Any tagma (UBERON:6000002) that is part of some embryo (UBERON:6000052)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013138", "l": "coronary ligament of liver", "d": ["The coronary ligament of the liver refers to parts of the peritoneal reflections that hold the liver to the inferior surface of the diaphragm."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1261099", "l": "Structure of coronary ligament", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32377", "l": "Coronary Ligament", "d": ["A duel-layered fibrous band linking the posterior surface of the liver to the diaphragm."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004694", "l": "Harderian gland epithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a Harderian gland [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "69.653168928076894", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004004", "l": "cerebellum lobule", "d": ["One of the the ten gyri of the cerebellar cortex."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002162", "l": "area postrema", "d": ["A small, rounded eminence on each side of the fourth ventricle, which receives nerve fibers from the solitary nucleus , spinal cord, and adjacent areas of the medulla. The area postrema lies outside the blood-brain barrier and its functions include acting as an emetic chemoreceptor."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0228530", "l": "Structure of area postrema", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1289468", "l": "Entire area postrema", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D031608", "l": "Area Postrema", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "79.541110464886842", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010706", "l": "lateral line nucleus", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.75972595860604", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0039169", "l": "anterior intercostal artery", "d": ["The anterior intercostal branches of internal thoracic artery supply the upper five or six intercostal spaces."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006724", "l": "osseus spiral lamina", "d": ["The osseous spiral lamina is a bony shelf or ledge which projects from the modiolus into the interior of the canal, and, like the canal, takes two-and-three-quarter turns around the modiolus. It reaches about half-way toward the outer wall of the tube, and partially divides its cavity into two passages or scalae, of which the upper is named the scala vestibuli, while the lower is termed the scala tympani."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0037960", "l": "Spiral Lamina", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D013137", "l": "Spiral Lamina", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "75.42073205405498", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004337", "l": "distal phalanx of manual digit 1", "d": ["A distal phalanx that is part of a hand digit 1 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "71.51239634443381", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005208", "l": "right atrium valve", "d": ["A valve that is part of a right atrium [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "85.457082654197222", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018294", "l": "premolar 1", "d": ["First premolar (counting anteroposteriorly) in the jaw."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018103", "l": "posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus", "d": ["The thinner portion of the muscle of the palatopharyngeal arch, originating in the region of the midline where its fibers interdigitate with the contralateral partner, then passing posterior to the levator veli palatini muscle to join the longitudinal layer of pharyngeal musculature; acts as a sort of sphincter, reducing the caliber of the isthmus of fauces at the palatopharyngeal arch."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "59.390126070323255", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034969", "l": "epithelial layer of duct", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1512086", "l": "Ductal Epithelium", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25787", "l": "Ductal Epithelium", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000835", "l": "sclerotome somite 28", "d": ["Ventromedial region of somite 28 that will form vertebral cartilages and connective tissues. The sclerotome lies ventral to the myotome. Cells of the sclerotome will migrate dorsally to surround the notochord and neural tube. Kimmel et al, 1995."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013717", "l": "superficial inguinal ring", "d": ["The exit of the inguinal canal."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0225227", "l": "Superficial inguinal ring structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32547", "l": "External Abdominal Ring", "d": ["An opening in the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of the abdominal wall through which the spermatic cord (males), round ligament (females), ilioinguinal nerve, and genitofemoral nerve's genital branch pass."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001274", "l": "ischium", "d": ["Endochondral bone that is paired, forming the posterior part of the pelvis, articulating with the pubis and ilium."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0022122", "l": "Bone structure of ischium", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D007512", "l": "Ischium", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32884", "l": "Ischium", "d": ["The most posterior and ventral bone making up the pelvis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035428", "l": "postcapillary venule", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226505", "l": "Structure of postcapillary venule", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33345", "l": "Postcapillary Venule", "d": ["The first potion of the venous component of the microcirculation composed of endothelial cells, pericytes, and a basement membrane, which is one of the main sites for the interchange of gas and metabolite molecules between the tissues and the blood."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "65.968527344256771", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001976", "l": "epithelium of esophagus", "d": ["The epithelial layer that lines the luminal space of the esophagus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1179544", "l": "Epithelium of esophagus", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49221", "l": "Esophageal Epithelium", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001852", "l": "postcleithrum 1", "d": ["Postcleithrum that anteriorly articulates with the supracleithrum and/or the cleithrum of the pectoral girdle; most dorsal element in a series of postcleithra."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200175", "l": "supraglenoid region", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0028432", "l": "Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 47r", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "62.381710255175513", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003840", "l": "hindlimb joint", "d": ["A limb joint that is part of a hindlimb [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014884", "l": "distal epiphysis of distal phalanx of manual digit 4", "d": ["A distal epiphysis that is part of a distal phalanx of manual digit 4."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001860", "l": "endolymphatic duct", "d": ["The small membranous canal, connecting with both saccule and utricle of the membranous labyrinth, passing through the aqueduct of vestibule, and terminating in the endolymphatic sac."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0014167", "l": "Endolymphatic duct", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D004711", "l": "Endolymphatic Duct", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001917", "l": "basibranchial 3 element", "d": ["Skeletal element that is median and associated with branchial arch 3."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0037795", "l": "right pectoral axillary lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011871", "l": "nasomaxillary suture", "d": ["A cranial suture that connects a nasal bone and connects a maxilla."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006169", "l": "hindlimb proper dorsal digital arteries", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018131", "l": "periovarian fat pad", "d": ["The encapsulated adipose tissue associated with the ovaries."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001864", "l": "basibranchial 1 cartilage", "d": ["Pharyngeal arch cartilage that is ventral, median, and associated with branchial arch 1 (pharyngeal arch 3)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002289", "l": "midbrain cerebral aqueduct", "d": ["Part of ventricular system of brain consisting of a narrow channel in the midbrain connecting the third and fourth ventricles. (Maryann Martone)."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007769", "l": "Cerebral aqueduct", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D002535", "l": "Cerebral Aqueduct", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32135", "l": "Aqueduct of Sylvius", "d": ["A channel that connects the third and fourth ventricles of the brain."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8480039", "l": "Oka organ", "d": ["Organ involved in immune defense against foreign material."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005274", "l": "proximal nail bed", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.061101857006449", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001348", "l": "brown adipose tissue", "d": ["A thermogenic form of adipose tissue that is composed of brown adipocytes[MP,modified]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0006298", "l": "Brown Fat", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D002001", "l": "Adipose Tissue, Brown", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32235", "l": "Brown Adipose Tissue", "d": ["Brown-colored adipose tissue that is present in higher concentrations in newborns and hibernating animals. It contains numerous small droplets of lipids and high numbers of mitochondria as its primary function is to generate body heat."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.648881485605159", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003123", "l": "pharyngeal arch artery 6", "d": ["The vessels formed within the sixth pair of branchial arches in embryogenesis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002197", "l": "median eminence of neurohypophysis", "d": ["Elevation on the ventral surface of the brain located at the zone of attachment between the hypothalamic floor and the hypophysis (Butler and Hodos, Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy, 2nd ed., 2005, pg. 446)."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0025056", "l": "Median eminence of hypothalamus", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D008473", "l": "Median Eminence", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006679", "l": "carina of trachea", "d": ["A cartilaginous ridge within the trachea that runs anteroposteriorly between the two primary bronchi at the site of the tracheal bifurcation at the lower end of the trachea."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0225594", "l": "Structure of carina", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25264", "l": "Carina", "d": ["A ridge or ridge-like structure. In humans it usually refers to the trachea. The carina of trachea is part of the lowest tracheal cartilage which is placed between the orifices of the two bronchi."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018369", "l": "upper lateral line", "d": ["Dorsal sensory canal line in fish, dorsal to ventral lateral lane."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014798", "l": "clavotrapezius muscle", "d": ["The most anterior of the trapezius muscles, found in felids, it is also the largest. Its fibers run obliquely to the ventral surface. Its origin is the superior nuchal line and median dorsal line and its insertion is the clavicle. Its action is to draw the clavicle dorsally and towards the head."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0019204", "l": "skin epithelium", "d": ["Any region of epithelium that is part of a skin region."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "64.768237641259716", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000163", "l": "embryonic cloaca", "d": ["Endoderm-lined chamber that develops as pouch-like dilation of the caudal end of the hindgut and receives the allantois ventrally and two mesonephric ducts laterally; caudally it ends blindly at the cloacal membrane formed by the union of proctodeal (anal pit) ectoderm and cloacal endoderm, with no intervening mesoderm[MP]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010981", "l": "internal intercostal pre-muscle mass", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011693", "l": "extraembryonic portion of umbilical artery", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010713", "l": "m. sternoepicoracoideus", "d": ["Muscle which originates on the anterior border of the distal part of the sternal horn and inserts antero-medially on the postero-dorsal surface of the epicoracoid cartilage."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.061101857006449", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004470", "l": "musculature of pelvic girdle", "d": ["Any collection of muscles that is part of a pelvic girdle [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "64.768237641259716", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004461", "l": "skeletal musculature of head", "d": ["Any collection of skeletal muscles that is part of a head [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "76.857431420584163", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001726", "l": "papilla of tongue", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226964", "l": "Papilla of tongue", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33258", "l": "Papilla of the Tongue", "d": ["Numerous, tiny, vertical projections on the anterior two thirds of the dorsal side of the tongue that consist of four types: filiform, fungiform, foliate, and circumvallate."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "58.556645977031472", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002514", "l": "intramembranous bone", "d": ["Bone tissue forms directly within mesenchyme, and does not replace other tissues[TAO]. Intramembranous ossification is the formation of bone in which osteoblasts secrete a collagen-proteoglycan matrix that binds calcium salts and becomes calcified[GO]. Intramembranous ossification is the way flat bones and the shell of a turtle are formed[GO]. Unlike endochondral ossification, cartilage is not present during intramembranous ossification[WP]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8440016", "l": "noradrenergic cell group A1", "d": ["A group of cells in the vicinity of the lateral reticular nucleus of the medullary reticular formation that label for norepinephrine in primates."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "75.923665061460838", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001211", "l": "Peyer's patch", "d": ["The protruding lymphoid tissue located on the mucosa of the intestine that is composed of densely packed B cell follicles."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0031272", "l": "Structure of aggregated lymphoid follicle of small intestine", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D010581", "l": "Peyer's Patches", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12771", "l": "Peyer Patch", "d": ["Lymphoid cell tissue in the small intestinal mucosa."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005693", "l": "manual digit 3 mesenchyme", "d": ["Mesenchyme that is part of a developing manual digit 3."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2002111", "l": "prootic bulla", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000897", "l": "hypaxial region somite 23", "d": ["The hypaxial region of somite 23 derived body wall muscle. The hypaxial region is ventral to the horizontal myoseptum. Kimmel et al, 1995."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018155", "l": "posterior incudal ligament", "d": ["A fold of mucous membrane that runs from the fossa incudus to the incus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000940", "l": "posterior lateral line neuromast", "d": ["Neuromast that is part of the posterior lateral line. Kimmel et al, 1995. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034724", "l": "esophageal taste bud", "d": ["A taste bud that is located in the esophagus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011677", "l": "trunk vertebra", "d": ["A vertebra in the trunk region. For tetrapods, includes lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. Excludes caudal/coccygeal vertebra, which are located posteriorly. In tetrapods this includes thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae, and excludes the cervical vertebrae, which are located anteriorly."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "85.457082654197222", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010938", "l": "muscle belly", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003523", "l": "manus blood vessel", "d": ["A blood vessel that is part of a manus [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "85.457082654197222", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200070", "l": "median fin spine", "d": ["Fin spine that is part of a median fin."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035907", "l": "primary visual area, layer 2/3", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "64.240937671532407", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:5003625", "l": "manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment", "d": ["A subdivision of the autopod consisting of manual digit 5 plus the region incorporating a single metapodial element. These segments are typically repeated along the pre-axiom to post-axial axis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005997", "l": "tricuspid valve anulus", "d": ["The fibrous ring of the tricuspid valve that attaches the cusps of tricuspid valve to the heart, and which consists of portions of the fibrous scallops of the anterior cusp (infundibular cusp), the posterior cusp (marginal cusp), and the septal cusp (medial cusp)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001930", "l": "accessory vomerine tooth plate", "d": ["Dermal bone that is located lateral to vomer off midline of palate. Accessory vomerine tooth plate bears teeth and may be present as one or more pairs."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015925", "l": "superficial intraparotid lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001540", "l": "peroneal artery", "d": ["An artery that supplies blood to the lateral compartment of the leg and is typically a branch of posterior tibial artery. [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226476", "l": "Structure of peroneal artery", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33314", "l": "Peroneal Artery", "d": ["An artery arising from the posterior tibial artery that supplies the muscles on the lateral side of the lower leg."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013705", "l": "fascia of Scarpa", "d": ["The deep layer (fascia of Scarpa) is a layer of the anterior abdominal wall."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000950", "l": "gracilis", "d": ["The most superficial muscle on the medial side of the thigh. It is thin and flattened, broad above, narrow and tapering below. It arises by a thin aponeurosis from the anterior margins of the lower half of the symphysis pubis and the upper half of the pubic arch."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0224439", "l": "Structure of gracilis muscle", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D000071976", "l": "Gracilis Muscle", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C52935", "l": "Gracilis", "d": ["The most superficial muscle extending vertically downward along the inner thigh which adducts the thigh, rotates the leg medially and flexes the knee."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005200", "l": "thoracic mammary gland", "d": ["A lactiferous gland that is located in the thoracic region/breast."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4300268", "l": "supraneural 9 cartilage", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001076", "l": "intestinal bulb", "d": ["This anteriormost portion of the intestine has the most digestive enzymes and the greatest epithelial surface area. Wallace et al, 2005."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006450", "l": "L2 segment of lumbar spinal cord", "d": ["The segment of the spinal cord that corresponds to the second lumbar vertebra in most mammals."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0457873", "l": "Second lumbar spinal cord segment", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "73.476395680690302", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0019306", "l": "nose epithelium", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001228", "l": "pharyngeal arch 3 skeleton", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009020", "l": "left uterine horn", "d": ["An uterine horn that is in the left side of a uterus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "59.390126070323255", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005893", "l": "leg bone", "d": ["A bone that is part of the region of the hindlimb that includes the zeugopod and stylopod. Examples: patella, femur, tibia. Counter-examples: any pes phalanx."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0023217", "l": "Leg Bones", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D007867", "l": "Leg Bones", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.75972595860604", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011144", "l": "adductor muscle of hip", "d": ["."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001418", "l": "skin of thorax", "d": ["A zone of skin that is part of a thorax [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200128", "l": "synarcual region of vertebral column", "d": ["Series of fused cervical vertebrae or vertebral elements. Based on Jeffrey C. Carrier. Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, 2012. CRC Press."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011198", "l": "muscle layer of large intestine", "d": ["A muscle layer that is part of a large intestine."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0734205", "l": "Muscle layer of large intestine", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32927", "l": "Large Intestinal Muscular Coat", "d": ["The portion of the intestinal covering that contracts causing peristalsis. It surrounds the weblike submucosa of the distal portion of the digestive tract from the small intestine to the anus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001778", "l": "pelvic fin ray 3", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "75.58416670140862", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001293", "l": "outer medulla of kidney", "d": ["The renal outer medulla is the region of the kidney that lies between the renal cortex and the renal inner medulla[GO]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011123", "l": "stifle joint", "d": ["A complex joint in the hind limbs of quadruped mammals such as the sheep, horse or dog. It is the equivalent joint to the human knee. It is often the largest synovial joint in the body."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1456798", "l": "Stifle joint", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D013264", "l": "Stifle", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C98784", "l": "Stifle Joint", "d": ["A synovial joint located in the hind limb of quadrupeds, consisting of the femorotibial articulation, femoropatellar articulation and the proximal tibiofibular articulation."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000206", "l": "pharyngeal gill", "d": ["A gill that develops in the walls of the pharynx along a series of gill slits opening to the exterior. In fish, the gills are located on both sides of the pharynx."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005037", "l": "mucosa of lobar bronchus", "d": ["A mucosa that is part of a lobar bronchus [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010520", "l": "head electric organ", "d": ["An electric organ that is part of a head."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013193", "l": "parakeratinized epithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that is characterized by incomplete keratinization of the cells in the stratum corneum. The cells are flattened and composed primarily of packed tonofilaments. However, the cells may retain remnants of nuclei and other organelles."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "36.964430606758434", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000914", "l": "organismal segment", "d": ["One of the repeated divisions of the whole organism."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "80.869303025598512", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034995", "l": "jaw mesenchyme", "d": ["Mesenchyme that is part of a developing jaw [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004365", "l": "vitelline blood vessel", "d": ["Blood vessel that is connected to the yolk sac."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000646", "l": "anal fin distal radial bone", "d": ["Anal fin distal radial element that is composed of bone tissue."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "57.964967712679609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007213", "l": "mesenchyme derived from head neural crest", "d": ["Mesenchyme that develops_from a cranial neural crest."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005000", "l": "mucosa of common bile duct", "d": ["A mucosa that is part of a common bile duct [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2102280", "l": "pectoral fin distal radial element 3", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003242", "l": "epithelium of saccule", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a saccule of membranous labyrinth [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4300180", "l": "isthmus", "d": ["The fleshy throat region of a fish which extends forward from the ventral part of the chest and narrows anteriorly, and externally separating the two gill chambers; that narrowed portion of the breast which lies between the gill chambers and separates them."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0022356", "l": "outer layer of endometrium", "d": ["The layer of endometrial epithelium adjacent to the myometrium."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1517325", "l": "Outer layer of endometrium", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32642", "l": "Functional Layer of the Endometrium", "d": ["The highly vascularized outer layer of the endometrium facing the uterine cavity which develops over the course of the proliferative and secretory phases then degenerates and sloughs off during menstruation."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006617", "l": "left external ear", "d": ["An external ear that is in the left side of a multicellular organism."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015453", "l": "subcutaneous lymph node", "d": ["A lymph node that is part of a hypodermis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2002185", "l": "climbing fiber", "d": ["Portion of tissue that consists of afferent axons from the inferior olive and synapsing with Purkinje cells within the molecular layer of the valvula cerebelli and corpus cerebelli."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013751", "l": "metaphysis of radius", "d": ["A metaphysis that is part of a radius bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "74.804588241401973", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003895", "l": "hypaxial myotome region", "d": ["Portion of myotome that is ventral to the horizontal septum."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001142", "l": "left renal vein", "d": ["A renal vein that drains the left kidney."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0508001", "l": "Structure of left renal vein", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C52693", "l": "Left Renal Vein", "d": ["A vein that drains blood from the left kidney into the inferior vena cava."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005674", "l": "right lung cranial lobe endothelium", "d": ["An endothelium that is part of a upper lobe of right lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "67.631918968397358", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005366", "l": "olfactory lobe", "d": ["The lobe at the anterior part of each cerebral hemisphere, responsible for olfactory functions."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0178780", "l": "Olfactory gyrus", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33204", "l": "Olfactory Lobe", "d": ["A small, rounded neural structure involved in olfaction, which is located at the anterior end of the olfactory sulcus on the orbital surface of the frontal lobe, and which is attached to the rest of the brain by the olfactory tract."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "83.023198044254755", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0025677", "l": "paravermis parts of the cerebellar cortex", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "67.582339958156282", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004859", "l": "eye gland", "d": ["A gland that is part of a eye. The eye is a compound unit which depending on the species may consist of an eyeballs plus associated ducts and integumentary structures. Eye glands therefore include the various types of lacrimal gland, the various types of apocrine and sebaceous glands associated with the eyelid."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0037614", "l": "appendicular lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002447", "l": "palatine gland", "d": ["The palatine glands form a continuous layer on its posterior surface and around the uvula. They are primarily mucous secreting glands, as opposed to serous or mixed secreting glands. [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0930557", "l": "Palatine salivary gland", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33249", "l": "Palatine Salivary Gland", "d": ["One of the many racemose mucous glands within the back half of the hard palate submucosa."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "57.099951714635793", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003937", "l": "reproductive gland", "d": ["Any of the organized aggregations of cells that function as secretory or excretory organs and are associated with reproduction."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.75972595860604", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010416", "l": "lymph node B cell domain", "d": ["A part of the lymph node cortex in which B lymphocytes home to primary follicles to survey follicular dendritic cells (FDCs); antigen stimulated B cells proliferate and differentiate within the follicles forming distinctive germinal centers."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012472", "l": "hepatoduodenal ligament", "d": ["The hepatoduodenal ligament is the portion of the lesser omentum extending between the porta hepatis of the liver and the superior part of the duodenum."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "71.786315444102826", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018544", "l": "trigeminal nerve muscle", "d": ["Muscle innervated by the trigeminal nerve (Cranial Nerve V)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007214", "l": "mesenchyme derived from trunk neural crest", "d": ["Mesenchyme that develops_from a trunk neural crest."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "67.782924002860781", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001697", "l": "orbit of skull", "d": ["Subdivision of skeleton that is an anterolateral part of the cranium and structurally supports the eye. Includes bones formed and located in sclerotic layer of eyeball."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0029180", "l": "Ocular orbit", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D009915", "l": "Orbit", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12347", "l": "Orbit", "d": ["The bony cavity of the skull which contains the eye, anterior portion of the optic nerve, ocular muscles and ocular adnexa. Seven bones contribute to the structure of the orbit: the frontal, maxillary, zygomatic, sphenoid, lacrimal, ethmoid, and palatine bones."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "43.841946888379709", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002417", "l": "abdominal segment of trunk", "d": ["The abdominal segment of the torso."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3011121", "l": "late distal segment", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004149", "l": "ventriculo bulbo valve", "d": ["A heart valve located between the ventricle and bulbus arteriosus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014708", "l": "costal plate of carapace", "d": ["One of a series of plates on each side of the carapace, forming two rows between the peripheral plates and the median neural plates."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0038854", "l": "deep popliteal lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006164", "l": "forelimb common dorsal digital arteries", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "83.023198044254755", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4000173", "l": "pelvic fin lepidotrichium", "d": ["Lepidotrichium that is part of the pelvic fin skeleton."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004422", "l": "proximal epiphysis of first metacarpal bone", "d": ["A proximal epiphysis that is part of a metacarpal bone of digit 1 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8440068", "l": "A1 lamina of the lateral geniculate nucleus (sensu Mustela putorius furo)", "d": ["A major laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the ferret receiving uncrossed retinal inputs, located medial to the C and A laminae (Linden, Guillery & Cucchiaro, 1981)"]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010614", "l": "cartilago lateralis of aryngo-tracheal chamber", "d": ["A series of semicircular cartilages on the side of the laryngo-tracheal chamber."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4300024", "l": "spinal plate", "d": ["Dermal bone that is part of the scapular complex in placoderms, and located lateral to the anterior ventrolateral (AVL) plate."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001403", "l": "longissimus capitis", "d": ["A longissimus muscle that lies medial to the longissimus cervicis, between it and the semispinalis capitis. It arises by tendons from the transverse processes of the upper four or five thoracic vertebrae, and the articular processes of the lower three or four cervical vertebrae, and is inserted into the posterior margin of the mastoid process, beneath the splenius capitis and sternocleidomastoid.[WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0224309", "l": "Structure of longissimus capitis muscle", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C53166", "l": "Longissimus Capitis", "d": ["A muscle originating from the transverse processes of the upper thoracic vertebrae and the articular processes of the lower cervical vertebrae which inserts into the mastoid process acting to keep the head upright and to move it backward or to one side."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001576", "l": "intrinsic muscle of tongue", "d": ["The intrinsic tongue muscles are an integral part of the tongue and completely contained within the tongue that are innervated by Cranial Nerve XII."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.648881485605159", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005519", "l": "rhombomere 6", "d": ["The sixth transiently divided segment of the developing rhombencephalon; rhombomeres are lineage restricted, express different genes from one another, and adopt different developmental fates; rhombomeres are numbered in caudal to rostral order."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010032", "l": "M. semitendinosus", "d": ["Originates by two tendons: one on the postero-ventral aspect of the pelvic rim, the other, a dorsal tendon from the postero-dorsal pelvic rim under the ventral edge of M. semimembranosus. Inserts on the ventral surface of the tibiofibula."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "35.824626197134279", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000025", "l": "tube", "d": ["Any hollow cylindrical anatomical structure containing a lumen through which substances are transported."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8440025", "l": "parapyramidal nucleus", "d": ["A small group of cells located lateral to the pyramid of the medulla in the rat and the mouse that functionally it belongs to the reticular formation of the subcortical motor system."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010515", "l": "lateral vein", "d": ["Either of the veins which collect blood from the trunk and skin and drain into the subclavian vein."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035094", "l": "extensor caudae medialis muscle", "d": ["A muscle that originates via thin tendons from the distal and dorsal aspects of the neural spines. The tendons course proximomedially to distolaterally and give rise to fleshy fibers that insert onto the lateral aspect of the neural arches of each of the vertebrae it crosses. The m. extensor caudae medialis is a continuation of m. semispinalis dorsi into the tail."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "52.91977032166286", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004852", "l": "cardiovascular system endothelium", "d": ["An endothelium that is part of the cardiovascular system."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0014261", "l": "Endothelium, Vascular", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D004730", "l": "Endothelium, Vascular", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13053", "l": "Vascular Endothelium", "d": ["The layer of simple squamous epithelial tissue that lines the luminal surface of the entire circulatory system."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001669", "l": "superior cerebellar vein", "d": ["The superior cerebellar veins pass partly forward and medialward, across the superior vermis, to end in the straight sinus and the internal cerebral veins, partly lateralward to the transverse and superior petrosal sinuses. [WP,unvetted]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2007059", "l": "neurogenic field", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001707", "l": "infraorbital 12", "d": ["Infraorbital that is the twelfth bone of the infraorbital series."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003090", "l": "supraorbital lateral line", "d": ["The lateral line that is located above the eye."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001258", "l": "neck of urinary bladder", "d": ["The constricted portion of the urinary bladder, formed by the meeting of its inferolateral surfaces proximal to the opening of the urethra[MP]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0227716", "l": "Neck of urinary bladder", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12336", "l": "Bladder Neck", "d": ["The inferior portion of the urinary bladder which is formed as the walls of the bladder converge and become contiguous with the proximal urethra."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004512", "l": "skeletal muscle tissue of supraspinatus", "d": ["A portion of skeletal muscle tissue that is part of a supraspinatus [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014603", "l": "paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003248", "l": "epithelium of footplate", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a footplate."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003679", "l": "mouth floor", "d": ["The ventral area of the mouth. In organisms with a tongue, this is the area under the ventral surface of the tongue[ncit, modified]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026638", "l": "Sublingual Region", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D009060", "l": "Mouth Floor", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C102349", "l": "Sublingual Region", "d": ["The area directly beneath the tongue."]}, {"i": "NCIT:C54187", "l": "Floor of Mouth", "d": ["The horseshoe-shaped part of the oral cavity bounded superiorly by the ventral surface of the tongue, inferiorly by the mylohyoid muscle, anterolaterally by the gingival surfaces of the mandible, and posteriorly by the anterior tonsillar pillar."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011831", "l": "duct of vestibular gland", "d": ["A duct that is part of a vestibular gland."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005637", "l": "pyloric region epithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a pylorus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "74.240948556675605", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015009", "l": "lumbar vertebra endochondral element", "d": ["A lumbar vertebra bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005654", "l": "lower jaw molar epithelium", "d": ["A dental epithelium that is part of a lower jaw molar."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:5112260", "l": "alular digit digitopodial skeleton", "d": ["A subdivision of the skeleton of the autopod consisting of the phalanges of alular digit plus the associated metapodial element."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.247621244257502", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8440015", "l": "noradrenergic cell groups", "d": ["Collections of neurons in the central nervous system that have been demonstrated by histochemical fluorescence to contain the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (noradrenalin)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015156", "l": "terminal branch of ophthalmic artery", "d": ["The two terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery in humans are the dorsal nasal artery and the supratrochlear artery."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001472", "l": "anterior lateral line neuromast", "d": ["Neuromast that is part of the anterior lateral line. Kimmel et al, 1995. (Also see Anatomical Atlas entry for lateral line by T. Whitfield.)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007776", "l": "unerupted tooth", "d": ["A normal developing tooth which has not yet perforated the oral mucosa or one that fails to erupt in the normal sequence or time interval expected for the type of tooth in a given gender, age, or population group."]}, {"i": "MESH:D014097", "l": "Tooth, Unerupted", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "64.608741564042447", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002376", "l": "cranial muscle", "d": ["Any skeletal muscle that is part of the head region."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007384", "l": "appendage lymph vessel", "d": ["A lymphatic vessel that is part of a limb/fin."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001740", "l": "arytenoid cartilage", "d": ["The paired triangular laryngeal cartilages located postlaterally at the level of the thyroid cartilage."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0003943", "l": "Arytenoid Cartilage", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D001193", "l": "Arytenoid Cartilage", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32148", "l": "Arytenoid Cartilage", "d": ["Either of a pair of small pyramidal laryngeal cartilages that articulate with the lamina of the cricoid cartilage and give attachment to the posterior part of the corresponding vocal ligament and to several muscles."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001769", "l": "anal fin ray 1", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "46.253684479511236", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:6000021", "l": "insect abdominal segment", "d": ["Metameric subdivision of the abdomen."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010018", "l": "spiral valve of conus arteriosus", "d": ["The spiral valve alternately blocks & unblocks the entrances to the left and right pulmonary arches (sending unoxygenated blood to the skin & lungs)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010771", "l": "ventral sympathetic chain", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006477", "l": "Brodmann (1909) area 34", "d": ["Brodmann area 34 is a part of the brain. It has been described as part of the entorhinal area. It has been described as part of the superior temporal gyrus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1272495", "l": "Entire Brodmann area 34, dorsal entorhinal", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "69.071635092918072", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:6017021", "l": "insect abdominal histoblast anlage", "d": ["."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "67.533129568500584", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035820", "l": "peritoneal sac", "d": ["A serous sac that is the aggregate of the peritoneum and the peritoneal cavity, located in the abdominal cavity."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006768", "l": "epiphyseal line", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010136", "l": "M. cruralis", "d": ["Originates from the anterior surface of the hip joint capsule between the iliacus internus and the pectineus. Inserts by an aponeurosis attaching to the condyles of the femur and on the head of the cruris. This continues over the cruris to cover the tibialis anticus longus and peroneus to insert on the dorsal surface of those muscles."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004929", "l": "submucosa of ascending colon", "d": ["A submucosa that is part of an ascending colon [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001415", "l": "pelvic fin distal radial bone 2", "d": ["Pelvic fin distal radial 2 element that is composed of bone tissue."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200098", "l": "ischial foot", "d": ["Expansion of the distal region of the ischium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010155", "l": "parietomastoid suture", "d": ["Unites the mastoid process of the temporal with the region of the mastoid angle of the parietal[WP:Squamosal_suture]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007215", "l": "trabecula cranii", "d": ["Paired thin medially aligned bar of cartilage that extends from the anterior end of the chondrocranium to just anterior to the anterior end of the notochord. The posterior ends of the trabeculae cranii are continuous with the parachordal cartilages, and they enclose the hypophyseal fenestra."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0019286", "l": "rhombomere 11", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013641", "l": "external cheek pouch", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000615", "l": "adductor arcus palatini", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005223", "l": "pancreas body parenchyma", "d": ["A parenchyma that is part of a body of pancreas [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006640", "l": "crus of clitoris", "d": ["The continuation of the clitoris on each side of the corpus cavernosum, diverging from the body posteriorly and attached to the pubic arch."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000434", "l": "planum antorbitale", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009501", "l": "mesenchyme of fronto-nasal process", "d": ["The embryonic connective tissue made up of loosely aggregated mesenchymal cells, supported by interlaminar jelly, that gives rise to the frontonasal region of the head."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015794", "l": "left lung lobar bronchus epithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that is part of a lobar bronchus of left lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011606", "l": "hyomandibular bone", "d": ["Replacement bone that is bilaterally paired and (in teleosts) articulates with the neurocranium dorsally and the opercle posteriorly[TAO,modified]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003698", "l": "subtalar joint", "d": ["A joint of the pes that connects the talus and the calcaneus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0038593", "l": "Subtalar joint structure", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D013380", "l": "Subtalar Joint", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33653", "l": "Subtalar Joint", "d": ["The plane synovial joint between the talus and calcaneus bones of the foot."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2201613", "l": "dorsal fin middle radial cartilage", "d": ["Dorsal fin middle radial element that is composed of cartilage tissue."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011346", "l": "palatine raphe", "d": ["A raphe running across the palate, from the palatine uvula to the incisive papilla."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000205", "l": "papula", "d": ["A thin protuberance on the surface of the body of an echinoderm containing diverticula of the water vascular system lined by ciliated peritoneum. Along with tube feet, provide the principle gas exchange surfaces.."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001742", "l": "epiglottic cartilage", "d": ["The most superior of the laryngeal cartilages, which is found at the root of the tongue and folds back over the entrance to the larynx during swallowing."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0458526", "l": "Epiglottic cartilage structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32526", "l": "Epiglottic Cartilage", "d": ["A type of elastic cartilage that is attached to the larynx creating a flap."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012473", "l": "oral cirrus", "d": ["Small tentacle-like structure surrounding the mouth; they act as sensory devices and as a filter for the water passing into the body."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "59.178645878518317", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034705", "l": "developing neuroepithelium", "d": ["An embryonic or larval epithelium that is committed to form part of the nervous system."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000102", "l": "dorsal fin fold", "d": ["Region of the median fin fold that develops into the dorsal fin."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0014870", "l": "inferior orbital fissure", "d": ["The orbital fissure that is situated inferiorly between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000859", "l": "foramen perforans carpi", "d": ["Opening for the passage of the perforans carpi artery from the ventral to the dorsal side. It perforates the compound ulnare + intermedium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000691", "l": "supraorbital bone", "d": ["Dermal bone that is part of the dorsal or upper border or antero-dorsal border of the orbit. The supraorbital bone may contact the orbital margin of the frontal bone medially, the antorbital antero-ventrally and the dermosphenotic posteriorly. The supraorbital bone does not carry sensory canals. The supraorbital bone is paired."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005796", "l": "duplex uterus", "d": ["The duplex uterus is doubled, and is found in monotremes, marsupials, elephants and rodents."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005578", "l": "rhombomere 4 roof plate", "d": ["A rhombomere roof plate that is part of a rhombomere 4."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004688", "l": "costo-cervical trunk", "d": ["The costocervical trunk arises from the upper and back part of the subclavian artery, behind the scalenus anterior on the right side, and medial to that muscle on the left side. Passing backward, it splits into the deep cervical artery and the supreme intercostal artery (or the Highest intercostal artery), which descends behind the pleura in front of the necks of the first and second ribs, and anastomoses with the first aortic intercostal (3rd posterior intercostal artery). As it crosses the neck of the first rib it lies medial to the anterior division of the first thoracic nerve, and lateral to the first thoracic ganglion of the sympathetic trunk. In the first intercostal space, it gives off a branch which is distributed in a manner similar to the distribution of the aortic intercostals. The branch for the second intercostal space usually joins with one from the highest aortic intercostal artery. This branch is not constant, but is more commonly found on the right side; when absent, its place is supplied by an intercostal branch from the aorta. Each intercostal gives off a posterior branch which goes to the posterior vertebral muscles, and sends a small spinal branch through the corresponding intervertebral foramen to the medulla spinalis and its membranes. [WP,unvetted]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035322", "l": "right common iliac artery", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226362", "l": "Structure of right common iliac artery", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33474", "l": "Right Common Iliac Artery", "d": ["The common iliac artery situated on the right side of the body."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011245", "l": "infra-orbital canal of maxilla", "d": ["A canal through the maxilla that is connects the infra-orbital groove and foramen and is the conduit for the passage of the infraorbital nerve and artery."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005255", "l": "pedal digit mesenchyme", "d": ["Mesenchyme that is part of a developing toe [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009956", "l": "corpuscle of de Quatrefage", "d": ["A specialised sensory organ located in the subepidermal connective tissue at the rostral end of late larval and adult amphioxus. They consist of between 1 and 4 nerve cells with axons, each with 2 cilia, surrounded by up to 7 sheath cells. The cilia extend into a protrusion of the basal lamina which surrounds each corpuscle. The axonal process contributes to the rostral nerve."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8410042", "l": "arteriole of lymph node", "d": ["An arteriole that is part of a lymph node."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0019285", "l": "rhombomere 10", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "71.423552501508112", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002507", "l": "abdominal lymph node", "d": ["A lymph node that is part of an abdomen [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002290", "l": "choroid plexus of fourth ventricle", "d": ["Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0152293", "l": "Structure of choroid plexus of fourth ventricle", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32308", "l": "Choroid Plexus of the Fourth Ventricle", "d": ["Two vascular fringes, one on each side of the lower part of the roof of the fourth ventricle where cerebrospinal fluid is produced."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0038853", "l": "superficial popliteal lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.128890093485552", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008344", "l": "intestinal villus of ileum", "d": ["An intestinal villus in the ileum."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003398", "l": "mesentery of jejunum", "d": ["A mesentery that is part of a jejunum [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013491", "l": "cervical fascia", "d": ["Any fascia tissue that is part of the neck region."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "81.648881485605159", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034997", "l": "renal medulla loop of Henle", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0016493", "l": "palmaris longus muscle", "d": ["The palmaris longus is seen as a small tendon between the flexor carpi radialis and the flexor carpi ulnaris, although it is not always present. The muscle is absent in about 14 percent of the population, however this varies greatly with ethnicity. Absence of palmaris does not have any known effect on grip strength. Palmaris longus can be palpated by touching the pads of the fifth and first fingers and flexing the wrist. The tendon, if present, will be very visible."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008286", "l": "feather calamus", "d": ["The short, hollow, tubular, unpigmented end of the mature feather inserted into the feather follicle and thus present below the skin level."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "78.435418415656045", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002000", "l": "gluteal muscle", "d": ["On of the muscles that make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0687025", "l": "Muscle of buttock", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1744702", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C78205", "l": "Gluteal Muscle", "d": ["Any of the skeletal muscles that form the buttocks. These muscles are responsible for hip abduction and extension as well as movement of the thigh."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0035908", "l": "anterolateral visual area, layer 5", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001861", "l": "epibranchial 3-pharyngobranchial 3 joint", "d": ["Joint that articulates the epibranchial 3 cartilage or bone and pharyngobranchial 3 cartilage or bone. Epibranchial 3-pharyngobranchial 3 joint is paired."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007652", "l": "esophageal sphincter", "d": ["A sphincter that is part of an esophagus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "83.552982069901191", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006763", "l": "epithelium of conjunctiva", "d": ["Layer of nonkeratinized squamous epithelium lining the conjunctiva, overlying scleral tissue."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1179037", "l": "Epithelium of conjunctiva", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32365", "l": "Conjunctival Epithelium", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006490", "l": "C4 segment of cervical spinal cord", "d": ["The segment of the spinal cord that corresponds to the fourth cervical vertebra in most mammals."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0457854", "l": "Fourth cervical spinal cord segment", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0039842", "l": "second anterior intercostal artery", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008253", "l": "Aristotle's lantern", "d": ["Within the mouth of a sea urchin is an elaborate five-sided jaw structure called Aristotles lantern that can be partially extruded from the mouth. It is able to grind up calcareous exoskeletons of plants and animals."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008323", "l": "dorsal artery of clitoris", "d": ["The dorsal artery of clitoris is a branch of the internal pudendal artery."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004229", "l": "urinary bladder trigone smooth muscle", "d": ["A portion of smooth muscle tissue that is part of a trigone of urinary bladder [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4300228", "l": "pectoral fin bud mesenchyme", "d": ["Mesechyme that is part of a pectoral fin bud."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.75972595860604", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000527", "l": "pharyngobranchial bone", "d": ["Endochondral bone of the branchial arches located medial to the epibranchials."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "85.457082654197222", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010254", "l": "2nd arch mesenchyme from neural crest", "d": ["Mesenchyme that develops_from a neural crest and is part of a 2nd arch mesenchyme."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005676", "l": "right lung accessory lobe endothelium", "d": ["An endothelium that is part of a right lung accessory lobe."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001855", "l": "hyomandibular condyle for the opercle", "d": ["Process on the dorso-posterior margin of the hyomandibula cartilage or bone that articulates with a depression on the antero-dorsal margin of the opercle."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.944915021140389", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011594", "l": "dentary tooth", "d": ["Tooth that is attached to a dentary/mandible[TAO,modified]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003105", "l": "dorsal lateral plate region", "d": ["Embryonic tissue derived from the mesodermal germ layer that contains the dorsal aorta, genital ridges and mesonephros. This region is the first autonomous embryonic site for definitive haematopoiesis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "51.635331049539239", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0012274", "l": "columnar epithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that consists of columnar epithelial cells. Columnar epithelia are epithelial cells whose heights are at least four times their width. Columnar epithelia are divided into simple (or unilayered), and the rarer stratified (or multi-layered).[WP, modified]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005845", "l": "caudal segment of spinal cord", "d": ["A spinal cord segment that adjacent_to a caudal region."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "90.82444074280258", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2000549", "l": "posttemporal", "d": ["Dermal bone of the secondary pectoral girdle that attaches the girdle to the skull. Its dorsal process attaches to the epiotic or epioccipital, the ventral process to the intercalar and the body articulates with the supracleithrum. The postotic sensory canal or lateral line runs within or lateral to bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001347", "l": "stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0038093", "l": "jejunal lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000846", "l": "element Y of fore mesopodium", "d": ["Oval carpal element that is located on the anteromedial side of the radiale and the anterolateral side of the ulnare. Anteriorly, it articulates with carpals 1 through 4 (or 2 through 5 according to some authors). It is also recognized as centrale by some authors. This element originates from one, two, or three condensation centers. Occasionally it may fuse to carpal 2(1), carpal 3(2), the ulnare, or other elements."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "86.236661114203869", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004740", "l": "basibranchial bone", "d": ["A basibranchial element that is bone. Basibranchial elements are ventral, median, and associated with a single pharyngeal arch in the pharyngeal arch 3-7 skeleton."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006377", "l": "remnant of Rathke's pouch", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004297", "l": "respiratory system blood vessel smooth muscle", "d": ["A blood vessel smooth muscle that is part of a respiratory system [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "45.312048004218227", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006058", "l": "multi-limb segment region", "d": ["A collection of two or more connected limb segments. Examples: arm (comprising stylopod and zeugopod regions)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001982", "l": "vertebral element 8", "d": ["Vertebra that is posteriorly adjacent to vertebra 7."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "63.297762971210318", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002007", "l": "medulla of lymph node", "d": ["The medullary portion of the lymph node, which contains large blood vessels, sinuses and medullary cords that contain antibody-secreting plasma cells."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010084", "l": "M. tibialis posticus", "d": ["Originates on the entire medial surface of the shaft of the tibiofibula. Inserts on the tibiale by a long tendon proximo-lateral to the insertion of the medial belly of M. tibialis anticus longus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "78.695011174409487", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018550", "l": "secondary incisor tooth", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004128", "l": "optic vesicle", "d": ["The optic vesicle is the evagination of neurectoderm that precedes formation of the optic cup[GO]. Portion of tissue that is comprised of neuroepitheium which has pinched off from the anterior neural keel and will form the optic cup[ZFA]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0231106", "l": "Optic vesicle", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34236", "l": "Optic Vesicle", "d": ["One of two small outpouchings formed from the evagination of the optic groove during early eye formation in the developing embryo."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009985", "l": "lateral condyle of femur", "d": ["The lateral condyle is one of the two projections on the lower extremity of femur. It is the more prominent and is the broader both in its antero-posterior and transverse diameters."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "78.185623981295834", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001094", "l": "sacral vertebra", "d": ["A vertebra bone that is part of the sacral region of the vertebral column."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1261045", "l": "Sacral vertebra structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12853", "l": "Sacral Vertebra", "d": ["One of the usually five fused vertebrae forming the triangular bone just below the lumbar vertebrae."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018265", "l": "anterior root of zygomatic arch", "d": ["The anterior or rostral end of the zygomatic arch, which includes the temporal process of the zygomatic bone, but also including some of the body of the zygomatic bone. It may also include the zygomatico-temporal suture and the most rostral portion of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "80.511444690059548", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004043", "l": "semicircular canal ampulla", "d": ["The spherical enlargement at the base of each semicircular canal where they connect with the utricle, containing the crista ampullaris which detects movement of the fluid within the canals."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003104", "l": "mesenchyme", "d": ["Portion of tissue composed of mesenchymal cells (motile cells that develop from epthelia via an epithelial to mesenchymal transition) and surrounding extracellular material. Mesenchyme has different embryological origins in different metazoan taxa - in many invertebrates it derives in whole or part from ectoderm. In vertebrates it derives largely from mesoderm, and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, e.g. lateral plate mesoderm/mesenchyme."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0162415", "l": "Mesenchyma", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13301", "l": "Mesenchyme", "d": ["Embryonic tissue of mesodermal origin. Develops into connective tissue, blood vessels, and lymphatic tissue."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "80.511444690059548", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8420000", "l": "hair of scalp", "d": ["Hair that grows on the scalp."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "84.128890093485552", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008266", "l": "periodontal ligament", "d": ["The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the root of a tooth, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone. It extends from the base of the gingival mucosa to the fundus of the bony socket, and its main function is to hold the tooth in its socket[BTO]."]}, {"i": "MESH:D010513", "l": "Periodontal Ligament", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "57.873198243690872", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008987", "l": "renal parenchyma", "d": ["The functional tissue of the kidney, consisting of the nephrons."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001710", "l": "opercle-interopercle joint", "d": ["Joint that articulates the opercle and interopercle. Opercle-interopercle joint is paired."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000844", "l": "sulcus longitudinalis", "d": ["In a fused radio-ulna, longitudinal furrow that demarcates the area of fusion of both elements. This sulcus is deep in the distal portion of the compound bone, but barely evident or absent at the proximal end."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015281", "l": "pancreas right lobe", "d": ["A pancreatic lobule that is in_the_right_side_of a exocrine pancreas."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "82.076046914303362", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001843", "l": "lateral semicircular canal", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "78.435418415656045", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0036253", "l": "orifice of skull", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011684", "l": "levator palatoquadrati", "d": ["A muscle derivative of the mandibular levator that runs from the chondrocranium to the palatoquadrate cartilage. Found in sharks."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008255", "l": "right clavicle", "d": ["A clavicle that is in the right side of a entire appendicular skeleton."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034780", "l": "caudal CA1", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006653", "l": "glans clitoris", "d": ["Erectile tissue at the end of the clitoris, which is continuous with the intermediate part of the vestibulovaginal bulbs[BTO]. The clitoral glans (glans clitoridis) is an external portion of the clitoris[WP]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0227769", "l": "Glans of clitoris", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32681", "l": "Glans Clitoris", "d": ["The external structure of the clitoris covered by the clitoral hood."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011697", "l": "right extraembryonic umbilical artery", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001470", "l": "glenohumeral joint", "d": ["The glenohumeral joint, commonly known as the shoulder joint, is a multiaxial synovial ball and socket joint and involves articulation between the glenoid fossa of the scapula (shoulder blade) and the head of the humerus (upper arm bone). [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0037009", "l": "Joint structure of shoulder region", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D012785", "l": "Shoulder Joint", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C111308", "l": "Scapulohumeral Joint", "d": ["The synovial ball and socket joint involving the articulation of the glenoid fossa of the scapula and the head of the humerus."]}, {"i": "NCIT:C33548", "l": "Shoulder Joint", "d": ["A ball-and-socket joint at the upper end of the humerus, located at the junction of humerus and scapula."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034936", "l": "pars plana of ciliary body", "d": ["Flattened posterior region of ciliary body."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0229167", "l": "Structure of pars plana", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33219", "l": "Orbiculus Ciliaris", "d": ["An annular zone of the ciliary body continuous with the retina at the ora serrata and covered with ciliary plicae."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034958", "l": "retroperitoneal embryonic lymph sac", "d": ["An embryonic lymph sac that forms in the root of the mesentery on the posterior abdominal wall."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1514922", "l": "Retroperitoneal Lymph Sac", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34285", "l": "Retroperitoneal Lymph Sac", "d": ["Any one of six primary lymph sacs located at the root of the intestinal mesentery on the posterior abdominal wall in the developing fetus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "67.339867169364453", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:6001756", "l": "insect larval abdominal segment 9", "d": ["Any abdominal segment 9 (UBERON:6000030) that is part of some larval abdomen (UBERON:6001746)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002177", "l": "right main bronchus", "d": ["The main bronchus on the right side."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0225608", "l": "Right main bronchus structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33486", "l": "Right Main Bronchus", "d": ["One of the two main bronchi. It is wider but shorter than the left main bronchus and connects to the right lung."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002500", "l": "zygomatic arch", "d": ["The bony arch in vertebrates that extends along the side or front of the skull beneath the eye socket and is formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0043539", "l": "Zygomatic bone", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0162485", "l": "Zygomatic Arch", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D015050", "l": "Zygoma", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C187837", "l": "Zygomatic Bone", "d": ["The portion of the maxillary jaw bone and other facial bones that form the most lateral mid face skeletal structure."]}, {"i": "NCIT:C33897", "l": "Zygomatic Arch", "d": ["The union at the zygomaticotemporal suture of the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone."]}, {"i": "NCIT:C96269", "l": "Malar", "d": ["Occurring in, or located in the zygomatic bone or the cheek."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0038897", "l": "superior tracheobronchial lymph node", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0016942", "l": "rostral margin of orbit", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:8410025", "l": "transition zone of prostate", "d": ["The region of the prostate gland anterior to the central and peripheral zones, surrounding the proximal urethra. It is the zone of the human prostate gland that grows the most throughout life, and is responsible for benign prostatic hypertrophy."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "73.597844352697123", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010334", "l": "maxillary process mesenchyme from neural crest", "d": ["Mesenchyme that develops_from a neural crest and is part of a maxillary process mesenchyme."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "68.149273381153577", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:6005380", "l": "insect pharynx", "d": ["Section of the insect foregut anterior to the esophagus."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "77.944915021140389", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004221", "l": "intestine smooth muscle", "d": ["A portion of smooth muscle tissue that is part of a intestine [Automatically generated definition]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1708547", "l": "Intestinal Smooth Muscle Tissue", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C49243", "l": "Intestinal Smooth Muscle Tissue", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000118", "l": "lung bud", "d": ["Structure derived from foregut that becomes a lung[GO]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1514420", "l": "Primary Bronchial Bud", "d": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1514897", "l": "Respiratory Diverticulum", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34260", "l": "Primary Bronchial Bud", "d": ["A left and right outpouching at the caudal end of the laryngotracheal diverticulum in the early embryo that subsequently differentiates into the bronchi and their branches in the mature lungs."]}, {"i": "NCIT:C34282", "l": "Respiratory Diverticulum", "d": ["An endodermal evagination of the ventral wall of the foregut that will give rise to the trachea and the lung buds."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006266", "l": "nasolacrimal groove", "d": ["Groove between maxillary prominence and lateral nasal process."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1513875", "l": "Nasolacrimal groove", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34218", "l": "Nasolacrimal Groove", "d": ["A cleft located between the lateral nasal process and the adjacent maxillary process, which is seen during early embryonic face development, and which gives rise to the nasolacrimal duct."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2005256", "l": "intervillus pockets", "d": ["A portion of tissue formed between the base of the intestinal villi that is part of the intestinal epithelium where intestinal stem cells are located. In the intestine no crypts are present, but, the regions between the villi, the intervillus pockets, have a crypt-like function. Cells are produced in the intervillus pockets and shed from the villus tips."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005576", "l": "rhombomere 4 floor plate", "d": ["A rhombomere floor plate that is part of a rhombomere 4."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "69.721054312086878", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0006660", "l": "muscular coat", "d": ["A region of muscle in many organs in the vertebrate body, adjacent to the submucosa membrane. It is responsible for gut movement such as peristalsis."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "87.120474278337809", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013122", "l": "distal epiphysis of phalanx of pes", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4100013", "l": "postcoracoid", "d": ["The posterior of the two coracoid elements found in basal tetrapods. Corresponds directly to the 'coracoid' of synapsids."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001388", "l": "gastrocnemius", "d": ["The most superficial muscle of the triceps surae group, in the posterior portion of the lower hindleg."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242691", "l": "Gastrocnemius muscle structure", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32666", "l": "Gastrocnemius Muscle", "d": ["A large muscle in the back of the lower leg. Its action involves the plantar flexion of the foot."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4200121", "l": "puboischiotibialis muscle", "d": ["A muscle that originates from the puboischaidic plate and inserts on the tibia. Acts to adduct the hindlimb. Is anterior to cloacal gland in males. Modified from De luliis and Pulera."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0023255", "l": "sub-lobar region", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0013657", "l": "hump", "d": ["A fatty deposit found on the back of camels."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001546", "l": "posterior tibial vein", "d": ["A vein of the lower limb carries blood from the posterior compartment and plantar surface of the foot to the popliteal vein which it forms when it joins with the anterior tibial vein. Like most deep veins, the posterior tibial vein is accompanied by an artery of the same name, the posterior tibial artery, along its course. [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226832", "l": "Structure of posterior tibial vein", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33386", "l": "Posterior Tibial Vein", "d": ["A vein in the foot that is formed by the union of the external and internal plantar veins and which becomes the popliteal vein."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "86.236661114203869", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002166", "l": "endocardium of atrium", "d": ["Endocardium that is part of the atrium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "82.532694649739099", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0015038", "l": "pedal digit 2 metatarsal endochondral element", "d": ["A pedal digit 2 metatarsal bone or its cartilage or pre-cartilage precursor."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003081", "l": "lateral plate mesoderm", "d": ["Portion of the middle of the three primary germ layers of the embryo that resides on the periphery of the embryo, is continuous with the extra-embryonic mesoderm, splits into two layers enclosing the intra-embryonic coelom, and gives rise to body wall structures[MP]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C1517749", "l": "Lateral Mesoderm", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34199", "l": "Lateral Mesoderm", "d": ["A mesodermal sheet located in the middle layer of the trilaminar embryo, lateral to the intermediate mesoderm."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "68.888616052091592", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004379", "l": "distal epiphysis", "d": ["An epiphysis that is on the distal side of the bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "75.923665061460838", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0004330", "l": "proximal phalanx of manual digit 4", "d": ["A proximal phalanx that is part of a hand digit 4 [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007186", "l": "pericardial visceral mesothelium", "d": ["A visceral mesothelium that is part of a pericardium."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "83.023198044254755", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0000035", "l": "primary ovarian follicle", "d": ["An ovarian follicle that has one layer of granulosa cells."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "88.140761698499901", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009899", "l": "pole of cerebral hemisphere", "d": ["The anterior end of the hemisphere is named the frontal pole. The posterior end is named the occipital pole. The anterior end of the temporal lobe, the temporal pole."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:2001583", "l": "preural centrum 1+ ural centrum 1", "d": ["Urostyle that is the result of fusion of preural centrum 1 with the first ural centrum (of polyural terminology)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "78.96520244130248", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0009768", "l": "distal interphalangeal joint", "d": ["An inter-phalangeal joint that connects a distal phalanx to either a medial or proximal phalanx."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0932510", "l": "Structure of distal interphalangeal joint", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C101529", "l": "Distal Interphalangeal Joint", "d": ["Interphalangeal joint located between the second and third phalanges."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "52.957607393616669", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005445", "l": "segment of pes", "d": ["A segment of autopod that is part of a pes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010830", "l": "spicule", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007118", "l": "umbilicus", "d": ["The pit in the center of the abdominal wall marking the point where the umbilical cord entered in the fetus."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0041638", "l": "Umbilicus (Anatomy)", "d": []}, {"i": "MESH:D014472", "l": "Umbilicus", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C77533", "l": "Umbilicus", "d": ["The depression or scar on the abdomen that marks the former site of attachment of the umbilical cord."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010097", "l": "M. tarsalis posticus", "d": ["Originates on the medial border of the ligamentum calcanei and inserts along the ventral surface of the tibiale."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "80.17194633000733", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0003321", "l": "mesenchyme of knee", "d": ["Mesenchyme that is part of a developing knee [Automatically generated definition]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0001612", "l": "facial artery", "d": ["A branch of the external carotid artery that supplies structures of the face. [WP,unvetted]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0226109", "l": "Structure of facial artery", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32578", "l": "Facial Artery", "d": ["An artery arising from the external carotid artery supplying blood to the surface of the face."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "92.728541327098611", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0018542", "l": "mandibular symphyseal region", "d": ["The region of the mandible on or near the midline (near the mandiblular symphysis)."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000872", "l": "collum ilei", "d": ["Cyllindrical pillar that originates anterior to the acetabulum and extends to the ilial shaft."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3010516", "l": "cutaneus magnus", "d": ["Anterior part of the lateral vein."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:4300020", "l": "anal fin basal cartilage", "d": ["The large cartilage of the anal fin, on which the radials articulate distally [Compagno 2001. Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Volume 2]."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "95.41222037140129", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0007862", "l": "perichordal tissue", "d": ["Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the notochord; includes a layer of elastin."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:3000281", "l": "margo orbitalis of maxilla", "d": ["Dorsal margin of the maxilla between the frontal and zygomatico-maxillary processes."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "62.752087540765736", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0002234", "l": "proximal phalanx of manus", "d": ["A proximal phalanx that is part of a finger [Automatically generated definition]."]}, {"i": "UMLS:C0730117", "l": "Proximal phalanx of finger", "d": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C52786", "l": "Proximal Phalanx of Hand", "d": ["One of five small bones located in the hand that form the base of each finger, and that articulates proximally with the head of a metacarpal bone."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "66.08567671964029", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0034706", "l": "proliferating neuroepithelium", "d": ["An epithelium that is undergoing proliferation to provide large numbers of neuronal cells."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "89.347505587204751", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0008778", "l": "epaxial musculature", "d": ["Musculature that is derived from the epaxial myotome region, ventral to the horizontal septum of the vertebrae. Epaxial muscles include other (dorsal) muscles associated with the vertebrae, ribs, and base of the skull."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "80.869303025598512", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0016943", "l": "lower premolar tooth", "d": []}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "80.17194633000733", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0011171", "l": "joint connecting upper and lower jaws", "d": ["Synovial joint that articulates bones of upper and lower jaw."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "59.803933740867301", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0010377", "l": "mesenchyme from somatopleure", "d": ["Mesenchyme that develops_from a somatopleure."]}]} {"type": "biolink:GrossAnatomicalStructure", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UBERON:0005335", "l": "chorioallantoic membrane", "d": ["The chorioallantoic membrane is a vascular membrane found in eggs of some amniotes, such as birds and reptiles. It is formed by the fusion of the mesodermal layers of two developmental structures: the allantois and the chorion. Three different layers compose the chorioallantoic membrane; these are called the chorionic epithelium, the mesenchyme and the allantoic epithelium. Blood capillaries and sinuses are found between epithelial cells of the chorionic layer, allowing close contact (within 0.2 N