{"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2953980", "l": "Cytoskeleton of neural cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690265", "l": "pigment granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451132", "l": "TEAD-2-YAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325672", "l": "plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase complex A", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690230", "l": "SMAD2-SMAD3-SMAD4 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325807", "l": "membrane attack complex protein alphaM chain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022202", "l": "Chromosomes, Artificial, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325547", "l": "Cortical actin cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005920", "l": "smooth septate junction", "d": ["A septate junction that lacks the regular arrays of electron-dense septae found in pleated septate junctions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450506", "l": "whole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1258076", "l": "Subcellular Space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030132", "l": "clathrin coat of coated pit", "d": ["The coat found on coated pits and the coated vesicles derived from coated pits; comprises clathrin and the AP-2 adaptor complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817248", "l": "laminin-5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610764", "l": "organellar chromatophore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030907", "l": "MBF transcription complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to the Mlu1 cell cycle box (MCB) promoter element, consensus sequence ACGCGN, and is involved in regulation of transcription during the G1/S transition of the cell cycle. In Saccharomyces, the complex contains a heterodimer of the DNA binding protein Mbp1p and the activator Swi6p, and is associated with additional proteins known as Nrm1p, Msa1p, and Msa2p; in Schizosaccharomyces the complex contains Res1p, Res2p, and Cdc10p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752481", "l": "host cell lysosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031672", "l": "A band", "d": ["The dark-staining region of a sarcomere, in which myosin thick filaments are present; the center is traversed by the paler H zone, which in turn contains the M line."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523468", "l": "high molecular weight kininogen receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336416", "l": "Cell nucleus of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180089", "l": "Lipid bilayer of rough endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055120", "l": "striated muscle dense body", "d": ["A vinculin-containing myofibril attachment structure of striated muscle that connects sarcomeres to the extracellular matrix. In nematode body wall muscle, the dense body performs the dual role of Z-disk and costamere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005943", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IA", "d": ["A class I phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that possesses 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase activity; comprises a catalytic class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) subunit and an associated SH2 domain-containing regulatory subunit that is a member of a family of related proteins often called p85 proteins. Through the interaction with the SH2-containing adaptor subunits, Class IA PI3K catalytic subunits are linked to tyrosine kinase signaling pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044084", "l": "host cell membrane pore complex", "d": ["Any small opening in a host cell membrane that allows the passage of gases and/or liquids, composed of host proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752547", "l": "axonal growth cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167277", "l": "B800-850 antenna complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824285", "l": "glutamate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179046", "l": "Outer segment of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894111", "l": "ornithine carbamoyltransferase inhibitor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179977", "l": "Wall of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824390", "l": "EmrE multidrug transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754127", "l": "GT-AG post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0242351", "l": "Negri Body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62956001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166776", "l": "cornified envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380215", "l": "matrilin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009573", "l": "chloroplast ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": ["A complex, located in the chloroplast, containing either both large and small subunits or just small subunits which carries out the activity of producing 3-phosphoglycerate from carbon dioxide and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate. An example of this component is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5544386", "l": "Large Dense Core Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824381", "l": "flavin oxidoreductase complex, NAD(P)H-dependent", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031469", "l": "bacterial microcompartment", "d": ["An organelle found in bacteria consisting of a proteinaceous coat containing metabolic enzymes whose purpose is the sequestration or concentration of metabolites and which has the appearance of a polygonal granule by electron microscopy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018385", "l": "Centrosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242608", "l": "Centrosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:63315002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062130", "l": "adhesive extracellular matrix", "d": ["A extracellular matrix which attaches an organism to a substrate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "53.999497854813825", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13355", "l": "Chromosome Arm", "d": ["Under the microscope chromosomes appear as thin, thread-like structures. They all have a short arm and long arm separated by a primary constriction called the centromere. The short arm is designated as p and the long arm as q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339497", "l": "Nerve ending within Meisner's corpuscle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170023", "l": "Karyotype | XXX | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246577", "l": "chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor CF(o)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032591", "l": "dendritic spine membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a dendritic spine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.674339030385639", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002889", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008662", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13215", "l": "Human Chromosome 2", "d": ["The designation for each member of the second largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 2 spans more than 237 million base pairs and represents almost 8% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113354003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323487", "l": "Cytoplasm of glioblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071079", "l": "alpha2-beta1 integrin-chondroadherin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha2-beta1 integrin complex bound to the cartilage matrix protein chondroadherin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097129", "l": "cyclin D2-CDK4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin D2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611295", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD81 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166906", "l": "respiratory chain complex I location (sensu Eukarya)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167007", "l": "cytosolic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819631", "l": "Swi5-Sfr1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691113", "l": "pathogen inclusion lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005614", "l": "interstitial matrix", "d": ["A type of extracellular matrix found in interstitial connective tissue, characterized by the presence of fibronectins, proteoglycans, and types I, III, V, VI, VII and XII collagens."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691044", "l": "bBAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824526", "l": "Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336337", "l": "Protoplasm of chondroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098541", "l": "cytoplasmic side of trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380125", "l": "RNA polymerase V transcription regulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231739", "l": "ERN1-RACK1-PP2A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247628", "l": "cyanelle stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038059", "l": "IKKalpha-IKKalpha complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex containing two IkappaB kinase (IKK) alpha subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340144", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of synoviocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326871", "l": "amyloid beta homotrimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711405", "l": "17q21.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C44520", "l": "17q21.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690906", "l": "centriolar subdistal appendage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.199315133585145", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030990", "l": "intraciliary transport particle", "d": ["A nonmembrane-bound oligomeric protein complex that participates in bidirectional transport of molecules (cargo) along axonemal microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521626", "l": "7p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25108", "l": "7p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333447", "l": "Protoplasm of epithelial cell of stratum corneum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167440", "l": "DNA polymerase III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.58909006025462", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099738", "l": "cell cortex region", "d": ["The complete extent of cell cortex that underlies some some region of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005897", "l": "interleukin-9 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-9; comprises an alpha and a beta subunit. The alpha chain is specific to the interleukin-9 receptor, whereas the beta chain is shared with the receptors for several other interleukins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2678064", "l": "Hyaline inclusions", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546217", "l": "decoration protein", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817826", "l": "myosin II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167359", "l": "laminin-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032002", "l": "interleukin-28 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-28 and interleukin-29. It is composed of an alpha and a beta receptor subunit (in human IFNLR1/IL28Ralpha & IL10RB) and either Interleukin-28 (IFNL2 or IFNL3) or Interleukin-29 (IFNL1)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036391", "l": "medial cortex septin ring", "d": ["A ring-shaped structure that forms at the medial cortex of a symmetrically dividing cell at the onset of cytokinesis; composed of members of the conserved family of filament forming proteins called septins as well as septin-associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000808", "l": "origin recognition complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that is located at the replication origins of a chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070557", "l": "PCNA-p21 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cyclin-dependent protein kinase inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1 bound to PCNA; formation of the complex inhibits DNA replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247042", "l": "SOD1-Bcl-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990805", "l": "central cylinder", "d": ["A scaffolding structure present within the inner region of the ciliary transition zone. The central cylinder lies between the outer doublet and inner singlet microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002842", "l": "Chromatids", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008545", "l": "Chromatids", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13200", "l": "Chromatid", "d": ["One of the two side by side replicas produced by chromosome replication in mitosis or meiosis. Subunit of a chromosome after replication and prior to anaphase of meiosis II or mitosis. At anaphase of meiosis II or mitosis when the centromeres divide and the sister chromatids separate each chromatid becomes a chromosome. (Biology-Text.com)"], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:83314009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520944", "l": "1p22-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13814", "l": "1p22-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048556", "l": "microsporocyte nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of the microsporocyte. The microsporocyte is a diploid cell in which meiosis will occur, resulting in four microspores. A microspore is a spore that, in vascular plants, gives rise to a male gametophyte."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887956", "l": "Pericentriolar Region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045252", "l": "oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A complex of multiple copies of three enzymatic components: oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2) and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3); catalyzes the overall conversion of 2-oxoglutarate to succinyl-CoA and carbon dioxide (CO2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043702", "l": "carotenoid vesicle", "d": ["A tissue-specific cytoplasmic vesicle surrounded by a membrane half-leaflet within which carotenoid pigments are stored. Carotenoid vesicles are synthesized in xanthophores and erythrophore cells and are yellow, orange or red in appearance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333886", "l": "Protoplasm of neural stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521457", "l": "5p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28437", "l": "5p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824204", "l": "DnaA-Hda complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.249019171186291", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005764", "l": "lysosome", "d": ["A small lytic vacuole that has cell cycle-independent morphology found in most animal cells and that contains a variety of hydrolases, most of which have their maximal activities in the pH range 5-6. The contained enzymes display latency if properly isolated. About 40 different lysosomal hydrolases are known and lysosomes have a great variety of morphologies and functions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005758", "l": "mitochondrial intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the mitochondrial envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167123", "l": "epsilon DNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327168", "l": "CENP-T-W-S-X complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2950271", "l": "Set of nuclei of left cerebral subcortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611175", "l": "G protein complex (GNG2, GNB2L1, RAF1)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896444", "l": "C/EBPbeta homodimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621530", "l": "nuclear proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325741", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120148", "l": "host cell centrosome", "d": ["A structure in a host cell comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821268", "l": "lumenal side of Golgi membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230575", "l": "Chromosomes groups C and X", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:21777008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000089804", "l": "Shelterin Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754355", "l": "G-protein alpha(o)-synembrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070877", "l": "microprocessor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to heme and to pri-miRNAs, and is required for the formation of a pre-microRNA (pre-miRNA), the initial step of microRNA (miRNA) biogenesis. The complex is composed of the double-stranded-RNA-specific RNase Drosha (also called RNASEN) and the RNA-binding protein DGCR8 (heme-free or heme-bound forms). Within the complex, DGCR8 function as a molecular anchor necessary for the recognition of pri-miRNA at dsRNA-ssRNA junction and directs RNASEN/Drosha to cleave the 3' and 5' strands of a stem-loop to release hairpin-shaped pre-miRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521227", "l": "2q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13763", "l": "2q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821297", "l": "lumenal side of lysosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070532", "l": "BRCA1-B complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimer, BACH1 and TopBP1, and binds to DNA during S phase at DNA damage sites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236731", "l": "postsynapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044160", "l": "host thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The pigmented membrane of any host thylakoid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754286", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-CD9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271647", "l": "inner dynein arm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085039", "l": "hyphal membrane", "d": ["A host-derived membrane surrounding the symbiont hypha during infection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754391", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-a3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520589", "l": "14q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38602", "l": "14q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521115", "l": "22q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25023", "l": "22q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520943", "l": "1p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13785", "l": "1p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753450", "l": "P-TEFb-cap methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515512", "l": "9q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38181", "l": "9q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520499", "l": "12q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13486", "l": "12q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D011132", "l": "Polyribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0032592", "l": "Polyribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62527005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005919", "l": "pleated septate junction", "d": ["A septate junction in which regular arrays of electron-dense septae span the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034666", "l": "integrin alpha2-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha2 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070645", "l": "Ubisch body", "d": ["A small, granular structure that is found in the extracellular matrix of cell of the secretory tapetal layer that surrounds developing pollen grains. Ubisch bodies have a sporopollenin coat, are attached to the peritapetal wall, and may play a role in pollen development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246403", "l": "rhoptry membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893605", "l": "unencapsulated part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710696", "l": "Xp11.22-p11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45198", "l": "Xp11.22-p11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822744", "l": "H4 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158687", "l": "PR-DUB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335129", "l": "Cis Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166982", "l": "plasma membrane-derived photosystem I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166651", "l": "polar ring of apical complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.915726484813547", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030427", "l": "site of polarized growth", "d": ["Any part of a cell where non-isotropic growth takes place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546559", "l": "nuclear pore inner ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521407", "l": "4q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28591", "l": "4q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819640", "l": "carboxy-terminal domain protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167210", "l": "flotillin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515525", "l": "9q32-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14112", "l": "9q32-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819016", "l": "eisosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150088", "l": "multiple synapse bouton, contacting multiple dendrites", "d": ["A single axon terminal bouton making contact onto two or more dendritic spines protruding from multiple dendrites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521042", "l": "20p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25016", "l": "20p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156649", "l": "sRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521001", "l": "1q24-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13468", "l": "1q24-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896117", "l": "acid phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325763", "l": "germline ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166726", "l": "clathrin-coated phagocytic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167309", "l": "photosystem I reaction center location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000138", "l": "Golgi trans cisterna", "d": ["The Golgi cisterna farthest from the endoplasmic reticulum; the final processing compartment through which proteins pass before exiting the Golgi apparatus; the compartment in which N-linked protein glycosylation is completed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098024", "l": "virus tail, fiber", "d": ["The fibrous region of the virus tail used to scan, recognize and attach to the host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097589", "l": "archaeal-type flagellum", "d": ["A non-membrane-bounded organelle superficially similar to a bacterial-type flagellum; they both consist of filaments extending outside the cell, and rotate to propel the cell, but the archaeal flagella (also called archaella) have a unique structure which lacks a central channel. Similar to bacterial type IV pilins, the archaeal flagellins (archaellins) are made with class 3 signal peptides and they are processed by a type IV prepilin peptidase-like enzyme. The archaellins are typically modified by the addition of N-linked glycans which are necessary for proper assembly and/or function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1440970", "l": "Mitochondria M9", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893616", "l": "SCF-Grr1/Pof2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005832", "l": "chaperonin-containing T-complex", "d": ["A multisubunit ring-shaped complex that mediates protein folding in the cytosol without a cofactor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070652", "l": "HAUS complex", "d": ["A protein complex that localizes to interphase centrosomes and to mitotic spindle tubules and regulates mitotic spindle assembly and centrosome integrity; in human, the complex consists of eight subunits, some of which are homologous to subunits of the Drosophila Augmin complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521709", "l": "8p23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13968", "l": "8p23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325716", "l": "Lid2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246508", "l": "attachment organelle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090406", "l": "pollen tube", "d": ["A tubular cell projection that is part of a pollen tube cell and extends from a pollen grain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046798", "l": "viral portal complex", "d": ["A multimeric ring of proteins through which the DNA enters and exits the viral capsid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546352", "l": "astrocyte sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753334", "l": "RISC-loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071565", "l": "nBAF complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF-type complex that is found in post-mitotic neurons, and in human contains actin and proteins encoded by the ARID1A/BAF250A or ARID1B/BAF250B, SMARCD1/BAF60A, SMARCD3/BAF60C, SMARCA2/BRM/BAF190B, SMARCA4/BRG1/BAF190A, SMARCB1/BAF47, SMARCC1/BAF155, SMARCE1/BAF57, SMARCC2/BAF170, DPF1/BAF45B, DPF3/BAF45C, ACTL6B/BAF53B genes. The nBAF complex along with CREST plays a role regulating the activity of genes essential for dendrite growth."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044223", "l": "pirellulosome", "d": ["A cytoplasmic structure found in bacterial phyla Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia containing a condensed nucleoid and ribosomes and surrounded by an intracytoplasmic membrane. It is surrounded by ribosome-free cytoplasm, in a compartment called the paryphoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325659", "l": "SAM complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518684", "l": "Outer Leaflet of the Lipid Bilayer", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33234", "l": "Outer Leaflet of the Lipid Bilayer", "d": ["The extracellular facing lipid layer of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005769", "l": "early endosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle that receives incoming material from primary endocytic vesicles that have been generated by clathrin-dependent and clathrin-independent endocytosis; vesicles fuse with the early endosome to deliver cargo for sorting into recycling or degradation pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820007", "l": "ectexine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005608", "l": "laminin-3 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha1, beta2 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036437", "l": "Isw1b complex", "d": ["An Isw1 complex that binds DNA and has nucleosome-stimulated ATPase activity. In S. cerevisiae, contains an Isw1p ATPase subunit in complex with Ioc2p and Ioc4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612441", "l": "TAT protein secretion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0227884", "l": "Second polar body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:64904008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612943", "l": "secretory granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039627", "l": "T=147 icosahedral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=147 symmetry. T=147 icosahedral capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 1460 hexameric capsomeres for a total of 8820 capsid proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13267", "l": "Nucleolar Organizer Region", "d": ["Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), which are loops of DNA containing ribosomal RNA genes, have been shown to correlate with cell proliferation and malignant transformation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036224", "l": "pairing center", "d": ["A special chromosome region located towards one end of a chromosome that contains dispersed copies of short, repetitive DNA sequences and functions as a cis-acting element essential for presynaptic homologous chromosome pairing and chromosome-nuclear envelope attachment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166799", "l": "inner plaque of spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380214", "l": "matrilin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546538", "l": "methanophenazine reducing hydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016222", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the formation of procollagen trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline and succinate from procollagen L-proline and 2-oxoglutarate, requiring Fe2+ and ascorbate. Contains two alpha subunits that contribute to most parts of the catalytic sites, and two beta subunits that are identical to protein-disulfide isomerase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166729", "l": "clathrin coat of endocytic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611688", "l": "Cul4-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326900", "l": "postsynaptic endosomal recycling compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521484", "l": "5q23.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25081", "l": "5q23.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044294", "l": "dendritic growth cone", "d": ["The migrating motile tip of a growing nerve cell dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044569", "l": "[Ni-Fe] hydrogenase complex", "d": ["A microbial enzyme complex which contains nickel and iron in its active site. In Acetomicrobium flavidum it is an alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520957", "l": "1p33-p31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13853", "l": "1p33-p31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120155", "l": "MIH complex", "d": ["A trimeric complex involved in cytokinesis. Proposed to bridge actomyosin ring contraction and septum synthesis in yeast, resulting in the coordination of these processes, and leading to plasma membrane ingression and fusion. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae this complex consists of Mlc1p, Iqg1p and Hof1p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235813", "l": "tertiary granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030678", "l": "mitochondrial ribonuclease P complex", "d": ["A ribonuclease P complex located in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell, where it catalyzes the 5' endonucleolytic cleavage of precursor tRNAs to yield mature tRNAs. The subunit composition of mitochondrial ribonuclease P complexes varies between species. The complex contains a single RNA molecule and a single protein molecule in yeast (PMID:12045094), but comprises three proteins and lacks an RNA component in humans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265811", "l": "longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326983", "l": "Contact receptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167436", "l": "dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672744", "l": "protein nanocompartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546519", "l": "Rix1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032283", "l": "plastid acetate CoA-transferase complex", "d": ["An acetate CoA-transferase complex located in the stroma of a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230644", "l": "Membrane invagination, fixed or stable", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:44582006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098688", "l": "parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapse", "d": ["An excitatory synapse formed by the parallel fibers of granule cells synapsing onto the dendrites of Purkinje cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333829", "l": "Azurophilic granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32179", "l": "Azurophilic Granule", "d": ["A cytoplasmic granule found in the myelocyte lineage that can be stained with azure dyes."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66604008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039679", "l": "viral occlusion body", "d": ["A crystalline protein matrix surrounding the nucleocapsids of some insect viruses after their release in the environment. Produced in the host cell, the occlusion body protects the infectious virion after death of the host."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268446", "l": "Cell surface AND/OR associated structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108353004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071746", "l": "IgA immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgA isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, sometimes complexed with J chain or J chain and secretory component, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269183", "l": "sperm end piece", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120043", "l": "stereocilium shaft", "d": ["The shaft comprises the majority of the length of the stereocilium. This region is notable for the extreme stability of actin filaments, which are highly crosslinked into a parallel bundle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691250", "l": "DNF3-CRF1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230599", "l": "Intranuclear body, concentrically laminated", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17998009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521169", "l": "2p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13917", "l": "2p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611787", "l": "late Golgi", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451606", "l": "type I pilus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180014", "l": "Membrane protein of Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821044", "l": "cytoplasmic transcriptional repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166789", "l": "Dynein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752521", "l": "methane-oxidizing organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.156270827921489", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033646", "l": "host intracellular part", "d": ["Any constituent part of the living contents of a host cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036389", "l": "bacterial pre-replicative complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex that forms at the bacterial oriC during the initial step of DNA replication and allows the origin to become competent, or 'licensed', for replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990499", "l": "raps-insc complex", "d": ["Protein complex required for the asymmetric division of neuroblasts in Drosophila. Coordinates asymmetric localization of cell fate determinants with orientation of the mitotic spindle resulting in different daughter cells upon division. Localizes at the apical cortex of the neuroblast: Raps maintains, but does not initiate, Insc apically, while Insc segregates Raps asymmetrically. Complex appears to be conserved in mammals (composed of INSC and GPSM1 or GPSM2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167453", "l": "formate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244501", "l": "cell wall-bounded periplasmic space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380085", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031609", "l": "cytosolic proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": ["The proteasome core subcomplex that constitutes the two inner rings of the cytosolic proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C120098", "l": "Yq", "d": ["The distal (long) arm of chromosome Y."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322851", "l": "Cell nucleus of epithelial cell of stratum spinosum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167144", "l": "Sin3 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515471", "l": "8q24.2-q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39639", "l": "8q24.2-q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247089", "l": "host cell chloroplast part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230813", "l": "Matrix of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:84060007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990184", "l": "amino acid transport complex", "d": ["A heteromeric protein complex consisting of a multi-transmembrane spanning subunit (the light chain) and a type II glycoprotein subunit (the heavy chain) that functions to transport amino acids across a plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062160", "l": "spongiome", "d": ["A cellular anatomical entity which is a network of tubules and vessicles and is part of the contractile vacuole complex. It is involved in the discharge of water externally. One of its functions is osmoregulatory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269225", "l": "cytoophidium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520495", "l": "12q13.1-q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40048", "l": "12q13.1-q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031488", "l": "myosin XVIII complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class XVIII myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin XVIII heavy chains contain an N-terminal PDZ domain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754399", "l": "Kv4.2-Kv4.3 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235108", "l": "EARP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043669", "l": "ectexine", "d": ["The outer part of the exine, which stains positively with basic fuchsin in optical microscopy and has higher electron density in conventionally prepared TEM sections."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520175", "l": "Xp22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25138", "l": "Xp22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179901", "l": "Part of perixosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752559", "l": "osmiophilic body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097629", "l": "extrinsic component of omegasome membrane", "d": ["The component of the omegasome membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166872", "l": "clathrin coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244316", "l": "proteasome-activating nucleotidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817364", "l": "caveolar macromolecular signaling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167390", "l": "insulin-like growth factor binary complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896196", "l": "CSL-Notch-Mastermind transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325718", "l": "RNA polymerase II, core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263090", "l": "cellular bud tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754964", "l": "surface IgG2b", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318927", "l": "synaptic ribbon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034468", "l": "glycosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a glycosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318928", "l": "T-bar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005593", "l": "FACIT collagen trimer", "d": ["A collagen trimer that associates with collagen fibrils and consists of collagen monomers that contain two or more relatively short triple-helical domains connected by non-triple-helical sequences."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331271", "l": "Cytoplasm of vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752468", "l": "host cell endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622625", "l": "VDC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044672", "l": "acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase-carbon monoxide dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A multifunctional enzyme complex composed of five different polypeptides that catalyzes the decarbonylation of acetyl-CoA, cleaves the C-C and C-S bonds in the acetyl moiety of acetyl-CoA, oxidizes the carbonyl group to CO2 and transfers the methyl group to tetrahydrosarcinapterin. These reactions are important for methanogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990574", "l": "meiotic spindle astral microtubule", "d": ["Any of the meiotic spindle microtubules that radiate in all directions from the spindle poles and are thought to contribute to the forces that separate the poles and position them in relation to the rest of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099523", "l": "presynaptic cytosol", "d": ["The region of the cytosol consisting of all cytosol that is part of the presynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333731", "l": "Rosenthal fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:84605001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106095", "l": "m7G(5')pppN diphosphatase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex that catalyzes the reaction: 7-methylguanosine-5'-triphospho-5'-pholynucleotide + H20 = 7-methylguanosine-5'-phosphate + polynucleotide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327142", "l": "peptidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245269", "l": "cellular bud tip polarisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071064", "l": "alphaE-beta7 integrin-E-cadherin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaE-beta7 integrin complex bound to E-cadherin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0027834", "l": "Neurofilaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13263", "l": "Neurofilament", "d": ["An intermediate filament that is found in the axons of neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020022", "l": "acidocalcisome", "d": ["An electron-dense acidic membrane-bounded organelle which contains a matrix of pyrophosphate and polyphosphates with bound calcium and other cations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.866383925293761", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097060", "l": "synaptic membrane", "d": ["A specialized area of membrane on either the presynaptic or the postsynaptic side of a synapse, the junction between a nerve fiber of one neuron and another neuron or muscle fiber or glial cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180302", "l": "A-peripheral microtubule of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009550", "l": "primary plasmodesma", "d": ["A plasmodesma that consists of a simple, single channel; found predominantly in young tissue and formed as a function of cell plate formation during cytokinesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.653457143972261", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520688", "l": "16p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13646", "l": "16p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060204", "l": "clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334531", "l": "Plasma membrane of neural stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325630", "l": "smooth endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246974", "l": "Pcs1/Mde4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896494", "l": "HDL-containing protein-lipid-RNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099115", "l": "chromosome, subtelomeric region", "d": ["A region of the chromosome, adjacent to the telomere (on the centromeric side) that contains repetitive DNA and sometimes genes. This region is usually heterochromatin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.054967706738452", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019867", "l": "outer membrane", "d": ["The external membrane of Gram-negative bacteria or certain organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts; freely permeable to most ions and metabolites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034980", "l": "FHL2-CREB complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains CREB and FHL2, and is involved in transcriptional regulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137274", "l": "Cdr2 medial cortical node complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1657451", "l": "extrinsic component of periplasmic side of cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990193", "l": "BtuCD complex", "d": ["Protein complex involved in cobalamin (vitamin B12) transport through the plasma membrane. In E. coli, the complex is a tetramer and consists of the cytoplasmic ATPase BtuD homodimer together with the transmembrane BtuC homodimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1276877", "l": "Specialized cell structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:314886006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.372216226870194", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003599", "l": "Cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0010853", "l": "Cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13227", "l": "Cytoskeleton", "d": ["The protein scaffolding (the network of filaments microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments, and their associated proteins) that gives shape, structure, and organization to the cytoplasm and a cell its shape."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520585", "l": "14q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13978", "l": "14q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158392", "l": "Nodal Cilia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523008", "l": "signal recognition particle, plasma membrane targeting", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156853", "l": "periarbuscular membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167131", "l": "CCR4-NOT core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184879", "l": "Head of pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821260", "l": "lumenal side of trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990588", "l": "FtsBL complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for prokaryotic cell division (FtsZ-dependent cytokinesis). Part of the divisome. Assembled independently of the other divisome components in the cytoplasm prior to transport to the cell septum. In E. coli consists of FtsB and FtsL."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166813", "l": "chaperonin ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230743", "l": "Satellite, centriolar", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66358009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334386", "l": "Cytosol of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166750", "l": "Cytoplasmic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137258", "l": "tryptase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690928", "l": "PNGase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035451", "l": "extrinsic component of stromal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The component of a plastid thylakoid membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its stromal surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610650", "l": "alphav-beta1 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521177", "l": "2p14-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13972", "l": "2p14-p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070116", "l": "organellar chromatophore thylakoid", "d": ["A thylakoid located in an organellar chromatophore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156590", "l": "interleukin-23 receptor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335029", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of glomerular capsule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0443778", "l": "Red blood cell stroma", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:259678006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034688", "l": "integrin alphaM-beta2 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphaM subunit and one beta2 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003896", "l": "Desmosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0011703", "l": "Desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13955", "l": "Desmosome", "d": ["Desmosomes are intercellular anchoring junctions that anchor intermediate filaments at membrane-associated plaques in adjoining cells. Desmosomes assemble in response to cell-cell contact and raised levels of extracellular calcium. Sensitivity to calcium levels is lost as desmosomes mature."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:4573009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824416", "l": "SufE dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521501", "l": "5q35.1-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13854", "l": "5q35.1-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329019", "l": "basal pole of outer hair cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030930", "l": "homotetrameric ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of four identical subunits that possesses ADPG pyrophosphorylase activity. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167134", "l": "activator ecdysone receptor holocomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044286", "l": "peg and socket contact", "d": ["A cell-cell contact zone that consists of membrane invaginations extending from either cell, which contain tight-, gap-, and adherens junctions. Peg and socket contacts form between endothelial cells and pericytes, and between lens fiber cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167448", "l": "exodeoxyribonuclease V complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689790", "l": "Kir6.x-SURx complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.774074961591239", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042175", "l": "nuclear outer membrane-endoplasmic reticulum membrane network", "d": ["The continuous network of membranes encompassing the nuclear outer membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180106", "l": "Cell nucleus of astrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822741", "l": "GMPR1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167161", "l": "single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent DNA helicase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710997", "l": "4q35.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C53660", "l": "4q35.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752540", "l": "puncta adhaerentia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088202", "l": "Nuclear Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230595", "l": "Nuclear Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:22776001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030485", "l": "smooth muscle contractile fiber", "d": ["The contractile fiber of smooth muscle cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380174", "l": "Nicalin-NOMO complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521312", "l": "3q22-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13139", "l": "3q22-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546700", "l": "sub-surface cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893602", "l": "B axonemal microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520392", "l": "11q14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26240", "l": "11q14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166742", "l": "inter-Golgi transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031483", "l": "myosin XIII complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing one or more class XIII myosin heavy chains and associated light chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324937", "l": "Cytosolic filament component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030137", "l": "COPI-coated vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle with a coat formed of the COPI coat complex proteins. COPI-coated vesicles are found associated with Golgi membranes at steady state, are involved in Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum (retrograde) vesicle transport, and possibly also in intra-Golgi transport."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753359", "l": "SWI/SNF superfamily-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546707", "l": "parallel fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016938", "l": "kinesin I complex", "d": ["A complex of two kinesin heavy chains and two kinesin light chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546312", "l": "SWI2/SNF2 superfamily ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034426", "l": "etioplast membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround a etioplast and form the etioplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4512550", "l": "Entire intercellular canaliculus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:727315007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521004", "l": "1q25.2-q25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26599", "l": "1q25.2-q25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000242", "l": "pericentriolar material", "d": ["A network of small fibers that surrounds the centrioles in cells; contains the microtubule nucleating activity of the centrosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896367", "l": "cardiac Troponin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520792", "l": "17q25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24980", "l": "17q25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990964", "l": "actin cytoskeleton-regulatory complex", "d": ["A protein complex probably required for the internalization of endosomes during actin-coupled endocytosis. Links the site of endocytosis to the cell membrane-associated actin cytoskeleton, coordinating ARP2/3 stimulation at the later stages of endocytosis. Present in the late endocytic coat."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324642", "l": "Plasma membrane of neutrophil", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009512", "l": "cytochrome b6f complex", "d": ["Complex that transfers electrons from reduced plastoquinone to oxidized plastocyanin and translocates protons from the stroma to the lumen. The complex contains a core structure of three catalytic subunits: cytochrome b, the Rieske iron sulfur protein (ISP), and cytochrome f, which are arranged in an integral membrane-bound dimeric complex; additional subunits are present, and vary among different species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0101004", "l": "cytolytic granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the cytolytic granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523499", "l": "plastid mRNA editing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450986", "l": "viral assembly site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611296", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-CD81 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893554", "l": "transverse flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159038", "l": "growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230838", "l": "MITOCHONDRION AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034066", "l": "Ric1-Rgp1 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a nucleotide exchange factor for the GTPase Ypt6p, and is required for fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the Golgi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009574", "l": "preprophase band", "d": ["A dense band of microtubules, 1-3 pm wide, that appears just beneath the cell membrane before the start of cell division in the cells of higher plants. It precedes the onset of prophase and then disappears as mitosis begins, yet it somehow determines the plane of orientation of the new cell plate forming in late telophase and marks the zone of the parental cell wall where fusion with the growing cell plate ultimately occurs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520604", "l": "14q32.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38940", "l": "14q32.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090543", "l": "Flemming body", "d": ["A cell part that is the central region of the midbody characterized by a gap in alpha-tubulin staining. It is a dense structure of antiparallel microtubules from the central spindle in the middle of the intercellular bridge."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549059", "l": "host cell viral nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893431", "l": "Cbp3p-Cbp6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752471", "l": "host cell Golgi membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815317", "l": "centrosomal core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167364", "l": "collagen location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034045", "l": "phagophore assembly site membrane", "d": ["A cellular membrane associated with the phagophore assembly site."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752522", "l": "host cell surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1514145", "l": "Plasma Membrane Glycolipid", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33327", "l": "Plasma Membrane Glycolipid", "d": ["A lipid with 2 fatty acid chains attached to a carbohydrate-containing head group that is found on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0546111", "l": "Chromatin granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137195", "l": "SLBP-MIF4GD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523832", "l": "Polar granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612850", "l": "sodium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.33144287441435", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097731", "l": "9+0 non-motile cilium", "d": ["A non-motile cilium where the axoneme has a ring of nine outer microtubule doublets but no central microtubules (and is therefore called a 9+0 axoneme)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754219", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-ADAM15 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521465", "l": "5q11.2-q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13793", "l": "5q11.2-q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752492", "l": "host cell nuclear envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990148", "l": "glutamate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A homomeric protein complex that possesses glutamate dehydrogenase activity. This complex is evolutionarily conserved except that the number of homoprotomers per complex varies."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754151", "l": "U12-type precatalytic spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230587", "l": "Intranuclear crystal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:8111001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338846", "l": "Zone of cell body of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005825", "l": "half bridge of spindle pole body", "d": ["Structure adjacent to the plaques of the spindle pole body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515452", "l": "8q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13841", "l": "8q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230533", "l": "Anaphase nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11219001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521113", "l": "22q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26054", "l": "22q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520784", "l": "17q23.2-q25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38484", "l": "17q23.2-q25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062159", "l": "contractile vacuole complex", "d": ["A non-membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells, especially Protozoa, that fills with water from the cytoplasm and then discharges this externally. One of its functions is osmoregulatory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325552", "l": "Cytoplasmic nucleosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824480", "l": "platelet-derived growth factor receptor-ligand complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016363", "l": "nuclear matrix", "d": ["The dense fibrillar network lying on the inner side of the nuclear membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180066", "l": "Intermembranous contact site of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0205715", "l": "Grana", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523418", "l": "sheet-forming collagen trimer location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071090", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1954297", "l": "X & Y chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030121", "l": "AP-1 adaptor complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex that consists of beta1, gamma, mu1 and sigma1 subunits and links clathrin to the membrane surface of a vesicle; vesicles with AP-1-containing coats are normally found primarily in the trans-Golgi network. In at least humans, the AP-1 complex can be heterogeneric due to the existence of multiple subunit isoforms encoded by different genes (gamma1 and gamma2, mu1A and mu1B, and sigma1A, sigma1B and sigma1C)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031475", "l": "myosin V complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a dimer of class V myosin heavy chains and associated light chains; involved in intracellular transport. Myosin V is a dimeric molecule consisting of conserved motor domains followed by 6 IQ motifs which bind specific light chains and calmodulin. The tail domain is important for cellular localization and cargo binding and can be divided into an alpha-helical coiled coil region and a C-terminal globular region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183331", "l": "Mitochondrion of adipocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044163", "l": "host cytoskeleton", "d": ["A cellular structure that forms the internal framework of eukaryotic and prokaryotic host cells. The cytoskeleton includes intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896343", "l": "extracellular exosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691045", "l": "esBAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036157", "l": "outer dynein arm", "d": ["Outer arm structure present on the outer doublet microtubules of ciliary and flagellar axonemes. Outer dynein arms contain 2-3 heavy chains, two or more intermediate chains and a cluster of 4-8 light chains. Inner and outer dynein arms have different functions in the generation of microtubule-based motility."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754983", "l": "surface IgA", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032420", "l": "stereocilium", "d": ["An actin-based protrusion from the apical surface of auditory and vestibular hair cells and of neuromast cells. These protrusions are supported by a bundle of cross-linked actin filaments (an actin cable), oriented such that the plus (barbed) ends are at the tip of the protrusion, capped by a tip complex which bridges to the plasma. Bundles of stereocilia act as mechanosensory organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0075341", "l": "host cell PML body", "d": ["A nuclear body that reacts against SP100 auto-antibodies (PML = promyelocytic leukemia) located within a cell of a host organism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009316", "l": "3-isopropylmalate dehydratase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme complex composed of subunits leuC and leuD. Catalyzes the isomerization between 2-isopropylmalate and 3-isopropylmalate, via the formation of 2-isopropylmaleate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3895721", "l": "iNOS-S100A8/A9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167143", "l": "NuRD complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042807", "l": "central vacuole", "d": ["A membrane-enclosed sac that takes up most of the volume of a mature plant cell. Functions include storage, separation of toxic byproducts, and cell growth determination."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020020", "l": "food vacuole", "d": ["Vacuole within a parasite used for digestion of the host cell cytoplasm. An example of this component is found in the Apicomplexa."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167493", "l": "protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711020", "l": "5p14-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45195", "l": "5p14-p13", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the short (p) arm of chromosome 5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044615", "l": "nuclear pore nuclear basket", "d": ["A filamentous, cage-like assembly on the nuclear face of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). In S. cerevisiae, Mlp1p and Mlp2p are two major components of the NPC nuclear basket. In vertebrates, Tpr is a major component."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072559", "l": "NLRP3 inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex that consists of three components, NLRP3 (NALP3), PYCARD and caspase-1. It is activated upon exposure to whole pathogens, as well as a number of structurally diverse pathogen- and danger-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs and DAMPs) and environmental irritants. Whole pathogens demonstrated to activate the NLRP3 inflammasome complex include the fungi Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, bacteria that produce pore-forming toxins, including Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus, and viruses such as Sendai virus, adenovirus, and influenza virus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137282", "l": "GBAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691258", "l": "extracellular ribonucleoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3539510", "l": "cetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase-carbon monoxide dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755753", "l": "Sec61 translocon complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755004", "l": "IgY immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120216", "l": "matrilin complex", "d": ["A cartilage extracellular matrix complex that mediates interactions between major components of the extracellular matrix such as collagens and proteoglycans and contributes to their fibrillar network. Exists as an obligate homotrimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328950", "l": "extrinsic component of neuronal dense core vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230709", "l": "CYTOPLASMIC FILAMENTS, TUBULES, CENTRIOLES AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167080", "l": "granular component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235101", "l": "Wnt-Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137448", "l": "COPI-coated vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183510", "l": "Wall proper of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893723", "l": "curli", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824222", "l": "pre-primosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167286", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location, coupling factor F(o)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166964", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328853", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic early endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009346", "l": "ATP-independent citrate lyase complex", "d": ["Citrate lyase is a multienzyme complex with three constituents: the alpha subunit, citrate-ACP transferase; the beta subunit, citryl-ACP lyase; and the gamma subunit, an acyl-carrier protein which also carries the prosthetic group components. All three subunits are required for citrate lyase enzyme activity. This enzyme has only been found in bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512990", "l": "Marginal Chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33054", "l": "Marginal Chromatin", "d": ["Heterochromatin found in the nucleus near the interior face of the inner nuclear membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140445", "l": "chromosome, telomeric repeat region", "d": ["A complex of DNA and protein that seals the end of a chromosome. The telomeric repeat DNA consists of simple tandemly repeated sequences specific for each species. Typically one strand is G-rich and the other C-rich. The G-rich strand forms a 3'-terminal overhang, the length of which varies with species. The single strand overhang is bound by a variety of proteins, including telomere capping proteins that bind to the single-stranded DNA and seal the telomeric loop."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167160", "l": "signalosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156746", "l": "tRNA-splicing ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170017", "l": "Karyotype | Blood or Tissue | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621552", "l": "G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523871", "l": "organelle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346445", "l": "Protoplasm of pancreatic ductal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622512", "l": "platelet dense granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327170", "l": "apical tubulobulbar complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819059", "l": "mating projection septin band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097348", "l": "host cell endocytic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a host cell endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002177", "l": "manchette", "d": ["A tubular array of microtubules that extends from the perinuclear ring surrounding the spermatid nucleus to the flagellar axoneme. The manchette may also contain F-actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612529", "l": "Vps55/Vps68 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338981", "l": "Cerebral commissural fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2266171", "l": "general secretion pathway-associated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520291", "l": "10q24.1-q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38479", "l": "10q24.1-q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3542979", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum related to cell surface", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:609332005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896284", "l": "mago-y14 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022222", "l": "Chromosomes, Artificial, Human", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230667", "l": "Pellicle, as in protozoal parasite", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:15140004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071755", "l": "IgM B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An IgM immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgM isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331488", "l": "Surface of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002140", "l": "stereocilia tip link", "d": ["A stereocilia link that is formed by a fine filament running more or less vertically upward from the tip of each shorter stereocilium to attach at a higher point on its adjacent taller neighbor. Tilting the bundle puts tension on the filaments, which pull on mechanically gated ion channels in the membrane of the stereocilia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753360", "l": "SWI-SNF global transcription activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521377", "l": "4p16.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25060", "l": "4p16.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824486", "l": "PDGF-BB-receptor beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046860", "l": "glycosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a glycosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016593", "l": "Cdc73/Paf1 complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that associates with RNA polymerase II and general RNA polymerase II transcription factor complexes and may be involved in both transcriptional initiation and elongation. In Saccharomyces the complex contains Paf1p, Cdc73p, Ctr9p, Rtf1p, and Leo1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819061", "l": "hyphal septin cap", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623199", "l": "xanthophore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005827", "l": "polar microtubule", "d": ["Any of the spindle microtubules that come from each pole and overlap at the spindle midzone. This interdigitating structure consisting of antiparallel microtubules is responsible for pushing the poles of the spindle apart."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824590", "l": "USF1 homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016586", "l": "RSC-type complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF-type complex that contains a bromodomain containing-protein, such as yeast Rsc1 or Rsc4 or mammalian PB1/BAF180. The RSC complex is generally recruited to RNA polymerase III promoters and is specifically recruited to RNA polymerase II promoters by transcriptional activators and repressors; it is also involved in non-homologous end joining."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271648", "l": "outer dynein arm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819049", "l": "cleavage furrow", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110085", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments, myosin, and myosin-associated proteins that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the mitotic spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two future daughter cells. In animal cells, the mitotic contractile ring is located inside the plasma membrane at the location of the cleavage furrow. In budding fungal cells, e.g. mitotic S. cerevisiae cells, the mitotic contractile ring forms beneath the plasma membrane at the mother-bud neck before mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333819", "l": "May-Hegglin inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:80217004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036420", "l": "extrinsic component of mycolate outer membrane", "d": ["The component of mycolate outer membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033597", "l": "mitotic checkpoint complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that functions as a mitotic checkpoint inhibitor of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). In budding yeast this complex consists of Mad2p, Mad3p, Bub3p and Cdc20p, and in mammalian cells it consists of MAD2, BUBR1, BUB3, and CDC20."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231722", "l": "galactose-containing glycoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098799", "l": "outer mitochondrial membrane protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of the outer mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896518", "l": "MutS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325740", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263452", "l": "repressor ecdysone receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179098", "l": "Central part of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230747", "l": "Flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51343004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180176", "l": "Inner filament of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990327", "l": "collagen type XXV trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXV) chains; type XXV collagen triple helices span the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "45.978664798832156", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030054", "l": "cell junction", "d": ["A cellular component that forms a specialized region of connection between two or more cells, or between a cell and the extracellular matrix, or between two membrane-bound components of a cell, such as flagella."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546531", "l": "DNA polymerase III, core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328890", "l": "presynaptic endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690918", "l": "Lsm2-8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180031", "l": "Membrane protein of smooth endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520489", "l": "12q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13687", "l": "12q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031905", "l": "early endosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an early endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819066", "l": "prospore septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048787", "l": "presynaptic active zone membrane", "d": ["The membrane portion of the presynaptic active zone; it is the site where docking and fusion of synaptic vesicles occurs for the release of neurotransmitters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167171", "l": "U6atac snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893364", "l": "plasma membrane raft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000809", "l": "cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that is located at the replication origins of a chromosome in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622612", "l": "Cdc7-Dbf4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902502", "l": "multivesicular body HOPS complex", "d": ["Any HOPS complex that is part of a multivesicular body membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005914", "l": "spot adherens junction", "d": ["A small cell-cell adherens junction assembled during the cellularization stage of insect embyrogenesis; spot adherens junctions later fuse to form the zonula adherens."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017133", "l": "mitochondrial electron transfer flavoprotein complex", "d": ["A protein complex located in the mitochondrion. It contains flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) that, together with an acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, forms a system that oxidizes an acyl-CoA molecule and reduces ubiquinone and other acceptors in the mitochondrial electron transport system."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548374", "l": "virus tail, shaft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032578", "l": "aleurone grain membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an aleurone grain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520538", "l": "13q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24942", "l": "13q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088502", "l": "Lamellar Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230698", "l": "lamellar body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38533002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137266", "l": "histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150053", "l": "cerebellar climbing fiber to Purkinje cell synapse", "d": ["A synapse of a climbing fiber onto the dendrites of a Purkinje cell in cerebellum. The climbing fiber originates from the inferior olivary nucleus of the medulla oblongata."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754982", "l": "membrane-bound IgA2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044609", "l": "DBIRD complex", "d": ["A protein complex that associates with mRNP particles and RNA polymerase II and is proposed to integrate transcript elongation with the regulation of alternative splicing. In humans it is composed of the proteins KIAA1967/DBC1 and ZNF326/ZIRD."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520270", "l": "10q11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24900", "l": "10q11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754144", "l": "yeast spliceosomal complex A2-2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690690", "l": "SUMO ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521008", "l": "1q32-q41", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13973", "l": "1q32-q41", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230815", "l": "Secondary lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:89991002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009547", "l": "plastid ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome contained within a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097407", "l": "Bunina body", "d": ["Small granular inclusions (about 1-3 microns in diameter) found in the anterior horn cells, and appearing either singly or in a group. Sometimes they are arranged in small beaded chains. Bunina bodies express cystatin C and consist of electron-dense amorphous material that contains tubules or vesicular structures. The amorphous material frequently includes a cytoplasmic island containing neurofilaments and other micro-organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005880", "l": "nuclear microtubule", "d": ["Any microtubule in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337030", "l": "Protoplasm of cementoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186710", "l": "Fibrillar component of nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235068", "l": "HRD1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098558", "l": "lumenal side of smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062140", "l": "hyphae septin collar", "d": ["A septin collar in pathogenic fungi involved in the constriction of hyphae at the plant plasmodesma enabling penetration of an adjacent cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097361", "l": "CIA complex", "d": ["The cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly (CIA) complex mediates the incorporation of iron-sulfur clusters into apoproteins involved in DNA metabolism and genomic integrity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904930", "l": "amphisome membrane", "d": ["Any membrane that is part of an amphisome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140644", "l": "neutrophil extracellular trap", "d": ["Extracellular microbicidal structure composed of nuclear chromatin, histones and granular antimicrobial proteins. Histones and several neutrophil granule proteins associated with the DNA framework damage entrapped microorganisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330748", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of thyroid gland", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045261", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core F(1)", "d": ["The sector of a hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase complex in which the catalytic activity resides; it comprises the catalytic core and central stalk, and is peripherally associated with a membrane, such as the plasma membrane or the mitochondrial inner membrane, when the entire ATP synthase is assembled."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043291", "l": "RAVE complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that in Saccharomyces is composed of three subunits, Rav1p, Rav2p and Skp1p. Acts transiently to catalyze assembly of cytoplasmic V1, with membrane embedded V0 to form the V-ATPase holoenzyme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598268", "l": "Endoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.617400163614974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099513", "l": "polymeric cytoskeletal fiber", "d": ["A component of the cytoskeleton consisting of a homo or heteropolymeric fiber constructed from an indeterminate number of protein subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031973", "l": "chromoplast intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of a chromoplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328912", "l": "postsynaptic endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271952", "l": "pinosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325704", "l": "antipodal cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548524", "l": "bacterial biofilm matrix surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005967", "l": "mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["Complex that carries out the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to form acetyl-CoA in eukaryotes; includes subunits possessing three catalytic activities: pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2), and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3). The This Eukaryotic form usually contains more subunits than its bacterial counterpart; for example, one known complex contains 30 E1 dimers, 60 E2 monomers, and 6 E3 dimers as well as a few copies of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610951", "l": "inner membrane complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329085", "l": "ring centriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167331", "l": "outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690758", "l": "B-WICH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621884", "l": "peripheral cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098553", "l": "lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the plasma membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990675", "l": "Golgi medial cisterna membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the thin, flattened compartments that form the medial portion of the Golgi complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016027", "l": "inaD signaling complex", "d": ["A complex of proteins that are involved in phototransduction and attached to the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel. The protein connections are mediated through inaD."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099192", "l": "cerebellar Golgi cell to granule cell synapse", "d": ["A synapse formed by a cerebellar Golgi cell synapsing on to a cerebellar granule cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754332", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-LPP3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523489", "l": "plastid ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031479", "l": "myosin IX complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class IX myosin heavy chain and associated light chains. Myosin IX is monomeric with a motor domain containing an N-terminal extension and an insert in the actin binding interface, followed by four to six IQ motifs and a tail region that contains a zinc binding motif and a domain with homology to GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) of the Rho family of G-proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331888", "l": "Protoplasm of Type ECL enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C54668", "l": "CpG Island", "d": ["Short region of DNA in which the frequency of the CG sequence is higher than in other regions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033101", "l": "cellular bud membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a cellular bud."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330207", "l": "Membrane protein of medial Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896412", "l": "CHOP-ATF3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817581", "l": "PFK complex, beta-subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337863", "l": "Exteroceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323273", "l": "Cytoplasm of cell body of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990664", "l": "Nkx-2.5 complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex formed by two or more subunits of Nkx-2.5. Nkx-2.5 is an evolutionary conserved transcription factor important for the specification and differentiation of cardiomyocytes during heart development. It is also required for spleen development. It binds DNA either as a monomer, or a homodimer, or a heterodimer complex to activate or inhibit expression of genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521486", "l": "5q31-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25082", "l": "5q31-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754157", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex B*", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327159", "l": "activating signal cointegrator 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521500", "l": "5q35.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13714", "l": "5q35.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754960", "l": "surface IgG", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030934", "l": "anchoring collagen complex", "d": ["Any collagen complex which links one collagen assembly, such as a collagen fibril or sheet, to other structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825756", "l": "5q14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81837", "l": "5q14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271611", "l": "hyaluranon cable", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044599", "l": "AP-5 adaptor complex", "d": ["An AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex that in humans consists of beta5, zeta, mu5 and sigma5 subunits and is found associated with membranes in the endosomes; it is not clear whether AP-5 forms clathrin coats in vivo."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521230", "l": "2q36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25040", "l": "2q36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034667", "l": "integrin alpha3-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha3 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031234", "l": "extrinsic component of cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": ["The component of a plasma membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its cytoplasmic surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325669", "l": "prothylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990423", "l": "RZZ complex", "d": ["A kinetochore component required for both meiotic and mitotic spindle assembly checkpoints."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054679", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1167012", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071134", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to thrombospondin-1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043698", "l": "iridosome", "d": ["A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which purines crystalize in reflective stacks. Iridosomes are synthesized in iridophore cells and are silver, gold or iridescent in appearance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005686", "l": "U2 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U2, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U2 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U2 snRNA both while the U2 snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331193", "l": "Dendrite of motor neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097002", "l": "mitochondrial inner boundary membrane", "d": ["The portion of the mitochondrial inner membrane that is not invaginated to form cristae. The inner boundary membrane lies parallel to the outer membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520848", "l": "19p13.2-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13900", "l": "19p13.2-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015030", "l": "Cajal body", "d": ["A class of nuclear body, first seen after silver staining by Ramon y Cajal in 1903, enriched in small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, and certain general RNA polymerase II transcription factors; ultrastructurally, they appear as a tangle of coiled, electron-dense threads roughly 0.5 micrometers in diameter; involved in aspects of snRNP biogenesis; the protein coilin serves as a marker for Cajal bodies. Some argue that Cajal bodies are the sites for preassembly of transcriptosomes, unitary particles involved in transcription and processing of RNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000438", "l": "core TFIIH complex portion of holo TFIIH complex", "d": ["The core TFIIH complex when it is part of the general transcription factor TFIIH."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036286", "l": "eisosome filament", "d": ["A filamentous cortical structure formed, in S. pombe, by the eisosome component Pil1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097516", "l": "microvillar actin bundle", "d": ["A parallel bundle of actin filaments at the core of a microvillus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048188", "l": "Set1C/COMPASS complex", "d": ["A conserved protein complex that catalyzes methylation of histone H3. In Saccharomyces the complex contains Shg1p, Sdc1p, Swd1p, Swd2p, Swd3p, Spp1p, Bre2p, and the trithorax-related Set1p; in mammals it contains the catalytic subunit (SETD1A or SETD1B), WDR5, WDR82, RBBP5, ASH2L/ASH2, CXXC1/CFP1, HCFC1 and DPY30."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031676", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The pigmented membrane of a plasma membrane-derived thylakoid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546424", "l": "myopodia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821177", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt1p-Pmt2p dimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000345", "l": "cytosolic DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["The eubacterial DNA-directed RNA polymerase is a multisubunit complex with a core composed of the essential subunits beta-prime, beta, and two copies of alpha and a fifth nonessential subunit called omega. An additional subunit, a sigma factor, is required for promoter recognition and specificity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099070", "l": "static microtubule bundle", "d": ["A microtubule bundle that has a constant length, and in which microtubule sliding does not take place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033256", "l": "I-kappaB/NF-kappaB complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing an inhibitory-kappaB (I-kappaB/IKB) protein and one or more copies of an NF-kappaB protein. In the resting state, NF-kappaB dimers are bound to I-kappaB proteins, sequestering NF-kappaB in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0227883", "l": "First polar body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17863007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098061", "l": "viral capsid, internal space", "d": ["The region of a virus contained within the capsid shell, and usually containing the viral genome and accessory proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167238", "l": "ionotropic glutamate receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022005", "l": "Adherens Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887872", "l": "Adherens Junction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13984", "l": "Anchoring Junction", "d": ["Anchoring junctions typically are observed as \"spot welds\" between cells in many types of epithelia. Detail structures can be seen only with EM."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179945", "l": "Part of endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516988", "l": "Excitatory Synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32545", "l": "Excitatory Synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which the firing of the presynaptic cell increases the probability of firing of the postsynaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020032", "l": "basal ring of apical complex", "d": ["An electron dense ring at the most posterior position of the apical complex, from which the subpellicular microtubules originate; formed during an invasive life cycle stage of an apicomplexan parasite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120157", "l": "PAR polarity complex", "d": ["A protein kinase complex that is required for the establishment of a cell polarity axis during the cell division cycle. Binds directly to activated CDC42 GTPase and is required for orchestrating a cellular gradient of CDC42. In S. cerevisiae components are: BEM1, CDC24 and CLA4; from worms to vertebrates it contains a PAR6 protein, PAR3 protein and an atypical PKC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166963", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167208", "l": "Basolateral plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235099", "l": "Pho85-Pho80 CDK-cyclin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.314050959231352", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030135", "l": "coated vesicle", "d": ["Small membrane-bounded organelle formed by pinching off of a coated region of membrane. Some coats are made of clathrin, whereas others are made from other proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990157", "l": "DnaA-DnaB-DnaC complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex consisting of the helicase loading complex DnaB-DnaC bound to the DNA-bound DNA replication initiation protein DnaA. Essential for DNA replication initiation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13718", "l": "Hypoxia-Responsive Elements", "d": ["DNA sequences in a gene's promoter region that mediate expression during hypoxia. Since unlike normal tissues, solid tumors frequently have regions of hypoxia, suicide genes controlled by hypoxia-responsive elements may provide a means for cancer-specific gene therapy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035355", "l": "Toll-like receptor 2-Toll-like receptor 6 protein complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex containing Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and Toll-like receptor 6 (TLR6)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001527", "l": "microfibril", "d": ["Extracellular matrix components occurring independently or along with elastin. Thought to have force-bearing functions in tendon. In addition to fibrillins, microfibrils may contain other associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012303", "l": "Ring Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002900", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 1-3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008644", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 1-3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:4015004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016028", "l": "rhabdomere", "d": ["The specialized microvilli-containing organelle on the apical surfaces of a photoreceptor cell containing the visual pigment rhodopsin and most of the proteins involved in phototransduction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521232", "l": "2q36.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26158", "l": "2q36.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034495", "l": "protein storage vacuole lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the protein storage vacuole membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039616", "l": "T=2 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=2 symmetry. The T=2 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric dimers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753921", "l": "core mediator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140690", "l": "dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+) complex", "d": ["A heteromultimeric complex capable of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+); in E. coli, composed of PreA and PreT."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269083", "l": "Bcl-2 family protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179949", "l": "Axolemma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268715", "l": "clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2954118", "l": "Set of neurites", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030526", "l": "granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor complex", "d": ["The heterodimeric receptor for granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005714", "l": "early recombination nodule", "d": ["An electron dense structure that is associated with meiotic chromosomes in leptotene or zygotene during meiosis I."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137275", "l": "SHREC2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521391", "l": "4q13.3-q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13959", "l": "4q13.3-q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622746", "l": "chromoplast intermembrane space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902792", "l": "pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071744", "l": "IgE B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An IgE immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgE isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329080", "l": "basal ectoplasmic specialization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821155", "l": "left ventral flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167124", "l": "MCM complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031910", "l": "cytostome", "d": ["Stable, specialized structure for the ingestion of food by the cell into phagosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186733", "l": "Non-myelinated plasma membrane of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520263", "l": "10p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13479", "l": "10p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009514", "l": "glyoxysome", "d": ["A specialized form of peroxisome that contains the enzymes of the glyoxylate pathway. The glyoxysome is found in some plant cells, notably the cells of germinating seeds."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097456", "l": "terminal loop", "d": ["Portion of myelin-forming Schwann cell consisting of terminal cytoplasmic extensions adhered to the axon at the beginning and end of the myelin sheath."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098897", "l": "spine apparatus membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the spine apparatus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166992", "l": "plastid envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097462", "l": "Lewy neurite", "d": ["Elongated neuronal process, often with side branches and more than one branching point, described in brains of patients with Parkinson's disease. Lewy neurites stain positively for ubiquitin in brainstem and forebrain regions affected in Parkinson's disease."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325705", "l": "megagametophyte egg cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521640", "l": "7q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13997", "l": "7q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612402", "l": "replication-competent complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269096", "l": "centralspindlin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179916", "l": "Wall of microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271730", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor dimeric complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045284", "l": "plasma membrane fumarate reductase complex", "d": ["A membrane-bound flavoenzyme complex consisting of four subunits, A, B, C, and D. A and B comprise the membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain and C (InterPro:IPR003510; InterPro:IPR00224) and D (InterPro:IPR003418) link the catalytic centers to the electron-transport chain. In some species, the complex has only three subunits, and in these cases, there is only one membrane anchor instead of two. This family consists of the 13 kDa hydrophobic subunit D. This component may be required to anchor the catalytic components of the fumarate reductase complex to the cytoplasmic membrane. Fumarate reductase couples the reduction of fumarate to succinate to the oxidation of quinol to quinone, in a reaction opposite to that catalyzed by the related complex II of the respiratory chain (succinate dehydrogenase-(ubiquinone)). Examples of this component are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043665", "l": "host peribacteroid fluid", "d": ["The soluble material inside the peribacteroid membrane, but outside of the bacteroid, within a bacteroid-containing symbiosome of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031391", "l": "Elg1 RFC-like complex", "d": ["A pentameric replication factor C (RLC) complex, which unloads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) from chromatin and has roles in telomere length regulation and other aspects of genome stability. In Saccharomyces the subunits are known as Elg1p, Rfc2p, Rfc3p, Rfc4p, and Rfc5p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622067", "l": "gas vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622057", "l": "box H/ACA snoRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179089", "l": "Spiral filament of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060342", "l": "photoreceptor inner segment membrane", "d": ["The membrane surrounding the inner segment of a vertebrate photoreceptor. The photoreceptor inner segment contains mitochondria, ribosomes and membranes where opsin molecules are assembled and passed to be part of the outer segment discs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339533", "l": "Parasympathetic visceral efferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824528", "l": "collagen type XIX trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236712", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum tubular network membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.552154022789225", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031248", "l": "protein acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A complex that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to a protein acceptor molecule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236760", "l": "endothelial cell-matrix adhesion via fibronectin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824224", "l": "DnaB6-DnaC3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546716", "l": "recurrent axon collateral", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333724", "l": "Folded nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40641007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.87435383147438", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005667", "l": "transcription regulator complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167358", "l": "laminin-3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167167", "l": "U4 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000112", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 complex", "d": ["One of several protein complexes involved in nucleotide-excision repair; possesses endodeoxynuclease and DNA helicase activities. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Rad2p and the core TFIIH-Ssl2p complex (core TFIIH is composed of Rad3p, Tfb1p, Tfb2p, Ssl1p, Tfb4p and Tfb5p. Note that Ssl2p is also called Rad25p)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183336", "l": "Plus end of actin filament", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33332", "l": "Plus End of the Actin Filament", "d": ["The end of an actin filament that is polymerizing at a faster rate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230938", "l": "Cytoplasm, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52875007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048179", "l": "activin receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as an activin receptor. Heterodimeric activin receptors, comprising one Type I activin receptor and one Type II receptor polypeptide, and heterotrimeric receptors have been observed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005599", "l": "collagen type X trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(X) chains; type X collagen triple helices form hexagonal networks (sheets)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D063326", "l": "Exosome Multienzyme Ribonuclease Complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2611837", "l": "Exosome Multienzyme Ribonuclease Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000796", "l": "condensin complex", "d": ["A multisubunit protein complex that plays a central role in chromosome condensation in meiosis and mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246679", "l": "paranode region of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0052718", "l": "tRNA-specific adenosine-34 deaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses tRNA-specific adenosine-34 deaminase activity. In eukaryotes the complex is a heterodimer; the subunits are known as Tad2p and Tad3p in yeasts and Adat2 and Adat3 in human."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097203", "l": "phagocytic cup lip", "d": ["The tip or margin of the progressing circular lamella that engulfs a particle during phagocytosis. When the two lips of the cup fuse it is converted into a phagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3889573", "l": "peptidase inhibitor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825758", "l": "13q31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81839", "l": "13q31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622173", "l": "Tic complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515443", "l": "8p23.1-p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13702", "l": "8p23.1-p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271525", "l": "B9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612903", "l": "APC-IQGAP1-CLIP-170 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230843", "l": "Inner mitochondrial space", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56470006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012509", "l": "inter-Golgi transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vesicle transporting substances within the Golgi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520643", "l": "15q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40045", "l": "15q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1659767", "l": "mitochondrial envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236245", "l": "cell leading edge cell cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167514", "l": "type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819058", "l": "cleavage apparatus septin structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13556", "l": "4q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 4"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825038", "l": "microprocessor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071756", "l": "pentameric IgM immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A circulating form of IgM consisting of a pentamer of IgM core units with a single J chain polypeptide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106126", "l": "reservosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a reservosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159042", "l": "new growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752592", "l": "stereocilia ankle link", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090654", "l": "basolateral recycling endosome", "d": ["Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the basolateral cytoplasm that participates in basolateral cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904724", "l": "tertiary granule lumen", "d": ["Any membrane-enclosed lumen that is part of a tertiary granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3895720", "l": "nitric-oxide synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070732", "l": "spindle envelope", "d": ["An organelle envelope that surrounds the chromosomes and the central part of the spindle apparatus during mitosis and meiosis; observed in many invertebrates. The spindle envelope consists of membrane layers, called parafusorial membranes, derived from endoplasmic reticulum membrane; in male meiosis it forms during prometaphase and persists until early in the ensuing interphase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990413", "l": "eyespot apparatus", "d": ["A small pigmented organelle used in single-celled organisms to detect light."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521565", "l": "6q21-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25098", "l": "6q21-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098875", "l": "epididymosome", "d": ["A microvesicle of the epididymal fluid, from which spermatozoa aquire membrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246457", "l": "Rad51B-Rad51C-Rad51D-XRCC2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333635", "l": "Teloreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097373", "l": "MCM core complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Mcm4, Mcm6, and Mcm7 proteins, and possesses DNA helicase activity. In the heterohexameric MCM complex, the Mcm4/6/7 proteins form a stable core, and Mcm2, Mcm3, and Mcm5 are more peripherally associated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263015", "l": "cytosolic DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521228", "l": "2q35-q36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13954", "l": "2q35-q36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156572", "l": "host cell viral assembly site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896274", "l": "archaeal A-type ATPase protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820752", "l": "tube viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451420", "l": "stereocilium coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700285", "l": "Xp22.2-22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75589", "l": "Xp22.2-22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098922", "l": "extrinsic component of dense core granule membrane", "d": ["The component of the dense core granule membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990957", "l": "NPHP complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is located at the ciliary transition zone and consists of the NPHP4 and NPHP1 proteins. It acts as an organiser of the transition zone inner structure, specifically the Y-shaped links, in conjunction with the MKS complex. It is involved in ciliary protein trafficking and is required for correct functioning of the WNT and Hippo signaling pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230534", "l": "Telophase nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:35070004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823138", "l": "cell cortex of growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520492", "l": "12q13-q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13583", "l": "12q13-q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521641", "l": "7q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13700", "l": "7q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.084918961990851", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005654", "l": "nucleoplasm", "d": ["That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042555", "l": "MCM complex", "d": ["A hexameric protein complex required for the initiation and regulation of DNA replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097457", "l": "hippocampal mossy fiber", "d": ["An axon of a hippocampal granule cell, including dentate gyrus granule cell and CA3 granule cell, characterized by expansions (mossy fiber expansions) giving the fibers a mossy appearance. These unmyelinated axons were first described by Ramon y Cajal."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005968", "l": "Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex", "d": ["An protein-containing complex which catalyzes of the transfer of a geranyl-geranyl group from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to a Rab protein. In mammals it is composed of an alpha and a beta subunit, and associates with an accessory protein Rep (Rab escort protein)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140549", "l": "spore inner membrane", "d": ["The membrane surrounding the spore core (endospore core) that separates it from its external environment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325952", "l": "Protoplasm of odontoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167163", "l": "U1 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819395", "l": "decaprenyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821117", "l": "UvrB dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038197", "l": "type I interferon receptor complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that binds a type I interferon and transmits the signal across the membrane into the cell. Consists of an alpha subunit (IFNAR1) and a beta subunit (IFNAR2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990647", "l": "C/EBP complex", "d": ["A dimeric, sequence specific DNA-binding transcription factor complex regulating the expression of genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Exists at least as alpha and beta homodimeric forms. Binds to regulatory regions of several acute-phase and cytokines genes and probably plays a role in the regulation of acute-phase reaction, inflammation and hemopoiesis. The consensus recognition site is 5'-T[TG]NNGNAA[TG]-3'. Transcription factor activity is inhibited by binding of CHOP forming heterodimers with alternative transcription factor activities."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034271", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III, type I", "d": ["A class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that is involved in autophagy. In budding yeast, this complex consists of Vps30p, Vps34p, Apg14p and Vps15p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164530", "l": "Genetic Region of Interest", "d": ["The region or sub-location of the genetic or genomic sequence that is described by the test."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622546", "l": "palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893272", "l": "epidermal attachment structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180332", "l": "Rootlet of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325538", "l": "pectic matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230832", "l": "Microbody membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:23499007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893620", "l": "SCF-Saf1/Pof9 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179107", "l": "Zone of kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754119", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex B2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521213", "l": "2q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25037", "l": "2q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903269", "l": "ornithine carbamoyltransferase inhibitor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of ornithine carbamoyltransferase inhibitor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "56.781863164905822", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C198953", "l": "Long Arm of Chromosome", "d": ["The longer arm of the chromosome based on the distance from the most distal point to the centromere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231720", "l": "Fz/Wnt/LRP6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230728", "l": "Attachment plaque of desmosome or hemidesmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:7099003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230513", "l": "Lateral region of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:73866003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180336", "l": "Part of annulate lamella", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166790", "l": "kinesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230725", "l": "Diffuse tonofilaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:59936000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1657736", "l": "APC activator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158483", "l": "SMC loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0949258", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 21-22", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180314", "l": "Matrix of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167116", "l": "pre-replicative complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137191", "l": "Mus81-Eme2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180322", "l": "Plasma membrane of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009390", "l": "dimethyl sulfoxide reductase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the formation of dimethyl sulfide from dimethyl sulfoxide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0444247", "l": "Polar body specimen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:258568006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13437", "l": "Matrix Attachment Region", "d": ["Regions of chromosomal DNA attached to a structural component of the interphase nucleus termed the nuclear matrix, permitting the partitioning of DNA in the chromosomes into looped chromatin domains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752216", "l": "nurse cell ring canal outer rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896469", "l": "PCSK9-LDLR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329071", "l": "Cytoplasm of dense-core granulated cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990503", "l": "dendritic lamellar body", "d": ["A specialized secretory organelle found in neurons and associated with the formation of dendrodendritic gap junctions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520623", "l": "15q11.2-q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38590", "l": "15q11.2-q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621412", "l": "contractile vacuolar membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044775", "l": "DNA polymerase III, beta sliding clamp processivity factor complex", "d": ["A subcomplex of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme which is responsible for tethering the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase to DNA during high-speed replication. The complex is homodimeric in prokaryotes, and homotrimeric in other species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005749", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II, succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)", "d": ["A protein complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane that forms part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Contains the four polypeptide subunits of succinate dehydrogenase, flavin-adenine dinucleotide and iron-sulfur. Catalyzes the oxidation of succinate by ubiquinone. Connects the TCA cycle with the respiratory chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819364", "l": "CBM complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521077", "l": "21q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14019", "l": "21q21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753447", "l": "trimeric positive transcription elongation factor complex b", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520682", "l": "16p12-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13963", "l": "16p12-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090724", "l": "central region of growth cone", "d": ["The center of the migrating motile tip of a growing nerve cell axon or dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3154919", "l": "manchette", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323154", "l": "Cellular conduit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035840", "l": "old growing cell tip", "d": ["A cell tip which has existed for at least one complete cell cycle, and at which polarized growth occurs. For example, in fission yeast the cell end that existed prior to cell division grows immediately after division, and contains a distinctive complement of proteins including actin cytoskeletal structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.45013791078037", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030532", "l": "small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains at least one RNA of the small nuclear RNA (snRNA) class and as well as its associated proteins. These are typically named after the snRNA(s) they contain, e.g. U1 snRNP, U4/U6 snRNP, or 7SK snRNP. Many, of these complexes become part of the spliceosome involved in splicing of nuclear mRNAs. Others are involved in regulation of transcription elongation or 3'-end processing of replication-dependent histone pre-mRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120293", "l": "dynein axonemal particle", "d": ["An aggregation of axonemal dyneins, their specific assembly factors, and broadly-acting chaperones that is located in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167269", "l": "plasma membrane succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896460", "l": "S100A8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5392158", "l": "Virus-Induced Double-Membrane Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170020", "l": "Karyotype | Fetus | Tissue and Smears | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179104", "l": "Tangential link of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819348", "l": "filopodium tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180067", "l": "Part of wall of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690708", "l": "mitotic nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246184", "l": "ER Mitochondria Encounter Structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327099", "l": "laminin-332 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060108", "l": "annular furrow extracellular matrix", "d": ["The extracellular matrix part that is a regularly spaced indentation in the outer cortical layer of the cuticle. The pattern of annular furrows corresponds to sites of invaginations in hypodermal cell membranes that, in turn, correspond to submembranous regions where actin microfilament bundles assemble early in lethargus, the first phase of the molting cycle in which activity and feeding decline."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520471", "l": "12p12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13572", "l": "12p12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515511", "l": "9q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38355", "l": "9q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754267", "l": "ITGA2-ITGB1-CD47 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824255", "l": "messenger ribonucleoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166710", "l": "outer dense fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622743", "l": "membrane-bounded vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230916", "l": "Basal lamina, inclusion in subendothelial location", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45964005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045160", "l": "myosin I complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class I myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin I heavy chains are single-headed, possess tails of various lengths, and do not self-associate into bipolar filaments; myosin I complexes are involved in diverse processes related to membrane traffic and cell movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325597", "l": "VCB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754746", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex, eIF3e", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612372", "l": "chromosome, centromeric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246364", "l": "myosin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016600", "l": "flotillin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains flotillin-1 and flotillin-2, and may contain associated proteins. Flotillins associate into membrane microdomains resembling caveolae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521116", "l": "22q13.2-q13.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13878", "l": "22q13.2-q13.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033012", "l": "porosome", "d": ["A permanent cup-shaped structure at the cell plasma membrane in secretory cells. Following a secretory stimulus, secretory vesicles transiently dock and fuse at the base of porosomes and release intravesicular contents dictated by the turgor pressure generated from the swelling of secretory vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990717", "l": "axonemal central bridge", "d": ["Part of the 9+2 axoneme, that occurs in most motile cilia, consisting of the two bridges which connect the central pair of single microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017102", "l": "methionyl glutamyl tRNA synthetase complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of methionyl- and glutamyl-tRNA synthetases. The tRNA synthetases present in the complex bind to their cognate tRNAs more efficiently than they do as monomers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183424", "l": "Plasma membrane of mesenchymal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0501412", "l": "Special visceral efferents", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035059", "l": "RCAF complex", "d": ["A protein complex that facilitates the assembly of nucleosomes on to newly synthesized DNA. In Drosophila, the complex comprises ASF1 and histones H3 and H4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262713", "l": "symplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520549", "l": "13q14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13608", "l": "13q14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821278", "l": "cytoplasmic side of smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "51.055995678757647", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3161472", "l": "Cellular Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14070", "l": "Cellular Membrane", "d": ["Any of the lipid bilayer membranes within a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521286", "l": "3p21.3-p21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14039", "l": "3p21.3-p21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005854", "l": "nascent polypeptide-associated complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that can reversibly bind to ribosomes, and is located in direct proximity to newly synthesized polypeptide chains as they emerge from the ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031519", "l": "PcG protein complex", "d": ["A chromatin-associated multiprotein complex containing Polycomb Group proteins. In Drosophila, Polycomb group proteins are involved in the long-term maintenance of gene repression, and PcG protein complexes associate with Polycomb group response elements (PREs) in target genes to regulate higher-order chromatin structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166925", "l": "Nebenkern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520262", "l": "10p12.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24899", "l": "10p12.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005946", "l": "alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase complex (UDP-forming)", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase (UDP-forming) and trehalose-phosphatase activities, and thus catalyzes two reactions in trehalose biosynthesis. In the complex identified in Saccharomyces, Tps1p has alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase (UDP-forming) activity, Tps2p has trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase activity; Tps3p is a regulatory subunit, and an additional subunit, Tsl1p, may be present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263097", "l": "serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166868", "l": "Sec34/35 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520801", "l": "18q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13576", "l": "18q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.731030655927583", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520200", "l": "Xq28", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13749", "l": "Xq28", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230682", "l": "Secretory granule, endocrine", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:68042006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905370", "l": "serine-type endopeptidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of serine-type endopeptidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.361406309300285", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070161", "l": "anchoring junction", "d": ["A cell junction that mechanically attaches a cell (and its cytoskeleton) to neighboring cells or to the extracellular matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164533", "l": "Genetic Subregion", "d": ["The sub-region of the genetic or genomic sequence that is described by the test result."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818841", "l": "myosin XVII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230777", "l": "Intracisternal granule of ER", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:44770004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230721", "l": "Filament insertion into cytoplasmic dense body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:29103004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334269", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990509", "l": "PYM-mago-Y14 complex", "d": ["Protein complex involved in the disassembly of Mago-Y14 from the spliced mRNA during first round of translation, independently of the translational machinery. Conserved from fission yeast to humans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327436", "l": "Plasma membrane of eosinophil", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097136", "l": "Bcl-2 family protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators. Bcl-2 proteins respond to cues from various forms of intracellular stress, such as DNA damage or cytokine deprivation, and interact with opposing family members to determine whether or not the caspase proteolytic cascade should be unleashed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754873", "l": "Slit-Robo signaling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170915", "l": "Leukocyte toxic vacuoles | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710716", "l": "10q23.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C48159", "l": "10q23.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520406", "l": "11q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13839", "l": "11q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "54.150074347456084", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005856", "l": "cytoskeleton", "d": ["A cellular structure that forms the internal framework of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The cytoskeleton includes intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754324", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-VEGF-A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097313", "l": "bacterial biofilm matrix surface", "d": ["The external part of the biofilm matrix, a structure lying external to bacterial cells. A biofilm is an aggregate of surface-associated bacteria, and the biofilm matrix is the envelope of polymeric substances that surrounds the bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246576", "l": "chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core CF(1)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752480", "l": "host cell lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612831", "l": "integrin alphaD-beta2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548427", "l": "mitotic spindle pole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034690", "l": "integrin alphaD-beta2 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphaD subunit and one beta2 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000419", "l": "RNA polymerase V complex", "d": ["RNA polymerase V is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Pol V is composed of subunits that are paralogous or identical to the 12 subunits of Pol II. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase IVa, while the largest subunit is found only in the IVa complex and contains an extended C-terminal domain (CTD) that includes multiple repeats of a 16 amino-acid consensus sequence as well as other sequences. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045251", "l": "electron transfer flavoprotein complex", "d": ["A protein complex facilitating the electron transfer from an acyl-CoA molecule to ubiquinone via its flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor. Usually contains an alpha and a beta subunit and the structural cofactor adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Part of a system that oxidizes an acyl-CoA molecule and reduces ubiquinone and other acceptors in the electron transport system."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521194", "l": "2p25-p24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26617", "l": "2p25-p24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167117", "l": "replication fork", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546347", "l": "terminal specialization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031021", "l": "interphase microtubule organizing center", "d": ["A microtubule organizing center found in interphase cells, which organize a longitudinal array of three to five MT bundles from the nuclear envelope during interphase. Each MT bundle is composed of two to seven MTs arranged in an antiparallel configuration, with the dynamic MT plus ends extending toward the cell tips and stable minus ends near the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820369", "l": "tectum cellular component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179434", "l": "Region of actin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014702", "l": "free sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane that contains calcium pumps and is devoted to calcium uptake. The free sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane consists of the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane and the non-junctional region of the terminal cisterna membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120124", "l": "membrane fusion priming complex", "d": ["A protein complex that primes vacuolar or vesicular membranes for fusion with other intracellular membranes, by promoting the dissociation of cis-SNARE complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019907", "l": "cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase holoenzyme complex", "d": ["A cyclin-dependent kinase activating kinase complex capable of activating cyclin-dependent kinases by threonine phosphorylation, thus regulating cell cycle progression. consists of a kinase, cyclin and optional assembly factors, in human CDK7, CCNH and MNAT1. CAK activity is itself regulated throughout the cell cycle by T-loop phosphorylation of its kinase component (CDK7 in human). Phosphorylation of serine residues during mitosis inactivates the enzyme. Also capable of CAK phosphorylating the carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II and other transcription activating proteins, as part of the general transcription factor TFIIH."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824492", "l": "receptor-ligand complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166962", "l": "chloroplast ATP synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C113414", "l": "Quantitative Trait Locus", "d": ["A stretch of DNA at a particular chromosomal location that contains or is linked to genes that are associated with the expression of a variable phenotypic trait."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031484", "l": "myosin XIV complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class XIV myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin XIV heavy chains are the simplest known, containing a motor domain, no classic IQ motif and variable length tails."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896158", "l": "silver efflux complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990597", "l": "AIP1-IRE1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of IRE1 (inositol-requiring enzyme-1) bound to AIP1 (ASK1-interacting protein 1/DAB2-interacting protein)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230609", "l": "Connexon", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:7605000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166752", "l": "phagocytic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0541641", "l": "Cytoplasmic Inclusion Bodies and Cytoplasmic Aggregates", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820564", "l": "TCR signalosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230592", "l": "Intranuclear lipid", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14922009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335623", "l": "Set of reticular nuclei of medulla oblongata", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329132", "l": "cytoplasmic vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036026", "l": "protein C inhibitor-PLAT complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (PLAT); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of tissue-type plasminogen activator."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451093", "l": "probasal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070764", "l": "gamma-secretase-Delta1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is formed by the association of the Notch ligand Delta1 with the gamma-secretase complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020675", "l": "Peroxisomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0752063", "l": "peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D004908", "l": "Erythrocyte Inclusions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0014778", "l": "Erythrocyte Inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:397060004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612830", "l": "Itgax-Itgb2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262962", "l": "cell pole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031207", "l": "Sec62/Sec63 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the posttranslational targeting of proteins to the ER. In yeast, it is a tetrameric complex consisting of Sec62p, Sec63p, Sec71p and Sec72p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896149", "l": "EFF-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754985", "l": "surface IgA2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325711", "l": "Noc complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166831", "l": "dystroglycan complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754159", "l": "yeast U12-type spliceosomal complex A1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032983", "l": "kainate selective glutamate receptor complex", "d": ["An assembly of four or five subunits which form a structure with an extracellular N-terminus and a large loop that together form the ligand binding domain. The C-terminus is intracellular. The ionotropic glutamate receptor complex itself acts as a ligand gated ion channel; on binding glutamate, charged ions pass through a channel in the center of the receptor complex. Kainate receptors are multimeric assemblies of GluK1-3 (also called GluR5-7), GluK4 (KA1) and GluK5 (KA2) subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754965", "l": "surface IgG2c", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235330", "l": "growth cone filopodium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4321661", "l": "Myelin sheath of optic nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520541", "l": "13q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13691", "l": "13q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090688", "l": "cleavage furrow rim", "d": ["The part of the cleavage furrow closest to the cell surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520275", "l": "10q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13964", "l": "10q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612820", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262858", "l": "annular rings", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621497", "l": "SCF3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3811054", "l": "transcriptional preinitiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262706", "l": "recycling endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166815", "l": "70S ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896401", "l": "Kelch-containing formin regulatory complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754988", "l": "monomeric IgA2 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821193", "l": "ventral disc overlap zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179953", "l": "Part of smooth endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325721", "l": "ESC/E(Z) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754136", "l": "yeast spliceosomal complex A2-1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005641", "l": "nuclear envelope lumen", "d": ["The region between the two lipid bilayers of the nuclear envelope; 20-40 nm wide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1519989", "l": "Type III Intermediate Filament", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33875", "l": "Type III Intermediate Filament", "d": ["A type of intermediate filament that can form either homodimeric or heterodimeric complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043680", "l": "filiform apparatus", "d": ["A complex of cell wall invaginations in a synergid cell, similar to those in transfer cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326880", "l": "amyloid beta trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3538559", "l": "Mitochondrion-associated adherens complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325712", "l": "nucleolar ribonuclease P complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4321289", "l": "Tenascin-X cell component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323156", "l": "Zig-zag crista of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035324", "l": "female germline ring canal", "d": ["An intercellular bridge that connects the germline cells of a female cyst."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036411", "l": "H-NS-Cnu complex", "d": ["A trimeric protein complex containing a H-NS homodimer and a Cnu monomer. In bacteria, this complex negatively regulates transcription of a range of genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990070", "l": "TRAPPI protein complex", "d": ["A complex that tethers COPII vesicles at ER-Golgi intermediate compartment. Its role in this part of the vesicular transport may start at the ER exit sites. Binds to a component of the COPII coat. In yeast it includes the following subunits: Bet3 (as homodimer), Bet5, Trs20, Trs23, Trs31, Trs33 which are regarded as the core subunits of all TRAPP complexes in yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520409", "l": "11q24.1-q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13517", "l": "11q24.1-q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755326", "l": "signal recognition particle, chloroplast targeting", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752493", "l": "host cell nuclear membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325573", "l": "nuclear telomere cap complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167524", "l": "viral portal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822531", "l": "2-iminoacetate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824291", "l": "L-glutamate:NADP+ oxidoreductase (deaminating) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325685", "l": "Cytosol of neural cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230868", "l": "Mitochondrial aggregation within cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:46813004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009535", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The pigmented membrane of a chloroplast thylakoid. An example of this component is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520477", "l": "12p13.1-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28536", "l": "12p13.1-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754414", "l": "subsynaptic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612504", "l": "nuclear periphery", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328833", "l": "cortical endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071188", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-a1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v7 and protocadherin-gamma-a1, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271516", "l": "protein C inhibitor-plasma kallikrein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329017", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of ependymal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890171", "l": "dinoflagellate apex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990563", "l": "extracellular exosome complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is wholly or partially contained within the lumen or membrane of the extracellular vesicular exosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044298", "l": "cell body membrane", "d": ["The plasma membrane of a cell that bears surface projections such as axons, dendrites, cilia, or flagella, excluding the plasma membrane on cell projections."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322832", "l": "Peripheral zone of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893359", "l": "spine head", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183493", "l": "Matrix of endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044159", "l": "host thylakoid", "d": ["A membranous cellular structure within the host cell that bears the photosynthetic pigments in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. In cyanobacteria thylakoids are of various shapes and are attached to, or continuous with, the host plasma membrane. In eukaryotic host cells they are flattened, membrane-bounded disk-like structures located in the chloroplasts; in the chloroplasts of higher plants the thylakoids form dense stacks called grana. Isolated thylakoid preparations can carry out photosynthetic electron transport and the associated phosphorylation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700352", "l": "2q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75400", "l": "2q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031253", "l": "cell projection membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a plasma membrane bounded cell surface projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520367", "l": "11p15.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24916", "l": "11p15.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612871", "l": "SMN-containing protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819052", "l": "prospore contractile ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752624", "l": "3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase complex, mitochondrial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120327", "l": "telopode", "d": ["A telopode is a plasma membrane bounded cell projection that is present on a telocyte and is tens to hundreds of microns long. Telopodes form a labyrinthine system communicating through gap junctions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179075", "l": "Annular component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324456", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of myoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167249", "l": "Lateral plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990104", "l": "DNA bending complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex that contains DNA in combination with a protein which binds to and bends DNA. Often plays a role in DNA compaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903095", "l": "ribonuclease III complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of ribonuclease III activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337431", "l": "Protoplasm of B lymphocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031603", "l": "cytosolic proteasome core complex", "d": ["The core complex of a proteasome located in the cytosol of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893895", "l": "potassium:proton antiporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099079", "l": "actin body", "d": ["An amorphous cytoskeletal structure consisting of aggregated actin filaments and associated proteins (including fibrin and capping protein) in which there is little or no actin filament turnover. In yeast (S. pombe and S. cerevisiae) these are found only in quiescent cells and are thought to serve as a reserve store of actin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269069", "l": "cyclin A2-CDK1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.294915867844836", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071953", "l": "elastic fiber", "d": ["An supramolecular fiber that consists of an insoluble core of polymerized tropoelastin monomers and a surrounding mantle of microfibrils. Elastic fibers provide elasticity and recoiling to tissues and organs, and maintain structural integrity against mechanical strain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070441", "l": "G-protein beta/gamma-Btk complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the Bruton tyrosine protein kinase Btk, which is implicated in mammalian X-linked immunodeficiencies, with the beta and gamma subunits of a heterotrimeric G protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060417", "l": "yolk", "d": ["The cytoplasmic part that serves as a nutrient reserve or energy source for the developing embryo."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166835", "l": "cytosolic electron transfer flavoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521002", "l": "1q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13936", "l": "1q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4083021", "l": "virogenic stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246578", "l": "proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622069", "l": "SCF2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166636", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523559", "l": "BLOC-3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098549", "l": "somatic ring canal", "d": ["A stable intercellular bridge between somatic cells. Examples include the intercellular bridges between ovarian follicle cells in insects and between imaginal disc cells in insects."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.944488487207011", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002888", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 19", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008661", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 19", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13214", "l": "Human Chromosome 19", "d": ["The designation for each member of the nineteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 19 spans more than 63 million base pairs and represents between 2 and 2.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:89959003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236577", "l": "presynaptic cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326641", "l": "HRAS-SOS1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042629", "l": "mast cell granule", "d": ["Coarse, bluish-black staining cytoplasmic granules, bounded by a plasma membrane and found in mast cells and basophils. Contents include histamine, heparin, chondroitin sulfates, chymase and tryptase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156030", "l": "FANCM-MHF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521225", "l": "2q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28568", "l": "2q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008076", "l": "voltage-gated potassium channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which potassium ions may cross a cell membrane in response to changes in membrane potential."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817537", "l": "chloroplast outer membrane translocon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178984", "l": "Rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546535", "l": "Dsc E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032998", "l": "Fc-epsilon receptor I complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of an Fc-epsilon RI alpha chain and an Fc-epsilon RI gamma chain dimer with or without an Fc-episilon RI beta chain and additional signaling components. The complex functions primarily as an activating receptor for IgE."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598592", "l": "heterochromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622638", "l": "5'-AMP-activated protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166716", "l": "nuclear cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106068", "l": "SUMO ligase complex", "d": ["A protein ligase complex that enables protein sumoylation. Consists of a SUMO-protein transferase and other proteins that may confer substrate specificity of the complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13561", "l": "7p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 7"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520195", "l": "Xq26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13934", "l": "Xq26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236693", "l": "postsynaptic endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070724", "l": "BMP receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs); a homo- or heterodimer of type I and/or type II BMP receptor subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753995", "l": "Ddb1-Ckn1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754302", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-paxillin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752414", "l": "host cell nucleoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330559", "l": "Plasma membrane of goblet cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754871", "l": "catenin-TCF7L2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450345", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005782", "l": "peroxisomal matrix", "d": ["The volume contained within the membranes of a peroxisome; in many cells the matrix contains a crystalloid core largely composed of urate oxidase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521413", "l": "4q31.3-q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38425", "l": "4q31.3-q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520298", "l": "10q25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24907", "l": "10q25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521464", "l": "5q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25076", "l": "5q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042735", "l": "endosperm protein body", "d": ["A membrane-bounded plant organelle found in the developing endosperm, contains storage proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097482", "l": "muscle cell postsynaptic specialization", "d": ["A postsynaptic specialization that is part of a neuromuscular junction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612899", "l": "23S APC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230818", "l": "Secondary lysosome with ferritin content", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:37725004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338961", "l": "Protoplasm of Type EC enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039617", "l": "T=3 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=3 symmetry. The T=3 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 20 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622918", "l": "mannan polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032586", "l": "protein storage vacuole membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a protein storage vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044304", "l": "main axon", "d": ["The main axonal trunk, as opposed to the collaterals; i.e., excluding collaterals, terminal, spines, or dendrites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071196", "l": "Kv4.3-KChIP1 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the Kv channel interacting protein KChIP1 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110070", "l": "cellularization cleavage furrow", "d": ["A plasma membrane invagination at the site of separation of a multi-nucleate cell or syncytium into individual cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246509", "l": "cyanelle envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520505", "l": "12q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24935", "l": "12q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818859", "l": "late phagocytic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269116", "l": "AIM2 inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045264", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o)", "d": ["All non-F1 subunits of the plasma membrane hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase, including integral and peripheral plasma membrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336634", "l": "Cytoplasm of neuroglial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333745", "l": "Councilman body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18958005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035839", "l": "non-growing cell tip", "d": ["A cell tip at which no growth takes place. For example, in fission yeast the cell end newly formed by cell division does not grow immediately upon its formation, and lacks actin cytoskeletal structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184872", "l": "Stereocilium of cochlear inner hair cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032162", "l": "mating projection septin band", "d": ["A septin band, i.e. a diffuse ring composed of a series of septin bars running parallel to the long axis of the cell, located at the neck of a shmoo (mating projection)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521399", "l": "4q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13709", "l": "4q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521405", "l": "4q28-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25068", "l": "4q28-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894567", "l": "ATPase inhibitor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000800", "l": "lateral element", "d": ["A proteinaceous core found between sister chromatids during meiotic prophase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521632", "l": "7p22-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25110", "l": "7p22-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612535", "l": "monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070620", "l": "EGFR-Grb2-Sos complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), Grb2 and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos (or an ortholog thereof, such as mSos1), and is involved in linking EGFR activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039717", "l": "spherule viral factory", "d": ["A cytoplasmic viral factory which is a 50-400nm diameter membrane invagination. Spherules can appear on several enveloped cellular components depending on the virus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031245", "l": "extrinsic component of periplasmic side of cell outer membrane", "d": ["The component of the cell outer membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to periplasmic surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824455", "l": "Syp1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613170", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB5-VTN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033263", "l": "CORVET complex", "d": ["A multimeric protein complex that acts as an endosomal tethering complex (CORVET = class C core vacuole/endosome tethering) by cooperating with Rab GTPases to capture endosomal vesicles and trap them prior to the action of SNAREs; the complex is involved in endo-lysosomal biogenesis and required for transport between endosome and vacuole. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae complex contains Vps8p, Vps3p, Pep5p, Vps16p, Pep3p, and Vps33p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4763189", "l": "Acellular membrane of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323357", "l": "Protoplasm of chondrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903561", "l": "extracellular vesicle", "d": ["Any vesicle that is part of the extracellular region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2678510", "l": "cell hair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167026", "l": "lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005834", "l": "heterotrimeric G-protein complex", "d": ["Any of a family of heterotrimeric GTP-binding and hydrolyzing proteins; they belong to a superfamily of GTPases that includes monomeric proteins such as EF-Tu and RAS. Heterotrimeric G-proteins consist of three subunits; the alpha subunit contains the guanine nucleotide binding site and possesses GTPase activity; the beta and gamma subunits are tightly associated and function as a beta-gamma heterodimer; extrinsic plasma membrane proteins (cytoplasmic face) that function as a complex to transduce signals from G protein-coupled receptors to an effector protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515518", "l": "9q22.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13995", "l": "9q22.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753453", "l": "FHF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071201", "l": "Kv4.3-DPP6 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the peptidase-related protein DPP6 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.628862037430821", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005884", "l": "actin filament", "d": ["A filamentous structure formed of a two-stranded helical polymer of the protein actin and associated proteins. Actin filaments are a major component of the contractile apparatus of skeletal muscle and the microfilaments of the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. The filaments, comprising polymerized globular actin molecules, appear as flexible structures with a diameter of 5-9 nm. They are organized into a variety of linear bundles, two-dimensional networks, and three dimensional gels. In the cytoskeleton they are most highly concentrated in the cortex of the cell just beneath the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D033481", "l": "Chromosomes, Mammalian", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1135972", "l": "Chromosomes, Mammalian", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032144", "l": "4-aminobutyrate transaminase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex that possesses 4-aminobutyrate transaminase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.528207968973732", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005777", "l": "peroxisome", "d": ["A small organelle enclosed by a single membrane, and found in most eukaryotic cells. Contains peroxidases and other enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic processes including free radical detoxification, lipid catabolism and biosynthesis, and hydrogen peroxide metabolism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070113", "l": "organellar chromatophore inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, of the two lipid bilayers surrounding an organellar chromatophore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824292", "l": "L-glutamic acid dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544410", "l": "Complex laminated body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623140", "l": "RecQ family helicase-topoisomerase III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521107", "l": "22q11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13886", "l": "22q11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520963", "l": "1p34.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13592", "l": "1p34.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003712", "l": "Dendrites", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0011305", "l": "Dendrites", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32447", "l": "Dendrite", "d": ["A long, branching outgrowth or extension from a neuron, that carries electrical signals from synapses to the cell body; any structure that resembles a dendrite."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90604005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230536", "l": "Perinuclear region of cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:28568005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179951", "l": "Protoplasm of neural cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044841", "l": "gut granule membrane", "d": ["The membrane of a gut granule, a lysosome-related organelle contained within the intestinal cells of the nematode C. elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13460", "l": "Proximal Enhancer Element", "d": ["Enhancer sequences found nearby to the gene it regulates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017101", "l": "aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase multienzyme complex", "d": ["A multienzyme complex found in all multicellular eukaryotes composed of eight proteins with aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activities (abbreviated as: ArgRS, AspRS, GluProRS, GlnRS, IleRS, LeuRS, LysRS, MetRS where RS is the enzyme, preceded by the amino acid it uses as a substrate) as well as three non-synthetase proteins (p43, p38, and p18) with diverse functions. Several of these subunits are known dimers, so the total polypeptide count in the multisynthetase complex is at least fifteen. All of the enzymes in this assembly catalyze the same reaction, the covalent attachment of an amino acid to either the 2'- or 3'-hydroxyl of the 3'-terminal adenosine of tRNA, but using different substrates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179610", "l": "E-face of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325536", "l": "glycoprotein network location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183512", "l": "Intermembranous matrix proper of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031160", "l": "spore wall", "d": ["The specialized envelope lying outside the cell membrane of a spore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140472", "l": "cell cortex of non-growing cell tip", "d": ["The region directly beneath the plasma membrane at the cell tip at which no growth takes place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230745", "l": "Rootlet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:12883002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825982", "l": "15q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82132", "l": "15q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005704", "l": "polytene chromosome band", "d": ["A stretch of densely packed chromatin along the polytene chromosome, visible as a morphologically distinct band."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005592", "l": "collagen type XI trimer", "d": ["A collagen heterotrimer containing type XI alpha chains in alpha1(XI)alpha2(XI)alpha3(XI) trimers; type XI collagen triple helices associate to form fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325822", "l": "secretory vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010169", "l": "thioglucosidase complex", "d": ["A large (200-800 kDa) multiprotein complex formed by 70-kDa and 5-kDa myrosinases, myrosinase- binding proteins (MBPs), MBP-related proteins and myrosinase-associated proteins. The complex has been identified in Brassica napus seeds."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327175", "l": "eNoSc complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546523", "l": "NoRC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754963", "l": "surface IgG2a", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "32.257836166270444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098797", "l": "plasma membrane protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230900", "l": "Elastic fiber, amorphous component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78941003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045120", "l": "pronucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of either the ovum or the spermatozoon following fertilization. Thus, in the fertilized ovum, there are two pronuclei, one originating from the ovum, the other from the spermatozoon that brought about fertilization; they approach each other, but do not fuse until just before the first cleavage, when each pronucleus loses its membrane to release its contents."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235010", "l": "axon shaft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246379", "l": "Bcl3-Bcl10 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031588", "l": "nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activity. The nucleotide can be AMP (in S. pombe and human) or ADP (in S. cerevisiae)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990027", "l": "S bouton", "d": ["Synaptic bouton found in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. S boutons range in diameter from 0.5 to 8 um and contain spherical synaptic vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523748", "l": "Hedgehog signaling complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036030", "l": "protein C inhibitor-plasma kallikrein complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and plasma kallikrein (KLK1B); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of plasma kallikrein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097141", "l": "BIM-BCL-2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of BIM and BCL-2, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451209", "l": "mitochondrial protein-containing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329036", "l": "mitochondrial membrane scission site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819056", "l": "septin filament array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166685", "l": "late recombination nodule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690707", "l": "nuclear membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328907", "l": "extrinsic component of dense core granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711084", "l": "9p24.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45436", "l": "9p24.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009577", "l": "elaioplast stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of an elaioplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167029", "l": "lytic vacuole within protein storage vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824379", "l": "SsuD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071547", "l": "piP-body", "d": ["A P granule that contains the PIWIL4-TDRD9 module, a set of proteins that act in the secondary piRNA pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043204", "l": "perikaryon", "d": ["The portion of the cell soma (neuronal cell body) that excludes the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324612", "l": "Acrocentric centromere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754872", "l": "gamma-catenin-TCF7L2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030479", "l": "actin cortical patch", "d": ["An endocytic patch that consists of an actin-containing structure found at the plasma membrane in cells; formed of networks of branched actin filaments that lie just beneath the plasma membrane and assemble, move, and disassemble rapidly. An example of this is the actin cortical patch found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070692", "l": "CTDK-1 complex", "d": ["A positive transcription elongation factor complex that comprises the CDK kinase CTK1 (in budding yeast), Lsk1 (in fission yeast) (corresponding to the Panther PTHR24056:SF39 family), a cyclin and an additional gamma subunit (corresponding to the InterPRO entry IPR024638)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033114", "l": "cyanelle thylakoid lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by a cyanelle thylakoid membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824332", "l": "IHF-DNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521624", "l": "7p15-p14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26294", "l": "7p15-p14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090395", "l": "plant cell papilla", "d": ["A cell projection that is a short, rounded projection from a plant epidermal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159040", "l": "new cell end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690851", "l": "stereocilium base", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611777", "l": "RNA polymerase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521183", "l": "2p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13880", "l": "2p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621421", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum Sec complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167149", "l": "transcription repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031482", "l": "myosin XII complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing one or more class XII myosin heavy chains and associated light chains; myosin XII contains a large tail region with two MyTH4 domains and a short region of coiled coil."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821049", "l": "RNA polymerase V transcription repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179120", "l": "Myosin myofilament", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33762", "l": "Thick Filament", "d": ["A myofilament composed of myosin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513107", "l": "Membrane-Attached Ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33087", "l": "Membrane-Attached Ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome that is associated with the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691128", "l": "basal proximal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071056", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM15 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM15."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0684136", "l": "lamellar sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071162", "l": "CMG complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the GINS complex, Cdc45p, and the heterohexameric MCM complex, and that is involved in unwinding DNA during replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002116", "l": "semaphorin receptor complex", "d": ["A stable binary complex of a semaphorin and a plexin, together forming a functional semaphorin receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521212", "l": "2q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26583", "l": "2q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009705", "l": "plant-type vacuole membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vacuole that retains the same shape regardless of cell cycle phase. The membrane separates its contents from the cytoplasm of the cell. An example of this component is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020023", "l": "kinetoplast", "d": ["A sub-structure within the large single mitochondrion of kinetoplastid parasites and which is closely associated with the flagellar pocket and basal body of the flagellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120171", "l": "Cdc24p-Far1p-Gbetagamma complex", "d": ["A complex that forms at the cell cortex in response to pheromone treatment and is required for the polarized growth of haploid yeast cells towards a mating partner during yeast mating. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this complex consists of Cdc24p, Far1p, Ste4p (G-protein beta subunit) and Ste18p (G-protein gamma subunit)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269071", "l": "cyclin A2-CDK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "61.706115518541793", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005874", "l": "microtubule", "d": ["Any of the long, generally straight, hollow tubes of internal diameter 12-15 nm and external diameter 24 nm found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells; each consists (usually) of 13 protofilaments of polymeric tubulin, staggered in such a manner that the tubulin monomers are arranged in a helical pattern on the microtubular surface, and with the alpha/beta axes of the tubulin subunits parallel to the long axis of the tubule; exist in equilibrium with pool of tubulin monomers and can be rapidly assembled or disassembled in response to physiological stimuli; concerned with force generation, e.g. in the spindle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031027", "l": "glutamate synthase complex (NADH)", "d": ["A protein complex that in yeast consists of a large and a small subunit. Possesses glutamate synthase (NADH) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624569", "l": "endospore coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167245", "l": "light-activated voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167489", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179126", "l": "Lipid vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071540", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex, eIF3e", "d": ["An eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex that contains the PCI-domain protein eIF3e."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820553", "l": "bacterial pre-replicative complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333830", "l": "Secondary nerve ending within muscle spindle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546343", "l": "carbon-monoxide:(acceptor) oxidoreductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043591", "l": "endospore external encapsulating structure", "d": ["The structures that lie outside the inner membrane and surround the entire endospore; consists of a peptidoglycan-containing inner layer (the endospore cortex) surrounded by a multilayered proteinaceous coat. An exosporium may be present as an extreme outer layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823106", "l": "superoxide dismutase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035580", "l": "specific granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a specific granule, a granule with a membranous, tubular internal structure, found primarily in mature neutrophil cells. Most are released into the extracellular fluid. Specific granules contain lactoferrin, lysozyme, vitamin B12 binding protein and elastase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031256", "l": "leading edge membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the leading edge of a motile cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230855", "l": "Transverse orientation of cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62518009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754112", "l": "GT-AG precatalytic spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032280", "l": "symmetric synapse", "d": ["A synapse that lacks an electron dense postsynaptic specialization. In vertebtrates, these occur primarily on dendrite shafts and neuronal cell bodies and involve persynapses containing clusters of predominantly flattened or elongated vesicles and are typcially inhibitory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097311", "l": "bacterial biofilm matrix", "d": ["A structure lying external to bacterial cells. A biofilm is an aggregate of surface-associated bacteria, and the biofilm matrix is the envelope of polymeric substances that surrounds the bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036501", "l": "UFD1-NPL4 complex", "d": ["A dimeric protein complex that contains the co-factors for the ATPase VCP/p97 (Cdc48p in budding yeast). In mammals, this complex consists of UFD1L (UFD1) and NPLOC4 (NPL4). In budding yeast, the complex is a dimer of Ufd1p and Npl4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097608", "l": "transverse flagellum", "d": ["A motile cilium found in dinoflagellates. It coils around the cell and provides the forward thrust for motility. It is often contained in a furrow called the cingulum, and emerges from a flagellar pore located in the cingulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990726", "l": "Lsm1-7-Pat1 complex", "d": ["A conserved, heteroheptameric, cytoplasmic protein complex composed of Lsm1, Lsm2, Lsm3, Lsm4, Lsm5, Lsm6, Lsm7, and Pat1, or orthologs thereof, that shows a strong binding preference for oligoadenylated RNAs over polyadenylated RNAs. May bind further associated proteins. Facilitates the deadenylation-dependent decapping of mRNA in the P-body thereby regulating mRNA decay and subsequent degradation by the 5' to 3' pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071112", "l": "alpha4-beta4 integrin-EMILIN-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta4 integrin complex bound to EMILIN-1 (ElastinMicrofibril Interface Located ProteIN)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030876", "l": "interleukin-20 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of an alpha and a beta receptor subunit and an interleukin ligand. In human, Interleukin-19, -20 and -24 bind IL20RA/IL20RB receptor subunits and Interleukin-20 and -24 bind IL22RA1/IL20RB receptor subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520382", "l": "11q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13876", "l": "11q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000779", "l": "condensed chromosome, centromeric region", "d": ["The region of a condensed chromosome that includes the centromere and associated proteins, including the kinetochore. In monocentric chromosomes, this region corresponds to a single area of the chromosome, whereas in holocentric chromosomes, it is evenly distributed along the chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821363", "l": "collagen network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0228091", "l": "Glial fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:55981007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621292", "l": "proteasome endopeptidase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034750", "l": "Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the Scribble protein (a cell polarity determinant), the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), and beta-catenin; may be involved in the control of cell proliferation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235259", "l": "Isp3 layer of spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623168", "l": "mRNA cap methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022022", "l": "Nuclear Pore", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0028587", "l": "Nuclear Pore", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13266", "l": "Nuclear Pore", "d": ["An octagonal opening, about 70 nm across, where the inner and outer membranes of the nuclear envelope are continuous."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246581", "l": "proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070023", "l": "interleukin-12-interleukin-12 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is formed by the association of a heterodimeric interleukin-12 receptor complex with an interleukin-12 heterodimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820125", "l": "DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167417", "l": "acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005971", "l": "ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex composed of 2-4 or more subunits, which usually contains nonheme iron and requires ATP for catalysis. Catalyzes the formation of 2'-deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate from ribonucleoside diphosphate, using either thioredoxin disulfide or glutaredoxin disulfide as an acceptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000786", "l": "nucleosome", "d": ["A complex comprised of DNA wound around a multisubunit core and associated proteins, which forms the primary packing unit of DNA into higher order structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060202", "l": "clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070771", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD47-Src complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell surface antigen CD47 and the kinase c-Src."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893613", "l": "SCF-Ctf13 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166612", "l": "dityrosine layer of spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.054967706738452", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905369", "l": "endopeptidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of endopeptidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061829", "l": "basal tubulobulbar complex", "d": ["Actin-based structures involved in establishing the blood-testis barrier of the Sertoli cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823014", "l": "right posteriolateral basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520632", "l": "15q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26502", "l": "15q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030991", "l": "intraciliary transport particle A", "d": ["The smaller subcomplex of the intraciliary transport particle; characterized complexes have molecular weights of 710-760 kDa."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D064652", "l": "Basal Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3536735", "l": "Basal Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32183", "l": "Basal Body", "d": ["A centriole-containing organelle that serves as the base and nucleation site for microtubules that form cilia or flagella."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.974037860983486", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042613", "l": "MHC class II protein complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC class II alpha and MHC class II beta chain, and with or without a bound peptide or polysaccharide antigen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "30.720835461608086", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032991", "l": "protein-containing complex", "d": ["A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013573", "l": "Synaptonemal Complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0039066", "l": "Synaptonemal Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230839", "l": "Mitochondrial Membrane, Outer", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13330", "l": "Outer Mitochondrial Membrane", "d": ["The mitochondrial outer membrane contains the multi-subunit machinery responsible for the specific recognition and translocation of precursor proteins."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:65572006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167128", "l": "transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033111", "l": "attachment organelle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an attachment organelle. This is a region of the cell membrane facing the environment - in mycoplasma, part of the mycolate outer membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821166", "l": "lateral shield", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036056", "l": "filtration diaphragm", "d": ["A specialized cell-cell junction found between the cells of the excretory system, which provides a barrier for filtration of blood or hemolymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990761", "l": "growth cone lamellipodium", "d": ["A thin sheetlike process extended by the leading edge of an axonal or dendritic growth cone; contains a dense meshwork of actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030906", "l": "retromer, cargo-selective complex", "d": ["The trimeric subcomplex of the retromer, believed to be closely associated with the membrane. This trimeric complex is responsible for recognizing and binding to cargo molecules. The complex comprises three Vps proteins in both yeast and mammalian cells: Vps35p, Vps29p, and Vps26p in yeast, and VPS35, VPS29 and VPS26A or VPS26B in mammals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269181", "l": "sperm annulus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753842", "l": "gamma-secretase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167240", "l": "nicotinic acetylcholine-gated receptor-channel complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000137", "l": "Golgi cis cisterna", "d": ["The Golgi cisterna closest to the endoplasmic reticulum; the first processing compartment through which proteins pass after export from the ER."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183332", "l": "Part of sarcoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271514", "l": "protein C inhibitor-thrombin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990112", "l": "RQC complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that forms a stable complex with large ribosomal subunits (60S in eukaryotes and 50S in prokaryotes) containing stalled polypeptides and triggers their degradation (ribosomal quality control). In budding yeast, this complex includes Cdc48p, Rkr1p, Tae2p, Rqc1p, Npl4p and Ufd1p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523472", "l": "intraciliary transport particle B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032068", "l": "type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of two proteins which acts as an endonuclease in DNA sequences containing a specific modified recognition site. Modifications may include methylation, hydroxymethylation, and glucosyl-hydroxymethylation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265214", "l": "chitin-containing cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326112", "l": "Nucleus of pudendal nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990745", "l": "EARP complex", "d": ["A quatrefoil tethering complex required for endocytic recycling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098526", "l": "inhibitory neuromuscular junction of somatic myotube", "d": ["A neuromuscular junction that functions in the inhibition of somatic muscle myotube contraction. Examples of somatic muscle myotubes include the somatic muscle cells of arthropods."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033503", "l": "HULC complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex that contains two RING finger proteins, which have ubiquitin ligase activity, in addition to a protein with ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme activity; catalyzes the ubiquitination of histone H2B at lysine 119 (or the equivalent residue). In Schizosaccharomyces the subunits are Rhp6, Shf1, Brl2/Rfp1 and Brl1/Rfp2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521188", "l": "2p23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13827", "l": "2p23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325694", "l": "extrachromosomal DNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167267", "l": "subrhabdomeral cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167414", "l": "3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246574", "l": "gas vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521055", "l": "20q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13843", "l": "20q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753403", "l": "formin-nucleated actin cable", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048226", "l": "Casparian strip", "d": ["Region of plant cell wall specialised to act as a seal to prevent back leakage of secreted material (analogous to tight junction between epithelial cells). Found particularly where root parenchymal cells secrete solutes into xylem vessels. The barrier is composed of suberin; a fatty substance, containing long chain fatty acids and fatty esters, also found in the cell walls of cork cells (phellem) in higher plants."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896169", "l": "CGRP receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520193", "l": "Xq25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13755", "l": "Xq25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339462", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754392", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-b2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520693", "l": "16q12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24964", "l": "16q12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098018", "l": "viral capsid, minor subunit", "d": ["The part of the viral capsid that comprises the less common capsomere type. For example, in a T=3 icosahedral capsid, which is composed of 12 pentameric and 20 hexameric capsomeres, the pentameric capsomeres are minor subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271479", "l": "rhabdomere microvillus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0051233", "l": "spindle midzone", "d": ["The area in the center of the spindle where the spindle microtubules from opposite poles overlap."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230601", "l": "CELL SURFACE AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005741", "l": "mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098555", "l": "lumenal side of rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523002", "l": "chromatophore ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611797", "l": "DNA-dependent protein kinase-DNA ligase 4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710979", "l": "3q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45171", "l": "3q13.2", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4085688", "l": "microparticle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090734", "l": "site of DNA damage", "d": ["A region of a chromosome at which DNA damage has occurred. DNA damage signaling and repair proteins accumulate at the lesion to respond to the damage and repair the DNA to form a continuous DNA helix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893550", "l": "distal appendage of mother centriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167539", "l": "viral tegument", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044226", "l": "basal pole of neuron", "d": ["Portion of a neuron cell soma closest to the point where the basilar dendrite emerges."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269090", "l": "PUMA-BCL-xl complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610658", "l": "SNARE complex (Vamp2, Snap25, Stx1a, Cplx2)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016442", "l": "RISC complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains members of the Argonaute family of proteins, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or microRNAs (miRNAs), and miRNA or siRNA-complementary mRNAs, in addition to a number of accessory factors. The RISC complex is involved in posttranscriptional repression of gene expression through downregulation of translation or induction of mRNA degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990752", "l": "microtubule end", "d": ["Any end of a microtubule. Microtubule ends differ in that the so-called microtubule plus-end is the one that preferentially grows by polymerization, with respect to the minus-end."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166856", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520296", "l": "10q25-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28637", "l": "10q25-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.050016418185038", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005585", "l": "collagen type II trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(II) chains; type II collagen triple helices associate to form fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328492", "l": "Dendrite of interneuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338621", "l": "Cytoplasm of keratinized epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166735", "l": "clathrin-coated phagocytic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902711", "l": "GABA-A receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of GABA-A receptor activity. In human, it is usually composed of either two alpha, two beta and one gamma chain of the GABA-A receptor subunits or 5 chains of the GABA-A receptor subunits rho1-3 (formally known as GABA-C receptor)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071009", "l": "U4atac/U6atac x U5 tri-snRNP complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal snRNP complex that is formed by the association of the U4atac/U6atac and U5 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902695", "l": "metallochaperone complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of metallochaperone activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160074", "l": "non-canonical inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex containing CASP4, known as caspase-11 (Casp11) in mouse, which assembles upon cytosolic lipopolysaccharide-binding and directly activates Gasdermin-D (GSDMD)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520506", "l": "12q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13932", "l": "12q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1718682", "l": "Bacillus anthracis spore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893623", "l": "SCF-YDR131C ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098652", "l": "collagen type VII anchoring fibril", "d": ["An antiparallel dimer of two collagen VII trimers, one end of which is embedded in the lamina densa while the other end attaches to banded collagen fibrils in the dermis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520475", "l": "12p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28611", "l": "12p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518687", "l": "Outer Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33239", "l": "Outer Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": ["The distal portion of the photoreceptor cells made up of densely packed disks containing opsin proteins that absorb light."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D032461", "l": "Chromosomes, Plant", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1135923", "l": "Chromosomes, Plant", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031082", "l": "BLOC complex", "d": ["Any of several protein complexes required for the biogenesis of specialized organelles of the endosomal-lysosomal system, such as melanosomes, platelet dense granules, and other related organelles; acronym for biogenesis of lysosomal-related organelles complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548378", "l": "virus tail, fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613172", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180300", "l": "Peripheral doublet microtubule of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271854", "l": "EGF:EGFR:ERBB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167048", "l": "electron transfer flavoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179915", "l": "Protoplasm of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333064", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of renal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167404", "l": "interstitial matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905202", "l": "methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754216", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM15 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014801", "l": "longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The portion of the free sarcoplasmic reticulum consisting of longitudinal tubules that connect terminal cisternae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820019", "l": "type IV secretion system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019197", "l": "phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase complex", "d": ["Includes phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphatase (enzyme I of the phosphotransferase system) and protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sugar phosphotransferase (enzyme II of the phosphotransferase system)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754771", "l": "nBAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158619", "l": "extrinsic component of lumenal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098986", "l": "T-bar", "d": ["A T-shaped presynpatic density. These are common in arhropod central nervous systems."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179091", "l": "Dynein arm of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.72321508378824", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043233", "l": "organelle lumen", "d": ["The internal volume enclosed by the membranes of a particular organelle; includes the volume enclosed by a single organelle membrane, e.g. endoplasmic reticulum lumen, or the volume enclosed by the innermost of the two lipid bilayers of an organelle envelope, e.g. nuclear lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521389", "l": "4q13.1-q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25062", "l": "4q13.1-q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030118", "l": "clathrin coat", "d": ["A membrane coat found on coated pits and some coated vesicles; consists of polymerized clathrin triskelions, each comprising three clathrin heavy chains and three clathrin light chains, linked to the membrane via one of the AP adaptor complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167366", "l": "collagen type VII location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010009", "l": "cytoplasmic side of endosome membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the endosome membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521706", "l": "8p22-p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13871", "l": "8p22-p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754177", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex C2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005960", "l": "glycine cleavage complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the reversible oxidation of glycine. In E. coli, it has four components: dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating), lipoyl-GcvH-protein and aminomethyltransferase, also known as L, P, H, and T."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990719", "l": "C1 axonemal microtubule", "d": ["One of two microtubules present in the axonemal central pair. It is distinguishable from the C2 axonemal microtubule (also called C2 tubule) by the presence of differing protein components of the projections."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246925", "l": "HULC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009288", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum", "d": ["A motor complex composed of an extracellular helical protein filament coupled to a rotary motor embedded in the cell envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230546", "l": "Perichromatin granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:37704004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612911", "l": "cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5240857", "l": "contractile vacuole complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180021", "l": "Plus end of microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33333", "l": "Plus End of the Microtubule", "d": ["The end of a microtubule where tubulin polymerization occurs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030056", "l": "hemidesmosome", "d": ["A cell-substrate junction (attachment structure) found in epithelial cells that links intermediate filaments to extracellular matrices via transmembrane complexes. In vertebrates, hemidesmosomes mediate contact between the basal side of epithelial cells and the basal lamina. In C. elegans, hemidesmosomes connect epithelial cells to distinct extracellular matrices on both the apical and basal cell surfaces."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098665", "l": "serotonin receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of serotonin receptor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031094", "l": "platelet dense tubular network", "d": ["A network of membrane-bounded compartments found in blood platelets, where they regulate platelet activation by sequestering or releasing calcium. The dense tubular network exists as thin elongated membranes in resting platelets, and undergoes a major ultrastructural change, to a rounded vesicular form, upon addition of thrombin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167092", "l": "RSC-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520598", "l": "14q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13866", "l": "14q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611011", "l": "nucleosomal methylation activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106175", "l": "phagolysosome vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bylayer surrounding a phagolysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753841", "l": "gamma-secretase-Delta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521284", "l": "3p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38890", "l": "3p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097619", "l": "PTEX complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a protein trafficking machinery and is responsible for the export of proteins across the parasitophorous (symbiont-containing) vacuolar membrane and into the human host cell. The PTEX complex is located in the vacuole membrane. It is ATP-powered, and comprises heat shock protein 101 (HSP101; a ClpA/B-like ATPase from the AAA+ superfamily, of a type commonly associated with protein translocons), a parasite protein termed PTEX150, and exported protein 2 (EXP2). EXP2 is the potential channel, as it is the membrane-associated component of the core PTEX complex. Two other proteins, PTEX88 and thioredoxin 2 (TRX2), were also identified as PTEX components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1440969", "l": "Mitochondria M4", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022628", "l": "chloroplast large ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The large subunit of a ribosome contained within a chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13545", "l": "19p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 19"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520994", "l": "1q22-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13612", "l": "1q22-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824563", "l": "SUMO-SAE1/2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184871", "l": "Stereocilium of type 2 vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893289", "l": "Ric1-Rgp1 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327169", "l": "basal tubulobulbar complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2004596", "l": "lamina lucida", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268449", "l": "Parabasal body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:110892007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611198", "l": "G-protein beta/gamma-Btk complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167214", "l": "catenin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167000", "l": "plastid small ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110078", "l": "TTT Hsp90 cochaperone complex", "d": ["A Hsp90 cochaperone complex acting as an adapter between Hps90 and its substrates, members of the PIKK kinase family."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512460", "l": "Higher Order Chromatin Structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13434", "l": "Higher Order Chromatin Structure", "d": ["Refers to various levels of DNA packaging in the chromosomes above that of the nucleosome. Includes the chromatin fiber and higher levels of folding such as loops."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030122", "l": "AP-2 adaptor complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex that consists of alpha, beta2, mu2 and sigma2 subunits, and links clathrin to the membrane surface of a vesicle, and the cargo receptors during receptor/clathrin mediated endocytosis. Vesicles with AP-2-containing coats are normally found primarily near the plasma membrane, on endocytic vesicles. In at least humans, the AP-2 complex can be heterogeneric due to the existence of multiple subunit isoforms encoded by different alpha genes (alphaA and alphaC)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548433", "l": "skein-like inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010316", "l": "pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase complex", "d": ["Heterodimeric complex that catalyzes the pyrophosphate-dependent phosphorylation of D-fructose 6-phosphate into D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521176", "l": "2p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26069", "l": "2p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180054", "l": "Membrane protein of rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690226", "l": "SMAD1 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008537", "l": "proteasome activator complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that activates the hydrolysis of small nonubiquitinated peptides by binding to the proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235042", "l": "SNF1/AMPK protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754986", "l": "monomeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246579", "l": "proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, proton-transporting domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179461", "l": "Lateral part of plasma membrane of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012511", "l": "monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body", "d": ["A subcellular organelle of plant cells surrounded by 'half-unit' or a monolayer membrane instead of the more usual bilayer. The storage body has a droplet of triglyceride surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids, interacting with the triglycerides and the hydrophilic head groups facing the cytosol, and containing major protein components called oleosins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691244", "l": "WHY1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5392159", "l": "Coronavirus Replication-Transcription Compartments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098027", "l": "virus tail, sheath", "d": ["The external contractile envelope of the tail of some viruses. Its contraction ensures ejection of the virus DNA into the host cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166918", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070552", "l": "BRISC complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the FAM175B/ABRO1, BRCC3/BRCC36, BRE/BRCC45 and MERIT40/NBA1 proteins, and specifically cleaves K63-linked polyubiquitin chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814909", "l": "chromosome, centric outer repeat region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325749", "l": "adventitious septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009526", "l": "plastid envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing a plastid and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235008", "l": "CoQH2-cytochrome c reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099125", "l": "PAK family kinase-Sog2 complex", "d": ["A protein kinase complex comprising a conserved PAK/GC/Ste20 family kinase, leucine rich repeat protein Sog2 family, which function as part of the cell shape network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.683039265630129", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140534", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum protein-containing complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is part of an endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.835725707519245", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032059", "l": "bleb", "d": ["A cell extension caused by localized decoupling of the cytoskeleton from the plasma membrane and characterized by rapid formation, rounded shape, and scarcity of organelles within the protrusion. Blebs are formed during apoptosis and other cellular processes, including cell locomotion, cell division, and as a result of physical or chemical stresses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690294", "l": "potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated channel 3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098593", "l": "goblet cell theca", "d": ["A cup shaped specialization of the cytoskeleton that forms a thin layer located just below the apical mass of mature mucin secretory granules in the cytoplasm of goblet cells of the intestinal epithelium. It consists of an orderly network of intermediate filaments and microtubules. Microtubules are arranged vertically, like barrel staves, along the inner aspect of the theta. Intermediate filaments form two networks: an inner, basketlike network and an outer series of circumferential bundles resembling the hoops of a barrel."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090637", "l": "inner dense plaque of desmosome", "d": ["The desmosomal part containing the C-termini of desmoplakins which interact with the keratin intermediate filaments, serving to tether the intermediate filaments to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548362", "l": "viral capsid, internal space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.866383925293761", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520850", "l": "19p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13673", "l": "19p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612781", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099573", "l": "glutamatergic postsynaptic density", "d": ["The post-synaptic specialization of a glutamatergic excitatory synapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690224", "l": "homomeric SMAD protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990229", "l": "iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of assembling an iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521104", "l": "22q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13613", "l": "22q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611236", "l": "plasma membrane respirasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.168002017049517", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13528", "l": "1q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 1"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990321", "l": "collagen type XXII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXII) chains; type XXII collagen triple helices acts as a cell adhesion ligand for skin epithelial cells and fibroblasts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752561", "l": "crystalloid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754256", "l": "alpha2-beta1 integrin-chondroadherin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044695", "l": "Dsc E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An E3 ubiquitin ligase complex localized to the ER and Golgi membrane. In fission yeast comprises Dsc1, 2, 3 and 4. Involved in the processes of fission yeast sre1 (human SREBP) transcriptional activator proteolytic cleavage, the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway, and a post-endoplasmic reticulum pathway for protein catabolism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990031", "l": "pinceau fiber", "d": ["Dense plexus formed by the descending collaterals of cerebellar basket cells that wrap around a Purkinje cell axonal initial segment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515499", "l": "9p21-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25126", "l": "9p21-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346526", "l": "11q14.2-q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C73647", "l": "11q14.2-q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016939", "l": "kinesin II complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of two distinct motor subunits that form a heterodimer complexed with a third non-motor accessory subunit, the kinesin associated protein or KAP; the KIF3 heterodimer interacts via its C-terminal portion with KAP, which is thought to regulate the binding of the motor to cargo membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328027", "l": "Cytoplasm of goblet cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612574", "l": "esterosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325666", "l": "chromoplast membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044170", "l": "host cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the host cell cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The host smooth ER has no ribosomes adhering to the outer surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450897", "l": "Z Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042641", "l": "actomyosin", "d": ["Any complex of actin, myosin, and accessory proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612815", "l": "integrin alphav-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "56.47698117944374", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036477", "l": "somatodendritic compartment", "d": ["The region of a neuron that includes the cell body (cell soma) and dendrite(s), but excludes the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338438", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of unipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325540", "l": "lignin network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269112", "l": "nuclear stress granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.45786467499596", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005882", "l": "intermediate filament", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure that forms a distinct elongated structure, characteristically 10 nm in diameter, that occurs in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Intermediate filaments form a fibrous system, composed of chemically heterogeneous subunits and involved in mechanically integrating the various components of the cytoplasmic space. Intermediate filaments may be divided into five chemically distinct classes: Type I, acidic keratins; Type II, basic keratins; Type III, including desmin, vimentin and others; Type IV, neurofilaments and related filaments; and Type V, lamins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520548", "l": "13q14.12-q14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24945", "l": "13q14.12-q14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754104", "l": "U4/U6 snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182676", "l": "Microvillus columnar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043224", "l": "nuclear SCF ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex, located in the nucleus, in which a cullin from the Cul1 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by a Skp1 adaptor and an F-box protein. SCF complexes are involved in targeting proteins for degradation by the proteasome. The best characterized complexes are those from yeast and mammals (with core subunits named Cdc53/Cul1, Rbx1/Hrt1/Roc1)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990198", "l": "ModE complex", "d": ["A dimeric protein complex containing two ModE subunits. Binds directly to DNA to regulate transcription, and is involved in (positively and negatively) regulating various aspects of molybdenum metabolism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167115", "l": "NURF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325699", "l": "FACT complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520584", "l": "14q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28562", "l": "14q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "42.91493898506652", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022004", "l": "Chromosome Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0729606", "l": "Chromosome Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13377", "l": "Chromosome Structure", "d": ["The 3-D organization of histones and other proteins on chromosomal DNA in the nucleus and allow for its form and function during cellular growth and division."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:312237004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097135", "l": "cyclin E2-CDK2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin E2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691246", "l": "CDC50-DRS2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749876", "l": "30S ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521498", "l": "5q34-q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25087", "l": "5q34-q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166989", "l": "etioplast stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055212", "l": "Photoreceptor Connecting Cilium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1819304", "l": "Photoreceptor Connecting Cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515522", "l": "9q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13933", "l": "9q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3825453", "l": "Cholinergic mechanisms", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379782", "l": "RNA polymerase I transcription regulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246268", "l": "sarcosine oxidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070516", "l": "CAK-ERCC2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase (CAK) holoenzyme complex with ERCC2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523348", "l": "phagocytic cup", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753896", "l": "Sin3-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610957", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000333", "l": "telomerase catalytic core complex", "d": ["The minimal catalytic core of telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex composed of a catalytic reverse transcriptase subunit and an RNA subunit that provides the template for telomeric DNA addition."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097146", "l": "NOXA-BCL-xl complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of NOXA and BCL-xl, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061694", "l": "alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase complex", "d": ["A catalytic protein complex that is capable of alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180296", "l": "Zone of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660150", "l": "bridging actin filaments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753846", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CIB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752554", "l": "calyx of Held", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230935", "l": "Protoplast membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:30027001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520216", "l": "Yp11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25963", "l": "Yp11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Yp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890559", "l": "PTEN phosphatase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325553", "l": "Nuclear euchromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896464", "l": "NKX.2-5 homodimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521617", "l": "7p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25105", "l": "7p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070288", "l": "ferritin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds iron and acts as a major iron storage system. Intracellular and extracellular ferritin complexes have different ratios of two types of ferritin monomer, the L (light) chain and H (heavy) chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824485", "l": "PDGF-BB-receptor alpha-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521645", "l": "7q21.3-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39638", "l": "7q21.3-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.301331245594", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097447", "l": "dendritic tree", "d": ["The entire complement of dendrites for a neuron, consisting of each primary dendrite and all its branches."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546348", "l": "paranodal loop", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071006", "l": "U2-type catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the displacement of the U1 and U4 snRNPs from the precatalytic spliceosome; the U2, U5 and U6 snRNPs remain associated with the mRNA. This complex, sometimes called the activated spliceosome, is the catalytically active form of the spliceosome, and includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U2, and U5 and U6 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672717", "l": "Ada2/Gcn5/Ada3 transcription activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521106", "l": "22q11.22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25022", "l": "22q11.22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269179", "l": "sperm connecting piece", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166689", "l": "cohesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0684130", "l": "deep sensory endings", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990315", "l": "Mcs4 RR-MAPKKK complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of a phospho relay component and a MAPK cascade component. The complex is involved in signaling oxidative stress and osmostress."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071132", "l": "alphaX-beta2 integrin-ICAM-4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaX-beta2 integrin complex bound to intercellular adhesion molecule 4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167005", "l": "preprophase band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005791", "l": "rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The rough (or granular) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has ribosomes adhering to the outer surface; the ribosomes are the site of translation of the mRNA for those proteins which are either to be retained within the cisternae (ER-resident proteins), the proteins of the lysosomes, or the proteins destined for export from the cell. Glycoproteins undergo their initial glycosylation within the cisternae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333791", "l": "Cytomegalovirus inclusion body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:74972009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450332", "l": "condensed nuclear chromosome, centromeric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009318", "l": "exodeoxyribonuclease VII complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes exonucleolytic cleavage in either 5' to 3' or 3' to 5' direction to yield nucleoside 5'-phosphates; it prefers single-stranded DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031080", "l": "nuclear pore outer ring", "d": ["A subcomplex of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that forms the outer rings of the core scaffold, a lattice-like structure that gives the NPC its shape and strength. In S. cerevisiae, the two outer rings each contain multiple copies of the following proteins: Nup133p, Nup120p, Nup145Cp, Nup85p, Nup84p, Seh1p, and Sec13p. In vertebrates, the two outer rings each contain multiple copies of the following proteins: Nup133, Nup160, Nup96, Nup75, Nup107, Seh1, Sec13, Nup43, Nup37, and ALADIN. Components are arranged in 8-fold symmetrical 'spokes' around the central transport channel. A single 'spoke', can be isolated and is sometimes referred to as the Nup84 complex (S. cerevisiae) or the Nup107-160 complex (vertebrates)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612527", "l": "aleurone grain lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246588", "l": "CAF-1 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896308", "l": "glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520380", "l": "11q12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38945", "l": "11q12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031592", "l": "centrosomal corona", "d": ["An amorphous structure surrounding the core of the centrosome, from which microtubules are nucleated; contains gamma-tubulin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246503", "l": "Cvt vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230929", "l": "Flagellum, bacterial, shaft", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:84964001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097598", "l": "sperm cytoplasmic droplet", "d": ["A small amount of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane that is generally retained in spermatozoa after spermiogenesis, when the majority of the cytoplasm is phagocytosed by Sertoli cells to produce what are called residual bodies. Initially, the droplet is located at the neck just behind the head of an elongated spermatid. During epididymal transit, the cytoplasmic droplet migrates caudally to the annulus at the end of the midpiece; the exact position and time varies by species. The cytoplasmic droplet consists of lipids, lipoproteins, RNAs, a variety of hydrolytic enzymes, receptors, ion channels, and Golgi-derived vesicles. The droplet may be involved in regulatory volume loss (RVD) at ejaculation, and in most species, though not in humans, the cytoplasmic droplet is lost at ejaculation. Note that the cytoplasmic droplet is distinct from 'excessive residual cytoplasm' that sometimes remains in epididymal spermatozoa, particularly when spermiogenesis has been disrupted."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548375", "l": "virus tail, sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338345", "l": "Cytosol of hemal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824293", "l": "NAD(P)-glutamate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269180", "l": "sperm mitochondrial sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042644", "l": "chloroplast nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a chloroplast to which the DNA is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521307", "l": "3q21-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13813", "l": "3q21-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818896", "l": "mitosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753322", "l": "TRAP complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548431", "l": "nucleolus-associated heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520694", "l": "16q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26014", "l": "16q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140510", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge", "d": ["A narrow constricted region of the nucleus that forms around the anaphase spindle during closed mitosis, and connects the main portions of the newly forming daughter nuclei."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098684", "l": "photoreceptor ribbon synapse", "d": ["A ribbon synapse between a retinal photoreceptor cell (rod or cone) and a retinal bipolar cell. These contain a plate-like synaptic ribbon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710961", "l": "2q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C54239", "l": "2q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033607", "l": "SOD1-Bcl-2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex formed of superoxide dismutase 1 and Bcl-2. Complex formation is thought to link superoxide dismutase to an apoptotic pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521061", "l": "20q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13466", "l": "20q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043847", "l": "DNA polymerase III, clamp loader chi/psi subcomplex", "d": ["A dimer composed of the chi and psi subunits which is a subassembly of the DNA polymerase III clamp loader complex and serves as a bridge between the DnaX complex and the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990457", "l": "pexophagosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle involved in the degradation of peroxisome by macropexophagy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753849", "l": "PAS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754275", "l": "ITGA5-ITGB1-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821204", "l": "ventral disc", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893636", "l": "dinoflagellate antapex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1327729", "l": "Cell septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903754", "l": "cortical microtubule plus-end", "d": ["The plus-end of a cortical microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030929", "l": "ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": ["Complex that possesses ADPG pyrophosphorylase activity. In all organisms where it has been found, the complex is a tetramer. In bacteria, it is a homotetramer. In plants, the complex is a heterotetramer composed small and large subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822506", "l": "acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022142", "l": "Secretory Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0886515", "l": "Secretory Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26063", "l": "Secretory Vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle that transports molecules that are targeted for cellular excretion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325791", "l": "fibrinogen beta chain location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622352", "l": "endospore cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521653", "l": "7q31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26505", "l": "7q31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061671", "l": "Cbp3p-Cbp6 complex", "d": ["A protein complex located at the mitochondrial ribosome tunnel exit that is involved in efficient translation and protein complex assembly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166888", "l": "mitochondrial electron transfer flavoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521571", "l": "6q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C37281", "l": "6q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754970", "l": "IgD B cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033698", "l": "Rpd3L complex", "d": ["A histone deacetylase complex which deacetylates histones preferentially in promoter regions. Composed of a two copies of catalytic histone deacetylase subunit (S. pombe Clr6/ S. cerevisiae Rpd3p), an Sds-3 family protein (S. pombe /S. cerevisiae Sds3(p) ), two copies of SIN3 family co-repressor (S. pombe Pst1/ S. cerevisiae Sin3p, a WD repeat protein/ histone chaperone (S. pombe Prw1/ S. cerevisiae Ume1p), and a zf- PHD finger ( S. pombe Png2/ S. cerevisiae Pho23p), plus 4 additional subunits, and associated factors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034423", "l": "autophagosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the autophagosome double-membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055052", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, substrate-binding subunit-containing", "d": ["A complex for the transport of metabolites into the cell, consisting of 5 subunits: two ATP-binding subunits, two membrane spanning subunits, and one substrate-binding subunit. In organisms with two membranes, the substrate-binding protein moves freely in the periplasmic space and joins the other subunits only when bound with substrate. In organisms with only one membrane the substrate-binding protein is tethered to the cytoplasmic membrane and associated with the other subunits. Transport of the substrate across the membrane is driven by the hydrolysis of ATP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262705", "l": "virion membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032172", "l": "germ tube septin ring", "d": ["A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane within the germ tube of filamentous fungi at sites where a septum will form; composed of septins as well as septin-associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009337", "l": "sulfite reductase complex (NADPH)", "d": ["A multisubunit iron flavoprotein, which in yeast is composed of 2 alpha and 2 beta subunits. Catalyzes the reduction of sulfite to sulfide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032587", "l": "ruffle membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a ruffle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167487", "l": "polyphosphate kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612290", "l": "AML1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230773", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:20712002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "30.525050517130087", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016020", "l": "membrane", "d": ["A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it and attached to it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236682", "l": "actin filament bundle of actin-based cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689972", "l": "METTL3-METTL14-WTAP methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754265", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-CD447-FCER2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824420", "l": "iron-sulfur cluster transfer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521171", "l": "2p12-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26292", "l": "2p12-p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521540", "l": "6p21.3-p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25090", "l": "6p21.3-p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263053", "l": "THO complex part of transcription export complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036021", "l": "endolysosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an endolysosome. An endolysosome is a transient hybrid organelle formed by fusion of a late endosome with a lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905759", "l": "post-anaphase array microtubule", "d": ["Any microtubule that is part of a post-anaphase microtubule array."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610844", "l": "telosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167226", "l": "insulin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328914", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic endocytic zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167147", "l": "snRNA-activating protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824286", "l": "dehydrogenase, glutamate (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate)) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611230", "l": "alpha1-beta1 integrin-alpha3(VI) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990658", "l": "transnitrosylase complex", "d": ["A transferase complex which is capable of transferring nitrogenous groups from one component to another."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230723", "l": "Structural filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:85394005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330168", "l": "Cytoplasm of lutein cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521529", "l": "6p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14010", "l": "6p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031481", "l": "myosin XI complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a dimer of class XI myosin heavy chains and associated light chains. Myosin XI heavy chain sizes are similar in molecular structure to the class V myosins with 5 to 6 IQ motifs and tail regions with predicted coiled coil domains (forming dimeric molecules) and large C-terminal regions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166800", "l": "intermediate layer of spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3714929", "l": "L-cysteine desulfurase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.674339030385639", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031514", "l": "motile cilium", "d": ["A cilium which may have a variable arrangement of axonemal microtubules and also contains molecular motors. It may beat with a whip-like pattern that promotes cell motility or transport of fluids and other cells across a cell surface, such as on epithelial cells that line the lumenal ducts of various tissues; or they may display a distinct twirling motion that directs fluid flow asymmetrically across the cellular surface to affect asymmetric body plan organization. Motile cilia can be found in single as well as multiple copies per cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071194", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP3 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the Kv channel interacting protein KChIP3 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546351", "l": "oligodendrocyte myelin sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329007", "l": "central region of growth cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246686", "l": "transcription factor TFTC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546517", "l": "CIA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990812", "l": "growth cone filopodium", "d": ["A thin, stiff protrusion extended by the leading edge of an axonal or dendritic growth cone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167434", "l": "cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611245", "l": "endospore core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166783", "l": "Spindle microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098774", "l": "curli", "d": ["A proteinaceous extracellular fiber, produced by an enteric bacterium, that is involved in surface and cell-cell contacts that promote community behavior and host colonization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097488", "l": "multivesicular body, internal vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a multivesicular body internal vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159138", "l": "ABC-type efflux permease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "38.748728062222519", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043229", "l": "intracellular organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D059006", "l": "Chromosomes, Insect", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2936617", "l": "Chromosomes, Insect", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622559", "l": "uropod membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3889819", "l": "synaptic vesicle, readily releasable pool", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521173", "l": "2p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13609", "l": "2p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754224", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248768", "l": "DNA polymerase III, clamp loader chi/psi subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451219", "l": "CARD8 inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120044", "l": "stereocilium base", "d": ["The tapered base of the stereocilium adjacent to where it joins the hair cell body. This region contains a rootlet comprised of bundled actin filaments which spans the joint and stabilizes the stereocilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1760034", "l": "inner centromere core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819673", "l": "plasma membrane bounded cell projection cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167164", "l": "snRNP U11 location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346552", "l": "6p21.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68797", "l": "6p21.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230572", "l": "Chromosome group", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90152004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055944", "l": "Magnetosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2717754", "l": "Magnetosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060199", "l": "clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-sculpted lipid bilayer membrane-enclosed vesicle after clathrin release and containing glutamate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990826", "l": "nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex", "d": ["Nucleoplasm situated in close proximity and peripheral to a nuclear pore complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055039", "l": "trichocyst", "d": ["A crystalline exocytotic organelle composed of small, acidic proteins existing primarily as disulphide-linked dimers. The trichocyst is an organelle that releases long filamentous proteins that capture predators in net-like structures, to slow them down when the cell is disturbed. The protein is nontoxic and shaped like a long, striated, fibrous shaft."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336592", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of urethra", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000399", "l": "cellular bud neck septin structure", "d": ["Any of a series of septin structures that are localized in the bud neck of a budding fungal cell during the cell cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183426", "l": "Plasma membrane of epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820817", "l": "gut granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061200", "l": "clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-sculpted lipid bilayer membrane-enclosed vesicle after clathrin release and containing gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246016", "l": "stimulation of cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754258", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-basigin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323127", "l": "Fusiform vesicle of transitional epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043240", "l": "Fanconi anaemia nuclear complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of the Fanconi anaemia (FA) proteins including A, C, E, G and F (FANCA-F). Functions in the activation of the downstream protein FANCD2 by monoubiquitylation, and is essential for protection against chromosome breakage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140022", "l": "cnida", "d": ["A giant secretory organelle that comprises a bulb-shape capsule containing a coiled hollow tubule structure attached to it. A cnida defines the phylum Cnidaria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752474", "l": "Tim9-Tim10 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754361", "l": "NF-kappaB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546238", "l": "coated tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612562", "l": "t-UTP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3812681", "l": "host cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034083", "l": "type III polyketide synthase complex", "d": ["A polyketide synthase complex that consists of two identical ketosynthase polypeptides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819602", "l": "Piccolo NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071186", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-b2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v4 and protocadherin-gamma-b2, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893647", "l": "basement membrane collagen trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520708", "l": "16q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13786", "l": "16q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230733", "l": "Marginal band of microtubules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:72574002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335005", "l": "Plasma membrane of reticular cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071758", "l": "IgW immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgW isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgW immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097593", "l": "ventral disc microtubule array", "d": ["A part of the ventral disc of Giardia species (trophozoite stage) consisting of a spiral array of microtubules linked to the ventral membrane. These microtubules form the base of the ventral disc dorsal microribbons that extend nearly perpendicular from the membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380221", "l": "basal body patch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230615", "l": "Intracytoplasmic desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:27933003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327145", "l": "endonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033203", "l": "DNA helicase A complex", "d": ["A homohexameric protein complex that possesses DNA helicase activity; associates with DNA polymerase alpha-primase and translocates in the 5' to 3' direction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140497", "l": "mannan polymerase II complex", "d": ["A complex with alpha-(1->6)-mannosyltransferase activity, located in the cis Golgi membrane; adds mannan to N-linked glycans on proteins as part of the elongation of alpha 1,6-linked Man backbone. In S. cerevisiae, contains Mnn9p, Anp1p, Mnn10p, Mnn11p, and Hoc1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.923108426128749", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043230", "l": "extracellular organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring outside the cell. Includes, for example, extracellular membrane vesicles (EMVs) and the cellulosomes of anaerobic bacteria and fungi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097133", "l": "cyclin D3-CDK6 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin D3 and cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5241415", "l": "sperm head-tail coupling apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036019", "l": "endolysosome", "d": ["An transient hybrid organelle formed by fusion of a late endosome with a lysosome, and in which active degradation takes place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110016", "l": "B-WICH complex", "d": ["A chromatin remodeling complex that positively regulates histone H3 acetylation, in particular H3K9, by recruiting histone acetyltransferases to rDNA gene regions. Located in the nucleolus where it assembles on RNA Polymerase I (Pol I) and possibly on RNA Polymerase III (Pol III) promoter and coding regions during early G1 phase and activates the post-initiation phases of Pol I transcription. May also activate RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) gene transcription. In mammals, B-WICH contains the WICH complex core of BAZ1B and SMARCA5, additional protein subunits and possibly rRNAs. Although it contains several catalytic subunits it is not clear which functions are carried out by the complex itself."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621499", "l": "nuclear proteasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621527", "l": "nuclear proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893951", "l": "actomyosin contractile ring actin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753302", "l": "PeBoW complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824333", "l": "HU-DNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060200", "l": "clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-sculpted lipid bilayer membrane-enclosed vesicle after clathrin release and containing acetylcholine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896420", "l": "cardiac PLB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339679", "l": "Lysosome of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824516", "l": "RSP5-BUL ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326655", "l": "Cytoplasm of synoviocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230793", "l": "Distinctive arrangement or relationship of endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:75353006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039718", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory", "d": ["A cytoplasmic viral factory that consists of a double-membrane bound vesicle. Has a diameter of 200-300nm and is derived from the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus. Produced by Picornaviridae, Nidovirales, Arteriviridae and Coronaviridae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622054", "l": "viral RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825985", "l": "9q21.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82135", "l": "9q21.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070311", "l": "nucleosomal methylation activator complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains eight subunits in common with the SWI/SNF complex, plus the ATPase BRG1 (SMARCA4) and the histone methyltransferase CARM1; the complex is involved in regulating nuclear receptor-dependent transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031262", "l": "Ndc80 complex", "d": ["An essential outer kinetochore complex involved in the attachment of microtubule ends to the chromosomes during mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230752", "l": "Subunit A of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11336006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167246", "l": "voltage-gated potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032116", "l": "SMC loading complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the loading of a structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) complex, such as cohesin, condensin or SMC5/SMC6, onto DNA. Appears to be eukaryotically conserved."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020007", "l": "apical complex", "d": ["A group of cytoskeletal structures and associated membrane-bounded organelles found at the anterior end of adult obligate intracellular protozoan parasites in the phylum Apicomplexa. The apical complex is involved in attachment to and penetration of the host cell, and in parasite proliferation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036128", "l": "CatSper complex", "d": ["A sperm-specific voltage-gated calcium channel that controls the intracellular calcium ion concentration and, thereby, the swimming behavior of sperm. Consists of a heteromeric tetramer surrounding a calcium ion- selective pore. May also contain additional auxiliary subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13558", "l": "5p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 5"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990243", "l": "atf1-pcr1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric transcription factor complex composed of the bZIP proteins atf1 and pcr1. The heterodimer binds m26 sites (homologous to CRE)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520171", "l": "Xp11.21-p11.22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13875", "l": "Xp11.21-p11.22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009344", "l": "nitrite reductase complex [NAD(P)H]", "d": ["Complex that possesses nitrite reductase [NAD(P)H] activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120200", "l": "rod photoreceptor outer segment", "d": ["The outer segment of a vertebrate rod photoreceptor that contains sealed membrane discs that are not connected to the ciliary membrane and containing rhodopsin photoreceptor proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271499", "l": "cyanelle intermembrane space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.054967706738452", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031594", "l": "neuromuscular junction", "d": ["The junction between the axon of a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. In response to the arrival of action potentials, the presynaptic button releases molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane of the muscle fiber, leading to a change in post-synaptic potential."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548399", "l": "type III terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180097", "l": "Lipid bilayer of peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180144", "l": "Region of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324348", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031477", "l": "myosin VII complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a dimer of class VII myosin heavy chains and associated light chains. Myosin VII (240 kDa) is predicted to be a dimeric molecule with 5 IQ motifs and a tail region with a short stretch of coiled coil followed by two myosin-tail homology (MyTH4) domains, two talin-binding (FERM) domains and an SH3-domain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5212795", "l": "Chromosome 2 copy number", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752458", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230630", "l": "Vermipodium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:36790007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324780", "l": "Protoplasm of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820593", "l": "extrinsic component of mycolate outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820793", "l": "Nsk1-Dlc1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236772", "l": "cone matrix sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520587", "l": "14q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24948", "l": "14q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071821", "l": "FANCM-MHF complex", "d": ["A protein complex contains the proteins FANCM and MHF, or their orthologs, plays an essential role in DNA remodeling, protects replication forks, and is conserved in eukaryotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622611", "l": "Hsk1-Dfp1 kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523862", "l": "cytoplasmic SCF ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070776", "l": "MOZ/MORF histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A histone acetyltransferase complex that has histone H3 acetyltransferase and coactivator activities. Subunits of the human complex include MYST3/MOZ, MYST4/MORF, ING5, EAF6 and one of BRPF1, BRD1/BRPF2 and BRPF3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511970", "l": "Direct Cerebellar Tract", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32465", "l": "Direct Cerebellar Tract", "d": ["A bundle of neuronal fibers originating in the lumbosacral spinal cord that ascend to the ipsilateral cerebellum conveying proprioceptive information for the lower limbs and joints."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610337", "l": "striated muscle dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182796", "l": "Short microvillus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156650", "l": "box H/ACA scaRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033112", "l": "cyanelle envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the cyanelle and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030130", "l": "clathrin coat of trans-Golgi network vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin coat found on a vesicle of the trans-Golgi network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753894", "l": "tertiary granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106055", "l": "mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalysing the hydrolysis of the terminal (1->2)-linked alpha-D-mannose residues in an oligo-mannose oligosaccharide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043083", "l": "synaptic cleft", "d": ["The narrow gap that separates the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes, into which neurotransmitter is released."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.239663535624402", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002898", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 8", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008671", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 8", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13224", "l": "Human Chromosome 8", "d": ["The designation for each member of the eighth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 8 spans about 145 million base pairs and represents between 4.5 and 5.0% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:77826001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166942", "l": "extrinsic component of intraperoxisomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097423", "l": "mitochondrion-associated adherens complex", "d": ["An organelle arrangement comprised of the following elements: a mitochondrion positioned near the presynaptic membrane; an electron-dense mitochondrial plaque adjacent to the outer mitochondrial membrane that faces the presynaptic membrane; filament-like elements appearing to link the mitochondrial plaque to a cell-cell junction region (sometimes termed punctum adherens); tubular or vesicular-appearing membrane (also called vesicular chain) interposed among the filaments. Mitochondrion-associated adherens complexes were initially described in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. They are found in calyces and other large terminals of the auditory brainstem, and in a variety of mammalian species including humans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046868", "l": "mesosome", "d": ["An intracellular, often complex, membranous structure, sometimes with additional membranous lamellae inside, found in bacteria. They are associated with synthesis of DNA and secretion of proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167118", "l": "primosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0932050", "l": "Intercellular matrix component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097673", "l": "SCF-Ucc1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is YLR224W in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044217", "l": "other organism part", "d": ["Any constituent part of a secondary organism with which the first organism is interacting."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335066", "l": "Nucleus of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005762", "l": "mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230757", "l": "Specialized cilium or flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:30119008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753379", "l": "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-lysosomal-enzyme N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329078", "l": "actin filament branch point", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167126", "l": "transcription elongation factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329070", "l": "neuron projection branch point", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070971", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum exit site", "d": ["An endoplasmic reticulum part at which COPII-coated vesicles are produced."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819312", "l": "MHC class Ib protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820012", "l": "sculpture element", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749461", "l": "manose receptor location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159142", "l": "ABC-type efflux porter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060171", "l": "stereocilium membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a stereocilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13537", "l": "14p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 14"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546540", "l": "methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin:coenzyme M methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325645", "l": "mannosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1659757", "l": "APC regulator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613424", "l": "host cell membrane pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824227", "l": "DnaA-oriC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325581", "l": "checkpoint clamp complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754989", "l": "polymeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180047", "l": "Axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903600", "l": "glutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of glutaminase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235353", "l": "periphagosomal region of cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819961", "l": "PCNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326881", "l": "amyloid beta oligomer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549295", "l": "pairing center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515528", "l": "9q33-q34.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25135", "l": "9q33-q34.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325697", "l": "dense nuclear body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005802", "l": "trans-Golgi network", "d": ["The network of interconnected tubular and cisternal structures located within the Golgi apparatus on the side distal to the endoplasmic reticulum, from which secretory vesicles emerge. The trans-Golgi network is important in the later stages of protein secretion where it is thought to play a key role in the sorting and targeting of secreted proteins to the correct destination."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230516", "l": "Basal region of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:26765002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815107", "l": "Cyc8(Ssn6)-Tup1 general repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000110", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 1 complex", "d": ["One of several protein complexes involved in nucleotide-excision repair; possesses DNA damage recognition and endodeoxynuclease activities. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Rad1p, Rad10p, and Rad14p; in human the subunits are ERCC4/XPF, ERCC1 and XPA, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334347", "l": "Cytosol of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754110", "l": "yeast U2-type spliceosomal complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451091", "l": "pro-basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045242", "l": "isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)", "d": ["Complex that possesses isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179460", "l": "Sinusoidal part of plasma membrane of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990121", "l": "H-NS complex", "d": ["A multimer of H-NS proteins that is involved in bacterial nucleoid condensation and negative regulation of global gene expression by directly binding to promoter regions. Recognizes both structural and sequence-specific motifs in double-stranded DNA and has binding preference for bent DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248767", "l": "clamp loader complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043293", "l": "apoptosome", "d": ["A multisubunit protein complex involved in the signaling phase of the apoptotic process. In mammals it is typically composed of seven Apaf-1 subunits bound to cytochrome c and caspase-9. A similar complex to promote apoptosis is formed from homologous gene products in other eukaryotic organisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090570", "l": "RNA polymerase I transcription repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the nucleus, that possesses activity that prevents or downregulates transcription from a RNA polymerase I promoter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031105", "l": "septin complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing septins. Typically, these complexes contain multiple septins and are oligomeric."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520391", "l": "11q14-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39641", "l": "11q14-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13254", "l": "Peroxisome", "d": ["Subcellular respiratory organelles containing catalase and hydrogen peroxide-producing flavin oxidases among its enzymatic constituents, which carry out an essentially oxidative type of metabolism"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322608", "l": "Cytoplasm of osteoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3888349", "l": "AP1 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990875", "l": "nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore", "d": ["The side of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that faces the nucleoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.037182242469939", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045095", "l": "keratin filament", "d": ["A filament composed of acidic and basic keratins (types I and II), typically expressed in epithelial cells. The keratins are the most diverse classes of IF proteins, with a large number of keratin isoforms being expressed. Each type of epithelium always expresses a characteristic combination of type I and type II keratins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325744", "l": "subapical complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333538", "l": "Protoplasm of basophil", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544395", "l": "R2TP/prefoldin-like complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.58909006025462", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0051286", "l": "cell tip", "d": ["The region at the end of the longest axis of a cylindrical or elongated cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167086", "l": "small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042649", "l": "prothylakoid", "d": ["Underdeveloped thylakoids found in etioplasts, lacking competent photosynthetic membranes. Rapidly develop into mature thylakoids in the presence of light."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754287", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB4-CD9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515459", "l": "8q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13589", "l": "8q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990696", "l": "USH2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of four proteins, loss of which results in Usher Syndrome type 2 (USH2 syndrome), a leading genetic cause of combined hearing and vision loss. This complex is conserved in many species; in mice, it is composed of USH2A, GPR98 (aka ADGRV1), WHRN, and PDZD7."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071021", "l": "U2-type post-spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed following the second splicing event and contains the spliced product, the excised intron, and three snRNPs, U5, U2 and U6."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044677", "l": "methyl-tetrahydromethanopterin:coenzyme M methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisted of eight polypeptides. This complex catalyzes the formation of methyl-coenzyme M and H4MPT from N5-methyl-H4MPT and CoM during methanogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230944", "l": "Spore outer coat", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52528002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269156", "l": "phagocytic cup base", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097218", "l": "sieve plate", "d": ["A part of the cell wall of a sieve tube member that bears one or more highly specialized sieve areas."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060418", "l": "yolk plasma", "d": ["Discrete structures that partition the water-soluble portion of the yolk of oocytes and ova, which may or may not be membrane enclosed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520355", "l": "11p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13570", "l": "11p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5392874", "l": "Zippered Endoplasmic Reticulum Double-Membrane Spherules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005915", "l": "zonula adherens", "d": ["A cell-cell adherens junction which forms a continuous belt near the apex of epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035867", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-IGF-1-IGF1R complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF1R). IGF1R is a heterotetramer that consists of two alpha-subunits and two beta-subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001726", "l": "ruffle", "d": ["Projection at the leading edge of a crawling cell; the protrusions are supported by a microfilament meshwork."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710908", "l": "1q25.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45167", "l": "1q25.2", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230772", "l": "Confronting cisternae of ER", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:76475000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754377", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183506", "l": "Subdivision of cell body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246703", "l": "eukaryotic 48S preinitiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120103", "l": "centriolar subdistal appendage", "d": ["A protein complex which assembles on the mother centriole during cilium formation, adjacent and proximal to a centriolar distal appendage. In human, it contains ODF2, CNTRL, NIN, CCDC120c and CCDC68."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013572", "l": "Synaptic Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0039065", "l": "Synaptic Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49004003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044384", "l": "host outer membrane", "d": ["The external membrane of Gram-negative bacteria or certain organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts; freely permeable to most ions and metabolites, occurring in a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071062", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-vitronectin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to vitronectin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325560", "l": "rDNA protrusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070419", "l": "nonhomologous end joining complex", "d": ["A protein complex that plays a role in DNA double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining. Such complexes typically contain a specialized DNA ligase (e.g. Lig4 in eukaryotes) and one or more proteins that bind to DNA ends."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042824", "l": "MHC class I peptide loading complex", "d": ["A large, multisubunit complex which consists of the MHC class I-beta 2 microglobulin dimer, the transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP), tapasin (an MHC-encoded membrane protein), the chaperone calreticulin and the thiol oxidoreductase ERp57. Functions in the assembly of peptides with newly synthesized MHC class I molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166734", "l": "clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009707", "l": "chloroplast outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the chloroplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031092", "l": "platelet alpha granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the platelet alpha granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005892", "l": "acetylcholine-gated channel complex", "d": ["A homo- or hetero-pentameric protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which ions may pass in response to acetylcholine binding."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818657", "l": "ABC translocator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623194", "l": "cytosolic proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008021", "l": "synaptic vesicle", "d": ["A secretory organelle, typically 50 nm in diameter, of presynaptic nerve terminals; accumulates in high concentrations of neurotransmitters and secretes these into the synaptic cleft by fusion with the 'active zone' of the presynaptic plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2827578", "l": "12q24.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C84998", "l": "12q24.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120083", "l": "rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterna", "d": ["A subcompartment of the rough endoplasmic reticulum consisting of lumenal expansion into a flattened, disc-shaped cavity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031907", "l": "microbody lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of a microbody."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612490", "l": "Pwp2p-containing subcomplex of 90S preribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097585", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt5p-Pmt3p dimer complex", "d": ["A protein dimer complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity and, in S. cerevisiae, is composed of Pmt5p-Pmt3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120337", "l": "radial spoke head 2", "d": ["The portion of the radial spoke 2 that is orthogonal to the elongated stalk and which projects towards the central pair of microtubules within the ciliary axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269068", "l": "cyclin A1-CDK1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820678", "l": "TBK1-IKKE-DDX3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752556", "l": "dendritic branch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030143", "l": "COPI-coated inter-Golgi transport vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle that mediates transport of cargo within the Golgi complex (for example, between cisternae of the Golgi stack)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548997", "l": "nuclear pore nuclear basket", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325693", "l": "yolk granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230904", "l": "Basal or external lamina of non-epithelial cell or tissue", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88113007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516511", "l": "Chromatin Structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13402", "l": "Chromatin Structure", "d": ["The more readily stainable portion of the cell nucleus, forming a network of nuclear fibrils within the achromatin of a cell. It is a deoxyribonucleic acid attached to a protein (primarily histone) structure base and is the carrier of genes in inheritance. It occurs in two states, euchromatin and heterochromatin, with different staining properties, and during cell division, it coils and folds to form the chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167522", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000794", "l": "condensed nuclear chromosome", "d": ["A highly compacted molecule of DNA and associated proteins resulting in a cytologically distinct nuclear chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070031", "l": "alphav-beta5 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta5 integrin complex bound to osteopontin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611796", "l": "PIK3CA-PIK3R1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236792", "l": "inner dense plaque of desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613164", "l": "meiotic nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612291", "l": "PEPB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821307", "l": "host cell synaptic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070559", "l": "lysosomal multienzyme complex", "d": ["A protein complex found in the lysosome that contains beta-galactosidase, cathepsin A, alpha-neuraminidase and N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase, and is involved in glycosaminoglycan catabolism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521280", "l": "3p14.3-p14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14020", "l": "3p14.3-p14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523835", "l": "H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0544979", "l": "Intracytoplasmic microvilli", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:125472007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010282", "l": "senescence-associated vacuole", "d": ["A lytic vacuole that is maintained at acidic pH and has different tonoplast composition compared to the central vacuole. Found during leaf senescence and develops in the peripheral cytoplasm of cells that contain chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031045", "l": "dense core granule", "d": ["Electron-dense organelle with a granular internal matrix; contains proteins destined to be secreted."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824425", "l": "phosphomannomutase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824384", "l": "MdtBC Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031521", "l": "spitzenkorper", "d": ["Structure within the hyphal tip of filamentous fungi that acts as an organizing center for hyphal tip growth; may function to supply vesicles to the elongating tip and/or to organize cytoskeletal microfilaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610736", "l": "polyhydroxyalkanoate granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035183", "l": "female germline ring canal inner rim", "d": ["A proteinaceous actin-rich layer of the insect ovarian ring canal that forms subcortically to the outer rim. The electron dense inner rim accumulates after the final mitotic division of each germline syncytia, and contains actin, a phosphotyrosine protein, and a number of cytoskeletal proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611075", "l": "synaptotagmin-synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-syntaxin-1b-Rab3a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099182", "l": "presynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton", "d": ["The intermediate filament cytoskeleton that is part of a presynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902509", "l": "methionine-importing complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of methionine-importing activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061927", "l": "TOC-TIC supercomplex I", "d": ["The protein transport macromolecular complex of the chloroplast membrane that interacts with the precursor proteins and contains components of both the outer membrane and inner membrane complexes containing at least Toc75, Toc159, Toc34 and Tic110."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235267", "l": "new cell pole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167281", "l": "type III protein secretion system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005713", "l": "recombination nodule", "d": ["An electron dense structure that is associated with meiotic chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825971", "l": "7q32.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82116", "l": "7q32.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521005", "l": "1q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25011", "l": "1q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520858", "l": "19q13.1-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24985", "l": "19q13.1-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990537", "l": "mitotic spindle polar microtubule", "d": ["Any of the mitotic spindle microtubules that come from each pole and overlap at the spindle midzone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896489", "l": "M-CSF:C-FMS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246512", "l": "cyanelle thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990462", "l": "omegasome", "d": ["Omega-shaped (as in the Greek capital letter) intracellular membrane-bounded organelle enriched in phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate and dynamically connected to the endoplasmic reticulum. Omegasomes are the first step of the formation of autophagosomes via the phagophore assembly sites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180026", "l": "Membrane protein of endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820078", "l": "germ plasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235091", "l": "PET complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.050016418185038", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516932", "l": "Epithelial Cell Junction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32530", "l": "Epithelial Cell Junction", "d": ["A region of cell-cell contact between adjacent cells in an epithelial layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.87435383147438", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002899", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 9", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008672", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 9", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13225", "l": "Human Chromosome 9", "d": ["The designation for each member of the ninth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 9 spans about 145 million base pairs of nucleic acids and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:13526007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265812", "l": "terminal cisterna lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623474", "l": "exosporium layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230628", "l": "Lamellipodia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32914", "l": "Lamellipodia", "d": ["A sheet-like cellular projection that is supported by an ordered network of actin microfilaments. This structure is involved in cellular motility and can define the leading edge of a migrating cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002944", "l": "cyclin K-CDK12 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin Kand cyclin-dependent kinase 12 (CDK12). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323130", "l": "Axon of photoreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167262", "l": "plasma membrane succinate dehydrogenase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061802", "l": "anterior cell cortex", "d": ["The region that lies just beneath the plasma membrane in the part of a cell that is closest to the anterior as defined by the developing, or existing, anterior/posterior axis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016529", "l": "sarcoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["A fine reticular network of membrane-limited elements that pervades the sarcoplasm of a muscle cell; continuous over large portions of the cell and with the nuclear envelope; that part of the endoplasmic reticulum specialized for calcium release, uptake and storage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990225", "l": "rhoptry neck", "d": ["Narrow, electron-dense part of the rhoptry that extends through the conoid at the apical tip of an apicomplexan parasite. The rhoptry neck serves as a duct through which the contents of the rhoptry are secreted after attachment to the host has been completed and at the commencement of invasion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515529", "l": "9q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13645", "l": "9q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033118", "l": "esterosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an esterosome. This membrane has characteristics of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329010", "l": "Plasma membrane of dense-core granulated cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031265", "l": "CD95 death-inducing signaling complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed upon binding of Fas/CD95/APO-1 to its ligand. The complex includes FADD/Mort1, procaspase-8/10 and c-FLIP in addition to the ligand-bound receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072534", "l": "perineuronal net", "d": ["A dense extracellular matrix (ECM) that forms around many neuronal cell bodies and dendrites late in development and is responsible for synaptic stabilization in the adult brain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098691", "l": "dopaminergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses dopamine as a neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13970", "l": "26S ATP-Dependent Proteasome", "d": ["Proteasomes are large multicatalytic proteolytic complexes found in all eukaryotic cells, and simpler forms have been found in archaebacteria and certain eubacteria. In eukaryotes, the 20S proteasome also exists as the central core of the 26S (2000 kDa) proteasome complex, which catalyzes the degradation of ubiquitin-conjugated proteins and contains an additional 19S complex, composed of regulatory proteins and six ATPases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610723", "l": "mononeme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546221", "l": "major head protein", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520949", "l": "1p31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24993", "l": "1p31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137264", "l": "protein phosphatase inhibitor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820076", "l": "tubulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236703", "l": "presynaptic endocytic zone membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548408", "l": "Schwann cell microvillus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179064", "l": "Nucleus of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521206", "l": "2q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13767", "l": "2q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C63581", "l": "5' Region", "d": ["Sequences immediately preceding a point of interest."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338638", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type D enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346554", "l": "7p13-p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68733", "l": "7p13-p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821118", "l": "protein-DNA ISRE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043600", "l": "cytoplasmic replisome", "d": ["A multi-component enzymatic machine at the cytoplasmic replication fork, which mediates DNA replication. Includes DNA primase, DNA polymerase, DNA helicase, and other proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010170", "l": "glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase complex", "d": ["Complex that catalyzes the synthesis of ADP-glucose and pyrophosphate from glucose-1-phosphate and ATP. In plants, the complex is a heterotetramer composed of two types of subunits (small and large). In bacteria, the enzyme complex is composed of four identical subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332419", "l": "Protoplasm of totipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000506", "l": "glycosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT) complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the transfer of GlcNAc from UDP-GlcNAc to an acceptor phosphatidylinositol, the first step in the production of GPI anchors for cell surface proteins. The complex contains PIG-A, PIG-C, PIG-H, PIG-Q, PIG-P, and DPM2 in human, and Eri1p, Gpi1p, Gpi2p, Gpi15p, Gpi19p, and Spt14p in budding yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622103", "l": "TRAMP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031673", "l": "H zone", "d": ["A relatively pale zone traversing the center of the A band of a sarcomere, visible in relaxed muscle fibers; consists of the central portion of thick (myosin) filaments that are not overlapped by thin (actin) filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155703", "l": "type I terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097412", "l": "hyaline inclusion", "d": ["A glass-like, pale intracellular inclusion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009320", "l": "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000974", "l": "Prp19 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of Prp19 and associated proteins that is involved in the transition from the precatalytic spliceosome to the activated form that catalyzes step 1 of splicing, and which remains associated with the spliceosome through the second catalytic step. It is widely conserved, found in both yeast and mammals, though the exact composition varies. In S. cerevisiae, it contains Prp19p, Ntc20p, Snt309p, Isy1p, Syf2p, Cwc2p, Prp46p, Clf1p, Cef1p, and Syf1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754094", "l": "translation initiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380234", "l": "osteoprotegerin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235327", "l": "vacuole-mitochondrion membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0815273", "l": "metaplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323128", "l": "Segment of photoreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044171", "l": "host cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the host cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520987", "l": "1q12-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25008", "l": "1q12-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521612", "l": "7p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13496", "l": "7p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097124", "l": "cyclin A2-CDK2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin A2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230658", "l": "Content of endocytic membrane invagination", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:26395008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521494", "l": "5q33.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13838", "l": "5q33.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893265", "l": "NF-Y transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824361", "l": "methionine-importing ABC transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071664", "l": "catenin-TCF7L2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains a catenin and TCF7L2 (TCF4), binds to the TCF DNA motif within a promoter element, and is involved in the regulation of WNT target gene transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032045", "l": "guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that stimulates the exchange of guanyl nucleotides associated with a GTPase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611139", "l": "prolyl 4-hydroxylase complex (alpha(III)-type)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521196", "l": "2pter-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13472", "l": "2pter-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "44.756054070290688", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043228", "l": "non-membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339234", "l": "Protoplasm of pluripotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754146", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137271", "l": "LinE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097668", "l": "SCF-Saf1/Pof9 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Saf1 in S. cerevisiae (Pof9 in S. pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520626", "l": "15q15-q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13680", "l": "15q15-q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183511", "l": "Intermembranous matrix of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246609", "l": "DNA helicase A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269093", "l": "NOXA-BCL-xl complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333323", "l": "Protoplasm of nonkeratinized cell of epidermis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072563", "l": "endothelial microparticle", "d": ["A blood microparticle that is derived from, and contains membrane receptors as well as other proteins characteristic of, an endothelial cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450876", "l": "ribosomal DNA heterochromatin of nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990474", "l": "synaptic vesicle, readily releasable pool", "d": ["A synaptic vesicle belonging to the pool of vesicles that are the first to be released as a result of chemical or electrical stimulation e.g. by an action potential, have the highest presynaptic membrane fusion probability and correspond to about 1% of the total number of synaptic vesicles at a resting terminal bouton."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180046", "l": "Membrane protein of rough endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521222", "l": "2q33-q37", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26035", "l": "2q33-q37", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612895", "l": "TFIIIC-TOP1-SUB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097144", "l": "BAX complex", "d": ["An oligomeric protein complex consisting of BAX, a member of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521236", "l": "2q37.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26499", "l": "2q37.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1659610", "l": "vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005751", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV", "d": ["A protein complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane that forms part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Contains the 13 polypeptide subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, including cytochrome a and cytochrome a3. Catalyzes the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by dioxygen (O2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031414", "l": "N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A complex that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to the N-terminal residue of a protein acceptor molecule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265257", "l": "ER ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821074", "l": "multivesicular body lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.797456398864092", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030849", "l": "autosome", "d": ["Any chromosome other than a sex chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815112", "l": "non-canonical inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166860", "l": "Golgi lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990406", "l": "CGRP receptor complex", "d": ["A transmembrane, G protein-coupled signaling receptor complex recognized by calcitonin gene-related peptides (CGRP)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263084", "l": "mitochondrial permeability transition pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611203", "l": "Mad-Max complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000220", "l": "vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": ["The V0 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the vacuolar membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005865", "l": "striated muscle thin filament", "d": ["Filaments formed of actin and associated proteins; attached to Z discs at either end of sarcomeres in myofibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070443", "l": "Mad-Max complex", "d": ["A transcriptional repressor complex that consists of a heterodimer of the bHLH-ZIP proteins Mad and Max."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990008", "l": "neurosecretory vesicle", "d": ["A large cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle with an electron dense granular core, up to 150-200 nm in diameter, found in neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005778", "l": "peroxisomal membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a peroxisome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D014960", "l": "X Chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0043292", "l": "X Chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:72837006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071175", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch1 (ICN1), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-2 (MAML2); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150058", "l": "amylin receptor complex 3", "d": ["A G protein-coupled receptor complex that serves as a receptor for amylin polypeptide (AMY) and consists of a calcitonin receptor (CTR/CALCR) and a receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 3. Amylin receptor complex 3 (AMY3) also serves as a receptor for the amyloid-beta complex. Ligand binding to AMY3 results in increased cytosolic calcium ion levels and in activation on multiple intracellular signaling pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520866", "l": "19q13.4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24986", "l": "19q13.4", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044613", "l": "nuclear pore central transport channel", "d": ["The central substructure of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), through which nucleocytoplasmic transport of RNAs, proteins and small molecules occurs. The central transport channel is filled with FG-nucleoporins, which form a selective barrier and provide a series of binding sites for transporter proteins. Characterized S. cerevisiae FG-nucleoporins include Nup159p, Nup145Np, Nup116p, Nup100p, Nsp1p, Nup57p, Nup49p, Nup42p, Nup53p, Nup59p/Asm4p, Nup60p and Nup1. Characterized vertebrate FG-nucleoporins include Nup214, Nup98, Nup62, Nup54, Nup58/45, NLP1, and Nup153."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.525080921078057", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230764", "l": "Golgi membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33080", "l": "Membrane of the Golgi Apparatus", "d": ["A lipid bilayer enclosing a Golgi compartment."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90475001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821311", "l": "external side of apical plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008941", "l": "Spindle Apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0260013", "l": "Spindle Apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622624", "l": "Cul5-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753446", "l": "Sgv1/Bur2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546223", "l": "bacteriophage tail", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230607", "l": "Fractured membrane particle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:55893004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515493", "l": "9p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13940", "l": "9p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819075", "l": "medial membrane band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020039", "l": "pellicle", "d": ["The structure enclosing certain parasite cells such as certain apicomplexa and Euglenozoa; consists of the cell membrane with its associated infrastructure of microtubules, microfilaments and other organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "52.733414257064325", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0175996", "l": "Protoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C43596", "l": "Protoplasm", "d": ["The organized colloidal complex of organic and inorganic substances (as proteins and water) that constitutes the living nucleus, cytoplasm, plastids, and mitochondria of the cell. It is composed mainly of nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and inorganic salts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325730", "l": "ribonuclease P complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160055", "l": "glideosome", "d": ["A protein complex composed of at least GAP45 (gliding-associated protein), GAP50 and myosin heavy and light chains. Anchored via GAP50 to the inner membrane complex of motile and invasive forms of apicomplexan parasites and regulates parasite gliding motility and invasion of host cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520580", "l": "14q11.2-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13905", "l": "14q11.2-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009923", "l": "fatty acid elongase complex", "d": ["A tetrameric complex of four different subunits which catalyzes the elongation of a fatty acid chain 2 carbon units at a time in the synthesis of very long chain fatty acids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032311", "l": "angiogenin-PRI complex", "d": ["A stable heterodimer of angiogenin and placental ribonuclease inhibitor; interaction between angiogenin and PRI prevents angiogenin binding to its receptor to stimulate angiogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753844", "l": "BRCA1-Rad51 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167497", "l": "protein phosphatase type 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691126", "l": "apical proximal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820560", "l": "RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990131", "l": "Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPase complex", "d": ["A heterodimer GTPase complex. In S. cerevisiae, this complex contains Gtr1p and Gtr2p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546220", "l": "minor head protein", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088262", "l": "Germ Cell Ribonucleoprotein Granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C5544380", "l": "Germ Cell Ribonucleoprotein Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062137", "l": "cargo receptor complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of a membrane and which functions as a cargo receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.760981911179996", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120114", "l": "Sm-like protein family complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing members of the Like-Sm family of proteins, which includes both the Sm proteins and the Lsm proteins, and which generally form hexameric or heptameric ring structures which bind to RNA. While some of these ring complexes may form independently of RNA, many only form in association with their target RNA. In addition to Lsm-family proteins, many of these complexes contain additional protein members. Members of this family of complexes include the snRNPs which comprise the majority of the spliceosome. Others are involved in the 5' to 3' degradation pathways of mRNAs in the cytoplasm and of unspliced transcripts in the nucleus, as well as other diverse roles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120335", "l": "radial spoke 3", "d": ["Radial spoke 3 (RS3), when present, is the most distal of each group of radial spokes, whether grouped as triplets or doublets. RS3 has significantly different morphology and protein composition than RS1 and RS2 and also extends at a slant from the microtubule doublet, rather than perpendicularly like RS1 and RS2. In some organisms (e.g. Chlamydomonas and Sarcophaga bullata), RS3 is represented only as a stump attached to the A-microtubule lacking the rest of the stalk structure and entirely lacking the head structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097387", "l": "capitate projection", "d": ["Simple or compound process of epithelial glial cells with a spherical head that inserts into photoreceptor axons. Capitate projections have only been observed in Brachycera (flies)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246667", "l": "Bcl3-NFKB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333589", "l": "Plasma membrane of Langerhans cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690716", "l": "EDS1-PAD4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325759", "l": "activin AB complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325696", "l": "apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753315", "l": "lysosomal multienzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268343", "l": "xanthine dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610982", "l": "serum ferritin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520704", "l": "16q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13858", "l": "16q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754340", "l": "alpha5-beta5-fibronectin-SFRP2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515554", "l": "Xq24-q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C37284", "l": "Xq24-q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159041", "l": "old growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521231", "l": "2q36-q37", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25041", "l": "2q36-q37", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824434", "l": "SAT tetramer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520357", "l": "11p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24912", "l": "11p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097539", "l": "ciliary transition fiber", "d": ["A nine-bladed, propeller-like protein complex that links the distal end of the basal body and the cilium to the plasma membrane. Functions in protein sorting and gating (i.e. active and passive transport of proteins in and out of the cilium)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070770", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD47-FAK complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell surface antigen CD47 and the kinase FAK."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156332", "l": "Primary Cilia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325834", "l": "viral glycoprotein", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520798", "l": "18p11.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13966", "l": "18p11.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137490", "l": "magnetosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009324", "l": "D-amino-acid dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses D-amino-acid dehydrogenase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753501", "l": "interleukin-27 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246377", "l": "protein-lipid complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520358", "l": "11p12-p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13693", "l": "11p12-p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106143", "l": "tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the catalysis of the formation of the modified nucleotide 7-methylguanine (at position 46 in certain tRNAs, such as tRNA(phe) and tRNA(met). In yeast, it is a heterotetramer of two subunits, Trm8 (catalytic) and Trm82 (WD repeat)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753060", "l": "Mus81-Eme1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071943", "l": "Myc-Max complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that consists of a heterodimer of the bHLH-ZIP proteins Myc and Max."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110145", "l": "magnetosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a magnetosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030139", "l": "endocytic vesicle", "d": ["A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle formed by invagination of the plasma membrane around an extracellular substance. Endocytic vesicles fuse with early endosomes to deliver the cargo for further sorting."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689971", "l": "m6A methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158621", "l": "extrinsic component of plastid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328875", "l": "postsynapse of neuromuscular junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271991", "l": "microspike", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005652", "l": "nuclear lamina", "d": ["The fibrous, electron-dense layer lying on the nucleoplasmic side of the inner membrane of a cell nucleus, composed of lamin filaments. The polypeptides of the lamina are thought to be concerned in the dissolution of the nuclear envelope and its re-formation during mitosis. The lamina is composed of lamin A and lamin C filaments cross-linked into an orthogonal lattice, which is attached via lamin B to the inner nuclear membrane through interactions with a lamin B receptor, an IFAP, in the membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071685", "l": "NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone)", "d": ["An NADH dehydrogenase complex that catalyzes the transfer of electrons to plastoquinone. The complex is involved in the non-photochemical reduction of plastoquinones and the cyclic electron transport around photosystem I, and is found in plastid thylakoids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245791", "l": "dendritic spine membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035974", "l": "meiotic spindle pole body", "d": ["The microtubule organizing center that forms as part of the meiotic cell cycle; functionally homologous to the animal cell centrosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753839", "l": "nuclear pore transmembrane ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097197", "l": "tetraspanin-enriched microdomain", "d": ["A pre-organized unit composed either of adhesion molecules (mainly integrins and members of the Ig superfamily), signaling receptors and/or enzyme-enriched plasma membrane domains that compartmentalizes cellular processes. Tetraspanin-enriched microdomains might be specially suited for the regulation of avidity of adhesion receptors and the compartmentalization of enzymatic activities."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009898", "l": "cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": ["The leaflet the plasma membrane that faces the cytoplasm and any proteins embedded or anchored in it or attached to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621823", "l": "SMC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035838", "l": "growing cell tip", "d": ["The region at either end of the longest axis of a cylindrical or elongated cell, where polarized growth occurs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819221", "l": "angiogenin-PRI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749475", "l": "intra-peroxisomal peripheral membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184883", "l": "Head of external pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521703", "l": "8p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38476", "l": "8p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005597", "l": "collagen type XVI trimer", "d": ["A collagen trimer containing alpha(XVI) chains; type XVI trimers can associate with microfibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230510", "l": "Central region of cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17196007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690292", "l": "K/Na hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612835", "l": "E.F.G complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167275", "l": "light-harvesting complex, peripheral complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825984", "l": "1q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82134", "l": "1q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822742", "l": "GMPR2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032590", "l": "dendrite membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180016", "l": "Rough endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32327", "l": "Cisterna of the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["One of the flattened membrane-bound regions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990531", "l": "phospholipid-translocating ATPase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that functions as a phospholipid-translocating P-Type ATPase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520939", "l": "1p13.3-p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24990", "l": "1p13.3-p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893357", "l": "6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166854", "l": "eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071920", "l": "cleavage body", "d": ["A nuclear body that contains proteins involved in pre-mRNA 3'-end cleavage and polyadenylation, such as DDX1, CSTF2 and CPSFs, as well as the transcription factors TFIIE and TFIIF. Cleavage bodies are localized adjacent to Cajal bodies and are involved in mRNA3'-end processing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016581", "l": "NuRD complex", "d": ["An approximately 2 MDa multi-subunit complex that exhibits ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling activity in addition to histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity, and has been shown to establish transcriptional repression of a number of target genes in vertebrates, invertebrates and fungi. Amongst its subunits, the NuRD complex contains histone deacetylases, histone binding proteins and Mi-2-like proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824543", "l": "mitotic checkpoint complex, CDC20-MAD2 subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521175", "l": "2p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14007", "l": "2p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070619", "l": "Shc-Grb2-Sos complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Grb2, the adaptor protein Shc and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos (or an ortholog thereof, such as mSos1), and is involved in linking EGFR activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2756043", "l": "NADH dehydrogenase complex (quinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990330", "l": "IscS-IscU complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric protein complex involved in the sulfur transfer during iron-sulfur cluster assembly and in the modification of tRNA wobble positions. In E. coli it consisting of a central IscS dimer with the IscU protomers attached to one of the IscS units each via a disulfide (-SSH) group."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753439", "l": "macropinocytic cup membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323122", "l": "Centriolar microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061779", "l": "Tapasin-ERp57 complex", "d": ["Subunit of the MHC class I peptide loading complex (GO:0042824) (=PLC) involved in the assembly of the heavy-chain-beta2-microglobulin dimers of the MHC class I molecules that fold with eight to ten residue peptides in the endoplasmic reticulum. Required for the inhibition of the reduction of the disulfide bonds of the heavy chains and the assembly and stabilization of the PLC, suggesting it may play a structural rather than a catalytic role."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325546", "l": "Cortical cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622331", "l": "apical junction complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043657", "l": "host cell", "d": ["A cell within a host organism. Includes the host plasma membrane and any external encapsulating structures such as the host cell wall and cell envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043246", "l": "megasome", "d": ["Large, cysteine proteinase rich lysosomes, often found in the amastigote (an intracytoplasmic, nonflagellated form of the parasite) stage of Leishmania species belonging to the mexicana complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166863", "l": "Golgi cis cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337989", "l": "Protoplasm of acinar cell of pancreas", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610672", "l": "Snap25-Stx1a-Vamp2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990072", "l": "TRAPPIII protein complex", "d": ["A complex that functions in anterograde transport at the Golgi and also regulates autophagy. In yeast it includes at least the following subunits: Bet3 (as homodimer), Bet5, Trs20, Trs23, Trs31, Trs33, Trs85. TRAPPIII may include further, as yet undescribed, proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824391", "l": "EmrE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072495", "l": "host cell Cajal body", "d": ["A class of nuclear body in the eukaryotic host cell, first seen after silver staining by Ramon y Cajal in 1903, enriched in small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, and certain general RNA polymerase II transcription factors; ultrastructurally, they appear as a tangle of coiled, electron-dense threads roughly 0.5 micrometers in diameter; involved in aspects of snRNP biogenesis; the protein coilin serves as a marker for Cajal bodies. Some argue that Cajal bodies are the sites for preassembly of transcriptosomes, unitary particles involved in transcription and processing of RNA. The host is the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230539", "l": "Nuclear envelope, invagination", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:63128003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753407", "l": "HAUS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752279", "l": "Cul8-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231740", "l": "ERN1-TRAF2-ASK1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005750", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III", "d": ["A protein complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane that forms part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Contains about 10 polypeptide subunits including four redox centers: cytochrome b/b6, cytochrome c1 and an 2Fe-2S cluster. Catalyzes the oxidation of ubiquinol by oxidized cytochrome c1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13445", "l": "Gene Feature", "d": ["The structural elements that comprise a gene or transcription unit. Gene structures include the transcription initiation site, the protein coding sequences, intervening sequences, and the transcription termination or polyadenylation sites as well as the regulatory elements (enhancers, silencers, and the promoter) that lie outside the boundaries of the transcribed unit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903865", "l": "sigma factor antagonist complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of sigma factor antagonist activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034466", "l": "chromaffin granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a chromaffin granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097143", "l": "PUMA-BCL-xl complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of PUMA and BCL-xl, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521652", "l": "7q31.1-q31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26472", "l": "7q31.1-q31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020025", "l": "subpellicular microtubule", "d": ["Singlet microtubule that lie underneath the inner membrane pellicle complex and emanate from the basal ring of the conoid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070521", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD82 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to membrane protein CD82, a member of the tetraspan family."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230663", "l": "Cuticle of cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:22938000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097183", "l": "protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor XI complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and coagulation factor XI (F11); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of coagulation factor XI."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062116", "l": "phenyloplast", "d": ["A chloroplast-derived plastid in which the solid form of phenol is stored."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754957", "l": "membrane-bound IgG2c", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821241", "l": "neuromuscular junction of myotube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150086", "l": "multiple synapse bouton", "d": ["A single axon terminal bouton making contact onto two or more dendritic spines protruding either from a single dendrite or from multiple dendrites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140910", "l": "iRhom2/ADAM17 sheddase complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of ADAM17 in complex with regulatory iRhoms and FERM domain containing proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893451", "l": "Mcs6/Mcs2/Pmh1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.58909006025462", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045211", "l": "postsynaptic membrane", "d": ["A specialized area of membrane facing the presynaptic membrane on the tip of the nerve ending and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft). Neurotransmitters cross the synaptic cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611042", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-laminin 5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.097525820927416", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012506", "l": "vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any membrane-bounded vesicle in the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824527", "l": "Gin4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167406", "l": "viral integration complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031464", "l": "Cul4A-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul4A subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by an adaptor protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236680", "l": "actin filament bundle of filopodium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520777", "l": "17q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13890", "l": "17q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090535", "l": "WICH complex", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (specifically SNF2H in mammals, which contain two ISWI homologs) and WSTF (Williams Syndrome Transcription Factor). WICH plays roles in regulation of RNAP I and III transcription and in DNA replication and repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166731", "l": "clathrin coat of synaptic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318930", "l": "Tenascin-R cell component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3826300", "l": "Fungal cell walls", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098595", "l": "perivitelline space", "d": ["The space between the membrane of an oocyte and a surrounding membranous structure (zona pellucida or perivitelline membrane)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060387", "l": "fertilization envelope", "d": ["A structure that lies outside the plasma membrane and surrounds the egg. The fertilization envelope forms from the vitelline membrane after fertilization as a result of cortical granule release."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1156124", "l": "plastid inner membrane organization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230766", "l": "Condensing Vacuoles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:22374001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821277", "l": "cytoplasmic side of rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521012", "l": "1q41-q42", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25014", "l": "1q41-q42", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520935", "l": "1p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13599", "l": "1p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070687", "l": "macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton", "d": ["The part of the cortical actin cytoskeleton that forms part of a macropinocytic cup."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246664", "l": "SAS acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033175", "l": "chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor CF(o)", "d": ["All non-F1 subunits of the chloroplast hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase, including integral and peripheral chloroplast thylakoid membrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167314", "l": "virion transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.608746832642353", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005587", "l": "collagen type IV trimer", "d": ["A collagen heterotrimer containing type IV alpha chains; [alpha1(IV)]2alpha2(IV) trimers are commonly observed, although more type IV alpha chains exist and may be present in type IV trimers; type IV collagen triple helices associate to form 3 dimensional nets within basement membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099096", "l": "vestibular calyx terminal", "d": ["The giant, cup-shaped axon terminal of a vestibular afferent neuron, serving as a post-synaptic contact to a type I hair cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009326", "l": "formate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the dehydrogenation of formate to produce carbon dioxide (CO2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032158", "l": "septin band", "d": ["A diffuse ring composed of a series of septin bars that run parallel to the long axis of the cell. This type of septin structure has been observed in a number of locations associated with polarized grown and/or deposition of new membrane, but not with cytokinesis, such as at the shmoo (mating projection) neck, at the junction between the mother cell and the germ tube (hypha) of a fungal cell growing filamentously."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044612", "l": "nuclear pore linkers", "d": ["A substructure of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that serves to connect members of the central transport channel (composed of FG-nucleoporins) to the core scaffold (composed of the inner and outer NPC rings). In S. cerevisiae, the linkers are Nic96p and Nup82p. In vertebrates, they are Nup93 and Nup88. Components are arranged in 8-fold symmetrical 'spokes' around the central transport channel. Both linkers can be isolated in association with specific FG-nucleoporins, complexes that are sometimes referred to as the Nic96 complex (Nic96p-Nsp1p-Nup49p-Nup57p) and the Nup82 complex (Nup82p-Nup116p-Nup159p-Gle2p)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339763", "l": "Cytoplasm of cementoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167084", "l": "RNA polymerase I transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754333", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-laminin alpha-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896470", "l": "PCSK9:EGF-A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179967", "l": "Cytoplasmic intermediate filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033105", "l": "chlorosome envelope", "d": ["The structure, composed of a monolayer of glycolipids with embedded proteins, that encloses the pigments and other contents of the chlorosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753476", "l": "alphaPDGFR-SHP-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753341", "l": "flavocytochrome b558 location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521401", "l": "4q25-q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26435", "l": "4q25-q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071198", "l": "Kv4.1-DPP6 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the peptidase-related protein DPP6 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "62.246037705652014", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061695", "l": "transferase complex, transferring phosphorus-containing groups", "d": ["A transferase complex capable of catalysis of the transfer of a phosphorus-containing group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612632", "l": "RNA cap binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622034", "l": "extrinsic component of endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754153", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520507", "l": "12q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13994", "l": "12q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612806", "l": "ITGA7-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055040", "l": "periplasmic flagellum", "d": ["Flagellar filaments located in the periplasmic space; characterized in spirochetes, in which they are essential for shape and motility. Composed of a core surrounded by two sheath layers, the flagella rotate to allow migration of the cell through viscous media, which would not be possible using external flagella."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071069", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to thrombospondin-1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.551667831314546", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D011992", "l": "Endosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0034850", "l": "Endosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32519", "l": "Endosome", "d": ["A membrane bound cytoplasmic compartment that drives molecular traffic between the plasma membrane and lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824517", "l": "RSP5-BUL2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002095", "l": "caveolar macromolecular signaling complex", "d": ["A complex composed of proteins required for beta adrenergic receptor activation of protein kinase A. It includes the Cav 12. subunit of L-type calcium channel, protein kinase A regulatory subunit 2(PKAR2), adenyl cyclase, beta-adrenergic receptor, G-alpha-S, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) and caveolin 3 (CAV3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044203", "l": "host cell nuclear lamina", "d": ["The fibrous, electron-dense layer lying on the nucleoplasmic side of the inner membrane of a host cell nucleus, composed of lamin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521278", "l": "3p14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25045", "l": "3p14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042650", "l": "prothylakoid membrane", "d": ["The membrane of prothylakoids, underdeveloped thylakoids found in etioplasts, lacking competent photosynthetic membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5444559", "l": "pellicular membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070768", "l": "synaptotagmin-synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-syntaxin-1b-Unc13 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptotagmin, synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, syntaxin 1a, syntaxin1b, and Unc13b (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520859", "l": "19q13.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28702", "l": "19q13.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1514579", "l": "Proximal Connecting Fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33416", "l": "Proximal Connecting Fiber", "d": ["A protein complex associated with the distal end of the centriole that is involved in centriole localization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005796", "l": "Golgi lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of any cisterna or subcompartment of the Golgi apparatus, including the cis- and trans-Golgi networks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548808", "l": "phagolysosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070517", "l": "DNA replication factor C core complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing three of the five subunits of eukaryotic replication factor C, those corresponding to human p40, p38, and p37."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062245", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory inner membrane", "d": ["The inner of the two endoplasmic reticulum-derived lipid bilayer membranes that bound a double membrane vesicle viral factory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167288", "l": "pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325708", "l": "microsporocyte nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167502", "l": "Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754323", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-VEGF-D complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325726", "l": "transcription export complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034646", "l": "organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer", "d": ["A lipid monolayer that surrounds and encloses an organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331467", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098551", "l": "lumenal side of late endosome membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the late endosome membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990124", "l": "messenger ribonucleoprotein complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex containing both protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247662", "l": "type III polyketide synthase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4324139", "l": "Lateral part of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097471", "l": "mossy fiber rosette", "d": ["A synapse of a mossy fiber onto the dendrite of a granule cell; each mossy fiber can have up to 50 rosettes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271859", "l": "ERBB4:ERBB2 heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230531", "l": "Metaphase nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:1620002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167049", "l": "endopeptidase Clp complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031979", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by a plasma membrane-derived thylakoid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.449651719305677", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071753", "l": "IgM immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgM isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and in its circulating form complexed with J chain in polymeric forms. An IgM immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098046", "l": "type V protein secretion system complex", "d": ["A complex of proteins that permits the translocation of proteins across the outer membrane via a transmembrane pore, formed by a beta-barrel, into the extracellular milieu or directly into host cells; the secreted proteins contain all the information required for translocation of an effector molecule through the cell envelope. The type V secretion systems includes the autotransporters (type Va), the two-partner secretion system (type Vb) and the Oca family (type Vc)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754279", "l": "ITGA2b-ITGB3-FN1-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990030", "l": "pericellular basket", "d": ["Ramification of basket cell axon surrounding cell bodies, forming the characteristic pericellular baskets from which the cell class derives its name."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893558", "l": "dinoflagellate sulcus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106098", "l": "NAGS/NAGK complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts both as N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) catalysing the production of N-Acetylglutamate from glutamate and acetyl-CoA, and as N-acetylglutamate kinase (NAGK) catalysing the reaction ATP + N-acetyl-L-glutamate = ADP + N-acetyl-L-glutamyl 5-phosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017177", "l": "glucosidase II complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex that catalyzes the trimming of glucose residues from N-linked core glycans on newly synthesized glycoproteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000148", "l": "1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the transfer of a glucose group from UDP-glucose to a (1->3)-beta-D-glucan chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031462", "l": "Cul2-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul2 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by an elongin-BC adaptor and a SOCS/BC box protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326623", "l": "Surface of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520400", "l": "11q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24924", "l": "11q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672795", "l": "bI4 intron splicing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339079", "l": "Protoplasm of osteoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335118", "l": "Plasma membrane of hyalocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523500", "l": "interphase microtubule organizing center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824491", "l": "PDGF-DD-receptor beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "32.387037585562332", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042611", "l": "MHC protein complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC alpha chain and, in most cases, either an MHC class II beta chain or an invariant beta2-microglobin chain, and with or without a bound peptide, lipid, or polysaccharide antigen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:C000720047", "l": "Tunneling Nanotubes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C5565543", "l": "Tunneling Nanotubes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005902", "l": "microvillus", "d": ["Thin cylindrical membrane-covered projections on the surface of an animal cell containing a core bundle of actin filaments. Present in especially large numbers on the absorptive surface of intestinal cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "MESH:D008871", "l": "Microvilli", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026049", "l": "Microvilli", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33112", "l": "Microvillus", "d": ["A finger-like projection of the plasma membrane found in epithelial cells that increases the surface area of the apical domain of the epithelium. It is comprised of plasma membrane that is supported by longitudinal actin filaments that are crosslinked by fimbrin and villin."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49690003", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UBERON:0012423", "l": "layer of microvilli", "d": ["A layer of microvilli, Thin cylindrical membrane-covered projections on the surface of an animal cell containing a core bundle of actin filaments[GO,modified]."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520641", "l": "15q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24960", "l": "15q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167195", "l": "spot adherens junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167330", "l": "sodium ion-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818833", "l": "myosin IX complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754296", "l": "alphaV-beta6 integrin-TGFbeta-3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033063", "l": "Rad51B-Rad51C-Rad51D-XRCC2 complex", "d": ["A DNA recombinase mediator complex that contains the Rad51 paralogs RAD51B, RAD51C, RAD51D, and XRCC2, or orthologs thereof."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329326", "l": "Sympathetic visceral afferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031266", "l": "TRAIL death-inducing signaling complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed upon binding of TRAIL to its ligand. The complex includes FADD/Mort1 and procaspase-8 addition to the ligand-bound receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166786", "l": "polar microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820010", "l": "nexine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046691", "l": "intracellular canaliculus", "d": ["An apical plasma membrane part that forms a narrow enfolded luminal membrane channel, lined with numerous microvilli, that appears to extend into the cytoplasm of the cell. A specialized network of intracellular canaliculi is a characteristic feature of parietal cells of the gastric mucosa in vertebrates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753847", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD47-FAK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521078", "l": "21q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28538", "l": "21q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13639", "l": "Poly-A Addition Site", "d": ["The site within the 3' untranslated region of a gene where polyadenylation of the transcribed RNA takes place. Usually consists of the sequence AATAAA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754971", "l": "IgD immunoglobulin complex, GPI-anchored", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012510", "l": "trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vesicle transporting substances between the trans-Golgi network and other parts of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893356", "l": "6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009380", "l": "excinuclease repair complex", "d": ["Any of the protein complexes formed by the UvrABC excinuclease system, which carries out nucleotide excision repair. Three different complexes are formed by the 3 proteins as they proceed through the excision repair process. First a complex consisting of two A subunits and two B subunits bind DNA and unwind it around the damaged site. Then, the A subunits disassociate leaving behind a stable complex between B subunits and DNA. Now, subunit C binds to this B+DNA complex and causes subunit B to nick the DNA on one side of the complex while subunit C nicks the DNA on the other side of the complex. DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase can then repair the resulting gap."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001520", "l": "outer dense fiber", "d": ["A supramolecular fiber found in the flagella of mammalian sperm that surrounds the nine microtubule doublets. These dense fibers are stiff and noncontractile. In human, they consist of about 10 major and at least 15 minor proteins, where all major proteins are ODF1, ODF2 or ODF2-related proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623294", "l": "microbody lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611202", "l": "ITGA2B-ITGB3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450315", "l": "PP2a-protector", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137528", "l": "rod photoreceptor disc membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.46884121242978", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031090", "l": "organelle membrane", "d": ["A membrane that is one of the two lipid bilayers of an organelle envelope or the outermost membrane of single membrane bound organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120259", "l": "7SK snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the 7SK snRNA. The 7SK snRNP plays a central role in RNA polymerase II elongation control by regulating the availability of active P-TEFb."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097148", "l": "BCL-2 complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex consisting of BCL-2, a member of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520553", "l": "13q22-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13751", "l": "13q22-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.760981911179996", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000307", "l": "cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex", "d": ["Cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) are enzyme complexes that contain a kinase catalytic subunit associated with a regulatory cyclin partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179059", "l": "Myoid part of inner segment of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071129", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-LPP3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to lipid phosphate phosphohydrolase-3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521051", "l": "20q11.1-11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25019", "l": "20q11.1-11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521220", "l": "2q33-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14016", "l": "2q33-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328908", "l": "spine apparatus lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621976", "l": "platelet alpha granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326870", "l": "apical plasma membrane urothelial plaque", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167122", "l": "DNA replication factor C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045267", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core", "d": ["The hexamer that possesses the catalytic activity of the mitochondrial hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098021", "l": "viral capsid, decoration", "d": ["Component of the virus capsid (head), located on the outer head surface. Involved in the stabilization of the head structure and usually non-essential."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034362", "l": "low-density lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A lipoprotein particle, rich in cholesterol esters and low in triglycerides that is typically composed of APOB100 and APOE and has a density of 1.02-1.06 g/ml and a diameter of between 20-25 nm. LDL particles are formed from VLDL particles (via IDL) by the loss of triglyceride and gain of cholesterol ester. They transport endogenous cholesterol (and to some extent triglycerides) from peripheral tissues back to the liver."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271527", "l": "tectonic-like complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520707", "l": "16q24.2-q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13852", "l": "16q24.2-q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520948", "l": "1p31.2-p31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24992", "l": "1p31.2-p31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031480", "l": "myosin X complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing one or more class X myosin heavy chains and associated light chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "55.543964278193847", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005739", "l": "mitochondrion", "d": ["A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034717", "l": "Gemin6-Gemin7-unrip complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Gemin6, Gemin7, and unrip (STRAP), and can bind to snRNAs; may play a role in snRNP assembly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166723", "l": "chitosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247080", "l": "host cell part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819068", "l": "germ tube septin cap", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090572", "l": "RNA polymerase III transcription repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the nucleus, that possesses activity that prevents or downregulates transcription from a RNA polymerase III promoter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.552154022789225", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044391", "l": "ribosomal subunit", "d": ["Either of the two subunits of a ribosome: the ribosomal large subunit or the ribosomal small subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548380", "l": "viral capsid, fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821059", "l": "TNFR1 complex II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323117", "l": "Supranuclear part of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137189", "l": "mitochondrial protein translocase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097514", "l": "sexual spore wall", "d": ["A specialized envelope lying outside the cell membrane of a spore derived from a product of meiosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030867", "l": "rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13383", "l": "18q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 18"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166884", "l": "major mitochondrial derivative", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097255", "l": "R2TP complex", "d": ["A highly conserved protein complex comprised of two ATP-dependent DNA helicases (Rvb1p and Rvb2p in yeast, Pontin52 and Reptin52 in humans), Pih1p in yeast or PIH1D1 in humans, and Tah1 in yeast or RPAP3 in humans. The complex associates with Hsp90 and is thought to have a role in assembly of large protein or protein/nucleic acid complexes. In this role it is involved in multiple processes such as box C/D snoRNP biogenesis, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase-related protein kinase (PIKK) signaling, RNA polymerase II assembly, and others."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230930", "l": "Flagellum, bacterial, basal structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:27531009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689784", "l": "Kir6-SUR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610656", "l": "Vamp2-Snap25-Stx1a-Cplx1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824538", "l": "RNA polymerase II, RPB4-RPB7 subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893449", "l": "autophagy-specific phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034733", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIB-beta complex", "d": ["A transcription factor TFIIIB-beta complex that contains the TATA-binding protein (TBP), B'' and BRF, and is involved in the regulation of transcription from type 2 RNA polymerase III promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000136", "l": "mannan polymerase complex", "d": ["A protein complex with alpha-(1->6)-mannosyltransferase activity, located in the cis Golgi membrane; adds mannan to N-linked glycans on proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035003", "l": "subapical complex", "d": ["The most apical region of the lateral plasma membrane of an invertebrate epithelial cell. The subapical complex lies above the zonula adherens and the septate junction, and is comparable to the position of the tight junction of vertebrate cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690321", "l": "postsynaptic specialization membrane of symmetric synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.605953599968913", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002879", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008652", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13205", "l": "Human Chromosome 10", "d": ["The designation for each member of the tenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 10 spans about 135 million base pairs and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56332006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896530", "l": "C2 axonemal microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061645", "l": "endocytic patch", "d": ["The part of the cell cortex consisting of an aggregation of proteins that will give rise to an endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070556", "l": "TAF4B-containing transcription factor TFIID complex", "d": ["A transcription factor TFIID complex that contains the TBP-associated factor TAF4B (also known as TAFII105 in human), a cell-type-specific variant of TAF4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166683", "l": "recombination nodule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230942", "l": "Spore structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113362006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043673", "l": "sexine", "d": ["The outer, sculptured layer of the exine, which lies above the nexine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515454", "l": "8q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40046", "l": "8q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754240", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230532", "l": "Metaphase plate", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13326", "l": "Metaphase Plate", "d": ["The plane of the spindle approximately equidistant from the two poles along which the chromosomes are lined up during mitosis or meiosis."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:48438006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451092", "l": "pro-centriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000934", "l": "porous cell septum", "d": ["A septum or cross wall which does not entirely span the space between two portions of cell wall and may contain a specialized central pore structure. A porous septum allows the movement of organelles and/or cytoplasm between compartments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031934", "l": "mating-type region heterochromatin", "d": ["Heterochromatic regions of the chromosome found at silenced mating-type loci."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817598", "l": "cellulose synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815078", "l": "TMCO1 translocon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598171", "l": "nucleolar organizing region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.330956682939657", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000322", "l": "storage vacuole", "d": ["A vacuole that functions primarily in the storage of materials, including nutrients, pigments, waste products, and small molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005912", "l": "adherens junction", "d": ["A cell-cell junction composed of the epithelial cadherin-catenin complex. The epithelial cadherins, or E-cadherins, of each interacting cell extend through the plasma membrane into the extracellular space and bind to each other. The E-cadherins bind to catenins on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, where the E-cadherin-catenin complex binds to cytoskeletal components and regulatory and signaling molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612887", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIB-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043082", "l": "megagametophyte egg cell nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of a plant egg cell. This nucleus is found at the micropylar end of the embryo."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325617", "l": "EMILIN-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896481", "l": "mitochondrial inner membrane assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612884", "l": "SmD-containing SMN-Sm protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819396", "l": "homodimeric decaprenyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825981", "l": "9q33.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82131", "l": "9q33.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896521", "l": "survivin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230654", "l": "Simple caveola", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113356001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031026", "l": "glutamate synthase complex", "d": ["A complex that possesses glutamate synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325616", "l": "EMILIN-3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5241416", "l": "mu-calpain complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754803", "l": "neuronal RNA granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005731", "l": "nucleolus organizer region", "d": ["A region of a chromosome where nucleoli form during interphase, and where genes encoding the largest rRNA precursor transcript are tandemly arrayed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520602", "l": "14q32.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25957", "l": "14q32.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3895356", "l": "sigma factor antagonist complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120280", "l": "ciliary pro-basal body", "d": ["The cilary pro-basal body is an immature, partially assembled form of a ciliary basal body found next to the basal body of a cilium. Pro-basal bodies are not capable of nucleating a cilium. As the cell progresses through the cell cycle, continuing assembly will convert the pro-basal body into a mature basal body that is capable of nucleating a cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323568", "l": "Protoplasm of natural killer cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061828", "l": "apical tubulobulbar complex", "d": ["Actin-based structures involved in establishing close contact between mature spermatids and Sertoli cells at the luminal end of the Sertoli cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5172361", "l": "Megakaryocytic nuclei | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690680", "l": "mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230835", "l": "Microbody nucleoid, amorphous", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:39958007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990298", "l": "bub1-bub3 complex", "d": ["Protein complex that associates with the kinetochores."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005721", "l": "pericentric heterochromatin", "d": ["Heterochromatin that is located adjacent to the CENP-A rich centromere 'central core' and characterized by methylated H3 histone at lysine 9 (H3K9me2/H3K9me3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000145", "l": "exocyst", "d": ["A protein complex peripherally associated with the plasma membrane that determines where vesicles dock and fuse. At least eight complex components are conserved between yeast and mammals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246608", "l": "DNA helicase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097523", "l": "transcription ternary complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA-RNA complex composed of RNA polymerase, template DNA, and an RNA transcript."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005766", "l": "primary lysosome", "d": ["A lysosome before it has fused with a vesicle or vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070118", "l": "organellar chromatophore thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer membrane of any thylakoid within an organellar chromatophore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4517271", "l": "Entire neuropil", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:730833001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159002", "l": "egg coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009341", "l": "beta-galactosidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses beta-galactosidase activity, i.e. catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing beta-D-galactose residues in beta-D-galactosides. In E. coli, the complex is a homotetramer; dimeric and hexameric beta-galactosidase complexes have been observed in other species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098980", "l": "presynaptic density", "d": ["An electron dense specialization of the presynaptic active zone cytoskeleton."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333770", "l": "Ring fibers", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:47913008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546242", "l": "pale body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019908", "l": "nuclear cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex", "d": ["Cyclin-dependent protein kinase (CDK) complex found in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D059045", "l": "Chromosomal Puffs", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2337375", "l": "Chromosomal Puffs", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5154354", "l": "Barr bodies | Cervix | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236623", "l": "cytosolic region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380123", "l": "RNA polymerase III transcription regulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818888", "l": "integrator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990021", "l": "Schaffer axon collateral", "d": ["Part of axon of a CA3 pyramidal neuron that projects to hippocampal area CA1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167173", "l": "U4/U6 x U5 tri-snRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262852", "l": "epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based exoskeleton extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546727", "l": "membrane stack", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D031425", "l": "Plasmodesmata", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1135842", "l": "Plasmodesmata", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230617", "l": "Extracellular dense component of desmosome or hemidesmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:19353002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033551", "l": "monopolin complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for clamping microtubule binding sites, ensuring orientation of sister kinetochores to the same pole (mono-orientation) during meiosis I. In the yeast S. cerevisiae this complex consists of Csm1p, Lrs4p, Hrr25p and Mam1p; in S. pombe Psc1 and Mde4 have been identified as subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752623", "l": "VRK3/VHR/ERK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071115", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-endostatin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta1 integrin complex bound to endostatin, the NC1 domain of the alpha1 chain of type XVIII collagen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610676", "l": "Stx2-Snap25-Vamp2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235689", "l": "cytolytic granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520199", "l": "Xq27.1-q27.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25146", "l": "Xq27.1-q27.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230921", "l": "Macrocapsule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60429001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690209", "l": "lymphotoxin alpha-beta", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744673", "l": "TIM23 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896263", "l": "Clr6 histone deacetylase complex I''", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D021941", "l": "Caveolae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230653", "l": "Caveolae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13328", "l": "Caveola", "d": ["A small pocket, vesicle, cave, or recess communicating with the outside of a cell and extending inward, indenting the cytoplasm and the cell membrane. Such caveolae may be pinched off to form free vesicles within the cytoplasm. They are considered to be sites of uptake of materials into the cell, expulsion of materials from the cell, or sites of addition or removal of cell (unit) membrane to or from the cell surface."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:65287002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818837", "l": "myosin XIII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137350", "l": "lipopolysaccharide transport system", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1328256", "l": "mitochondrial inner membrane peptidase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167382", "l": "collagen type X location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167030", "l": "fungal-type vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230821", "l": "Adhesion specialization between lysosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:31816008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330705", "l": "Plasma membrane of lymphocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054657", "l": "Ribosome Subunits", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1956015", "l": "Ribosome Subunits", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268450", "l": "Cytoplasmic filament, tubule, centriole AND/OR associated structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108355006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821239", "l": "inhibitory neuromuscular junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824237", "l": "spermatoproteasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754130", "l": "prespliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010319", "l": "stromule", "d": ["Thin filamentous structure extending from the surface of all plastid types examined so far, including chloroplast, proplastid, etioplast, leucoplast, amyloplast, and chromoplast. In general, stromules are more abundant in tissues containing non-green plastids, and in cells containing smaller plastids. The primary function of stromules is still unresolved, although the presence of stromules markedly increases the plastid surface area, potentially increasing transport to and from the cytosol. Other functions of stromules, such as transfer of macromolecules between plastids and starch granule formation in cereal endosperm, may be restricted to particular tissues and cell types."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523891", "l": "chloroplast ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520624", "l": "15q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24955", "l": "15q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044185", "l": "host cell late endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a host cell late endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682565", "l": "myocyte structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1545526", "l": "Intercellular substance", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752744", "l": "contractile fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824530", "l": "collagen type XXI trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824488", "l": "PDGF-CC-receptor alpha-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031983", "l": "vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane or protein that forms a vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033064", "l": "XRCC2-RAD51D complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric DNA recombinase mediator complex that contains the Rad51 paralogs RAD51D and XRCC2, or orthologs thereof; conserved from fission yeast to human but absent from budding yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334931", "l": "Plasma membrane of nonkeratinized cell of epidermis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098560", "l": "cytoplasmic side of late endosome membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the late endosome membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710963", "l": "2q31.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C54553", "l": "2q31.2", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520292", "l": "10q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40047", "l": "10q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520856", "l": "19q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13474", "l": "19q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1760026", "l": "speckle focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521707", "l": "8p22-q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38600", "l": "8p22-q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097134", "l": "cyclin E1-CDK2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin E1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167035", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuolar membrane network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166927", "l": "Striated muscle thick filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0443777", "l": "Neutrophil inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:259713004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13734", "l": "Regulatory Element", "d": ["Any DNA sequence involved in the regulation of genetic processes such as transcription and replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230614", "l": "Autodesmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66084006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166999", "l": "plastid large ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166987", "l": "Etioplasts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515469", "l": "8q24.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13784", "l": "8q24.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009379", "l": "Holliday junction helicase complex", "d": ["A DNA helicase complex found at Holliday junctions where the helicase activity is involved in the migration of the junction branch point. The best-characterized example is the E. coli RuvAB complex, in which a hexamer of RuvB subunits possesses helicase activity that is modulated by association with RuvA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754400", "l": "Kv4.1-DPP6 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230756", "l": "Solitary microtubule component of centriole or axonemal complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:5564007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754148", "l": "AT-AC prespliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166986", "l": "elaioplast stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120220", "l": "basal body patch", "d": ["The region in the apical portion of multiciliated epithelial cells where the ciliary basal bodies cluster."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247834", "l": "mitochondrial DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031976", "l": "plastid thylakoid", "d": ["Any thylakoid within a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236707", "l": "presynaptic active zone cytoplasmic component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230802", "l": "Annulate lamella, membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88988009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098022", "l": "viral capsid, fiber", "d": ["A type of capsid decoration composed of fiber structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033268", "l": "node of Ranvier", "d": ["An axon part that is a gap in the myelin where voltage-gated sodium channels cluster and saltatory conduction is executed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262707", "l": "recycling endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247835", "l": "mitochondrial RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521016", "l": "1q42.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13629", "l": "1q42.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611304", "l": "BRCA1-A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167045", "l": "vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245784", "l": "growth cone membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521564", "l": "6q21-q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25097", "l": "6q21-q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045278", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex IV", "d": ["A part of the respiratory chain located in the plasma membrane, containing the 13 polypeptide subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, including cytochrome a and cytochrome a3. Catalyzes the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by dioxygen (O2). Examples of this component are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167258", "l": "respiratory chain complex I location (sensu Bacteria)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262708", "l": "trichocyst", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521485", "l": "5q23.3-q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29967", "l": "5q23.3-q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322676", "l": "Interphase cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544409", "l": "square array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033186", "l": "CAF-1 complex", "d": ["A conserved heterotrimeric protein complex that promotes histone H3 and H4 deposition onto newly synthesized DNA during replication or DNA repair; specifically facilitates replication-dependent nucleosome assembly with the major histone H3 (H3.1). In many species the CAF-1 subunits are designated p150, p60, and p48."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005591", "l": "collagen type VIII trimer", "d": ["A collagen heterotrimer containing type VIII alpha chains; [alpha1(VIII)2]alpha2(VIII) and alpha1(VIII)[alpha2(VIII)]2 trimers have been observed; type VIII collagen triple helices associate to form regular hexagonal nets."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338507", "l": "Surface of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5185562", "l": "X and Y chromosome | Blood or Marrow | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322725", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of collecting duct of renal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062092", "l": "Yae1-Lto1 complex", "d": ["A cytosolic complex that functions as an substrate-specific adaptor, linking the cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly (CIA) targeting complex to apo-Rli1p, an ABC protein involved in ribosome recycling, facilitating Fe-S cluster insertion and the maturation of the Rli1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167253", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location, catalytic core F(1)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183505", "l": "Basal part of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612459", "l": "low-density lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328642", "l": "Primary nerve ending within muscle spindle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546342", "l": "CO dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611078", "l": "ITGB3-ITGAV-CD47 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098026", "l": "virus tail, tube", "d": ["The internal tube of the contractile tails of some viruses. The virus tail tube is the channel for DNA ejection into the host cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042567", "l": "insulin-like growth factor ternary complex", "d": ["A complex of three proteins, which in animals is approximately 150kDa and consists of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF), the insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), or -5 (IGFBP-5) and an acid-labile subunit (ALS). The complex plays a role in growth and development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823011", "l": "left anterior basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071133", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM8 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM8."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167380", "l": "short-chain collagen location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156601", "l": "ER membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044186", "l": "host cell lipid droplet", "d": ["Any particle of coalesced lipids in the cytoplasm of a host cell. May include associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905506", "l": "gerontoplast stroma", "d": ["Any plastid stroma that is part of a gerontoplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612633", "l": "cytoplasmic RNA cap binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325612", "l": "p155 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325928", "l": "microtubule end of neurotubule of PAA", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120206", "l": "photoreceptor distal connecting cilium", "d": ["The distal region of the photoreceptor connecting cilium is structurally unique to the photoreceptor and is maintained by retina-specific protein, SPATA7, and its interacting partners RPGR and RPGRIP1. It is essential for photoreceptor sensory cilium stability."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521648", "l": "7q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13773", "l": "7q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097449", "l": "astrocyte projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from the soma of an astrocyte and wrapping around neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753840", "l": "Delta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754395", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP2 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090553", "l": "unicellular trichome tip", "d": ["A cell projection part that is the apical most portion of a unicellular trichome apex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166840", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269174", "l": "PBF transcription complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010339", "l": "external side of cell wall", "d": ["The side of the cell wall that is opposite to the side that faces the cell and its contents."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323143", "l": "Axis-cylinder of peripheral nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896456", "l": "transnitrosylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002193", "l": "MAML1-RBP-Jkappa- ICN1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch1 (ICN1), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-1 (MAML1); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820971", "l": "MICOS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167247", "l": "voltage-gated sodium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009655", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, core complex", "d": ["The pigment-protein complex primarily associated to PSII in higher plants, green algae and cyanobacteria that directly transfers electrons to the reaction center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030935", "l": "sheet-forming collagen trimer", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of three collagen chains assembled into a left-handed triple helix. These trimers assemble into a sheet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D059785", "l": "Karyotype", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1261273", "l": "Karyotype (cell structure)", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:734840008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062091", "l": "Ycf2/FtsHi complex", "d": ["A protein complex located in the chloroplast inner membrane and facing the stroma that is associated with the chloroplast inner membrane translocase complex and provides the ATPase motor activity to drive import of proteins into the chloroplast stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033645", "l": "host cell endomembrane system", "d": ["A collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the host cell. The main components of the endomembrane system are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, vesicles, cell membrane and nuclear envelope. Members of the endomembrane system pass materials through each other or though the use of vesicles. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044094", "l": "host cell nuclear part", "d": ["Any constituent part of a host cell's nucleus, a membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. The host is the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044322", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment", "d": ["A subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum in which proteins with improper or incorrect folding accumulate. Enzymes in this compartment direct proteins with major folding problems to translocation to the cytosol and degradation, and proteins with minor folding problems to the ER, to interact with chaperon proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546514", "l": "GAIT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520594", "l": "14q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13519", "l": "14q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032809", "l": "neuronal cell body membrane", "d": ["The plasma membrane of a neuron cell body - excludes the plasma membrane of cell projections such as axons and dendrites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520983", "l": "1p36.3-p36.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28425", "l": "1p36.3-p36.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623100", "l": "DNA replication preinitiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167096", "l": "mediator complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120095", "l": "vacuole-isolation membrane contact site", "d": ["An organelle membrane contact site formed at the junction of the vacuolar membrane and the isolation membrane or phagophore in response to starvation or other stresses, leading to the formation of the autophagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549082", "l": "T=4 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523679", "l": "cytoneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990604", "l": "IRE1-TRAF2-ASK1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane that consists of IRE1 (Inositol-requiring enzyme-1), TRAF2 (TNF receptor-associated factor 2) and ASK1 (Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1, a MAP3K)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048471", "l": "perinuclear region of cytoplasm", "d": ["Cytoplasm situated near, or occurring around, the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009543", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid lumen", "d": ["The cavity enclosed within the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. An example of this component is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235248", "l": "nucleolus-like body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178977", "l": "Part of rough endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896490", "l": "M-CSF:CSF1R complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043078", "l": "polar nucleus", "d": ["Either of two nuclei located centrally in a flowering plant embryo sac that eventually fuse to form the endosperm nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230856", "l": "Longitudinal orientation of cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62254007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005916", "l": "fascia adherens", "d": ["A cell-cell junction that contains the transmembrane protein N-cadherin, which interacts with identical molecules from neighbouring cells to form a tight mechanical intercellular link; forms a large portion of the intercalated disc, the structure at which myofibrils terminate in cardiomyocytes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546537", "l": "methylthiol:coenzyme M methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1750288", "l": "peptide chain release factor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005655", "l": "nucleolar ribonuclease P complex", "d": ["A ribonuclease P complex located in the nucleolus of a eukaryotic cell, where it catalyzes the 5' endonucleolytic cleavage of precursor tRNAs to yield mature tRNAs. Eukaryotic nucleolar ribonuclease P complexes generally contain a single RNA molecule that is necessary but not sufficient for catalysis, and several protein molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338766", "l": "Cytoplasm of chondroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097140", "l": "BIM-BCL-xl complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of BIM and BCL-xl, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893450", "l": "cyclin H-CDK7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070381", "l": "endosome to plasma membrane transport vesicle", "d": ["A transport vesicle that mediates transport from the endosome to the plasma membrane, and fuses with the plasma membrane to deliver lipids and membrane proteins to the plasma membrane and to release various cargo molecules, such as proteins or hormones, by exocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689788", "l": "Kir6.2-SURx complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020541", "l": "Coiled Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0751972", "l": "Coiled Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097611", "l": "dinoflagellate cingulum", "d": ["A cell surface furrow that wraps around a dinoflagellate cell; the transverse flagellum lies in it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544401", "l": "dentate gyrus mossy fiber expansion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820583", "l": "H-NS-Cnu complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097420", "l": "skein-like inclusion", "d": ["Intracytoplasmic filamentous structure frequently encountered in preparations immunostained for ubiquitin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002080", "l": "acrosomal membrane", "d": ["The membrane that surrounds the acrosomal lumen. The acrosome is a special type of lysosome in the head of a spermatozoon that contains acid hydrolases and is concerned with the breakdown of the outer membrane of the ovum during fertilization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990360", "l": "PKM2 protein kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of phosphorylating a large number of protein targets. Contributes to cell proliferation under glycose starvation conditions. In human, the complex is present as a dimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990016", "l": "neck portion of tanycyte", "d": ["Elongated portion of a tanycyte that sticks into the periventricular layer of neuropil where it appears to contact a blood vessel; characterized by numerous cytoplasmic extensions. A tanycyte is a specialized elongated ventricular ependymal cell that has processes that extend to the outer, or pial, surface of the CNS."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022162", "l": "Cytoplasmic Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887884", "l": "Cytoplasmic Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612869", "l": "SMN-Gemin2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0541639", "l": "Nuclear Inclusion Bodies and Nuclear Aggregates", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749469", "l": "inner envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824562", "l": "activated SUMO-E1 ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167054", "l": "extrachromosomal rDNA circle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012507", "l": "ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vesicle transporting substances from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036125", "l": "fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex", "d": ["A multienzyme complex possessing three kinds of enzymes that catalyze the chain reactions in the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle, enoyl-CoA hydratase (ECH), 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HACD), and acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase (KACT)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.67228564893351", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D041321", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, X", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1136735", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, X", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13285", "l": "Human Chromosome X", "d": ["The larger of the two human sex chromosomes. It is usually present singly in males and doubly in females."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521532", "l": "6p12-p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26560", "l": "6p12-p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331170", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of hyalocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230672", "l": "Cytoplasmic inclusion, paracrystalline", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:61182009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044218", "l": "other organism cell membrane", "d": ["The cell membrane of a secondary organism with which the first organism is interacting."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1955342", "l": "other FC components", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549061", "l": "viral inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1718681", "l": "Bacillus anthracis cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323142", "l": "Axis-cylinder of nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166922", "l": "mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166804", "l": "26S proteasome location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520750", "l": "17p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13942", "l": "17p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010598", "l": "NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone)", "d": ["Complex that possesses NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (plastoquinone) activity. The complex is one of the components of the electron transport chain. It is involved in electron transport from an unidentified electron donor, possibly NADH, NADPH or ferredoxin(Fd) to the plastoquinone pool."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333021", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of hemal stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000931", "l": "gamma-tubulin ring complex", "d": ["A complex of gamma tubulin and associated proteins thought to be formed by multimerization of gamma-tubulin small complexes. An example of this structure is found in Schizosaccharomyces pombe."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014802", "l": "terminal cisterna", "d": ["The portion of sarcoplasmic reticulum devoted to calcium ion storage and calcium ion release."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990150", "l": "VEGF-A complex", "d": ["A homodimeric, extracellular protein complex containing two VEGF-A monomers. Binds to and activates a receptor tyrosine kinase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034748", "l": "Par3-APC-KIF3A complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Par3, the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), and the kinesin-related protein KIF3A; involved in establishing neuronal cell polarity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3850089", "l": "Eosinophil Extracellular Traps", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521393", "l": "4q21-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38475", "l": "4q21-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821048", "l": "RNA polymerase IV transcription repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521317", "l": "3q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25052", "l": "3q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325607", "l": "actomyosin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005727", "l": "extrachromosomal circular DNA", "d": ["Circular DNA structures that are not part of a chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521415", "l": "4q32.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13949", "l": "4q32.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001740", "l": "Barr body", "d": ["A structure found in a female mammalian cell containing an unpaired X chromosome that has become densely heterochromatic, silenced and localized at the nuclear periphery."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819392", "l": "external side of mitochondrial envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821152", "l": "right anterior flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325587", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of fibrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338778", "l": "Golgi complex of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000932", "l": "P-body", "d": ["A focus in the cytoplasm where mRNAs may become inactivated by decapping or some other mechanism. Protein and RNA localized to these foci are involved in mRNA degradation, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), translational repression, and RNA-mediated gene silencing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268794", "l": "clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.024411547311772", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1510421", "l": "Mitochondrial matrix", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33133", "l": "Mitochondrial Matrix", "d": ["The area that is internal to the inner mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610981", "l": "extracellular ferritin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13375", "l": "Chromosome Fragile Site", "d": ["Heritable sensitive regions of chromosomes which show up in vitro as non-staining bands. They are associated with chromosome breakage and other aberrations. No abnormal phenotype has been definitely identified with autosomal fragile sites, but some rare autosomal recessive disorders may be due to homozygosity for fragile sites. A fragile site on the X chromosome is associated with Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile sites are designated by the letters \"fra\" followed by the designation for the specific chromosome and locus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.504650478785891", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000151", "l": "ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that includes a ubiquitin-protein ligase and enables ubiquitin protein ligase activity. The complex also contains other proteins that may confer substrate specificity on the complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071138", "l": "alpha5-beta5-fibronectin-SFRP2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta5 integrin complex bound to fibronectin and secreted frizzled-related protein 2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521535", "l": "6p21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13777", "l": "6p21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.760981911179996", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000228", "l": "nuclear chromosome", "d": ["A chromosome that encodes the nuclear genome and is found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell during the cell cycle phases when the nucleus is intact."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167411", "l": "1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate kinase, class IB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005786", "l": "signal recognition particle, endoplasmic reticulum targeting", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein particle of 325 kDa composed of a 7S (300 nucleotide) RNA molecule and a complex of six different polypeptides. This binds both to the N-terminal signal peptide for proteins destined for the endoplasmic reticulum as they emerge from the large ribosomal subunit and also to the ribosome. This binding arrests further translation thereby preventing the proteins from being released into the cytosol. The SRP-ribosome complex then diffuses to the endoplasmic reticulum where it is bound to the signal recognition particle receptor, which allows resumption of protein synthesis and facilitates the passage of the growing polypeptide chain through the translocon. Through a process involving GTP hydrolysis, the SRP-SRP receptor complex dissociates and SRP returns to the cytosol. Of the six polypeptides of SRP the 54 kDa subunit (SRP54) is the central player. It contains an N-terminal GTPase domain and a C-terminal domain that binds directly to the signal peptide and the SRP RNA. Examples of this component are found in Mus musculus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1654774", "l": "SCF4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035996", "l": "rhabdomere microvillus", "d": ["Thin cylindrical membrane-covered projection on the surface of a rhabdomere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230685", "l": "Secretory granule, endocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:44435002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071002", "l": "U4atac/U6atac snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the extensively base paired small nuclear RNAs U4atac and U6atac, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins associated with U4atac, the Lsm2-8 heptameric ring complex associated with U6atac, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U4atac snRNP or U6atac snRNPs, some of which remain associated with the U4atac/U6atac snRNA both while the U4atac snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13544", "l": "18p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 18"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990065", "l": "Dxr protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the MEP pathway of IPP biosynthesis. It catalyzes the NADP-dependent rearrangement and reduction of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP) to 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043186", "l": "P granule", "d": ["A small cytoplasmic, non-membranous RNA/protein complex aggregate in the primordial germ cells of many higher eukaryotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612530", "l": "etioplast envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033172", "l": "gas vesicle shell", "d": ["The proteinaceous structure surrounding a gas vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691115", "l": "distal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060104", "l": "surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["An electron dense, amorphous envelope that comprises the outermost layer of the cuticle. The surface coat is loosely apposed to the epicuticle, has distinct biochemical properties, is synthesized by cells other than the underlying hypodermis, and is labile. In addition to serving as a lubricant to protect against abrasion and dehydration, the surface coat may also play important roles in infection and immune evasion. An example of this component is found in Caenorhabditis elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016323", "l": "basolateral plasma membrane", "d": ["The region of the plasma membrane that includes the basal end and sides of the cell. Often used in reference to animal polarized epithelial membranes, where the basal membrane is the part attached to the extracellular matrix, or in plant cells, where the basal membrane is defined with respect to the zygotic axis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325790", "l": "fibrinogen alpha chain location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D064047", "l": "Spindle Poles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230739", "l": "Spindle Poles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43816003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098550", "l": "lumenal side of early endosome membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the early endosome membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752697", "l": "cortical vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.241944441606528", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000792", "l": "heterochromatin", "d": ["A compact and highly condensed form of chromatin that is refractory to transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031242", "l": "extrinsic component of external side of cell outer membrane", "d": ["The component of a cell outer membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its external surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818828", "l": "myosin IV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322966", "l": "cerebral projection fibers", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009347", "l": "aspartate carbamoyltransferase complex", "d": ["A multienzyme complex that catalyzes the formation N-carbamoyl-L-aspartate from carbamoyl phosphate and L-aspartate. It exhibits a variety of architectural organizations, but in all microorganisms the core catalytic component is a homotrimer of approximately 34 kDa polypeptides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325757", "l": "activin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005846", "l": "nuclear cap binding complex", "d": ["A conserved heterodimeric protein complex that binds to the 5' terminal cap structure m7G(5')ppp(5')N of nascent eukaryotic RNA polymerase II transcripts such as pre-mRNA and U snRNA. The consists of proteins known as CBP20 and CBP80, binds to cap structures in the nucleus, and is involved in pre-mRNA splicing, 3'-end formation, and RNA nuclear export."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754378", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523484", "l": "potassium ion-transporting ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034245", "l": "mitochondrial DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex located in the mitochondrion. Mitochondrial RNA polymerase is composed of two subunits, a catalytic core, which resembles the enzymes from bacteriophage T7 and T3, and a specificity factor required for promoter recognition, which is similar to members of the eubacterial sigma factor family. In S. cerevisiae, these are encoded by the nuclear genes RPO41 and MTF1 and the specificity factor, required for promoter recognition and initiation, is not present in the elongating form."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819924", "l": "laminin-8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327249", "l": "leading edge of lamellipodium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329139", "l": "Plasma membrane of acinar cell of pancreas", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327251", "l": "podosome core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180072", "l": "Membrane protein of outer membrane of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990358", "l": "xylanosome", "d": ["A multifunctional supermolecular complex, containing several proteins with hemicellulase activity. Functions to hydrolyze hemicellulose."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329069", "l": "dendritic spine cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821114", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333900", "l": "Perinuclear halo", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:59145000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033985", "l": "acidocalcisome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of an acidocalcisome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031522", "l": "cell envelope Sec protein transport complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex involved in the translocation of proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane. In Gram-negative bacteria, Sec-translocated proteins are subsequently secreted via the type II, IV, or V secretion systems. Sec complex components include SecA, D, E, F, G, Y and YajC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268461", "l": "Bone marrow cytological material", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:110897001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166753", "l": "Wall of Golgi vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325566", "l": "Inner kinetochore of condensed nuclear chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336632", "l": "Plasma membrane of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167033", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754156", "l": "AT-AC catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269128", "l": "protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor V complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325312", "l": "Protoplasm of eosinophil", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333784", "l": "Mallory body-like inclusions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:70909008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.314050959231352", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520373", "l": "11p15.5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13488", "l": "11p15.5", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323155", "l": "Concentric nuclear body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031422", "l": "RecQ family helicase-topoisomerase III complex", "d": ["A complex containing a RecQ family helicase and a topoisomerase III homologue (a member of the topoisomerase type IA subfamily); may also include one or more additional proteins; conserved from E. coli to human."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001939", "l": "female pronucleus", "d": ["The pronucleus originating from the ovum that is being fertilized."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008328", "l": "ionotropic glutamate receptor complex", "d": ["A multimeric assembly of four or five subunits which form a structure with an extracellular N-terminus and a large loop that together form the ligand binding domain. The C-terminus is intracellular. The ionotropic glutamate receptor complex itself acts as a ligand-gated ion channel; on binding glutamate, charged ions pass through a channel in the center of the receptor complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247023", "l": "mitotic checkpoint complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380230", "l": "RNP body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167191", "l": "Fascia adherens", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13985", "l": "Fascia Adherens", "d": ["Fascia adherens, similar to a zonula adherens, is a half Z line found in the cardiac muscle as one of the three intercalated disks. They anchor actin filaments from terminal sarcomeres and transmit contractile force between myocytes. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325556", "l": "XY body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070939", "l": "Dsl1/NZR complex", "d": ["A multisubunit tethering complex, i.e. a protein complex involved in mediating the initial interaction between vesicles and the membranes with which they fuse, that is involved in trafficking from the Golgi apparatus to the ER. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the Dsl1p complex contains Dsl1p, Tip20p, and Sec39p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230713", "l": "Distinctive arrangement of cytoplasmic filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11874005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150014", "l": "apical distal dendrite", "d": ["Any dendrite in a dendritic tree that emerges near the apical pole of a neuron, and which is farthest away from the neuronal cell body (the soma)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672474", "l": "PCAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034686", "l": "integrin alphav-beta8 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphav subunit and one beta8 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990040", "l": "sub-surface cisterna", "d": ["Specialization of the hypolemmal cisterna consisting of either single profiles or closely apposed stacks of endoplasmic reticulum in which the lumen is obliterated, lying 10-20 nm beneath the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623311", "l": "oral apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000814", "l": "ESCRT II complex", "d": ["An endosomal sorting complex required for transport and functions downstream of ESCRT I complex. It consists of the class E vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) proteins and is required for the membrane recruitment of ESCRT III complex and binds to ubiquitinated cargoes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180013", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548588", "l": "extrinsic component of Golgi membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546270", "l": "FAR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450335", "l": "8S condensin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166637", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036464", "l": "cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein granule located in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622732", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325599", "l": "merozoite dense granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380231", "l": "galectin lattice", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520776", "l": "17q21.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38943", "l": "17q21.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231707", "l": "beta-catenin/LEF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098839", "l": "postsynaptic density membrane", "d": ["The membrane component of the postsynaptic density. This is the region of the postsynaptic membrane in which the population of neurotransmitter receptors involved in synaptic transmission are concentrated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622022", "l": "Dbf4-dependent protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031389", "l": "Rad17 RFC-like complex", "d": ["A pentameric protein complex related to replication factor C, which loads a trimeric complex of checkpoint proteins (known as the checkpoint clamp or 9-1-1 complex) onto DNA at damage sites; functions in DNA damage cell cycle checkpoints. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe the subunits are known as Rad17, Rfc2, Rfc3, Rfc4, and Rfc5, while in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the subunits are known as Rad24p, Rfc2p, Rfc3p, Rfc4p, and Rfc5p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821121", "l": "spliceosomal snRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030008", "l": "TRAPP complex", "d": ["A large complex that acts as a tethering factor involved in transporting vesicles from the ER through the Golgi to the plasma membrane. A TRAPP (transport protein particle) complex has a core set of proteins which are joined by specific subunits depending on the cellular component where a given TRAPP complex is active."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1718356", "l": "Spermatozoa IgM binding location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825755", "l": "9q21.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81836", "l": "9q21.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263045", "l": "core TFIIH complex portion of holo TFIIH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0474356", "l": "Myelinated retinal nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071563", "l": "Myo2p-Vac17p-Vac8p transport complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in transport of vacuoles to a newly formed daughter cell. In yeast, this complex is composed of Myo2p, Vac17p, and Vac8p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689834", "l": "postsynaptic density of dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043198", "l": "dendritic shaft", "d": ["Cylindric portion of the dendrite, directly stemming from the perikaryon, and carrying the dendritic spines."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033107", "l": "Cvt vesicle", "d": ["A cytosolic vesicle that is enclosed by a double membrane and is implicated in the cytoplasm to vacuole targeting pathway. These vesicles are found in the yeast S. cerevisiae, and contain vacuolar hydrolases, aminopeptidase I (Ape1p) and alpha-mannosidase (Ams1p)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166719", "l": "cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821313", "l": "goblet cell theca", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230923", "l": "Cell wall, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40686005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179088", "l": "Component of central part of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042757", "l": "giant axon", "d": ["Extremely large, unmyelinated axon found in invertebrates. Has high conduction speeds and is usually involved in panic or escape responses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.168002017049517", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13538", "l": "14q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 14"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896468", "l": "Annexin A2 tetramer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098592", "l": "cytoplasmic side of apical plasma membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the apical region of the plasma membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000331", "l": "contractile vacuole", "d": ["A specialized vacuole of eukaryotic cells, especially Protozoa, that fills with water from the cytoplasm and then discharges this externally by the opening of contractile vacuole pores. One of its functions is osmoregulatory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016592", "l": "mediator complex", "d": ["A protein complex that interacts with the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and plays an active role in transducing the signal from a transcription factor to the transcriptional machinery. The mediator complex is required for activation of transcription of most protein-coding genes, but can also act as a transcriptional corepressor. The Saccharomyces complex contains several identifiable subcomplexes: a head domain comprising Srb2, -4, and -5, Med6, -8, and -11, and Rox3 proteins; a middle domain comprising Med1, -4, and -7, Nut1 and -2, Cse2, Rgr1, Soh1, and Srb7 proteins; a tail consisting of Gal11p, Med2p, Pgd1p, and Sin4p; and a regulatory subcomplex comprising Ssn2, -3, and -8, and Srb8 proteins. Metazoan mediator complexes have similar modular structures and include homologs of yeast Srb and Med proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326872", "l": "amyloid beta homooligomer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235149", "l": "nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180017", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of Golgi vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164745", "l": "Cytoband Range End Band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598267", "l": "Ectoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822745", "l": "Hpa3 (homo-)dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450466", "l": "Tub4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700286", "l": "Xq13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75596", "l": "Xq13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043260", "l": "laminin-11 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha5, beta2 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824276", "l": "MPT synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070045", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-2 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, and syntaxin 2 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166712", "l": "radial spoke stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325774", "l": "Gram-negative-bacterium-type cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754227", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB4-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521190", "l": "2p24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25028", "l": "2p24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070766", "l": "endobrevin-synaptobrevin 2-alpha-SNAP-NSF-syntaxin-4 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains endobrevin (VAMP8), synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), alpha-SNAP, NSF, and syntaxin 4 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754753", "l": "piP-body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520371", "l": "11p15.3-p15.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41012", "l": "11p15.3-p15.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690358", "l": "cerebellar Golgi cell to granule cell synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098648", "l": "collagen anchoring fibril", "d": ["A specialised collagen fibril that functions as an anchor, binding to other collagen structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520627", "l": "15q15.1-q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24956", "l": "15q15.1-q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821151", "l": "left anterior flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4518053", "l": "Entire non myelinated nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:726779002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3888045", "l": "PcG protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546355", "l": "stubby dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016589", "l": "NURF complex", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (SNF2L in mammals), a NURF301 homolog (BPTF in humans), and additional subunits, though the composition of these additional subunits varies slightly with species. NURF is involved in regulation of transcription from TRNA polymerase II promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337730", "l": "Genital corpuscle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821115", "l": "UvrA(2)-UvrB(2) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005836", "l": "fatty-acyl-CoA synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses fatty-acyl-CoA synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268451", "l": "Intracytoplasmic membrane system AND/OR associated structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108356007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "50.906792795349197", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098590", "l": "plasma membrane region", "d": ["A membrane that is a (regional) part of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009375", "l": "ferredoxin hydrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the oxidation of reduced ferredoxin. Hydrogenase contains iron-sulfur clusters, and some contain nickel; it can use molecular hydrogen for the reduction of a variety of substances."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690232", "l": "SMAD3-SMAD4 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902694", "l": "superoxide dismutase copper chaperone complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of superoxide dismutase copper chaperone activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034615", "l": "GCH1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses GTP cyclohydrolase I activity. In E. coli and human, the complex is a homodecamer, and monomers are catalytically inactive."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990724", "l": "galectin complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex that is capable of binding a range of carbohydrates and is involved in anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic processes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821045", "l": "RNA polymerase I transcription repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265420", "l": "plastid pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523842", "l": "dendritic shaft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005952", "l": "cAMP-dependent protein kinase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex, composed of regulatory and catalytic subunits, that catalyzes protein phosphorylation. Inactive forms of the enzyme have two regulatory chains and two catalytic chains; activation by cAMP produces two active catalytic monomers and a regulatory dimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327153", "l": "nucleolar exosome (RNase complex)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230869", "l": "Mitochondrial association with other cell component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:80390003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333427", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of osteoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5395464", "l": "Autologous cultured chondrocyte-containing product in parenteral dose form", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:840616008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005609", "l": "laminin-4 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha2, beta2 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451216", "l": "intracellular protein-containing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520286", "l": "10q24-q25.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13791", "l": "10q24-q25.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.018482361037314", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002881", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008654", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13207", "l": "Human Chromosome 12", "d": ["The designation for each member of the twelfth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 12 spans about 143 million base pairs and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17897000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323144", "l": "Axis-cylinder of central nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754165", "l": "U12-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323116", "l": "Basal part of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896492", "l": "protein-lipid-RNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230608", "l": "Fractured membrane particle array", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11660001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752500", "l": "translation initiation ternary complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166945", "l": "phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009333", "l": "cysteine synthase complex", "d": ["Cysteine synthase is a multienzyme complex made up, in E. coli, of the heteromeric hexamer serine acetyltransferase and the homodimer O-acetylserine (thiol)-lyase A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097220", "l": "simple sieve plate", "d": ["A sieve plate that contains a single specialized sieve area."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329026", "l": "trichome papilla", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754106", "l": "penta-snRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520990", "l": "1q21-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13508", "l": "1q21-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521613", "l": "7p12-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13778", "l": "7p12-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016328", "l": "lateral plasma membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane at the lateral side of the cell. In epithelial cells, lateral plasma membranes are on the sides of cells which lie at the interface of adjacent cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4520713", "l": "Estrogen receptor related to cell surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754021", "l": "CRD-mediated mRNA stability complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749487", "l": "nicotinic acetylcholine receptor location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166924", "l": "mRNA editing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520774", "l": "17q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13695", "l": "17q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032839", "l": "dendrite cytoplasm", "d": ["All of the contents of a dendrite, excluding the surrounding plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044675", "l": "formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase (tungsten enzyme) complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of four polypeptides which also contains tungsten, a molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide, and iron-sulfur clusters. This protein complex catalyzes the reversible conversion of CO2 and methanofuran to formylmethanofuran during methanogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070720", "l": "Grb2-SHP-2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the receptor adaptor proteins Grb2 and SHP-2, and is involved signaling via the PDGFR signaling pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327135", "l": "Ras guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179981", "l": "Cristal part of inner membrane of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035525", "l": "NF-kappaB p50/p65 complex", "d": ["A heterodimer of NF-kappa B p50 and p65 subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521392", "l": "4q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13525", "l": "4q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755010", "l": "IgNAR immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521569", "l": "6q22.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25099", "l": "6q22.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0544960", "l": "Plasma membrane protein coating", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:125459006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022623", "l": "proteasome-activating nucleotidase complex", "d": ["A homohexameric complex that recognizes and unfolds core proteasome substrate proteins, and translocates them to the core complex in an ATP dependent manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325680", "l": "66S preribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166697", "l": "plastid chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071193", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP2 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the Kv channel interacting protein KChIP2 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990306", "l": "RSP5-BUL ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of RSP5 and BUL components. It polyubiquinates plasma membrane transporters and permeases, required for their endocytosis and subsequent degradation in the vacuole. BUL1 or BUL2, respectively, bind to the target protein, enabling ubiquitylation by Rsp5. Phosphorylation of BUL proteins results in binding to 14-3-3 proteins, protecting the permeases from down-regulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612805", "l": "integrin alpha7-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520642", "l": "15q23-15q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13642", "l": "15q23-15q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323114", "l": "Cytoskeletal filament bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754327", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-EGFR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186735", "l": "Annulate lamella tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167461", "l": "glycolate oxidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179948", "l": "Part of rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612829", "l": "integrin alphaX-beta2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180030", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of smooth endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2963514", "l": "FISH probe locus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166678", "l": "Cytoplasmic interphase chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235242", "l": "mitotic spindle kinetochore microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044291", "l": "cell-cell contact zone", "d": ["Extended zone of intimate apposition between two cells containing one or more types of intercellular junctions, e.g., the intercalated disk of muscle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043674", "l": "columella", "d": ["A rod-like element of the sexine and ectexine, supporting either the tectum (the layer of sexine which forms a roof over the columella), or supporting a caput (an architectural element on top of a columella)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753483", "l": "Yb body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323576", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelioid cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4072773", "l": "9q34 chromosome region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.314050959231352", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005798", "l": "Golgi-associated vesicle", "d": ["Any vesicle associated with the Golgi complex and involved in mediating transport within the Golgi or between the Golgi and other parts of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009431", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, MS ring", "d": ["One of the rings of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body; a double-flanged ring that anchors the basal body to the cytoplasmic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612775", "l": "GID complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002876", "l": "Chromosomes, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008641", "l": "Chromosomes, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325639", "l": "Glycine cleavage complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230769", "l": "Inclusion within Golgi complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66504004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549075", "l": "viral intermediate capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520989", "l": "1q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13704", "l": "1q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754180", "l": "SL snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030126", "l": "COPI vesicle coat", "d": ["One of two multimeric complexes that forms a membrane vesicle coat. The mammalian COPI subunits are called alpha-, beta-, beta'-, gamma-, delta-, epsilon- and zeta-COP. Vesicles with COPI coats are found associated with Golgi membranes at steady state."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035686", "l": "sperm fibrous sheath", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure surrounding the axoneme and outer dense fibers of the sperm flagellum. Consists of two longitudinal columns connected by closely arrayed semicircular ribs that assemble from distal to proximal throughout spermiogenesis. The fibrous sheath probably influences the degree of flexibility, plane of flagellar motion, and the shape of the flagellar beat."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820522", "l": "extrinsic to external leaflet of plasma membrane, in periplasmic space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822519", "l": "lysosomal HOPS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043659", "l": "symbiosome", "d": ["A double-enveloped cell compartment, composed of an endosymbiont with its plasmalemma (as inner envelope) and a non-endosymbiotic outer envelope (the perisymbiontic membrane)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "62.740144657853961", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005615", "l": "extracellular space", "d": ["That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031985", "l": "Golgi cisterna", "d": ["Any of the thin, flattened membrane-bounded compartments that form the central portion of the Golgi complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061836", "l": "intranuclear rod", "d": ["A macromolecular fiber consisting of actin and cofilin that is formed in the nucleus as a consequence of chemical or mechanical stress conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623132", "l": "MPF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990913", "l": "sperm head plasma membrane", "d": ["The plasma membrane that is part of the head section of a sperm cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520791", "l": "17q25.2-q25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26494", "l": "17q25.2-q25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031164", "l": "contractile vacuolar membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the contractile vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071128", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta1 integrin complex bound to osteopontin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044796", "l": "DNA polymerase processivity factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of increasing the processivity of nucleotide polymerization by DNA polymerase as a part of DNA replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031501", "l": "mannosyltransferase complex", "d": ["A complex that posseses mannosyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613173", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821271", "l": "lumenal side of early endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610769", "l": "organellar chromatophore thylakoid lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990973", "l": "transmembrane actin-associated (TAN) line", "d": ["A linear array of nuclear envelope membrane proteins composed of nesprin-2G and SUN2, which couple the nucleus to moving actin cables, resulting in rearward nuclear transport (away from the leading edge)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070160", "l": "tight junction", "d": ["A cell-cell junction that seals cells together in an epithelium in a way that prevents even small molecules from leaking from one side of the sheet to the other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167009", "l": "organellar large ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033009", "l": "nucleomorph", "d": ["A small, vestigial nucleus found in some plastids that derive from a eukaryotic endosymbiont. Observed in chlorarachniophytes and cryptomonads, which acquired their plastids from a green and red alga respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329005", "l": "cortical dynamic polarity patch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "39.090923191631774", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005622", "l": "intracellular anatomical structure", "d": ["A component of a cell contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611043", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB4-LAMA5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097587", "l": "MutLgamma complex", "d": ["A heterodimer involved in the recognition of base-base and small insertion/deletion mismatches. In S. cerevisiae the complex consists of two subunits, Mlh1 and Mlh3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623307", "l": "membrane-enclosed lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323158", "l": "Metaphase cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689786", "l": "Kir6.1-SURx complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033166", "l": "hyaline layer", "d": ["A multilayered extraembryonic matrix that functions as a substrate for cell adhesion through early development. It is thought to protect and lubricate the embryo, stabilize the blastomeres during morphogenesis, and regulate nutrient intake. The major constituent of the hyaline layer is the protein hyalin. This matrix has been found in echinoderms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521419", "l": "4q34.1-q35.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25070", "l": "4q34.1-q35.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179909", "l": "Smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754895", "l": "sensory dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032389", "l": "MutLalpha complex", "d": ["A heterodimer involved in the recognition of base-base and small insertion/deletion mismatches. In human the complex consists of two subunits, MLH1 and PMS2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230920", "l": "Cell capsule, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:36851001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120123", "l": "ubiquitin activating enzyme complex", "d": ["A protein complex responsible for the catalysis of the reaction: E1 + ubiquitin + ATP--> E1-ubiquitin + AMP + PPi, where the E1-ubiquitin linkage is a thioester bond between the C-terminal glycine of Ub and a sulfhydryl side group of an E1 cysteine residue. This is the first step in a cascade of reactions in which ubiquitin is ultimately added to a protein substrate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044176", "l": "host cell filopodium", "d": ["Thin, stiff protrusion extended by the leading edge of a motile host cell such as a crawling fibroblast or amoeba, or an axonal growth cone; usually approximately 0.1 um wide, 5-10 um long, can be up to 50 um long in axon growth cones; contains a loose bundle of about 20 actin filaments oriented with their plus ends pointing outward."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902517", "l": "glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893600", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450985", "l": "GET4-GET5 transmembrane domain recognition complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014804", "l": "terminal cisterna lumen", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the terminal cisterna envelope. This space is enriched in calsequestrin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754166", "l": "AT-AC post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819632", "l": "Swi5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610536", "l": "vitelline envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990524", "l": "INA complex", "d": ["A protein complex located in the inner membrane of mitochondria that is involved in the assembly of the peripheral (or stator) stalk of the mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase (also known as the F1F0 ATP synthase). In budding yeast, this complex includes Ina22p and Ina17p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002180", "l": "5-lipoxygenase complex", "d": ["An nuclear membrane protein complex having arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327177", "l": "Nerve ending within taste bud", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755748", "l": "nucleocytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621520", "l": "Mis6 centromere subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245745", "l": "CURI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328846", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic recycling endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031387", "l": "MPF complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of a Cdc2-class (also known as Cdc28) cyclin-dependent kinase and an M-phase cyclin such as S. pombe Cdc13. The MPF complex phosphorylates and activates the anaphase promoting complex (APC)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167467", "l": "imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167463", "l": "Holliday junction helicase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896404", "l": "CHOP-ATF4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235043", "l": "ADP-activated protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034993", "l": "meiotic nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex", "d": ["A nuclear membrane protein complex which connects the nuclear outer and inner membranes together, and links links the nuclear lumen to cytoplasmic microtubules during meiosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008830", "l": "Microbodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0025954", "l": "microbody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005813", "l": "centrosome", "d": ["A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325822", "l": "Cell nucleus of goblet cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097614", "l": "dinoflagellate hypocone", "d": ["The part of a dinoflagellate cell below the cingulum; also referred to as the posterior portion of a dinoflagellate cell. It is separated from the epicone by the cingulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596945", "l": "microvillus dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753378", "l": "EGFR-Shc-Grb2-Sos complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323570", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of endo-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000407", "l": "phagophore assembly site", "d": ["Punctate structures proximal to the endoplasmic reticulum which are the sites where the Atg machinery assembles upon autophagy induction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332365", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type EC1 enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097546", "l": "ciliary base", "d": ["Area of the cilium (also called flagellum) where the basal body and the axoneme are anchored to the plasma membrane. The ciliary base encompasses the distal part of the basal body, transition fibers and transition zone and is structurally and functionally very distinct from the rest of the cilium. In this area proteins are sorted and filtered before entering the cilium, and many ciliary proteins localize specifically to this area."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043384", "l": "pre-T cell receptor complex", "d": ["A receptor complex found on immature T cells consisting of a T cell receptor beta chain and the pre-TCR-alpha chain, along with additional signaling components including CD3 family members and additional signaling proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521493", "l": "5q33.1-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25085", "l": "5q33.1-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061773", "l": "eNoSc complex", "d": ["A chromatin silencing complex that recruits histone-modifying enzymes and upregulates silencing of rDNA in response to glucose starvation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.272429407200768", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045202", "l": "synapse", "d": ["The junction between an axon of one neuron and a dendrite of another neuron, a muscle fiber or a glial cell. As the axon approaches the synapse it enlarges into a specialized structure, the presynaptic terminal bouton, which contains mitochondria and synaptic vesicles. At the tip of the terminal bouton is the presynaptic membrane; facing it, and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft) is a specialized area of membrane on the receiving cell, known as the postsynaptic membrane. In response to the arrival of nerve impulses, the presynaptic terminal bouton secretes molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744672", "l": "Golgi transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546474", "l": "CycK/Cdk13 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032279", "l": "asymmetric synapse", "d": ["A type of synapse occurring between an axon and a dendritic spine or dendritic shaft. Asymmetric synapses, the most abundant synapse type in the central nervous system, involve axons that contain predominantly spherical vesicles and contain a thickened postsynaptic density. Most or all synapses of this type are excitatory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325563", "l": "Kinetochore of condensed chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271526", "l": "tectonic complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179904", "l": "Membrane of peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33082", "l": "Membrane of the Peroxisome", "d": ["A lipid bilayer that bounds a peroxisome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902912", "l": "pyruvate kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of pyruvate kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164932", "l": "Performed Genetic Observation Result Genetic Subregion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043590", "l": "bacterial nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a bacterial cell to which the DNA is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333239", "l": "Cytoplasm of stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546215", "l": "bacteriophage tail tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990718", "l": "axonemal central pair projection", "d": ["Part of the 9+2 axoneme, that occurs in most motile cilia, consisting of the projections off of the central pair of single microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271858", "l": "ERBB4:ERBB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033099", "l": "attachment organelle", "d": ["A membrane-bounded extension of the cell, originally characterized in Mycoplasma species, that contains an electron-dense core that is part of the cytoskeleton and is oriented lengthwise and ends distally in a bulbous knob (terminal button). Required for adherence to host cells and involved in gliding motility and cell division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230727", "l": "Tonofilaments related to desmosome or hemidesmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78567002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166728", "l": "clathrin vesicle coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044169", "l": "host cell rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the host cell rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098723", "l": "skeletal muscle myofibril", "d": ["A myofibril of a skeletal muscle fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896398", "l": "Sad1-Kms1 LINC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.617478300466217", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030428", "l": "cell septum", "d": ["A structure composed of peptidoglycan and often chitin in addition to other materials. It usually forms perpendicular to the long axis of a cell or hypha and grows centripetally from the cell wall to the center of the cell and often functions in the compartmentalization of a cell into two daughter cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821280", "l": "cytoplasmic side of early endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180062", "l": "Membrane protein of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120199", "l": "cone photoreceptor outer segment", "d": ["The outer segment of a vertebrate cone photoreceptor that contains membrane discs that are contiguous with the ciliary membrane and containing opsin photoreceptor proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269155", "l": "phagocytic cup lip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521548", "l": "6p24-p23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14011", "l": "6p24-p23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042627", "l": "chylomicron", "d": ["A large lipoprotein particle (diameter 75-1200 nm) composed of a central core of triglycerides and cholesterol surrounded by a protein-phospholipid coating. The proteins include one molecule of apolipoprotein B-48 and may include a variety of apolipoproteins, including APOAs, APOCs and APOE. Chylomicrons are found in blood or lymph and carry lipids from the intestines into other body tissues."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034709", "l": "methylosome", "d": ["A large (20 S) protein complex that possesses protein arginine methyltransferase activity and modifies specific arginines to dimethylarginines in the arginine- and glycine-rich domains of several spliceosomal Sm proteins, thereby targeting these proteins to the survival of motor neurons (SMN) complex for assembly into small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) core particles. Proteins found in the methylosome include the methyltransferase JBP1 (PRMT5), pICln (CLNS1A), MEP50 (WDR77), and unmethylated forms of SM proteins that have RG domains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752511", "l": "other organism part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990676", "l": "Golgi trans cisterna membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the thin, flattened compartments that form the trans portion of the Golgi complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098733", "l": "hemidesmosome associated protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of or has some part in a hemidesmosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903143", "l": "adrenomedullin receptor complex", "d": ["A transmembrane, G protein-coupled signaling receptor complex which is capable of adrenomedullin receptor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137206", "l": "shmoo tip membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230734", "l": "Microtubules associated with cell organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:41857004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247008", "l": "rhabdomere membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328286", "l": "Cerebral nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325739", "l": "NADPH oxidase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752352", "l": "IL12RB1-IL12RB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824490", "l": "PDGF-DD-receptor alpha-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520257", "l": "10p11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26075", "l": "10p11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546526", "l": "cation-transporting ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043253", "l": "chloroplast ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome contained within a chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009531", "l": "secondary cell wall", "d": ["A plant cell wall that is no longer able to expand and so does not permit growth. Secondary cell walls contain less pectin that primary cell walls. The secondary cell is mostly composed of cellulose and is strengthened with lignin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235111", "l": "mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515458", "l": "8q21.3-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25121", "l": "8q21.3-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546349", "l": "oligodendrocyte paranodal termination", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520184", "l": "Xq13.1-q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25140", "l": "Xq13.1-q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002139", "l": "stereocilia coupling link", "d": ["A structure involved in coupling stereocilia to one another in sensory hair cells There are four morphologically distinct types: tip links, horizontal top connectors, shaft connectors and ankle links. Tip links and horizontal top connectors are the only inter-stereocilia links associated with mature cochlea, whereas ankle links appear during development of the auditory hair bundle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180360", "l": "Transverse part of intercalated disc", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D053205", "l": "Pollen Tube", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1136227", "l": "Pollen Tube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0178523", "l": "brush border membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521693", "l": "8p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C37283", "l": "8p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821161", "l": "right lateral basal body pair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166870", "l": "Spherosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034746", "l": "APC-IQGAP1-CLIP-170 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), the small GTPase Cdc42, and CLIP-170; may play a role in cytoskeleton organization and cell migration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890558", "l": "INA complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520946", "l": "1p31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13856", "l": "1p31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071018", "l": "U12-type catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that contains the U12, U5 and U6atac snRNPs bound to a splicing intermediate in which the first catalytic cleavage of the 5' splice site has occurred. The precise subunit composition differs significantly from that of the catalytic step 1, or activated, spliceosome, and includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U12, U5 and U6atac snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070437", "l": "Grb2-Shc complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Grb2 and the adaptor protein Shc, and is involved in linking epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269212", "l": "R2TP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325610", "l": "transmembrane actin-associated (TAN) line", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1510999", "l": "Axis of the Centriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32173", "l": "Axis of the Centriole", "d": ["A straight line through one of two small cylindrical cell organelles composed of 9 triplet microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035517", "l": "PR-DUB complex", "d": ["A multimeric protein complex that removes monoubiquitin from histone H2A. In Drosophila and mammals, the core of the complex is composed of Calypso/BAP1 and Asx/ASXL1, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009654", "l": "photosystem II oxygen evolving complex", "d": ["A complex, composed of a cluster of manganese, calcium and chloride ions bound to extrinsic proteins, that catalyzes the splitting of water to O2 and 4 H+. In cyanobacteria there are five extrinsic proteins in OEC (PsbO, PsbP-like, PsbQ-like, PsbU and PsbV), while in plants there are only three (PsbO, PsbP and PsbQ)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045277", "l": "respiratory chain complex IV", "d": ["A part of the respiratory chain, containing the 13 polypeptide subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, including cytochrome a and cytochrome a3. Catalyzes the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by dioxygen (O2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166706", "l": "telomerase catalytic core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235123", "l": "dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005891", "l": "voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which calcium ions may pass in response to changes in membrane potential."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "54.086916130395466", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002462", "l": "Cell Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007603", "l": "Plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13735", "l": "Plasma Membrane", "d": ["The semipermeable membrane that encloses the cytoplasm of a cell."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:53982002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336825", "l": "Cytoplasm of lens cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097567", "l": "right tetrad", "d": ["Set of four basal bodies found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It comprises the right lateral basal body pair and the right middle basal body pair (i.e. the anterior, ventral, caudal and posteriolateral basal bodies located to the left of the right nucleus of the trophozoite when viewed dorsally)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033270", "l": "paranode region of axon", "d": ["An axon part that is located adjacent to the nodes of Ranvier and surrounded by lateral loop portions of myelin sheath."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325714", "l": "RENT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326764", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of totipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521223", "l": "2q33.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13820", "l": "2q33.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031091", "l": "platelet alpha granule", "d": ["A secretory organelle found in blood platelets, which is unique in that it exhibits further compartmentalization and acquires its protein content via two distinct mechanisms: (1) biosynthesis predominantly at the megakaryocyte (MK) level (with some vestigial platelet synthesis) (e.g. platelet factor 4) and (2) endocytosis and pinocytosis at both the MK and circulating platelet levels (e.g. fibrinogen (Fg) and IgG)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034680", "l": "integrin alpha10-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha10 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0546448", "l": "Plasma membrane receptor site for insulin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325786", "l": "DNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098979", "l": "polyadic synapse", "d": ["A synapse consisting of a single presynapse and multiple postsynapses. These postsynapses may come from the same cell of from different cells. Polyadic synapses are common in arthropod and nematode central nervous systems."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754950", "l": "IgG4 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180170", "l": "P-face of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904097", "l": "acid phosphatase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of acid phosphatase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990860", "l": "Pho85-Pho80 CDK-cyclin complex", "d": ["A cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) complex that contains a kinase subunit and a regulatory cyclin subunit. An example of this complex in budding yeast S. cerevisiae consists of the Pho85 kinase and the Pho80 cyclin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521397", "l": "4q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13888", "l": "4q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338003", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of glioblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070850", "l": "TACC/TOG complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the transforming acidic coiled coil (TACC) protein and the TOG protein (Mia1p/Alp7p and Alp14, respectively, in fission yeast), and is involved in microtubule array remodeling as cells progress through the cell cycle. The TACC/TOG complex is conserved in eukaryotes, associates with microtubules, and shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm during interphase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071078", "l": "fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of fibronectin bound to tissue transglutaminase, and is involved in cell adhesion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179458", "l": "Plasma membrane of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896525", "l": "axonemal central apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070913", "l": "Ddb1-Wdr21 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric nucleotide-excision repair complex that is involved in transcription-coupled repair. The subunits are known as Ddb1 and Wdr21 in S. pombe; Ddb1 contains a motif called the DDB-box that interacts with adaptor proteins for DDB1/cullin 4 ubiquitin ligases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324787", "l": "Protoplasm of enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D066146", "l": "Cell Body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2752549", "l": "cell body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167511", "l": "sulfite reductase complex (NADPH)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621500", "l": "plasma membrane of cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230629", "l": "Uropod", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:10296003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549240", "l": "eisosome filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.101513966822687", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031410", "l": "cytoplasmic vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle found in the cytoplasm of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "46.808911378101122", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062023", "l": "collagen-containing extracellular matrix", "d": ["An extracellular matrix consisting mainly of proteins (especially collagen) and glycosaminoglycans (mostly as proteoglycans) that provides not only essential physical scaffolding for the cellular constituents but can also initiate crucial biochemical and biomechanical cues required for tissue morphogenesis, differentiation and homeostasis. The components are secreted by cells in the vicinity and form a sheet underlying or overlying cells such as endothelial and epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521620", "l": "7p14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25106", "l": "7p14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167169", "l": "U5 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060109", "l": "medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["The fluid-filled cuticle layer that lies between the cortical and basal layers and is characterized by the presence of regularly spaced columnar struts that lie on either side of the annular furrows and link the two surrounding layers. In C. elegans, a defined medial layer is found only in adult animals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020524", "l": "Thylakoids", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1879336", "l": "Chloroplast thylakoids", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611189", "l": "Shc-Egfr complex, EGF stimulated", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755953", "l": "nineteen complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754105", "l": "U4atac/U6atac snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120134", "l": "proximal portion of axoneme", "d": ["The portion of the axoneme that is close to the base of the cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032170", "l": "pseudohyphal septin ring", "d": ["A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane at the junction between the mother cell and a pseudohyphal projection; composed of septins as well as septin-associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990304", "l": "MUB1-RAD6-UBR2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of MUB1, RAD6 and UBR2 components. It ubiquitinates, and targets for destruction, the RPN4 transcription factor, which upregulates the proteasome genes. The binding of MUB1 may position the RPN4 ubiquitylation site proximal to the Ubiquitin-RAD6 thioester and allow the transfer of Ubiquitin from RAD6 to RPN4. One of its components, MUB1, is a short-lived protein ubiquitinated by the UBR2-RAD6 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046729", "l": "viral procapsid", "d": ["A stable empty viral capsid produced during the assembly of viruses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990161", "l": "DnaB helicase complex", "d": ["A homohexameric protein complex that possesses DNA helicase activity; functions during DNA replication and repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179908", "l": "Matrix of peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179462", "l": "Canalicular part of plasma membrane of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167494", "l": "calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520953", "l": "1p32-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13726", "l": "1p32-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511994", "l": "Distal Part of the Lumen of the Centriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32470", "l": "Distal Part of the Lumen of the Centriole", "d": ["A portion of the interior of the centriole that is located near the plus ends of the microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.67228564893351", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042105", "l": "alpha-beta T cell receptor complex", "d": ["A T cell receptor complex in which the TCR heterodimer comprises alpha and beta chains, associated with the CD3 complex; recognizes a complex consisting of an antigen-derived peptide bound to a class I or class II MHC protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521656", "l": "7q32.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25113", "l": "7q32.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515530", "l": "9q34.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13467", "l": "9q34.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325587", "l": "prokaryotic ORC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896345", "l": "HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030904", "l": "retromer complex", "d": ["A conserved hetero-pentameric membrane-associated complex involved in retrograde transport from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus. The budding yeast retromer comprises Vps35p, Vps29p, Vps26p, Vps5p, and Vps17p. The mammalian complex shows slight variation in composition compared to yeast, and comprises SNX1 or SNX2, SNX5 or SNX6, VPS26A or VPS26B, VPS29, and VPS35."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2951181", "l": "Axon of pyramidal cell of primary motor cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060201", "l": "clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179992", "l": "End part of tail of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546212", "l": "bacteriophage tail tube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990861", "l": "Ubp3-Bre5 deubiquitination complex", "d": ["A protein complex that cleaves ubiquitin from specific substrates. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this complex consists of Ubp3p and Bre5p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062201", "l": "actin wave", "d": ["A cellular anatomical entity that is part of the actin cytoskeleton and results in a wave-like propagation of actin networks. It consists of dynamic structures traveling on the ventral (substrate-attached) side of the cell during cell migration, cytokinesis, adhesion and neurogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230833", "l": "Microbody matrix", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:77523001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009274", "l": "peptidoglycan-based cell wall", "d": ["A protective structure outside the cytoplasmic membrane composed of peptidoglycan (also known as murein), a molecule made up of a glycan (sugar) backbone of repetitively alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid with short, attached, cross-linked peptide chains containing unusual amino acids. An example of this component is found in Escherichia coli."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339179", "l": "Cytoplasm of melanocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623186", "l": "Tea1 cell-end complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333747", "l": "Molluscum bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:15503003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325793", "l": "glial fibrillary acidic protein location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271620", "l": "CatSper complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902501", "l": "lysosomal HOPS complex", "d": ["Any HOPS complex that is part of a lysosomal membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000086942", "l": "Viral Envelope", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1167398", "l": "Viral Envelope", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:115427003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031232", "l": "extrinsic component of external side of plasma membrane", "d": ["The component of a plasma membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its external surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0228079", "l": "Axon Hillock", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14153007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623166", "l": "spitzenkorper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330930", "l": "Branch of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D060527", "l": "Corneal Keratocytes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0229130", "l": "Structure of corneal corpuscle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:7884002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099617", "l": "matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the mitochondrial inner membrane that faces the matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044680", "l": "methylthiol:coenzyme M methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex of two polypeptides which catalyzes the transfer of methyl group from methylthiol to coenzyme M during methanogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549079", "l": "T=16 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521081", "l": "21q22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13729", "l": "21q22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752514", "l": "host cell perinuclear region of cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821163", "l": "left tetrad", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690905", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515523", "l": "9q32-q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25133", "l": "9q32-q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231711", "l": "Cdc13-Stn1-Ten1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090534", "l": "calcium ion-transporting ATPase complex", "d": ["Protein complex that carries out the reaction: ATP + H2O + Ca2+(out) = ADP + phosphate + Ca2+(in)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032593", "l": "insulin-responsive compartment", "d": ["A small membrane-bounded vesicle that releases its contents by exocytosis in response to insulin stimulation; the contents are enriched in GLUT4, IRAP and VAMP2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178979", "l": "Cytoplasm of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521489", "l": "5q31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25084", "l": "5q31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156170", "l": "old mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515495", "l": "9p12-p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25124", "l": "9p12-p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379801", "l": "transcription regulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450505", "l": "membrane region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822522", "l": "ThiF-ThiS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120201", "l": "cone photoreceptor disc membrane", "d": ["Stack of disc membranes located inside a cone photoreceptor outer segment, and containing densely packed molecules of opsin photoreceptor proteins that traverse the lipid bilayer. Cone disc membranes arise as evaginations of the ciliary membrane during the development of the cone outer segment and remain contiguous with the ciliary membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819397", "l": "heterotetrameric decaprenyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183508", "l": "Cytosol of ectoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166873", "l": "clathrin adaptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753321", "l": "telomere-telomerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269186", "l": "lamellar body membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005632", "l": "inner layer of spore wall", "d": ["Either of the two innermost layers of the spore wall, as described in Saccharomyces."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520749", "l": "17p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24970", "l": "17p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824555", "l": "BID-BCL-xl complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660005", "l": "cytosolic proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329876", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type 2 vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450463", "l": "gamma-tubulin small complex, centrosomal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521021", "l": "1q44", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40246", "l": "1q44", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520197", "l": "Xq26.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13670", "l": "Xq26.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380229", "l": "GW-Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521006", "l": "1q31-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25012", "l": "1q31-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325591", "l": "chloroplast chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690926", "l": "ubiquitin activating enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043159", "l": "acrosomal matrix", "d": ["A structural framework, or 'dense core' at the interior of an acrosome. May regulate the distribution of hydrolases within the acrosome and their release during the acrosome reaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622545", "l": "Sec62/Sec63 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166769", "l": "non-muscle myosin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333748", "l": "Guarnieri bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:24645001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752508", "l": "transmembrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167416", "l": "acetolactate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754770", "l": "npBAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5673080", "l": "exopher", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032426", "l": "stereocilium tip", "d": ["A distinct compartment at the tip of a stereocilium, distal to the site of attachment to the apical cell surface. It consists of a dense matrix bridging the barbed ends of the stereocilium actin filaments with the overlying plasma membrane, is dynamic compared to the shaft, and is required for stereocilium elongation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071762", "l": "heavy chain immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgNAR isotype held together by disulfide bonds and lacking immunoglobulin light chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521056", "l": "20q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13698", "l": "20q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610635", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-THBS1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032433", "l": "filopodium tip", "d": ["The end of a filopodium distal to the body of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150016", "l": "basal distal dendrite", "d": ["Any dendrite in a dendritic tree that emerges near the basal pole of a neuron (e.g. in bipolar neurons, basal dendrites are either on the same side of the soma as the axon, or project toward the axon), and which is farthest away from the neuronal cell body (the soma)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325756", "l": "apoplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043626", "l": "PCNA complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of three identical PCNA monomers, each comprising two similar domains, which are joined in a head-to-tail arrangement to form a homotrimer. Forms a ring-like structure in solution, with a central hole sufficiently large to accommodate the double helix of DNA. Originally characterized as a DNA sliding clamp for replicative DNA polymerases and as an essential component of the replisome, and has also been shown to be involved in other processes including Okazaki fragment processing, DNA repair, translesion DNA synthesis, DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling and cell cycle regulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824264", "l": "molybdopterin cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis adenylyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2697589", "l": "Xpter-p22.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75398", "l": "Xpter-p22.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1883648", "l": "6q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C62459", "l": "6q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097505", "l": "Rad6-Rad18 complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex found to be involved in post-replicative bypass of UV-damaged DNA and UV mutagenesis. In S. cerevisiae, the complex contains the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Rad6 and Rad18, a protein containing a RING finger motif and a nucleotide binding motif. The yeast Rad6-Rad18 heterodimer has ubiquitin conjugating activity, binds single-stranded DNA, and possesses single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520498", "l": "12q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26295", "l": "12q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048217", "l": "pectic matrix", "d": ["The gel-like pectin matrix consists of the interlinked acidic and neutral pectin networks that are further cross-linked by calcium bridges. Pectins consist largely of long chains of mostly galacturonic acid units (typically 1,4 linkages and sometimes methyl esters). Three major pectic polysaccharides (homogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan I and rhamnogalacturonan II) are thought to occur in all primary cell walls."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613156", "l": "Ecsit-NDUFAF1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896313", "l": "Dom34-Hbs1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824406", "l": "bacterial chaperonin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166851", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1751173", "l": "karyopherin docking complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120100", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum motor", "d": ["A transmembrane complex embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane which is the motor force, or torque, generator of the bacterial-type flagellum. The motor consists of a membrane-anchored rotor complex surrounded by one or more stator complexes in the cytoplasmic membrane. The stator consists of a hetero-hexameric complex of 2 membrane proteins, A and B, with stoichiometry A4B2. Examples are the H+ driven MotA-MotB stator complex of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, and the Na+ driven PomA-PomB stator complex of Vibrio and Shewanella species. The rotor complex consists of a membrane-anchored ring and the motor switch complex, which controls the direction of flagellar rotation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269079", "l": "cyclin D2-CDK6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005601", "l": "classical-complement-pathway C3/C5 convertase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that catalyzes the cleavage of complement components C3 and C5, and acts in the classical pathway of complement activation; consists of one monomer of C2a and one monomer of C4b; C2a is the catalytic subunit, but cannot catalyze cleavage alone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043259", "l": "laminin-10 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha5, beta1 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450542", "l": "box C/D sRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450959", "l": "nuclear CENP-A containing chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0086623", "l": "Microtrabecular Lattice", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521552", "l": "6p25-p23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13567", "l": "6p25-p23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000427", "l": "plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["An RNA polymerase complex containing polypeptides encoded by the plastid genome. Plastid-encoded DNA-directed RNA polymerases resemble eubacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases, with a core composed of alpha, beta, and beta-prime subunits. Some forms contain multiple additional subunits. An additional sigma factor subunit is required for promoter recognition."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230797", "l": "GER concentric array", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57329002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043020", "l": "NADPH oxidase complex", "d": ["A enzyme complex of which the core is a heterodimer composed of a light (alpha) and heavy (beta) chain, and requires several other water-soluble proteins of cytosolic origin for activity. Functions in superoxide generation by the NADPH-dependent reduction of O2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690750", "l": "reservosome matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754719", "l": "phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247869", "l": "PtdIns-3-kinase complex II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002474", "l": "Cell-Free System", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007625", "l": "Cell-Free System", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C15201", "l": "Cell-free System", "d": ["An in vitro biosystem created through the mixing of isolated subcellular fractions and/or purified enzymes and coenzymes. Cell-free systems can be used for studying biological reactions or in biomanufacturing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167392", "l": "larval serum protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009276", "l": "Gram-negative-bacterium-type cell wall", "d": ["The peptidoglycan layer of the Gram-negative cell envelope. In Gram-negative cells the peptidoglycan is relatively thin (1-2nm) and is linked to the outer membrane by lipoproteins. In Gram-negative cells the peptidoglycan is too thin to retain the primary stain in the Gram staining procedure and therefore cells appear red after Gram stain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034704", "l": "calcium channel complex", "d": ["An ion channel complex through which calcium ions pass."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.876091073600094", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13548", "l": "2q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 2"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612458", "l": "very-low-density lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520491", "l": "12q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13505", "l": "12q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230940", "l": "Ribosome, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:39189005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329159", "l": "triglyceride-rich plasma lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325724", "l": "PRC1 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822917", "l": "kinociliary basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515457", "l": "8q21.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13919", "l": "8q21.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990660", "l": "calprotectin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of S100A8 and S100A9 and capable of limiting Mn(2+) and Zn(2+) availability at sites of infection. Also binds Ca(2+). Expressed and released by neutrophils and epithelial cells, it exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity attributed to its metal-binding properties. Endogenous ligand of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) initiating signal transduction through NF-kappa-B pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070110", "l": "ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a receptor for the cytokine ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). In humans the receptor complex is a hexamer composed of two molecules each of CNTF and CNTFR and one molecule each of gp130 and LIFR."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271851", "l": "ERBB4-ERBB3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819334", "l": "stereocilium bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824540", "l": "IscS-IscU complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521293", "l": "3p24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13705", "l": "3p24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062119", "l": "LinE complex", "d": ["A protein complex that associates with chromatin to form linear elements in fission yeast. In S. pombe, the LinE complex contains four main structural components (Rec10, Rec25, Rec27, and Mug20) and other associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048555", "l": "generative cell nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of the generative cell, a cell contained within the pollen grain that will divide to produce two haploid sperm cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520760", "l": "17q11-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24971", "l": "17q11-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156848", "l": "extrahaustorial matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005948", "l": "acetolactate synthase complex", "d": ["A dimeric (a large and a small chain) or tetrameric (two large and two small chains) enzyme complex. Catalyzes the formation of acetolactate from pyruvate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167142", "l": "Histone Deacetylase Complexes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0599376", "l": "disc (rod outer segment)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817251", "l": "mitochondrial stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032179", "l": "germ tube", "d": ["The slender tubular outgrowth first produced by most spores in germination."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623473", "l": "cytoplasmic replication fork", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005962", "l": "mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)", "d": ["Mitochondrial complex that possesses isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622607", "l": "NatA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180109", "l": "Part of nuclear wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752484", "l": "host cell mitochondrial membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325592", "l": "Cytoplasm of hemal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340184", "l": "Nerve ending within end bulb of Krause", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166908", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II, succinate dehydrogenase complex location (ubiquinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522735", "l": "Swr1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166852", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327143", "l": "GTPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008275", "l": "gamma-tubulin small complex", "d": ["A complex usually comprising two gamma-tubulin molecules and two conserved non-tubulin proteins. Some gamma-tubulin small complexes are thought to be the repeating unit making up the core of the gamma-tubulin ring complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610706", "l": "cellubrevin-VAMP4-syntaxin-16 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043493", "l": "viral terminase complex", "d": ["A complex of a large and small subunit which catalyze the packaging of DNA into viral heads. Note that not all viral terminases have this structure, some exist as single polypeptides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180010", "l": "Wall of endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521329", "l": "3q29", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25056", "l": "3q29", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071197", "l": "Kv4.2-Kv4.3 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the Kv alpha subunits 4.2 and 4.3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520854", "l": "19q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14028", "l": "19q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009685", "l": "Nuclear Envelope", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0028584", "l": "Nuclear Envelope", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13265", "l": "Nuclear Membrane", "d": ["The double-layer membrane structure enclosing the nucleus in eukaryotic cells. It separates the DNA of the cell from the cytosol. For exchange of material, for example, proteins and mRNA, it is punctured with numerous nuclear pores."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49842008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753838", "l": "pre-snoRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820118", "l": "autophagosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002904", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 21-22 and Y", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008648", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 21-22 and Y", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:87820001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246587", "l": "dolichol-phosphate-mannose synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612946", "l": "recycling endosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824549", "l": "laminin-522 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235096", "l": "Vma12-Vma22 assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230912", "l": "Basal lamina, inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91587000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990635", "l": "proximal dendrite", "d": ["The dendrite of the dendritic tree that is closest to the neuronal cell body (the soma)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179100", "l": "Spiral filament of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622204", "l": "envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167155", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990783", "l": "periphagosomal region of cytoplasm", "d": ["Cytoplasm situated near, or occurring around, a phagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.551667831314546", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022081", "l": "Cell Surface Extensions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887879", "l": "Cell Surface Extensions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26114", "l": "Cell Surface Extension", "d": ["Cell Surface Extension is a coordinated cellular process involving the cell membrane, cytoskeleton, subcortical elements, and other subcellular structures that generates a localized outgrowth of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070823", "l": "HDA1 complex", "d": ["A tetrameric histone deacetylase complex that contains a Class II deacetylase catalytic subunit. In S. cerevisiae it is composed of two Hda1p subunits along with Hda2p and Hda3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612629", "l": "proteasome storage granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236761", "l": "endothelial cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817580", "l": "pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3813159", "l": "periciliary membrane compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097078", "l": "FAL1-SGD1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the 18S rRNA biogenesis. In S. cerevisiae this complex consists of Fal1p and Sgd1p and in humans this complex consists of NOM1 and eIF4AIII subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450424", "l": "small ribonucleoprotein protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622028", "l": "CD95 death-inducing signaling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030684", "l": "preribosome", "d": ["Any complex of pre-rRNAs, ribosomal proteins, and associated proteins formed during ribosome biogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612505", "l": "gerontoplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020130", "l": "Bacterial Chromatophores", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0600496", "l": "Bacterial chromatophore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166714", "l": "cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166652", "l": "rhoptry", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902678", "l": "right caudal basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a right caudal flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034715", "l": "pICln-Sm protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains pICln (CLNS1A) and several Sm proteins, including SmD1, SmD2, SmE, SmF, and SmG."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820623", "l": "growth factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520757", "l": "17q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13939", "l": "17q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097356", "l": "perinucleolar compartment", "d": ["The perinucleolar compartment (PNC) is a subnuclear structure associated with, but structurally distinct from, the nucleolus. The PNC contains large amounts of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex (hnRNP) called hnRNP 1 (PTB). Many RNA binding proteins as well as RNA polymerase III transcripts are highly enriched in this compartment. PTB and pol III transcripts are required for the integrity of the PNC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753380", "l": "N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521541", "l": "6p21.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13795", "l": "6p21.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518774", "l": "PA700 Regulatory Module", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13336", "l": "PA700 Regulatory Module", "d": ["Ubiquitinated proteins are degraded by a 26S ATP-dependent protease complex, composed of a 20S catalytic proteasome and two 19S PA700 regulatory modules. The multi-subunit PA700 complex binds two sites of the 20S proteasome and is composed of at least six related ATPases and approximately fifteen non-ATPase polypeptides. Each of the ATPases, PSMC1-6, contains an AAA (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) domain. A protein complex containing p42 and p50 enhances PA700 activation of the proteasome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549060", "l": "virion nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323119", "l": "Golgi complex inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137574", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-endosome membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033065", "l": "Rad51C-XRCC3 complex", "d": ["A DNA recombinase mediator complex that contains the Rad51 paralogs RAD51C and XRCC3, or orthologs thereof."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451505", "l": "cell cortex of non-growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5161786", "l": "Cytomegalovirus inclusion bodies | Urine | Microbiology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043189", "l": "H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that catalyzes the acetylation of histones H4 and H2A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230824", "l": "Autolysosome containing secretion granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:23381000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044231", "l": "host cell presynaptic membrane", "d": ["A specialized area of membrane of the host axon terminal that faces the plasma membrane of the host neuron or muscle fiber with which the axon terminal establishes a synaptic junction; many host synaptic junctions exhibit structural presynaptic characteristics, such as conical, electron-dense internal protrusions, that distinguish it from the remainder of the axon plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230729", "l": "Intermediate filaments of known composition", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17576008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520479", "l": "12p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14116", "l": "12p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009551", "l": "secondary plasmodesma", "d": ["A plasmodesma with a branched structure, often with many channels leading into a larger central cavity; found in older tissues and usually derived from preexisting primary plasmodesmata."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070775", "l": "H3 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that catalyzes the acetylation of histone H3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179990", "l": "Middle part of tail of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328953", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of mesothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336048", "l": "Lysosome of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097557", "l": "right posteriolateral flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is nucleated by the right posteriolateral basal body and extends cytoplasmically toward the cell posterior, marking the right anterior boundary of the lateral shield and the right lateral region of the funis before exiting at the right lateral region of the cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020894", "l": "Microfibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0752265", "l": "Microfibrils", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020010", "l": "conoid", "d": ["A spiral cytoskeletal structure located at the apical end of the apical complex in some apicomplexan parasites. Fibers form a left-handed spiral, and are comprised of tubulin protofilaments organized in a ribbon-like structure that differs from the conventional tubular structure characteristic of microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166825", "l": "IkappaB kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1525451", "l": "Basement membrane zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070686", "l": "macropinocytic cup membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a macropinocytic cup."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179935", "l": "Nucleus of skeletal muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167447", "l": "excinuclease repair complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325594", "l": "Z chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031436", "l": "BRCA1-BARD1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex comprising BRCA1 and BARD1, which possesses ubiquitin ligase activity and is involved in genome maintenance, possibly by functioning in surveillance for DNA damage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166777", "l": "Intermediate filament cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035102", "l": "PRC1 complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that mediates monoubiquitination of lysine residues of histone H2A (lysine-118 in Drosophila or lysine-119 in mammals). The complex is required for stable long-term maintenance of transcriptionally repressed states and is involved in chromatin remodeling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016513", "l": "core-binding factor complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric transcription factor complex that contains an alpha subunit (Runx1, Runx2 or Runx3 in human) that binds DNA and a non-DNA-binding beta subunit (CBFbeta), and binds to a consensus sequence 5'-YGYGGTY-3' found in several enhancers and promoters; the beta subunit enhances the DNA binding of the alpha subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752560", "l": "exoneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137532", "l": "telodendria", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825037", "l": "sperm individualization complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0010835", "l": "Cytoplasmic Filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:27298001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009571", "l": "proplastid stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of a proplastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346541", "l": "22q13.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68590", "l": "22q13.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520955", "l": "1p32.3-p31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24995", "l": "1p32.3-p31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520517", "l": "12q24.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13910", "l": "12q24.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098891", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic active zone membrane", "d": ["The component of the presynaptic active zone membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546511", "l": "RPAP3/R2TP/prefoldin-like complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621397", "l": "platelet dense granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D048629", "l": "Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1449861", "l": "Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990795", "l": "rod bipolar cell terminal bouton", "d": ["A specialized region of the axon terminus portion of a rod bipolar axon. A rod bipolar cell is a neuron found in the retina and having connections with rod photoreceptor cells and neurons in the inner plexiform layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520473", "l": "12p12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13706", "l": "12p12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825986", "l": "6p12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82136", "l": "6p12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009429", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, proximal rod", "d": ["The portion of the central rod of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body that is proximal to the cell membrane; the proximal rod connects the distal rod to the flagellar motor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179878", "l": "Cis Golgi network", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32323", "l": "Cis-Golgi Network", "d": ["A network of membrane components where vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum fuse with the Golgi apparatus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180011", "l": "Membrane protein of endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753310", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-3-complexin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824481", "l": "PDGF-AA-receptor alpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099091", "l": "postsynaptic specialization, intracellular component", "d": ["A network of proteins adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane. Its major components include the proteins that spatially and functionally organize neurotransmitter receptors in the adjacent membrane, such as anchoring and scaffolding molecules, signaling enzymes and cytoskeletal components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061497", "l": "inner plaque of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["One of three laminate structures that form the mitotic spindle pole body; the inner plaque is in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752512", "l": "other organism cell membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234947", "l": "ficolin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167106", "l": "mRNA cleavage factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4232704", "l": "membrane-enclosed lumen of ficolin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515524", "l": "9q32-q33.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26597", "l": "9q32-q33.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044191", "l": "host cell mitochondrial membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround the host cell mitochondrion and form the host cell mitochondrial envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098533", "l": "ATPase dependent transmembrane transport complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex that functions in ATPase dependent active transport across a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035985", "l": "senescence-associated heterochromatin focus", "d": ["A transcriptionally-silent heterochromatin structure present in senescent cells. Contains the condensed chromatin of one chromosome and is enriched for histone modifications. Thought to repress expression of proliferation-promoting genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5444238", "l": "MIM complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318738", "l": "intrinsic component of neuronal dense core vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055029", "l": "nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the nucleus, that possesses DNA-directed RNA polymerase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323768", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of enterocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623241", "l": "prokaryotic large ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821119", "l": "transcription ternary complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019008", "l": "molybdopterin synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses molybdopterin synthase activity. In E. coli, the complex is a heterotetramer consisting of two MoaD and two MoaE subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099023", "l": "vesicle tethering complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that plays a role in vesicle tethering."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622648", "l": "CBF3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030687", "l": "preribosome, large subunit precursor", "d": ["A preribosomal complex consisting of 27SA, 27SB, and/or 7S pre-rRNA, 5S rRNA, ribosomal proteins including late-associating large subunit proteins, and associated proteins; a precursor of the eukaryotic cytoplasmic large ribosomal subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166876", "l": "AP-3 adaptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520370", "l": "11p15.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13794", "l": "11p15.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005757", "l": "mitochondrial permeability transition pore complex", "d": ["A protein complex that connects the inner and outer membranes of animal mitochondria and acts as a pore that can open transiently to allow free diffusion of solutes between the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol. The pore complex is formed of the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), the adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) and cyclophilin-D (CyP-D)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044292", "l": "dendrite terminus", "d": ["A structure at the distal end of a dendrite adapted to carry out a specific function, e.g. dendriole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247088", "l": "host cell chloroplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896408", "l": "ANPR-A receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268339", "l": "MAML1-RBP-Jkappa- ICN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521108", "l": "22q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13511", "l": "22q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323134", "l": "Infranuclear part of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016035", "l": "zeta DNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric DNA polymerase complex that catalyzes error-prone DNA synthesis in contexts such as translesion synthesis and double-stranded break repair. First characterized in Saccharomyces, in which the subunits are Rev3p and Rev7p; a third protein, Rev1p, is often associated with the polymerase dimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268377", "l": "MECO complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520689", "l": "16p13.3-p13.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13138", "l": "16p13.3-p13.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990103", "l": "DnaA-HU complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex containing DNA-bound DnaA attached to HU. HU is a dimer encoded by two closely related genes. Essential for the initiation of replication in bacteria; stimulates the DnaA-dependent unwinding of oriC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166748", "l": "COPII vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071184", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-a1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v4 and protocadherin-gamma-a1, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523858", "l": "compact myelin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754239", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-ADAM12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1276875", "l": "Fractured membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:314867003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902500", "l": "vacuolar HOPS complex", "d": ["Any HOPS complex that is part of a vacuolar membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098985", "l": "asymmetric, glutamatergic, excitatory synapse", "d": ["A neuron to neuron synapse with a postsynaptic density, that uses glutamate as a neurotransmitter and whose activity results in excitatory postsynaptic potentials."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611288", "l": "ITGA2b-ITGB3-TLN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106391", "l": "bI4 intron splicing complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the splicing of intron 4 of the cytochrome b (COB) gene. In S. cerevisiae, the complex contains the maturase bI4 (which derives from one of the products of the splicing), Leucyl-tRNA synthetase NAM2 and the intron 4 of the cytochrome b pre-mRNA. The two proteins stimulate the ribozyme activity of the pre-mRNA which autoctalyse a group I intron splicing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820523", "l": "extrinsic to internal leaflet of cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817207", "l": "distal pole complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612799", "l": "integrin alpha5-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140621", "l": "type I pilus", "d": ["A short filamentous structure on the surface of a bacterial cell distinguished from other pili by their D-mannose-sensitive agglutinatination of erythrocytes. In E. coli, type I pili consist of a short tip fibrillum made up of the adhesin protein (FimH) and two minor subunits (FimG and FimF) that is joined to the pilus rod, a homopolymer of ~1000 FimA subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071008", "l": "U2-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed following the release of the spliced product from the post-spliceosomal complex and contains the excised intron and the U2, U5 and U6 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179931", "l": "Membrane-bound ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450874", "l": "nuclear rDNA heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521178", "l": "2p14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25026", "l": "2p14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612707", "l": "rhoptry lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753996", "l": "Ddb1-Wdr21 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380118", "l": "hyphal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990732", "l": "pyrenoid", "d": ["A non-membrane-bounded organelle found within the chloroplasts of algae and hornworts; responsible for carbon dioxide fixation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818889", "l": "small-subunit processome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043599", "l": "nuclear DNA replication factor C complex", "d": ["A nuclear complex of five polypeptides that loads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto DNA, thereby permitting processive DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase delta or epsilon. In Saccharomyces and several other species, the subunits are known as Rfc1p-Rfc5p, although subunit names do not necessarily correspond between different species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D063546", "l": "Apicoplasts", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1166950", "l": "Apicoplasts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120279", "l": "Z granule", "d": ["A small cytoplasmic, non-membranous RNA/protein complex aggregate in the primordial germ cells that are distinct from, but colocalize with or are adjacent to, P granules and mutator foci and are associated with RNA metabolism. Z granules have been observed in C. elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754941", "l": "IgG immunoglobulin complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824445", "l": "atf1-pcr1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "49.323174143632976", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002877", "l": "Chromosomes, Human", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008643", "l": "Chromosomes, Human", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13203", "l": "Human Chromosome", "d": ["A structure found in the nucleus of human cells that is comprised of a strand of linearized double-stranded DNA plus proteins that package the DNA in a condensed coil form and regulate chromosomal function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030018", "l": "Z disc", "d": ["Platelike region of a muscle sarcomere to which the plus ends of actin filaments are attached."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235005", "l": "regulation of adhesion plaque assembly", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1655953", "l": "anaphase promoting complex activator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098894", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic endocytic zone membrane", "d": ["The component of the presynaptic endocytic zone membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515465", "l": "8q24-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25123", "l": "8q24-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045283", "l": "fumarate reductase complex", "d": ["A membrane-bound flavoenzyme complex consisting of four subunits, A, B, C, and D. A and B comprise the membrane-extrinsic catalytic domain and C (InterPro:IPR003510; InterPro:IPR004224) and D (InterPro:IPR003418) link the catalytic centers to the electron-transport chain. This family consists of the 13 kDa hydrophobic subunit D. This component may be required to anchor the catalytic components of the fumarate reductase complex to the cytoplasmic membrane. Fumarate reductase couples the reduction of fumarate to succinate to the oxidation of quinol to quinone, in a reaction opposite to that catalyzed by the related complex II of the respiratory chain (succinate dehydrogenase-(ubiquinone))."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167396", "l": "host cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035578", "l": "azurophil granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an azurophil granule, a primary lysosomal granule found in neutrophil granulocytes that contains a wide range of hydrolytic enzymes and is released into the extracellular fluid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990665", "l": "AnxA2-p11 complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric protein complex comprising two Annexin A2 (AnxA2) monomers and two copies of its binding partner, S100 protein p11 (S100A10)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044289", "l": "mitochondrial inner-outer membrane contact site", "d": ["Sites of close apposition of the inner and outer mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13531", "l": "10q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 10"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546214", "l": "bacteriophage tail fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520753", "l": "17p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13877", "l": "17p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323124", "l": "Region of endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327164", "l": "Wpl/Pds5 cohesin loading/unloading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009562", "l": "Nissl Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0028117", "l": "Nissl Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33170", "l": "Nissl Body", "d": ["A granular basophilic substance, which consists of granular endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes, found in the cell bodies of neurons and dendrites."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:209599006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167057", "l": "Fimbrin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009510", "l": "plasmodesmatal desmotubule", "d": ["A tightly wound cylinder of membrane that is located within the plasmodesmal pore and runs the length of the plasmodesma. The desmotubule likely provides a rigid stability to plasmodesmata and confers a fixed diameter and pore size to the plasmodesmal canal, and is linked to the endoplasmic reticulum in each of the adjacent cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043664", "l": "host peribacteroid membrane", "d": ["A host-derived membrane that surrounds one or more bacteroids (such as nitrogen-fixing bacteroids within legume root nodule cells)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179510", "l": "Pale fibrillar center of nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184881", "l": "Base of pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166708", "l": "axonemal dynein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612457", "l": "mature chylomicron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820001", "l": "host bacteroid-containing symbiosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520514", "l": "12q24.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24939", "l": "12q24.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167295", "l": "respiratory chain complex III location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167206", "l": "auxin efflux carrier complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521000", "l": "1q23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33950", "l": "1q23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178968", "l": "Matrix of Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611792", "l": "NCBP-NIP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016533", "l": "protein kinase 5 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that has protein serine/threonine kinase activity; in mammals composed of catalytic subunit CDK5 and regulatory subunits CDK5R1 or CDK5R2. Contrary to its gene symbol, CDK5 is not cyclin-dependent."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823017", "l": "left caudal basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754298", "l": "alphaV-beta8 integrin-MMP14-TGFbeta-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990477", "l": "MTREC complex", "d": ["Protein complex formed by an RNA binding protein Red1, an RNA helicase Mtl1, Red5, Rmn1, Iss10/Pir1, and Ars2/Pir2. This complex is required for the recruitment of the nuclear exosome to Mmi1 nuclear focus. It is likely related to the human CBCN complex. This complex is also known as RNA silencing (NURS) complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247866", "l": "Cvt complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824484", "l": "PDGF-BB-receptor alpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005767", "l": "secondary lysosome", "d": ["Vacuole formed by the fusion of a lysosome with an organelle (autosome) or with a primary phagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611794", "l": "PI3-kinase p85-subunit alpha- PI3-kinase p110 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008230", "l": "ecdysone receptor holocomplex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex containing the products of the insect genes Ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (usp). Binding of ecdysone promotes association between the two subunits, and the receptor complex then initiates molting and metamorphosis by binding DNA and regulating the transcription of target genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952544", "l": "Cytoskeleton of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016612", "l": "molybdenum-iron nitrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex containing a molybdenum-iron cluster found in many species. It is composed of two proteins, dinitrogenase and nitrogenase reductase; dinitrogenase, the molybdenum-iron protein, is tetrameric with an alpha2-beta2 structure, and nitrogenase reductase is a homodimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821052", "l": "RNA polymerase IV transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752489", "l": "host cell nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815105", "l": "protein folding chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523413", "l": "homotetrameric ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043625", "l": "delta DNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A multimeric DNA polymerase enzyme complex which differs in composition amongst species; in humans it is a heterotetramer of four subunits of approximately 125, 50, 68 and 12kDa, while in S. cerevisiae, it has three different subunits which form a heterotrimer, and the active enzyme is a dimer of this heterotrimer. Functions in DNA replication, mismatch repair and excision repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450970", "l": "PS1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611038", "l": "CD20-Lck-Fyn complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3714604", "l": "Mature keratin (cell structure)", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51962006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520576", "l": "14q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13747", "l": "14q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017146", "l": "NMDA selective glutamate receptor complex", "d": ["An assembly of four or five subunits which form a structure with an extracellular N-terminus and a large loop that together form the ligand binding domain. The C-terminus is intracellular. The ionotropic glutamate receptor complex itself acts as a ligand gated ion channel; on binding glutamate, charged ions pass through a channel in the center of the receptor complex. NMDA receptors are composed of assemblies of NR1 subunits (Figure 3) and NR2 subunits, which can be one of four separate gene products (NR2A-D). Expression of both subunits are required to form functional channels. The glutamate binding domain is formed at the junction of NR1 and NR2 subunits. NMDA receptors are permeable to calcium ions as well as being permeable to other ions. Thus NMDA receptor activation leads to a calcium influx into the post-synaptic cells, a signal thought to be crucial for the induction of NMDA-receptor dependent LTP and LTD."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180329", "l": "Part of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521193", "l": "2p25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26531", "l": "2p25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1276873", "l": "Dividing cell structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:314245008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179922", "l": "Sarcoplasm of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031528", "l": "microvillus membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a microvillus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016473", "l": "sodium ion-transporting F-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A sodium ion-transporting two-sector ATPase complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. The complex comprises a membrane sector (F0) that carries out proton transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (F1) that catalyzes ATP synthesis by a rotational mechanism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160005", "l": "PAT complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) involved in the correct folding of multipass membrane proteins in the ER membrane. In human, the substrate-binding Asterix (PAT10, WDR83OS) forms an obligate heterodimer with CCDC47."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070725", "l": "Yb body", "d": ["A cytoplasmic part that appears as an electron-dense sphere of around 1.5 micron diameter containing Yb protein found in somatic cells of ovary and testis. There are one to two Yb bodies per cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611232", "l": "alpha2-beta1 integrin-alpha3(VI) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071598", "l": "neuronal ribonucleoprotein granule", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that is found in the cytoplasm of axons and dendrites, and transports translationally silenced mRNAs to dendritic synapses, where they are released and translated in response to specific exogenous stimuli."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549077", "l": "viral outer capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824404", "l": "GroEL-GroES complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098522", "l": "neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": ["A neuromuscular junction in which the target muscle cell is a skeletal muscle fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612347", "l": "toxoneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000314", "l": "organellar small ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The smaller of the two subunits of an organellar ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13540", "l": "15p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 15"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098992", "l": "neuronal dense core vesicle", "d": ["A dense core vesicle (granule) that is part of a neuron. These vesicles typically contain neuropeptides. They can be found in all parts of neurons, including the soma, dendrites, axonal swellings (varicosities) and synaptic terminals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159143", "l": "ABC-type uptake permease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380155", "l": "HIUH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166646", "l": "Apical part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020009", "l": "microneme", "d": ["A small, elongated secretory organelle that forms part of the apical complex, located along the main axis of an apicomplexan parasite cell within the extreme apical region and at the periphery under the inner membrane complex. Of the specialized secretory compartments identified in apicomplexans, micronemes discharge their contents first, during initial contact of the parasite's apical pole with the host cell surface. Micronemal proteins function during parasite attachment and penetration into the target cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071749", "l": "polymeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two, three, or four monomeric IgA immunoglobulin complexes linked through both direct disulfide bonds and through disulfide binded monomers of J chain acting as a bridge. Each IgA monomer consists of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgA isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. Dimeric IgA is sometimes complexed additionally with secretory component, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271855", "l": "EGFR:ERBB2 heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035792", "l": "host cell postsynaptic membrane", "d": ["A postsynaptic membrane that is part of a host cell. A postsynaptic membrane is a specialized area of membrane facing the presynaptic membrane on the tip of the nerve ending and separated from it by a minute cleft (the synaptic cleft). Neurotransmitters transmit the signal across the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823181", "l": "dendritic filopodium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327662", "l": "Encapsulated nerve ending", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "32.164156231667725", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098796", "l": "membrane protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752459", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887897", "l": "trans-Golgi Region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070111", "l": "organellar chromatophore", "d": ["A bacteroid-containing symbiosome in which the bacterial component is a genetically highly reduced cyanobacterium that is photosynthetically active and incapable of an independent existence outside its host. The chromatophore functions as a photosynthetic organelle, and has been found and characterized in the amoeba Paulinella chromatophora."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032156", "l": "septin cytoskeleton", "d": ["The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of septins and associated proteins. Includes septin cytoskeleton-associated complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031252", "l": "cell leading edge", "d": ["The area of a motile cell closest to the direction of movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042025", "l": "host cell nucleus", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle as it is found in the host cell in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167521", "l": "helical viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012728", "l": "Sex Chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0036867", "l": "Sex Chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32182", "l": "Barr Body", "d": ["The inactive, condensed X chromosome in a female somatic cell."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:58348001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521708", "l": "8p23-p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26541", "l": "8p23-p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097128", "l": "cyclin D1-CDK4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230637", "l": "Slit pore of glomerular podocyte", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:87063002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166887", "l": "3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005630", "l": "dityrosine layer of spore wall", "d": ["The outermost layer of the spore wall, as described in Saccharomyces."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032444", "l": "activin responsive factor complex", "d": ["A transcriptionally active complex that binds to an activin response element (ARE) in the promoter of target genes, and is composed of two SMAD2 proteins, one SMAD4 protein and a Forkhead activin signal transducer (FAST) transcription factor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032517", "l": "SOD1-calcineurin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) with calcineurin; complex formation is implicated in activation of calcineurin by SOD1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893524", "l": "meiotic spindle pole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548411", "l": "astrocyte end-foot", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166657", "l": "cell cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990196", "l": "MacAB-TolC complex", "d": ["The MacAB-TolC complex is a macrolide transporter complex found in E.coli and related gram-negative bacteria. Its transport activity is specific to macrolide compounds containing 14- and 15-membered lactones. It consists of the dimeric inner membrane ATPase MacB, the hexameric, periplasmic membrane fusion protein MacA and the trimeric outer membrane factor TolC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521577", "l": "6q25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39635", "l": "6q25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754175", "l": "U12-type post-spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612853", "l": "methylosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521629", "l": "7p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13895", "l": "7p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110157", "l": "reelin complex", "d": ["An extracellular complex that binds lipoprotein receptors VLDLR and APOER2, cadherin-related neuronal receptors (CNRs) or alpha3beta1 integrin and induces various downstream, reelin-dependent, phosphorylation cascades. It ultimately affects polarization, differentiation, neuronal migration and layer formation in the embryonic brain and neuron growth, maturation, and synaptic activity in the postnatal and adult brain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824552", "l": "heterochromatin island", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754257", "l": "ITGA2-ITGB1-CHAD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754132", "l": "yeast spliceosomal complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0600317", "l": "Reticulopodia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990662", "l": "S100A9 complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of a S100A9 dimer and capable of binding to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) initiating signal transduction through NF-kappa-B pathways. Transports arachidonic acid between the cytosol and the NADPH oxidase complex at the plasma membrane in neutrophils as part of an inflammatory signal cascade leading to an oxidative burst. Complexes with microtubules to increase cell motility."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036053", "l": "glomerular endothelium fenestra", "d": ["A large plasma membrane-lined circular pore that perforates the flattened glomerular endothelium and, unlike those of other fenestrated capillaries, is not spanned by diaphragms; the density and size of glomerular fenestrae account, at least in part, for the high permeability of the glomerular capillary wall to water and small solutes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099243", "l": "extrinsic component of synaptic membrane", "d": ["The component of the synaptic membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520295", "l": "10q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24905", "l": "10q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755008", "l": "Ig NAR immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268453", "l": "Mitochondrion AND/OR associated structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108358008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821199", "l": "ventral disc dorsal microribbon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039714", "l": "cytoplasmic viral factory", "d": ["A viral factory located in the cytoplasm of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379989", "l": "hyphae septin collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754379", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045241", "l": "cytosolic alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["Cytosolic complex that possesses alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234201", "l": "peripheral cytoplasm of cell leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166946", "l": "phragmoplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754969", "l": "IgD immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520692", "l": "16q12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38482", "l": "16q12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815034", "l": "implantation fossa", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754943", "l": "IgG antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515464", "l": "8q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13591", "l": "8q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166900", "l": "alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex location (sensu Eukarya)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166629", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893234", "l": "TERT-TERC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262697", "l": "cortical microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179889", "l": "Intermembranous space of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32831", "l": "Intermembrane Space of the Mitochondrion", "d": ["The space between the outer membrane and the inner membrane of the mitochondrion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520383", "l": "11q13.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13870", "l": "11q13.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034973", "l": "Sid2-Mob1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains a protein kinase (Sid2 in S. pombe) and its regulatory subunit (Mob1). The Sid2p-Mob1p kinase complex is a component of the septation initiation network in fission yeast (called the mitotic exit network in S. cerevisiae) and is required for cytokinesis. The analogous complex in S. cerevisiae is called Dbf2p-Mob1p complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230673", "l": "Cytoplasmic inclusion, granular", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:30835004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325760", "l": "activin B complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155731", "l": "clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042583", "l": "chromaffin granule", "d": ["Specialized secretory vesicle found in the cells of adrenal glands and various other organs, which is concerned with the synthesis, storage, metabolism, and secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110142", "l": "ubiquinone biosynthesis complex", "d": ["The cytosolic ubiquinone biosynthesis complex is composed of enzymes and accessory factors of the ubiquinone biosynthesis pathway and enables synthesis of the extremely hydrophobic molecule ubiquinone. In E. coli, the complex is composed of seven proteins: UbiE, F, G, H, I, J and K."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13552", "l": "21q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 21"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016528", "l": "sarcoplasm", "d": ["The cytoplasm of a muscle cell; includes the sarcoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097541", "l": "axonemal basal plate", "d": ["Part of the axoneme consisting of a highly electron-dense region at the distal end of the ciliary transition zone within the axonemal lumen at which the axonemal central pair of microtubules is connected to the rest of the axonemal structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521453", "l": "5p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25072", "l": "5p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990871", "l": "Vma12-Vma22 assembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the assembly of the V-ATPase complex. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this complex consists of Vma12p and Vma22p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230822", "l": "Autolysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32166", "l": "Autophagolysosome", "d": ["An organelle formed by the fusion of an autophagosome with the lysosome, where the contents of the autophagosome are degraded."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:34995009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167068", "l": "male germ cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4296799", "l": "Chromosome 12 trisomy & chromosome region 11q22.3 & 13q14 & 17p13.1 deletion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002945", "l": "cyclin K-CDK13 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin Kand cyclin-dependent kinase 13 (CDK13). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030079", "l": "light-harvesting complex, peripheral complex", "d": ["Bacteriochlorophyll a binding complex that is peripherally associated to the bacterial reaction center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167180", "l": "oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611133", "l": "egasyn-beta-glucuronidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820930", "l": "ASAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326945", "l": "nucleosome bridging complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754329", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752516", "l": "anammoxosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520961", "l": "1p34-p33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24999", "l": "1p34-p33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167154", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166913", "l": "respiratory chain complex IV location (sensu Eukarya)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167099", "l": "transcription factor TFIIA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612576", "l": "Golgi stack lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821187", "l": "archaeal-type flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097524", "l": "sperm plasma membrane", "d": ["A plasma membrane that is part of a sperm cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031019", "l": "mitochondrial mRNA editing complex", "d": ["An mRNA editing complex found in the mitochondrion. The best characterized example is that of Trypanosoma brucei, which catalyzes the insertion and deletion of uridylates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269127", "l": "serine protease inhibitor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327151", "l": "mCRD-mediated mRNA stability complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166948", "l": "Amyloplasts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271552", "l": "acroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893737", "l": "Golgi apparatus subcompartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.2284025111056", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022161", "l": "Transport Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887882", "l": "Transport Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33804", "l": "Transport Vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle that can move between organelles to deliver molecules to target locations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269188", "l": "epidermal lamellar body membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005787", "l": "signal peptidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and cleaves the signal sequence from precursor proteins following their transport out of the cytoplasmic space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754338", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-laminin alpha-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071986", "l": "Ragulator complex", "d": ["A vacuolar membrane-anchored guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) complex for the Rag GTPases (Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPase complex GO:1990131) in TORC1 signaling pathway. In human, Ragulator is comprised of the membrane anchor subunit LAMTOR1 (Meh1p in S. cerevisiae, Lam1 in S. pombe), a GEF subunit LAMTOR2 ( Slm4 in S. cerevisiae , Lam2 in S. pombe ) , LAMTOR3 (no S. cerevisiae ortholog identified, Lam3 in S. pombe) , LAMTOR4 (no S. cerevisiae ortholog identified, Lam4 in S. pombe), and LAMTOR5 (no S. cerevisiae or S. pombe ortholog identified)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012508", "l": "Sarcolemma", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0036208", "l": "Sarcolemma", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33512", "l": "Sarcolemma", "d": ["The cell membrane of a muscle cell. It is comprised of a plasma membrane coated with collagen fibers embedded in a layer of polysaccharides."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91740009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070176", "l": "DRM complex", "d": ["A transcriptional repressor complex that contains the lin-9, lin-35, lin-37, lin-52, lin-53, lin-5is involved in 4-, dpl-1 and efl-1 proteins, and is involved in cell fate specification."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031009", "l": "plastid ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": ["An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016009", "l": "minor mitochondrial derivative", "d": ["The smaller of the two mitochondrial derivatives that arise by the unfolding of the Nebenkern during flagellum elongation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818842", "l": "myosin XVIII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167429", "l": "cAMP-dependent protein kinase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754318", "l": "alpha6-beta1 integrin-CYR61 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896423", "l": "IRE1alpha-RACK1-PP2A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521221", "l": "2q33-q36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13992", "l": "2q33-q36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817254", "l": "muscle myosin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902773", "l": "GTPase activator complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of GTPase activator activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749488", "l": "clathrin adaptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896482", "l": "inner membrane assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180305", "l": "Outer dynein arm of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166915", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754178", "l": "yeast U12-type spliceosomal complex A2-3", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819301", "l": "MutLalpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821242", "l": "neuromuscular junction of somatic muscle myotube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818870", "l": "negative elongation factor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990779", "l": "glycoprotein Ib-IX-V complex", "d": ["A transmembrane signaling receptor complex found exclusively on platelets. Involved in haemostasis and thrombosis where it aids blood coagulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332557", "l": "Protoplasm of enterocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329366", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type N enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044679", "l": "methanophenazine reducing hydrogenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which catalyzes the conversion of methanophenazine and hydrogen to form dihydromethanophenazine. This typically consists of three polypeptides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106333", "l": "subcortical maternal complex", "d": ["Comprised of at least NLRP5, OOEP, TLE6, and KHDC3/KHDC3L with evidence of additional SCMC-associated proteins that interact with one or multiple members of the core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329039", "l": "cleavage furrow rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167351", "l": "secondary cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042718", "l": "yolk granule", "d": ["Discrete structures that partition the water-insoluble portion of the yolk of oocytes and ova, which may or may not be membrane enclosed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893570", "l": "Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548409", "l": "mesaxon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005879", "l": "axonemal microtubule", "d": ["A microtubule in the axoneme of a eukaryotic cilium or flagellum; an axoneme contains nine modified doublet microtubules, which may or may not surround a pair of single microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824289", "l": "glutamic dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071760", "l": "IgY immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgY isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgY immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332521", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of proximal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546546", "l": "MLL1/2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179947", "l": "Wall of endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754115", "l": "yeast U12-type spliceosomal complex A2-1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710782", "l": "14q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C54230", "l": "14q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167515", "l": "type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043662", "l": "peribacteroid fluid", "d": ["The soluble material inside the peribacteroid membrane, but outside of the bacteroid, within a bacteroid-containing symbiosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520804", "l": "18q21.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24983", "l": "18q21.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230841", "l": "Mitochondrial membrane particle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60251007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180171", "l": "Filament of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009325", "l": "nitrate reductase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the formation of nitrate from nitrite with the concomitant reduction of an acceptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520959", "l": "1p33-p34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24998", "l": "1p33-p34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265579", "l": "Nuclear Dicing Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005761", "l": "mitochondrial ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.34709754747162", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071735", "l": "IgG immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgG isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgG immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818894", "l": "guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520681", "l": "16p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13825", "l": "16p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752461", "l": "host cell rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612885", "l": "Lsm-containing SMN-Sm protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179070", "l": "Matrix of late endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610674", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072557", "l": "IPAF inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex that consists of three components, IPAF, NAIP and caspase-1, and includes among its functions the sensing of flagellin derived from Legionella pneumophila, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Shigella flexneri."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230529", "l": "Mitotic nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49307000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515922", "l": "Alpha Granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26618", "l": "Alpha Granule", "d": ["Granules found in several types of cells, especially platelets, where they are the most numerous type of granule; contain secretory proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325550", "l": "chromatin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230762", "l": "INTRACYTOPLASMIC MEMBRANE SYSTEMS AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621450", "l": "tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821289", "l": "external side of mycolate outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043256", "l": "laminin complex", "d": ["A large, extracellular glycoprotein complex composed of three different polypeptide chains, alpha, beta and gamma. Provides an integral part of the structural scaffolding of basement membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521635", "l": "7q11-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13140", "l": "7q11-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159062", "l": "Seh1-associated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271512", "l": "protein C inhibitor-PLAT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821285", "l": "trans-Golgi network transport vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336147", "l": "General somatic afferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140220", "l": "pathogen-containing vacuole", "d": ["A membrane-bound intracellular compartment that is formed upon internalization of a pathogen into a host cell, and in which the pathogen resides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329086", "l": "ciliary cap", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167462", "l": "guanylate cyclase complex, soluble", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098559", "l": "cytoplasmic side of early endosome membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the early endosome membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248777", "l": "methanol-CoM methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0751961", "l": "thylakoid (cell component)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039658", "l": "TBK1-IKKE-DDX3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase 1), IKBKE (I-Kappa-B kinase epsilon/IKKE/IKK-epsilon) and the DEAD box family RNA helicase DDX3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821184", "l": "Pmt4p-Pmt4p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690924", "l": "bilobe structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622551", "l": "PAN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610687", "l": "SNARE complex (Stx2, Snap25, Vamp8)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821136", "l": "ciliary transition fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031236", "l": "extrinsic component of periplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": ["The component of a plasma membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its periplasmic surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030998", "l": "linear element", "d": ["A proteinaceous scaffold associated with fission yeast chromosomes during meiotic prophase. Linear elements consist of a protein complex, LinE, with four main structural components (Rec10, Rec25, Rec27, and Mug20 in S. pombe) associated with chromatin. The resulting structure is related to but not equivalent to the synaptonemal complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009419", "l": "pilus tip", "d": ["The pointed extremity furthest from the cell of a pilus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097592", "l": "ventral disc overlap zone", "d": ["A region of the ventral disc of Giardia species (trophozoite stage) where two portions of the same array of microtubules overlap (the microtubule array makes a complete circle and overlaps on itself)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623312", "l": "contractile vacuole pore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "55.662601085156794", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000785", "l": "chromatin", "d": ["The ordered and organized complex of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that forms the chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167216", "l": "heterotrimeric G-protein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000807", "l": "Z chromosome", "d": ["The sex chromosome present in both sexes of species in which the female is the heterogametic sex. Two copies of the Z chromosome are present in each somatic cell of males and one copy is present in females."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548899", "l": "mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166660", "l": "actin cortical patch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097672", "l": "SCF-Pof5 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Pof5 in S. pombe (YDR306C in S. cerevisiae)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896347", "l": "GIRK1-GIRK4 G protein-coupled atrial inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.078697315966167", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019866", "l": "organelle inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of an organelle envelope; usually highly selective to most ions and metabolites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612889", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIC2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071254", "l": "cytoplasmic U snRNP body", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that can be visualized as a focus in the cytoplasm, and contains uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (U snRNPs) and essential snRNP assembly factors. These U bodies are invariably found in association with P bodies."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521449", "l": "Cytoplasmic", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033675", "l": "pericanalicular vesicle", "d": ["A membrane-bounded vesicle found near the apical, or pericanalicular, membrane of a hepatocyte; contains proteins involved in bile salt transport and other fluid and solute transport processes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034591", "l": "rhoptry lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the rhoptry membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180104", "l": "Cell nucleus of neuroglial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814952", "l": "Rhp55-Rhp57 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520968", "l": "1p35-p34.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13573", "l": "1p35-p34.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097182", "l": "protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor Xa complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and coagulation factor Xa (F10); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of coagulation factor Xa."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070017", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-thrombospondin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to thrombospondin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230692", "l": "Melanosome, completely melanized", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88026008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271731", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor homodimeric complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098556", "l": "cytoplasmic side of rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819051", "l": "septin cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896249", "l": "Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819717", "l": "mitochondrial DNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030080", "l": "B875 antenna complex", "d": ["Protein complex that surrounds and transfers excitation energy directly to the bacterial reaction center; binds bacteriochlorophyll a and has a single absorption band between 870 and 890 nm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D015530", "l": "Nuclear Matrix", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0028581", "l": "Nuclear Matrix", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13264", "l": "Nuclear Matrix", "d": ["A network of fibrillar structures within cell nuclei that may play a role in chromatin organization and the localization of proteins within the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333778", "l": "Curvilinear bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17781001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033291", "l": "eukaryotic 80S initiation complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of the large and small ribosomal subunits, methionyl-initiatior tRNA, and the capped mRNA. The initiator tRNA is positioned at the ribosomal P site at the AUG codon corresponding to the beginning of the coding region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030129", "l": "clathrin coat of synaptic vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin coat found on a synaptic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548386", "l": "virus tail", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071683", "l": "sensory dendrite", "d": ["A dendrite that is found on a sensory neuron, and directly transduces a sensory signal from the sensory neuron to another neuron."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823290", "l": "glutamate decarboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521534", "l": "6p21-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28544", "l": "6p21-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234203", "l": "cell periphery of cell leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030870", "l": "Mre11 complex", "d": ["Trimeric protein complex that possesses endonuclease activity; involved in meiotic recombination, DNA repair and checkpoint signaling. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the complex comprises Mre11p, Rad50p, and Xrs2p; complexes identified in other species generally contain proteins orthologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167135", "l": "repressor ecdysone receptor holocomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005631", "l": "chitosan layer of spore wall", "d": ["The second outermost layer of the spore wall, as described in Saccharomyces."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893637", "l": "dinoflagellate apical groove", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754274", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167323", "l": "proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753272", "l": "Septate desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166632", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009331", "l": "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the dehydrogenation of sn-glycerol 3-phosphate to form glycerone phosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245740", "l": "cortical endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690200", "l": "fungal biofilm matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824589", "l": "upstream stimulatory factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140221", "l": "pathogen-containing vacuole membrane", "d": ["Host-derived membrane of a pathogen-containing vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819054", "l": "septin band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035631", "l": "CD40 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains at least CD40 (a cell surface receptor of the tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily), and other signaling molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690950", "l": "host cell peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034677", "l": "integrin alpha7-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha7 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690809", "l": "cellularization cleavage furrow", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230623", "l": "Synaptic membrane specialization, postsynaptic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:73683009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000330", "l": "plant-type vacuole lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the vacuolar membrane of a vacuole that retains the same shape regardless of cell cycle phase. An example of this is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817541", "l": "senescence-associated vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "48.09495982819017", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042995", "l": "cell projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097072", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 3 complex", "d": ["An interferon regulatory factor complex that consists of a homodimer of interferon regulatory factor 3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611137", "l": "prolyl 4-hydroxylase complex (alpha(II)-type)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.599116406434305", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990234", "l": "transferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalyzing the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167207", "l": "Basal plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13812", "l": "Scaffold-Associated Region", "d": ["Regions of chromosomal DNA attached to structural components of metaphase (condensed) chromosomes, permitting the partitioning of DNA in the chromosomes into looped domains. Appear to be related to similar regions denoted matrix-attachment regions that partition the chromosomal DNA in interphase chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819072", "l": "mating projection septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546507", "l": "TRAPPII protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167478", "l": "iron-iron nitrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000091083", "l": "Decellularized Extracellular Matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044162", "l": "host cell cytoplasmic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a host cell cytoplasmic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691156", "l": "Golgi outpost", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521542", "l": "6p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25091", "l": "6p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235148", "l": "VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896349", "l": "muscarinic potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000133", "l": "polarisome", "d": ["Protein complex that plays a role in determining cell polarity by directing the localized assembly of actin filaments at polarization sites; in Saccharomyces the polarisome includes Bni1p, Spa2p, Pea2p, and Bud6p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754272", "l": "alpha11-beta1 integrin-collagen type I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070867", "l": "mating projection tip membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a mating projection tip."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622111", "l": "nuclear proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231709", "l": "flagellar collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.594629215885917", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098645", "l": "collagen network", "d": ["A supramolecular complex that consists of collagen triple helices associated to form a network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166955", "l": "chloroplast stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167340", "l": "periplasmic space (sensu Gram-negative Bacteria)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621638", "l": "interleukin-28 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612802", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821137", "l": "transition fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522810", "l": "Isw1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140918", "l": "centrosomal core", "d": ["The core region of the centrosome, a layered structure containing proteins, surrounded by the centrosomal corona. The core duplicates once per cell cycle at the G2/M transition when two outer layers form the mitotic spindle poles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521633", "l": "7p22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41013", "l": "7p22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044164", "l": "host cell cytosol", "d": ["The part of the host cell cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269129", "l": "protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor Xa complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325667", "l": "cyanelle ribonuclease P complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611092", "l": "beta-catenin-TCF7L2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521327", "l": "3q27.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38474", "l": "3q27.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230763", "l": "GERL", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:86612007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098565", "l": "lumenal side of endosome membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the endosome membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035189", "l": "Rb-E2F complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex containing a heterodimeric E2F transcription factor and a Retinoblastoma (Rb) family member. This complex is capable of repressing transcription of E2F-regulated genes in order to regulate cell cycle progression."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328778", "l": "synaptonemal structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271814", "l": "ActRIIB.ALK4.EGF-CFC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098666", "l": "G protein-coupled serotonin receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of G protein-coupled serotonin receptor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622113", "l": "nuclear proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754402", "l": "Kv4.2-DPP6 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034506", "l": "chromosome, centromeric core domain", "d": ["The innermost portion of the centromeric region of a chromosome, encompassing the core region of a chromosome centromere and the proteins that bind to it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322976", "l": "Lateral periolivary nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245778", "l": "aleurone grain membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071113", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-ICAM-4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell adhesion molecule ICAM-4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158385", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328771", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of thymus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045495", "l": "pole plasm", "d": ["Differentiated cytoplasm associated with a pole (animal, vegetal, anterior, or posterior) of an oocyte, egg or early embryo."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071094", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-CD9 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta4 integrin complex bound to the cell surface protein CD9."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546213", "l": "bacteriophage baseplate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010287", "l": "plastoglobule", "d": ["A lipoprotein particle present in chloroplasts. They are rich in non-polar lipids (triglycerides, esters) as well as in prenylquinones, plastoquinone and tocopherols. Plastoglobules are often associated with thylakoid membranes, suggesting an exchange of lipids with thylakoids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893414", "l": "CENP-A containing chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071054", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612834", "l": "Itgae-Itgb7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690907", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611780", "l": "12S U11 snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098832", "l": "peri-centrosomal recycling endosome", "d": ["A recycling endosome that is organized around the microtubule organizing center, close to the nucleus. This is the main recycling endosome of most cells. It receives input from the Golgi as well as recycled molecules from early endosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070418", "l": "DNA-dependent protein kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks and, in mammals, V(D)J recombination events. It consists of the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and the DNA end-binding heterodimer Ku."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099154", "l": "serotonergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses serotonin as a neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544404", "l": "recurrent collateral", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178982", "l": "Axon collateral", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166640", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum hook", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521320", "l": "3q25.1-q26.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13666", "l": "3q25.1-q26.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887887", "l": "COPI-Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005744", "l": "TIM23 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase complex", "d": ["The protein transport machinery of the mitochondrial inner membrane that typically transports proteins that possess a matrix-targeting N-terminal presequence. The TIM23 complex contains three essential Tim proteins: Tim17 and Tim23 are thought to build a preprotein translocation channel while Tim44 interacts transiently with the matrix heat-shock protein Hsp70 to form an ATP-driven import motor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236511", "l": "ficolin-1-rich granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325637", "l": "cytoplasmic side of endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823015", "l": "left ventral basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338783", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333924", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of macrophage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990723", "l": "cytoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex", "d": ["Cytoplasm situated in close proximity to a nuclear pore complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "51.997710202516366", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179845", "l": "Membranous cytoplasmic organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33089", "l": "Membranous Cytoplasmic Organelle", "d": ["A functional area or structure in a cell that is bounded by a lipid-containing membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2953122", "l": "Cytoskeleton of hemal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033309", "l": "SBF transcription complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to the Swi4/6 cell cycle box (SCB) promoter element, consensus sequence CRCGAAA, and activates transcription during the G1/S transition of the cell cycle. In Saccharomyces, the complex contains a heterodimer of the DNA binding protein Swi4p and the activator Swi6p, and is associated with additional proteins known as Whi5p and Msa1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450336", "l": "condensin core heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D006570", "l": "Heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0019397", "l": "Heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13241", "l": "Heterochromatin", "d": ["A tightly packed area of chromatin that may function to protect chromosome integrity and regulate gene expression."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:69307006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263083", "l": "transcription factor TFIIH holo complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611294", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-CD63 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140596", "l": "TOM complex", "d": ["A large mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex that mediates transport of proteins into mitochondrial compartments. TOM transports beta-barrel precursors across the outer membrane and the sorting and assembly machinery (SAM complex) inserts them into the target membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167063", "l": "cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase holoenzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521654", "l": "7q31.3-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38892", "l": "7q31.3-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820818", "l": "gut granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248679", "l": "telomere complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520483", "l": "12pter-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14013", "l": "12pter-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070044", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, and syntaxin 1a (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005612", "l": "laminin-7 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha3, beta2 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.41723220320425", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097729", "l": "9+2 motile cilium", "d": ["A motile cilium where the axoneme has a ring of nine outer microtubule doublets plus two central microtubules (and is therefore called a 9+2 axoneme)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690184", "l": "collagen-containing extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325698", "l": "X chromosome located dosage compensation complex, transcription activating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071189", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-a3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v7 and protocadherin-gamma-a3, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031213", "l": "RSF complex", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (SNF2H in mammals) and an RSF1 homolog. It mediates nucleosome deposition and generates regularly spaced nucleosome arrays. In mammals, RSF is involved in regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoters)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896372", "l": "FtsBL complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1816382", "l": "chromosome scaffold", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183491", "l": "Nuclear matrix proper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521463", "l": "5q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13750", "l": "5q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180029", "l": "Trans face of Golgi stack", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323120", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of nephron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156127", "l": "prominosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336626", "l": "Protoplasm of pancreatic centro-acinar cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005956", "l": "protein kinase CK2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses protein serine/threonine kinase activity, and contains two catalytic alpha subunits and two regulatory beta subunits. Protein kinase CK2 complexes are found in nearly every subcellular compartment, and can phosphorylate many protein substrates in addition to casein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821194", "l": "overlap zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323147", "l": "Exocytotic endocrine secretory granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893910", "l": "silver ion transmembrane transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031615", "l": "cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex", "d": ["The subcomplex of the cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle that forms the peripheral lid, which is added on top of the base subcomplex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246568", "l": "argonaute siRNA chaperone complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167088", "l": "CHRAC", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C19805", "l": "CHRAC", "d": ["The Drosophila gene Chrac-14 encodes a component of the chromatin accessibility complex. It contains a histone-fold/TFIID-TAF/NF-Y domain. Similar sequences have been identified in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The Drosophila gene Chrac-16 also encodes a component of the chromatin accessibility complex. (from FlyBase 0043002, 0043001, and NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521372", "l": "4p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14006", "l": "4p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825993", "l": "Xq27.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82143", "l": "Xq27.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546522", "l": "CERF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C33887", "l": "Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel", "d": ["The Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC) is a small, abundant pore-forming eukaryotic protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane thought to form the major pathway for movement of adenine nucleotides through the outer membrane and to be the mitochondrial binding site for hexokinase and glycerol kinase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752541", "l": "contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166842", "l": "plasmodesmatal endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167368", "l": "Type XV collagen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549078", "l": "T=25 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325798", "l": "importin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167018", "l": "alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex location (sensu Bacteria)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230780", "l": "Granular endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:55276007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167268", "l": "Ruffle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071183", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-protocadherin-gamma complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains two cell adhesion molecules, a protocadherin-alpha and a protocadherin-gamma, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990490", "l": "archaeal proton-transporting A-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A large proton-transporting two-sector ATPase protein complex that catalyzes the synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP by a rotational mechanism, coupled to the transport of protons across a membrane and is found in Archaea."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247792", "l": "enhanceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749476", "l": "Translocon complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.221379778443747", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030133", "l": "transport vesicle", "d": ["Any of the vesicles of the constitutive secretory pathway, which carry cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi, between Golgi cisternae, from the Golgi to the ER (retrograde transport) or to destinations within or outside the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622174", "l": "chromoplast outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521403", "l": "4q26-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14003", "l": "4q26-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179127", "l": "Longitudinal sarcotubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689724", "l": "horsetail nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612824", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546524", "l": "WICH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230622", "l": "Synaptic membrane specialization, presynaptic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:24843005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009533", "l": "chloroplast stromal thylakoid", "d": ["Unstacked thylakoids that connect the grana stacks through the stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4319733", "l": "mitochondrion-derived vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327154", "l": "mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.760981911179996", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005743", "l": "mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071195", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP4 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the Kv channel interacting protein KChIP4 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156339", "l": "ER membrane insertion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230826", "l": "Multivesicular body, surrounding membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18795001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167449", "l": "exodeoxyribonuclease VII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329936", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of nonkeratinized epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230706", "l": "Lipid droplet, lamellated", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:50727000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160065", "l": "SIN/MEN signaling complex", "d": ["A protein complex associated with the mitotic spindle pole body during interphase and mitosis and comprises of the proteins of the septation initiation signaling network (SIN) of fission yeast or mitotic exit network (MEN) of budding yeast, organized by two scaffold/adaptor proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001650", "l": "fibrillar center", "d": ["A structure found most metazoan nucleoli, but not usually found in lower eukaryotes; surrounded by the dense fibrillar component; the zone of transcription from multiple copies of the pre-rRNA genes is in the border region between these two structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521079", "l": "21q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13624", "l": "21q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516509", "l": "Chromatin Loop", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13435", "l": "Chromatin Loop", "d": ["A higher order chromatin structure above the level of the chromatin fiber. The organization of chromatin into loops permits the partitioning of chromatin into topologically independent domains, and is thought to facilitate its compartmentation into functionally independent regions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271860", "l": "NRGs/EGFLs:ERBB4:ERBB2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612896", "l": "APC-tubulin-IQGAP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179929", "l": "Wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672699", "l": "associated with the nuclear pore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230538", "l": "Nuclear envelope, inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:74382002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330362", "l": "Wall of tubule of Golgi complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005931", "l": "axonemal nexin link", "d": ["A protein complex found in the axoneme of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. It forms interconnections between the microtubule outer doublets that surround the inner central pair of microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689970", "l": "m(6)A writer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034388", "l": "Pwp2p-containing subcomplex of 90S preribosome", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a subcomplex of the 90S preribosome and can interact directly with the 5' External Transcribed Spacer (ETS) of the full length pre-rRNA transcript. In S. cerevisiae, it sediments at 25-30 S and is composed of Pwp2p, Dip2p, Utp21p, Utp13p, Utp18p, and Utp6p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5544480", "l": "Erythrocyte Cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325577", "l": "meiotic cohesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521303", "l": "3q13.3-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14014", "l": "3q13.3-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045178", "l": "basal part of cell", "d": ["The region of a cell situated near the base. For example, in a polarized epithelial cell, the basal surface rests on the basal lamina that separates the epithelium from other tissue."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.605953599968913", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098800", "l": "inner mitochondrial membrane protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of the inner mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106103", "l": "COPII vesicles tethering complex", "d": ["A protein complex that resides in the cis-golgi membrane and plays a role in the tethering of COPII vesicles, through an interaction with vesicle tethering proteins (p115 in H. Sapiens and Uso1 S. cerevisiae), granting the cis-Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport. It is composed by GRASP65 and GM130 protein in H. sapiens and by Bug1 and Grh1 proteins in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166696", "l": "Nuclear chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548376", "l": "virus tail, tube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1659559", "l": "nuclear proteasome regulatory particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824372", "l": "MetNIQ transporter", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167520", "l": "capsomere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000775", "l": "chromosome, centromeric region", "d": ["The region of a chromosome that includes the centromeric DNA and associated proteins. In monocentric chromosomes, this region corresponds to a single area of the chromosome, whereas in holocentric chromosomes, it is evenly distributed along the chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236652", "l": "actin cytoskeleton of dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043598", "l": "cytoplasmic DNA replication factor C complex", "d": ["A cytoplasmic complex of two polypeptides that loads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto DNA, thereby permitting processive DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase. Examples of this component are found in prokaryotic species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031332", "l": "RNAi effector complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that mediates the effects of small interfering RNAs on gene expression. Most known examples contain one or more members of the Argonaute family of proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014069", "l": "postsynaptic density", "d": ["An electron dense network of proteins within and adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane of an asymmetric, neuron-neuron synapse. Its major components include neurotransmitter receptors and the proteins that spatially and functionally organize them such as anchoring and scaffolding molecules, signaling enzymes and cytoskeletal components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009511", "l": "plasmodesmatal endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["Endoplasmic reticulum found in plasmodesmata, junctions connecting the cytoplasm of adjacent plant cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "50.996696238358162", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043005", "l": "neuron projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from a nerve cell, e.g. an axon or dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621975", "l": "organelle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819642", "l": "DNA ligase IV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890885", "l": "Platelet-Derived Microparticle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C120026", "l": "Platelet-Derived Microparticle", "d": ["A small, membrane bound vesicle circulating in the blood that was shed by a platelet. This is the most abundant type of microparticle in human blood. Since they contain platelet chemokines and surface proteins, these particles may modulate vascular processes, such as blood coagulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691108", "l": "pathogen inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896466", "l": "NKX2E homodimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000346", "l": "transcription export complex", "d": ["The transcription export (TREX) complex couples transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II to mRNA export. The complex associates with the polymerase and travels with it along the length of the transcribed gene. TREX is composed of the THO transcription elongation complex as well as other proteins that couple THO to mRNA export proteins. The TREX complex is known to be found in a wide range of eukaryotes, including S. cerevisiae and metazoans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820595", "l": "extrinsic component of external side of mycolate outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815108", "l": "multi-pass translocon complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511551", "l": "Crystalline inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32413", "l": "Crystalline Inclusion", "d": ["A detectable aggregation of small molecules in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450346", "l": "gamma-tubulin ring complex, centrosomal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031241", "l": "periplasmic side of cell outer membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the outer membrane that faces the periplasm of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044222", "l": "anammoxosome", "d": ["An intracytoplasmic membrane-bounded compartment in anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria, is the site of anammox catabolism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005780", "l": "extrinsic component of intraperoxisomal membrane", "d": ["The component of the intraperoxisomal membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268713", "l": "clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137196", "l": "SLBP-SLIP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522738", "l": "ESCRT III complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090732", "l": "cofilin-actin rod", "d": ["A cellular structure consisting of parallel, hexagonally arranged actin tubules, comprising filamentous actin and disulfide cross-linked cofilin multimers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009504", "l": "cell plate", "d": ["The nascent cell membrane and cell wall structure that forms between two daughter nuclei near the center of a dividing plant cell. It develops at the equitorial region of the phragmoplast. It grows outwards to join with the lateral walls and form two daughter cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179068", "l": "Cone pedicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034365", "l": "discoidal high-density lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A newly formed high-density lipoprotein particle; consists of a phospholipid bilayer surrounded by two or more APOA1 molecules. The discoidal HDL particle is formed when lipid-free or lipid-poor APOA1 acquires phospholipids and unesterified cholesterol from either cell membranes or triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (undergoing lipolysis by lipoprotein lipase)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166976", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, peripheral complex, LHCIIb subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230726", "l": "Dense intermediate filament bundles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:723004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904852", "l": "trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183425", "l": "Plasma membrane of corneal endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327132", "l": "ESCRT IV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009707", "l": "Nucleosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054683", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large, Eukaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1622421", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large, Eukaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009506", "l": "plasmodesma", "d": ["A fine cytoplasmic channel, found in all higher plants, that connects the cytoplasm of one cell to that of an adjacent cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752366", "l": "NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex, peripheral segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167232", "l": "interleukin-2 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318932", "l": "viral terminase, small subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "61.097039629452723", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042571", "l": "immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": ["An immunoglobulin complex that is secreted into extracellular space and found in mucosal areas or other tissues or circulating in the blood or lymph. In its canonical form, a circulating immunoglobulin complex is composed of two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. Some forms of are polymers of the basic structure and contain additional components such as J-chain and the secretory component."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5828342", "l": "Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Organizing System", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523482", "l": "actin rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825751", "l": "22q13.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81832", "l": "22q13.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009340", "l": "DNA topoisomerase IV complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme, which in most bacterial species is composed of two subunits, ParC and ParE. Functions in chromosome segregation and can relax supercoiled DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990176", "l": "MalFGK2 complex", "d": ["Protein complex involved in maltose transport through the plasma membrane. In E. coli, the complex is a tetramer and consists of a cytoplasmic ATPase MalK homodimer together with a heterodimeric transmembrane subunit MalF-MalG."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596293", "l": "cell water", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247240", "l": "SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523866", "l": "non-membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000142", "l": "cellular bud neck contractile ring", "d": ["A contractile ring, i.e. a cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments and myosin, that forms beneath the plasma membrane at the mother-bud neck in mitotic cells that divide by budding in preparation for completing cytokinesis. An example of this structure is found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070466", "l": "alpha2-beta1 integrin-alpha3(VI) complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha2-beta1 integrin complex bound to a type VI collagen triple helix containing an alpha3(VI) chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329078", "l": "Protoplasm of reticular cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754974", "l": "IgE B cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754959", "l": "membrane-bound IgG4", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520842", "l": "19p13.1-13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24984", "l": "19p13.1-13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754140", "l": "yeast spliceosomal complex A1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002169", "l": "3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase complex, mitochondrial", "d": ["A mitochondrial protein complex which is capable of 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase activity. In mammals, at least, consists as a dodecamer of 6 alpha and 6 beta subunits. MCCC-alpha has a covalently bound biotin essential for the ATP-dependent carboxylation. MCCC-beta possesses carboxyltransferase activity which presumably is essential for binding to 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179954", "l": "Wall of smooth endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178981", "l": "Zone of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033254", "l": "vacuolar transporter chaperone complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains four related proteins that have been implicated in several membrane-related processes, such as sorting of H+-translocating ATPases, endocytosis, ER-Golgi trafficking, vacuole fusion, vacuolar polyphosphate homeostasis and the microautophagic scission of vesicles into the vacuolar lumen. The complex is enriched at the vacuolar membrane, but also found in other cellular compartments, including the ER and the cell periphery. In Saccharomyces, the subunits are Vtc1p, Vtc2p, Vtc3p and Vtc4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893648", "l": "collagen type VII anchoring fibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624614", "l": "tRNA (m2G10) methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071914", "l": "prominosome", "d": ["An extracellular membrane-bounded vesicle that contains prominin proteins (in mouse Prom1/CD33 or Prom2) and are found in body fluids including ventricular fluid, saliva, urine and seminal fluid. In the ventricular fluid of the developing mouse brain two major classes of these particles have been observed (P2 particles of 500-1000 nm and P4 particles of 50-80 nm) which likely originate from microvilli, primary cilia and/or the midbody of neuroepithelial cells. The physiological role is not known."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339599", "l": "Membrane protein of trans Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818827", "l": "ethanolamine metabolosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016474", "l": "sodium ion-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A sodium ion-transporting two-sector ATPase complex that couples ATP hydrolysis to the transport of sodium ions across a concentration gradient. The complex comprises a membrane sector (V0) that carries out proton transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (V1) that catalyzes ATP hydrolysis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515502", "l": "9p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26056", "l": "9p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323178", "l": "Nigrothalamic fiber bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330695", "l": "Cytoplasm of neuroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325717", "l": "RCAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3152111", "l": "TOR complex 1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263018", "l": "cellular bud neck septin structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523898", "l": "extracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13382", "l": "17p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 17"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164930", "l": "Performed Genetic Observation Result Genetic Region of Interest", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612417", "l": "Sec translocation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520960", "l": "1p34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13586", "l": "1p34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017087", "l": "mitochondrial processing peptidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a regulatory subunit (alpha-MPP) and a catalytic subunit (beta-MPP) that catalyzes the release of N-terminal targeting peptides from precursor proteins imported into the mitochondrion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326875", "l": "amyloid beta heterooligomer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263453", "l": "activator ecdysone receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008087", "l": "light-activated voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which calcium ions may cross a cell membrane in response to changes in membrane potential generated in response to a light stimulus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157096", "l": "CRLF-CLCF1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166824", "l": "hemoglobin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167419", "l": "alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase complex (UDP-forming)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140222", "l": "pathogen-containing vacuole lumen", "d": ["The enclosed volume within the sealed membrane of a pathogen-containing vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166634", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022003", "l": "Cell Nucleus Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887871", "l": "Cell Nucleus Structures", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005754", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core", "d": ["The hexamer, comprising three alpha and three beta subunits, that possesses the catalytic activity of the mitochondrial hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167056", "l": "pilus tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045258", "l": "plasma membrane succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)", "d": ["The enzyme, located in the plasma membrane, that catalyzes the oxidation of succinate and ubiquinone to fumarate and ubiquinol; involved in aerobic respiration, repressed in anaerobic respiration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612356", "l": "hemi-adherens junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230674", "l": "Cytoplasmic inclusion, filamentous", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:89150003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.87435383147438", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002897", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 7", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008670", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 7", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13223", "l": "Human Chromosome 7", "d": ["The designation for each member of the seventh largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 7 spans more than 158 million base pairs and represents between 5 and 5.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:70488008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700359", "l": "6q16.3-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75447", "l": "6q16.3-q21", "d": ["A chromosomal band present on 6q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749471", "l": "nuclear membrane lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611210", "l": "elongin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002096", "l": "polkadots", "d": ["A punctate, filamentous structure composed of Bcl10 that appears in the cytoplasm of T-cells shortly after T-cell receptor stimulation. Polkadots stands for Punctate Oligomeric Killing and Activating DOmains Transducing Signals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690225", "l": "SMAD1 homotrimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324876", "l": "Protoplasm of Langerhans cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179065", "l": "Internal fiber of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070081", "l": "clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-sculpted lipid bilayer membrane-enclosed vesicle after clathrin release and containing monoamines."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325565", "l": "DASH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330658", "l": "Type A delta axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167297", "l": "respiratory chain complex IV location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817349", "l": "outer acrosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612807", "l": "integrin alpha8-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520294", "l": "10q24.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24904", "l": "10q24.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167506", "l": "RNA-induced silencing complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042763", "l": "intracellular immature spore", "d": ["A cell or part of the cell that constitutes an early developmental stage of a spore, a small reproductive body that is highly resistant to desiccation and heat and is capable of growing into a new organism, produced especially by certain bacteria, fungi, algae, and nonflowering plants."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097413", "l": "Lewy body", "d": ["Cytoplasmic, spherical inclusion commonly found in damaged neurons, and composed of abnormally phosphorylated, neurofilament proteins aggregated with ubiquitin and alpha-synuclein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167326", "l": "lipopolysaccharide receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894477", "l": "calcitonin family receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754966", "l": "surface IgG3", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042603", "l": "capsule", "d": ["A protective structure surrounding some fungi and bacteria, attached externally to the cell wall and composed primarily of polysaccharides. Capsules are highly organized structures that adhere strongly to cells and cannot be easily removed. Capsules play important roles in pathogenicity, preventing phagocytosis by other cells, adherance, and resistance to dessication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672476", "l": "SPT3-TAF9-GCN5 acetylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271513", "l": "protein C inhibitor-PLAU complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824427", "l": "PMM-1 dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062113", "l": "early phagosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an eary phagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333401", "l": "Protoplasm of epithelial cell of stratum spinosum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230598", "l": "Intranuclear body, beaded intranuclear filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38977004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893638", "l": "dinoflagellate apical horn", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180321", "l": "Cell body of olfactory receptor cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137403", "l": "early phagosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548385", "l": "viral capsid, major subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896350", "l": "DPS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230746", "l": "Rudimentary cilium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14017007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046610", "l": "lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": ["The V0 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the lysosomal membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893610", "l": "Asi complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521404", "l": "4q28-q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13918", "l": "4q28-q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672803", "l": "PAT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166845", "l": "signal peptidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C73499", "l": "Untranslated Region", "d": ["A region of a messenger RNA that is not translated into protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106069", "l": "synapsis initiation complex", "d": ["A SUMO-E3 ligase complex capable of promoting synapsis, the meiotic cell cycle process where side by side pairing and physical juxtaposition of homologous chromosomes is created during meiotic prophase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009529", "l": "plastid intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the plastid envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022201", "l": "Chromosomes, Artificial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990733", "l": "titin-telethonin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed between the N-terminus of the giant sarcomeric filament protein titin and the Z-disk ligand, telethonin. The complex is part of the Z-disk of the skeletal and cardiac sarcomere. Telethonin binding to titin might be essential for the initial assembly, stabilization and functional integrity of the titin filament, and hence important for muscle contraction relaxation in mature myofibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031381", "l": "viral RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A virus-specific protein complex that possesses RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity and replicates the genome of an RNA virus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521325", "l": "3q26.3-q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13686", "l": "3q26.3-q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4245087", "l": "Protoplasm of megakaryocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167445", "l": "enterobactin synthetase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326844", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1258077", "l": "Subnuclear Space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110143", "l": "magnetosome", "d": ["A membrane-bound organelle that envelops particles of magnetic iron minerals in magnetotactic bacteria. Magnetosomes form linear chains that align along the cellular motility axis at midcell and function in bacterial navigation along the Earth's magnetic field. They are formed by invagination of the cell inner membrane; in some species they remain connected to the inner membrane, in others they pinch off to form independent intracellular vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896527", "l": "axonemal central pair projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043678", "l": "intine", "d": ["The innermost of the major layers of the pollen grain wall which underlies the exine and borders the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326939", "l": "ERV41-ERV46 retrograde receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000343", "l": "plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase complex A", "d": ["A plastid-encoded DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex that resembles eubacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases, with a core composed of alpha, beta, and beta-prime subunits. An additional subunit, a sigma factor, is required for promoter recognition. PEP-A is generated from the PEP-B form during chloroplast maturation to generate a complex composed of at least thirteen polypeptides that is not sensitive to the antibiotic rifampicin, like its precursor form the PEP-B complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043034", "l": "costamere", "d": ["Regular periodic sub membranous arrays of vinculin in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, these arrays link Z-discs to the sarcolemma and are associated with links to extracellular matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097227", "l": "sperm annulus", "d": ["The ring-like, filamentous structure located at the distal end of the midpiece of the sperm flagellum; the annulus is thought to form a diffusion barrier between the midpiece and the principal piece and serve as a stabilizing structure for tail rigidity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621434", "l": "lamellipodium membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896522", "l": "survivin homodimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016935", "l": "glycine-gated chloride channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which chloride ions may pass in response to glycine binding to the channel complex or one of its constituent parts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061993", "l": "calcium:proton antiporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex that enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: Ca2+(in) + H+(out) = Ca2+(out) + H+(in)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990633", "l": "mutator focus", "d": ["A type of punctate focus localized to the perinuclear region of germline cytoplasm in C. elegans. Mutator foci are required for RNA interference (RNAi) and serve as sites of small inhibitory RNA (siRNA) amplification. As such, proteins that localize to mutator foci include RNA-directed RNA polymerases (RdRPs) and beta-nucleotidyltransferases. Mutator foci are distinct from, but adjacent to or partially overlap, P granules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268796", "l": "clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036338", "l": "viral membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer of a virion, a complete fully infectious extracellular virus particle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752668", "l": "Nup82 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268447", "l": "Cytoplasmic matrix, secretory AND/OR metabolic product", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108354005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334514", "l": "Metacentric centromere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054749", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small, Archaeal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1956041", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small, Archaeal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032299", "l": "ribonuclease H2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses ribonuclease H activity, in which the catalytic subunit is a member of the RNase H2 (or HII) class. For example, in Saccharomyces the complex contains Rnh201p, Rnh202p and Rnh203p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521318", "l": "3q24-q28", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13510", "l": "3q24-q28", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610766", "l": "organellar chromatophore outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521111", "l": "22q12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13595", "l": "22q12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754994", "l": "secretory dimeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097074", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 7 complex", "d": ["An interferon regulatory factor complex that consists of a homodimer of interferon regulatory factor 7."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520995", "l": "1q22-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13979", "l": "1q22-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521205", "l": "2q14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25034", "l": "2q14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598315", "l": "initiation site of DNA replication", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031085", "l": "BLOC-3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the biogenesis of specialized organelles of the endosomal-lysosomal system, such as melanosomes and platelet dense granules. The human complex contains the Hps1 and Hps4 proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C26045", "l": "Yp", "d": ["The proximal (short) arm of chromosome Y."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824514", "l": "MUB1-RAD6-UBR2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167104", "l": "RNA polymerase III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044295", "l": "axonal growth cone", "d": ["The migrating motile tip of a growing nerve cell axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031913", "l": "contractile vacuole pore", "d": ["Stable structure that regulates the flow of liquid between the contractile vacuole and the surrounding medium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031485", "l": "myosin XV complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class XV myosin heavy chain and associated light chains. Myosin XV is single headed, and has a large extension (1200aa) at the N-terminus of the motor domain, two IQ motifs and a tail with a similar domain structure to that of the tail of myosin VII."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166895", "l": "mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246376", "l": "protein-DNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246388", "l": "Fc-gamma receptor III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070068", "l": "VAMP4-syntaxin-6-syntaxin-16-Vti1a complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains VAMP4, syntaxin 6, syntaxin 16, and Vti1a (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330545", "l": "Surface of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328803", "l": "Cytosol of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044326", "l": "dendritic spine neck", "d": ["Part of the dendritic spine that connects the dendritic shaft to the head of the dendritic spine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000274", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk", "d": ["One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the mitochondrial membrane-associated F0 proteins; is thought to prevent futile rotation of the catalytic core."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070820", "l": "tertiary granule", "d": ["A secretory granule that contains cathepsin and gelatinase and is readily exocytosed upon cell activation; found primarily in mature neutrophil cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016006", "l": "Nebenkern", "d": ["A product of the fusion of the mitochondria during spermatogenesis. After the completion of meiosis the mitochondria of the spermatid collect along side the nucleus and fuse into two masses; these wrap around each other to produce the spherical Nebenkern. During flagellum elongation the Nebenkern unfolds and the two derivatives (major and minor mitochondrial derivatives) elongate down the axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820050", "l": "cytoplasm component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332867", "l": "Plasma membrane of hemopoietic stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230619", "l": "Desmosome of mature keratinocyte", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:73275007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070772", "l": "PAS complex", "d": ["A class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that contains a phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate 5-kinase subunit (Fab1p in yeast; PIKfyve in mammals), a kinase activator, and a phosphatase, and may also contain additional proteins; it is involved in regulating the synthesis and turnover of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate. In mammals the complex is composed of PIKFYVE, FIG4 and VAC14. In yeast it is composed of Atg18p, Fig4p, Fab1p, Vac14p and Vac7p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990565", "l": "HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex", "d": ["A protein kinase chaperone complex required for the proper folding, maturation and stabilization of target proteins (mostly signaling protein kinases, some steroid hormone receptors), usually during or immediately after completion of translation. The highly conserved, phosphorylated CDC37-Ser13 (vertebrates) or cdc37-Ser14 (yeast) is essential for complex assembly and target protein binding. CDC37-Ser13 (Ser14) is phosphorylated by Casein kinase II (CK2), which in turn is a target of CDC37 creating a positive feedback loop. Complex binding also prevents rapid ubiquitin-dependent proteosomal degradation of target proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071178", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch4 (ICN4), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-2 (MAML2); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5186699", "l": "Karyotype | Fetus | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230781", "l": "Granular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:15914006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623183", "l": "mating projection tip polarisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324494", "l": "Plasma membrane of pluripotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336981", "l": "Cytoplasm of osteoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170018", "l": "Karyotype | Bone marrow | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690909", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166607", "l": "cellular_component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521003", "l": "1q25-q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25010", "l": "1q25-q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262867", "l": "alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246990", "l": "ESCRT-0 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D010677", "l": "Philadelphia Chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042385", "l": "myosin III complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class III myosin heavy chain and associated light chains; myosin III is monomeric myosin that serves as a link between the cytoskeleton and the signaling complex involved in phototransduction, and differs from all other myosins in having an N-terminal kinase domain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018871", "l": "Endoplasmic Reticulum, Smooth", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230789", "l": "Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C30121", "l": "Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["An internal membrane structure of the eukaryotic cell. Biochemically similar to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but lacks the ribosome binding function. Tends to be tubular rather than sheet like, may be separate from the rough endoplasmic reticulum or may be an extension of it. Abundant in cells concerned with lipid metabolism and proliferates in hepatocytes when animals are challenged with lipophilic drugs."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14609003", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:770099009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159206", "l": "dendritic spine neck", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13553", "l": "22q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 22"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824572", "l": "PKM2-SAICAR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030082", "l": "B800-850 antenna complex", "d": ["Protein-pigment complex that absorbs light at 800 and 850 nm; is peripherally associated to the bacterial reaction center; transfers excitation energy to the B875 antenna complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019813", "l": "type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme complex composed of two subunits, Res and Mod, that functions as an endonuclease and cleaves DNA. Cleavage will only occur when there are two un-methylated copies of a specific recognition site in an inverse orientation on the DNA. Cleavage occurs at a specific distance away from one of the recognition sites. The Mod subunit can act alone as a methyltansferase. DNA restriction systems such as this are used by bacteria to defend against phage and other foreign DNA that may enter a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031395", "l": "bursicon neuropeptide hormone complex", "d": ["A neuropeptide hormone secreted by the central nervous system of insects that stimulates the tanning and sclerotization of the adult cuticle following eclosion. The active hormone consists of an obligate heterodimer of the alpha and beta subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070214", "l": "CSK-GAP-A.p62 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the protein-tyrosine kinase CSK and the GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated p62 (GAP-A.p62); may mediate translocation of proteins, including GAP and CSK, to membrane or cytoskeletal regions upon c-Src activation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821107", "l": "myosin II filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035253", "l": "ciliary rootlet", "d": ["A cytoskeleton-like structure, originating from the basal body at the proximal end of a cilium, and extending proximally toward the cell nucleus. Rootlets are typically 80-100 nm in diameter and contain cross striae distributed at regular intervals of approximately 55-70 nm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160066", "l": "interphase SIN signaling complex", "d": ["A SIN signaling complex associated with the old mitotic spindle pole body during interphase and early M-phase and characterised by the presence active ubiquitin ligase (Dma1 in fission yeast) and GTPase activator (Spg1 in fission yeast) to inactivate SIN signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000080943", "l": "Bacterial Outer Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C5197907", "l": "Bacterial Outer Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690709", "l": "Mps2-Bbp1-Spc29 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044230", "l": "host cell envelope", "d": ["An envelope that surrounds a bacterial host cell and includes the host cytoplasmic membrane and everything external, encompassing the host periplasmic space, host cell wall, and host outer membrane if present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097663", "l": "SCF-Dia2/Pof3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Dia2 in S. cerevisiae (Pof3 in S. pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071130", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-LPP3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta1 integrin complex bound to lipid phosphate phosphohydrolase-3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166871", "l": "membrane coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158620", "l": "extrinsic component of stromal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546726", "l": "neurosecretory vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752257", "l": "SPOTS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230593", "l": "Intranuclear secretory granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66897009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.991992031210344", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030880", "l": "RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["Any complex that possesses RNA polymerase activity; generally comprises a catalytic subunit and one or more additional subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546721", "l": "ensheathing process", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043263", "l": "cellulosome", "d": ["An extracellular multi-enzyme complex containing up to 11 different enzymes aligned on a non-catalytic scaffolding glycoprotein. Functions to hydrolyze cellulose."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520700", "l": "16q22-q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38483", "l": "16q22-q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819046", "l": "mitotic septin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018244", "l": "Chromosomes, Artificial, Yeast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248942", "l": "proton-transporting F-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521007", "l": "1q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13881", "l": "1q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335673", "l": "Protoplasm of Type K enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031502", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase complex", "d": ["A complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity; usually includes members of the PMT1 and PMT2 protein subfamilies."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546436", "l": "AMPK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070090", "l": "metaphase plate", "d": ["The intracellular plane, located halfway between the poles of the spindle, where chromosomes align during metaphase of mitotic or meiotic nuclear division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009706", "l": "chloroplast inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the chloroplast envelope; also faces the chloroplast stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106094", "l": "nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex", "d": ["A nuclear membrane protein complex which connects the nuclear outer and inner membranes together, and links thereby links the nuclear lumen to cytoplasmic microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690723", "l": "NAGS/NAGK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.653457143972261", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098636", "l": "protein complex involved in cell adhesion", "d": ["Any protein complex that is capable of carrying out some part of the process of cell adhesion to the cell matrix or to another cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167158", "l": "Pronucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230805", "l": "Annulate lamella, diaphragm of fenestration", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:33438005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521462", "l": "5q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25075", "l": "5q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515508", "l": "9p24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28630", "l": "9p24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821259", "l": "cytoplasmic side of transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13560", "l": "6q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 6"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.731030655927583", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230840", "l": "Inner mitochondrial membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13331", "l": "Inner Mitochondrial Membrane", "d": ["The inner mitochondrial membrane encloses a fluid-filled matrix and is elaborately folded with shelf-like cristae projecting into the matrix. The components of electron transport chain are integral part of the inner membrane."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:20622001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071179", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch1 (ICN1), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-3 (MAML3); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612846", "l": "monoatomic ion channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325736", "l": "retromer, tubulation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322310", "l": "Parasympathetic fiber to urinary bladder", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180022", "l": "Minus end of microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33131", "l": "Minus End of the Microtubule", "d": ["The end of a microtubule where nucleation occurs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035842", "l": "old cell tip after activation of bipolar cell growth", "d": ["A cell tip which has existed for at least one complete cell cycle, and at which polarized growth occurs, which is part of a cell that has activated bipolar cell growth (i.e. in which new end take-off, NETO, has taken place). For example, in fission yeast the cell end that existed prior to cell division grows immediately after division, and contains a distinctive complement of proteins including actin cytoskeletal structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031209", "l": "SCAR complex", "d": ["A pentameric complex that includes orthologues of human PIR121, Nap1, Abi, SCAR, and HSPC300 and regulates actin polymerization and/or depolymerization through small GTPase mediated signal transduction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054992", "l": "Immunological Synapses", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1171348", "l": "Immunological Synapses", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097735", "l": "DIM/DIP cell wall layer", "d": ["A section of the Actinobacterium-type cell wall composed of (phenyl)phthiocerol, phthiodiolone, phthiotriol dimycocerosate, diphthioceranate and other compounds."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071060", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha7-beta1 integrin complex bound to the tetraspanin CD151."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521492", "l": "5q33-q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13493", "l": "5q33-q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753460", "l": "inner mucus layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520981", "l": "1p36.23-p35.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C30157", "l": "1p36.23-p35.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.929890650779797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902495", "l": "transmembrane transporter complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex which enables the transfer of a substance from one side of a membrane to the other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166823", "l": "fatty-acyl-CoA synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044192", "l": "host cell mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the host cell mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230652", "l": "Membrane invagination, labile, exocytic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45990008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244324", "l": "chloroplast small ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329249", "l": "Plasma membrane of primordial germ cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178966", "l": "Tubule of Golgi complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097455", "l": "spiny bracelet of Nageotte", "d": ["Paranodal terminations of Schwann cells that do not directly contact the paranodal axon membrane. Usually found in thicker myelin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167168", "l": "U4atac snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032176", "l": "split septin rings", "d": ["A pair of rings that flank the site of cell division, formed by splitting of the septin ring (or collar) prior to cytokinesis; this double ring structure is thought to trap proteins needed for cytokinesis or the formation of the new membrane or cell wall between the two septin rings. Split septin rings are known to occur in budding yeast cells and probably occur in other cell types as well."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005870", "l": "actin capping protein of dynactin complex", "d": ["A heterodimer consisting of alpha and beta subunits that binds to and caps the barbed ends of actin filaments, nucleates the polymerization of actin monomers but does not sever actin filaments, and which is a part of the dynactin complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328913", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic endocytic zone membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166878", "l": "Gamma-Tubulin Ring Complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32651", "l": "Gamma-Tubulin Ring Complex", "d": ["A complex comprised of gamma tubulin and other proteins that can act as a scaffold for the nucleation of microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097571", "l": "left nucleus", "d": ["One of the two nuclei found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is located on the left side of the cell when viewed from the dorsal side."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610675", "l": "SNARE complex (Stx2, Snap25, Vamp2)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521558", "l": "6q14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28590", "l": "6q14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340262", "l": "Type A beta axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520650", "l": "15q26.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13513", "l": "15q26.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262709", "l": "periplasmic flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610712", "l": "syntaxin-6-syntaxin-16-Vti1a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512191", "l": "Electron-Transport Chain of the Respiratory Enzymes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32501", "l": "Electron-Transport Chain of the Respiratory Enzymes", "d": ["A series of enzyme complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane that transfer hydrogen ions into the intermembrane space. The activity of these enzymes creates an electrochemical gradient that is necessary for synthesis of adenosine triphosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005784", "l": "Sec61 translocon complex", "d": ["A translocon complex that contains a core heterotrimer of conserved alpha, beta and gamma subunits, and may contain additional proteins (translocon-associated proteins or TRAPs); in budding yeast the core proteins are Sec61p, Sbh1p, and Sss1p. The Sec61 translocon complex functions in cotranslational and posttranslational translocation events."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235153", "l": "nucleoplasmic side of nuclear pore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137284", "l": "amylin receptor complex 2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042716", "l": "plasma membrane-derived chromatophore", "d": ["A pigment-bearing structure that is derived from the cytoplasmic membrane, sometimes consisting of simple invaginations and sometimes a complete vesicle. This component is found in certain photosynthetic bacteria and cyanobacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088482", "l": "Dense Core Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887944", "l": "Dense Core Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043850", "l": "RecFOR complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric complex composed of the subunits RecF, RecO and RecR. Mediates the loading of RecA protein specifically onto SSB-coated gapped DNA during DNA repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691259", "l": "intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230922", "l": "Microcapsule (cell structure)", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:84039001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548371", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166882", "l": "Mitochondrial degradosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749814", "l": "9S cohesin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896318", "l": "mitotic spindle polar microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099616", "l": "extrinsic component of matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": ["The component of the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166631", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823289", "l": "pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002187", "l": "mitochondrial creatine kinase complex", "d": ["An octomeric protein complex having creatine kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330271", "l": "Cytoplasm of serous cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754113", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905720", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule bundle", "d": ["Any microtubule bundle that is part of a cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090571", "l": "RNA polymerase II transcription repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the nucleus, that possesses activity that prevents or downregulates transcription from a RNA polymerase II promoter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451537", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge midzone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1655806", "l": "microvillus membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823012", "l": "right anterior basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167148", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4280051", "l": "Axonal Trigger Zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009542", "l": "granum", "d": ["Distinct stack of lamellae seen within chloroplasts. Grana contain the pigments, electron transfer compounds, and enzymes essential to the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520783", "l": "17q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13902", "l": "17q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268331", "l": "creatine kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140453", "l": "protein aggregate center", "d": ["Reversible aggregate of misfolded proteins and chaperones formed to shield thermosensitive proteins from degradation until conditions allow disaggregation and refolding."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700351", "l": "2p16-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75448", "l": "2p16-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325760", "l": "Neuronal receptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166960", "l": "granal stacked thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3846733", "l": "Toxic vacuoles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520845", "l": "19p13.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14038", "l": "19p13.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610632", "l": "oligo-1,6-glucosidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754277", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612913", "l": "nuclear aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327451", "l": "Plasma membrane of osteocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451070", "l": "auditory hair cell glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030937", "l": "collagen type XVII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XVII) chains; type XVII collagen triple helices span the plasma membrane and associate with hemidesmosomes and the basal lamina where they bind laminin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333830", "l": "Döhle body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43949008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622370", "l": "base of shmoo tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990529", "l": "glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the transfer of the four mannoses in the GPI-anchor precursor. In yeast S. cerevisiae this complex consists of Pbn1p and Gpi14p and in rat this complex consists of PIG-X and PIG-M."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071013", "l": "catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that contains three snRNPs, including U5, bound to a splicing intermediate in which the first catalytic cleavage of the 5' splice site has occurred. The precise subunit composition differs significantly from that of the catalytic step 1, or activated, spliceosome, and includes many proteins in addition to those found in the associated snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271853", "l": "EGFR:ERBB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230643", "l": "Endothelial sieve plate", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:5882002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990435", "l": "upper tip-link density", "d": ["An electron-dense plaque at the upper end of a stereocilia tip link that provides the anchor in the stereocilia membrane on the side of the stereocilium where the tip link ends."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325929", "l": "neurotubule of PAA", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325794", "l": "Golgi to plasma membrane transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325531", "l": "Microbial anatomical capsule structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328849", "l": "Cytoplasm of mesenchymal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097733", "l": "photoreceptor cell cilium", "d": ["A specialised 9+0 non-motile cilium found in photoreceptor cells. A ciliary transition zone called 'photoreceptor connecting cilium' links the photoreceptor outer segment to the inner segment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520393", "l": "11q14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24922", "l": "11q14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044219", "l": "host cell plasmodesma", "d": ["A fine cytoplasmic channel, found in all higher plants, that connects the cytoplasm of one host cell to that of an adjacent host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043202", "l": "lysosomal lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the lysosomal membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009509", "l": "chromoplast", "d": ["A plastid containing pigments other than chlorophyll, usually yellow and orange carotenoid pigments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893556", "l": "cell surface furrow", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070695", "l": "FHF complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of AKTIP/FTS, FAM160A2/p107FHIP, and one or more members of the Hook family of proteins, HOOK1, HOOK2, and HOOK3. The complex is thought to promote vesicle trafficking and/or fusion, and associates with the homotypic vesicular sorting complex (the HOPS complex)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710791", "l": "15q22.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C44958", "l": "15q22.33", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 15."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019030", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles; the subunits are arranged to form an icosahedron, a solid with 20 faces and 12 vertices. Icosahedral capsids have 12 pentamers plus 10(T-1) hexamers, where T is the triangulation number. Tobacco satellite necrosis virus has such a capsid structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3850088", "l": "Neutrophil Extracellular Traps", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C180931", "l": "Neutrophil Extracellular Trap", "d": ["A network of extracellular fibrillar structures containing granule proteins, chromatin fibers and DNA that are released by neutrophils as part of the host defense response. Extracellular release of antimicrobial proteins such as neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G and histones can bind, disarm, and kill microbes independent of phagocytosis and the fibrillar nature of these structures may target these effects locally by preventing diffusion of these proteins outside the target site."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520265", "l": "10p15.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13789", "l": "10p15.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754149", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex A", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097057", "l": "TRAF2-GSTP1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex comprising tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) and glutathione S-transferase pi 1 (GSTP1). This complex is thought to disrupt the TNF signaling cascade, thus down-regulating inflammatory responses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166837", "l": "Cavity of endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179925", "l": "Cytoplasmic dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0225330", "l": "Intracellular fibril", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:83098003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896440", "l": "C/EBP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030869", "l": "RENT complex", "d": ["A protein complex that mediates transcriptional silencing at the rDNA locus (the name derives from regulator of nucleolar silencing and telophase). In Saccharomyces the complex contains Net1p, Sir2p, Cdc14p, and at least one more subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450875", "l": "ribosomal DNA heterochromatin of cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070703", "l": "outer mucus layer", "d": ["The outer of two mucus layers secreted by epithelial cells in the colon; the outer mucus layer is loosely packed and can be colonized by bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156028", "l": "SAGA DUBm complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622615", "l": "cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020008", "l": "rhoptry", "d": ["A large, club-shaped secretory organelle that forms part of the apical complex of an apicomplexan parasite, and consists of a bulbous body and a narrow electron-dense neck that extends through the conoid at the apical tip of the parasite. The rhoptry necks serve as ducts through which the contents of the rhoptries are secreted after attachment to the host has been completed and at the commencement of invasion. Rhoptry proteins function in the biogenesis and host organellar association of the parasitophorous vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325650", "l": "gamma DNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167175", "l": "commitment complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031499", "l": "TRAMP complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex having distributive polyadenylation activity of a variety of RNA substrates including hypomodified and incorrectly folded tRNAs, pre-snRNAs, pre-snoRNAs, incorrectly spliced or processed pre-mRNAs, cryptic unstable transcripts (CUTs), pre-rRNAs and rRNA fragments released as part of rRNA processing. In S. cerevisiae, the complex consists of either Pap2 (also known as Trf4) or Trf5, Air1 or Air2, and Mtr4, and is involved in RNA 3'-end processing and in RNA surveillance and quality control."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044155", "l": "host caveola", "d": ["A small pit, depression, or invagination, such as any of the minute pits or incuppings of the host cell membrane formed during pinocytosis, that communicates with the outside of a host cell and extends inward, indenting the host cytoplasm and the host cell membrane. Such caveolae may be pinched off to form free vesicles within the host cytoplasm. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710766", "l": "12p13.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C44956", "l": "12p13.11", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the short (p) arm of chromosome 12."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520846", "l": "19p13.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13837", "l": "19p13.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902672", "l": "right anterior basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a right anterior flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752520", "l": "basal pole of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186721", "l": "Zonal subnucleus of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521659", "l": "7q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13480", "l": "7q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167498", "l": "protein phosphatase type 2A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752532", "l": "other organism membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005706", "l": "polytene chromosome ectopic fiber", "d": ["A thread-like connection joining two regions of ectopically paired polytene chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13392", "l": "3p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 3"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623315", "l": "organelle envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990038", "l": "Lewy body corona", "d": ["The periphery of a Lewy body. In Parkinson's disease, it contains spherical accumulations of filaments arranged in a loose, radiating array."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097450", "l": "astrocyte end-foot", "d": ["Terminal process of astrocyte abutting non-neuronal surfaces in the brain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512782", "l": "Inner Leaflet of the Lipid Bilayer", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32806", "l": "Inner Leaflet of the Lipid Bilayer", "d": ["The cytoplasmic-facing layer of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031431", "l": "Dbf4-dependent protein kinase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex required for the activation of DNA replication origins; comprises a catalytic subunit and a regulatory subunit (in Saccharomyces, Cdc7p and Dbf4p, respectively); complexes identified in other species generally contain proteins related to the Saccharomyces proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265259", "l": "Doa10p ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5441707", "l": "glial filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061838", "l": "CENP-T-W-S-X complex", "d": ["A histone-variant containing protein complex which forms a centromere specific nucleosome-like structure, involved in centromeric chromatin organization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710960", "l": "2p25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45168", "l": "2p25.1", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the short (p) arm of chromosome 2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990720", "l": "C2 axonemal microtubule", "d": ["One of two microtubules present in the axonemal central pair. It is distinguishable from the C1 axonemal microtubule (also called C1 tubule) by the presence of differing protein components of the projections."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245463", "l": "cellular bud neck septin collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039628", "l": "T=169 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=169 symmetry. T=169 icosahedral capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 1680 hexameric capsomeres for a total of 10140 capsid proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520767", "l": "17q12-q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13834", "l": "17q12-q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166722", "l": "chitosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031931", "l": "TORC1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains at least TOR (target of rapamycin) and Raptor (regulatory-associated protein of TOR), or orthologs of, in complex with other signaling components. Mediates the phosphorylation and activation of S6K. In Saccharomyces, the complex contains Kog1p, Lst8p, Tco89p, and either Tor1p or Tor2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3179197", "l": "Myofilaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33154", "l": "Myofilament", "d": ["Fibrillar protein polymers found in the contractile apparatus of muscle cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167239", "l": "NMDA selective glutamate receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008024", "l": "cyclin/CDK positive transcription elongation factor complex", "d": ["A transcription elongation factor complex that facilitates the transition from abortive to productive elongation by phosphorylating the CTD domain of the large subunit of DNA-directed RNA polymerase II, holoenzyme. Contains a cyclin and a cyclin-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016472", "l": "sodium ion-transporting two-sector ATPase complex", "d": ["A large protein complex that catalyzes the synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP by a rotational mechanism, coupled to the transport of sodium ions across a membrane. The complex comprises a membrane sector (F0 or V0) that carries out ion transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (F1 or V1) that catalyzes ATP synthesis or hydrolysis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098944", "l": "postsynaptic recycling endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a postsynaptic recycling endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325748", "l": "Presynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180009", "l": "B-peripheral microtubule of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325734", "l": "retromer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521226", "l": "2q34-q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13850", "l": "2q34-q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13566", "l": "Xq", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome X"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905742", "l": "Ras guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of Ras guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.796139606449842", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030964", "l": "NADH dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["An integral membrane complex that possesses NADH oxidoreductase activity. The complex is one of the components of the electron transport chain. It catalyzes the transfer of a pair of electrons from NADH to a quinone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137564", "l": "Woronin body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334993", "l": "Cell protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230864", "l": "Intramitochondrial ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:34343005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824482", "l": "PDGF-AB-receptor alpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098791", "l": "Golgi apparatus subcompartment", "d": ["A compartment that consists of a lumen and an enclosing membrane, and is part of the Golgi apparatus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682683", "l": "nonmyelinated axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690360", "l": "extrinsic component of synaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016465", "l": "chaperonin ATPase complex", "d": ["Multisubunit protein complex with 2x7 (Type I, in most cells) or 2x8 (Type II, in Archaea) ATP-binding sites involved in maintaining an unfolded polypeptide structure before folding or to entry into mitochondria and chloroplasts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521570", "l": "6q22.33-q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13835", "l": "6q22.33-q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271738", "l": "large latent transforming growth factor-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1953345", "l": "Region of chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000802", "l": "transverse filament", "d": ["A structural unit of the synaptonemal complex that spans the regions between the lateral elements and connects them."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451218", "l": "ER-to-endosome phospholipid transfer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612849", "l": "potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338232", "l": "Protoplasm of T lymphocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3547161", "l": "axon microtubule bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752743", "l": "regulator of the (H+)-ATPase of the vacuolar and endosomal membranes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005955", "l": "calcineurin complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric calcium ion and calmodulin dependent protein phosphatase composed of catalytic and regulatory subunits; the regulatory subunit is very similar in sequence to calmodulin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902636", "l": "kinociliary basal body", "d": ["A ciliary basal body that is part of a kinocilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042612", "l": "MHC class I protein complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex composed of a MHC class I alpha chain and an invariant beta2-microglobin chain, and with or without a bound peptide antigen. Class I here refers to classical class I molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.917179239854292", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D004721", "l": "Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0014239", "l": "Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13230", "l": "Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubular membranes within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) or studded with ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum), involved in the transport of materials. (Infoplease Dictionary)"], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:33761008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180005", "l": "Part of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001739", "l": "sex chromatin", "d": ["Chromatin that is part of a sex chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045121", "l": "membrane raft", "d": ["Any of the small (10-200 nm), heterogeneous, highly dynamic, sterol- and sphingolipid-enriched membrane domains that compartmentalize cellular processes. Small rafts can sometimes be stabilized to form larger platforms through protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515466", "l": "8q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13598", "l": "8q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167145", "l": "insulin control element activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179975", "l": "Cytoplasm proper of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246513", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896467", "l": "AnxA2-p11 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137281", "l": "MIB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230524", "l": "Telophase midbody", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43130005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230636", "l": "Secondary foot process", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32623", "l": "Foot Process", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:6850006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5544495", "l": "Synaptic-Like Microvesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072669", "l": "tRNA-splicing ligase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the ligation of cleaved pre-tRNAs by directly joining spliced tRNA halves to mature-sized tRNAs by incorporating the precursor-derived splice junction phosphate into the mature tRNA as a canonical 3',5'-phosphodiester."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070074", "l": "mononeme", "d": ["A secretory organelle that forms part of the apical complex; a small, threadlike structure located is close proximity to the subpellicular microtubules. Its contents include a rhomboid protease (PfROM1 in Plasmodium falciparum) that moves from the lateral asymmetric localization to the merozoite apical pole and the posterior pole upon release of merozoites from schizonts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036013", "l": "cyanelle outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the cyanelle envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005965", "l": "protein farnesyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses protein farnesyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030095", "l": "chloroplast photosystem II", "d": ["An integral chloroplast membrane complex containing the P680 reaction center. In the light, PSII functions as a water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from water to plastoquinone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825752", "l": "21q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81833", "l": "21q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044221", "l": "host cell synapse", "d": ["The junction between a nerve fiber of one host neuron and another host neuron or muscle fiber or glial cell; the site of interneuronal communication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230754", "l": "Dynein arm of peripheral doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17757008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824309", "l": "DnaB-DnaC-Rep-PriC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611298", "l": "ERCC4-ERCC1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236685", "l": "podocyte primary projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754259", "l": "ITGA3-ITGB1-BSG complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097414", "l": "classical Lewy body", "d": ["Cytoplasmic inclusion, 5 to 15 micrometers in diameter, with a dense core surrounded by a halo of 10 to 20 nm wide radially oriented alpha-synuclein fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072687", "l": "meiotic spindle", "d": ["A spindle that forms as part of meiosis. Several proteins, such as budding yeast Spo21p, fission yeast Spo2 and Spo13, and C. elegans mei-1, localize specifically to the meiotic spindle and are absent from the mitotic spindle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5444408", "l": "nucleolar ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752496", "l": "host cell nuclear lamina", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248325", "l": "intracellular immature spore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043529", "l": "GET complex", "d": ["An endoplasmic reticulum protein-containing complex that is conserved in eukaryotics and that mediates the insertion of tail-anchored proteins into the ER membrane. In yeast, includes Get1p, Get2p and Get3p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030112", "l": "glycocalyx", "d": ["A carbohydrate rich layer at the outermost periphery of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044299", "l": "C-fiber", "d": ["The axon of a dorsal root ganglion cell that are responsive to pain and temperature. C-fibers are small in diameter (0.2-1.5 um) and unmyelinated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045257", "l": "succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)", "d": ["The enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of succinate and ubiquinone to fumarate and ubiquinol; involved in aerobic respiration, repressed in anaerobic respiration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035796", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, transmembrane substrate-binding subunit-containing", "d": ["A complex for the transport of metabolites into the cell, consisting of 4 subunits: a transmembrane substrate-binding protein (known as the S component), and an energy-coupling module that comprises two ATP-binding proteins (known as the A and A' components) and a transmembrane protein (known as the T component). Transport of the substrate across the membrane is driven by the hydrolysis of ATP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166792", "l": "kinesin II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005822", "l": "inner plaque of spindle pole body", "d": ["One of three laminate structures that form the spindle pole body; the inner plaque is in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328834", "l": "perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333785", "l": "Virus-like particles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66813007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.655379925225219", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030430", "l": "host cell cytoplasm", "d": ["The cytoplasm of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520758", "l": "17q11-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26008", "l": "17q11-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033180", "l": "proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": ["A protein complex that forms part of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase and catalyzes ATP hydrolysis. The V1 complex consists of: (1) a globular headpiece with three alternating copies of subunits A and B that form a ring, (2) a central rotational stalk composed of single copies of subunits D and F, and (3) a peripheral stalk made of subunits C, E, G and H. Subunits A and B mediate the hydrolysis of ATP at three reaction sites associated with subunit A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894478", "l": "amylin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749863", "l": "ISW2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031969", "l": "chloroplast membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround a chloroplast and form the chloroplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3541202", "l": "orthogonal array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160051", "l": "Cyc8(Ssn6)-Tup1 general repressor complex", "d": ["A corepressor complex containing the WD-repeat protein Tup1p (S. cerevisiae) and Tup11/Tup12 (fission yeast) and the TPR repeat protein Cyc8p (S. cerevisiae) ssn6 (fission yeast) that is recruited to target genes by DNA-bound repressor proteins preferentially at regions where histones are deacetylated by the Clr6 class I HDAC, and recruits the SWI/SNF and SAGA complexes to promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072493", "l": "host cell endosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the host cell endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "55.155841919471058", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030016", "l": "myofibril", "d": ["The contractile element of skeletal and cardiac muscle; a long, highly organized bundle of actin, myosin, and other proteins that contracts by a sliding filament mechanism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549083", "l": "T=pseudo3 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611211", "l": "interleukin4-interleukin-4 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521636", "l": "7q11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13861", "l": "7q11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030688", "l": "preribosome, small subunit precursor", "d": ["A preribosomal complex consisting of 20S pre-rRNA, ribosomal proteins including late-associating small subunit proteins, and associated proteins; a precursor of the eukaryotic cytoplasmic small ribosomal subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610870", "l": "CSK-GAP-A.p62 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520281", "l": "10q23.2-q23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13892", "l": "10q23.2-q23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752419", "l": "sporoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546542", "l": "formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase (tungsten enzyme) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611233", "l": "ITGA2-ITGB1-COL6A3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824561", "l": "Fused-Smurf ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262698", "l": "nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336145", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of proximal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521082", "l": "21q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13507", "l": "21q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098837", "l": "postsynaptic recycling endosome", "d": ["A recycling endosome of the postsynapse. In postsynaptic terminals with dendritic spines, it is typically located at the base of a dendritic spine. It is involved in recycling of neurotransmitter receptors to the postsynaptic membrane. In some cases at least, this recycling is activated by postsynaptic signaling and so can play a role in long term potentiation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0949259", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 6-12", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031633", "l": "xanthophore", "d": ["A chromatophore containing yellow pigment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546719", "l": "somatic portion of tanycyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019031", "l": "viral envelope", "d": ["The lipid bilayer of a virion that surrounds the protein capsid. May also contain glycoproteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061176", "l": "type Ib terminal bouton", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon of a glutamatergic neuron, containing the specialized apparatus necessary for the tonic release neurotransmitters that will induce the contraction of muscle. Type Ib terminal boutons are larger than type Is terminal boutons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338615", "l": "Plasma membrane of osteoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521533", "l": "6p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13603", "l": "6p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515521", "l": "9q31.3-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25132", "l": "9q31.3-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097149", "l": "centralspindlin complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric protein complex playing a key role in the formation of the central spindle in mitosis. Made up of two molecules each of a mitotic kinesin (ZEN-4 in Caenorhabditis elegans or MKLP1 in mammals) and of two molecules each of a GTPase activating protein (GAP) factor (CYK-4 in Caenorhabditis elegans or MgcRacGAP in mammals)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905721", "l": "mitotic spindle astral microtubule end", "d": ["Any microtubule end that is part of a mitotic spindle astral microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512540", "l": "Hydrophobic Portion of the Plasma Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32749", "l": "Hydrophobic Portion of the Plasma Membrane", "d": ["The inner part of the lipid bilayer that is comprised of the hydrophobic tails of the lipid components and the membrane spanning domains of transmembrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048189", "l": "Lid2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in regulation of chromatin remodeling. In Schizosaccharomyces the complex contains Lid2, Ash2, Jmj3, Snt2, and Sdc1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990195", "l": "macrolide transmembrane transporter complex", "d": ["A bacterial transmembrane transporter complex that spans the entire cell membrane system and possesses ATP-dependent xenobiotic transport activity pumping drugs (typically antibiotics) and other toxins directly from the cytosol out of the bacterial cell. Typically, it is trimeric consisting of a inner membrane ATPase (IMP), a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) and an outer membrane factor (OMF). In E. coli, macrolide transporter complexes may consists of MacB (IMP), MacA (MFP) and TolC (OMF) or AcrB (IMP), AcrA (MFP) and TolC (OMF). Trimeric TolC is a common OMF found in many macrolide transporter complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690810", "l": "cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690956", "l": "MIH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262743", "l": "Ski complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.97739419478313", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033648", "l": "host intracellular membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, as found in host cells, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327126", "l": "neurotransmitter receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521215", "l": "2q31.2-q33.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26572", "l": "2q31.2-q33.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060473", "l": "cortical granule", "d": ["A secretory vesicle that is stored under the cell membrane of an egg. These vesicles fuse with the egg plasma membrane as part of egg activation and are part of the block to polyspermy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062079", "l": "ATG2-ATG18 complex", "d": ["A protein complex essential for autophagy during nutrient deprivation, a catabolic process that sequesters undesired cellular material into autophagosomes for delivery to lysosomes for degradation. Contributes to nutrition homeostasis and damage control in eukaryotic cells. Functions at a late step of autophagosome formation for efficient completion of sequestration, probably through facilitating recruitment of ATG8-phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to the preautophagosomal structure (PAS) and/or its protection from deconjugation by ATG4. Composed of ATG2 and ATG18 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031902", "l": "late endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a late endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523372", "l": "Inner segment of photoreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0600314", "l": "Axopodia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032588", "l": "trans-Golgi network membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments that make up the trans-Golgi network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990024", "l": "C bouton", "d": ["Synaptic bouton found in spinal cord on the soma and proximal dendrites of motor neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613147", "l": "PDX1-PBX1b-MRG1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164748", "l": "Cytoband Range Start Chromosome Arm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070743", "l": "interleukin-23 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of an interleukin-23 alpha (p19, product of the IL23A gene) and an interleukin-12 beta (p40, product of the IL12B gene) subunit and is secreted into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179116", "l": "A-tubule of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001891", "l": "phagocytic cup", "d": ["An invagination of the cell membrane formed by an actin dependent process during phagocytosis. Following internalization it is converted into a phagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070554", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-3-complexin complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, syntaxin 3, and a complexin (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120102", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum secretion apparatus", "d": ["A part of the bacterial-type flagellum that is located at the cytoplasmic side of the MS ring and composed of six membrane proteins (FlhA, FlhB, FliP, FliQ, FliR, and FliO, or orthologs thereof) and three soluble proteins (FliI, FliH, and FliJ, or orthologs thereof) in the cytoplasm. It is responsible for secretion of flagellar type III protein substrates, including the proteins of the flagellar rod, hook, and filament."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520369", "l": "11p15.2-p15.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13894", "l": "11p15.2-p15.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097721", "l": "ciliary vesicle", "d": ["A Golgi-derived vesicle to which the ciliary basal body docks via its transitional fibers. Its membrane is compositionally distinct from Golgi membranes, and will become the ciliary membrane once the ciliary vesicle is fused to the plasma membrane. The ciliary vesicle is thought to be formed by multiple smaller vesicles that attach to the transitional fibers and then fuse to form a larger vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263086", "l": "Nuclear cap binding complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167335", "l": "site of polarized growth", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230872", "l": "Kinetoplast", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:48929002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235109", "l": "titin-telethonin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902556", "l": "phosphatidylinositol transporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of phosphatidylinositol transporter activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752448", "l": "host caveola", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000328", "l": "fungal-type vacuole lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the vacuolar membrane of a vacuole, the shape of which correlates with cell cycle phase. An example of this structure is found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622200", "l": "cytostome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180298", "l": "Peripheral doublet microtubule of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034743", "l": "APC-IQGAP complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and the Rac1 and Cdc42 effector IQGAP1; may play a role in cytoskeleton organization and cell migration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003600", "l": "Cytosol", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1383501", "l": "Cytoplasmic matrix", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32424", "l": "Cytoplasmic Matrix", "d": ["A fluid cytoplasmic substance filling the interstices of the cytoskeleton."], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C61554", "l": "Cytosol", "d": ["The aqueous part of the cytoplasm within which various particles and organelles are suspended."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166784", "l": "astral microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070847", "l": "core mediator complex", "d": ["A protein complex that interacts with the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and plays an active role in transducing the signal from a transcription factor to the transcriptional machinery. The core mediator complex has a stimulatory effect on basal transcription, and contains most of the same subdomains as the larger form of mediator complex -- a head domain comprising proteins known in Saccharomyces as Srb2, -4, and -5, Med6, -8, and -11, and Rox3 proteins; a middle domain comprising Med1, -4, and -7, Nut1 and -2, Cse2, Rgr1, Soh1, and Srb7 proteins; and a tail consisting of Gal11p, Med2p, Pgd1p, and Sin4p -- but lacks the regulatory subcomplex comprising Ssn2, -3, and -8, and Srb8 proteins. Metazoan core mediator complexes have similar modular structures and include homologs of yeast Srb and Med proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689780", "l": "KCNJ11-SUR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896529", "l": "C1 tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034731", "l": "Lsm-containing SMN-Sm protein complex", "d": ["An SMN-Sm protein complex formed by the association of the methylated Sm proteins B/B', D3, E, F, and G, and Lsm10 and Lsm11, with the SMN complex. This complex forms Sm cores on U7 snRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337456", "l": "Cytoplasm of chondrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327022", "l": "connecting cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327073", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of neural cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893358", "l": "juxta paranode axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3714919", "l": "piccolo-bassoon transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.820554254294692", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097427", "l": "microtubule bundle", "d": ["An arrangement of closely apposed microtubules running parallel to each other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248774", "l": "RecFOR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610852", "l": "growth hormone receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755954", "l": "Prp19/CDC5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070467", "l": "RC-1 DNA recombination complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains DNA ligase III, DNA polymerase epsilon, a 5'-3' exonuclease, and the SMC1 and SMC2 proteins, and is involved in recombinational repair of deletions and gaps in DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824300", "l": "enzyme IIA-maltose transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328883", "l": "extracellular matrix of synaptic cleft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045254", "l": "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["Complex that carries out the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to form acetyl-CoA; comprises subunits possessing three catalytic activities: pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2), and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090533", "l": "cation-transporting ATPase complex", "d": ["Protein complex that carries out the reaction: ATP + H2O + cation(out) = ADP + phosphate + cation(in)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269073", "l": "cyclin B2-CDK1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380193", "l": "calpain complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070354", "l": "GATA2-TAL1-TCF3-Lmo2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the zinc finger transcription factor GATA2, the LIM domain protein Lmo2 (RBTN2), the basic helix-loop-helix protein TAL1 and its binding partner TCF3. The complex is involved transcriptional regulation in hematopoiesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904602", "l": "serotonin-activated cation-selective channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of serotonin-activated cation-selective channel activity. Mainly found in pre- and postsynaptic membranes of the brain and gastrointestinal tract. Depending on its location it transports Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ or K+. It is always a pentamer, containing at least the 5HT3A subunit forming 5HT3A homopentamers or 5HT3A/B heteropentamers. In human, 5HT3A/C, A/D and A/E heteropentamers also exist."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043769", "l": "Tpg-containing telomere binding complex", "d": ["A complex composed of four polypeptides, a telomere-protecting terminal protein (Tpg), a telomere-associated protein (Tap), DNA polymerase (PolA) and topoisomerase I (TopA), that functions in the replication of the telomeric regions of linear chromosomes, plasmids and circular replicons of some bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520634", "l": "15q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13867", "l": "15q21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325623", "l": "proteasome regulatory particle (sensu Eukarya) location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902515", "l": "thioredoxin-disulfide reductase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of thioredoxin-disulfide reductase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D015825", "l": "Chromosomes, Fungal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008642", "l": "Chromosomes, Fungal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167003", "l": "pole plasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990851", "l": "Wnt-Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing a secreted Wnt protein associated with its receptor, Frizzled (Fz), and co-receptor low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) or LRP6."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824288", "l": "glutamic acid dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451208", "l": "EMC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327146", "l": "endodeoxyribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033162", "l": "melanosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a melanosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546510", "l": "Bam protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1456849", "l": "cell vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612888", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIC1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097224", "l": "sperm connecting piece", "d": ["The segment of the sperm flagellum that attaches to the implantation fossa of the nucleus in the sperm head; from the remnant of the centriole at this point, the axoneme extends throughout the length of the flagellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894566", "l": "translation repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002905", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 4-5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008649", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 4-5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:59007003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070451", "l": "cell hair", "d": ["A long, thin cell projection that contains F-actin and tubulin, with microtubules centrally located and F-actin peripherally located."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893326", "l": "CHOP-C/EBP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032168", "l": "hyphal septin ring", "d": ["A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane within hyphae of filamentous fungi at sites where a septum will form; composed of septins as well as septin-associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598988", "l": "Nuclear Pore Complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13951", "l": "Nuclear Pore Complex", "d": ["Signal-mediated nuclear import and export proceed through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). NPC is comprised of approximately 50 unique proteins collectively known as nucleoporins. NPC functions in the nuclear transport of protein and RNA. (NCI)"], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78053001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140261", "l": "BCOR complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that monoubiquitinates histone H2A on K119, thus it facilitates the maintenance of the transcriptionally repressive state of some genes, such as BCL6. It consists of the corepressor BCOR or BCORL1, a Polycomb group (PcG) and a SCF ubiquitin ligase subcomplexes. In mammals, the core subunits of the complex include the PcG and PcG-associated proteins NSPC1, RING1, RNF2, and RYBP and the components of the SCF ubiquitin ligase, SKP1, and FBXL10."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140634", "l": "CARD8 inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex that consists of CARD8 and CASP1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033100", "l": "NuA3 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A Gcn5-independent multisubunit complex that catalyzes the acetylation of histone H3. The budding yeast complex includes Sas3p, Taf30p, and Yng1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821183", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt4p homodimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247081", "l": "host cell membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.569731477099452", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002895", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008668", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13221", "l": "Human Chromosome 5", "d": ["The designation for each member of the fifth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 5 spans about 181 million base pairs and represents almost 6% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:12399004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546356", "l": "sessile dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990934", "l": "nucleolus-like body", "d": ["A nuclear compartment containing significant amounts of non-nucleolar, spliceosomal components. It is commonly found in germinal vesicle (GV) stage oocytes, and is similar to both nucleoli and sphere organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235366", "l": "proximal neuron projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071192", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP1 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the Kv channel interacting protein KChIP1 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905360", "l": "GTPase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of GTPase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005900", "l": "oncostatin-M receptor complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric receptor for the cytokine oncostatin-M (OSM). In humans the receptor complex is made up of the gene products gp130 and OSMR-beta."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039661", "l": "host organelle outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing in a cellular organelle, lipid bilayer of an organelle envelope, occurring in a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327129", "l": "EMILIN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033257", "l": "Bcl3/NF-kappaB2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing one Bcl protein and one or more copies of NF-kappaB2; formation of complexes of different stoichiometry depends on the Bcl3:NF-kappaB2 ratio, and allow Bcl3 to exert different regulatory effects on NF-kappaB2-dependent transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044303", "l": "axon collateral", "d": ["Any of the smaller branches of an axon that emanate from the main axon cylinder."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269020", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000930", "l": "gamma-tubulin complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex composed of gamma-tubulin and other non-tubulin proteins. Gamma-tubulin complexes are localized to microtubule organizing centers, and play an important role in the nucleation of microtubules. The number and complexity of non-tubulin proteins associated with these complexes varies between species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325815", "l": "peripherin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271813", "l": "nodal receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754397", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP4 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010370", "l": "perinucleolar chromocenter", "d": ["A chromocenter adjacent to the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167339", "l": "peptidoglycan location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896495", "l": "LDL-containing protein-lipid-RNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230744", "l": "Kinetosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66757001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230582", "l": "Nucleolinus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11749003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167332", "l": "midbody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137267", "l": "phenylacetyl-CoA 1,2-epoxidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.050508468398768", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031975", "l": "envelope", "d": ["A multilayered structure surrounding all or part of a cell; encompasses one or more lipid bilayers, and may include a cell wall layer; also includes the space between layers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318489", "l": "paraflagellar rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269084", "l": "BAD-BCL-xl complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521499", "l": "5q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13952", "l": "5q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167439", "l": "dimethyl sulfoxide reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230695", "l": "Lamellated granule, as in surfactant-secreting cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:4548009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090726", "l": "cortical dynamic polarity patch", "d": ["A region of the cell cortex that contains a higher concentration of growth polarity factors than the surrounding cortex and that changes position over time. An example is found in fission yeast cells during early mating, in which the GTPase Cdc42 dynamically to discrete zones within the cortex prior to shmoo formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549194", "l": "viral membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990338", "l": "laminin-14 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha4, beta2 and gamma3 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379986", "l": "low-density lipoprotein receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030078", "l": "light-harvesting complex, core complex", "d": ["Light harvesting complex associated with the reaction complex of photosynthetic purple bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030257", "l": "type III protein secretion system complex", "d": ["A complex of approximately 20 proteins, most of which are located in the cytoplasmic membrane that carries out protein secretion in the bacterial type III secretion system; type III secretion also requires a cytoplasmic, probably membrane-associated ATPase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990222", "l": "ProVWX complex", "d": ["The ProVWX complex belongs to the family of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter proteins complexes. It consists of a cytoplasmic ATPase subunit ProV, a transmembrane subunit ProW and a periplasmic binding protein ProX. It is capable of translocating a wide variety of solute (e.g. glycine betaine) across the plasma membrane and is activated under osmotic stress conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180337", "l": "Annulate lamella cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005703", "l": "polytene chromosome puff", "d": ["A swelling at a site along the length of a polytene chromosome, thought to be the site of active transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044165", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the host cell cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The host ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752513", "l": "host cell plasmodesma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098853", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-vacuole membrane contact site", "d": ["A zone of apposition between endoplasmic-reticulum and lytic vacuole membranes, structured by bridging complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.617478300466217", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043209", "l": "myelin sheath", "d": ["An electrically insulating fatty layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons. It is an outgrowth of glial cells: Schwann cells supply the myelin for peripheral neurons while oligodendrocytes supply it to those of the central nervous system."], "t": []}, {"i": "UBERON:0000345", "l": "myelin", "d": ["A dielectric (electrically insulating) material consisting of protein and fat that forms a layer, the myelin sheath, usually around only the axon of a neuron. Myelin is about 40 % water; the dry mass of myelin is about 70 - 85 % lipids and about 15 - 30 % proteins. Some of the proteins that make up myelin are myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), and proteolipid protein (PLP). The primary lipid of myelin is a glycolipid called galactocerebroside (GalC). The intertwining hydrocarbon chains of sphingomyelin serve to strengthen the myelin sheath."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019897", "l": "extrinsic component of plasma membrane", "d": ["The component of a plasma membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000815", "l": "ESCRT III complex", "d": ["A complex with membrane scission activity that plays a major role in many processes where membranes are remodelled - including endosomal transport (vesicle budding), nuclear envelope organisation (membrane closure, mitotic bridge cleavage), and cytokinesis (abscission)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166720", "l": "cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752218", "l": "female germline ring canal inner rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265491", "l": "extracellular isoamylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183437", "l": "Myotendinous junction plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090443", "l": "FAR/SIN/STRIPAK complex", "d": ["A conserved protein phosphatase type 2A complex which contains a protein phosphatase type 2A, a protein phosphatase regulatory subunit, a striatin, an FHA domain protein and other subunits (at least six proteins). In fission yeast this complex negatively regulate the septation initiation network at the spindle pole body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180299", "l": "Peripheral part of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061498", "l": "intermediate layer of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["Structure between the central and outer plaques of the mitotic spindle pole body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752652", "l": "regulation of focal adhesion assembly", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160114", "l": "axonemal microtubule doublet outer junction", "d": ["The structure which joins the B1 protofilament of the B tubule to the A10 and A11 protofilaments of the A tubule within an axonemal microtubule doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156548", "l": "host cell Cajal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071144", "l": "heteromeric SMAD protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of SMAD family proteins, a transcription factor complex which binds to the promoters of target genes and recruits co-activators and histone acetyltransferases, facilitating transcription. Phosphorylation of the non-SMAD4 subunit(s) enables binding of SMAD4 to form heteromeric complexes that enter the nucleus to initiate gene transcription. DNA-binding specificity is conferred by other transcription factors binding to SMAD complexes. Interactions with coactivators or corepressors modulate their transcriptional activity. Can be heterotrimeric or heterodimeric."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098842", "l": "postsynaptic early endosome", "d": ["An early endosome of the postsynapse. It acts as the major sorting station on the endocytic pathway, targeting neurotransmitter receptors for degregation or recycling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753852", "l": "H3 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622651", "l": "cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325674", "l": "starch grain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244322", "l": "eukaryotic ribosomal SSU", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754301", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-JAM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010318", "l": "pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": ["Refers to the beta subunit of the heterodimeric complex that possesses pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.944488487207011", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622418", "l": "Cellular Vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C27089", "l": "Cellular Vesicle", "d": ["A closed structure surrounded by a single membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754339", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-CD98 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231735", "l": "Titin-Tcap complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167236", "l": "interleukin-6 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "39.770838721021669", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031012", "l": "extracellular matrix", "d": ["A structure lying external to one or more cells, which provides structural support, biochemical or biomechanical cues for cells or tissues."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752457", "l": "host cell cytosol", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622121", "l": "NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246573", "l": "gas vesicle shell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990191", "l": "cobalamin transport complex", "d": ["Protein complex facilitating ATP-dependent cobalamin (vitamin B12) transport through inner cell membrane (periplasm to cytoplasm) in Gram-negative bacteria. In E. coli the system is composed of a periplasmic cobalamin-binding protein (BtuF), an integral membrane homodimer, BtuC, and a cytoplasmic ATP-binding homodimer BtuD."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031417", "l": "NatC complex", "d": ["A conserved complex that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to the N-terminal residue of a protein acceptor molecule that has a Met-Ile, Met-Leu, Met-Trp, or Met-Phe N-terminus. In Saccharomyces the complex includes Mak3p, Mak10p, and Mak31p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621437", "l": "Ndc80 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043203", "l": "axon hillock", "d": ["Portion of the neuronal cell soma from which the axon originates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016461", "l": "unconventional myosin complex", "d": ["A portmanteau term for myosins other than myosin II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754271", "l": "ITGA2b-ITGB3-CD9-GP1b-CD47 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045269", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk", "d": ["One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the membrane-associated Fo proteins; rotates within the catalytic core during catalysis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022627", "l": "cytosolic small ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The small subunit of a ribosome located in the cytosol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521182", "l": "2p16.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13864", "l": "2p16.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819341", "l": "stereocilium tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13542", "l": "16q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 16"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166970", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156025", "l": "MMXD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167087", "l": "chromatin remodeling complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820376", "l": "bleb cell extension", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045244", "l": "succinate-CoA ligase complex (GDP-forming)", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme complex, usually composed of an alpha and beta chain. Functions in the TCA cycle, hydrolyzing succinyl-CoA into succinate and CoA, thereby forming GTP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166934", "l": "P2 peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753926", "l": "cell body fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098536", "l": "deuterosome", "d": ["A spherical, electron dense, cytoplasmic structure that is involved in de novo assembly of centrioles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754231", "l": "alphaE-beta7 integrin-E-cadherin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521701", "l": "8p21-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13815", "l": "8p21-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612868", "l": "Gemin6-Gemin7-unrip complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819993", "l": "host extracellular space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071125", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-EGFR complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to epidermal growth factor receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032044", "l": "DSIF complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex formed of Spt4 and Spt5 proteins which is expressed in eukaryotes from yeast to man. DSIF is an inhibitory elongation factor that promotes RNA polymerase II transcriptional pausing, but can also stimulate transcriptional elongation under certain conditions, and may play a role in RNA processing via its physical association with mRNA capping enzymes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070258", "l": "inner membrane pellicle complex", "d": ["A membrane structure formed of two closely aligned lipid bilayers that lie beneath the plasma membrane and form part of the pellicle surrounding an apicomplexan parasite cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990339", "l": "laminin-522 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha5, beta2 and gamma2 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179955", "l": "Matrix of smooth endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166985", "l": "elaioplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5545219", "l": "Primordial Germ Cell Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825987", "l": "4p15.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82137", "l": "4p15.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167290", "l": "respiratory chain complex I location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520272", "l": "10q11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24901", "l": "10q11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327173", "l": "chromatin lock complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156317", "l": "PTW/PP1 phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042827", "l": "platelet dense granule", "d": ["Electron-dense granule occurring in blood platelets that stores and secretes adenosine nucleotides and serotonin. They contain a highly condensed core consisting of serotonin, histamine, calcium, magnesium, ATP, ADP, pyrophosphate and membrane lysosomal proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752523", "l": "host cell periplasmic space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236689", "l": "extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521294", "l": "3p25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13605", "l": "3p25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230791", "l": "Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57079008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327098", "l": "laminin-321 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824363", "l": "methionine transporter", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518621", "l": "Orthodox Configuration of the Mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33226", "l": "Orthodox Configuration of the Mitochondrion", "d": ["A basic architectural plan of a mitochondrion that exhibits a prominent matrix and narrow cristae, with the inner and outer compartment-intracristal space volumetrically decreased, and which is linked to inactive oxidase phosphorylation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710742", "l": "11q13-q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C42593", "l": "11q13-q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990454", "l": "L-type voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": ["A type of voltage-dependent calcium channel responsible for excitation-contraction coupling of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. 'L' stands for 'long-lasting' referring to the length of activation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097511", "l": "dendritic cell dendrite", "d": ["A branched cellular projection (or cytoplasmic extension) that is extended from the surface of a dendritic immune cell, and which enables the cell to sample luminal pathogens and increase the surface area for antigen presentation to T cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754154", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex B1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596901", "l": "Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043494", "l": "CLRC complex", "d": ["An cullin-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligase/histone H3-K9 methyltransferase complex essential for heterochromatin assembly by RNAi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0180019", "l": "Knl1/Spc105 complex", "d": ["A kinetochore subcomplex that binds to centromeric chromatin and forms part of the outer kinetochore. It helps to recruit outer kinetochore subunits that will bind to microtubules. In humans and yeast respectively, it consists of KNL1/Spc105p and ZWINT/Kre28p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330637", "l": "Plasma membrane of pulmonary interstitial fibroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754123", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex C", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166935", "l": "P3 peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990098", "l": "core primosome complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex containing at least one DNA helicase and one primase. Can also contain associated proteins. The helicase component continues to unwind the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and the primase component synthesizes a RNA primer during initiation or restart of replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325722", "l": "Omega Speckles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451426", "l": "platelet glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821201", "l": "ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2951500", "l": "Set of somas of neurons in gray matter of spinal cord", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245017", "l": "NADH dehydrogenase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672785", "l": "Pex17p-Pex14p docking complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160120", "l": "branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A mitochondrial complex that catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of branched-chain alpha-keto acids derived from L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine to branched-chain acyl-CoAs. The complex is organized around a 24-meric cubic core of the dihydrolipoyl transacylase (E2) with multiple (about 6 to 12) copies of the branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase (E1, consisting of alpha and beta subunits), about 6 copies of the dimeric dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3), and a small number of copies of the E1-specific kinase and phosphatase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071819", "l": "DUBm complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms part of SAGA-type complexes SAGA and SLIK, and mediates deubiquitination of histone H2B. In S. cerevisiae, the DUBm consists of the proteins Ubp8p, Sgf11p, Sus1p, and Sgf73p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120210", "l": "rod telodendria", "d": ["Rod telodendria are projections that originate from the rod pedicle and form gap junctions with other photoreceptors within the outer plexiform layer of the retina."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005729", "l": "2-micrometer circle DNA", "d": ["A plasmid commonly found in Saccharomyces, inherited in a non-Mendelian manner and often present in 100-400 copies."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003034", "l": "Coated Pits, Cell-Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0598180", "l": "coated pit", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13366", "l": "Coated Pit", "d": ["Specialized depressions on the cell surface involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis; the visible proteinaceous layer on the cytosolic side of the depression provides the coated appearance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039622", "l": "T=16 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=16 symmetry. The T=16 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 150 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167394", "l": "fibrinogen complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231721", "l": "Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952390", "l": "Set of nuclei of right cerebral subcortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236687", "l": "lytic vacuole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520600", "l": "14q32.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24951", "l": "14q32.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180037", "l": "Membrane protein of smooth endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520773", "l": "17q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25987", "l": "17q21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896354", "l": "TERT-RMRP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520404", "l": "11q23.2-q23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28583", "l": "11q23.2-q23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070334", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-laminin 5 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta4 integrin complex bound to laminin 5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521496", "l": "5q33.2-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14123", "l": "5q33.2-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621433", "l": "cell leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167513", "l": "trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450334", "l": "nuclear chromosome, telomeric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328015", "l": "cnida", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1654942", "l": "SCF complex regulator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752545", "l": "dendriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521622", "l": "7p15-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25107", "l": "7p15-p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322970", "l": "Unencapsulated nerve ending innervating cavitated organ", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184878", "l": "Zone of pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179881", "l": "Matrix of rough endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166937", "l": "P5 peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521539", "l": "6p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13627", "l": "6p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546454", "l": "docked vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990246", "l": "uniplex complex", "d": ["A calcium channel complex in the mitochondrial inner membrane capable of highly-selective calcium channel activity. Its components include the EF-hand-containing proteins mitochondrial calcium uptake 1 (MICU1) and MICU2, the pore-forming subunit mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) and its paralog MCUb, and the MCU regulator EMRE."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520377", "l": "11q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28647", "l": "11q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.814283527630742", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140513", "l": "nuclear protein-containing complex", "d": ["A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990500", "l": "eif4e-cup complex", "d": ["A protein complex that causes translational repression in Drosophila. Prevents assembly of ribosomes at the mRNA by interfacing with a sequence-specific RNA-binding protein leading to recruitment of the CCR4 complex and consequently, reduction of the mRNA's poly(A) tail length. The complex is also required for dorso-ventral pattern formation in the embryo."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005745", "l": "m-AAA complex", "d": ["Protease complex of the mitochondrial inner membrane that is involved in mitochondrial protein turnover and in processing of proteins imported into mitochondria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099189", "l": "postsynaptic spectrin-associated cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the spectrin-associated cytoskeleton contained within the postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754282", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546463", "l": "peroxisomal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339561", "l": "Plasma membrane of vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005594", "l": "collagen type IX trimer", "d": ["A collagen heterotrimer containing type IX alpha chains in alpha1(IX)alpha2(IX)alpha3(IX) trimers; type IX collagen triple helices associate to form a structure that links glycosaminoglycans to type II collagen fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265760", "l": "junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521285", "l": "3p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13471", "l": "3p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952302", "l": "Set of somas of neurons", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179914", "l": "Protofilament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090545", "l": "CHD-type complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF-type complex that contains a subunit from the CHD(Chromodomain helicase DNA-binding) family. The CHD family is characterized by two signature sequence motifs: tandem chromodomains located in the N-terminal region, and the SNF2-like ATPase domain located in the central region of the protein structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097654", "l": "platelet SNARE complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that is capable of fusing intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane of platelets for exocytosis of alpha-granules or dense granules. Contains isoforms of VAMP, SNAP and syntaxin proteins. Ternary SNARE complexes interact in a circular array to form ring complexes or channels around the membrane fusion. A common composition in human is VAMP-8, SNAP-23 and syntaxin-2 or -4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005847", "l": "mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that binds to the canonical AAUAAA hexamer and to U-rich upstream sequence elements on the pre-mRNA, thereby stimulating the otherwise weakly active and nonspecific polymerase to elongate efficiently RNAs containing a poly(A) signal."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005656", "l": "nuclear pre-replicative complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex assembled at eukaryotic DNA replication origins during late mitosis and G1, allowing the origin to become competent, or 'licensed', for replication. The complex normally includes the origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdc6, Cdt1 and the MiniChromosome Maintenance (Mcm2-7) proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265260", "l": "Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase ERAD-M complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230691", "l": "Melanosome, incompletely melanized", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14198001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230661", "l": "Distinctive form of glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49092005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000327", "l": "lytic vacuole within protein storage vacuole", "d": ["A membrane-bounded compartment containing crystals of phytic acid and proteins characteristic of a lytic vacuole, found within a storage vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754234", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-VCAM1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820662", "l": "TOR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613219", "l": "plasma membrane-derived chromatophore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548402", "l": "thorny excrescence", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824377", "l": "two-component alkanesulfonate monooxygenase system", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513022", "l": "Mature Centriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33060", "l": "Mature Centriole", "d": ["An mature centriole or basal body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548440", "l": "glial cytoplasmic inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179957", "l": "Layer of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325692", "l": "central vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157050", "l": "microtubule-based flagellum matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009578", "l": "etioplast stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of an etioplast but excluding the prothylakoid space. It contains the etioplast DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527269", "l": "collagen type XVII location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262850", "l": "epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D014771", "l": "Virion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0042760", "l": "Virion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:285296008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.314050959231352", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179907", "l": "Wall of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33079", "l": "Membrane of the Endosome", "d": ["A lipid bilayer enclosing an endosomal compartment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749490", "l": "pleated desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817255", "l": "non-spindle-associated astral microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689782", "l": "KCNJ8-SUR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546547", "l": "DBIRD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893952", "l": "actin filament of cell cortex of cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236671", "l": "postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521559", "l": "6q14.3-16.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13653", "l": "6q14.3-16.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072562", "l": "blood microparticle", "d": ["A phospholipid microvesicle that is derived from any of several cell types, such as platelets, blood cells, endothelial cells, or others, and contains membrane receptors as well as other proteins characteristic of the parental cell. Microparticles are heterogeneous in size, and are characterized as microvesicles free of nucleic acids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000315", "l": "organellar large ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The larger of the two subunits of an organellar ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690662", "l": "spine synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902555", "l": "endoribonuclease complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of endoribonuclease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045092", "l": "interleukin-18 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-18; comprises an alpha and a beta subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231704", "l": "LRP6 signalosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520706", "l": "16q24.1-q24.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26526", "l": "16q24.1-q24.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235139", "l": "pyroptosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166684", "l": "early recombination nodule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990097", "l": "SeqA-DNA complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex that contains an oligomer of SeqA bound to GATC sites in methylated or newly-synthesized, hemi-methylated double-stranded DNA, with preference for the latter. Binding of SeqA to hemimethylated DNA sequesters oriC, prevents re-methylation of DNA by Dam and in turn stops premature re-initiation of replication during one replication cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521408", "l": "4q31-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39633", "l": "4q31-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030075", "l": "bacterial thylakoid", "d": ["A thylakoid that is derived from and attached to, but not necessarily continuous with, the plasma membrane, and is not enclosed in a plastid. It bears the photosynthetic pigments in photosynthetic cyanobacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030671", "l": "clathrin-coated phagocytic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-coated phagocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036513", "l": "Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex", "d": ["A protein complex that functions in the retrotranslocation step of ERAD (ER-associated protein degradation), and includes at its core Derlin-1 oligomers forming a retrotranslocation channel."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137534", "l": "rod telodendria", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156026", "l": "BAT3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549322", "l": "muscle cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070065", "l": "cellubrevin-VAMP4-syntaxin-16 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains cellubrevin (VAMP3), VAMP4, and syntaxin 16 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521018", "l": "1q42.1-q43", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13885", "l": "1q42.1-q43", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521187", "l": "2p23-p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13520", "l": "2p23-p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905540", "l": "interleukin-7 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-7 (IL-7) and that consists of, at a minimum, an interleukin, an alpha and a gamma chain as well as optional additional kinase subunits. The alpha chain binds IL-7 with high affinity and subsequently binds the cytokine receptor common gamma chain that forms part of multiple interleukin receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824203", "l": "DnaA-L2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520605", "l": "14q32.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24953", "l": "14q32.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031515", "l": "tRNA (m1A) methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the catalysis of the formation of the modified nucleotide 1-methyladenosine (m1A) in tRNA. In yeast, it is a heterotetramer of two subunits, Gcd10p and Gcd14p, while in bacteria and archaea it is a homotetramer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612782", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum network complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032123", "l": "deep fiber", "d": ["Inward projections of the cytoskeletal structures of the oral apparatus, which form a fiber that extends past the cytostome into the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005885", "l": "Arp2/3 protein complex", "d": ["A stable protein complex that contains two actin-related proteins, Arp2 and Arp3, and five novel proteins (ARPC1-5), and functions in the nucleation of branched actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520379", "l": "11q12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24918", "l": "11q12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752238", "l": "nurse cell ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325537", "l": "hemicellulose network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0597895", "l": "luminal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166617", "l": "cellular bud neck septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045270", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk", "d": ["One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the plasma membrane-associated Fo proteins; rotates within the catalytic core during catalysis. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016282", "l": "eukaryotic 43S preinitiation complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of the 40S ribosomal subunit plus eIF1, eIF1A, eIF3, eIF5, and eIF2-GTP-bound methionyl-initiator methionine tRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896239", "l": "omegasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325671", "l": "proplastid nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035369", "l": "pre-B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An immunoglobulin-like complex that is present in at least the plasma membrane of pre-B cells, and that is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two surrogate light chains, each composed of the lambda-5 and VpreB proteins, and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546473", "l": "tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009322", "l": "trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the reduction of trimethylamine N-oxide to trimethylamine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328628", "l": "Cytosol of stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180060", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180004", "l": "Axosomatic synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32178", "l": "Axosomatic Synapse", "d": ["A synapse between the axon of one neuron and the cell body of another neuron."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821069", "l": "muscle cell postsynaptic specialization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097444", "l": "spine apparatus", "d": ["A specialization of the endomembrane system found in some classes of dendritic spines consisting of two or more closely apposed lamellae with interspersed electron dense material. The endomembrane component is continuous with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753480", "l": "Tle3-Aes complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821200", "l": "ventral disc crossbridge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340367", "l": "Protoplasm of macrophage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333623", "l": "Plasma membrane of bone marrow stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520518", "l": "12q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38360", "l": "12q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820003", "l": "host peribacteroid fluid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166827", "l": "prefoldin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623308", "l": "organelle subcompartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690715", "l": "EDS1 disease-resistance complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548553", "l": "Flemming body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156849", "l": "extrahaustorial membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120105", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer", "d": ["The region of the mitotic actomyosin ring in between the proximal layer and the actin filament layer. This region contains the accessory protein network, some actin filaments and connections between the proximal layer and the actin filament layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896305", "l": "Ste12p-Dig1p-Dig2p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990794", "l": "basolateral part of cell", "d": ["The region of a cell situated by the cell sides which interface adjacent cells and near the base. Often used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236756", "l": "ciliary plasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520950", "l": "1p31.3-p31.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38354", "l": "1p31.3-p31.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380290", "l": "chromosome, telomeric repeat region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167352", "l": "S-layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331010", "l": "Axon of postganglionic neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070824", "l": "SHREC complex", "d": ["A histone deacetylase complex that contains a core of four proteins -- Clr1, Clr2, Clr3, and Mit1 in fission yeast -- and localizes to all heterochromatic regions in the genome as well as some euchromatic sites. The complex is involved in regulating nucleosome positioning to assemble higher-order chromatin structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5181356", "l": "Spermatozoa IgG binding location | Semen | Fertility testing", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546553", "l": "viral terminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034974", "l": "Swi5-Swi2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved that contains proteins known in Schizosaccharomyces as Swi5 monomers and Swi2, and is involved in mating type switching."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515527", "l": "9q33-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25134", "l": "9q33-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246502", "l": "Golgi cis face membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045180", "l": "basal cortex", "d": ["The region that lies just beneath the plasma membrane on the basal edge of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166724", "l": "clathrin-coated vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271506", "l": "endolysosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180071", "l": "Lipid bilayer of outer membrane of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749812", "l": "COP9 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008051", "l": "Lipid Bilayers", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0023768", "l": "Lipid Bilayers", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40756008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753477", "l": "alphaPDGFR-PLC-gamma-1-PI3K-SHP-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451217", "l": "TEAD-YAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060987", "l": "lipid tube", "d": ["A macromolecular complex that contains a tube of lipid surrounded by a protein coat."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612575", "l": "glycosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451485", "l": "Hechtian strand", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754383", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070744", "l": "interleukin-27 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of an interleukin-27p28 subunit (product of the IL27 gene) and an EBI3 subunit and is secreted into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048224", "l": "lignin network", "d": ["An extracellular matrix part that consists of lignin in the form of a three-dimensional polymeric network. Lignins are complex racemic aromatic heteropolymers derived from a variety of phenylpropane monomers coupled together by an assortment of carbon-carbon and ether linkages. Lignin is crucial for structural integrity of the cell wall and stiffness and strength of the stem. In addition, lignin waterproofs the cell wall, enabling transport of water and solutes through the vascular system, and plays a role in protecting plants against pathogens."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061617", "l": "MICOS complex", "d": ["Mitochondrial inner membrane complex involved in maintenance of crista junctions, inner membrane architecture, and formation of contact sites to the outer membrane. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the complex has six subunits: MIC10, MIC12, MIC19, MIC26, MIC27, and MIC60."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512539", "l": "Hydrophilic Portion of the Plasma Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32748", "l": "Hydrophilic Portion of the Plasma Membrane", "d": ["The faces of the lipid bilayer that are exposed to the cytoplasm and extracellular space. It is comprised of the hydrophilic heads of the lipid components, exposed surfaces and domains of transmembrane proteins, peripheral proteins and carbohydrate components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231706", "l": "beta-catenin/lymphoid enhancer binding factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610737", "l": "PHB granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088462", "l": "Microneme", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1166650", "l": "Microneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753489", "l": "spindle envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690165", "l": "calcium:proton antiporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622191", "l": "chloroplast intermembrane space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752368", "l": "NADH-Q oxidoreductase complex, membrane segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990099", "l": "pre-primosome complex", "d": ["Any of the protein-DNA complexes that contain a DNA helicase and associated protein(s) at the origin of replication, and build up to assembling the core primosome. The associated protein(s) chaperone the helicase to the DNA, and assembly of the pre-primosome is essential for the initiation or restart of replication. Pre-primosome complexes lack a primase component."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324509", "l": "Set of short gyri of insula", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005790", "l": "smooth endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER or SER) has no ribosomes attached to it. The smooth ER is the recipient of the proteins synthesized in the rough ER. Those proteins to be exported are passed to the Golgi complex, the resident proteins are returned to the rough ER and the lysosomal proteins after phosphorylation of their mannose residues are passed to the lysosomes. Glycosylation of the glycoproteins also continues. The smooth ER is the site of synthesis of lipids, including the phospholipids. The membranes of the smooth ER also contain enzymes that catalyze a series of reactions to detoxify both lipid-soluble drugs and harmful products of metabolism. Large quantities of certain compounds such as phenobarbital cause an increase in the amount of the smooth ER."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327158", "l": "BORC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167231", "l": "interleukin-18 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325818", "l": "ribozyme location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611783", "l": "28S ribosomal subunit, mitochondrial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097618", "l": "dinoflagellate sulcal notch", "d": ["A dinoflagellate sulcus that extends all the way to the posterior end of the cell (also known as antapex). The presence of a sulcal notch makes the dinoflagellate hypocone appear bilobed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819065", "l": "hyphal septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546475", "l": "CycK/Cdk12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894806", "l": "glutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265492", "l": "chloroplast isoamylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896185", "l": "RZZ complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754961", "l": "surface IgG1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624054", "l": "tRNA methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046581", "l": "intercellular canaliculus", "d": ["An extremely narrow tubular channel located between adjacent cells. An instance of this is the secretory canaliculi occurring between adjacent parietal cells in the gastric mucosa of vertebrates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622038", "l": "UBC13-MMS2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819187", "l": "AMPA receptor location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071098", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-Fyn complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta4 integrin complex bound to the Src family tyrosine kinase Fyn."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752497", "l": "host cell nuclear matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325631", "l": "extrinsic component of endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611009", "l": "Mec1-Lcd1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523922", "l": "RAVE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156282", "l": "ascus epiplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690167", "l": "CAX1-CAX3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824362", "l": "methionine transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327167", "l": "high-affinity iron exporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230928", "l": "Flagellum, bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:41792001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000804", "l": "W chromosome", "d": ["The sex chromosome present in females of species in which the female is the heterogametic sex; generally, the sex chromosome that pairs with the Z chromosome in the heterogametic sex. The W chromosome is absent from the cells of males and present in one copy in the somatic cells of females."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034425", "l": "etioplast envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the etioplast and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548372", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, neck", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005869", "l": "dynactin complex", "d": ["A 20S multiprotein assembly of total mass about 1.2 MDa that activates dynein-based activity in vivo. A large structural component of the complex is an actin-like 40 nm filament composed of actin-related protein, to which other components attach."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451449", "l": "ciliary centrin arm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325770", "l": "B cell receptor accessory molecule complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042653", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I, membrane segment", "d": ["The mitochondrial membrane segment of respiratory chain complex I. Respiratory chain complex I is an enzyme of the respiratory chain, consisting of at least 34 polypeptide chains. The electrons of NADH enter the chain at this complex. The complete complex is L-shaped, with a horizontal arm lying in the membrane and a vertical arm that projects into the matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691127", "l": "basal distal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230758", "l": "Olfactory Sensory Cilia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90034001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036421", "l": "extrinsic component of external side of mycolate outer membrane", "d": ["The component of mycolate membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its external surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236667", "l": "epididymosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098520", "l": "excitatory neuromuscular junction", "d": ["The junction between the axon of a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. In response to the arrival of action potentials, the presynaptic button releases molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane of the muscle fiber, leading to a post-synaptic potential responsible for muscle contraction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990023", "l": "mitotic spindle midzone", "d": ["The area in the center of the anaphase spindle consisting of microtubules, microtubule bundling factors and kinesin motors where the spindle microtubules from opposite poles overlap in an antiparallel manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521045", "l": "20p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25018", "l": "20p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612783", "l": "ER network complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035658", "l": "Mon1-Ccz1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) and converts Rab-GDP to Rab-GTP. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of at least Mon1 and Ccz1, and serves as a GEF for the Rab Ypt7p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819077", "l": "germ tube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612792", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515515", "l": "9q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25131", "l": "9q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032807", "l": "DNA ligase IV complex", "d": ["A eukaryotically conserved protein complex that contains DNA ligase IV and is involved in DNA repair by non-homologous end joining; in addition to the ligase, the complex also contains XRCC4 or a homolog, e.g. Saccharomyces Lif1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331112", "l": "Plasma membrane of mesangial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323231", "l": "Myelinated peripheral nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071087", "l": "alpha11-beta1 integrin-collagen type I complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha11-beta1 integrin complex bound to a type I collagen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896646", "l": "Tissue Factor-Derived Microparticle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C120029", "l": "Tissue Factor-Derived Microparticle", "d": ["A small, membrane bound vesicle circulating in the blood that was shed by a cell that expresses the coagulation protein, tissue factor (factor III). The presence of microparticles with tissue factor in the plasma of cancer patients is associated with an increased risk for venous thrombosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523248", "l": "spindle midzone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043541", "l": "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex", "d": ["A multienzyme, heterooligomeric complex involved in dolichyl-linked oligosaccharide synthesis. In yeast the complex is composed of Alg7p, which catalyzes the first step (GlcNAc1-PP-Dol from dolichol-phosphate and UDP-GlcNAc), and Alg13p plus Alg14p, the catalytic and anchoring subunits respectively, which together catalyze the second step (GlcNAc2-PP-dolichol from GlcNAc1-PP-Dol and UDP-GlcNAc) of dolichyl-linked oligosaccharide synthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333001", "l": "Smooth muscle thick filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325777", "l": "cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611135", "l": "prolyl 4-hydroxylase complex (alpha(I)-type)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236610", "l": "synapse associated extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230621", "l": "Synaptic membrane specialization", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:26375002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166644", "l": "ciliary pocket membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518587", "l": "Ooplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33211", "l": "Ooplasm", "d": ["The specialized cytoplasm in an oocyte."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042720", "l": "mitochondrial inner membrane peptidase complex", "d": ["Protease complex of the mitochondrial inner membrane, consisting of at least two subunits, involved in processing of both nuclear- and mitochondrially-encoded proteins targeted to the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521211", "l": "2q22.2-q23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25036", "l": "2q22.2-q23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511546", "l": "Crosslinker", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32407", "l": "Crosslinker", "d": ["A protein that links cytoskeletal filaments to one another and modulates both the formation and stability of cellular structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336523", "l": "Surface of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621521", "l": "motile primary cilia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752696", "l": "cortical granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754386", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-a1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520493", "l": "12q13-q15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24932", "l": "12q13-q15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612349", "l": "polyphosphate vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623136", "l": "bursicon neuropeptide hormone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034744", "l": "APC-IQGAP1-Cdc42 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), the small GTPase Cdc42, and the Rac1 and Cdc42 effector IQGAP1; may play a role in cytoskeleton organization and cell migration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521224", "l": "2q33.3-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13506", "l": "2q33.3-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13546", "l": "19q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 19"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329101", "l": "fibronectin fibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324852", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of retinal pigment cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521017", "l": "1q42.1-q42.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25015", "l": "1q42.1-q42.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166904", "l": "m-AAA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008282", "l": "inward rectifying potassium channel", "d": ["A protein complex that comprises four pore-forming (Kir6.x) and four regulatory sulphonylurea receptor (SURx) subunits and forms a transmembrane channel through which ions may pass. The opening and closing of the channel is regulated by ATP: binding of ATP to the Kir6.x subunit inhibits channel activity, whereas binding of Mg2+-complexed ATP or ADP to the SURx subunit stimulates channel activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "39.794586165217389", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022082", "l": "Cellular Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0243092", "l": "Cellular Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14135", "l": "Cell Structure", "d": ["The components of the cell and how they are arranged."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001518", "l": "voltage-gated sodium channel complex", "d": ["A sodium channel in a cell membrane whose opening is governed by the membrane potential."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110103", "l": "RNA polymerase II termination complex", "d": ["A conserved protein complex capable of 5'-3' exoribonuclease activity. It is able to promote RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription termination by degrading pre-mRNA from the newly formed 5' phosphorylated end."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048493", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": ["A complex, located in the plasma membrane-derived thylakoid, containing either both large and small subunits or just small subunits. It carries out the activity of producing 3-phosphoglycerate from carbon dioxide and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754984", "l": "surface IgA1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234971", "l": "BAT3-TRC35-UBL4A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071564", "l": "npBAF complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF-type complex that is found in neural stem or progenitor cells, and in human contains actin and proteins encoded by the ARID1A/BAF250A or ARID1B/BAF250B, SMARCD1/BAF60A, SMARCD3/BAF60C, SMARCA2/BRM/BAF190B, SMARCA4/BRG1/BAF190A, SMARCB1/BAF47, SMARCC1/BAF155, SMARCE1/BAF57, SMARCC2/BAF170, PHF10/BAF45A, ACTL6A/BAF53A genes. The npBAF complex is essential for the self-renewal/proliferative capacity of the multipotent neural stem cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045262", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core F(1)", "d": ["The catalytic sector of the plasma membrane hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase; it comprises the catalytic core and central stalk, and is peripherally associated with the plasma membrane when the entire ATP synthase is assembled. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005818", "l": "aster", "d": ["An array of microtubules emanating from a spindle pole MTOC that do not connect to kinetochores."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672797", "l": "nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044300", "l": "cerebellar mossy fiber", "d": ["An axon arising from cerebellar projecting cells in the cochlea, vestibular nuclei, spinal cord, reticular formation, cerebellar nuclei and basilar pontine nuclei. Mossy fibers enter through all three cerebellar peduncles and send collaterals to the deep cerebellar nuclei, then branch in the white matter and terminate in the granule cell layer. Through this branching, a given mossy fiber can innervate several folia. Mossy fibers synapse on granule cells. The synaptic contacts are made at enlargements along the length of the mossy fiber called mossy fiber rosettes. The enlargements of the rosettes give the axons a mossy-looking appearance in Golgi stained preparations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167279", "l": "type I protein secretion system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754176", "l": "AT-AC post-spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322766", "l": "Protoplasm of monocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990722", "l": "DAPK1-calmodulin complex", "d": ["A serine/threonine protein kinase complex involved in cell survival, apoptosis and autophagic cell death pathways. DAPK1 is activated by the dephosphorylation of a n-terminal serine and calcium-calmodulin binding."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331341", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type PP enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520502", "l": "12q14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26061", "l": "12q14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166980", "l": "cyanelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166797", "l": "central plaque of spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090651", "l": "apical cytoplasm", "d": ["The region of the cytoplasm located at the apical side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005682", "l": "U5 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U5, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U5 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U5 snRNA both while the U5 snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520800", "l": "18q12-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24982", "l": "18q12-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325571", "l": "chromosome, telomeric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.653457143972261", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002891", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008664", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13217", "l": "Human Chromosome 21", "d": ["The designation for each member of the second smallest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 21 spans around 47 million nucleotides and represents about 1.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43009003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380233", "l": "decoy receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120104", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, proximal layer", "d": ["The region of the mitotic actomyosin ring adjacent to the plasma membrane where membrane bound scaffolds are located."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451535", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523292", "l": "glycosylphosphatidylinositol-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GPI-GnT) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032221", "l": "Rpd3S complex", "d": ["A eukaryotically conserved histone deacetylase complex which deacetylates histones across gene coding regions. Composed of a catalytic histone deacetylase subunit, a chromodomain protein, a SIN3 family co-repressor, and a WD repeat protein (Clr6p, Alp13p, Pst2p, and Prw1p respectively in Schizosaccharomyces; Rpd3p, Sin3p, Ume1p, Rco1p and Eaf3 in Saccharomyces; homologs thereof in other species)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521281", "l": "3p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13708", "l": "3p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612813", "l": "integrin alpha11-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327620", "l": "Axon of primary afferent neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754641", "l": "clathrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005801", "l": "cis-Golgi network", "d": ["The network of interconnected tubular and cisternal structures located at the convex side of the Golgi apparatus, which abuts the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166699", "l": "polytene chromosome band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031315", "l": "extrinsic component of mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": ["The component of a mitochondrial outer membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523483", "l": "actin tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062077", "l": "phenylacetyl-CoA 1,2-epoxidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalysing the reaction: phenylacetyl-CoA + H+ + NADPH + O2 = 2-(1,2-epoxy-1,2-dihydrophenyl)acetyl-CoA + H2O + NADP+."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170022", "l": "Karyotype | Urine | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990071", "l": "TRAPPII protein complex", "d": ["A complex that mediates intra-Golgi traffic, Golgi exit, endosome-to-Golgi traffic, and the trafficking of autophagy proteins from Golgi to the phagophore assembly site. Binds to a component of the COPI coat. In yeast it includes the following subunits: Bet3 (as homodimer), Bet5, Tca17, Trs20, Trs23, Trs31, Trs33, Trs65, Trs120, Trs130. The whole complex is thought to dimerize with itself."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166701", "l": "polytene chromosome ectopic fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098954", "l": "presynaptic endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a presynaptic endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660840", "l": "chromoplast inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824414", "l": "sulfurtransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821050", "l": "RNA polymerase II transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008862", "l": "Microsomes, Liver", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026030", "l": "Microsomes, Liver", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3547162", "l": "dendritic microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061673", "l": "mitotic spindle astral microtubule", "d": ["Any of the mitotic spindle microtubules that radiate in all directions from the spindle poles and are thought to contribute to the forces that separate the poles and position them in relation to the rest of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097669", "l": "SCF-Skp2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Skp2 in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893432", "l": "glutathione hydrolase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754268", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263054", "l": "nucleoplasmic THO complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821197", "l": "spiral microtubule array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070912", "l": "Ddb1-Ckn1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric nucleotide-excision repair complex that is involved in transcription-coupled repair. The subunits are known as Ddb1 and Ckn1 in S. pombe; Ddb1 contains a motif called the DDB-box that interacts with adaptor proteins for DDB1/cullin 4 ubiquitin ligases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156545", "l": "host cell mitochondrial intermembrane space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031463", "l": "Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul3 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by a BTB-domain-containing protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521289", "l": "3p22-p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13923", "l": "3p22-p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512225", "l": "Glycogen Inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32690", "l": "Glycogen Inclusion", "d": ["A stainable aggregation of glycogen in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5240332", "l": "osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2828356", "l": "IgG3 immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062073", "l": "histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex composed of a stem-loop binding protein (in most species SLBP) and its interacting partner (SLIP1 or MIF4GD in most species) that binds to the histone mRNA (hmRNA) 3-prime-stem-loop structure. Facilitates hmRNA translation initiation and may also be involved in its processing and nuclear export."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325673", "l": "plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1526895", "l": "Spermatozoa.tail tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903103", "l": "potassium:proton antiporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of potassium:proton antiporter activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338487", "l": "Cytosol of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451590", "l": "host apoplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325649", "l": "mitochondrial intermembrane space protein transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325633", "l": "Wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33084", "l": "Membrane of the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["A lipid bilayer enclosing the part of the endoplasmic reticulum that has ribosomes located on the cytoplasmic-facing membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2599661", "l": "Basement membrane zone BP230", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020026", "l": "merozoite dense granule", "d": ["Electron-dense organelle with a granular internal matrix found throughout the merozoite life cycle stage of apicomplexan parasites; contains proteins destined to be secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole following parasite invasion of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893580", "l": "extrinsic component of omegasome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179074", "l": "Intermembranous component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160045", "l": "TMEM240-body", "d": ["A multilamellar subcellular structure formed in the cytoplasm of developing neuron, composed of Tmem240 and Emd proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1978653", "l": "Leukocyte toxic vacuoles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:725686005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610567", "l": "yolk plasma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13541", "l": "16p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 16"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612809", "l": "integrin alpha9-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511042", "l": "Balbiani Body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32181", "l": "Balbiani Body", "d": ["A collection of mitochondria, germinal plasm and fragments of both the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi that is found next to the nucleus during early stages of oocyte development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1514293", "l": "Pre-Condensed Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13451", "l": "Pre-Condensed Chromosomes", "d": ["It refers to the chromosome status during the prophase of mitotic division. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179072", "l": "Luminal component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621613", "l": "haptoglobin-hemoglobin complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621620", "l": "chromoplast envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179930", "l": "Contractile apparatus of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166658", "l": "actin cap", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230690", "l": "Premelanosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:1780008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611191", "l": "Grb2-Egfr complex, EGF stimulated", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179844", "l": "Part of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031527", "l": "filopodium membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a filopodium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598718", "l": "protoplastic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044175", "l": "host cell endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a host cell endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035032", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III", "d": ["A phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that contains a catalytic class III phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) subunit bound to a regulatory (adaptor) subunit. Additional adaptor proteins may be present. Class III PI3Ks have a substrate specificity restricted to phosphatidylinositol (PI)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235092", "l": "beta-catenin-TCF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090665", "l": "glycoprotein complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing at least one glycosylated protein, may be held together by both covalent and noncovalent bonds."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070515", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-talin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to talin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824533", "l": "collagen type XXIV trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030936", "l": "transmembrane collagen trimer", "d": ["Any collagen trimer that passes through a lipid bilayer membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893624", "l": "SCF-Pof5 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042825", "l": "TAP complex", "d": ["A heterodimer composed of the subunits TAP1 and TAP2 (transporter associated with antigen presentation). Functions in the transport of antigenic peptides from the cytosol to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521313", "l": "3q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13761", "l": "3q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230724", "l": "9 nm filaments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521219", "l": "2q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13770", "l": "2q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523414", "l": "heterotetrameric ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520287", "l": "10q24-q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13986", "l": "10q24-q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180035", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of smooth endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009336", "l": "sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP)", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the formation adenylylsulfate from sulfate and ATP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166883", "l": "mitochondrial derivative", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337790", "l": "Protoplasm of Type PP enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990078", "l": "replication inhibiting complex", "d": ["A protein complex that inhibits multiple events of replication initiation during one replication cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097542", "l": "ciliary tip", "d": ["Part of the cilium where the axoneme ends. The ciliary tip has been implicated in ciliary assembly and disassembly, as well as signal transduction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521611", "l": "7p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25103", "l": "7p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167276", "l": "B800-820 antenna complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244435", "l": "AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D027042", "l": "Chromosomes, Artificial, P1 Bacteriophage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990082", "l": "DnaA-L2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that inhibits unwinding of DNA at the origin of replication and assembly of the pre-primosome. In E. coli, this complex is composed of DnaA and of the ribosomal protein L2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548387", "l": "viral terminase, large subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0600316", "l": "Lobopodia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515461", "l": "8q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26437", "l": "8q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002903", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 19-20", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008647", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 19-20", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:74099009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821138", "l": "axonemal central pair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520271", "l": "10q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13610", "l": "10q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235230", "l": "growth cone lamellipodium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5153823", "l": "Auer rods | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236857", "l": "bacterial outer membrane vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D059609", "l": "Mallory Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820989", "l": "extracellular proteinaceous gel", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819359", "l": "activin responsive factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031250", "l": "anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex composed of 4 subunits, 2 copies of the large protein (nrdD in E. coli) and 2 copies of the small protein (nrdG in E. coli). It catalyzes the generation of 2'deoxyribonucleotides under anaerobic growth conditions. The larger subunit is the catalytic unit that is activated by the smaller iron-binding subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043655", "l": "host extracellular space", "d": ["The space within a host but external to the plasma membrane of host cells, e.g. within host bloodstream."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824373", "l": "MetNIQ transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515514", "l": "9q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25130", "l": "9q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042642", "l": "actomyosin, myosin complex part", "d": ["The myosin part of any complex of actin, myosin, and accessory proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511768", "l": "Dendrodendritic Synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32449", "l": "Dendrodendritic Synapse", "d": ["A synapse between dendrites of two neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.41723220320425", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070382", "l": "exocytic vesicle", "d": ["A transport vesicle that mediates transport from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane, and fuses with the plasma membrane to release various cargo molecules, such as proteins or hormones, by exocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246495", "l": "NuA3 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825992", "l": "10q23.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82142", "l": "10q23.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246399", "l": "porosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043505", "l": "CENP-A containing nucleosome", "d": ["A form of nucleosome located only at the centromere, in which the histone H3 is replaced by the variant form CENP-A (sometimes known as CenH3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754326", "l": "alpha1-beta1 integrin-tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155733", "l": "clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160014", "l": "exopher", "d": ["An extracellular vesicle that is approximately four microns in diameter, released by budding out of cells into the extracellular space, and hypothesized to be a mechanism for disposal of unwanted cellular material including protein aggregates and damaged organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328790", "l": "static microtubule bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903145", "l": "actin filament of cell cortex of cell tip", "d": ["Any actin filament that is part of a cell cortex of cell tip."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097419", "l": "Pick body", "d": ["Cellular inclusion composed of numerous tau fibrils arranged in a disorderly array. Tau protein is a major component, though Pick bodies also contain ubiquitin, alpha-synuclein, and apolipoprotein E."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990730", "l": "VCP-NSFL1C complex", "d": ["A protein complex between the ATPase VCP (p97) and its cofactor p47 (NSFL1C). In human, the protein complex consists of one homotrimer of NSFL1C/p47 per homohexamer of VCP/p97."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334760", "l": "Wall of medial Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521574", "l": "6q24-q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25101", "l": "6q24-q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098591", "l": "external side of apical plasma membrane", "d": ["The leaflet the apical region of the plasma membrane that faces away from the cytoplasm and any proteins embedded or anchored in it or attached to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044166", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the host cell endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521475", "l": "5q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13873", "l": "5q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450337", "l": "condensin I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044305", "l": "calyx of Held", "d": ["The terminal specialization of a calyciferous axon which forms large synapses in the mammalian auditory central nervous system."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521555", "l": "6q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25093", "l": "6q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166639", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum filament cap", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819630", "l": "SMN Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324067", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of melanocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334730", "l": "Membrane layer of organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099053", "l": "activating signal cointegrator 1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains TRIP4 (ASC1) and acts a transcriptional coactivator by interacting with transcription factors such as NF-kappa B. In humans this complex has 4 subunits: TRIP4 + ASCC1-3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070047", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-4 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, and syntaxin 4 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005579", "l": "membrane attack complex", "d": ["A protein complex produced by sequentially activated components of the complement cascade inserted into a target cell membrane and forming a pore leading to cell lysis via ion and water flow."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150048", "l": "cerebellar granule cell to Purkinje cell synapse", "d": ["A synapse of a granule cell fiber onto the dendrites of a Purkinje cell in cerebellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000500", "l": "RNA polymerase I upstream activating factor complex", "d": ["A complex required for the transcription of rDNA by RNA polymerase I. In yeast the complex consists of Rrrn5p, Rrn9p, Rrn10p, histones H3 and H4, and Uaf30p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022083", "l": "Cytoplasmic Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887880", "l": "Cytoplasmic Structures", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323215", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of adipocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327504", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328773", "l": "Protoplasm of hemopoietic stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032777", "l": "piccolo histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex with a substrate preference of chromatin over free histones. It contains a subset of the proteins found in the larger NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex; for example, the S. cerevisiae complex contains Esa1p, Yng2p, and Epl1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070069", "l": "cytochrome complex", "d": ["A protein complex in which at least one of the proteins is a cytochrome, i.e. a heme-containing protein involved in catalysis of redox reactions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031932", "l": "TORC2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains at least TOR (target of rapamycin) and Rictor (rapamycin-insensitive companion of TOR), or orthologs of, in complex with other signaling components. Mediates the phosphorylation and activation of PKB (also called AKT). In Saccharomyces, the complex contains Avo1p, Avo2p, Tsc11p, Lst8p, Bit61p, Slm1p, Slm2p, and Tor2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4085353", "l": "flagellar pocket collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754222", "l": "alpha6-beta1 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328408", "l": "Plasma membrane of epithelial cell of stratum corneum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000120", "l": "RNA polymerase I transcription regulator complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase I."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521013", "l": "1q41-q44", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26385", "l": "1q41-q44", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054682", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small, Eukaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1753319", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small, Eukaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120228", "l": "outer dynein arm docking complex", "d": ["A complex which stabilizes the binding of and correctly positions the outer dynein arm complex along an A-tubule of the flagellar axoneme outer doublet microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099164", "l": "postsynaptic specialization membrane of symmetric synapse", "d": ["The membrane component of the postsynaptic specialization of a symmetic synapse. This is the region of the postsynaptic membrane in which the population of neurotransmitter receptors involved in synaptic transmission are concentrated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005889", "l": "potassium:proton exchanging ATPase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses hydrogen:potassium-exchanging ATPase activity; characterized in animal cells, where it maintains ionic gradients of K+ at the expense of ATP hydrolysis; The complex contains two obligatory subunits, the catalytic alpha subunit and a glycosylated beta subunit; two additional subunits, gamma and channel-inducing factor (CHIF), may also be present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137285", "l": "amylin receptor complex 3", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044840", "l": "gut granule", "d": ["A lysosome-related organelle contained within the intestinal cells of the nematode C. elegans. Gut granules are acidified, birefringent, autofluorescent, and contain the vacuolar H+-ATPase. They also serve as sites of cellular zinc storage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009361", "l": "succinate-CoA ligase complex (ADP-forming)", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme complex, composed of an alpha and beta chain, most usually found in (but not limited to) bacteria. Functions in the TCA cycle, hydrolyzing succinyl-CoA into succinate and CoA, thereby forming ATP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612836", "l": "U11/U12 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018699", "l": "Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242915", "l": "Coated vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32331", "l": "Coated Vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic vesicle that is coated with proteins which stabilize its structure and facilitate targeting."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:28135007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990228", "l": "sulfurtransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalyzing the transfer of sulfur atoms from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034685", "l": "integrin alphav-beta6 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphav subunit and one beta6 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062194", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule minus-end", "d": ["A microtubule minus end that is part of a cytoplasmic microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158617", "l": "extrinsic component of thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.46242241446383", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005819", "l": "spindle", "d": ["The array of microtubules and associated molecules that forms between opposite poles of a eukaryotic cell during mitosis or meiosis and serves to move the duplicated chromosomes apart."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166641", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D021961", "l": "Cell Membrane Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887867", "l": "Cell Membrane Structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:312241000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167234", "l": "interleukin-4 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339944", "l": "Protoplasm of Type EC2 enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752217", "l": "ovarian ring canal outer rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338378", "l": "Epithelial receptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180088", "l": "Wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521469", "l": "5q12.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25077", "l": "5q12.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166865", "l": "Golgi medial cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167205", "l": "gamma-delta T cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247583", "l": "exomer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230514", "l": "Supranuclear region of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:70743006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070274", "l": "RES complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is required for efficient splicing, and prevents leakage of unspliced pre-mRNAs from the nucleus (named for pre-mRNA REtention and Splicing). In Saccharomyces, the complex consists of Ist3p, Bud13p, and Pml1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611069", "l": "GATA1-TAL1-TCF3-Lmo2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1449862", "l": "Micronuclei, Genotoxicant-Induced", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754285", "l": "ITGA5-ITGB1-FN1-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271162", "l": "IFT A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546505", "l": "INO80-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166671", "l": "Alpha-heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821154", "l": "right posteriolateral flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263047", "l": "core TFIIH complex portion of NEF3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005947", "l": "mitochondrial alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["Mitochondrial complex that possesses alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621443", "l": "death-inducing signaling complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031074", "l": "nucleocytoplasmic transport complex", "d": ["Any complex that acts to move proteins or RNAs into or out of the nucleus through nuclear pores."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325690", "l": "mast cell granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521614", "l": "7p12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25104", "l": "7p12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520516", "l": "12q24.2-q24.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38481", "l": "12q24.2-q24.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622583", "l": "extrinsic component of nuclear outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D014998", "l": "Y Chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0043381", "l": "Y Chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:5421003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819055", "l": "septin cap", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520680", "l": "16p11.2-p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24963", "l": "16p11.2-p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330741", "l": "Cytoplasm of meso-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546269", "l": "STRIPAK signalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071341", "l": "medial cortical node", "d": ["A component of the cell division site that contains the mid1, cdr2, wee1, klp8, and blt1 proteins, and is involved in contractile ring localization. Medial cortical node complexes appear as cortical dots in the middle of the cell during interphase, and function to recruit other ring components in early mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333749", "l": "Lafora body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:87554006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030094", "l": "plasma membrane-derived photosystem I", "d": ["A protein complex located in the plasma membrane-derived thylakoid. The photosystem functions as a light-dependent plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from plastocyanin to ferredoxin. Examples of this complex are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167254", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071759", "l": "IgX immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgX isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgX immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005771", "l": "multivesicular body", "d": ["A type of endosome in which regions of the limiting endosomal membrane invaginate to form internal vesicles; membrane proteins that enter the internal vesicles are sequestered from the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5146689", "l": "Fetal chromosome region 11q23", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329081", "l": "apical ectoplasmic specialization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230624", "l": "Septate junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071741", "l": "IgD immunoglobulin complex, GPI-anchored", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgD isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and bound via a GPI-anchor to the plasma membrane of B cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.731030655927583", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521114", "l": "22q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13766", "l": "22q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155838", "l": "smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071127", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to osteopontin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328945", "l": "arciform density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269171", "l": "simple sieve plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754978", "l": "IgA immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030690", "l": "Noc1p-Noc2p complex", "d": ["A heterodimer associated with 90S and 66S preribosomes. Predominantly, but not exclusively, nucleolar; involved in ribosomal large subunit biogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4233650", "l": "growing microtubule plus end of non-spindle-associated astral microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106093", "l": "EDS1 disease-resistance complex", "d": ["A plant complex involved in basal disease resistance and resistance (R) gene-mediated effector triggered immunity (ETI). Regulates accumulation of the hormone salicylic acid (SA) which is a necessary component of systemic immunity. Involved in responds to bacteria, viruses and oomycetes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548492", "l": "host cell endocytic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071057", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-ADAM15 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM15."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183733", "l": "Myelinated plasma membrane of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523417", "l": "anchoring collagen complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990879", "l": "CST complex", "d": ["A complex formed by the association of Cdc13 (CTC1 in mammals) with Stn1 in yeast (OBFC1 in mammals) and Ten1 protein (also TEN1 in mammals) with single-stranded telomeric DNA. The CST complex plays a role in telomere protection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754261", "l": "ITGA3-ITGB1-CD63 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325733", "l": "RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269160", "l": "epidermal lamellar body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896094", "l": "Cathepsin-B - cystatin-A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045243", "l": "cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)", "d": ["Cytosolic complex that possesses isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005692", "l": "U11 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U11, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U11 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U11 snRNA both while the U11 snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005732", "l": "sno(s)RNA-containing ribonucleoprotein complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains an RNA molecule of the snoRNA family and associated proteins. Many are involved in a step of processing of rRNA molecules: cleavage, 2'-O-methylation, or pseudouridylation, but other RNA types can be targets as well. The majority fall into one of two classes, box C/D type or box H/ACA type, which are conserved across eukaryotes and archaea. Other members include the telomerase RNA and the ribonuclease MRP RNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521573", "l": "6q24-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13998", "l": "6q24-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754945", "l": "IgG2 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005728", "l": "extrachromosomal rDNA circle", "d": ["Circular DNA molecules encoding ribosomal RNA that are replicated independently of chromosomal replication. These molecules originate in the chromosome but are excised and circularized, often by intramolecular homologous recombination between direct tandem repeats."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.45013791078037", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C32285", "l": "Centrosome", "d": ["A small region of cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus that contains the centrioles and serves to organize the microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071023", "l": "trans spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that forms during the addition of a specific spliced leader (SL) sequence to the 5'-end of a messenger RNA primary transcript, a process which occurs in a number of eukaryotic organisms, including trypanosomatid protozoans, euglenoids, nematodes, trematodes, and chordates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522736", "l": "ESCRT I complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060076", "l": "excitatory synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which an action potential in the presynaptic cell increases the probability of an action potential occurring in the postsynaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339800", "l": "Submetacentric centromere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521053", "l": "20q11.2-q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26509", "l": "20q11.2-q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106123", "l": "reservosome", "d": ["A large membrane-bound endocytic organelle present only in members of the Schizotrypanum subgenus of the Trypanosoma genus and is defined as the site of storage of endocytosed macromolecules and lysosomal enzymes. It is found at the posterior end of epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, but absent in amastigotes and trypomastigotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005873", "l": "plus-end kinesin complex", "d": ["Any complex that includes a dimer of molecules from the kinesin superfamily and any associated proteins, and moves towards the plus end of a microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821159", "l": "left lateral basal body pair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180325", "l": "Plasma membrane of olfactory receptor cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823127", "l": "G protein-coupled GABA receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016460", "l": "myosin II complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing two class II myosin heavy chains, two myosin essential light chains and two myosin regulatory light chains. Also known as classical myosin or conventional myosin, the myosin II class includes the major muscle myosin of vertebrate and invertebrate muscle, and is characterized by alpha-helical coiled coil tails that self assemble to form a variety of filament structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016281", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex", "d": ["The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex is composed of eIF4E, eIF4A and eIF4G; it is involved in the recognition of the mRNA cap, ATP-dependent unwinding of the 5'-terminal secondary structure and recruitment of the mRNA to the ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097132", "l": "cyclin D2-CDK6 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin D2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700288", "l": "Xq27.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75449", "l": "Xq27.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "48.233318582540427", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120025", "l": "plasma membrane bounded cell projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from a cell and that is bounded by plasma membrane, e.g. a cilium, lamellipodium, or axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523556", "l": "BLOC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098852", "l": "lytic vacuole membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a lytic vacuole and separating its contents from the cytoplasm of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1761529", "l": "GIP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097486", "l": "multivesicular body lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the outermost membrane of a multivesicular body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820480", "l": "UvrBC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612602", "l": "hydrogenosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326184", "l": "Subdivision of mitochondrial matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005883", "l": "neurofilament", "d": ["A type of intermediate filament found in the core of neuronal axons. Neurofilaments are heteropolymers composed of three type IV polypeptides: NF-L, NF-M, and NF-H (for low, middle, and high molecular weight). Neurofilaments are responsible for the radial growth of an axon and determine axonal diameter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521661", "l": "7q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13128", "l": "7q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520646", "l": "15q24-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13999", "l": "15q24-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13535", "l": "13p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 13"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754975", "l": "IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167184", "l": "B-cell receptor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042709", "l": "succinate-CoA ligase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme complex, usually composed of an alpha and beta chain. Functions in the TCA cycle, hydrolyzing succinyl-CoA into succinate and CoA, thereby forming ATP or GTP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623019", "l": "conventional myosin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036195", "l": "muscle cell projection membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a muscle cell projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179097", "l": "Rootlet of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754944", "l": "IgG1 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034708", "l": "methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses methyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2828350", "l": "macropinocytic cup", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031523", "l": "Myb complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex consisting of Myb and other proteins that regulates site specific DNA replication, gene amplification and transcriptional repression."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521019", "l": "1q43", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28644", "l": "1q43", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120097", "l": "glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase II complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the transfer of the second mannose to the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) during GPI precursor assembly. In yeast S. cerevisiae this complex consists of GPI18p and PGA1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246981", "l": "Slx1-Slx4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230681", "l": "Zymogen Granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:28904002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323245", "l": "Unmyelinated peripheral nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098654", "l": "CENP-A recruiting complex", "d": ["A protein complex that includes Mis16(Yippee family) and/or Mis18 (WD repeat) subunits that is involved in the deposition of centromere specific (CENP-A containing) nucleosomes at the centromere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330971", "l": "Filament component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.991992031210344", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018870", "l": "Endoplasmic Reticulum, Rough", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230779", "l": "Rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13329", "l": "Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["Membrane organelle of eukaryotes that forms sheets and tubules. Contains the receptor for the signal receptor particle and binds ribosomes engaged in translating mRNA for secreted proteins and the majority of transmembrane proteins. Also a site of membrane lipid synthesis. The membrane is very similar to the nuclear outer membrane. The lumen contains a number of proteins that possess the C terminal signal KDEL."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2919059", "l": "Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport Location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032982", "l": "myosin filament", "d": ["A supramolecular fiber containing myosin heavy chains, plus associated light chains and other proteins, in which the myosin heavy chains are arranged into a filament."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009295", "l": "nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a virus, bacterial cell, mitochondrion or chloroplast to which the nucleic acid is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596119", "l": "apical membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515467", "l": "8q24.1-q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13903", "l": "8q24.1-q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180006", "l": "Central singlet microtubule of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660263", "l": "early endosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990062", "l": "RPAP3/R2TP/prefoldin-like complex", "d": ["A protein complex first characterized in human and comprised of a R2TP module (R2TP complex), a prefoldin-like module (containing both prefoldin-like proteins and canonical prefoldins), WD40 repeat protein Monad/WDR92 and DNA-dependent RNA polymerase subunit RPB5. This complex might have chaperone activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166889", "l": "fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097386", "l": "glial cell projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from a glial cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150087", "l": "multiple synapse bouton, contacting single dendrite", "d": ["A single axon terminal bouton making contact onto two or more dendritic spines protruding from the same dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548495", "l": "ripoptosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180357", "l": "Plus-end of actin myofilament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034422", "l": "aleurone grain lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an aleurone grain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690727", "l": "COPII vesicles tethering complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325804", "l": "laminin receptor protein location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523870", "l": "intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3476764", "l": "Y chromosome AZFb region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098674", "l": "extrinsic component of neuronal dense core vesicle membrane", "d": ["The component of the neuronal dense core vesicle membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002473", "l": "Cell Wall", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007623", "l": "Cell Wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338987", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036398", "l": "TCR signalosome", "d": ["A multi-protein complex containing at least the T-cell receptor complex and the LAT (linker for activation of T cells) scaffold protein. Also contains a variety of signaling proteins including co-receptors, kinases, phosphatases and adaptors such as CD8. Connects events on the plasma membrane to distal signaling cascades to ultimately modulate T cell biology."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690720", "l": "m7G(5')pppN diphosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754024", "l": "Dsl1/NZR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036156", "l": "inner dynein arm", "d": ["Inner arm structure present on the outer doublet microtubules of ciliary and flagellar axonemes. The structure of inner dynein arms is complex and may vary within the axoneme. Inner dynein arms are heteromeric, comprising 8 different heavy chains and various subunits. Inner and outer dynein arms have different functions in the generation of microtubule-based motility."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009317", "l": "acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the first step in long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis. For example, in E. coli the complex is heterohexameric and composed of biotin carbonyl carrier protein, biotin carboxylase and the acetate CoA-transferase complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043614", "l": "multi-eIF complex", "d": ["A multifactor complex composed of multiple translation initiation factors and the initiatior tRNAiMet, which is ready to bind to the small (40S) ribosome to form the 43S preinitiation complex. In S. cerevisiae, this complex is composed of eIF1, eIF2, eIF3, and eIF5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005610", "l": "laminin-5 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha3, beta3 and gamma2 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032584", "l": "growth cone membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a growth cone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546701", "l": "hypolemmal cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3272071", "l": "host cell periphery", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521080", "l": "21q22.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25021", "l": "21q22.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019183", "l": "histamine-gated chloride channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which chloride ions may pass in response to histamine binding to the channel complex or one of its constituent parts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184870", "l": "Stereocilium of type 1 vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612867", "l": "Gemin3-Gemin4-Gemin5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700358", "l": "5q32-33.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75597", "l": "5q32-33.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821109", "l": "asexual spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098899", "l": "spine apparatus lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the spine apparatus membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167294", "l": "succinate dehydrogenase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0444248", "l": "Fibroblast specimen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:119333000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230603", "l": "Cell membrane, lateral aspect of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56865006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893560", "l": "epitheca (cellular)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824308", "l": "DnaB-DnaC-DnaT-PriA-PriC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230851", "l": "Saccular cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:59592007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548788", "l": "intermediate layer of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521101", "l": "22q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13477", "l": "22q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520269", "l": "10q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13494", "l": "10q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523868", "l": "extracellular organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752220", "l": "ovarian ring canal inner rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268455", "l": "Ultrastructural feature", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108361009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035619", "l": "root hair tip", "d": ["The tip portion of an outgrowth of a root epidermal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610709", "l": "cellubrevin-VAMP4-endobrevin-syntaxin-6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269146", "l": "Shu complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611292", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-CD53 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158936", "l": "myelin sheath adaxonal region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033106", "l": "cis-Golgi network membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments that make up the cis-Golgi network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235129", "l": "respiratory chain complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753444", "l": "dimeric positive transcription elongation factor complex b", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031088", "l": "platelet dense granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the platelet dense granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754314", "l": "alpha4-beta4 integrin-EMILIN-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754213", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-ADAM3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "27.54812128330396", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005575", "l": "cellular_component", "d": ["A location, relative to cellular compartments and structures, occupied by a macromolecular machine. There are three types of cellular components described in the gene ontology: (1) the cellular anatomical entity where a gene product carries out a molecular function (e.g., plasma membrane, cytoskeleton) or membrane-enclosed compartments (e.g., mitochondrion); (2) virion components, where viral proteins act, and (3) the stable macromolecular complexes of which gene product are parts (e.g., the clathrin complex)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167146", "l": "RNA polymerase transcription factor SL1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009537", "l": "proplastid", "d": ["The precursor of other plastids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821293", "l": "stromal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325668", "l": "prothylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513800", "l": "Myoid Portion of the Inner Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33155", "l": "Myoid Portion of the Inner Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": ["The portion of the inner segment of a photoreceptor cell between the ellipsoid portion and the nucleus that is rich in ribonucleic acids (RNA) and is a major site for protein synthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710833", "l": "17q21.1-q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45164", "l": "17q21.1-q21.2", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 17."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C124228", "l": "High Occupancy Target Region", "d": ["A regulatory element that is a target for a large number of transcription regulatory proteins. These DNA sequences, which play a role in the regulation of gene expression, bind to transcription factors or coregulatory proteins at a higher density than would be expected by chance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044207", "l": "translation initiation ternary complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2 (either eIF2 in eukaryotes, or IF2 in prokaryotes). In prokaryotes, fMet-tRNA (initiator) is used rather than Met-tRNA (initiator)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515497", "l": "9p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38893", "l": "9p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754171", "l": "U2-type post-spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269075", "l": "cyclin D1-CDK4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150051", "l": "postsynaptic Golgi apparatus", "d": ["The network of the Golgi apparatus structures located within the postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166649", "l": "conoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031600", "l": "cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle", "d": ["A multisubunit complex located in the cytosol of a cell, which caps one or both ends of the proteasome core complex. This complex recognizes, unfolds ubiquitinated proteins and translocates them to the proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070761", "l": "pre-snoRNP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains a precursor small nucleolar RNA (pre-snoRNA) and associated proteins, and forms during small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complex (snoRNP) assembly. Pre-snoRNP complexes may contain proteins not found in the corresponding mature snoRNP complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005862", "l": "muscle thin filament tropomyosin", "d": ["A form of the tropomyosin dimer found associated with actin and the troponin complex in muscle thin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167289", "l": "pyruvate dehydrogenase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893614", "l": "SCF-Das1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990677", "l": "mitochondrial inner membrane assembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex that promotes the biogenesis of mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase by facilitating assembly of the peripheral stalk. Loss of INAC function causes dissociation of the F1-domain from the membrane-integral Fo-portion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325970", "l": "Cell nucleus of endo-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752494", "l": "host cell nuclear inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235269", "l": "ciliary pocket collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622537", "l": "SNARE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009454", "l": "Neurofibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0027829", "l": "Neurofibrils", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682566", "l": "Sarcoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33513", "l": "Sarcoplasm", "d": ["The cytoplasm of striated muscle fibre."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328276", "l": "Protoplasm of multipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008540", "l": "proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex", "d": ["The subcomplex of the proteasome regulatory particle that directly associates with the proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323913", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of lens cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612531", "l": "etioplast membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167223", "l": "granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893622", "l": "SCF-Ufo1/Pof10 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030686", "l": "90S preribosome", "d": ["A large ribonucleoprotein complex considered to be the earliest preribosomal complex. In S. cerevisiae, it has a size of 90S and consists of the 35S pre-rRNA, early-associating ribosomal proteins most of which are part of the small ribosomal subunit, the U3 snoRNA and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000071439", "l": "Pseudoautosomal Regions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1514586", "l": "Pseudoautosomal Regions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C42296", "l": "Pseudoautosomal Region", "d": ["The human Y chromosome is composed of two different parts: a pseudoautosomal region that is homologous to a region of the X chromosome and which is responsible for sex chromosome pairing and a Y-specific part that encodes the sex determining gene. Genes within the pseudoautosomal region are not sex linked."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1664969", "l": "anaphase promoting complex inhibitor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271732", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor heterodimeric complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326974", "l": "coenzyme Q-cytochrome c oxidoreductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752464", "l": "host cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246493", "l": "amyloplast inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034691", "l": "integrin alphaE-beta7 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphaE subunit and one beta7 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031838", "l": "haptoglobin-hemoglobin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the stable binding of a haptoglobin to hemoglobin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329169", "l": "axonemal nexin link", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016011", "l": "dystroglycan complex", "d": ["A protein complex that includes alpha- and beta-dystroglycan, which are alternative products of the same gene; the laminin-binding component of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex, providing a link between the subsarcolemmal cytoskeleton (in muscle cells) and the extracellular matrix. Alpha-dystroglycan is an extracellular protein binding to alpha-laminin and to beta-dystroglycan; beta-dystroglycan is a transmembrane protein which binds alpha-dystroglycan and dystrophin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2953589", "l": "Set of neurites of Golgi neurons", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544400", "l": "mossy fiber expansion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824537", "l": "collagen type XXV trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158338", "l": "protein-DNA-RNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521410", "l": "4q31.1-q31.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13667", "l": "4q31.1-q31.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3826564", "l": "Cilia and ciliary motion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520764", "l": "17q11.2-q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13901", "l": "17q11.2-q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230898", "l": "Collagen protofibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17420003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821157", "l": "left caudal flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230760", "l": "Specialized subunit or derivative of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:36486006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328445", "l": "Protoplasm of muscle stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990512", "l": "Cry-Per complex", "d": ["Nuclear transcriptional repressor complex that is capable of negatively regulating CLOCK-BMAL-dependent transactivation of genes in a delayed negative feedback manner which generates circadian rhythms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824558", "l": "glucose transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005690", "l": "U4atac snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U4atac, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U4atac snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U4atac snRNA both while the U4atac snRNP is free or assembled into the U4atac/U6atac complex or into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325569", "l": "Wall of endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054468", "l": "Axoneme", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230750", "l": "Axoneme", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113358000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043845", "l": "DNA polymerase III, proofreading complex", "d": ["A subcomplex of DNA polymerase III composed of the epsilon subunit which has proofreading activity, and the theta subunit which enhances the epsilon subunit's proofreading activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019034", "l": "viral replication complex", "d": ["Specific locations and structures in the virus infected cell involved in replicating the viral genome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691112", "l": "pathogen-containing vacuole lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230925", "l": "cell wall, prokaryotic, gram negative organism", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:89136008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521177", "l": "Homer Wright rosette", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40633007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263052", "l": "Mis12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167059", "l": "Aggresome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C118897", "l": "Aggresome", "d": ["A ubiquitin-rich cytoplasmic inclusion encased in vimentin found near the microtubule organizing center. It is formed in response to cellular stresses that cause the production of misfolded proteins at levels that exceed the degradative capacity of the proteasome. This inclusion body is comprised of aggregated misfolded or denatured proteins that have been transported along microtubules to the pericentriolar space where they become encased in vimentin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819926", "l": "laminin-10 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546710", "l": "S bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031520", "l": "plasma membrane of cell tip", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the cell tip."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3154977", "l": "presynaptic dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035452", "l": "extrinsic component of plastid membrane", "d": ["The component of a plastid membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099007", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic endosome membrane", "d": ["The component of the presynaptic endosome membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380090", "l": "chloroplast vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754120", "l": "yeast U2-type spliceosomal complex A1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3714516", "l": "tetraspanin-enriched microdomain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230676", "l": "Secretory granule, exocrine", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90919009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336920", "l": "Cytoplasm of epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.593242189043409", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005789", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155707", "l": "type Is terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071011", "l": "precatalytic spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the recruitment of a preassembled U5-containing tri-snRNP to the prespliceosome. Although all 5 snRNPs are present, the precatalytic spliceosome is catalytically inactive. The precatalytic spliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the associated snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752667", "l": "Nic96 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817347", "l": "inner acrosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167312", "l": "photosystem II reaction center location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990850", "l": "H-gal-GP complex", "d": ["A membrane glycoprotein complex with aspartyl proteinase and metalloproteinase activity which is expressed in the gut. An example of this is found in the nematode Haemonchus contortus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4084944", "l": "obsolete subsarcolemmal mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0597190", "l": "Pellicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140671", "l": "ADA complex", "d": ["A chromatin remodeling complex that regulates transcription via acetylation primarily of nucleosomal histones H3 and H2B. In budding yeast shares the histone acetylation (HAT) module of ADA2-GCN5-NGG1-SGF29 with the related SAGA complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043676", "l": "tectum", "d": ["The layer of sexine which forms a roof over the columella, granules or other infratectal elements."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034978", "l": "PDX1-PBX1b-MRG1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the homeodomain proteins PDX1, PBX1b and MRG1 (MEIS2) and is involved in the transcriptional regulation of pancreatic acinar cell-specific genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043294", "l": "mitochondrial glutamate synthase complex (NADH)", "d": ["A protein complex, found in the mitochondria, that in yeast consists of a large and a small subunit. Possesses glutamate synthase (NADH) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990100", "l": "DnaB-DnaC complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing homohexameric DNA helicase DnaB, and the DNA helicase loader DnaC. The helicase loader DnaC delivers DnaB to the chromosomal origin (oriC)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325771", "l": "basic/neutral keratin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.088320895280148", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005730", "l": "nucleolus", "d": ["A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621418", "l": "RSF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179108", "l": "Triplet microtubule of kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230542", "l": "Diaphragm, nuclear pore", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:27734003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323126", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum aggregate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230943", "l": "Fore spore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56825007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034707", "l": "chloride channel complex", "d": ["An ion channel complex through which chloride ions pass."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097130", "l": "cyclin D3-CDK4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin D3 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.976681203957298", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005794", "l": "Golgi apparatus", "d": ["A membrane-bound cytoplasmic organelle of the endomembrane system that further processes the core oligosaccharides (e.g. N-glycans) added to proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum and packages them into membrane-bound vesicles. The Golgi apparatus operates at the intersection of the secretory, lysosomal, and endocytic pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269126", "l": "protease inhibitor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327105", "l": "Surface of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611134", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex, alpha(I) type", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046696", "l": "lipopolysaccharide receptor complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that consists of at least three proteins, CD14, TLR4, and MD-2, each of which is glycosylated and which functions as a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor that primes the innate immune response against bacterial pathogens."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166958", "l": "ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166949", "l": "amyloplast starch grain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005725", "l": "intercalary heterochromatin", "d": ["Any of the regions of heterochromatin that form a reproducible set of dense bands scattered along the euchromatic arms in polytene chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048183", "l": "activin AB complex", "d": ["A nonsteroidal regulator, composed of two covalently linked inhibin beta subunits (sometimes known as activin beta or activin/inhibin beta), inhibin beta-A and inhibin beta-B."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247679", "l": "luminal surveillance complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230924", "l": "cell wall, prokaryotic, gram positive organism", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:39829005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905571", "l": "interleukin-10 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-10 (IL-10) and that consists of, at a minimum, a dimeric interleukin, an alpha and a beta chain as well as optional additional kinase subunits. The alpha chain binds IL-10 with high affinity and subsequently binds the common beta receptor chain that forms part of multiple interleukin receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821272", "l": "lumenal side of late endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329100", "l": "anterior cell cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5445059", "l": "dynein axonemal particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248050", "l": "germline ring canal inner rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120115", "l": "Lsm2-8 complex", "d": ["A heteroheptameric, nuclear protein complex composed of Lsm2, Lsm3, Lsm4, Lsm5, Lsm6, Lsm7, and Lsm8, or orthologs thereof, that selectively binds to snRNAs, in particular U6 or U6atac snRNAs, and also to unspliced transcripts localized within the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521538", "l": "6p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13487", "l": "6p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071019", "l": "U12-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed following the release of the spliced product from the post-spliceosomal complex and contains the excised intron and the U12, U5 and U6atac snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179117", "l": "C-tubule of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009339", "l": "glycolate oxidase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the oxidation of 2-hydroxy acid to form 2-oxo acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The enzyme is a flavoprotein (FMN)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070024", "l": "CD19-Vav-PIK3R1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell surface signaling molecule CD19, the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav, and the regulatory subunit alpha of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327071", "l": "Salmonella-containing vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824378", "l": "alkanesulfonate monooxygenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167136", "l": "histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010007", "l": "magnesium chelatase complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric enzyme complex composed of three subunits, all of which are required for enzyme activity, which catalyzes the chelation of Mg by proto IX in an ATP-dependent manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0457309", "l": "Short arm of chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:278145009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "39.580383509275137", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030312", "l": "external encapsulating structure", "d": ["A structure that lies outside the plasma membrane and surrounds the entire cell or cells. This does not include the periplasmic space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825763", "l": "2q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81845", "l": "2q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754074", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum exit site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230545", "l": "Perinucleolar chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:76736005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990427", "l": "stereocilia tip-link density", "d": ["An electron-dense plaque at either end of a stereocilia tip link that provides the anchor in the stereocilia membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819303", "l": "MMR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325575", "l": "telomere cap complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271454", "l": "meiotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754278", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952194", "l": "Set of neurites of white matter of spinal cord", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030314", "l": "junctional membrane complex", "d": ["Complex formed in muscle cells between the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and invaginations of the plasma membrane (T-tubules)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098548", "l": "cytoplasmic side of Golgi membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the Golgi membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062238", "l": "Smp focus", "d": ["A DNA-binding ribonucleoprotein complex that contains a lncRNA complementary to the bound chromosomal locus and is involved in the tethering homologous chromosomes together during chromosome pairing at meiotic prophase I."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5426684", "l": "Neuronal intermediate filament heavy chain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819060", "l": "hyphal septin band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613136", "l": "Set3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.40455714802998", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030141", "l": "secretory granule", "d": ["A small subcellular vesicle, surrounded by a membrane, that is formed from the Golgi apparatus and contains a highly concentrated protein destined for secretion. Secretory granules move towards the periphery of the cell and upon stimulation, their membranes fuse with the cell membrane, and their protein load is exteriorized. Processing of the contained protein may take place in secretory granules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521374", "l": "4p14-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14009", "l": "4p14-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166782", "l": "nuclear microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521400", "l": "4q25-q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13679", "l": "4q25-q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140240", "l": "perforant pathway to dendrate granule cell synapse", "d": ["A neuron to neuron synapse of a pyramidal neuron in the entorhinal cortex onto a granule cell in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044731", "l": "Ost-alpha/Ost-beta complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex composed of Ost-alpha/SLC51A and Ost-beta/SLC51B subunits and involved in bile acid transport activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333835", "l": "Charcot-Leyden crystal deposits", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78592004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097594", "l": "ventral disc dorsal microribbon", "d": ["Trilaminar structure extending perpendicularly into the cytoplasm along the length of ventral disc microtubules in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). Constituents of dorsal microribbons (also called dorsal ribbons or microribbons) include alpha-coiled-helix proteins approximately 29 to 38 kDa in size. These proteins line the edges of the microribbons but are not found in microtubules. Tubulins are not found in microribbons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824435", "l": "spermidine acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754980", "l": "membrane-bound IgA", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005922", "l": "connexin complex", "d": ["An assembly of six molecules of connexin, made in the Golgi apparatus and subsequently transported to the plasma membrane, where docking of two connexons on apposed plasma membranes across the extracellular space forms a gap junction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097138", "l": "BAD-BCL-2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of BAD and BCL-2, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753899", "l": "chrorion micropyle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043194", "l": "axon initial segment", "d": ["Portion of the axon proximal to the neuronal cell body, at the level of the axon hillock. The action potentials that propagate along the axon are generated at the level of this initial segment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825761", "l": "9q31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81843", "l": "9q31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271856", "l": "ERBB3:ERBB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230651", "l": "Membrane invagination, labile, endocytic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:47405000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159043", "l": "old cell tip after activation of bipolar cell growth", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820520", "l": "extrinsic to cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520481", "l": "12p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28484", "l": "12p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820774", "l": "DNA polymerase processivity factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819206", "l": "mismatch repair complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748486", "l": "Inner kinetochore of condensed chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156540", "l": "MSL complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013574", "l": "Synaptosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0039067", "l": "Synaptosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523548", "l": "nucleocytoplasmic shuttling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180355", "l": "Titin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039670", "l": "viral capsid, turret", "d": ["A turret-like appendage formed at the vertices of an icosahedral capsid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035370", "l": "UBC13-UEV1A complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex that catalyzes assembly of K63-linked polyubiquitin chains and is involved in NF-kappaB activation. In humans at least, the complex comprises the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBC13 and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variant 1A (UEV1A)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818858", "l": "early phagosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990235", "l": "diamine N-acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of diamine N-acetyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043513", "l": "inhibin B complex", "d": ["Heterodimeric hormone composed of an inhibin alpha subunit complexed with an inhibin beta-B subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711413", "l": "6p12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45196", "l": "6p12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2953728", "l": "Set of nuclei in cerebral subcortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009503", "l": "thylakoid light-harvesting complex", "d": ["A thylakoid membrane complex of chlorophylls a and b together with chlorophyll a-b binding proteins. In addition, LHCs contain a number of other proteins, the function of which is speculative, together with accessory pigments. The LHCs capture and transfer energy to photosystems I and II. An example of this is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167503", "l": "riboflavin synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749472", "l": "replication focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180379", "l": "Sarcolemma of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990905", "l": "dinoflagellate peduncle", "d": ["A small, flexible, finger-like projection of cytoplasm containing an array of microtubles and located near the flagellar pores in some photosynthetic as well as nonphotosynthetic dinoflagellate species. Its functions are not fully understood, but it has been associated with feeding behavior (phagotrophy)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325850", "l": "Plasma membrane of diploid germ cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754992", "l": "secretory IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005933", "l": "cellular bud", "d": ["A protuberance from a cell of an organism that reproduces by budding, which will grow larger and become a separate daughter cell after nuclear division, cytokinesis, and cell wall formation (when appropriate). The daughter cell may completely separate from the mother cell, or the mother and daughter cells may remain associated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754015", "l": "Golgi-associated vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183489", "l": "Region of cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033185", "l": "dolichol-phosphate-mannose synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase activity; contains a catalytic subunit, a regulatory subunit, and a third subunit that stabilizes the complex. In human and several other metazoa, the subunits are named DPM1, DPM2 and DPM3, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045275", "l": "respiratory chain complex III", "d": ["A protein complex that transfers electrons from ubiquinol to cytochrome c and translocates two protons across a membrane. The complex contains a core structure of three catalytic subunits: cytochrome b, the Rieske iron sulfur protein (ISP), and cytochrome c1, which are arranged in an integral membrane-bound dimeric complex; additional subunits are present, and vary among different species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170016", "l": "Karyotype | Blood cord | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325753", "l": "primary septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520775", "l": "17q21.3-q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29964", "l": "17q21.3-q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451460", "l": "autolysosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262980", "l": "cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070032", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, syntaxin 1a, and complexin I (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754967", "l": "surface IgG4", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005691", "l": "U6atac snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U6atac, the Lsm2-8 heptameric ring complex, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U6atac snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U6atac snRNA both while the U6atac snRNP is free or assembled into the U4atac/U6atac snRNP or into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061852", "l": "retrograde transporter complex, Golgi to ER", "d": ["Transporter complex that recognises, binds and returns endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident proteins that have trafficked to Golgi compartments. Targets proteins lacking the HDEL motif recognised by COPI-coated vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230737", "l": "Continuous microtubules of spindle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:74951006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036007", "l": "scintillon", "d": ["A body present in the cytoplasm of some dinoflagellates, which is the source of bioluminescence; emits light on acidification in the presence of oxygen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754337", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-focal adhesion kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824473", "l": "PDGF-CC dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005875", "l": "microtubule associated complex", "d": ["Any multimeric complex connected to a microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247014", "l": "Elongator core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612823", "l": "integrin alphav-beta8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269082", "l": "cyclin E2-CDK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818840", "l": "myosin XVI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823731", "l": "inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097424", "l": "nucleolus-associated heterochromatin", "d": ["Dense particles of heterochromatin, consisting of a loosely twisted strand about 600 Angstrom thick, found associated with the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824306", "l": "DnaB-DnaC-DnaT-PriA-PriB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339493", "l": "Blunt end of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005903", "l": "brush border", "d": ["The dense covering of microvilli on the apical surface of an epithelial cell in tissues such as the intestine, kidney, and choroid plexus; the microvilli aid absorption by increasing the surface area of the cell."], "t": []}, {"i": "UBERON:0012424", "l": "brush border layer", "d": ["The microvilli-covered surface of simple cuboidal epithelium and simple columnar epithelium cells found in certain locations of the body; mainly in the small an large intestines and kidneys."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521456", "l": "5p13.1-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28464", "l": "5p13.1-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451220", "l": "small ribosomal subunit processing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D015388", "l": "Organelles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0029219", "l": "Organelles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:116194001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990232", "l": "phosphomannomutase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of phosphomannomutase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180324", "l": "Plasma membrane of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690300", "l": "presynaptic actin cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230735", "l": "Adhesion disc of parasite", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:86898008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820008", "l": "foot layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820032", "l": "virion component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070066", "l": "cellubrevin-VAMP4-endobrevin-syntaxin-6 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains cellubrevin (VAMP3), VAMP4, endobrevin (VAMP8), and syntaxin 6 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902712", "l": "G protein-coupled GABA receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of G protein-coupled GABA receptor activity. In human, it is usually a heterodimer composed of GABA-B receptor subunits 1 and 2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158804", "l": "root hair tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044228", "l": "host cell surface", "d": ["The external part of the host cell wall and/or host plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098557", "l": "cytoplasmic side of smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520628", "l": "15q15.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14029", "l": "15q15.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106249", "l": "Nicalin-NOMO complex", "d": ["A protein complex regulating Nodal signaling. Subunits are highly conserved in vertebrates and include Nicalin, NOMO and TMEM147."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090498", "l": "extrinsic component of Golgi membrane", "d": ["The component of a Golgi membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990018", "l": "tail portion of tanycyte", "d": ["Elongated process of a tanycyte, devoid of cytoplasmic extensions, that courses through the hypothalamic nuclei to form small endfoot processes that terminate either on blood vessels or at the pial surface of the brain. A tanycyte is a specialized elongated ventricular ependymal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167090", "l": "ACF complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030120", "l": "vesicle coat", "d": ["A membrane coat found on a coated vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090512", "l": "eisosome membrane domain/MCC", "d": ["A plasma membrane part that is composed of a furrow-like plasma membrane domain and associated integral transmembrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515507", "l": "9p24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25129", "l": "9p24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230612", "l": "Junctional complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14501007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516584", "l": "Cisterna of the Endosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32325", "l": "Cisterna of the Endosome", "d": ["The space inside of an endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612785", "l": "integrin alpha1-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520364", "l": "11p15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13616", "l": "11p15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031143", "l": "pseudopodium", "d": ["A temporary protrusion or retractile process of a cell, associated with flowing movements of the protoplasm, and serving for locomotion and feeding."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166996", "l": "plastid outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166814", "l": "chaperonine-containing T-complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009544", "l": "chloroplast ATP synthase complex", "d": ["The protein complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP in chloroplasts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896374", "l": "ATF1-ATF4 transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031259", "l": "uropod membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a uropod."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325593", "l": "W chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036025", "l": "protein C inhibitor-TMPRSS11E complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and transmembrane protease serine 11E (TMPRSS11E); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of transmembrane protease serine 11E."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754107", "l": "U2-type prespliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236708", "l": "presynaptic endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521277", "l": "3p12-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25044", "l": "3p12-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106003", "l": "amyloid-beta complex", "d": ["Protein complex involved in modulation of signaling and synaptic function in the brain, predominantly in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Forms dimers and multimers of amyloid beta peptide 40 and peptide 42 (proteolytic cleavage products of amyloid beta A4 protein, also known as amyloid beta precursor protein). Mostly found in the extracellular space with a proportion occurring as membrane-bound species. Influences synaptic plasticity through various receptors, mediates dendritic spine loss leading to decreased synapse density, inhibits long-term potentiation (LTP) and enhances long-term depression (LTD). Soluble multimeric form is the main pathogenic species linked to Alzheimer's disease."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271240", "l": "ER-PM peripheral junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13554", "l": "22p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 22"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754126", "l": "U2-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822736", "l": "phosphatidylinositol transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044168", "l": "host cell rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the host cell cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The host rough ER has ribosomes adhering to the outer surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032019", "l": "mitochondrial cloud", "d": ["A prominent mass in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic oocytes. The cloud contains both mitochondria and electron-dense granulofibrillar material (GFM) and is the source of germinal granule material."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164528", "l": "Genetic Location", "d": ["The location of the genetic or genomic sequence that is described by the test result."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327177", "l": "nucleocytoplasmic transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044853", "l": "plasma membrane raft", "d": ["A membrane raft that is part of the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754217", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-ADAM15 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824232", "l": "histone-like DNA binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324109", "l": "Plasma membrane of unipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821164", "l": "right tetrad", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546516", "l": "MCM8-MCM9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271539", "l": "glomerular endothelium fenestra", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179839", "l": "Lipid bilayer of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754168", "l": "post-spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071748", "l": "monomeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgA isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070621", "l": "EGFR-Shc-Grb2-Sos complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), Grb2, the adaptor protein SHC and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos (or an ortholog thereof, such as mSos1), and is involved in linking EGFR activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235136", "l": "box H/ACA telomerase RNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167064", "l": "dosage compensation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824225", "l": "DnaB6-DnaC6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230689", "l": "Melanogenic granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:87120003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156852", "l": "arbuscule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823108", "l": "metallochaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019823", "l": "P5 peroxisome", "d": ["A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P5 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817577", "l": "PFK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236574", "l": "glutamatergic postsynaptic density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990354", "l": "activated SUMO-E1 ligase complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a SUMO protein bound to a SUMO activating enzyme complex. Activation by the E1 complex and linkage to the E2 enzyme UBE2I is required for the formation of covalent bonds between SUMO and its ultimate target proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005672", "l": "transcription factor TFIIA complex", "d": ["A component of the transcription machinery of RNA Polymerase II. In humans, TFIIA is a heterotrimer composed of an alpha (P35), beta (P19) and gamma subunits (P12)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521536", "l": "6p21.1-p12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25089", "l": "6p21.1-p12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070822", "l": "Sin3-type complex", "d": ["Any of a number of evolutionarily conserved histone deacetylase complexes (HDACs) containing a core consisting of a paired amphipathic helix motif protein (e.g. Sin3p in S. cerevisiae, Pst1 in S. pombe or Sin3A in mammals) at least one class I histone deacetylase (e.g. Rpd3p in S. cerevisiae, Clr6 in S. pombe, or HDAC1 and HDAC2 in mammals), and at least one WD40 repeat protein (e.g. Ume1p in S. cerevisiae, Prw1 in S. pombe, or RbAp46 and RbAp48 in mammals). These complexes also contain a variable number of other proteins that direct histone binding, DNA binding, or add other functionality to the complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "61.509672942510065", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000323", "l": "lytic vacuole", "d": ["A vacuole that is maintained at an acidic pH and which contains degradative enzymes, including a wide variety of acid hydrolases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246695", "l": "protein C inhibitor-acrosin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326934", "l": "Midbody ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236621", "l": "postsynaptic cytosol", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271953", "l": "micropinosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070603", "l": "SWI/SNF superfamily-type complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains an ortholog of the Saccharomyces ATPase Swi2/Snf2 as one of the catalytic subunit components (ATPase) and mediates assembly of nucleosomes, changes to the spacing or structure of nucleosomes, or some combination of those activities in a manner that requires ATP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245116", "l": "external side of cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179050", "l": "Cone Cell Inner Segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030076", "l": "light-harvesting complex", "d": ["A protein-pigment complex that may be closely or peripherally associated to photosynthetic reaction centers that participate in harvesting and transferring radiant energy to the reaction center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179058", "l": "Ellipsoid part of inner segment of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167372", "l": "collagen type XIV location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246566", "l": "interphotoreceptor matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340337", "l": "Cell nucleus of mesenchymal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990334", "l": "Bfa1-Bub2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a two-component GTPase-activating protein for Tem1 GTPase, thus regulating a signal transduction cascade, called the mitotic exit network (MEN), which is required for mitotic exit and cytokinesis. Bub2/Bfa1 keeps Tem1 inactive until the spindle is properly oriented, thus inhibiting MEN activation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893561", "l": "dinoflagellate hypocone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009508", "l": "plastid chromosome", "d": ["A circular DNA molecule containing plastid encoded genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622610", "l": "BRCA1-BARD1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005899", "l": "insulin receptor complex", "d": ["A disulfide-bonded, heterotetrameric receptor complex. The alpha chains are entirely extracellular, while each beta chain has one transmembrane domain. The ligand binds to the alpha subunit extracellular domain and the kinase is associated with the beta subunit intracellular domain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230786", "l": "Polyribosome, free in cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60931004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521546", "l": "6p23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25092", "l": "6p23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230809", "l": "Synaptic specialization, cytoplasmic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:5347008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624566", "l": "nuclear replication fork", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097547", "l": "synaptic vesicle protein transport vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic vesicle composed of both tubulovesicular and clear core vesicles that transport synaptic vesicle-associated proteins. Proteins carried by synaptic vesicle protein transport vesicles (STVs) include synaptophysin, synapsin Ia, synaptotagmin and synaptobrevin/vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2). STVs are packaged via the trans-Golgi network before being transported through the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038039", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor heterodimeric complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains two G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) of different subtypes. Formation of a GPCR heterodimer may alter the functional property of the GPCR."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036407", "l": "mycolate outer membrane", "d": ["A mycolic acid-rich cell outer membrane containing a lipid bilayer and long-chain mycolic acids (hydroxylated branched-chain fatty acids) that are covalently linked to the cell wall peptidoglycan via an arabinogalactan network. Found in mycobacteria and related genera (e.g. corynebacteria)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1750269", "l": "nuclear dot", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009517", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II", "d": ["Protein-pigment complex associated with photosystem II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.921857375477728", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042170", "l": "plastid membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround a plastid and form the plastid envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167243", "l": "sodium/potassium-exchanging ATPase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451069", "l": "outer dynein arm docking complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1625145", "l": "inhibin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521207", "l": "2q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13920", "l": "2q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097451", "l": "glial limiting end-foot", "d": ["Terminal process of astrocyte that extends to the surface of the central nervous system. Together, glial limiting end-feet form the glial limiting membrane or glia limitans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230699", "l": "Membrane coating granule, laminated", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:34496000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336460", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type G enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097142", "l": "PUMA-BCL-2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of PUMA and BCL-2, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521290", "l": "3p23-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13597", "l": "3p23-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097196", "l": "Shu complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in error-free DNA post-replication repair (PRR). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the complex contains Csm2p, Psy3p, Shu1p, and Shu2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325785", "l": "desmin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324028", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type D1 enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.938801239267953", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031981", "l": "nuclear lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the nuclear inner membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263046", "l": "transcription factor TFIIH core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156840", "l": "tubovesicular membrane network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098576", "l": "lumenal side of membrane", "d": ["Any side (leaflet) of a membrane that faces the lumen of an organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166679", "l": "Cytoplasmic mitotic chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521208", "l": "2q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26471", "l": "2q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045272", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex I", "d": ["A subcomplex of the respiratory chain located in the plasma membrane. It contains about 25 different polypeptide subunits, including NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone), flavin mononucleotide and several different iron-sulfur clusters containing non-heme iron. The iron undergoes oxidation-reduction between Fe(II) and Fe(III), and catalyzes proton translocation linked to the oxidation of NADH by ubiquinone. Examples of this component are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515494", "l": "9p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28704", "l": "9p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137273", "l": "tRNA (m7G46) methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167367", "l": "collagen type XIII location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230903", "l": "Basal lamina of epithelial cell or tissue", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:32565005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167452", "l": "follicle-stimulating hormone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167032", "l": "fungal-type vacuole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521326", "l": "3q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13621", "l": "3q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "61.413601620041227", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030424", "l": "axon", "d": ["The long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses, usually away from the cell body to the terminals and varicosities, which are sites of storage and release of neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893631", "l": "other organism cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269018", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821165", "l": "median body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613171", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009451", "l": "Neuroeffector Junction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0027825", "l": "Neuroeffector Junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042729", "l": "DASH complex", "d": ["A large protein complex, containing around 8-10 subunits in yeast, including Duo1p, Dam1p, Dad1p and Ask1p. The complex forms part of the outer kinetochore, associates with microtubules when the kinetochore attaches to the spindle, and plays a role in spindle attachment, chromosome segregation and spindle stability."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180319", "l": "Axon of olfactory receptor cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335850", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of osteoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009656", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, peripheral complex", "d": ["Pigment-protein complex primarily associated to PSII in plants, green algae and cyanobacteria. Involved in state transitions that cause migration to PSI under certain environmental conditions such as high light."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990727", "l": "tubulin folding cofactor complex", "d": ["A multimeric protein complex involved in tubulin alpha-beta-subunit folding assembly consisting of beta-tubulin-TFC-D, alpha-tubulin-TFC-E and TFC-C, through which tubulin subunit association and dimer release occur."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097347", "l": "TAM protein secretion complex", "d": ["A heterooligomeric protein complex that spans the bacterial periplasm and enables the secretion of adhesin proteins in Gram-negative bacteria. In Citrobacter rodentium, Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli, the TAM complex consists of an Omp85-family protein, TamA, in the outer membrane and TamB in the inner membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167237", "l": "interleukin-9 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339782", "l": "Protoplasm of mesangial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269088", "l": "BIM-BCL-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522897", "l": "primary endosperm nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990877", "l": "FNIP-folliculin RagC/D GAP", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex that functions as a GTPase-Activating Protein (GAP) Complex for members of the Rag family of GTPases. In the budding yeast, this complex contains Lst4 and Lst7, while the orthologous mammalian complex contains follicular (FLCN) and either follicular interacting protein 1 (FNIP1) or FNIP2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045298", "l": "tubulin complex", "d": ["A heterodimer of tubulins alpha and beta that constitutes the protomer for microtubule assembly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033001", "l": "Fc-gamma receptor III complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of an Fc-gamma RIII alpha chain and an Fc-epsilon RI gamma chain dimer with or without an Fc-epsilon RI beta chain and additional signaling components. The complex functions primarily as an activating receptor for IgG."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179119", "l": "Annulate lamella pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893618", "l": "SCF-Met30/Pof1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548425", "l": "dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690749", "l": "reservosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896157", "l": "copper efflux system", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D017729", "l": "Presynaptic Terminals", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0206181", "l": "Presynaptic Terminals", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33398", "l": "Presynaptic Knob", "d": ["An area at the end of an axon that contains neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043079", "l": "antipodal cell nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of an antipodal cell, one of three cells of the embryo sac in angiosperms, found at the chalazal end of the embryo away from the point of entry of the pollen tube, and its descendents."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031313", "l": "extrinsic component of endosome membrane", "d": ["The component of an endosome membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324019", "l": "Protoplasm of stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820681", "l": "host organelle outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327147", "l": "serine-type peptidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2828357", "l": "IgG4 immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009433", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, C ring", "d": ["Cytoplasmic ring located at the base of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body; acts as a rotor; includes three switch proteins, which generate torque and can change their conformational state in a bimodal fashion, so that the motor direction can switch between clockwise and counterclockwise."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824307", "l": "phi-X174-type preprimosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544405", "l": "tail portion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327097", "l": "daughter centriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903767", "l": "sweet taste receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of sweet taste receptor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325534", "l": "cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818919", "l": "type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048492", "l": "ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": ["A complex containing either both large and small subunits or just small subunits which carries out the activity of producing 3-phosphoglycerate from carbon dioxide and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821312", "l": "cytoplasmic side of apical plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691144", "l": "distal axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032545", "l": "CURI complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the transcription of ribosomal genes. In Saccharomyces this complex consists of Ckb2p, Utp22p, Rrp7p and Ifh1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610943", "l": "shmoo membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.991992031210344", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010008", "l": "endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325812", "l": "murein sacculus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611138", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex, alpha(III) type", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752487", "l": "cytolytic granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690231", "l": "SMAD2-SMAD4 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521011", "l": "1q41", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13776", "l": "1q41", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039720", "l": "virogenic stroma", "d": ["A nuclear viral factory formed by Baculoviruses. A vesicular structure in which virions are assembled."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824745", "l": "Heterochromatic genes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265348", "l": "longitudinal side of cell surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336578", "l": "Cell body of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070767", "l": "BRCA1-Rad51 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains BRCA1 and Rad 51, and is involved in the control of recombination and of genome integrity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008541", "l": "proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex", "d": ["The subcomplex of the proteasome regulatory particle that forms the peripheral lid, which is added on top of the base subcomplex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323890", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of intermediate tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085036", "l": "extrahaustorial matrix", "d": ["The space between the symbiont plasma membrane and the extrahaustorial membrane of the host."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062243", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory outer membrane", "d": ["The outer of the two endoplasmic reticulum-derived lipid bilayer membranes that bound a double membrane vesicle viral factory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020030", "l": "infected host cell surface knob", "d": ["Protrusion that develops in the plasma membrane of a parasitized erythrocyte. An example of this component is found in Plasmodium species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033177", "l": "proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, proton-transporting domain", "d": ["A protein complex that forms part of a proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex and carries out proton transport across a membrane. The proton-transporting domain (F0, V0, or A0) includes integral and peripheral membrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071190", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-b2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v7 and protocadherin-gamma-b2, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061916", "l": "leading edge of axonal growth cone", "d": ["That part of the axonal growth cone which represents the distal part of the structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346553", "l": "6q25.2-q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68728", "l": "6q25.2-q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098846", "l": "podocyte foot", "d": ["A cell projection of a podocyte (glomerular visceral epithelial cell) forming a foot-like structure projecting from a podocyte primary projection, that wraps around capillaries of a renal glomerulus. Adjacent feet (pedicels) interdigitate, leaving thin filtration slits between them, which are covered by slit diaphragms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167204", "l": "alpha-beta T cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002929", "l": "MECO complex", "d": ["A highly stable complex composed of the ATAC complex and the mediator complex (also called TRAP or MED). MECO binds and regulates the transcription of a subset of non-coding RNAs transcribed by RNA polymerase II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D017381", "l": "Spliceosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0162771", "l": "Spliceosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268717", "l": "clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821196", "l": "ventral disc microtubule array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166821", "l": "fatty acid synthase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0796362", "l": "5q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13385", "l": "5q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009418", "l": "pilus shaft", "d": ["The long, slender, mid section of a pilus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520588", "l": "14q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13580", "l": "14q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520789", "l": "17q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13578", "l": "17q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611782", "l": "39S ribosomal subunit, mitochondrial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167130", "l": "CCR4-NOT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167446", "l": "ethanolamine ammonia-lyase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3853556", "l": "IgG2b location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824426", "l": "PMM-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022163", "l": "Clathrin-Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887885", "l": "Clathrin-Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D021962", "l": "Membrane Microdomains", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887868", "l": "Membrane Microdomains", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754328", "l": "alphaV-beta6 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167421", "l": "aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase multienzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332615", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type X enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031411", "l": "gas vesicle", "d": ["An intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle; a hollow structure made of protein, which usually has the form of a cylindrical tube closed by conical end caps. By regulating their relative gas vesicle content, aquatic microbes are able to perform vertical migrations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754357", "l": "G-protein alpha(13)-synembrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236736", "l": "intracellular vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009501", "l": "amyloplast", "d": ["A plastid whose main function is to synthesize and store starch."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001725", "l": "stress fiber", "d": ["A contractile actin filament bundle that consists of short actin filaments with alternating polarity, cross-linked by alpha-actinin and possibly other actin bundling proteins, and with myosin present in a periodic distribution along the fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754141", "l": "catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046861", "l": "glyoxysomal membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a glyoxysome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005702", "l": "polytene chromosome weak point", "d": ["A region of the polytene chromosome where the diameter is considerably decreased, probably resulting from local differences in chromosome organization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990178", "l": "HU-DNA complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex that consists of HU heterodimers (an alpha and a beta chain) assembled into octamers along DNA. HU binds to double-stranded DNA in a structure- and sequence-specific manner and bends the DNA into a nucleosome-like structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045281", "l": "succinate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A multimeric complex which consists of flavoprotein (subunit A ; InterPro:IPR003952), iron-sulfur protein (subunit B) and membrane-bound cytochrome b560 (subunit C; InterPro:IPR000701). In some Archaea, the membrane-bound subunits (C or C and D) do not necessarily contain heme. Membrane-bound subunits can bind or react with quinones."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178980", "l": "Zone of cell appendage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265216", "l": "4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044834", "l": "retroviral intasome", "d": ["A tetramer of retroviral integrase subunits tightly associated with a pair of viral DNA ends. Functions to insert viral DNA into a host cell chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544372", "l": "Papp-Lantos body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749478", "l": "maturing face", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031674", "l": "I band", "d": ["A region of a sarcomere that appears as a light band on each side of the Z disc, comprising a region of the sarcomere where thin (actin) filaments are not overlapped by thick (myosin) filaments; contains actin, troponin, and tropomyosin; each sarcomere includes half of an I band at each end."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180346", "l": "Mitochondrion of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000111", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 2 complex", "d": ["One of several protein complexes involved in nucleotide-excision repair; possesses damaged DNA binding activity. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Rad4p and Rad23p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817583", "l": "Stroma-filled tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230638", "l": "Sensory hair", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33531", "l": "Sensory Hair", "d": ["A specialized hair cell, located in the organ of corti, and existing in two forms: the outer hair cells, which serve to mechanically amplify incoming sounds, and inner hair cells, which function to convert vibrations into electrical stimuli for transmission to the cochlear nerve."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66120002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893246", "l": "subcellular entity", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5544387", "l": "Small Dense Core Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520501", "l": "12q14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26629", "l": "12q14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044200", "l": "host cell nuclear membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround the host nucleus and form the nuclear envelope; excludes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690000", "l": "scaffoldin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329629", "l": "Protoplasm of bone marrow stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755007", "l": "heavy chain immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043073", "l": "germ cell nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of a germ cell, a reproductive cell in multicellular organisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158395", "l": "Motile Cilia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820775", "l": "cytoplasmic transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904144", "l": "phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034064", "l": "Tor2-Mei2-Ste11 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the transcription factor Ste11 and the RNA binding protein Mei2; involved in regulation of conjugation in fission yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754973", "l": "IgE immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515531", "l": "9q34.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25136", "l": "9q34.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246455", "l": "DNA recombinase mediator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097559", "l": "right ventral flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is nucleated by the right ventral basal body and exits the cell body proximally and dorsal to the ventral disc."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754300", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-JAM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893423", "l": "endocytic patch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034985", "l": "Ecsit-NDUFAF1 complex", "d": ["Any large protein complex that contains Ecsit and NDUFAF1, is located in the mitochondrion, and is involved in the assembly of complex I of the oxidative phosphorylation system. In mammalian cells, three complexes of approximately 500, 600, and 850 kDa containing the 45 kDa isoform of Ecsit and NDUFAF1 have been observed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140091", "l": "mBAF complex", "d": ["A muscle cell-specific SWI/SNF-type complex that contains eight to fourteen proteins, including both conserved (core) and nonconserved components; contains the ATPase product of either the SMARCA4/BAF190A/BRG1 gene, the mammalian ortholog of the yeast SNF2 gene, or the SMARCA2/BAF190B/BRM gene, the mammalian ortholog of the Drosophila brm (brahma) gene, or an ortholog of either of these genes, and the muscle-specific product of the DPF3/BAF45C gene or an ortholog thereof."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521064", "l": "20q13.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13863", "l": "20q13.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231718", "l": "WNT-FZD-LRP5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031606", "l": "cytosolic proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": ["The proteasome core subcomplex that constitutes the two outer rings of the cytosolic proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044776", "l": "DNA polymerase III, core complex", "d": ["The DNA polymerase III core complex consists of the alpha,epsilon and theta subunits and is carries out the polymerase and the 3'-5' exonuclease proofreading activities."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4085692", "l": "podocyte foot", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:9968009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325615", "l": "EMILIN-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098878", "l": "neurotransmitter receptor complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is capable of functioning as a neurotransmitter receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044202", "l": "host cell nuclear outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the host nuclear envelope; continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell and sometimes studded with ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515462", "l": "8q22.3-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14002", "l": "8q22.3-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230934", "l": "Cell membrane, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:4897009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071742", "l": "IgE immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgE isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgE immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824230", "l": "DnaA-HU complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033269", "l": "internode region of axon", "d": ["An axon part that is located between the nodes of Ranvier and surrounded by compact myelin sheath."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246381", "l": "immunoglobulin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612827", "l": "integrin alphaM-beta2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098564", "l": "trans-Golgi network transport vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the membrane of a trans-Golgi network transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166785", "l": "kinetochore microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166892", "l": "mitochondrial processing peptidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106176", "l": "clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090578", "l": "RNA polymerase V transcription regulator complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase V."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329756", "l": "Protoplasm of Type EC1 enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140599", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain", "d": ["A nuclear membrane part at the midzone of the mitotic nuclear bridge. The midzone forms a bulge that is enriched in nuclear pores that lack baskets."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523415", "l": "amyloplast ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520951", "l": "1p32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13478", "l": "1p32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325658", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.2284025111056", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002885", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 16", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008658", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 16", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13211", "l": "Human Chromosome 16", "d": ["The designation for each member of the sixteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 16 spans about 90 million base pairs and represents just under 3% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:39220001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821279", "l": "lumenal side of smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896526", "l": "axonemal central bridge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.534762107606241", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520381", "l": "11q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13484", "l": "11q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.979344064202358", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099512", "l": "supramolecular fiber", "d": ["A polymer consisting of an indefinite number of protein or protein complex subunits that have polymerised to form a fiber-shaped structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180074", "l": "Lipid bilayer of inner membrane of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990133", "l": "molybdopterin cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis adenylyltransferase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex which adenylates two molecules of the sulfur carrier subunit of the molybdopterin (MPT) cofactor synthase using ATP as part of molybdopterin cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis. In E. coli the subunits are MoeB and MoaD; Moco biosynthesis and its constituent molecules are evolutionarily conserved."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230656", "l": "Rhopheocytotic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:7880006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752590", "l": "stereocilia coupling link", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13293", "l": "TATA Box", "d": ["A consensus sequence found in the promoter region of most genes transcribed by eukaryotic RNA polymerase II. It is found about 25 nucleotides before the site of initiation of transcription and has the consensus sequence: 5' TATAAAA 3'. This sequence seems to be important in determining accurately the position at which transcription is initiated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180018", "l": "Rough endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001917", "l": "photoreceptor inner segment", "d": ["The inner segment of a vertebrate photoreceptor containing mitochondria, ribosomes and membranes where opsin molecules are assembled and passed to be part of the outer segment discs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167194", "l": "smooth septate junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009930", "l": "longitudinal side of cell surface", "d": ["The side of the cell parallel to the zygotic axis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002186", "l": "cytosolic creatine kinase complex", "d": ["A dimeric protein complex having creatine kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097139", "l": "BID-BCL-2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of BID and BCL-2, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990250", "l": "transcription-coupled nucleotide-excision repair, DNA damage recognition complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of identifying lesions in DNA on the actively transcribed strand of the DNA duplex as well as a small subset of lesions not recognized by the general nucleotide-excision repair pathway. The wide range of substrate specificity suggests that the repair complex recognizes distortions in the DNA helix. It subsequently recruits a nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326044", "l": "Actin myofilament proper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000806", "l": "Y chromosome", "d": ["The sex chromosome present in males of species in which the male is the heterogametic sex; generally, the sex chromosome that pairs with the X chromosome in the heterogametic sex. The Y chromosome is absent from the cells of females and present in one copy in the somatic cells of males."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521172", "l": "2p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25025", "l": "2p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817250", "l": "laminin-7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005917", "l": "nephrocyte diaphragm", "d": ["A specialized cell-cell junction found between nephrocytes of the insect kidney, which is adapted for filtration of hemolymph. The insect nephrocyte is anatomically and functionally similar to the glomerular podocyte of vertebrates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0065010", "l": "extracellular membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring outside the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700342", "l": "15q11-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75399", "l": "15q11-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167066", "l": "female germ cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070331", "l": "CD20-Lck-Fyn complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell-surface protein CD20 and the Src family tyrosine kinases Lck and Fyn."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230589", "l": "Intranuclear membrane lamellae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:75425005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244433", "l": "chloroplast photosystem I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246398", "l": "perinuclear theca", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821097", "l": "Rad6-Rad18 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035301", "l": "Hedgehog signaling complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that binds microtubules in a Hedgehog-dependent manner, and is required for signal transduction by members of the Hedgehog family of proteins. The core components of the complex are the serine/threonine protein kinase Fused, the kinesin motor protein Costal2 (Cos2), and a zinc finger transcription factor (Gli family members in humans, and Cubitus interruptus (Ci) in Drosophila)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333790", "l": "Viral nuclear inclusion body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:65482005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887959", "l": "Glycosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338262", "l": "Trunk of nerve to left psoas minor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230796", "l": "ER related to other cell component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:41490005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179926", "l": "Non-muscle actin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329083", "l": "podosome ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005662", "l": "DNA replication factor A complex", "d": ["A conserved heterotrimeric complex that binds nonspecifically to single-stranded DNA and is required for multiple processes in eukaryotic DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, DNA repair, and recombination. In all eukaryotic organisms examined the complex is composed of subunits of approximately 70, 30, and 14 kDa."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035649", "l": "Nrd1 complex", "d": ["A complex that functions in transcription termination of RNA polymerase II transcribed non-coding RNAs. This complex interacts with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of PolII and the terminator sequences in the nascent RNA transcript. In yeast this complex consists of Nrd1p, Nab3p, and Sen1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1337068", "l": "viral genome location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3895120", "l": "sweet taste receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179952", "l": "Matrix of rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005689", "l": "U12-type spliceosomal complex", "d": ["Any spliceosomal complex that forms during the splicing of a messenger RNA primary transcript to excise an intron; the series of U12-type spliceosomal complexes is involved in the splicing of the majority of introns that contain atypical AT-AC terminal dinucleotides, as well as other non-canonical introns. The entire splice site signal, not just the terminal dinucleotides, is involved in determining which spliceosome utilizes the site."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327148", "l": "KICSTOR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230618", "l": "Adhesion specialization in functionally specialized tissue", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60961007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990177", "l": "IHF-DNA complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex containing IHF heterodimers (an alpha and a beta chain) bound to DNA. IHF binds to double-stranded DNA in a structure- and sequence-specific manner and bends the DNA into a nucleosome-like structure, the bacterial nucleoid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070385", "l": "egasyn-beta-glucuronidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains beta-glucuronidase and the carboxyl esterase egasyn; formation of the complex causes beta-glucuronidase to be retained in the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098028", "l": "virus tail, shaft", "d": ["The tube of the non-contractile tails of some viruses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098009", "l": "viral terminase, large subunit", "d": ["The part of the viral terminase complex that contains the translocase and endonuclease activities and allows the translocation of the phage DNA into the procapsid. The large subunit usually assembles as a heterooligomer with the small subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005674", "l": "transcription factor TFIIF complex", "d": ["A general transcription initiation factor which in humans consists of a heterodimer of an alpha and a beta subunit. Helps recruit RNA polymerase II to the initiation complex and promotes translation elongation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071015", "l": "U12-type prespliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the cooperative binding of the heterodimeric U11/U12 snRNP to the 5' splice site and the branch point sequence. The U12-type prespliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U11/U12 heterodimeric snRNPs. Commitment to a given pair of 5' and 3' splice sites occurs at the time of prespliceosome formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325747", "l": "MHC class II protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824513", "l": "UBR1-RAD6 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814926", "l": "integral component of membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824508", "l": "bub1-bub3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186734", "l": "Part of annulate lamella cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030123", "l": "AP-3 adaptor complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex that consists of beta3, delta, mu3 and sigma3 subunits and is found associated with endosomal membranes. AP-3 does not appear to associate with clathrin in all organisms. In at least humans, the AP-3 complex can be heterogeneric due to the existence of multiple subunit isoforms encoded by different genes (beta3A and beta3B, mu3A and mu3B, and sigma3A and sigma3B)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520513", "l": "12q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24938", "l": "12q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521480", "l": "5q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14129", "l": "5q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030894", "l": "replisome", "d": ["A multi-component enzymatic machine at the replication fork which mediates DNA replication. Includes DNA primase, one or more DNA polymerases, DNA helicases, and other proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167378", "l": "collagen type V location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822521", "l": "adenylyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672988", "l": "encapsulin nanocompartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546536", "l": "sulfopyruvate decarboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167424", "l": "aspartate carbamoyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030877", "l": "beta-catenin destruction complex", "d": ["A cytoplasmic protein complex containing glycogen synthase kinase-3-beta (GSK-3-beta), the adenomatous polyposis coli protein (APC), and the scaffolding protein axin, among others; phosphorylates beta-catenin, targets it for degradation by the proteasome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819062", "l": "prospore septin filament array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2936645", "l": "Balbiani Rings", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325539", "l": "Casparian strip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012508", "l": "Golgi to ER transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vesicle transporting substances from the Golgi to the ER."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231710", "l": "CTC1-OBFC1-TEN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247091", "l": "host cell cytoplasm part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326883", "l": "ADDL complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521503", "l": "5q35.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29966", "l": "5q35.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005852", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex", "d": ["A complex of several polypeptides that plays at least two important roles in protein synthesis: First, eIF3 binds to the 40S ribosome and facilitates loading of the Met-tRNA/eIF2.GTP ternary complex to form the 43S preinitiation complex. Subsequently, eIF3 apparently assists eIF4 in recruiting mRNAs to the 43S complex. The eIF3 complex contains five conserved core subunits, and may contain several additional proteins; the non-core subunits are thought to mediate association of the complex with specific sets of mRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754336", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611820", "l": "positive transcription elongation factor complex location b", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1517887", "l": "Linear Sequence Epitope", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13454", "l": "Linear Sequence Epitope", "d": ["An epitope composed of adjacent amino acids"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167182", "l": "Apical plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336974", "l": "Cell nucleus of enterocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825769", "l": "5q33.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81851", "l": "5q33.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325644", "l": "glyoxysomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690296", "l": "potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4046075", "l": "Podoms", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246501", "l": "cis-Golgi network membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814912", "l": "integral component of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166981", "l": "cyanelle thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097564", "l": "right lateral basal body pair", "d": ["Set of two basal bodies found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It comprises the anterior and ventral basal bodies located to the left of the right nucleus of the trophozoite when viewed dorsally."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031201", "l": "SNARE complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in membrane fusion; a stable ternary complex consisting of a four-helix bundle, usually formed from one R-SNARE and three Q-SNAREs with an ionic layer sandwiched between hydrophobic layers. One well-characterized example is the neuronal SNARE complex formed of synaptobrevin 2, syntaxin 1a, and SNAP-25."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160113", "l": "axonemal microtubule doublet inner junction", "d": ["The structure which joins the B10 protofilament of the B tubule to the A1 protofilament of the A tubule within an axonemal microtubule doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030288", "l": "outer membrane-bounded periplasmic space", "d": ["The region between the inner (cytoplasmic or plasma) membrane and outer membrane of organisms with two membranes such as Gram negative bacteria. These periplasmic spaces are relatively thick and contain a thin peptidoglycan layer (PGL), also referred to as a thin cell wall."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000177", "l": "cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex)", "d": ["A ribonuclease complex that has 3-prime to 5-prime processive hydrolytic exoribonuclease activity producing 5-prime-phosphomonoesters. Participates in a multitude of cellular RNA processing and degradation events preventing nuclear export and/or translation of aberrant RNAs. Restricted to processing linear and circular single-stranded RNAs (ssRNA) only. RNAs with complex secondary structures may have to be unwound or pre-processed by co-factors prior to entering the complex, esp if the 3-prime end is structured."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325626", "l": "Palmitoyltransferase ERF2-SHR5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000835", "l": "ER ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex found in the ER."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015050", "l": "methane monooxygenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses methane monooxygenase activity; dimeric and trimeric complexes have been characterized."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030119", "l": "AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex", "d": ["Any of several heterotetrameric complexes that link clathrin (or another coat-forming molecule, as hypothesized for AP-3 and AP-4) to a membrane surface; they are found on coated pits and coated vesicles, and mediate sorting of cargo proteins into vesicles. Each AP complex contains two large (a beta and one of either an alpha, gamma, delta, or epsilon) subunits (110-130 kDa), a medium (mu) subunit (approximately 50 kDa), and a small (sigma) subunit (15-20 kDa)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896116", "l": "protein tyrosine phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520551", "l": "13q14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13989", "l": "13q14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622525", "l": "juxtamembrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120002", "l": "fusiform vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic vesicle which contains two urothelial plaques and can deliver these plaques to the apical plasma membrane of urothelial superficial (umbrella) cells. It can also be formed by endocytosis of apical plasma membrane during contractions of the urinary bladder."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030287", "l": "cell wall-bounded periplasmic space", "d": ["The region between the plasma membrane and the cell wall in organisms lacking an outer cell membrane such as yeast and Gram positive bacteria. The region is thinner than the equivalent in Gram negative bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521479", "l": "5q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41015", "l": "5q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098820", "l": "trans-synaptic protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that spans the synaptic cleft and has parts in both the pre- and post-synaptic membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230580", "l": "Nucleolonema of nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33184", "l": "Nucleolonema", "d": ["The irregular network or rows of fine ribonucleoprotein granules or microfilaments forming most of the nucleolus."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90008009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1883618", "l": "1p34.3-p32.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C61058", "l": "1p34.3-p32.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990769", "l": "proximal neuron projection", "d": ["The portion of an axon or dendrite that is close to the neuronal cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060110", "l": "basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["The layer of cuticle most closely apposed to the hypodermal cells. The morphology of the basal layer varies with life stage. In adult C. elegans animals, the basal layers is comprised of three sublayers: two fibrous layers whose fibers run in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions meeting one another at a 60 degree angle, and an amorphous basal layer that lies underneath the fibrous layers and directly contacts the hypodermis. In C. elegans dauer and L1 larval stage animals, the basal layer is characterized by a striated pattern that appears to derive from interwoven laminae. An example of this component is found in Caenorhabditis elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009368", "l": "endopeptidase Clp complex", "d": ["A protein complex comprised of members of the ClpX, ClpC, ClpD, ClpP or ClpR protein families. ClpPs are the proteolytic subunit of active complexes, and ClpA and ClpX form the regulatory subunits. Enzymatically active and inactive complexes can form."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042382", "l": "paraspeckles", "d": ["Discrete subnuclear bodies in the interchromatin nucleoplasmic space, often located adjacent to nuclear specks. 10-20 paraspeckles are typically found in human cell nuclei."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893625", "l": "SCF-Ucc1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231716", "l": "Wnt-induced Frizzled-LRP5/6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167310", "l": "photosystem II oxygen evolving complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184873", "l": "Stereocilium of cochlear outer hair cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019773", "l": "proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": ["The proteasome core subcomplex that constitutes the two outer rings of the proteasome core complex. An example of this component is found in Mus musculus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031970", "l": "organelle envelope lumen", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of an organelle envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516099", "l": "B-Microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32214", "l": "B-Microtubule", "d": ["An incomplete or c-shaped microtubule that is part of a microtubule doublet in cilia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230523", "l": "Anaphase constriction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40687001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167315", "l": "endomembrane system", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030077", "l": "plasma membrane light-harvesting complex", "d": ["A plasma membrane protein-pigment complex that may be closely or peripherally associated to photosynthetic reaction centers that participate in harvesting and transferring radiant energy to the reaction center. Examples of this complex are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521015", "l": "1q42-q43", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13759", "l": "1q42-q43", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183492", "l": "Matrix of endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166672", "l": "Beta-heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0599131", "l": "Photosystem I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088142", "l": "Processing Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1325596", "l": "Processing Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055044", "l": "symplast", "d": ["The interconnected cell membranes and intracellular regions of a plant. The interconnections occur via the plasmodesmata."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520390", "l": "11q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13836", "l": "11q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005595", "l": "collagen type XII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XII) chains; type XII collagen triple helices may link sheet-forming or fibrillar collagens to other structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042383", "l": "sarcolemma", "d": ["The outer membrane of a muscle cell, consisting of the plasma membrane, a covering basement membrane (about 100 nm thick and sometimes common to more than one fiber), and the associated loose network of collagen fibers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325643", "l": "hydrogenosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031421", "l": "invertasome", "d": ["A complex formed by a recombinase, a regulatory protein, and the DNA sequences bound by each protein; catalyzes a reversible site-specific recombination reaction that results in the alternate expression of one or more genes in various contexts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042565", "l": "RNA nuclear export complex", "d": ["A complex which usually consists of three components, e.g. in Xenopus and yeast, the export receptor CRM1 (also known as exportin 1), the Ran protein and any RNA with a nuclear export sequence (NES). The complex acts to export RNA molecules with a NES from the nucleus through a nuclear pore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097418", "l": "neurofibrillary tangle", "d": ["Intracellular mass of paired, helically wound protein filaments (also called PHF) lying in the cytoplasm of neuronal cell bodies and neuritic cell processes. Neurofibrillary tangles contain an abnormally phosphorylated form of a microtubule-associated protein, tau. The shape of these inclusions may resemble a flame or a star."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071177", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch3 (ICN3), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-2 (MAML2); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548459", "l": "capitate projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520282", "l": "10q23.2-q23.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28392", "l": "10q23.2-q23.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071099", "l": "alphaV-beta6 integrin-TGFbeta-3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta6 integrin complex bound to transforming growth factor beta-3 (TGFbeta-3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262720", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, integrated substrate binding", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322981", "l": "Cytosol of striated muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520630", "l": "15q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24957", "l": "15q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071118", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-NOV complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to the extracellular matrix protein NOV."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230775", "l": "Intracisternal material, amorphous", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:50784005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019812", "l": "type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex composed of two copies of a restriction (R) subunit, two copies of a methylation (M) subunit, and one copy of a specificity (S) subunit. This complex recognizes specific short DNA sequences (through the S subunit), and binds to them. If the recognition site is hemimethylated, the complex acts as a methyltransferase which modifies the recognition site, using S-adenosylmethionine as the methyl donor. Only the M and S subunits are required for this reaction. If the complex binds to an unmethylated recognition site, then the complex translocates the DNA bidirectionally in an ATP-dependent manner. When the translocation is stalled by impact with another complex or unusual DNA structure, the enzyme functions as an endonuclease and cleavage of the DNA will occur, hundreds or thousands of base pairs away from the recognition site. These DNA restriction systems are used by bacteria to defend against phage and other foreign DNA that may enter a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520625", "l": "15q15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28662", "l": "15q15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137277", "l": "ubiquinone biosynthesis complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622320", "l": "mitochondrial glutamate synthase complex (NADH)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324045", "l": "Plasma membrane of odontoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167483", "l": "phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520857", "l": "19q13.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13476", "l": "19q13.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016342", "l": "catenin complex", "d": ["Complex of peripheral cytoplasmic proteins (alpha-, beta- and gamma-catenin) that interact with the cytoplasmic region of uvomorulin/E-cadherin to connect it to the actin cytoskeleton."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180102", "l": "Lipid bilayer of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042734", "l": "presynaptic membrane", "d": ["A specialized area of membrane of the axon terminal that faces the plasma membrane of the neuron or muscle fiber with which the axon terminal establishes a synaptic junction; many synaptic junctions exhibit structural presynaptic characteristics, such as conical, electron-dense internal protrusions, that distinguish it from the remainder of the axon plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020031", "l": "polar ring of apical complex", "d": ["An electron dense ring at the most anterior position of the apical complex, from which the conoid fibers originate; formed during an invasive life cycle stage of an apicomplexan parasite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005944", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IB", "d": ["A class I phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that possesses 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase activity; comprises a catalytic class IB phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) subunit and an associated regulatory subunit that is larger than, and unrelated to, the p85 proteins present in class IA complexes. Class IB PI3Ks are stimulated by G-proteins and do not interact with the SH2-domain containing adaptors that bind to Class IA PI3Ks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009530", "l": "primary cell wall", "d": ["A plant cell wall that is still able to expand, permitting cell growth. Primary cell walls contain more pectin than secondary walls and no lignin is present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596142", "l": "Autosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32168", "l": "Autosome", "d": ["A chromosome not involved in sex determination. The diploid human genome consists of a total of 46 chromosomes which includes 22 pairs of autosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167100", "l": "transcription factor TFIIE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338395", "l": "Protoplasm of hyalocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071024", "l": "SL snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains spliced leader (SL) RNA and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262849", "l": "surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based exoskeleton extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071102", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-paxillin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to paxillin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450333", "l": "nuclear chromosome, telomere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817578", "l": "pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097664", "l": "SCF-Grr1/Pof2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Grr1 in S. cerevisiae (Pof2 in S. pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523412", "l": "ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753999", "l": "inositol phosphoceramide synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754142", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex C", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752460", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990452", "l": "Parkin-FBXW7-Cul1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex containing Parkin (PARK2), the F-box protein FBXW7 (also called SEL-10) and a cullin from the Cul1 subfamily; substrate specificity is conferred by the F-box protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379990", "l": "septin collar of invasive hyphae", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033163", "l": "microneme membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a microneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166828", "l": "steroid hormone aporeceptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005797", "l": "Golgi medial cisterna", "d": ["The middle Golgi cisterna (or cisternae)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896225", "l": "Parkin-FBXW7-Cul1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754215", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-ADAM9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090635", "l": "extracellular core region of desmosome", "d": ["The desmosomal part containing the desmosomal cadherins, desmogleins and desmocollins, that establish contact and adhere to neighboring cells in a Ca2+-dependent manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167265", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex IV", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621492", "l": "VBC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521575", "l": "6q24-q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13579", "l": "6q24-q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331594", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type Mo enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031510", "l": "SUMO activating enzyme complex", "d": ["A conserved heterodimeric complex with SUMO activating enzyme activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166704", "l": "Polytene chromosome weak point location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167060", "l": "nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596156", "l": "basolateral membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521199", "l": "2q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25031", "l": "2q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990566", "l": "I(KACh) inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": ["An inward rectifier potassium channel complex expressed in cardiac muscle, specifically the sinoatrial node and atria, where it controls the heart rate, via regulation by G protein-coupled receptor signaling. In mammals it is composed of GIRK1 (or Kir3.1) and GIRK4 (or Kir3.4) subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5197820", "l": "Occlusion-Derived Virion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752595", "l": "cytosolic tRNA wobble base thiouridylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326879", "l": "amyloid-beta protein 40 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327162", "l": "tenascin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2827580", "l": "18q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C85000", "l": "18q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030386", "l": "ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821291", "l": "stromal side of plastid inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120333", "l": "radial spoke 1", "d": ["The radial spoke of each group of radial spokes, whether grouped as triplets or doublets, that is most proximal to the base of the cilium. Radial spoke 1 (RS1), similarly to radial spoke 2, is comprised of four domains: 1) a very short base anchored to the A microtubule, 2) an elongaged stalk, 3) a bifurcated neck, and 4) an orthogonal head. The base of RS1 is connected to the tail of the inner dynein arm a/d."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009548", "l": "plasmodesmatal plasma membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a plasmodesma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749493", "l": "calcineurin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248326", "l": "ascospore-type prospore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990060", "l": "maltose transport complex", "d": ["Protein complex facilitating ATP-dependent maltose transport through inner cell membrane (periplasm to cytoplasm) in Gram-negative bacteria. In E. coli the system is composed of a periplasmic maltose-binding protein (MBP), two integral membrane proteins, MalF and MalG, and two copies of the cytoplasmic ATP-binding cassette MalK."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896370", "l": "divisome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044307", "l": "dendritic branch", "d": ["A dendrite arising from another dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035748", "l": "myelin sheath abaxonal region", "d": ["The region of the myelin sheath furthest from the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088203", "l": "Nuclear Speckles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1750270", "l": "Nuclear Speckles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520490", "l": "12q12-q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24931", "l": "12q12-q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.540281582338167", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030425", "l": "dendrite", "d": ["A neuron projection that has a short, tapering, morphology. Dendrites receive and integrate signals from other neurons or from sensory stimuli, and conduct nerve impulses towards the axon or the cell body. In most neurons, the impulse is conveyed from dendrites to axon via the cell body, but in some types of unipolar neuron, the impulse does not travel via the cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548379", "l": "virus tail, tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044697", "l": "HICS complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex involved in cytokinesis. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae this complex consists of Sho1p, Hof1p, Inn1p and Cyk3p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070762", "l": "nuclear pore transmembrane ring", "d": ["A subcomplex of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that spans the nuclear membrane and anchors the NPC to the nuclear envelope. In S. cerevisiae, the transmembrane ring is composed of Pom152p, Pom34p, and Ndc1p. In vertebrates, it is composed of Gp210, Ndc1, and Pom121. Components are arranged in 8-fold symmetrical 'spokes' around the central transport channel. A single 'spoke', can be isolated and is sometime referred to as the Ndc1 complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754281", "l": "ITGA1-ITGB1-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009539", "l": "photosystem II reaction center", "d": ["An integral membrane complex containing P680, the chlorophyll a molecule that functions as a primary electron donor. In the light, functioning as a water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase, it transfers electrons from water to plastoquinone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822731", "l": "PDR16 complex homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815439", "l": "glideosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268332", "l": "cytosolic creatine kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071682", "l": "endocytic vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521634", "l": "7p22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38941", "l": "7p22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754109", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex A", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230897", "l": "Long spacing collagen fibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14774001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236527", "l": "postsynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612456", "l": "plasma lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009358", "l": "polyphosphate kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses polyphosphate kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030313", "l": "cell envelope", "d": ["An envelope that surrounds a bacterial cell and includes the cytoplasmic membrane and everything external, encompassing the periplasmic space, cell wall, and outer membrane if present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031912", "l": "oral apparatus", "d": ["Complex basket- or funnel-like structure used by the cell to collect food and channel it to the cytostome; includes specialized sub-structures made up of closely-spaced cilia and underlying basal bodies and fibrillar systems."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522608", "l": "alveolar lamellar body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32913", "l": "Lamellar Body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271510", "l": "protein C inhibitor-TMPRSS7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106084", "l": "mitotic nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of interacting with the spindle pole body and the nuclear envelope, in order to embed the spindle pole body in the nuclear envelope at fusion sites of the inner and outer nuclear membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265456", "l": "external side of cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332360", "l": "Protoplasm of epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333781", "l": "Autophagic bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:35453004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230949", "l": "Spore crystal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:6844001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038140", "l": "ERBB4-ERBB3 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex between the tyrosine kinase receptors ERBB4 (also called HER4) and ERBB3 (also called HER3). ERBB3 has impaired kinase activity so relies on the kinase activity of its heterodimer partner for activation and signal transmission."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815081", "l": "SIN singnalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070992", "l": "translation initiation complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains a ribosome, mRNA, and initiator tRNA; the functional ribosome is at the AUG, with the methionyl/formyl-methionyl-tRNA positioned at the P site."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265761", "l": "free sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263088", "l": "inner endospore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247090", "l": "host cell chloroplast thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180007", "l": "A-peripheral microtubule of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002179", "l": "homodimeric serine palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric complex which transfers a palmitoyl group onto serine, forming 3-dehydro-D-sphinganine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520510", "l": "12q23-q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24937", "l": "12q23-q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167151", "l": "zeta DNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043257", "l": "laminin-8 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha4, beta1 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120111", "l": "neuron projection cytoplasm", "d": ["All of the contents of a plasma membrane bounded neuron projection, excluding the plasma membrane surrounding the projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611039", "l": "CD20-Lck-Lyn-Fyn complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5828340", "l": "Mitochondrial Contact Site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520849", "l": "19p13.2-p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29965", "l": "19p13.2-p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824469", "l": "PDGF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140715", "l": "serine-tRNA ligase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme complex that catalyzes the ligation of serine to tRNA(Ser), forming L-seryl-tRNA(Ser)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824534", "l": "collagen type XXVI trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097470", "l": "ribbon synapse", "d": ["Type of synapse characterized by an electron-dense ribbon, lamella (bar) or spherical body in the presynaptic process cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520799", "l": "18q11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24981", "l": "18q11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061841", "l": "high-affinity iron exporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex which transports ferrous iron (Fe(III) or Fe3+) ions from the vacuole, the main storage component of intracellular free iron, into the cytoplasm in a low iron environment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896410", "l": "Vps4-Vta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896155", "l": "Cus cation efflux complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269077", "l": "cyclin D3-CDK4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.45786467499596", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511625", "l": "Cytoplasmic Domain", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13457", "l": "Cytoplasmic Domain", "d": ["The part of a transmembrane protein which projects into the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.323552693932392", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044297", "l": "cell body", "d": ["The portion of a cell bearing surface projections such as axons, dendrites, cilia, or flagella that includes the nucleus, but excludes all cell projections."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043853", "l": "methanol-CoM methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric protein complex composed of a methanol methyltransferase subunit, a corrinoid protein and a methanol-specific corrinoid:coenzyme M methyltransferase subunit. Catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from methanol to coenzyme M as part of the pathway of methanogenesis from methanol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824380", "l": "FMN reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230787", "l": "Polyribosome, attached to GER membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60202009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521375", "l": "4p15.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25059", "l": "4p15.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896227", "l": "nucleosome disassembly/reassembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612401", "l": "RC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1664966", "l": "SCF complex activator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098523", "l": "neuromuscular junction of myotube", "d": ["A neuromuscular junction in which the target muscle cell is a myotube."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325604", "l": "immotile primary cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711287", "l": "3q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45201", "l": "3q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611070", "l": "GATA2-TAL1-TCF3-Lmo2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327792", "l": "Human leukocyte antigen complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182675", "l": "Ciliated columnar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140020", "l": "DNA methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses DNA methyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522987", "l": "coated membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324685", "l": "Cytoplasm of erythrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1662966", "l": "anaphase-promoting complex regulator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098594", "l": "mucin granule", "d": ["A secretory granule that contains mucin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "42.832179489190892", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518439", "l": "Nuclear Structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13446", "l": "Nuclear Structure", "d": ["Any structures that are enclosed within nucleus are considered nuclear structure, including any macromolecular structures. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230918", "l": "Mesangial matrix inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:29640008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166866", "l": "Golgi trans cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235133", "l": "plasma membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754280", "l": "alpha1-beta1 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020676", "l": "Glyoxysomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0260080", "l": "Glyoxysomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622326", "l": "conjugation tube tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516452", "l": "Chemical Synapse Component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32303", "l": "Chemical Synapse Component", "d": ["A functional part or structural element of a chemical synapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042587", "l": "glycogen granule", "d": ["Cytoplasmic bead-like structures of animal cells, visible by electron microscope. Each granule is a functional unit with the biosynthesis and catabolism of glycogen being catalyzed by enzymes bound to the granule surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322947", "l": "Lysosome of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990902", "l": "new cell pole", "d": ["The cell pole proximal to the most recent cell division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622596", "l": "Rad17 RFC-like complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034457", "l": "Mpp10 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a subcomplex of the 90S preribosome. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Mpp10p, Imp3p and Imp4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030085", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, peripheral complex, LHCIIb subcomplex", "d": ["A pigment protein complex that forms part of the photosystem II associated light-harvesting complex II; contains two proteins (usually about 28 and 27 kDa), and may contain a third; peripherally located relative to other LHC polypeptides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230783", "l": "Ribosome, free in cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:73902003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268452", "l": "Lysosome AND/OR associated structure microbody", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108357003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523884", "l": "megasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2266173", "l": "Sec-dependent secretion system-associated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520684", "l": "16p12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26067", "l": "16p12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235266", "l": "dinoflagellate peduncle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002901", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 13-15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008645", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 13-15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:5996007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005756", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk", "d": ["One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the mitochondrial membrane-associated F0 proteins; rotates within the catalytic core during catalysis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167141", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896531", "l": "C2 tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166969", "l": "PSI associated light-harvesting complex I, LHCIb subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167162", "l": "small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106083", "l": "nuclear membrane protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of the nuclear membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755009", "l": "IgNAR antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097058", "l": "CRLF-CLCF1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that is composed of cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 (product of the CLCF1 gene) and cytokine receptor-like factor 1 (product of the CRLF gene) and is secreted into the extracellular space. The CRLF-CLCF1 complex is a ligand for the ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) receptor complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166690", "l": "cohesin core heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166803", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612821", "l": "integrin alphav-beta6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236705", "l": "presynaptic endocytic zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005760", "l": "gamma DNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A DNA polymerase complex consisting of a large subunit, responsible for the catalytic activities, and a small accessory subunit. Functions in the replication and repair of mitochondrial DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269134", "l": "Apoptotic Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521179", "l": "Bunina body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66417003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "51.25350610162279", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005694", "l": "chromosome", "d": ["A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520788", "l": "17q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26475", "l": "17q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521009", "l": "1q32.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25013", "l": "1q32.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824468", "l": "platelet-derived growth factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071075", "l": "CUGBP1-eIF2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex (EIF2), CUG binding protein 1, and several endoplasmic reticulum proteins; the complex is involved in the regulation of translation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612400", "l": "DNA synthesome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030232", "l": "insulin control element activator complex", "d": ["Transcription factor complex that binds to the insulin control element (ICE), a DNA sequence element found within the 5'-flanking region of the insulin gene, and activates ICE-mediated transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036186", "l": "early phagosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an early phagosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035060", "l": "brahma complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF-type complex that contains 8 to 14 proteins, including both conserved (core) and nonconserved components; contains the ATPase product of the Drosophila brm (brahma) or mammalian SMARCA2/BAF190B/BRM gene, or an ortholog thereof."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611199", "l": "G protein complex (BTK, GNG1, GNG2)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030084", "l": "PSI associated light-harvesting complex I, LHCIb subcomplex", "d": ["A pigment protein complex that forms part of the photosystem I associated light-harvesting complex I; contains two proteins (usually about 20 kDa); has a fluorescence maximum of 730 nm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167507", "l": "serine-pyruvate aminotransferase, type 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824433", "l": "SAT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246510", "l": "cyanelle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520980", "l": "1p36.2-p36.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25005", "l": "1p36.2-p36.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824418", "l": "Fe-S cluster assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521292", "l": "3p24.1-p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13623", "l": "3p24.1-p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030673", "l": "axolemma", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding an axon; it is a specialized trilaminar random mosaic of protein molecules floating within a fluid matrix of highly mobile phospholipid molecules, 7-8 nm in thickness."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180087", "l": "Part of rough endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230778", "l": "Intracisternal material of known identity", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78597005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230926", "l": "Cell wall, prokaryotic, septum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:68492001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3831099", "l": "Circulating Proteasome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C113298", "l": "Circulating Proteasome", "d": ["Cell free proteasome enzyme complexes. Elevated levels of these protein complexes in serum, plasma or blood may be associated with either increased tumor burden or a poor disease prognosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451424", "l": "sperm glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231742", "l": "ERN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070852", "l": "cell body fiber", "d": ["A neuron projection that is found in unipolar neurons and corresponds to the region between the cell body and the point at which the single projection branches."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002902", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 16-18", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008646", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 16-18", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:1174007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612908", "l": "Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820518", "l": "inner wall zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380088", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167153", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230941", "l": "Granular inclusion, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:64076009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230753", "l": "Subunit B of peripheral doublet or cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51865007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1883652", "l": "8q24.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C67355", "l": "8q24.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262857", "l": "annulae", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088182", "l": "Promyelocytic Leukemia Nuclear Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1167110", "l": "Promyelocytic Leukemia Nuclear Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0597055", "l": "neuron component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549172", "l": "ascus membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896191", "l": "peroxisomal importomer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754241", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-THBS1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623043", "l": "organelle inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C45822", "l": "Locus", "d": ["The position of a gene or a chromosomal marker on a chromosome; also, a stretch of DNA at a particular place on a particular chromosome. The use of locus is sometimes restricted to mean regions of DNA that are expressed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339453", "l": "Protoplasm of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520177", "l": "Xp22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14017", "l": "Xp22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753313", "l": "PCNA-p21 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097583", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt1p-Pmt3p dimer complex", "d": ["A protein dimer complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity and, in S. cerevisiae, is composed of Pmt1p-Pmt3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000805", "l": "X chromosome", "d": ["The sex chromosome present in both sexes of species in which the male is the heterogametic sex. Two copies of the X chromosome are present in each somatic cell of females and one copy is present in males."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034430", "l": "monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer", "d": ["The single layer of phopholipids surrounding a lipid storage body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235103", "l": "nucleoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0751960", "l": "Thylakoid Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13461", "l": "Distal Enhancer Elements", "d": ["Enhancer sequences found at a distance from the gene it regulates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044545", "l": "NSL complex", "d": ["A histone acetyltransferase complex that catalyzes the acetylation of a histone H4 lysine residues at several positions. In human, it contains the catalytic subunit MOF, NSL1/KIAA1267, NSL2/KANSL2, NSL3/KANSL3, MCRS1, PHF20, OGT1, WDR5 and HCF1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166848", "l": "late endosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32936", "l": "Late Endosome", "d": ["A multivesicular body that can fuse with the lysosome to target extracellular factors for degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990916", "l": "Isp3 layer of spore wall", "d": ["The outermost layers of the spore wall, as described in Schizosaccharomyces pombe."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167320", "l": "extrinsic component of membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009925", "l": "basal plasma membrane", "d": ["The region of the plasma membrane located at the basal end of the cell. Often used in reference to animal polarized epithelial membranes, where the basal membrane is the part attached to the extracellular matrix, or in plant cells, where the basal membrane is defined with respect to the zygotic axis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180315", "l": "Matrix of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546678", "l": "perforation plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689925", "l": "bacterium-containing vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271983", "l": "host outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246380", "l": "Fc receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818839", "l": "myosin XV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821275", "l": "cytoplasmic side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338158", "l": "Condensed cytoplasmic chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180320", "l": "Dendrite of olfactory receptor cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012518", "l": "Sarcomeres", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0036225", "l": "Sarcomeres", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C87821", "l": "Sarcomere", "d": ["The basic unit of contractility in a muscle fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327166", "l": "retrograde transporter complex, Golgi to ER", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622967", "l": "cell periphery", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031465", "l": "Cul4B-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul4B subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by unknown subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061474", "l": "phagolysosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a phagolysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230848", "l": "Fenestrated cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52867001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179055", "l": "Zone of inner segment of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009356", "l": "aminodeoxychorismate synthase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that possesses 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071068", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM12 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM12."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097515", "l": "asexual spore wall", "d": ["A specialized envelope lying outside the cell membrane of a spore derived from an asexual process. Examples of this process are found in bacterial and fungal species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754998", "l": "IgM B cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230842", "l": "Outer mitochondrial space", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:86872002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990780", "l": "cytoplasmic side of dendritic spine plasma membrane", "d": ["The leaflet of the plasma membrane that faces the cytoplasm and any proteins embedded or anchored in it or attached to its surface surrounding a dendritic spine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156157", "l": "Myc-Max complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325605", "l": "specific granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160092", "l": "hemozoin formation complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex involved in hemoglobin degradation and detoxification of heme in the food vacuole during the asexual blood stage of a Plasmodium. It is composed of at least falcipains FP2A and/or FP2B, plasmepsins PMII, PMIII/HAP and PMIV, heme detoxifying protein HDP and falcilysin FLN."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325761", "l": "chylomicron location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.084918961990851", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043656", "l": "host intracellular region", "d": ["That space within the plasma membrane of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "27.975013926807094", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110165", "l": "cellular anatomical entity", "d": ["A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity above the level of a protein complex but below that of an anatomical system. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.474770398704251", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002878", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008651", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13204", "l": "Human Chromosome 1", "d": ["The designation for each member of the largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 1 spans about 247 million nucleotide base pairs and represents about 8% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:46507000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166663", "l": "actomyosin contractile ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520256", "l": "10p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13491", "l": "10p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682681", "l": "group II axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752485", "l": "host cell mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230650", "l": "Membrane invagination, labile", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:53221002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265274", "l": "cytoplasmic foci", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520586", "l": "14q21-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26443", "l": "14q21-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166613", "l": "inner layer of spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D045604", "l": "Extracellular Fluid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546714", "l": "mitotic spindle midzone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002503", "l": "Centromere", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007709", "l": "Centromere", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13198", "l": "Centromere", "d": ["The nonstaining primary constriction of a chromosome which is the point of attachment of the spindle fiber; provides the mechanism of chromosome movement during cell division; the centromere divides the chromosome into two arms, and its position is constant for a specific chromosome: near one end (acrocentric), near the center (metacentric), or between (submetacentric)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521316", "l": "3q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25051", "l": "3q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230707", "l": "Lipid droplet, complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:32571004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039643", "l": "host cell viral nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a host cell that contains the viral genome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097660", "l": "SCF-Cdc4 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Cdc4 in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754160", "l": "U12-type catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230606", "l": "Fractured membrane P face", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:5644007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016587", "l": "Isw1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains an Isw1 subunit from the ISWI-family of ATPases and acts to modify chromatin structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814920", "l": "nuclear cohesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.551667831314546", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012270", "l": "Ribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0035553", "l": "Ribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13274", "l": "Ribosome", "d": ["Ribosomes are small organelles composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 80 some different proteins. rRNA is synthesized in the nucleolus and the ribosomal subunits are assembled there from rRNA and imported cytoplasmic made proteins. Once assembled, the subunits pass through the nuclear pores to the cytoplasm where they take part in protein synthesis. Some ribosomes are free in the cytoplasm and can be recruited to a polyribosomal structure when a messenger RNA (mRNA) strand is to be translated into a cytoplasmic protein. Other ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum where the protein is formed within the interior to the endoplasmic reticulum. These proteins are destined for secretion, storage or incorporation into membranes."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:26761006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0796367", "l": "11q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13390", "l": "11q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3853555", "l": "IgG2a location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754158", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex B2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180077", "l": "Cytosolic ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546532", "l": "DNA polymerase III, beta sliding clamp processivity factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612442", "l": "Twin-arginine translocation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331603", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type K enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005685", "l": "U1 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U1, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U1 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U1 snRNA both while the U1 snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817546", "l": "plastoglobule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030958", "l": "RITS complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for heterochromatin assembly; contains an Argonaute homolog, a chromodomain protein, and at least one additional protein; named for RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional gene silencing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546525", "l": "calcium ion-transporting ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245789", "l": "neuron projection membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521482", "l": "5q23-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28700", "l": "5q23-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002457", "l": "Cell Extracts", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007592", "l": "Cell Extracts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621995", "l": "spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821362", "l": "complex of collagen trimers", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520384", "l": "11q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24919", "l": "11q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752376", "l": "Schwann cell myelin sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754290", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-gelsolin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034272", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III, type II", "d": ["A class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that is involved in vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) via endosomes. In budding yeast, this complex consists of Vps30p, Vps34p, Vps38 and Vps15p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325821", "l": "SCF complex substrate recognition subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159039", "l": "non-growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821299", "l": "inactive sex chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166933", "l": "P1 peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032151", "l": "mitotic septin complex", "d": ["A heterooligomeric septin complex that acts during mitotic cell division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061803", "l": "posterior cell cortex", "d": ["The region that lies just beneath the plasma membrane in the part of a cell that is closest to the posterior as defined by the developing, or existing, anterior/posterior axis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325638", "l": "ER body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179129", "l": "Stereocilium of vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520867", "l": "19q13.41", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24987", "l": "19q13.41", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030681", "l": "multimeric ribonuclease P complex", "d": ["A ribonuclease P complex that generally contains a single RNA molecule and several protein molecules. Examples of this complex are found in Archaeal species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106173", "l": "COPII-coated vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a COPII-coated endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032391", "l": "photoreceptor connecting cilium", "d": ["The portion of the photoreceptor cell cilium linking the photoreceptor inner and outer segments. It's considered to be equivalent to the ciliary transition zone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230830", "l": "Proacrosomal granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113360003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323818", "l": "Plasma membrane of neuroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263093", "l": "arginine-specific carbamoyl phosphate synthetase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325604", "l": "Platelet dense granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323131", "l": "Lateral plasma membrane of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754295", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB4-FYN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167408", "l": "immunoglobulin complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610218", "l": "semaphorin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610762", "l": "ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325706", "l": "polar nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520547", "l": "13q14.1-q14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13696", "l": "13q14.1-q14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120234", "l": "stereocilium coat", "d": ["A glycocalyx on the the endolymphatic surface of a cochlear hair cell that coats the external surface of each stereocilium and maintains a small distance between adjacent stereocilia in the bundle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521468", "l": "5q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13874", "l": "5q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328751", "l": "chromosome, subtelomeric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097563", "l": "left middle basal body pair", "d": ["Set of two basal bodies found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It comprises the caudal and posteriolateral basal bodies located to the right of the left nucleus of the trophozoite when viewed dorsally."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179937", "l": "Nucleus of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905286", "l": "serine-type peptidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of serine-type peptidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521616", "l": "7p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13524", "l": "7p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990530", "l": "Cdc50p-Drs2p complex", "d": ["A protein complex that functions as a phospholipid-translocating P-Type ATPase. In budding yeast, this complex consists of Cdc50p and Drs2p proteins, and is involved in the trafficking of transport vesicles between the late Golgi and the early endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034683", "l": "integrin alphav-beta3 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphav subunit and one beta3 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754229", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-VTN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005951", "l": "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the formation of carbamoyl phosphate; comprises a small subunit that binds and cleaves glutamine, and a large subunit that accepts the ammonia group cleaved from glutamine, binds all of the remaining substrates and effectors, and carries out all of the other catalytic events."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326882", "l": "amyloid beta dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1276876", "l": "Cell membrane invagination", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:314868008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451593", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge midzone membrane domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167072", "l": "Outer nuclear membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25940", "l": "Nuclear Outer Membrane", "d": ["The nuclear envelope has two membranes, each with the typical unit membrane structure. They enclose a flattened sac and are connected at the nuclear pore sites. The outer nuclear membrane is continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and has ribosomes attached. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167311", "l": "photosystem II antenna complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030081", "l": "B800-820 antenna complex", "d": ["Protein-pigment complex that absorbs light at 800 and 820 nm; is peripherally associated to the bacterial reaction center; transfers excitation energy to the B875 antenna complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521304", "l": "3q13.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13783", "l": "3q13.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071001", "l": "U4/U6 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the extensively base paired small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins associated with U4, the Lsm2-8 heptameric ring complex associated with U6, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U4 snRNP or U6 snRNPs, some of which remain associated with the U4/U6 snRNA both while the U4 snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893557", "l": "transverse groove", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070937", "l": "CRD-mediated mRNA stability complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to, and promotes stabilization of, mRNA molecules containing the coding region instability determinant (CRD). In human, it may consist of IGF2BP1, HNRNPU, SYNCRIP/HNRNPQ, YBX1, and DHX9."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1276871", "l": "Long arm of chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:312242007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097558", "l": "left ventral flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is nucleated by the left ventral basal body and exits the cell body proximally and dorsal to the ventral disc."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754162", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex C", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825991", "l": "8p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82141", "l": "8p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000086969", "l": "Viral Replication Compartments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3820746", "l": "Viral Replication Compartments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030932", "l": "amyloplast ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": ["An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in the amyloplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821282", "l": "methyl accepting chemotaxis protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247158", "l": "Rpd3L complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822734", "l": "Ire1 complex homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120120", "l": "bilobe structure", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure in some kinetoplastid species linking the structures of the ciliary pocket collar and the flagellum attachment zone (aka cilium attachment zone)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001673", "l": "male germ cell nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of a male germ cell, a reproductive cell in males."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624015", "l": "nuclear replisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179980", "l": "Inner membrane proper of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060091", "l": "kinocilium", "d": ["A nonmotile primary cilium that is found at the apical surface of auditory receptor cells. The kinocilium is surrounded by actin-based stereocilia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236575", "l": "postsynaptic specialization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167036", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuolar space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156546", "l": "host cell endosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268333", "l": "mitochondrial creatine kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0018444", "l": "translation release factor complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex involved in the release of a nascent polypeptide chain from a ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137404", "l": "phenyloplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005890", "l": "sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex", "d": ["Sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPases are tetrameric proteins, consisting of two large alpha subunits and two smaller beta subunits. The alpha subunits bear the active site and penetrate the membrane, while the beta subunits carry oligosaccharide groups and face the cell exterior."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325530", "l": "external encapsulating structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749815", "l": "Smc1-Smc3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546336", "l": "(Ost)2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000178", "l": "exosome (RNase complex)", "d": ["A ribonuclease complex that has 3-prime to 5-prime exoribonuclease activity and possibly endoribonuclease activity, producing 5-prime-phosphomonoesters. Participates in a multitude of cellular RNA processing and degradation events preventing nuclear export and/or translation of aberrant RNAs. Restricted to processing linear and circular single-stranded RNAs (ssRNA) only. RNAs with complex secondary structures may have to be unwound or pre-processed by co-factors prior to entering the complex, esp if the 3-prime end is structured."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097169", "l": "AIM2 inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex that consists of AIM2, ASC, and caspase-1. AIM2 is a member of the HN-200 protein family that appears to be the sensor of cytosolic double-stranded DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005826", "l": "actomyosin contractile ring", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments and myosin that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. In animal cells, the contractile ring is located at the cleavage furrow. In budding fungal cells, e.g. mitotic S. cerevisiae cells, the contractile ring forms at the mother-bud neck before mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380213", "l": "matrilin family complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039615", "l": "T=1 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=1 symmetry. The T=1 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753451", "l": "Cdk9-Pcm1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611136", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex, alpha(II) type", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008232", "l": "activator ecdysone receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a heterodimer of Ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (usp) bound to the ligand ecdysone, which activates transcription of target genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754122", "l": "GT-AG catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990623", "l": "Herring body", "d": ["The dilated terminal portions of neurosecretory axons constituting the hypothalamohypophyseal tract, found in close proximity to sinusoidal capillaries in the posterior pituitary. Herring bodies consist of aggregates of membrane-bound neurosecretory vesicles where oxytocin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) are stored prior to release. Each Herring body also contains ATP and either neurophysin I or neurophysin II which bind to oxytocin and ADH, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167285", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754167", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031472", "l": "propanediol degradation polyhedral organelle", "d": ["An organelle found in bacteria consisting of a proteinaceous coat containing enzymes for the degradation of 1,2-propanediol whose purpose is the protection of the rest of the cell from the toxic propionaldehyde product of the enzyme diol dehydratase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327250", "l": "intranuclear rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031004", "l": "potassium ion-transporting ATPase complex", "d": ["Protein complex that carries out the reaction: ATP + H2O + K+(out) = ADP + phosphate + K+(in). It is a high affinity potassium uptake system. The E. coli complex consists of 4 proteins: KdpA is the potassium ion translocase, KdpB is the ATPase, and KdpC and KdpF seem to be involved in assembly and stabilization of the complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235141", "l": "GATOR2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520601", "l": "14q32.1-q32.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24952", "l": "14q32.1-q32.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179944", "l": "Part of endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13462", "l": "Upstream Enhancer", "d": ["An enhancer which is located 5' of the gene it regulates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180301", "l": "Part of peripheral doublet microtubule of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2756065", "l": "Sec complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097416", "l": "Lewy body-like hyaline inclusion", "d": ["Cytoplasmic inclusion found in neurons. It consists of filaments and granular materials, exhibits a dense core with a rough peripheral halo and lacks a limiting membrane. The filaments of these inclusions are composed of approximately 15-25 nm granule-coated fibrils in association with normal 10-nm neurofilaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247022", "l": "TSC1-TSC2 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070531", "l": "BRCA1-A complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimer, RAP80/UIMC1, BRCC3/BRCC36, BRE/BRCC45, FAM175A/CCDC98/Abraxas and MERIT40/NBA1, and specifically recognizes and binds K63-linked polyubiquitin chains present on histone H2A and H2AX at DNA damage sites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098540", "l": "lumenal side of trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520183", "l": "Xq13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13779", "l": "Xq13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097025", "l": "MPP7-DLG1-LIN7 complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric protein complex formed by the association of MMP7, DLG1 and either LIN7A or LIN7C; regulates the stability and localization of DLG1 to cell junctions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521210", "l": "2q22-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25035", "l": "2q22-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893568", "l": "dinoflagellate sulcal notch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230945", "l": "Spore cortex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40080000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893249", "l": "cis face", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061574", "l": "ASAP complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in regulation of mRNA processing and apoptosis. It binds to RNA in a sequence-independent manner and is recruited to the EJC prior to or during the splicing process. In humans the core proteins are RNPS1, SAP18 and ACIN1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691245", "l": "phospholipid-translocating ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820002", "l": "host peribacteroid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520685", "l": "16p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13659", "l": "16p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521283", "l": "3p21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14004", "l": "3p21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690227", "l": "SMAD3 homotrimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246998", "l": "high-affinity iron permease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167077", "l": "dense fibrillar component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990590", "l": "ATF1-ATF4 transcription factor complex", "d": ["Transcription factor complex consisting of ATF1 and ATF4 subunits that is capable of binding to cAMP response element (CRE) (consensus: 5'-GTGACGT[AC][AG]-3') of the GRP78 (HSPA5) promoter. Involved in the ER stress response pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324027", "l": "Golgi complex of striated muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336989", "l": "Plasma membrane of totipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521481", "l": "5q23-q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13775", "l": "5q23-q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610642", "l": "IL12B-IL12RB1-IL12RB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167139", "l": "SAGA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167371", "l": "collagent type XII location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.088320895280148", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042575", "l": "DNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses DNA polymerase activity and is involved in template directed synthesis of DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335621", "l": "Axon of motor neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450464", "l": "gamma-tubulin small complex, mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682688", "l": "neurofibrillary network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033096", "l": "amyloplast envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the amyloplast and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167519", "l": "viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325751", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.551667831314546", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13526", "l": "1p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 1"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097180", "l": "serine protease inhibitor complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains a serine protease inhibitor and a protease; formation of the complex inhibits serine protease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236732", "l": "presynapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033181", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex found in the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166953", "l": "chloroplast outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754990", "l": "dimeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322780", "l": "Nerve ending within corpuscle of Golgi-Mazzoni", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269070", "l": "cyclin A1-CDK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036012", "l": "cyanelle inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the cyanelle envelope; also faces the cyanelle stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000069261", "l": "Podosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2248020", "l": "Podosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672796", "l": "bI3 intron splicing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265494", "l": "perinucleolar chromocenter", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327977", "l": "Cytoplasm of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623087", "l": "extrinsic component of cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032166", "l": "chlamydospore septin filament array", "d": ["Arrays of septin filaments, or bars, found in a series of filamentous structures. Observed in the chlamydospore membrane during chlamydospore formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902687", "l": "glucosidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of glucosidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520765", "l": "17q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13833", "l": "17q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0080008", "l": "Cul4-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul4 family and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by an adaptor protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070355", "l": "synaptotagmin-synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-syntaxin-1b-Rab3a-complexin II complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptotagmin, synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, syntaxin 1a, syntaxin1b, Rab3a, and complexin II (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033102", "l": "acidocalcisome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an acidocalcisome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166747", "l": "COPII vesicle coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548435", "l": "Lewy body-like hyaline inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246458", "l": "XRCC2-RAD51D complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097179", "l": "protease inhibitor complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains a protease inhibitor and a protease; formation of the complex inhibits protease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523558", "l": "BLOC-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009576", "l": "leucoplast stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of a leucoplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235618", "l": "amphisome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821122", "l": "spliceosomal tri-snRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247660", "l": "polyketide synthase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005785", "l": "signal recognition particle receptor complex", "d": ["A transmembrane heterodimeric protein located in the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Both subunits contain GTPase domains with which signal recognition particle interacts. In the presence of GTP and SRP receptor, SRP is released from the ribosome-nascent chain complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071101", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-JAM2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to the cell adhesion molecule JAM2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150002", "l": "distal dendrite", "d": ["The dendrite of the dendritic tree that is farthest away from the neuronal cell body (the soma)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990816", "l": "vacuole-mitochondrion membrane contact site", "d": ["A zone of apposition between the vacuolar membrane and the mitochondrial outer membrane, important for transfer of lipids between the two organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010494", "l": "cytoplasmic stress granule", "d": ["A dense aggregation in the cytosol composed of proteins and RNAs that appear when the cell is under stress."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521478", "l": "5q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25079", "l": "5q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990257", "l": "piccolo-bassoon transport vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic dense-core vesicle that transports a range of proteins including piccolo, bassoon, N-cadherin and syntaxin. The transported proteins may be associated with the external side of the vesicle, rather than being contained within the vesicle, therefore forming an aggregate of vesicle and proteins. Piccolo-bassoon transport vesicles (or PTVs) range in size from approximately 80 nm in diameter for dense core vesicles to 130 nm by 220 nm in area for aggregates. They are packaged via the trans-Golgi network before being transported through the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045169", "l": "fusome", "d": ["A large intracellular spectrin-rich structure that has been found in insect germline cells and mammalian hematopoietic cells. The fusome is an elongated, branched structure, formed from the spherical spectrosome organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896348", "l": "Kir3.1-Kir3.4 G protein-coupled atrial inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820015", "l": "filiform apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690805", "l": "ammonium transmembrane transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044178", "l": "host cell Golgi membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments of the host cell Golgi apparatus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754958", "l": "membrane-bound IgG3", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612789", "l": "integrin alpha3-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005811", "l": "lipid droplet", "d": ["An intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle comprising a matrix of coalesced lipids surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer. May include associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0010836", "l": "Cytoplasmic granulation", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167397", "l": "host cell plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546729", "l": "granular vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160110", "l": "axonemal microtubule doublet inner sheath", "d": ["A structural network of microtubule inner proteins (MIPs) located inside the lumens of the A and B tubules of the axonemal microtuble doublet that helps stabilize the doublet microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140512", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge midzone", "d": ["The central region of a mitotic nuclear bridge, distal to the main portions of the daughter nuclei."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182784", "l": "Eumelanin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C118183", "l": "16q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621493", "l": "polyhedral organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158879", "l": "macrophage migration inhibitory factor receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990343", "l": "heterochromatin domain", "d": ["A region of heterochromatin that is formed dynamically under specific growth conditions by a process that requires RNAi, and is enriched in histone H3 methylated on lysine 9 (H3K9me)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990346", "l": "BID-BCL-xl complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of BID and BCL-xl, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009546", "l": "plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve", "d": ["The space between the plasma membrane and the desmotubule of a plasmodesma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896247", "l": "NuA3a histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166744", "l": "ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325661", "l": "costamere location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018386", "l": "Kinetochores", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242609", "l": "Kinetochores", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13563", "l": "9p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 9"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903440", "l": "amylin receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of amylin receptor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546358", "l": "branched dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896342", "l": "syndecan-syntenin-ALIX complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0225328", "l": "Fibril - cell component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88921000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621655", "l": "mating-type region heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990716", "l": "axonemal central apparatus", "d": ["Part of the 9+2 axoneme, that occurs in most motile cilia, consisting of the pair of two single central microtubules and their associated structures which include the central pair projections, the central pair bridges linking the two tubules, and the central pair caps which are attached to the distal or plus ends of the microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325279", "l": "Free nerve ending innervating epidermis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610648", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.195420388399626", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D021982", "l": "Cell-Matrix Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887869", "l": "Cell-Matrix Junction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C20191", "l": "Cell-Matrix Adhesion Process", "d": ["Any cellular process in which a cell attaches to the extracellular matrix via adhesion molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819023", "l": "Chromosome passenger complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164625", "l": "Start Chromosome Arm", "d": ["The chromosomal arm that contains the beginning of the range. (BRIDG)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060170", "l": "ciliary membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043596", "l": "nuclear replication fork", "d": ["The Y-shaped region of a nuclear replicating DNA molecule, resulting from the separation of the DNA strands and in which the synthesis of new strands takes place. Also includes associated protein complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033097", "l": "amyloplast membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround an amyloplast and form the amyloplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612787", "l": "integrin alpha2-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "30.116065097563329", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071944", "l": "cell periphery", "d": ["The broad region around and including the plasma membrane of a cell, encompassing the cell cortex (inside the cell), the plasma membrane, and any external encapsulating structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137422", "l": "symbiont cell surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.756683046408256", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008928", "l": "Mitochondria", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026237", "l": "Mitochondria", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13258", "l": "Mitochondrion", "d": ["Semiautonomous, self-reproducing organelles that occur in the cytoplasm of all cells of most, but not all, eukaryotes. Mitochondria contain distinctive ribosomes, transfer RNAs, amino acyl t-RNA synthetases, and elongation and termination factors. Mitochondria depend upon genes within the nucleus for many essential messenger RNAs. Mitochondria consist of two sets of membranes, a smooth continuous outer coat and an inner membrane arranged in tubules or more often in folds that form platelike double membranes (cristae). Mitochondria are the principal energy source of the cell and contains the cytochrome enzymes of terminal electron transport and the enzymes of the citric acid cycle, fatty acid oxidation, and oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria are the sites of the reactions of oxidative phosphorylation, which result in the formation of ATP."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:312239001", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:75056005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.322225115197568", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005773", "l": "vacuole", "d": ["A closed structure, found only in eukaryotic cells, that is completely surrounded by unit membrane and contains liquid material. Cells contain one or several vacuoles, that may have different functions from each other. Vacuoles have a diverse array of functions. They can act as a storage organelle for nutrients or waste products, as a degradative compartment, as a cost-effective way of increasing cell size, and as a homeostatic regulator controlling both turgor pressure and pH of the cytosol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754962", "l": "surface IgG2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269031", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 3-interferon regulatory factor 5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450422", "l": "nuclear cluster", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325567", "l": "Outer kinetochore of condensed nuclear chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824226", "l": "helicase-loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009505", "l": "plant-type cell wall", "d": ["A more or less rigid stucture lying outside the cell membrane of a cell and composed of cellulose and pectin and other organic and inorganic substances."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621637", "l": "proteinoplast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000172", "l": "ribonuclease MRP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains an RNA molecule of the snoRNA family, and cleaves the rRNA precursor as part of rRNA transcript processing. It also has other roles: In S. cerevisiae it is involved in cell cycle-regulated degradation of daughter cell-specific mRNAs, while in mammalian cells it also enters the mitochondria and processes RNAs to create RNA primers for DNA replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330797", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of goblet cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690824", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070057", "l": "prospore membrane spindle pole body attachment site", "d": ["The region of the prospore membrane to which the spindle pole body (SPB) is anchored; the prospore membrane extends from the SPB attachment site to surround the spore nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824369", "l": "MetNI transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990013", "l": "presynaptic grid", "d": ["A hexagonal array of electron dense particles attached to the cytoplasmic face of the presynaptic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230845", "l": "Adhesion specialization between mitochondria", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18642005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039626", "l": "viral intermediate capsid", "d": ["The intermediate layer of a triple concentric icosahedral capsid. Intermediate capsids are part of reoviridae virions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246597", "l": "Swm1/2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520508", "l": "12q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13499", "l": "12q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043701", "l": "cyanosome", "d": ["A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which an unknown blue pigment is localized. Cyanosomes are synthesized in cyanophores and are blue in appearance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097513", "l": "myosin II filament", "d": ["A bipolar filament composed of myosin II molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324611", "l": "Cytoplasm of neural cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246295", "l": "SREBP-SCAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520511", "l": "12q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29963", "l": "12q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896465", "l": "NKX2.5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140525", "l": "antipodal site", "d": ["The pole of the kinetoplast associated with kinetoplast DNA replication. The antipodal sites flank the kinetoplast DNA disk and are positioned approximately 180 degrees apart. In Trypanosoma brucei and Crithidia fasciculata, minicircles are attached at antipodal sites and they contain enzymes that catalyse some of the later reactions in minicircle replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326115", "l": "Set of paraolfactory gyri", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754225", "l": "ITGA7-ITGB1-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744674", "l": "RNA polymerase I upstream activating factor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179485", "l": "Body of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820555", "l": "medial cortex septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896248", "l": "NuA3b histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031476", "l": "myosin VI complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing one or more class VI myosin heavy chains and associated light chains. Myosin VI has a single IQ motif in the neck and a tail region with a coiled coil domain followed by a unique globular domain; a unique insertion that enables myosin VI to move towards the pointed or minus end of actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815106", "l": "iRhom2/ADAM17 sheddase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098570", "l": "stromal side of plastid inner membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the plastid inner membrane that faces the stroma, and any proteins embedded in it or loosely bound to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179890", "l": "Wall of Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752389", "l": "axon terminal specialization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902562", "l": "H4 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of H4 histone acetyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511498", "l": "Contractile System", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13403", "l": "Contractile System", "d": ["Contractile system directs cell movement and is responsible for maintaining or changing cell shape. The system consists of many specialized cytoplasmic proteins, including actin, myosin, tubulin, kinesin, other cytoskeletal and contractile system proteins. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990326", "l": "collagen type XXVIII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXVIII) chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235144", "l": "alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016007", "l": "mitochondrial derivative", "d": ["The major and minor mitochondrial derivatives are the mitochondria of the sperm tail and derive by the unfolding of the Nebenkern during flagellum elongation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990429", "l": "peroxisomal importomer complex", "d": ["A protein complex responsible for transporting proteins into the peroxisomal matrix. An example of this complex is Pex14 found in S. cerevisae which has 9 core components and 12 transient interaction partners."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009366", "l": "enterobactin synthetase complex", "d": ["A multienzyme complex usually composed of four proteins, EntB, EntD, EntE and EntF. Plays a role in the enterobactin biosynthesis pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379892", "l": "inter-organelle junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824251", "l": "H-NS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230588", "l": "Intranuclear filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43875006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167348", "l": "plant-type cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236788", "l": "microsporidian-type endospore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711180", "l": "18q21.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C44522", "l": "18q21.32", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 18."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748468", "l": "condensed chromosome, centromere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754236", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-ADAM23 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754169", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex C2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549073", "l": "T=169 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166855", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520703", "l": "16q22.2-q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24965", "l": "16q22.2-q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.245308234813891", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099568", "l": "cytoplasmic region", "d": ["Any (proper) part of the cytoplasm of a single cell of sufficient size to still be considered cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990015", "l": "ensheathing process", "d": ["A cell projection (often from glial cells such as Schwann cells) that surrounds an unmyelinated axon or cell soma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034364", "l": "high-density lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A lipoprotein particle with a high density (typically 1.063-1.21 g/ml) and a diameter of 5-10 nm that contains APOAs and may contain APOCs and APOE; found in blood and carries lipids from body tissues to the liver as part of the reverse cholesterol transport process."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821253", "l": "ATPase dependent transmembrane transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156847", "l": "haustorium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690751", "l": "reservosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325603", "l": "Azurophil granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329077", "l": "ventral surface of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610770", "l": "organellar chromatophore thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045335", "l": "phagocytic vesicle", "d": ["A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle that arises from the ingestion of particulate material by phagocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990143", "l": "CoA-synthesizing protein complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex likely involved in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA). In S. cerevisiae, the complex consists of at least Cab2, Cab3, Cab4 and Cab5 but may also include Sis2 and Vhs3. The latter subunits are shared by the GO:0071513 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex that catalyses the third step of the coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthetic pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893247", "l": "initial autophagic vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "45.15464690432281", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005737", "l": "cytoplasm", "d": ["The contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821185", "l": "MutLgamma complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236510", "l": "cytolytic granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824375", "l": "MsbA transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521387", "l": "4q13-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13730", "l": "4q13-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0101019", "l": "nucleolar exosome (RNase complex)", "d": ["A ribonuclease complex that has 3-prime to 5-prime distributive hydrolytic exoribonuclease activity and in some taxa (e.g. yeast) endoribonuclease activity, producing 5-prime-phosphomonoesters. Participates in a multitude of cellular RNA processing and degradation events preventing nuclear export and/or translation of aberrant RNAs. Restricted to processing linear and circular single-stranded RNAs (ssRNA) only. RNAs with complex secondary structures may have to be unwound or pre-processed by co-factors prior to entering the complex, esp if the 3-prime end is structured."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325679", "l": "Set of striate nuclei", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005697", "l": "telomerase holoenzyme complex", "d": ["Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme complex, with a minimal catalytic core composed of a catalytic reverse transcriptase subunit and an RNA subunit that provides the template for telomeric DNA addition. In vivo, the holoenzyme complex often contains additional subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611200", "l": "G protein complex (Btk, Gng2, Gnb1)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032541", "l": "cortical endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["A cortical network of highly dynamic tubules that are juxtaposed to the plasma membrane and undergo ring closure and tubule-branching movements."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230905", "l": "Basal or external lamina of specialized cell or tissue", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40629000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820200", "l": "pigment granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166608", "l": "ascus lipid droplet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230710", "l": "7 nm filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:64700008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339847", "l": "Protoplasm of Type D enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166968", "l": "PSI associated light-harvesting complex I, LHCIa subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235262", "l": "sperm head plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896290", "l": "CKM complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120119", "l": "flagellum attachment zone", "d": ["A network of cytoskeletal and membranous connections responsible for the lateral attachment of the cilium to the cell body in some trypanosomatid species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005726", "l": "perichromatin fibrils", "d": ["Structures of variable diameter visible in the nucleoplasm by electron microscopy, mainly observed near the border of condensed chromatin. The fibrils are enriched in RNA, and are believed to be sites of pre-mRNA splicing and polyadenylylation representing the in situ form of nascent transcripts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337537", "l": "Cytoplasmic process of odontoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335035", "l": "Set of reticular nuclei of pontile tegmentum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818836", "l": "myosin XII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546648", "l": "Pick body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896301", "l": "separase-securin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120330", "l": "rixosome complex", "d": ["A conserved RNA endonuclease complex required for spreading and epigenetic inheritance of heterochromatin. The rixosome contains six unique subunits: three structural subunits (Crb3, Rix1, and Ipi1) which form the core of the complex, and three catalytic subunits (the endonuclease Las1, the polynucleotide kinase Grc3, and the AAA-type ATPase Mdn1), which are involved in the processing of ribosomal RNA precursors. All subunits are essential for viability and are conserved from yeast to mammals, including humans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070565", "l": "telomere-telomerase complex", "d": ["A complex of DNA and protein located at the end of a linear chromosome that enables replication of the telomeric repeat sequences at the end of a linear chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516557", "l": "Cilium Microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32319", "l": "Cilium Microtubule", "d": ["A microtubule that is part of a cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990378", "l": "upstream stimulatory factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity through binding to a symmetrical DNA sequence (E-boxes) (5'-CACGTG-3'). Found in a variety of viral and cellular promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.558450055965587", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031967", "l": "organelle envelope", "d": ["A double membrane structure enclosing an organelle, including two lipid bilayers and the region between them. In some cases, an organelle envelope may have more than two membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090689", "l": "cleavage furrow leading edge", "d": ["The 'trough' of the cleavage furrow. This is the part of the cleavage furrow closest to the contractile ring."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061832", "l": "basal ectoplasmic specialization", "d": ["Testis-specific junction between mature Sertoli cells involved in establishing the blood-testis barrier of the Sertoli cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036014", "l": "cyanelle intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the cyanelle envelope; includes the peptidoglycan layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235334", "l": "central cylinder", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160067", "l": "new spindle pole body SIN signaling complex", "d": ["A SIN signaling complex associated with the new mitotic spindle pole body during anaphase and characterized by the presence activated (GTP bound) GTPase (Spg1 in fission yeast) to activate SIN signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035061", "l": "interchromatin granule", "d": ["A class of nuclear body measuring 20-25 nm in diameter and distributed throughout the interchromatin space, linked together by thin fibrils. They are believed to be storage centers for various snRNAs, snRNPs, serine/arginine-rich proteins and RNA polymerase II. A typical mammalian cell contains 25-50 clusters of interchromatin granules. Interchromatin granule clusters do not contain the heterogeneous nuclear RNA-binding proteins (hnRNPs)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622353", "l": "cytoplasmic DNA replication factor C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754968", "l": "IgD immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034692", "l": "E.F.G complex", "d": ["A protein complex that comprises three core spliceosomal proteins, designated E, F, and G. Formation of the E.F.G complex is essential but not sufficient for the formation of a stable U1 snRNP complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610673", "l": "SNARE complex (Snap25, Stx1a, Vamp2)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610643", "l": "CD19-Vav-PIK3R1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017023", "l": "myosin phosphatase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the removal of the phosphate group from phosphomyosin. Composed of a PP1 catalytic subunit (PP1c/PPP1CB) and a myosin phosphatase targeting subunit (MYPT1/PPP1R12A)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327729", "l": "Cytoplasm of mesothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754088", "l": "transcription factor TFIIK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754322", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD47 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338339", "l": "Protoplasm of hepatic stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D042541", "l": "Intracellular Space", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0682581", "l": "Intracellular Space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821270", "l": "somatic ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179054", "l": "External fiber of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031597", "l": "cytosolic proteasome complex", "d": ["A proteasome complex found in the cytosol of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752273", "l": "Toll-like receptor 2-Toll-like receptor 6 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033652", "l": "host cell chloroplast", "d": ["A chlorophyll-containing plastid as found within host cells with thylakoids organized into grana and frets, or stroma thylakoids, and embedded in a stroma. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156547", "l": "host multivesicular body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048223", "l": "hemicellulose network", "d": ["Network composed of hemicelluloses; members of a class of plant cell wall polysaccharide that cannot be extracted from the wall by hot water or chelating agents, but can be extracted by aqueous alkali. Includes xylan, glucuronoxylan, arabinoxylan, arabinogalactan II, glucomannan, xyloglucan and galactomannan."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009941", "l": "chloroplast envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the chloroplast and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520592", "l": "14q24-q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14113", "l": "14q24-q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002178", "l": "palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex with palmitoyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523473", "l": "axonemal heterotrimeric kinesin-II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824592", "l": "USF2 homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D019847", "l": "Chromosomes, Archaeal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0524970", "l": "Chromosomes, Archaeal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167132", "l": "core-binding factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035182", "l": "female germline ring canal outer rim", "d": ["An electron opaque backbone of the insect ovarian ring canal that is a part of or adjacent to the plasma membrane. The outer rim is established as the cleavage furrow is arrested, and contains F-actin, anillin, glycoproteins and at least one a protein with a high content of phosphorylated tyrosine residues."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045293", "l": "mRNA editing complex", "d": ["A protein complex that posttranscriptionally catalyzes insertion, deletion or substitution of nucleotides at multiple sites within nascent mRNA transcripts to produce mature mRNAs in eukaryotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166668", "l": "spectrin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515552", "l": "Xp22.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C37285", "l": "Xp22.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613233", "l": "Tpg-containing telomere binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821261", "l": "internal side of trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071818", "l": "BAT3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex found in mammals that transfers tail-anchored (TA) proteins from SGTA to GET3 (ASNA1/TRC4) for targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Also chaperones polypeptides from the endoplasmic reticulum retrotranslocation machinery to the proteasome, maintaining the solubility of substrates to improve ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Consists of BAG6 (BAT3) and its cofactors GET4 (TRC35) and UBL4A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035618", "l": "root hair", "d": ["A long, thin projection from a root epidermal cell that contains F-actin and tubulin, and a cell wall."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098566", "l": "transport vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the membrane of a transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520702", "l": "16q22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13643", "l": "16q22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612267", "l": "nitric oxide synthase-dystrophin complex, skeletal muscle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520636", "l": "15q22-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13711", "l": "15q22-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167300", "l": "tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034732", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIB-alpha complex", "d": ["A transcription factor TFIIIB-beta complex that contains the TATA-binding protein (TBP), B'' and a specialized homolog of the conserved subunit BRF referred to as BRFU or TFIIIB50, which found in human but not conserved in yeast; the complex is involved in the regulation of transcription from type 3 (upstream) RNA polymerase III promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335936", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327175", "l": "Cytoplasm of urothelial cell of trigone of urinary bladder", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166795", "l": "Spindle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521310", "l": "3q21-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25049", "l": "3q21-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035267", "l": "NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A complex having histone acetylase activity on chromatin, as well as ATPase, DNA helicase and structural DNA binding activities. The complex is thought to be involved in double-strand DNA break repair. Subunits of the human complex include HTATIP/TIP60, TRRAP, RUVBL1, BUVBL2, beta-actin and BAF53/ACTL6A. In yeast, the complex has 13 subunits, including the catalytic subunit Esa1 (homologous to human Tip60)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140602", "l": "nucleolar peripheral inclusion body", "d": ["Inclusion bodies located at the nucleolar periphery where several nuclear factors are reversibly aggregated and sequestered during acute heat stress or starvation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990154", "l": "enzyme IIA-maltose transporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of the pentameric maltose transporter complex bound to two enzyme IIA (EIIA) molecules. EIIA is a component of the glucose-specific phosphotransferase system that inhibits maltose transport from the periplasm to the cytoplasm. When EIIA-bound, the maltose transporter remains in the open, inward-facing conformation, which prevents binding of maltose-loaded maltose binding protein (MBP) to the transporter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610639", "l": "TGF-beta 1:type II receptor:type I receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824305", "l": "DnaA-DnaB-DnaC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120101", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum stator complex", "d": ["A hetero-hexameric complex of 2 membrane proteins, A and B, with stoichiometry A4B2. The A and B proteins form a channel through which flow the ions that power the bacterial-type flagellum. They form the stator, or nonrotating portion, of the flagellum motor with the B protein apparently attached to the peptidoglycan cell wall. Examples include the H+ driven MotA-MotB stator complex of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, and the Na+ driven PomA-PomB stator complex of Vibrio and Shewanella species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755750", "l": "U12-type spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236793", "l": "outer dense plaque of desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005901", "l": "caveola", "d": ["A membrane raft that forms small pit, depression, or invagination that communicates with the outside of a cell and extends inward, indenting the cytoplasm and the cell membrane. Examples include flask-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane in adipocytes associated with caveolin proteins, and minute pits or incuppings of the cell membrane formed during pinocytosis. Caveolae may be pinched off to form free vesicles within the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544402", "l": "dentate gyrus granule cell axonal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005848", "l": "mRNA cleavage stimulating factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for mRNA cleavage but not for poly(A) addition."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825768", "l": "5q33.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81850", "l": "5q33.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179048", "l": "Membrane protein of peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521662", "l": "7q35-q36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13668", "l": "7q35-q36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097556", "l": "left posteriolateral flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is nucleated by the left posteriolateral basal body and extends cytoplasmically toward the cell posterior, marking the left anterior boundary of the lateral shield and the left lateral region of the funis before exiting at the left lateral region of the cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179142", "l": "Corbular sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820582", "l": "Mst2 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520395", "l": "11q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38356", "l": "11q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325596", "l": "vacuolar protein sorting-associated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326874", "l": "amyloid beta heterotrimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234958", "l": "apoptotic bleb", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032921", "l": "sarcosine oxidase complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of 4 protein subunits as a heterotetramer, that possesses sarcosine oxidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748487", "l": "outer kinetochore plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520365", "l": "11p15.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26296", "l": "11p15.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520542", "l": "13q12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13482", "l": "13q12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450348", "l": "septum surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179490", "l": "Cleft of Schmidt-Lanterman", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821120", "l": "sperm plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817180", "l": "extracellular membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167496", "l": "protein phosphatase 4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819063", "l": "chlamydospore septin filament array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071053", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019822", "l": "P4 peroxisome", "d": ["A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P4 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380039", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule minus-end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335255", "l": "Protoplasm of brush cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167516", "l": "type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246497", "l": "acidocalcisome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265215", "l": "aminodeoxychorismate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045282", "l": "plasma membrane succinate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A multimeric complex which consists of flavoprotein (subunit A ; InterPro:IPR003952), iron-sulfur protein (subunit B) and membrane-bound cytochrome b560 (subunit C; InterPro:IPR000701). In some Archaea, the membrane-bound subunits (C or C and D) do not necessarily contain heme. Membrane-bound subunits can bind/react with quinones. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520268", "l": "10q11-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13869", "l": "10q11-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990587", "l": "FtsQBL complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for prokaryotic cell division (FtsZ-dependent cytokinesis). Part of the divisome. Assembled independently of the other divisome components in the cytoplasm prior to transport to the cell septum. In E. coli consists of FtsB, FtsL and FtsQ."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.41723220320425", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005881", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule", "d": ["Any microtubule in the cytoplasm of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032281", "l": "AMPA glutamate receptor complex", "d": ["An assembly of four or five subunits which form a structure with an extracellular N-terminus and a large loop that together form the ligand binding domain. The C-terminus is intracellular. The ionotropic glutamate receptor complex itself acts as a ligand gated ion channel; on binding glutamate, charged ions pass through a channel in the center of the receptor complex. The AMPA receptors mediate fast synaptic transmission in the CNS and are composed of subunits GluR1-4, products from separate genes. These subunits have an extracellular N-terminus and an intracellular C-terminus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325664", "l": "chloroplast nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332708", "l": "Protoplasm of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329006", "l": "peripheral region of growth cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044310", "l": "osmiophilic body", "d": ["A membrane-bounded vesicle found predominantly in Plasmodium female gametocytes, that becomes progressively more abundant as the gametocyte reaches full maturity. These vesicles lie beneath the subpellicular membrane of the gametocyte, and the release of their contents into the parasitophorous vacuole has been postulated to aid in the escape of gametocytes from the erythrocyte after ingestion by the mosquito."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236648", "l": "caveola neck", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546530", "l": "single-stranded DNA-binding protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166763", "l": "Arp2/3 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179093", "l": "Radial spoke of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158803", "l": "root hair (cell projection)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098978", "l": "glutamatergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses glutamate as a neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005896", "l": "interleukin-6 receptor complex", "d": ["A hexameric protein complex consisting of two molecules each of interleukin-6, interleukin-6 receptor alpha chain, and gp-130."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952159", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of multipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754214", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230714", "l": "Sarcomere pattern", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:70145005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166746", "l": "COPI-coated inter-Golgi transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166885", "l": "minor mitochondrial derivative", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014731", "l": "spectrin-associated cytoskeleton", "d": ["The part of the cytoskeleton composed of spectrin, protein 4.1 and ankyrin. Spectrin-associated cytoskeleton is associated with the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710698", "l": "Xq27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45200", "l": "Xq27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269169", "l": "sieve plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230684", "l": "Secretory granule, endocrine, undergoing exocytosis", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38956002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451578", "l": "histone H3-containing nucleosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030897", "l": "HOPS complex", "d": ["A multimeric protein complex that associates with the vacuolar membrane, late endosomal (multivesicular body) and lysosomal membranes. HOPS is a tethering complex involved in vesicle fusion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182785", "l": "Pheomelanin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167190", "l": "Cell to cell adherens junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234204", "l": "cell periphery of front of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071007", "l": "U2-type catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that contains the U2, U5 and U6 snRNPs bound to a splicing intermediate in which the first catalytic cleavage of the 5' splice site has occurred. The precise subunit composition differs significantly from that of the catalytic step 1, or activated, spliceosome, and includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U2, U5 and U6 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031003", "l": "actin tubule", "d": ["A cellular structure, approximately 13 nm in diameter, consisting of three actin filaments bundled together."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521698", "l": "8p12-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13774", "l": "8p12-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326943", "l": "FET5-FTH1 high affinity iron exporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328084", "l": "Protoplasm of unipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990011", "l": "laminated body", "d": ["Inclusion body characterized by regularly spaced sheets of tubules arranged in a whorl pattern resembling a fingerprint. Laminated bodies have been observed in neurons of the lateral geniculate nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005851", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex", "d": ["A multisubunit guanine nucleotide exchange factor which catalyzes the exchange of GDP bound to initiation factor eIF2 for GTP, generating active eIF2-GTP. In humans, it is composed of five subunits, alpha, beta, delta, gamma and epsilon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893621", "l": "SCF-Skp2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120118", "l": "flagella connector", "d": ["A mobile transmembrane junction at the tip of the flagellum of some kinetoplastid species linking the tip of a new growing flagellum to an older flagellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754942", "l": "IgG immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097219", "l": "compound sieve plate", "d": ["A sieve plate that contains several specialized sieve areas in either a scalariform or reticulate arrangement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546324", "l": "pre-synaptic dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097085", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 3-interferon regulatory factor 5 complex", "d": ["An interferon regulatory factor complex that consists of a heterodimer of interferon regulatory factor 3 and interferon regulatory factor 5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183488", "l": "Portion of organelle substance", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338500", "l": "Medial Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180024", "l": "Lipid bilayer of endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166749", "l": "vesicle coat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515460", "l": "8q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13497", "l": "8q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610649", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-SPP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D019600", "l": "Neuropil Threads", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137269", "l": "Ycf2/FtsHi complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611212", "l": "IL4-IL4R-IL2RG complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098833", "l": "presynaptic endocytic zone", "d": ["A specialized region of the plasma membrane and underlying cytoplasm which surround the the active zone, into which synaptic vesicle membranes are recycled following exocytosis. It is especially enriched in endocytic proteins following intense activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754179", "l": "trans spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753448", "l": "CTDK-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020005", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuole membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a symbiont-containing vacuole, derived from both the host and symbiont."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000308", "l": "cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex", "d": ["Cyclin-dependent protein kinase (CDK) complex found in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247125", "l": "pericanalicular vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330523", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of osteocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3826258", "l": "Giant chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045249", "l": "cytosol pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex", "d": ["A cytosolic complex of a regulatory and catalytic subunit that catalyzes the dephosphorylation and concomitant reactivation of the alpha subunit of the E1 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033654", "l": "host cell chloroplast thylakoid membrane", "d": ["Any sac-like membranous structures (cisternae) in a chloroplast found in host cells, combined into stacks (grana) and present singly in the stroma (stroma thylakoids or frets) as interconnections between grana. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520855", "l": "19q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13618", "l": "19q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166633", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328098", "l": "Cell nucleus of epithelial cell of stratum germinativum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818023", "l": "tubulovesicular network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098896", "l": "postsynaptic early endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a postsynaptic early endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520782", "l": "17q23-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13927", "l": "17q23-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269019", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D064048", "l": "Spindle Pole Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0597729", "l": "Spindle Pole Body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13365", "l": "Spindle Pole Body", "d": ["The spindle pole body (SPB) is the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) in the yeast Saccharomyces that plays a pivotal role in such diverse processes as mitosis, budding, and mating. (from Cell. 1997;89:1077-86)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022001", "l": "Focal Adhesions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887870", "l": "Focal Adhesions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32272", "l": "Focal Adhesion", "d": ["A cellular junction where cellular transmembrane integrin receptors bind to extracellular matrix proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521282", "l": "3p21-p14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13631", "l": "3p21-p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.151319539368089", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008870", "l": "Microtubules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026046", "l": "Microtubules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13256", "l": "Microtubule", "d": ["Microtubules of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton perform essential and diverse functions and are composed of a heterodimer of alpha and beta tubulin. The genes encoding these microtubule constituents are part of the tubulin superfamily, which is composed of six distinct families. Genes from the alpha, beta and gamma tubulin families are found in all eukaryotes. The alpha and beta tubulins represent the major components of microtubules, while gamma tubulin plays a critical role in the nucleation of microtubule assembly. There are multiple alpha and beta tubulin genes and they are highly conserved among and between species. (from LocusLink)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.991992031210344", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070469", "l": "respirasome", "d": ["The protein complexes that form the electron transport system (the respiratory chain), associated with a cell membrane, usually the plasma membrane (in prokaryotes) or the inner mitochondrial membrane (on eukaryotes). The respiratory chain complexes transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor and are associated with a proton pump to create a transmembrane electrochemical gradient."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039621", "l": "T=13 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=13 symmetry. The T=13 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 120 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893649", "l": "CENP-A recruiting complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044732", "l": "mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["The microtubule organizing center that forms as part of the mitotic cell cycle; functionally homologous to the animal cell centrosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821262", "l": "cytoplasmic side of trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031258", "l": "lamellipodium membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a lamellipodium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819997", "l": "symbiosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329103", "l": "Plasma membrane of pancreatic ductal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893883", "l": "ribonuclease III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166757", "l": "merozoite dense granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167201", "l": "primary plasmodesma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325613", "l": "Multimerin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.180713427975022", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002890", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 20", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008663", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 20", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13216", "l": "Human Chromosome 20", "d": ["The designation for each member of the third smallest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 20 spans around 63 million base pairs and represents between 2 and 2.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:25610001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332076", "l": "Protoplasm of lymphocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754951", "l": "IgG B cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691158", "l": "cerebellar climbing fiber to Purkinje cell synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333726", "l": "Fissured nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:112658004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819073", "l": "split septin rings", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032161", "l": "cleavage apparatus septin structure", "d": ["Any of a series of structures composed of septins and septin-associated proteins localized to the cleavage plane which are involved in cytokinesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610534", "l": "fertilization envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13565", "l": "Xp", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome X"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180378", "l": "Adhesive spot", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120231", "l": "DNA recombinase auxiliary factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to a recombinase and incrseases its activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032421", "l": "stereocilium bundle", "d": ["A bundle of cross-linked stereocilia, arranged around a kinocilium on the apical surface of a sensory hair cell (e.g. a neuromast, auditory or vestibular hair cell). Stereocilium bundles act as mechanosensory organelles by responding to fluid motion or fluid pressure changes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070618", "l": "Grb2-Sos complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Grb2 and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos (or an ortholog thereof, such as mSos1), and is involved in linking EGFR activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097566", "l": "left tetrad", "d": ["Set of four basal bodies found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It comprises the left lateral basal body pair and the left middle basal body pair (i.e. the anterior, ventral, caudal and posteriolateral basal bodies located to the right of the left nucleus of the trophozoite when viewed dorsally)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338516", "l": "Membrane protein of cis Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754114", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex B1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155732", "l": "clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098577", "l": "inactive sex chromosome", "d": ["A sex chromosome that has been inactivated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.548370863794581", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140535", "l": "intracellular protein-containing complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex located intracellularly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824334", "l": "HU complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623122", "l": "replication fork protection complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235121", "l": "serotonin-activated cation-selective channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070825", "l": "chrorion micropyle", "d": ["A single cone-shaped specialization that forms an opening in the egg chorion that allows sperm entry into the egg prior to fertilization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622058", "l": "box C/D RNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520198", "l": "Xq26.3-q27.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13582", "l": "Xq26.3-q27.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13463", "l": "Downstream Enhancer", "d": ["An enhancer which is located 3' of the gene it regulates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610653", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB5-SPP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098983", "l": "symmetric, GABA-ergic, inhibitory synapse", "d": ["A neuron to neuron synapse that lacks an electron dense postsynaptic specialization, uses GABA as a neurotransmitter and whose activity results in inhibitory postsynaptic potentials."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337930", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of serous cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035000", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase III complex", "d": ["An oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) complex that contains the seven polypeptides found in OST complex I, plus heterotrimeric Sec61alpha-beta-gamma and the tetrameric TRAP complex. Of the three forms of mammalian OST complexes identified, the OSTIII complex has the strongest affinity for ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070876", "l": "SOSS complex", "d": ["A protein complex that functions downstream of the MRN complex to promote DNA repair and the G2/M checkpoint. The SOSS complex associates with single-stranded DNA at DNA lesions and is composed of SOSS-B (SOSS-B1/OBFC2B or SOSS-B2/OBFC2A), SOSS-A/INTS3 and SOSS-C/C9orf80."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2923576", "l": "Hemoglobin H inclusion bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520176", "l": "Xp22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39631", "l": "Xp22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230801", "l": "Annulate lamella", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:74714009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821256", "l": "deuterosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520468", "l": "12p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13948", "l": "12p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521398", "l": "4q22.1-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25066", "l": "4q22.1-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179099", "l": "Component of central part of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235130", "l": "plasma membrane signaling receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001533", "l": "cornified envelope", "d": ["A type of plasma membrane that has been modified through addition of distinct intracellular and extracellular components, including ceramide, found in cornifying epithelial cells (corneocytes)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622926", "l": "male pronucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099078", "l": "BORC complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in positioning of the lysosome within the cytoplasm and which is composed of BLOC1S1, BLOC1S2, BORCS5, BORCS6, BORCS7, BORCS8, KXD1 and SNAPIN. The BORC complex recruits ARL8 at the cytosolic face of lysosomes and couples them to microtubule plus-end-directed kinesin motors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020036", "l": "Maurer's cleft", "d": ["A disk-like structure that appears at the periphery of a red blood cell infected by an apicomplexan parasite, characterized by a translucent lumen and an electron-dense coat of variable thickness; often appears to be tethered to the host cell membrane by fibrous connections with the erythrocyte cytoskeleton."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752235", "l": "spermatocyte ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672800", "l": "large ribosomal subunit pre-assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990686", "l": "LDL-containing protein-lipid-RNA complex", "d": ["A protein-lipid-RNA complex containing separate low-density lipoprotein (LDL), lipid and RNA molecules. Separate in this context means not covalently bound to each other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036194", "l": "muscle cell projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from a muscle cell. A muscle cell is a mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte. This cell has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044194", "l": "cytolytic granule", "d": ["A specialized secretory lysosome that is present in cells with cytolytic capability such as cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Cytolytic granules mediate the storage and regulated excretion of lytic molecules for killing of target cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167303", "l": "succinate-CoA ligase complex (GDP-forming)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D058894", "l": "Nematocyst", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1166662", "l": "Nematocyst", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166966", "l": "thylakoid light-harvesting complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137646", "l": "multiple synapse bouton, contacting multiple dendrites", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099071", "l": "dynamic microtubule bundle", "d": ["A microtubule bundle that undergoes changes in length, and in which microtubule sliding takes place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690289", "l": "HCN4 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156647", "l": "box H/ACA RNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166956", "l": "chloroplast stromal thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322748", "l": "Set of transverse occipital fasciculi", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043661", "l": "peribacteroid membrane", "d": ["A membrane that surrounds one or more bacteroids (such as nitrogen-fixing bacteroids within legume root nodule cells)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754462", "l": "Ssh1 translocon complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269024", "l": "FAL1-SGD1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690825", "l": "meiotic actomyosin contractile ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071020", "l": "post-spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed following the second splicing event and contains the spliced product, the excised intron, and three snRNPs, including U5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034360", "l": "chylomicron remnant", "d": ["A lipoprotein particle that is derived from a mature chylomicron particle by the removal of triglycerides from the chylomicron core by lipoprotein lipase and the subsequent loss of surface components. It characteristically contains apolipoprotein E (APOE) and is cleared from the blood by the liver."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166952", "l": "chloroplast inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904856", "l": "cytolytic granule lumen", "d": ["Any cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle lumen that is part of a cytolytic granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044665", "l": "MLL1/2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that can methylate lysine-4 of histone H3, and which contains either of the protein subunits MLL1 or MLL2 in human, or equivalent in other species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13529", "l": "11p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 11"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622070", "l": "Cul2-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030875", "l": "rDNA protrusion", "d": ["Any of the tandem arrays of rDNA localized at the periphery of the nucleus and protruding into the nucleolus, and associated proteins. May be visible as a single or double spot by DAPI staining."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098539", "l": "cytoplasmic side of transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the transport vesicle membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520389", "l": "11q13.5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14036", "l": "11q13.5", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990249", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair, DNA damage recognition complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of identifying lesions in DNA, such as pyrimidine-dimers, intrastrand cross-links, and bulky adducts. The wide range of substrate specificity suggests that the repair complex recognizes distortions in the DNA helix. It subsequently recruits a nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034687", "l": "integrin alphaL-beta2 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphaL subunit and one beta2 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754139", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex B2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2953770", "l": "Cell body of pyramidal cell of precentral gyrus of cerebral hemisphere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005701", "l": "polytene chromosome chromocenter", "d": ["A region at which the centric regions of polytene chromosomes are joined together."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167091", "l": "chromatin silencing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009353", "l": "mitochondrial oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A complex of multiple copies of three enzymatic components: oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2) and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3); catalyzes the overall conversion of 2-oxoglutarate to succinyl-CoA and carbon dioxide (CO2) within the mitochondrial matrix. An example of this complex is found in Mus musculus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325657", "l": "TIM22 mitochondrial import inner membrane insertion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690348", "l": "presynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546558", "l": "zona pellucida receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031020", "l": "plastid mRNA editing complex", "d": ["An mRNA editing complex found in a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071121", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-VEGF-D complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to vascular endothelial growth factor D."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333782", "l": "Membrane bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333772", "l": "Sarcoplasmic masses", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:59480009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044196", "l": "host cell nucleolus", "d": ["A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic host cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1979868", "l": "CD42", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030136", "l": "clathrin-coated vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle with a coat formed of clathrin connected to the membrane via one of the clathrin adaptor complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328844", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000139", "l": "Golgi membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments of the Golgi apparatus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032165", "l": "prospore septin filament array", "d": ["Arrays of septin filaments, or bars, found in a series of filamentous structures; observed in the prospore membrane during spore formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622036", "l": "Elg1 RFC-like complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106392", "l": "bI3 intron splicing complex", "d": ["Aprotein complex required for the splicing of intron 3 of the cytochrome b (COB) gene. In S. cerevisiae, the complex contains the maturase bI3 (which derives from one of the products of the splicing), the MRS1 cofactor and the intron 4 of the cytochrome b pre-mRNA. The two proteins stimulate the ribozyme activity of the pre-mRNA which autoctalyse a group I intron splicing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031011", "l": "Ino80 complex", "d": ["A multisubunit protein complex that contains the Ino80p ATPase; exhibits chromatin remodeling activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071017", "l": "U12-type catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the displacement of the U11 and U4atac snRNPs from the precatalytic spliceosome; the U12, U5 and U6atac snRNPs remain associated with the mRNA. This complex, sometimes called the activated spliceosome, is the catalytically active form of the spliceosome, and includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U12, and U5 and U6atac snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990207", "l": "EmrE multidrug transporter complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex capable of transporting positively charged hydrophobic drugs across the plasma membrane thereby involved in conferring resistance to a wide range of toxic compounds (e.g. methyl viologen, ethidium bromide and acriflavine). It is commonly found in bacteria. In E. coli it forms a homodimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D007424", "l": "Intracellular Fluid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166670", "l": "Centric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753500", "l": "interleukin-23 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034082", "l": "type II polyketide synthase complex", "d": ["A polyketide synthase complex that consists of several different polypeptide chains, each of which catalyzes a single reaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048500", "l": "signal recognition particle", "d": ["A complex of protein and RNA which facilitates translocation of proteins across membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610707", "l": "SNARE complex (Vamp3, Vamp4, Stx16)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326873", "l": "amyloid beta homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612814", "l": "ITGA11-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268714", "l": "clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820777", "l": "NarGHI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097417", "l": "nematosome", "d": ["Cytoplasmic, ball-like inclusion resembling a nucleolus and consisting of a convoluted network of electron-opaque strands embedded in a less dense matrix. It measures approximately 0.9 microns and lacks a limiting membrane. Its strands (diameter = 400-600 A) appear to be made of an entanglement of tightly packed filaments and particles approximately 25-50 A thick. Cytochemical studies suggest the presence of nonhistone proteins and some RNA. Usually only one such structure is present in a cell, and it appears to occur in most ganglion cells. Although they can be seen anywhere in the cell body, nematosomes are typically located in the perinuclear cytoplasm, where they are often associated with smooth-surfaced and coated vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893606", "l": "platelet SNARE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520300", "l": "10q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13682", "l": "10q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009516", "l": "leucoplast", "d": ["A colorless plastid involved in the synthesis of monoterpenes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821205", "l": "adhesive disc", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030665", "l": "clathrin-coated vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-coated vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691110", "l": "pathogen-containing vacuole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009469", "l": "Neuromuscular Junction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0027869", "l": "Neuromuscular Junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070685", "l": "macropinocytic cup", "d": ["A cell projection that forms at the site of macropinocytosis, a form of endocytosis that results in the uptake of relatively large amounts of extracellular fluid. The macropinocytic cup membrane selectively excludes certain proteins, such as H36 or PM4C4 in Dictyostelium, and the underlying cytoskeleton is enriched in F-actin and coronin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521302", "l": "3q13.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14130", "l": "3q13.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753445", "l": "Bur1/Bur2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034363", "l": "intermediate-density lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle that typically contains APOB100, APOE and APOCs and has a density of 1.006-1.019 g/ml and a diameter of between 25-30 nm. IDL particles are found in blood and are formed by the delipidation of very-low-density lipoprotein particles (VLDL). IDL particles are removed from blood by the liver, following binding to the APOE receptor, or are converted to low-density lipoprotein (LDL)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008290", "l": "F-actin capping protein complex", "d": ["A heterodimer consisting of alpha and beta subunits that binds to and caps the barbed ends of actin filaments, thereby regulating the polymerization of actin monomers but not severing actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062141", "l": "nuclear exosome targeting complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that functions with the RNA exosome and contributes to the degradation of abberant transcripts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990102", "l": "DnaA-DiaA complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex containing a tetramer of DiaA attached to multiple DnaA molecule bound to oriC DNA. Regulates timely initiation of chromosomal replication during the cell cycle by stimulating assembly of DnaA-oriC complexes, conformational changes in ATP-DnaA initiation complexes, and unwinding of oriC duplex DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236695", "l": "postsynaptic endocytic zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754396", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP3 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613438", "l": "microtubule organizing center attachment site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150050", "l": "postsynaptic septin cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the septin cytoskeleton contained within the postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167353", "l": "slime layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071202", "l": "Kv4.3-DPP10 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the peptidase-related protein DPP10 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071135", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-focal adhesion kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha7-beta1 integrin complex bound to focal adhesion kinase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379848", "l": "ELL-EAF-EBP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690960", "l": "PAR3-PAR6-atypical PKC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043512", "l": "inhibin A complex", "d": ["Heterodimeric hormone composed of an inhibin alpha subunit complexed with an inhibin beta-A subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520267", "l": "10q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13664", "l": "10q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044570", "l": "starch utilization system complex", "d": ["A bacterial cell envelope-associated multiprotein system, which binds and degrades starch."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098807", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid membrane protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is part of a chloroplast thylakoid membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230800", "l": "Triad of striated muscle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78500002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690833", "l": "nucleus lagging edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820014", "l": "intine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13662", "l": "Androgen Response Element", "d": ["Androgen response element is the target binding element for activated androgen receptor homodimer. The consensus sequence for this high-affinity androgen receptor-binding is the palindromic sequence GGT/AACAnnnTGTTCT, though could deviate considerably in natural promoter sequences. The most well-characterized in this regard is the promoter of the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) gene."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099629", "l": "postsynaptic specialization of symmetric synapse", "d": ["A network of proteins within and adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane of a symmetric synapse, consisting of anchoring and scaffolding molecules, signaling enzymes and cytoskeletal components that spatially and functionally organize the neurotransmitter receptors at the synapse. This structure is not as thick or electron dense as the postsynaptic densities found in asymmetric synapses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235378", "l": "equatorial cell cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097431", "l": "mitotic spindle pole", "d": ["Either of the ends of a mitotic spindle, a spindle that forms as part of mitosis, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820776", "l": "nuclear transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990811", "l": "MWP complex", "d": ["A protein ternary complex that anchors microtubule minus ends to mitotic spindle pole bodies. The founding complex contains a microtubule anchoring protein (Msd1 in fission yeast), A WD-repeat Wdr8 family protein and and a minus end-directed kinesin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235117", "l": "PKM2 protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754946", "l": "IgG2a antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689781", "l": "KCNJ11-SURx complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180107", "l": "Hydrogen ion pump of membrane of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823013", "l": "left posteriolateral basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034361", "l": "very-low-density lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle that is typically composed of APOB100, APOE and APOCs and has a density of about 1.006 g/ml and a diameter of between 20-80 nm. It is found in blood and transports endogenous products (newly synthesized cholesterol and triglycerides) from the liver."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336402", "l": "Plasma membrane of paneth cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236683", "l": "actin-based cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2734073", "l": "Cellular material", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167517", "l": "protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521580", "l": "6q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13780", "l": "6q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822532", "l": "ThiH-ThiG complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904090", "l": "peptidase inhibitor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of peptidase inhibitor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690962", "l": "PAR6-PAR3-aPKC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515506", "l": "9p23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13969", "l": "9p23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754949", "l": "IgG3 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246663", "l": "vacuolar transporter chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055531", "l": "Gemini of Coiled Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2350423", "l": "Gemini of Coiled Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269021", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 3-interferon regulatory factor 7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990389", "l": "CUE1-UBC7 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme activity during ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). In S. cerevisiae, UBC7 is the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) and requires binding to the ER surface by CUE1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612463", "l": "spherical high-density lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166681", "l": "Nuclear interphase chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660210", "l": "extrinsic component of external side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5197821", "l": "Polyhedral Occlusion Body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230792", "l": "Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:8839002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179090", "l": "Component of peripheral part of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328524", "l": "Organelle tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521185", "l": "2p22.3-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14040", "l": "2p22.3-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0544978", "l": "Intracytoplasmic cilium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:125478006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523478", "l": "linear element", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043601", "l": "nuclear replisome", "d": ["A multi-component enzymatic machine at the nuclear replication fork, which mediates DNA replication. Includes DNA primase, one or more DNA polymerases, DNA helicases, and other proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005940", "l": "septin ring", "d": ["A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane at the site of cytokinesis; composed of members of the conserved family of filament-forming proteins called septins as well as septin-associated proteins. This type of septin structure is observed at the bud neck of budding fungal cells, at the site of cell division in animal cells, at the junction between the mother cell and a pseudohyphal projection, and also within hyphae of filamentous fungi at sites where a septum will form."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039642", "l": "virion nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a virion in which the nucleic acid is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520180", "l": "Xq11-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13788", "l": "Xq11-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4553711", "l": "Fimbria (cell structure)", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:769147001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1659198", "l": "cytoproct", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235311", "l": "lysosomal matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821288", "l": "periplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1510674", "l": "A-Microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32060", "l": "A-Microtubule", "d": ["A complete cylindrical microtubule that is part of a microtubule doublet in cilia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893479", "l": "Pip2-Oaf1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246349", "l": "endosomal scaffold complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167508", "l": "serine-pyruvate aminotransferase, type 2B complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098030", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, neck", "d": ["A region of constriction located below the head and above the tail sheath of viruses with contractile tails (Myoviridae)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690213", "l": "inner membrane pellicle complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236686", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-vacuole membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611197", "l": "Mad-Max-mSin3B complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030083", "l": "PSI associated light-harvesting complex I, LHCIa subcomplex", "d": ["A pigment protein complex that forms part of the photosystem I associated light-harvesting complex I; contains two proteins (usually about 24 and 21.5 kDa); has a fluorescence maximum between 680 and 690 nm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754976", "l": "IgA1 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990200", "l": "SsuD-SsuE complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing an alkanesulfonate monooxygenase subunit (SsuD tetramer in E.coli) and a flavin oxidoreductase subunit (SsuE dimer in E.coli). Involved in the utilization of alkanesulfonates as sulfur sources under conditions of sulfate or cysteine starvation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D010588", "l": "Phagosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0031310", "l": "Phagosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33316", "l": "Phagosome", "d": ["A vesicle formed by the fusion of the plasma membrane around large particles during phagocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520264", "l": "10p15-p14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14122", "l": "10p15-p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032300", "l": "mismatch repair complex", "d": ["Any complex formed of proteins that act in mismatch repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180096", "l": "Lipid bilayer of smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005833", "l": "hemoglobin complex", "d": ["An iron-containing, oxygen carrying complex. In vertebrates it is made up of two pairs of associated globin polypeptide chains, each chain carrying a noncovalently bound heme prosthetic group."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896189", "l": "stereocilia tip-link density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824591", "l": "USF1-USF2 heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753440", "l": "macropinocytic cup cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236711", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum subcompartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612346", "l": "paired organelles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691154", "l": "postsynaptic septin cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071119", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-nicotinamide riboside kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha7-beta1 integrin complex bound to nicotinamide riboside kinase 2 (also known as muscle integrin binding protein, MIBP)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902737", "l": "dendritic filopodium", "d": ["A small, membranous protrusion found primarily on dendritic stretches of developing neurons. May receive synaptic input, and can develop into dendritic spines."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610677", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090705", "l": "trichome papilla", "d": ["A plant cell papilla that is part of a trichome cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610708", "l": "Vamp3-Vamp4-Stx16 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451543", "l": "antipodal site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061689", "l": "tricellular tight junction", "d": ["An specialized occluding junction where three epithelial cells meet. It is composed of a branching network of sealing strands that run perpendicularly to the bicellular tight junction at the point of contact between three epithelial cells in an epithelial sheet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031511", "l": "Mis6-Sim4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms part of the inner kinetochore, which is involved in the loading of the centromeric histone h3 variant CENP-A onto centromeres and in centromere specific heterochromatin formation. The complex contains about 12 proteins, of which two are known as Mis6 and Sim4 in S. pombe and CENP-I and CENP-H in human."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.024411547311772", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031968", "l": "organelle outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing in a cellular organelle, lipid bilayer of an organelle envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046727", "l": "capsomere", "d": ["Any of the protein subunits that comprise the closed shell or coat (capsid) of certain viruses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034493", "l": "melanosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the melanosome membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598071", "l": "caveola intracellularis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546232", "l": "mesaxon of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450980", "l": "EGO-GSE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017071", "l": "intracellular cyclic nucleotide activated cation channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a transmembrane channel through which cations ions may pass in response to an intracellular cyclic nucleotide binding to the channel complex or one of its constituent parts."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611192", "l": "Grb2-Shc complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098982", "l": "GABA-ergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses GABA as a neurotransmitter. These synapses are typically inhibitory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690910", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180349", "l": "Nucleus of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098692", "l": "noradrenergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses noradrenaline as a neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "52.728296006852695", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13201", "l": "Chromatin", "d": ["The genetic material of the nucleus, consisting of deoxyribonucleoprotein, which occurs in two forms during the phase between mitotic divisions: 1) as heterochromatin, seen as condensed, readily stainable clumps; 2) as euchromatin, dispersed lightly staining or nonstaining material. During mitotic division the chromatin condenses into chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009329", "l": "acetate CoA-transferase complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric enzyme complex made up of two alpha subunits and two beta subunits. Part of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex. Catalyzes the transfer of a carboxyl group to form malonyl-CoA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821140", "l": "ciliary inversin compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893233", "l": "protein phosphatase 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621501", "l": "Snf1 kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325029", "l": "Body of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.180713427975022", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036126", "l": "sperm flagellum", "d": ["A microtubule-based flagellum (or cilium) that is part of a sperm, a mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167363", "l": "collagen type IV location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035868", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-HMGB1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to high mobility group box 1 protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822733", "l": "Ire1 complex dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754129", "l": "U4atac/U6atac x U5 tri-snRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819208", "l": "MutSbeta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045170", "l": "spectrosome", "d": ["A germline specific spherical organelle, rich in membrane skeletal proteins. Precursor to the fusome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230641", "l": "Fenestration, endothelial, without diaphragm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:21645000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325527", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546554", "l": "Cdc48p-Npl4p-Vms1p AAA ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265212", "l": "beta-glucan-containing cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070114", "l": "organellar chromatophore outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, of the two lipid bilayers surrounding an organellar chromatophore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140511", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge stalk", "d": ["Either of the regions of a mitotic nuclear bridge proximal to the main portion of each daughter nucleus. The nuclear envelope in the stalk regions is depleted of nuclear pore complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005664", "l": "nuclear origin of replication recognition complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that is located at the replication origins of a chromosome in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097076", "l": "transforming growth factor beta activated kinase 1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses protein kinase activity and activates the I-kappa B kinase complex (IKK) and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases in response to TRAF6 signaling. It comprises the catalytic subunit TAK1 complexed to the regulatory subunits, termed TABs (TAK1-binding subunits)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754260", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-CD63 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070033", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin II complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, syntaxin 1a, and complexin II (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612912", "l": "9S-cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor non-ligand activated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325715", "l": "Set1C/COMPASS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548790", "l": "half bridge of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612837", "l": "18S U11/U12 snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521118", "l": "22q13.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25024", "l": "22q13.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097683", "l": "dinoflagellate apex", "d": ["The anterior most point of a dinoflagellate epicone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818831", "l": "myosin VII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521663", "l": "7q36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25116", "l": "7q36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990584", "l": "cardiac Troponin complex", "d": ["A complex of accessory proteins (cardiac troponin T, cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin C) found associated with actin in cardiac muscle thin filaments; involved in calcium regulation important for muscle contraction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520301", "l": "10q26.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24909", "l": "10q26.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327499", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of stratum spinosum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990562", "l": "syndecan-syntenin-ALIX complex", "d": ["An exosome complex that is assembled in the multivesicular body (MVB) membrane and chaperoned to the exosome by the ESCRT-III machinery."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010367", "l": "extracellular isoamylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex whose composition varies amongst species; in rice it probably exists in a homo-tetramer to homo-hexamer form and in Gram negative bacteria as a dimer. Functions in the hydrolysis of alpha-(1,6)-D-glucosidic branch linkages. Isoamylases in animals are localized in the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166993", "l": "plastid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271505", "l": "endolysosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265493", "l": "chromocenter", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230678", "l": "Secretory granule, exocrine, undergoing exocytosis", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52284001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711195", "l": "3q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C53705", "l": "3q21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070763", "l": "Delta1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of homodimer of the Notch ligand Delta1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247584", "l": "phagophore assembly site membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070083", "l": "clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1284557", "l": "Entire myelinated nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:362296008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022002", "l": "Hemidesmosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230616", "l": "Hemidesmosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13327", "l": "Hemidesmosome", "d": ["Half desmosomes that occur on the basal surface of the stratum basalis of stratified squamous epithelium."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:12626005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327128", "l": "multimerin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325691", "l": "HOPS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032806", "l": "carboxy-terminal domain protein kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that phosphorylates amino acid residues of RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain repeats; phosphorylation occurs mainly on Ser2 and Ser5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071120", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD47 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to the cell surface antigen CD47."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622013", "l": "extrinsic component of external side of cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015935", "l": "small ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The smaller of the two subunits of a ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380001", "l": "catalase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167284", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520647", "l": "15q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24961", "l": "15q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036379", "l": "myofilament", "d": ["Any of the smallest contractile units of a myofibril (striated muscle fiber)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450338", "l": "Smc2-Smc4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031083", "l": "BLOC-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the biogenesis of specialized organelles of the endosomal-lysosomal system, such as melanosomes and platelet dense granules. Many of the protein subunits are conserved between mouse and human; the mouse complex contains the Pallidin, Muted, Cappuccino, Dysbindin, Snapin, BLOS1, BLOS2, AND BLOS3 proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819067", "l": "pseudohyphal septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230719", "l": "Z line", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52301008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183408", "l": "Cell zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520964", "l": "1p35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13887", "l": "1p35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097568", "l": "median body", "d": ["A non-membrane bound, semi-organized microtubule array of unknown function found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is located on the dorsal side of the trophozoite, slightly posterior to the ventral disc."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752518", "l": "juxtaparanode region of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682684", "l": "axodendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179936", "l": "Membrane of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231733", "l": "potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4 tetramer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180291", "l": "Membrane of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896356", "l": "meiotic spindle astral microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167292", "l": "respiratory chain complex II location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008287", "l": "protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex", "d": ["A complex, normally consisting of a catalytic and a regulatory subunit, which catalyzes the removal of a phosphate group from a serine or threonine residue of a protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137449", "l": "COPII-coated vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031261", "l": "DNA replication preinitiation complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex assembled at eukaryotic DNA replication origins immediately prior to the initiation of DNA replication. The preinitiation complex is formed by the assembly of additional proteins onto an existing prereplicative complex. In budding yeast, the additional proteins might include Cdc45p, Sld2p, Sld3p, Dpb11p, DNA polymerases, and others; in fission yeast the GINS complex is present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248765", "l": "DNA polymerase III, proofreading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097555", "l": "right anterior flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It originates at the right anterior basal body, extends laterally through the cytoplasm, crosses the left anterior axoneme, and exits as a membrane-bound flagellum on the anterior right side of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044100", "l": "sporoplasm", "d": ["The complex infective apparatus corresponding to the central mass of cytoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824364", "l": "methionine transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451152", "l": "small ribosomal subunit maturation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000164", "l": "protein phosphatase type 1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses magnesium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase (AMD phosphatase) activity, and consists of a catalytic subunit and one or more regulatory subunits that dictates the phosphatase's substrate specificity, function, and activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754232", "l": "ITGAE-ITGB7-CDH1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752418", "l": "polar tube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612793", "l": "integrin alpha4-beta7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013347", "l": "Subcellular Fractions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0038528", "l": "Subcellular Fractions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90503007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1751136", "l": "junctional membrane complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515517", "l": "9q22.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28555", "l": "9q22.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031563", "l": "mating projection tip polarisome", "d": ["Protein complex that has a role in determining cell polarity, found at the tip of the mating projection in unicellular fungi exposed to mating pheromone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071122", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-VEGF-A complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to vascular endothelial growth factor A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137249", "l": "multi-synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823125", "l": "GABA receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046859", "l": "hydrogenosomal membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a hydrogenosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.024411547311772", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D007382", "l": "Intermediate Filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0021770", "l": "Intermediate Filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13248", "l": "Intermediate Filament", "d": ["A class of tough protein filaments (including keratin filaments, neurofilaments, desmin, and vimentin) that measure 8-10 nm in thickness and comprise part of the cytoskeleton of the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells; so named because they are intermediate in thickness between actin filaments and microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754266", "l": "alpha2-beta1 integrin-CD47 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002947", "l": "tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily complex", "d": ["A receptor complex that contains one or more members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071091", "l": "alpha1-beta1 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha1-beta1 integrin complex bound to tissue transglutaminase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902929", "l": "plasma membrane of growing cell tip", "d": ["Any plasma membrane part that is part of a growing cell tip."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005722", "l": "beta-heterochromatin", "d": ["A diffusely banded region of heterochromatin located between euchromatin and alpha-heterochromatin in the polytene chromosome chromocenter; normally replicated during polytenization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070210", "l": "Rpd3L-Expanded complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains a histone deacetylase and is part of the chromatin remodeling machinery. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae this complex contains the Rpd3p, Sin3p, Ume1p, Pho23p, Sap30p, Sds3p, Cti6p, Rxt2p, Rxt3p, Dep1p, Ume6p, Ash1p, Dot6p, Snt1, Sif2p, Set3p, Hos2p, Tos4p and Tod6p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518451", "l": "Nucleolar Fibrillar Material", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33182", "l": "Nucleolar Fibrillar Material", "d": ["A thread-like complex of ribosomal components including ribosomal RNA, in various stages of transcription, and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333789", "l": "Viral cytoplasmic inclusion body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88523009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235379", "l": "microtubule end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815115", "l": "ankyrin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236513", "l": "cell cortex region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005687", "l": "U4 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U4, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U4 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U4 snRNA both while the U4 snRNP is free or assembled into the U4/U6 snRNP or into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322724", "l": "Telophase cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097675", "l": "SCF-Hrt3/Pof7 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Hrt3 in S. cerevisiae (Pof7 in S. pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821028", "l": "unicellular trichome tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247519", "l": "acidocalcisome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030666", "l": "endocytic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380159", "l": "outer membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0501414", "l": "Visceral efferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000243", "l": "commitment complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by association of the U1 snRNP with the 5' splice site of an unspliced intron in an RNA transcript."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179488", "l": "Region of Schwann cell cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5213414", "l": "Fetal Y chromosome | Plasma cell-free DNA | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166618", "l": "polarisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166991", "l": "leucoplast stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167435", "l": "D-amino-acid dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610671", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180356", "l": "Region of actin myofilament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042566", "l": "hydrogenosome", "d": ["A spherical, membrane-bounded organelle found in some anaerobic protozoa, which participates in ATP and molecular hydrogen formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612573", "l": "chromaffin granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520803", "l": "18q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13475", "l": "18q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823710", "l": "plasma membrane of growing cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235119", "l": "ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819047", "l": "meiotic septin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071126", "l": "alphaV-beta6 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta6 integrin complex bound to osteopontin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271852", "l": "ERBB4-ERBB4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230697", "l": "Keratohyaline granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11637009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324228", "l": "Plasma membrane of pancreatic centro-acinar cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099165", "l": "postsynaptic specialization of symmetric synapse, intracellular component", "d": ["A network of proteins adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane of a symmetric synapse. Its major components include that spatially and functionally organize neurotransmitter receptors in the adjacent membrane, such as anchoring and scaffolding molecules, signaling enzymes and cytoskeletal components. This structure is not as thick or electron dense as the postsynaptic density found in asymmetric synapses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230768", "l": "Transport vesicle of Golgi complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:80578004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070465", "l": "alpha1-beta1 integrin-alpha3(VI) complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha1-beta1 integrin complex bound to a type VI collagen triple helix containing an alpha3(VI) chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097440", "l": "apical dendrite", "d": ["A dendrite that emerges near the apical pole of a neuron. In bipolar neurons, apical dendrites are located on the opposite side of the soma from the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179102", "l": "Component of peripheral part of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005665", "l": "RNA polymerase II, core complex", "d": ["RNA polymerase II, one of three nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerases found in all eukaryotes, is a multisubunit complex; typically it produces mRNAs, snoRNAs, and some of the snRNAs. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The largest subunit of RNA polymerase II contains an essential carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) composed of a variable number of heptapeptide repeats (YSPTSPS). The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits (generally ten or more), some of which are also found in RNA polymerases I and III. Although the core is competent to mediate ribonucleic acid synthesis, it requires additional factors to select the appropriate template."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0101003", "l": "ficolin-1-rich granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a ficolin-1-rich granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990463", "l": "lateral cortical node", "d": ["A protein complex that is anchored at the cortical face of the plasma membrane, and contains proteins involved in regulating cell cycle progression. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, lateral cortical nodes are several megadaltons in size, and contain Slf1, which anchors the complex at the membrane, and the methyltransferase Skb1 in stoichiometric quantities, and may contain other proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379991", "l": "nuclear exosome targeting complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520401", "l": "11q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13926", "l": "11q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325624", "l": "proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990352", "l": "BRE1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex composed of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase BRE1. Plays a role in regulating association of RNA polymerase II with active genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990159", "l": "DnaB-DnaC-DnaT-PriA-PriC complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex consisting of the helicase loading complex DnaB-DnaC, replication restart proteins DnaT, PriA and PriC, and associated DNA. Involved in the restart of DNA replication after a stalled replication fork has been repaired."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520996", "l": "1q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13935", "l": "1q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520954", "l": "1p32.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24994", "l": "1p32.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158844", "l": "eRF1 methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522737", "l": "ESCRT II complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167260", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex II location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070745", "l": "interleukin-35 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of an interleukin-12 alpha subunit (p35, product of the IL12A gene) and an EBI3 subunit and is secreted into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002144", "l": "cytosolic tRNA wobble base thiouridylase complex", "d": ["A complex of two proteins involved in the thiolation of uridine 34 (U34) of tRNAs decoding two-family box triplets."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511969", "l": "Dimeric Tubulin Molecule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32464", "l": "Dimeric Tubulin Molecule", "d": ["A protein complex containing one alpha tubulin and one beta tubulin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167040", "l": "plant-type vacuole lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044538", "l": "host cell periphery", "d": ["The part of a cell encompassing the cell cortex, the plasma membrane, and any external encapsulating structures of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903768", "l": "taste receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of taste receptor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043223", "l": "cytoplasmic SCF ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex, located in the cytoplasm, in which a cullin from the Cul1 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by a Skp1 adaptor and an F-box protein. SCF complexes are involved in targeting proteins for degradation by the proteasome. The best characterized complexes are those from yeast and mammals (with core subunits named Cdc53/Cul1, Rbx1/Hrt1/Roc1)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166858", "l": "Golgi cis face", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271122", "l": "glucosidase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546245", "l": "glial process", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235324", "l": "actin fusion focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520772", "l": "17q21.1-q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24975", "l": "17q21.1-q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990728", "l": "mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex that in turn inhibits the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). The MAD1 dimer recruits the open form of MAD2 (O-MAD2) turning it into the closed form (C-MAD2) upon binding. C-MAD2 inhibits CDC20, a member of the APC/C, upon release from the MAD1-MAD2 complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512874", "l": "Internal Lumen of the Centriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32851", "l": "Internal Lumen of the Centriole", "d": ["The space bounded by the nine microtubule triplets of the centriole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3163724", "l": "Nucleic acid specimen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:448789008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325827", "l": "transportin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061175", "l": "type II terminal bouton", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon of a non-glutamatergic neuron, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters at a regulatory synapse. The axon terminus is considered to be the whole region of thickening and the terminal bouton is a specialized region of it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1335464", "l": "Pre-Replication Complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28685", "l": "Pre-Replication Complex", "d": ["The Origin Recognition Complex (ORC) in eukaryotic cells selects genomic sites where pre-replication complexes (pre-RCs) can be assembled. Subsequent activation of these pre-RCs results in bi-directional DNA replication that originates at or close to the ORC DNA binding sites. (From PubMed 12801628)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030662", "l": "coated vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a coated vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247637", "l": "Ric1p-Rgp1p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167121", "l": "DNA replication factor A complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035361", "l": "Cul8-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul8 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core. In S. cerevisiae, Mms1p acts as the adaptor protein and substrate specificity is conferred by any of a number of different proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328978", "l": "9+0 non-motile cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030127", "l": "COPII vesicle coat", "d": ["One of two multimeric complexes that forms a membrane vesicle coat. COPII is best characterized in S. cerevisiae, where the subunits are called Sar1p, Sec13p, Sec31p, Sec23p, and Sec24p. Vesicles with COPII coats are found associated with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes at steady state."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.672771840408203", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098552", "l": "side of membrane", "d": ["A cellular component consisting of one leaflet of a membrane bilayer and any proteins embedded or anchored in it or attached to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990085", "l": "Hda-beta clamp complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in inactivating the function of DnaA and thereby preventing multiple events of replication initiation. In E. coli, this complex is composed of the beta clamp (DnaN) and Hda."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520362", "l": "11p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24914", "l": "11p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045266", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk", "d": ["One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the plasma membrane-associated F0 proteins; is thought to prevent futile rotation of the catalytic core. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902675", "l": "left ventral basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a left ventral flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008861", "l": "Microsomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026029", "l": "Microsomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180351", "l": "Sarcolemma proper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137283", "l": "amylin receptor complex 1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045260", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting ATP synthase complex found in the plasma membrane. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179897", "l": "Part of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167475", "l": "nitrate reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140638", "l": "small ribosomal subunit processing complex", "d": ["A small heterodimeric protein complex that is required during early maturation of nascent 40S ribosomal subunits. The complex has endonuclease activity, it interacts with the small ribosomal subunit pre-rRNA and cleave it it to produce the mature 18S (or small ribosomal subunit) rRNA. In S. cerevisiae it is composed of Rcl1p and Bms1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071124", "l": "alpha1-beta1 integrin-tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha1-beta1 integrin complex bound to tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990026", "l": "hippocampal mossy fiber expansion", "d": ["Synaptic expansion of hippocampal mossy fiber axon that makes contact with the thorny excrescences of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cell dendrites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520691", "l": "16q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13889", "l": "16q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044187", "l": "host cell lysosome", "d": ["A small lytic vacuole that has cell cycle-independent morphology and is found in most host animal cells and that contains a variety of hydrolases, most of which have their maximal activities in the pH range 5-6. The contained enzymes display latency if properly isolated. About 40 different lysosomal hydrolases are known and host cell lysosomes have a great variety of morphologies and functions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048501", "l": "signal recognition particle, plasma membrane targeting", "d": ["A complex consisting of a protein and RNA component which binds the signal sequence of some proteins and facilitates their export to or across the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005705", "l": "polytene chromosome interband", "d": ["A stretch of less tightly packed chromatin along the polytene chromosome, found between bands."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046821", "l": "extrachromosomal DNA", "d": ["DNA structures that are not part of a chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137263", "l": "protein kinase 5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521102", "l": "22q11-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13757", "l": "22q11-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3825826", "l": "Pili (Microbiology)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.449651719305677", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098827", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum subcompartment", "d": ["A distinct region of the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548441", "l": "fibrillary inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450341", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, equatorial microtubule organizing center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819995", "l": "Host Cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C93037", "l": "Host Cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098567", "l": "periplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of a plasma membrane that faces the periplasm, and all proteins embedded in it or attached to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.796139606449842", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034358", "l": "plasma lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A spherical particle with a hydrophobic core of triglycerides and/or cholesterol esters, surrounded by an amphipathic monolayer of phospholipids, cholesterol and apolipoproteins. Plasma lipoprotein particles transport lipids, which are non-covalently associated with the particles, in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180306", "l": "Inner dynein arm of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033104", "l": "type VI protein secretion system complex", "d": ["A complex of proteins that permits the transfer of proteins into the extracellular milieu or directly into host cells via the type VI secretion system. Proteins secreted by this complex do not require an N-terminal signal sequence."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033174", "l": "chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic core CF(1)", "d": ["The catalytic sector of the mitochondrial hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase; it comprises the catalytic core and central stalk, and is peripherally associated with the chloroplast thylakoid membrane when the entire ATP synthase is assembled. The chloroplast F0 domain contains three alpha, three beta, one gamma, one delta, and one epsilon subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821182", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt5p-Pmt3p dimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005859", "l": "muscle myosin complex", "d": ["A filament of myosin found in a muscle cell of any type."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546434", "l": "Mitochondrial aggregate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070115", "l": "organellar chromatophore intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers that surround an organellar chromatophore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893355", "l": "6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035101", "l": "FACT complex", "d": ["A histone chaperone complex that facilitates nucleosome disassembly and reassembly upon DNA or RNA polymerase passage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325635", "l": "MHC class I peptide loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690290", "l": "K/Na hyperpolarization-activated channel 3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043594", "l": "outer endospore membrane", "d": ["The outer membrane around a bacterial endospore, located between the endospore cortex and endospore coat."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754155", "l": "U12-type catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043675", "l": "sculpture element", "d": ["The third layer of the sexine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005872", "l": "minus-end kinesin complex", "d": ["Any complex that includes a dimer of molecules from the kinesin superfamily and any associated proteins, and moves towards the minus end of a microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000940", "l": "outer kinetochore", "d": ["The region of a kinetochore most external to centromeric DNA; this outer region mediates kinetochore-microtubule interactions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621467", "l": "Ctf18 RFC-like complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990455", "l": "PTEN phosphatase complex", "d": ["A phospholipid phosphatase complex that catalyses the hydrolysis of the second messenger PtdIns (3,4,5)P3. Will also dephosphorylate PtdIns(3,4)P2, PtdIns3P, and Ins(1,3,4,5)P4. Dimerization is critical for its lipid phosphatase function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521371", "l": "4p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25057", "l": "4p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110146", "l": "magnetosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a magnetosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13231", "l": "Exon", "d": ["The sequences of a gene that are present in the final, mature, spliced messenger RNA molecule from that gene."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450344", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048494", "l": "chromatophore ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": ["A complex, located in the chromatophore, containing either both large and small subunits or just small subunits which carries out the activity of producing 3-phosphoglycerate from carbon dioxide and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031260", "l": "pseudopodium membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a pseudopodium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548486", "l": "perinucleolar compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821158", "l": "right caudal flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D016874", "l": "Neurofibrillary Tangles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032937", "l": "SREBP-SCAP-Insig complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP), SREBP-cleavage-activating protein (SCAP), and an Insig protein (Insig-1 or Insig-2) in the ER membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137265", "l": "Pi Mi complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612803", "l": "integrin alpha6-beta4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822740", "l": "GMP reductase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166693", "l": "Metaphase chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C115145", "l": "17pter-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band that encompasses the entire p arm and part of the q arm of chromosome 17."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520770", "l": "17q21-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14124", "l": "17q21-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325526", "l": "photoreceptor outer segment membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097145", "l": "BAK complex", "d": ["An oligomeric protein complex consisting of BAK, a member of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230857", "l": "Concentric orientation of cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:24137005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612822", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.432745995597372", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518457", "l": "Nucleosome Core Particle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13811", "l": "Nucleosome Core Particle", "d": ["Nucleosome core particle consists of the 146 base pair highly protected DNA segment and its bound histone octamer (two of each histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). Nucleosome core particle, linker DNA and histone H1 comprise one structural unit of chromatin, nucleosome. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752591", "l": "stereocilia tip link", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039618", "l": "T=pseudo3 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with pseudo T=3 symmetry. The T=pseudo3 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 20 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230808", "l": "Fusiform vesicle, as in transitional epithelium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57033003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690958", "l": "BEM1-CDC24-CLA4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824387", "l": "TauD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230814", "l": "Primary lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:33803000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755749", "l": "U2-type spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062129", "l": "chitin-based extracellular matrix", "d": ["Any constituent part of a chitin-based noncellular, hardened, or membranous extracellular matrix secreted from the apical surface of an epithelial sheet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754317", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-endostatin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230666", "l": "Cell wall, eukaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56368001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060111", "l": "alae of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["Raised, thickened cuticular ridges that run longitudinally, and in parallel, along the left and right sides of the animal. The alae lie above the hypodermal cells known as the lateral seam cells. In C. elegans, alae are produced in L1 larvae, dauer larvae and adult stage animals, where they consist of three, five, and three ridges of distinct morphology, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611012", "l": "RAD52-ERCC4-ERCC1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030057", "l": "desmosome", "d": ["A cell-cell junction in which: on the cytoplasmic surface of each interacting plasma membrane is a dense plaque composed of a mixture of intracellular anchor proteins; a bundle of keratin intermediate filaments is attached to the surface of each plaque; transmembrane adhesion proteins of the cadherin family bind to the plaques and interact through their extracellular domains to hold the adjacent membranes together by a Ca2+-dependent mechanism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167178", "l": "tRNA-intron endonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167455", "l": "glutamate-cysteine ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230634", "l": "Foot process of glomerular podocyte", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60302007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612373", "l": "condensed chromosome, centromeric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167183", "l": "Apicolateral plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166990", "l": "Leukoplasts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166859", "l": "transport protein particle complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001940", "l": "male pronucleus", "d": ["The pronucleus originating from the spermatozoa that was involved in fertilization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032175", "l": "mating projection septin ring", "d": ["A septin ring, i.e. a ring-shaped structure composed of septins and septin-associated proteins, located at the neck of a shmoo (mating projection). The septin ring in the neck of a shmoo may act as a barrier to localize mating factors in the shmoo tip."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752415", "l": "type IV pilus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097453", "l": "mesaxon", "d": ["Portion of the ensheathing process (either myelin or non-myelin) where the enveloping lips of the ensheathing cell come together so that their apposed plasma membranes run parallel to each other, separated by a cleft 12 nm wide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167400", "l": "infected host cell surface knob", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137201", "l": "TGFbeta1 ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167391", "l": "insulin-like growth factor ternary complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230712", "l": "Combined actin-like and myosin-like filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:70380002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622619", "l": "Cul4B-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2951163", "l": "Set of neurites of pyramidal cells of primary motor cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098568", "l": "external side of mycolate outer membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the mycolate outer membrane that faces the environment and any proteins embedded in it or loosely bound to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323153", "l": "Nuclear membrane-attached polysomal ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380009", "l": "spongiome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521076", "l": "21q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13846", "l": "21q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 21q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2255950", "l": "incipient cellular bud site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120343", "l": "radial spoke neck", "d": ["The radial spoke neck is a complex that connects the spoke stalk to the head."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042568", "l": "insulin-like growth factor binary complex", "d": ["A complex of two proteins, which in animals is 50kDa and consists of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and one of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), -2 (IGFBP-2), -4 (IGFBP-4) and -6 (IGFBP-6). The complex plays a role in growth and development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544407", "l": "neck portion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612375", "l": "13S condensin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325751", "l": "porous cell septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521295", "l": "3p25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26628", "l": "3p25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610535", "l": "fertilization membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325621", "l": "proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179146", "l": "Triad junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230828", "l": "Multivesicular body, inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:22970000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035230", "l": "cytoneme", "d": ["A long, thin, polarized cell projection that contains actin and can extend for distances many times the diameter of the cell. Cytonemes represent extensions of cell cytoplasm and typically have a diameter of approximately 0.2um."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038045", "l": "large latent transforming growth factor-beta complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing latency-associated proteins (LAPs), mature disulphide-linked dimeric TGF-beta, and latent TGF-beta binding proteins (LTBPs). TGF-beta is mostly secreted as part of the large latent complex, and must be subsequently released from the LLC in order to bind to cell surface receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612833", "l": "integrin alphaE-beta7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621451", "l": "extrinsic component of mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230861", "l": "Intramitochondrial granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38997009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824205", "l": "DnaA-Dps complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166965", "l": "chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099535", "l": "synapse-associated extracellular matrix", "d": ["The extracellular matrix of the perisynaptic space (the extracellular space adjacent to the synapse) and the synaptic cleft."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230853", "l": "Distinctive pattern of mitochondrial cristae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43049006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814945", "l": "nuclear mitotic cohesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548415", "l": "presynaptic active zone dense projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.868301077661471", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009579", "l": "thylakoid", "d": ["A membranous cellular structure that bears the photosynthetic pigments in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. In cyanobacteria thylakoids are of various shapes and are attached to, or continuous with, the plasma membrane. In eukaryotes they are flattened, membrane-bounded disk-like structures located in the chloroplasts; in the chloroplasts of higher plants the thylakoids form dense stacks called grana. Isolated thylakoid preparations can carry out photosynthetic electron transport and the associated phosphorylation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035354", "l": "Toll-like receptor 1-Toll-like receptor 2 protein complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex containing Toll-like receptor 1 (TLR1) and Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179917", "l": "Matrix of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325561", "l": "chromosome, pericentric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061800", "l": "fibronectin fibril", "d": ["A supramolecular fiber formed from fibronectin molecules. The fibrils are 5 to 25nm in diameter and can form branched meshworks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754143", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex C1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167081", "l": "nucleolus organizer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896442", "l": "C/EBPalpha homodimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071180", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch2 (ICN2), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-3 (MAML3); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183494", "l": "Matrix of Golgi apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180020", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120307", "l": "Hechtian strand", "d": ["An extended membranous thread which firmly connects the plasma membrane to the cell wall during plasmolysis such that the plasma membrane does not separate from the cell wall completely."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990836", "l": "lysosomal matrix", "d": ["A matrix composed of supramolecular assemblies of lysosomal enzymes and lipids which forms at a pH of 5.0 within the lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030672", "l": "synaptic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a synaptic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098647", "l": "collagen beaded filament", "d": ["A supramolecular assembly of collagen trimers with a 'beads on a string'-like structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001400", "l": "mating projection base", "d": ["The region where the mating projection meets the bulk of the cell, in unicellular fungi exposed to mating pheromone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815109", "l": "SIN/MEN signalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166653", "l": "subpellicular microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032585", "l": "multivesicular body membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a multivesicular body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000776", "l": "kinetochore", "d": ["A multisubunit complex that is located at the centromeric region of DNA and provides an attachment point for the spindle microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752553", "l": "main axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098574", "l": "cytoplasmic side of lysosomal membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the lysosomal membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325600", "l": "chromaffin granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333628", "l": "Protoplasm of leukocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700343", "l": "15q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75588", "l": "15q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166745", "l": "COPI-coated Golgi to ER transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325750", "l": "division septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689933", "l": "ER to Golgi constitutive secretory pathway transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245709", "l": "SOD1-calcineurin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230604", "l": "Cell membrane, basal aspect of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:81377000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546354", "l": "thin dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164507", "l": "End Chromosome Arm", "d": ["The chromosomal arm that contains the terminus of the range. (BRIDG)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159069", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-PKCalpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521276", "l": "3p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13502", "l": "3p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548381", "l": "viral capsid, decoration", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752377", "l": "Schwann cell compact myelin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521287", "l": "3p21.3-p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13748", "l": "3p21.3-p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033093", "l": "Weibel-Palade body", "d": ["A large, elongated, rod-shaped secretory granule characteristic of vascular endothelial cells that contain a number of structurally and functionally distinct proteins, of which the best characterized are von Willebrand factor (VWF) and P-selectin. Weibel-Palade bodies are formed from the trans-Golgi network in a process that depends on VWF, which is densely packed in a highly organized manner, and on coat proteins that remain associated with the granules. Upon cell stimulation, regulated exocytosis releases the contained proteins to the cell surface, where they act in the recruitment of platelets and leukocytes and in inflammatory and vasoactive responses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269168", "l": "sieve area", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120336", "l": "radial spoke head 1", "d": ["The portion of the radial spoke 1 that is orthogonal to the elongated stalk and which projects towards the central pair of microtubules within the ciliary axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513115", "l": "Membrane of Crista", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33078", "l": "Membrane of Crista", "d": ["The part of the inner mitochondrial membrane that folds inward to enclose the cristae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097465", "l": "somatic spine", "d": ["Spine emanating from the cell soma of a neuron."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520399", "l": "11q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13799", "l": "11q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4763187", "l": "Acellular anatomical structure of internal ear", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893563", "l": "hyposome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990005", "l": "granular vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle of varying size, but usually larger than 45 nm, with an electron dense granular core, found in noradrenergic and peptidergic cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071781", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network", "d": ["A subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum consisting of flattened, disc-shaped domains known as cisternae. These are typically found close to the nucleus and are generally more prominent in secretory cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166793", "l": "minus-end kinesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044224", "l": "juxtaparanode region of axon", "d": ["A region of an axon near a node of Ranvier that is between the paranode and internode regions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325780", "l": "cytosolic large ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179145", "l": "Junctional process of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523836", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170019", "l": "Karyotype | Chorionic villus sample | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070518", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD53 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to membrane protein CD53, a member of the tetraspan family."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005657", "l": "replication fork", "d": ["The Y-shaped region of a replicating DNA molecule, resulting from the separation of the DNA strands and in which the synthesis of new strands takes place. Also includes associated protein complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754173", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex C2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034741", "l": "APC-tubulin-IQGAP1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), alpha-tubulin, gamma-tubulin, and the Rac1 and Cdc42 effector IQGAP1; may play a role in cytoskeleton organization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337466", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of meso-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230597", "l": "Intranuclear body, granular with filamentous capsule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:8784007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325719", "l": "transcription factor TFIID complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070477", "l": "endospore core", "d": ["An intracellular part that represents the innermost portion of an endospore; the endospore core is dehydrated, enriched in dipicolinic acid and divalent cations, and metabolically inactive."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110131", "l": "Aim21-Tda2 complex", "d": ["A complex that localizes to actin cortical patches at sites of endocytosis and negatively regulates barbed end F-actin assembly, resulting in the generation of free actin pools. The Aim21-Tda2 complex is necessary for efficient endocytosis and balancing the distribution of actin between patches and cables."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511356", "l": "C-Microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32330", "l": "C-Microtubule", "d": ["A microtubule that has a C-shape in cross-section."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017117", "l": "single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP-dependent DNA helicase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses single-stranded DNA-dependent DNA helicase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622560", "l": "cell trailing edge membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753349", "l": "major histocompatibility complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005600", "l": "collagen type XIII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XIII) chains; type XIII collagen triple helices span the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623193", "l": "cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061493", "l": "central plaque of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["One of three laminate structures that form the mitotic spindle pole body; the inner plaque is on the nuclear face of the spindle pole body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0175968", "l": "Chromosome underreplication", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098572", "l": "stromal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the plastid thylakoid membrane that faces the stroma, and any proteins embedded in it or loosely bound to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523806", "l": "acrosomal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520172", "l": "Xp11.22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14035", "l": "Xp11.22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754752", "l": "pi-body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520500", "l": "12q14-q15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24934", "l": "12q14-q15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325625", "l": "proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034706", "l": "sodium channel complex", "d": ["An ion channel complex through which sodium ions pass."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005823", "l": "central plaque of spindle pole body", "d": ["One of three laminate structures that form the spindle pole body; the central plaque is embedded in the nuclear envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821108", "l": "sexual spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120239", "l": "vascular endothelial glycocalyx", "d": ["The carbohydrate-rich layer lining the vascular endothelium connected to the endothelium through a variety of molecules, mainly proteoglycans and glycoproteins. These form a network in which soluble molecules, either plasma- or endothelium-derived, are incorporated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000081363", "l": "Occlusion Bodies, Viral", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3820710", "l": "Occlusion Bodies, Viral", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036027", "l": "protein C inhibitor-PLAU complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (PLAU); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of urokinase-type plasminogen activator."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.551667831314546", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072686", "l": "mitotic spindle", "d": ["A spindle that forms as part of mitosis. Mitotic and meiotic spindles contain distinctive complements of proteins associated with microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036266", "l": "Cdc48p-Npl4p-Vms1p AAA ATPase complex", "d": ["A multiprotein ATPase complex involved in the release of polyubiquitinated proteins, including those damaged by oxidative stress, from the outer mitochondria membrane into the cytoplasm where they are presented to the proteasome for proteolysis, a process also referred to as mitochondria-associated degradation (MAD). In budding yeast, this complex includes Cdc48p, Npl4p and Vms1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990077", "l": "primosome complex", "d": ["Any of a family of protein complexes that form at the origin of replication or stalled replication forks and function in replication primer synthesis in all organisms. Early complexes initiate double-stranded DNA unwinding. The core unit consists of a replicative helicase and a primase. The helicase further unwinds the DNA and recruits the polymerase machinery. The primase synthesizes RNA primers that act as templates for complementary stand replication by the polymerase machinery. The primosome contains a number of associated proteins and protein complexes and contributes to the processes of replication initiation, lagging strand elongation, and replication restart."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896459", "l": "calprotectin heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030140", "l": "trans-Golgi network transport vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle that mediates transport between the trans-Golgi network and other parts of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179056", "l": "Ellipsoid part of inner segment of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097228", "l": "sperm principal piece", "d": ["The segment of the sperm flagellum where the mitochondrial sheath ends, and the outer dense fibers (ODFs) associated with outer axonemal doublets 3 and 8 are replaced by the 2 longitudinal columns of the fibrous sheath (FS) which run the length of the principal piece and are stabilized by circumferential ribs. The principal piece makes up ~2/3 of the length of the sperm flagellum and is defined by the presence of the FS and of only 7 (rather than 9) ODFs which taper and then terminate near the distal end of the principal piece."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546443", "l": "neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033098", "l": "amyloplast inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the amyloplast envelope; also faces the amyloplast stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070319", "l": "Golgi to plasma membrane transport vesicle", "d": ["A transport vesicle that mediates transport from the Golgi to the plasma membrane, and fuses with the plasma membrane to release various cargo molecules, such as proteins or hormones, by exocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327133", "l": "protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179144", "l": "Region of sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043597", "l": "cytoplasmic replication fork", "d": ["The Y-shaped region of a cytoplasmic replicating DNA molecule, resulting from the separation of the DNA strands and in which the synthesis of new strands takes place. Also includes associated protein complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323157", "l": "Central part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186728", "l": "Parvocellular part of lateral vestibular nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061496", "l": "half bridge of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["Structure adjacent to the plaques of the mitotic spindle pole body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821296", "l": "cytoplasmic side of lysosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330674", "l": "Nuclear cage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000837", "l": "Doa10p ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that recognizes and ubiquitinates membrane proteins with misfolded cytosolic domains during ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). In S. cerevisiae, this complex contains the ubiquitin ligase Ssm4p/Doa10p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325605", "l": "Las1-Grc3-Rat1-Rai1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070088", "l": "polyhydroxyalkanoate granule", "d": ["An inclusion body located in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes that consists of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) molecules and associated proteins, surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer; the proteins include PHA synthase, PHA depolymerase and 3HB-oligomer hydroxylase, phasins (PhaPs), which are thought to be the major structural proteins of the membrane surrounding the inclusion, and the regulator of phasin expression PhaR."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230586", "l": "Intranuclear cell product", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:32347005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752558", "l": "Neuron spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030426", "l": "growth cone", "d": ["The migrating motile tip of a growing neuron projection, where actin accumulates, and the actin cytoskeleton is the most dynamic."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137370", "l": "pollen aperture", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3888047", "l": "TORC2 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326640", "l": "RASH-SOS1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046536", "l": "dosage compensation complex", "d": ["A protein or protein-RNA complex that localizes to one or more of the sex chromosome(s), where it acts to normalize transcription between different sexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018933", "l": "Pili, Sex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242436", "l": "Sex Pili", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:69540001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325824", "l": "telomerase RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520781", "l": "17q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13665", "l": "17q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328082", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of keratinized epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824573", "l": "PKM2 pyruvate kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754108", "l": "GT-AG prespliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327138", "l": "interleukin-7 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167484", "l": "phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612810", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097728", "l": "9+0 motile cilium", "d": ["A motile cilium where the axoneme has a ring of nine outer microtubule doublets but no central microtubules (and is therefore called a 9+0 axoneme)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043528", "l": "tRNA (m2G10) methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the methylation of the guanosine nucleotide at position 10 (m2G10) in tRNA. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of at least two subunits, Trm11p and Trm112p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521209", "l": "2q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13772", "l": "2q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179911", "l": "Matrix of Golgi vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990685", "l": "HDL-containing protein-lipid-RNA complex", "d": ["A protein-lipid-RNA complex containing separate high-density lipoprotein (HDL), lipid and RNA molecules. Separate in this context means not covalently bound to each other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246515", "l": "esterosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034270", "l": "Cvt complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the Cvt pathway. In budding yeast, the Cvt complex consists of multimers of preApe1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825990", "l": "20q13.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82140", "l": "20q13.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824206", "l": "Hda-beta clamp complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032173", "l": "septin collar", "d": ["A tubular, hourglass-shaped structure composed of highly ordered arrays of septin filaments; in budding yeast cells, the septin collar forms from the initial septin ring by expanding into the daughter cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5545220", "l": "Germ Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515504", "l": "9p22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13832", "l": "9p22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611297", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD82 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020003", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuole", "d": ["Membrane-bounded vacuole within a host cell in which a symbiont organism resides. The vacuole membrane is derived from both the host and symbiont."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019824", "l": "P6 peroxisome", "d": ["A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P6 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content, and are equivalent to mature peroxisomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749477", "l": "Golgi ribbon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235147", "l": "UFD1-NPL4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710962", "l": "2q31-q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C53659", "l": "2q31-q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2 q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5426686", "l": "Neuronal intermediate filament light chain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520787", "l": "17q24.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C30155", "l": "17q24.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097059", "l": "CNTFR-CLCF1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of two soluble ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor alpha subunits (product of the CNTFR gene) and two molecules of cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 (product of the CLCF1 gene). The complex is secreted into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328870", "l": "presynaptic density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521297", "l": "3p26-p25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13710", "l": "3p26-p25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036028", "l": "protein C inhibitor-thrombin complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and thrombin (F2); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of thrombin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164929", "l": "Performed Genetic Observation Result Genetic Location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031500", "l": "Tea1 cell-end complex", "d": ["A high molecular weight complex characterized in S. pombe containing the cell-end anchoring protein Tea1. This complex is transported to the cell ends by microtubules and is involved in bipolar growth and the maintennce of normal cell polarity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034679", "l": "integrin alpha9-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha9 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044201", "l": "host cell nuclear inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the host nuclear envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020002", "l": "host cell plasma membrane", "d": ["The plasma membrane surrounding a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521418", "l": "4q34.1-q34.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14031", "l": "4q34.1-q34.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328916", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic active zone membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521311", "l": "3q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25050", "l": "3q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521615", "l": "7p12.3-p12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13678", "l": "7p12.3-p12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820009", "l": "endexine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230649", "l": "Intracytoplasmic lumen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49591008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610768", "l": "organellar chromatophore thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167244", "l": "voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032021", "l": "NELF complex", "d": ["A complex of five proteins, designated NELF-A, -B, -C, -D, and -E in human, that can physically associate with RNP polymerase II to induce transcriptional pausing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230657", "l": "Micropinocytosis vermiformis channel", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18208007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158179", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuole space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523001", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090692", "l": "mitochondrial membrane scission site", "d": ["The site on the mitochondrial membrane where the separation of a single continuous mitochondrial membrane into two membranes occurs as a final step in mitochondrial fission."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166857", "l": "fusome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821287", "l": "transport vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009538", "l": "photosystem I reaction center", "d": ["A photochemical system containing P700, the chlorophyll a dimer that functions as a primary electron donor. Functioning as a light-dependent plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, it transfers electrons from plastocyanin to ferredoxin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230774", "l": "Intracisternal material", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:85673000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183507", "l": "Subdivision of cytosol", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230694", "l": "Langerhans' granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32204", "l": "Birbeck Granule", "d": ["A rod shaped cytoplasmic organelle found in Langerhans cells of the epidermis."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:47080002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328033", "l": "plasma membrane bounded cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "56.896316610840934", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0012505", "l": "endomembrane system", "d": ["A collection of membranous structures involved in transport within the cell. The main components of the endomembrane system are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, vesicles, cell membrane and nuclear envelope. Members of the endomembrane system pass materials through each other or though the use of vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031533", "l": "mRNA capping enzyme complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an RNA 5' triphosphatase and a guanyl transferase (Cet1p and Ceg1p in S. cerevisiae; Pct1 and Ceg1 in S. pombe) and is involved in mRNA capping."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269187", "l": "alveolar lamellar body membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061801", "l": "laminin-5B complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha3B, beta3 and gamma2 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044096", "l": "type IV pilus", "d": ["A short filamentous structure on the surface of a bacterial cell distinguished from other pili by post-translational N-methylation of the pilin monomers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824287", "l": "glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013082", "l": "Sperm Tail", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0037851", "l": "Sperm Tail", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33733", "l": "Tail of the Spermatozoon", "d": ["The part of the sperm called the flagellum; it functions to propel the sperm towards the egg."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546235", "l": "dense material", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030915", "l": "Smc5-Smc6 complex", "d": ["A conserved complex that contains a heterodimer of SMC proteins (Smc5p and Smc6p, or homologs thereof) and several other proteins, and is involved in DNA repair and maintaining cell cycle arrest following DNA damage. In S. cerevisiae, this is an octameric complex called Mms21-Smc5-Smc6 complex, with at least five of its subunits conserved in fission yeast and humans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754237", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-ADAM23 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520260", "l": "10p12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28753", "l": "10p12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328929", "l": "non-motile cilium membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005638", "l": "lamin filament", "d": ["Any of a group of intermediate-filament proteins that form the fibrous matrix on the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. They are classified as lamins A, B and C."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521488", "l": "5q31.1-q33.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25083", "l": "5q31.1-q33.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754948", "l": "IgG2c antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990197", "l": "methionine-importing ABC transporter complex", "d": ["An ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex that is capable of methionine-importing activity. An example is the bacterial MetNIQ methionine transporter, that consists of the dimeric ATPase subunit MetN located at the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane and the dimeric transmembrane subunit MetI. MetQ is regarded as the periplasmic methionine-binding chaperon subunit, and is capable of transporting methionine from the periplasm into the cytoplasm in an ATP-dependent manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166834", "l": "syntrophin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183503", "l": "Basal part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030256", "l": "type I protein secretion system complex", "d": ["A complex of three secretory proteins that carry out secretion in the type I secretion system: an inner membrane transport ATPase (termed ABC protein for ATP-binding cassette), which provides the energy for protein secretion; an outer membrane protein, which is exported via the sec pathway; and a membrane fusion protein, which is anchored in the inner membrane and spans the periplasmic space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520746", "l": "17p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24969", "l": "17p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "62.333167463679153", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179846", "l": "Nonmembranous cytoplasmic organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33174", "l": "Nonmembranous Cytoplasmic Organelle", "d": ["A functional area or structure in a cell that is not enclosed in a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821106", "l": "cardiac myofibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612416", "l": "Sec secretion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380080", "l": "Smp focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031314", "l": "extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": ["The component of mitochondrial inner membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230627", "l": "Filipodium (cell structure)", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:33292006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815431", "l": "TMEM240-body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611013", "l": "RGS6-DNMT1-DMAP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D059547", "l": "Stereocilia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230626", "l": "Stereocilia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33614", "l": "Stereocilium", "d": ["A non-motile microvillus-like structure found in certain epithelial tissues. It is comprised of plasma membrane that is supported by longitudinal actin filaments."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:36828001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521314", "l": "3q22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14115", "l": "3q22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046862", "l": "chromoplast membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround a chromoplast and form the chromoplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754334", "l": "alphaX-beta2 integrin-ICAM-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035808", "l": "meiotic recombination initiation complex", "d": ["A protein complex that initiates the formation of double-strand breaks (DSBs) required for meiotic recombination. Consists of a protein that catalyses formation of the double-strand breaks (Spo11 in S. cerevisiae and Rec12 in S. pombe), and a number of accessory proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179513", "l": "Subdivision of myelinated plasma membrane of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166874", "l": "clathrin coat of coated pit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896146", "l": "CUE1-UBC7 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167076", "l": "nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610683", "l": "endobrevin-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166694", "l": "Nuclear mitotic chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179051", "l": "Neck of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230645", "l": "Basal infolding of cell membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90263008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000418", "l": "RNA polymerase IV complex", "d": ["RNA polymerase IV is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Pol IV is composed of subunits that are paralogous or identical to the 12 subunits of Pol II. The largest and second-largest subunits of Pol IV are the catalytic subunits and share similarity with the corresponding subunits of other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase V, while the largest subunit is found only in RNAP IV complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752555", "l": "neuron projection terminus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167125", "l": "origin recognition complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180323", "l": "Plasma membrane of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334336", "l": "Protoplasm of paneth cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071059", "l": "alpha6-beta1 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta1 integrin complex bound to the tetraspanin CD151."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.088320895280148", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044423", "l": "virion component", "d": ["Any constituent part of a virion, a complete fully infectious extracellular virus particle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893279", "l": "Golgi lamellae", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022629", "l": "chloroplast small ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The small subunit of a ribosome contained within a chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380089", "l": "exocytic vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612461", "l": "high-density lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042645", "l": "mitochondrial nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a mitochondrion to which the DNA is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896441", "l": "C/EBPalpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823267", "l": "GTPase activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329496", "l": "Unencapsulated nerve ending innervating solid organ", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106033", "l": "spine synapse", "d": ["A type of synapse occurring between an axon and a dendritic spine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896368", "l": "cTnC:cTnI:cTnT", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612794", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230633", "l": "Marginal fold of endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:41384007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137455", "l": "cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane, cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.866383925293761", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030864", "l": "cortical actin cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the actin cytoskeleton, comprising filamentous actin and associated proteins, that lies just beneath the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450342", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, iMTOC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030692", "l": "Noc4p-Nop14p complex", "d": ["A heterodimer associated with precursors of the eukaryotic small ribosomal subunit, including the 90S preribosome; involved in small subunit biogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158695", "l": "NF-kappaB p50/p65 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323171", "l": "Matrix of rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166850", "l": "eukaryotic 43S preinitiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325656", "l": "PAM complex, Tim23 associated import motor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157025", "l": "leaf papilla", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166630", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070422", "l": "G-protein beta/gamma-Raf-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the serine-threonine protein kinase Raf-1 with the beta and gamma subunits of a heterotrimeric G protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990533", "l": "Dom34-Hbs1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of one subunit known as Dom34 or Pelota that has similarity to translation termination factor eRF1, and another subunit, Hbs1, that is a GTPase with similarity to translation termination factor eRF3. The Dom34-Hbs1 complex has a role in cotranslational mRNA quality control by promoting ribosomal subunit dissociation and peptidyl-tRNA release when translation is stalled, facilitating no-go decay and nonstop decay."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1277046", "l": "Entire myelin sheath", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:362297004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030027", "l": "lamellipodium", "d": ["A thin sheetlike process extended by the leading edge of a migrating cell or extending cell process; contains a dense meshwork of actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754095", "l": "translation preinitiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4046076", "l": "Podomers", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612907", "l": "hScrib-APC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1662585", "l": "extrinsic component of cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549074", "l": "T=147 icosahedral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035657", "l": "eRF1 methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the methylation of a glutamine (Gln) residue in the protein release factor eRF1. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of at least Trm112p and Mtq2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071116", "l": "alpha6-beta1 integrin-CYR61 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta1 integrin complex bound to CYR61, a cysteine-rich protein involved in angiogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893562", "l": "hypocone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009319", "l": "cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase activity; consists of four polypeptide subunits and associated prosthetic groups."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097189", "l": "apoptotic body", "d": ["A vesicle containing parts of a dying cell. Apoptotic bodies can be formed during the execution phase of the apoptotic process, when the cell's cytoskeleton breaks up and causes the membrane to bulge outward. These bulges may separate from the cell, taking a portion of cytoplasm with them, to become apoptotic bodies. These are then engulfed by phagocytic cells, and their components recycled. Apoptotic bodies may range in size from 0.8 to 5um."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071808", "l": "satellite fibril", "d": ["An axoneme part that is found in the flagella of mammalian sperm and is located in the middle piece between the outer dense fibers (on the concave side of outer dense fibers as seen in cross-section)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088162", "l": "Stress Granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C5442023", "l": "Stress Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518455", "l": "Nucleosomal Repeat Length", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13657", "l": "Nucleosomal Repeat Length", "d": ["Nucleosomal repeat length is approximately 200 base pairs of DNA within which 146 base pairs are highly protected. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520387", "l": "11q13.3-q14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39290", "l": "11q13.3-q14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821306", "l": "host cell synaptic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325677", "l": "90S preribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990907", "l": "beta-catenin-TCF complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains beta-catenin and a member of the T-cell factor (TCF)/lymphoid enhancer binding factor (LEF) family of transcription factors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D017358", "l": "Cell Wall Skeleton", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0055025", "l": "Cell Wall Skeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098965", "l": "extracellular matrix of synaptic cleft", "d": ["The portion of the extracellular matrix that lies within the synaptic cleft."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268445", "l": "Nucleus AND/OR associated structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108352009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1955404", "l": "Tubular basement membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002102", "l": "podosome", "d": ["An actin-rich adhesion structure characterized by formation upon cell substrate contact and localization at the substrate-attached part of the cell, contain an F-actin-rich core surrounded by a ring structure containing proteins such as vinculin and talin, and have a diameter of 0.5 mm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166844", "l": "docking protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820372", "l": "columella element", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167456", "l": "glutamate-tRNA ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072546", "l": "EMC complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) involved in the insertion of newly synthesized proteins in the membrane of the ER. In S. cerevisiae, it has six members: EMC1, EMC2, AIM27, EMC4, KRE27, and EMC6."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329099", "l": "posterior cell cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038142", "l": "EGFR:ERBB2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex between the tyrosine kinase receptor ERBB2 and a ligand-activated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ERBB1). ERBB2, which does not bind any known ligand, is activated through formation of a heterodimer with another ligand-activated ERBB family member such as EGFR."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520942", "l": "1p21-p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13860", "l": "1p21-p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610765", "l": "organellar chromatophore inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071083", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-CD47-FCER2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell surface protein CD47 and the low-affinity immunoglobulin epsilon Fc receptor (FCER2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072558", "l": "NLRP1 inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex that consists of two components, NLRP1 (NALP1) and caspase-1 or caspase-5. The exact mechanisms of NLRP1 activation remain obscure, but potassium ion efflux appears to be essential."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179188", "l": "Surface of cell part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031257", "l": "cell trailing edge membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the trailing edge of a motile cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825764", "l": "3p22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81846", "l": "3p22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062155", "l": "curli secretion complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that serves as a channel for the secretion of curli. Curli are a fibers that serve as a major component of the extracellular matrix of pellicle biofilms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521382", "l": "4q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13571", "l": "4q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031255", "l": "lateral part of motile cell", "d": ["The area of a motile cell perpendicular to the direction of movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009570", "l": "chloroplast stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of a chloroplast but excluding the thylakoid space. It contains DNA, ribosomes and some temporary products of photosynthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624593", "l": "centromere specific nucleosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158618", "l": "extrinsic component of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043296", "l": "apical junction complex", "d": ["A functional unit located near the cell apex at the points of contact between epithelial cells, which in vertebrates is composed of the tight junction, the zonula adherens, and desmosomes and in some invertebrates, such as Drosophila, is composed of the subapical complex (SAC), the zonula adherens and the septate junction. Functions in the regulation of cell polarity, tissue integrity and intercellular adhesion and permeability."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820625", "l": "Keratohyalin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893564", "l": "hypotheca", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032195", "l": "post-lysosomal vacuole", "d": ["A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle formed late in the endocytic pathway when the pH in the vacuole becomes neutral prior to exocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060388", "l": "vitelline envelope", "d": ["A glycoprotein-based structure that lies outside the plasma membrane and surrounds the egg before fertilization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821143", "l": "ciliary base", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C32646", "l": "G-actin", "d": ["The monomeric form of actin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097740", "l": "paraflagellar rod", "d": ["A large lattice-like axial structure found in some flagellated protists which extends alongside the axoneme. Protein components of the paraflagellar rod are likely implicated, among other, in adenine nucleotide signaling and metabolism, and in calcium signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034996", "l": "RasGAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of a GTPase activator protein (GAP) for Ras and three Src family protein tyrosine kinases, Fyn, Lyn and Yes. The complex is involved in signaling upon platelet activation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031908", "l": "glyoxysomal lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of a glyoxysome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612563", "l": "UTP-C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C120020", "l": "Long Interspersed Nucleotide Element-1", "d": ["A long interspersed element (LINE) found in mammals. The LINE-1 element is the only active LINE in humans and is approximately 6,000 base pairs long. This nucleotide sequence consists of two non-overlapping open reading frames (ORF) flanked by a 5' untranslated region (UTR), which contains a strong RNA polymerase II promoter sequence, and target side duplications. The first ORF encodes a 500 amino acid, ~40 kDa leucine zipper-containing RNA-binding protein. The second ORF encodes an ~150 kDa protein that has endonuclease and reverse transcriptase activity. Increased LINE-1 copy number is associated with cancer and neuropathy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000223", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": ["The V1 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016613", "l": "vanadium-iron nitrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex containing a vanadium-iron cluster found in some species, such as Azotobacter vinelandii. It is composed of two proteins, dinitrogenase and nitrogenase reductase; dinitrogenase, the vanadium-iron protein, is tetrameric with an alpha2-beta2 structure, and nitrogenase reductase is a homodimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.693750823616178", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031974", "l": "membrane-enclosed lumen", "d": ["The enclosed volume within a sealed membrane or between two sealed membranes. Encompasses the volume enclosed by the membranes of a particular organelle, e.g. endoplasmic reticulum lumen, or the space between the two lipid bilayers of a double membrane surrounding an organelle, e.g. nuclear envelope lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521062", "l": "20q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13590", "l": "20q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044681", "l": "sulfopyruvate decarboxylase complex", "d": ["A complex of two polypeptides which form a dodecamer (A6B6). Catalyzes the decarboxylation of sulfopyruvic acid to sulfoacetaldehyde. This reaction is involved in coenzyme M biosynthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335475", "l": "Plasma membrane of glioblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820819", "l": "gut granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230686", "l": "Neurosecretory granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:63472006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D059007", "l": "Polytene Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1166698", "l": "Polytene Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.979118784047927", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005829", "l": "cytosol", "d": ["The part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097586", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt4p homodimer complex", "d": ["A protein dimer complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity and, in S. cerevisiae, is composed of Pmt4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333777", "l": "Fingerprint bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52114003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000444", "l": "MIS12/MIND type complex", "d": ["A multiprotein kinetochore subcomplex that binds to centromeric chromatin and forms part of the outer kinetochore. It helps to recruit outer kinetochore subunits that will bind to microtubules. In humans, it consists of MIS12, DSN1, NSL1 and PMF1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520648", "l": "15q25-q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13601", "l": "15q25-q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815114", "l": "channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269182", "l": "sperm principal piece", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032171", "l": "germ tube septin cap", "d": ["A faint structure formed of septins found at the leading edge of growth in germ tubes of fungal cells growing filamentously. This cap of septins colocalizes with a region of the plasma membrane that is rich in ergosterol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821244", "l": "inhibitory neuromuscular junction of somatic myotube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824550", "l": "laminin-15 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230632", "l": "Distinctive surface process of specialized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40871001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271982", "l": "host chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990201", "l": "alkanesulfonate monooxygenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of alkanesulfonate monooxygenase activity. Involved in the utilization of alkanesulfonates as sulfur sources under conditions of sulfate or cysteine starvation, catalyzing the conversion of alkanesulfonates into aldehydes and sulfite. In E.coli the complex consists of a SsuD tetramer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521180", "l": "2p16", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13587", "l": "2p16", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700341", "l": "13q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75451", "l": "13q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690902", "l": "procentriole replication complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167241", "l": "oncostatin-M receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326924", "l": "conventional motile cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613150", "l": "FHL3-CREB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005774", "l": "vacuolar membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the vacuole and separating its contents from the cytoplasm of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521551", "l": "6p25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13851", "l": "6p25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2673180", "l": "photosynthetic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098871", "l": "postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton", "d": ["The actin cytoskeleton that is part of a postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624577", "l": "bacterial nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333725", "l": "Wrinkled nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:53565009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815486", "l": "mating projection actin fusion focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1750489", "l": "peroxisome vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0684215", "l": "Intercalated disc", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32819", "l": "Intercalated Disc", "d": ["The intercellular structures including the fascia adherens, gap junctions and macula adherens that connect single cardiac muscle cells to allow for synchronized contractions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043595", "l": "endospore cortex", "d": ["A layer surrounding a bacterial endospore found inside the outer endospore membrane, but outside the membrane surrounding the endospore core. It consists of peptidoglycan of a different chemical nature than that found in vegetative cell walls which results in less cross-linking of peptidoglycan."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546244", "l": "glial projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035577", "l": "azurophil granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an azurophil granule, a primary lysosomal granule found in neutrophil granulocytes that contains a wide range of hydrolytic enzymes and is released into the extracellular fluid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325683", "l": "endosperm protein body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167327", "l": "meprin A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520504", "l": "12q15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13800", "l": "12q15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325788", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755006", "l": "IgT antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046806", "l": "viral scaffold", "d": ["A complex of proteins that form a scaffold around which the viral capsid is constructed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245785", "l": "multivesicular body membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690295", "l": "potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005763", "l": "mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The smaller of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824432", "l": "diamine N-acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5162778", "l": "Dohle body | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085037", "l": "extrahaustorial membrane", "d": ["The membrane surrounding the symbiont haustorium during symbiosis, derived from the host plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323595", "l": "Plasma membrane of enterocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325554", "l": "Nuclear heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097572", "l": "right nucleus", "d": ["One of the two nuclei found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is located on the right side of the cell when viewed from the dorsal side."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325805", "l": "larval serum protein-1 location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326335", "l": "Protoplasm of epithelial cell of stratum germinativum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167379", "l": "collagen type XI location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032302", "l": "MutSbeta complex", "d": ["A heterodimer involved in binding to and correcting insertion/deletion mutations. In human the complex consists of two subunits, MSH2 and MSH3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097652", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class II", "d": ["A phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that contains a catalytic subunit of a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) enzyme and one or more adaptor proteins. There is no known obligatory regulatory subunit. The class II PI3K (PI3KC2) subfamily of genes has members in vertebrates, worm and fly, but none in yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323161", "l": "Anaphase cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061701", "l": "bacterial outer membrane vesicle", "d": ["A spherical, bilayered proteolipid vesicle released from gram-negative bacterial outer membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338858", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323330", "l": "Lysosome of striated muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070014", "l": "sucrase-isomaltase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses oligo-1,6-glucosidase activity; the complex is a heterodimer located in the cell membrane, and is formed by proteolytic cleavage of a single precursor polypeptide. The two subunits have different substrate specificities."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754977", "l": "IgA2 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0051285", "l": "cell cortex of cell tip", "d": ["The region directly beneath the plasma membrane at the cell tip. The cell tip is the region at either end of the longest axis of a cylindrical or elongated cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516083", "l": "Attachment Plaque", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32163", "l": "Attachment Plaque", "d": ["The part of a desmosome that is on the cytoplasmic side of this junction, consisting of desmoplakin, plakoglobins and plakophilins, which links the cytoplasmic intermediate filaments to the transmembrane cadherin receptor proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044177", "l": "host cell Golgi apparatus", "d": ["A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic host cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990156", "l": "DnaB-DnaG complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing homohexameric DnaB helicase, and DnaG (a primase). Facilitates the unwinding of double-stranded DNA and the synthesis of RNA primer sequences during DNA replication and repair in Prokaryotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0932034", "l": "Cell crystal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546557", "l": "cyclin K-CDK12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326889", "l": "Q-MT bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327144", "l": "exoribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160112", "l": "axonemal B tubule inner sheath", "d": ["A structural network of microtubule inner proteins (MIPs) located inside the lumen of the B tubule of the axonemal microtubule doublet that helps stabilize the B tubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817576", "l": "pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824365", "l": "methionine transporter complex, ATP-dependent", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521233", "l": "2q36.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25042", "l": "2q36.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248049", "l": "germline ring canal outer rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180042", "l": "Shaft of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326895", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of uterus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D066292", "l": "Lipid Droplets", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230704", "l": "Lipid droplet", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32989", "l": "Lipid Inclusion", "d": ["A detectable aggregation of lipids or membrane fragments in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:264313003", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:8556000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179880", "l": "Matrix of endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055035", "l": "plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer membrane of any thylakoid within a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167370", "l": "collagen type IX location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062040", "l": "fungal biofilm matrix", "d": ["An extracellular matrix lying external to fungal cells. The fungal biofilm matrix consists of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Fungal biofilms mediate adherence to host tissues, and provide protection from host immune defenses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235392", "l": "pyrenoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071666", "l": "Slit-Robo signaling complex", "d": ["A protein-carbohydrate complex that consists of a transmembrane roundabout (Robo) receptor, an extracellular Slit ligand and heparin/heparan sulfate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754210", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030956", "l": "glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase activity, and therefore creates Gln-tRNA by amidating Glu-tRNA; usually composed of 3 subunits: A, B, and C. Note that the C subunit may not be required in all organisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327161", "l": "G protein-coupled serotonin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815079", "l": "Hippo singalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327136", "l": "interleukin-10 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230732", "l": "Distinctive arrangement of microtubules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:1263005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098830", "l": "presynaptic endosome", "d": ["An endosome present in the presynapse that fuses with endocytic vesicles arising in the presynaptic endocytic zone. This organelle is believed to be involved in regeneration of synaptic vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549072", "l": "T=219 icosahedral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009522", "l": "photosystem I", "d": ["A photosystem that contains an iron-sulfur reaction center associated with accessory pigments and electron carriers. In cyanobacteria and chloroplasts, photosystem I functions as a light-dependent plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from plastocyanin to ferredoxin; in photosynthetic bacteria that have only a single type I photosystem, such as the green sulfur bacteria, electrons can go either to ferredoxin (Fd) -> NAD+ or to menaquinone (MK) -> Cytb/FeS -> Cytc555 -> photosystem I (cyclic photophosphorylation)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690006", "l": "secondary dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046695", "l": "SLIK (SAGA-like) complex", "d": ["A SAGA-type histone acetyltransferase complex that contains a smaller form of Spt7 (lacking the SPT8 binding region) than the fungal SAGA complex, and consequently lacks Spt8. The complex is involved in the yeast retrograde response pathway, which is important for gene expression changes during mitochondrial dysfunction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008023", "l": "transcription elongation factor complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that interacts with RNA polymerase II to increase (positive transcription elongation factor) or reduce (negative transcription elongation factor) the rate of transcription elongation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520536", "l": "13p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14025", "l": "13p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182783", "l": "Erythromelanin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990630", "l": "IRE1-RACK1-PP2A complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of IRE1 (Inositol-requiring enzyme-1), RACK1 (Receptor of activated protein kinase C 1, GNB2L1) and PP2A (protein phosphatase 2A). RACK1 acts as an adaptor to bridge an interaction between IRE1 and PP2A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690355", "l": "postsynaptic spectrin-associated cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042272", "l": "nuclear RNA export factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains two proteins (know in several organisms, including Drosophila, as NXF1 and NXF2) and is required for the export of the majority of mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm; localized in the nucleoplasm and at both the nucleoplasmic and cytoplasmic faces of the nuclear pore complex; shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005898", "l": "interleukin-13 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-13; consists of two chains, interleukin-13 receptor alpha1 chain and interleukin-4 receptor alpha chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327127", "l": "DNA methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179062", "l": "Cell nucleus of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000153", "l": "cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex found in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.315929082021214", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002466", "l": "Cell Nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007609", "l": "Cell Nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13196", "l": "Nucleolus", "d": ["The region within a cell nucleus where ribosomal DNA is clustered, ribosomal RNA is synthesized and ribosomes are assembled."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:15982001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893736", "l": "dendritic knob", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167365", "l": "collagen type VI location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034718", "l": "SMN-Gemin2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein and Gemin2; may form the stable core of the larger SMN complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612902", "l": "APC-IQGAP1-Rac1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325525", "l": "Outer segment of photoreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033113", "l": "cyanelle membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround a cyanelle and form the cyanelle envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328249", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of distal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180361", "l": "Lateral part of intercalated disc", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156850", "l": "extra-invasive hyphal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1384314", "l": "Chiasma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000502", "l": "proteasome complex", "d": ["A large multisubunit complex which catalyzes protein degradation, found in eukaryotes, archaea and some bacteria. In eukaryotes, this complex consists of the barrel shaped proteasome core complex and one or two associated proteins or complexes that act in regulating entry into or exit from the core."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036024", "l": "protein C inhibitor-TMPRSS7 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and transmembrane protease serine 7 (TMPRSS7); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of transmembrane protease serine 7."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009513", "l": "etioplast", "d": ["A plastid arrested in the development of chloroplasts from proplastids due to absence of light or low light conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990621", "l": "ESCRT IV complex", "d": ["An ESCRT complex that has AAA-ATPase activity and is involved in ESCRT-mediated intralumenal vesicle formation and the final stages of cytokinesis. The complex catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT III filament around the neck of the budding vesicle in an ATP-driven reaction, resulting in membrane scission and recycling of the ESCRT III components back to the cytosol. In yeast, it is formed by the AAA ATPase Vps4 and its cofactor Vta1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5392877", "l": "Positive-Strand RNA Virus Replication-Transcription Compartments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030680", "l": "dimeric ribonuclease P complex", "d": ["A ribonuclease P complex that contains a single RNA molecule that is necessary and usually sufficient for catalysis, and a single protein molecule. Examples of this complex are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754226", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044167", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the host cell endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520582", "l": "14q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13516", "l": "14q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546695", "l": "spindle matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611129", "l": "endosome to plasma membrane transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520187", "l": "Xq22-24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25143", "l": "Xq22-24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752413", "l": "host cell nuclear part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090396", "l": "leaf papilla", "d": ["A plant cell papilla that is part of a leaf papilla cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005700", "l": "polytene chromosome", "d": ["A type of chromosome in a polyploid cell, formed when multiple copies of homologous chromosomes are aligned side by side to give a giant chromosome in which distinct chromosome bands are readily visible."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043076", "l": "megasporocyte nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of a megasporocyte, a diploid cell that undergoes meiosis to produce four megaspores, and its descendents."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032476", "l": "decaprenyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": ["A complex that possesses di-trans,poly-cis-decaprenylcistransferase activity; involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137278", "l": "Cdc24p-Far1p-Gbetagamma complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520790", "l": "17q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24979", "l": "17q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822520", "l": "multivesicular body HOPS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000922", "l": "spindle pole", "d": ["Either of the ends of a spindle, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821286", "l": "lumenal side of endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005937", "l": "mating projection", "d": ["The projection formed by unicellular fungi in response to mating pheromone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335398", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of stratum corneum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009321", "l": "alkyl hydroperoxide reductase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex, usually a homodimer, which directly reduces cellular levels of organic hydroperoxides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380402", "l": "TIS granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611077", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-CD47 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235150", "l": "cyclin/CDK positive transcription elongation factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893353", "l": "CENP-A containing nucleosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097442", "l": "CA3 pyramidal cell dendrite", "d": ["A dendrite of a hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230662", "l": "Antennulae microvillares", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:87484000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612905", "l": "Par3-APC-KIF3A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167430", "l": "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611290", "l": "DNA replication factor C core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523416", "l": "chloroplast ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622101", "l": "tRNA (m1A) methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520972", "l": "1p36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13630", "l": "1p36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246723", "l": "SBF transcription complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090574", "l": "RNA polymerase V transcription repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the nucleus, that possesses activity that prevents or downregulates transcription from a RNA polymerase V promoter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043593", "l": "endospore coat", "d": ["The layer in a bacterial endospore that lies under the exosporium, and is impermeable to many toxic molecules. The coat may also contain enzymes that are involved in endospore germination."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325689", "l": "succinate-CoA ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140622", "l": "ER-to-endosome phospholipid transfer complex", "d": ["Lipid transfer complex that is responsible for the non-vesicular transport of phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine, from the endoplasmic reticulum to the endosome. It resides in the endosomal (acceptor) membrane and binds to specific lipids on the donor membrane at the ER-endosome contact site."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.410865998300608", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005635", "l": "nuclear envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the nucleus and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space, a gap of width 20-40 nm (also called the perinuclear space)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097543", "l": "ciliary inversin compartment", "d": ["Proximal part of the ciliary shaft to which the inversin protein (also called Inv) specifically localizes. The inversin compartment appears to have a different protein composition than the rest of the cilium, although there is no structure that separates it form the distal part of the cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150056", "l": "amylin receptor complex 1", "d": ["A G protein-coupled receptor complex that serves as a receptor for amylin polypeptide (AMY) and consists of a calcitonin receptor (CTR/CALCR) and a receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 1. Amylin receptor complex 1 (AMY1) also serves as a receptor for the calcitonin related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (AM/ADM)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5211637", "l": "10q23 g.94645745G>A", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824471", "l": "PDGF-AB dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097489", "l": "multivesicular body, internal vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the multivesicular body internal vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031610", "l": "nuclear proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex", "d": ["The subunits of the regulatory particle that directly associate with the core complex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271483", "l": "mucocyst", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893626", "l": "SCF-YLR352W ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690317", "l": "postsynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034451", "l": "centriolar satellite", "d": ["A small (70-100 nm) cytoplasmic granule that contains a number of centrosomal proteins; centriolar satellites traffic toward microtubule minus ends and are enriched near the centrosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820581", "l": "histone H3-K14 acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324468", "l": "Set of polysomal ribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451131", "l": "TEAD-2 multiprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327140", "l": "serine-type endopeptidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070693", "l": "P-TEFb-cap methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is formed by the association of positive transcription elongation factor complex b (P-TEFb) with the mRNA capping methyltransferase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690959", "l": "Cdc42p GEF-PAK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008385", "l": "IkappaB kinase complex", "d": ["A trimeric protein complex that phosphorylates inhibitory-kappaB (I-kappaB) proteins. The complex is composed of two kinase subunits (alpha and beta) and a regulatory gamma subunit (also called NEMO). In a resting state, NF-kappaB dimers are bound to inhibitory IKB proteins, sequestering NF-kappaB in the cytoplasm. Phosphorylation of I-kappaB targets I-kappaB for ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, thus releasing the NF-kappaB dimers, which can translocate to the nucleus to bind DNA and regulate transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612460", "l": "intermediate-density lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044393", "l": "microspike", "d": ["A dynamic, actin-rich projection extending from the surface of a migrating animal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520182", "l": "Xq13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26226", "l": "Xq13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327156", "l": "PAK family kinase-Sog2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752466", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012374", "l": "Rod Cell Outer Segment", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0035798", "l": "Rod Cell Outer Segment", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12639", "l": "Rod Outer Segment", "d": ["A portion of the retinal rod cell largely consisting of a stack of discs (membrane infoldings that are incompletely separated in cones) that are continually replenished near the inner segment and that are shed from the distal end and phagocytosed by the pigmented epithelium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164529", "l": "Genetic Location Of Interest", "d": ["The region and position of the genetic or genomic sequence that is the focus of the test."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167402", "l": "intercellular bridge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097561", "l": "right caudal flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is nucleated by the right caudal basal body, extending cytoplasmically and exiting at the posterior end of the cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820656", "l": "type I interferon receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167179", "l": "viral replication complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893603", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752219", "l": "nurse cell ring canal inner rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071058", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha3-beta1 integrin complex bound to the tetraspanin CD151."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325678", "l": "Noc1p-Noc2p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230668", "l": "CYTOPLASMIC MATRIX, SECRETORY AND METABOLIC PRODUCTS", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820594", "l": "extrinsic to mycolate outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269091", "l": "BAX complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0392915", "l": "Chromosome pair 23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:79988006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246567", "l": "hyaline layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822735", "l": "Ire1 complex homooligomer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042564", "l": "NLS-dependent protein nuclear import complex", "d": ["A dimer consisting of an alpha and a beta-subunit that imports proteins with an NLS into the nucleus through a nuclear pore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546509", "l": "Dxr protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D016615", "l": "Telomere", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0085187", "l": "telomere", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13295", "l": "Telomere", "d": ["A stretch of repetitive nucleotide sequences (TTAGGG repeats in humans) found at both ends of each chromatid arm that plays a role in chromosome stability during replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D053478", "l": "Apoptosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1657248", "l": "Apoptosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521174", "l": "2p13-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13987", "l": "2p13-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098681", "l": "synaptic ribbon", "d": ["A non-membrane bound, electron dense structure associated that extends perpendicular to the presynaptic membrane in ribbon synapses. The ribbon's surface is studded with small particles to which synaptic vesicles tether via fine filaments. The tethered vesicles function as a pool, several fold greater than the docked pool available for fast release, which supports sustained release of vesicles. Synaptic ribbons may be plate like or spherical."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610655", "l": "SNARE complex (Vamp2, Snap25, Stx1a, Cplx1)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179921", "l": "Organelle part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380007", "l": "mitochondrial ATP-gated potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893327", "l": "GADD153-C/EBP-alpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016012", "l": "sarcoglycan complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed of four sarcoglycans plus sarcospan; there are six known sarcoglycans: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-, epsilon- and zeta-sarcoglycan; all are N-glycosylated single-pass transmembrane proteins. The sarcoglycan-sarcospan complex is a subcomplex of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex, and is fixed to the dystrophin axis by a lateral association with the dystroglycan complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515447", "l": "8q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40044", "l": "8q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031372", "l": "UBC13-MMS2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex that catalyzes assembly of K63-linked polyubiquitin chains, which act as a signal to promote error-free DNA postreplication repair; in Saccharomyces the complex comprises Ubc13p and Mms2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269089", "l": "PUMA-BCL-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0014776", "l": "Red Cell Ghost", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612619", "l": "chromosome, centric core region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325771", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of fibroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179060", "l": "Cell body of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248029", "l": "BRCA2-BRAF35 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325557", "l": "Nuclear chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230771", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum, cisternal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51383007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246500", "l": "chlorosome envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097452", "l": "GAIT complex", "d": ["A protein complex which mediates interferon-gamma-induced transcript-selective translation inhibition in inflammation processes. The complex binds to stem loop-containing GAIT elements in the 3'-UTR of diverse inflammatory mRNAs and suppresses their translation by blocking the recruitment of the 43S ribosomal complex to m7G cap-bound eIF4G. In humans it includes RPL13A, EPRS, SYNCRIP and GAPDH; mouse complexes lack SYNCRIP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097609", "l": "longitudinal flagellum", "d": ["A motile cilium found in dinoflagellates. It trails the cell and acts as a steering rudder. It is often partially contained in a furrow called the sulcus, and emerges from a flagellar pore located in the sulcus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520190", "l": "Xq22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28560", "l": "Xq22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521186", "l": "2p23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13644", "l": "2p23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156171", "l": "new mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612906", "l": "Scrib-APC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016235", "l": "aggresome", "d": ["An inclusion body formed by dynein-dependent retrograde transport of an aggregated protein on microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110067", "l": "ammonium transmembrane transporter complex", "d": ["High affinity ammonium transporter complex that enables the transfer of ammonium from one side of a membrane to the other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521547", "l": "6p24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13677", "l": "6p24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754335", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5574732", "l": "muscle tendon junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815111", "l": "new spindle pole body SIN signalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009365", "l": "protein histidine kinase complex", "d": ["A complex that possesses protein histidine kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660780", "l": "midline cell component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755002", "l": "IgW immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009210", "l": "Myofibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0027075", "l": "Myofibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:105583006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523894", "l": "laminin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070545", "l": "PeBoW complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in coordinating ribosome biogenesis with cell cycle progression. In human, it is composed of Pes1, Bop1, and WDR12; in Saccharomyces the proteins are known as Nop7p, Erb1 and Ytm1 respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179101", "l": "Peripheral part of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.923108426128749", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005776", "l": "autophagosome", "d": ["A double-membrane-bounded compartment that engulfs endogenous cellular material as well as invading microorganisms to target them to the lytic vacuole/lysosome for degradation as part of macroautophagy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110086", "l": "meiotic actomyosin contractile ring", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments, myosin, and myosin-associated proteins that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the meiotic spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two future daughter cells. In animal cells, the meiotic contractile ring is located inside the plasma membrane at the location of the cleavage furrow. In fungal cells, the meiotic contractile ring forms beneath the plasma membrane of the prospore envelope in preparation for completing cytokinesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035339", "l": "SPOTS complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex at least composed of serine palmitoyltransferases and ORM proteins (known as ORMDL proteins in mammals and other higher vertebrates) that plays a key role in sphingolipid homeostasis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612897", "l": "60S APC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235151", "l": "Wnt signalosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13661", "l": "Cyclic AMP Response Element", "d": ["A promoter sequence which interacts with CRE binding proteins to modulate gene expression in response to the level of cAMP in the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016507", "l": "mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex", "d": ["A complex that includes the long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and long-chain enoyl-CoA hydratase activities in two subunits (alpha and beta), catalyzing two steps of the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle within the mitochondrial matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167325", "l": "intracellular cyclic nucleotide activated cation channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520644", "l": "15q23-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13728", "l": "15q23-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000276", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o)", "d": ["All non-F1 subunits of the mitochondrial hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase, including integral and peripheral mitochondrial inner membrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690094", "l": "leading edge of dendritic growth cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754262", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-tenascin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060102", "l": "collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["A collagen and cuticulin-based noncellular, multilayered structure that is synthesized by an underlying ectodermal (hypodermal) cell layer. The cuticle serves essential functions in body morphology, locomotion, and environmental protection. An example of this component is found in Caenorhabditis elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754150", "l": "yeast U12-type spliceosomal complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610942", "l": "mating projection membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325471", "l": "reticular nuclei", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110071", "l": "cellularization cleavage furrow invagination front", "d": ["The base of the cellularization invagination or cleavage furrow most distal to the original multi-nucleate cell or syncytium plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005715", "l": "late recombination nodule", "d": ["An electron dense structure that is associated with meiotic chromosomes in pachytene during meiosis I."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748451", "l": "Microtubules associated with cytoplasmic filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62337001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690178", "l": "COX pre-assemply complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001535", "l": "radial spoke head", "d": ["Protein complex forming portion of the radial spoke that is orthogonal to the elongated stalk and which projects towards the central pair of microtubules within the ciliary or flagellum axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612800", "l": "ITGA5-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896461", "l": "S100A9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179486", "l": "Schwann cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4512246", "l": "Entire free nerve ending", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:726997003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328606", "l": "Plasma membrane of macrophage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326877", "l": "amyloid-beta protein 42 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824343", "l": "amino acid transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033282", "l": "protein C inhibitor-acrosin complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex of protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and acrosin; formation of the complex inhibits the protease activity of acrosin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337702", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of distal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754273", "l": "ITGA11-ITGB1-COL1A1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754321", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-nicotinamide riboside kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325544", "l": "forespore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001536", "l": "radial spoke stalk", "d": ["Protein complex forming the elongated portion of the radial spoke between the base which binds to the A-tubule of each microtubule outer doublet and the neck which connects to the spoke head within the ciliary or flagellum axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167293", "l": "fumarate reductase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3538933", "l": "C-Circle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C105650", "l": "C-Circle", "d": ["A stretch of telomeric DNA where the normally guanine-rich (TTAGGG)n overhanging sequence has gaps while the cytosine-rich (AATCCC)n opposite strand remains intact. The resulting partially single-stranded telomere can adopt a circular confirmation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610767", "l": "organellar chromatophore intermembrane space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450971", "l": "PS2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336477", "l": "Protoplasm of Type G enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097346", "l": "INO80-type complex", "d": ["A chromatin remodeling protein complex initially purified from S. cerevisiae and containing more than 10 subunits, including the SWR1-related complexes. INO80 (inositol requiring 80)-type complexes have diverse functions, including promoting transcriptional activation and DNA repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044161", "l": "host cell cytoplasmic vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle formed of membrane or protein, found in the cytoplasm of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000126", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIB complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that is involved in regulating transcription from RNA polymerase III (Pol III) promoters. TFIIIB contains the TATA-binding protein (TBP) and two Pol III-specific proteins, B'' and BRF."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521229", "l": "2q35-q37", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25039", "l": "2q35-q37", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005736", "l": "RNA polymerase I complex", "d": ["RNA polymerase I, one of three nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerases found in all eukaryotes, is a multisubunit complex; typically it produces rRNAs. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits (generally ten or more), some of which are also found in RNA polymerase III and others of which are also found in RNA polymerases II and III. Although the core is competent to mediate ribonucleic acid synthesis, it requires additional factors to select the appropriate template."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622650", "l": "motile secondary cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000329", "l": "fungal-type vacuole membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vacuole, the shape of which correlates with cell cycle phase. The membrane separates its contents from the cytoplasm of the cell. An example of this structure is found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180019", "l": "Membrane protein of Golgi vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546249", "l": "cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D060465", "l": "Axin Signaling Complex", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1325595", "l": "Axin Signaling Complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817208", "l": "retractile pole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005640", "l": "nuclear outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the nuclear envelope; continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum of the cell and sometimes studded with ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030663", "l": "COPI-coated vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a COPI-coated vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819207", "l": "MutSalpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044316", "l": "cone cell pedicle", "d": ["A specialized axon terminus which is produced by retinal cone cells. Pedicles are large, conical, flat end-feet (8-10 micrometers diameter) of the retinal cone axon that lie more or less side by side on the same plane at the outer edge of the outer plexiform layer (OPL)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "46.950216945654709", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098644", "l": "complex of collagen trimers", "d": ["A complex of collagen trimers such as a fibril or collagen network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019185", "l": "snRNA-activating protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that recognizes the proximal sequence element of RNA polymerase II and III snRNA promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815014", "l": "carbonosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690936", "l": "proximal portion of axoneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0170013", "l": "channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that spans a membrane and forms a water-filled channel across the phospholipid bilayer allowing selective ion transport down its electrochemical gradient."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032047", "l": "mitosome", "d": ["A double-membrane-bounded organelle that functions in iron-sulfur protein maturation; evolutionarily derived from mitochondria. The mitosome has been detected only in anaerobic or microaerophilic organisms that do not have mitochondria, such as Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis and several species of Microsporidia. These organisms are not capable of gaining energy from oxidative phosphorylation, which is normally performed by mitochondria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167248", "l": "internal side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248599", "l": "cyanosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167107", "l": "mRNA cleavage stimulating factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753377", "l": "EGFR-Grb2-Sos complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005954", "l": "calcium- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex which in eukaryotes is composed of four different chains: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. The different isoforms assemble into homo- or heteromultimeric holoenzymes composed of 8 to 12 subunits. Catalyzes the phosphorylation of proteins to O-phosphoproteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753276", "l": "Golgi-associated vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099569", "l": "presynaptic cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the cytoskeleton contained within the presynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904974", "l": "heparanase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of heparanase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269087", "l": "BIM-BCL-xl complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005669", "l": "transcription factor TFIID complex", "d": ["A complex composed of TATA binding protein (TBP) and TBP associated factors (TAFs); the total mass is typically about 800 kDa. Most of the TAFs are conserved across species. In TATA-containing promoters for RNA polymerase II (Pol II), TFIID is believed to recognize at least two distinct elements, the TATA element and a downstream promoter element. TFIID is also involved in recognition of TATA-less Pol II promoters. Binding of TFIID to DNA is necessary but not sufficient for transcription initiation from most RNA polymerase II promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110093", "l": "nucleus lagging edge", "d": ["The area of a motile nucleus furthest from the direction of movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755838", "l": "flagellar basal body, mounting plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033281", "l": "TAT protein transport complex", "d": ["A complex of three proteins integral to the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and membranes of organelles derived from bacteria (chloroplasts and mitochondria) involved in membrane transport of folded proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032174", "l": "cellular bud neck septin collar", "d": ["A tubular structure with flared ends, shaped like an hourglass and composed of highly ordered arrays of septin filaments, that forms at the bud neck of a dividing cell. In S. cerevisiae, this structure is located at the bud neck throughout most of the cell cycle and the septins are fixed within the structure, not exchanging with soluble septins. This septin structure acts as a scaffold for other proteins that function at the bud neck."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326888", "l": "quiescent cell MT bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071739", "l": "IgD immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgD isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099021", "l": "cortical endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338221", "l": "Cytosol of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022626", "l": "cytosolic ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome located in the cytosol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752449", "l": "host cell junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814946", "l": "nuclear meiotic cohesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546533", "l": "Ost-alpha/Ost-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622078", "l": "Cul4A-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331619", "l": "Protoplasm of Type N enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035997", "l": "rhabdomere microvillus membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a microvillus of a rhabdomere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520999", "l": "1q23.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25009", "l": "1q23.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120219", "l": "subapical part of cell", "d": ["The region of a polarized cell that is just below the apical region. For example, in a polarized epithelial cell, the apical region has an exposed surface and lies opposite to the basal lamina that separates the epithelium from other tissue so the subapical region is further from the exposed surface and closer to the basal lamina."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326432", "l": "Protoplasm of Type TG enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521491", "l": "5q32-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13991", "l": "5q32-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166808", "l": "20S core proteasome complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000235", "l": "astral microtubule", "d": ["Any of the spindle microtubules that radiate in all directions from the spindle poles and are thought to contribute to the forces that separate the poles and position them in relation to the rest of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520861", "l": "19q13.2-q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13136", "l": "19q13.2-q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323465", "l": "Plasma membrane of muscle stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061917", "l": "leading edge of dendritic growth cone", "d": ["That part of the dendritic growth cone which represents the distal part of the structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520366", "l": "11p15.1-p14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13817", "l": "11p15.1-p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990742", "l": "microvesicle", "d": ["An extracellular vesicle released from the plasma membrane and ranging in size from about 100 nm to 1000 nm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325662", "l": "thioglucosidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754297", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB6-TFGB3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824294", "l": "NAD(P)H-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166975", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, peripheral complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030895", "l": "apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme complex", "d": ["Protein complex that mediates editing of the mRNA encoding apolipoprotein B; catalyzes the deamination of C to U (residue 6666 in the human mRNA). Contains a catalytic subunit, APOBEC-1, and other proteins (e.g. human ASP; rat ASP and KSRP)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327814", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of reticular cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044157", "l": "host cell projection", "d": ["A prolongation or process extending from a host cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752455", "l": "host cell cytoplasmic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167412", "l": "1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821113", "l": "DNA recombinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042584", "l": "chromaffin granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a chromaffin granule, a specialized secretory vesicle found in the cells of adrenal glands and various other organs, which is concerned with the synthesis, storage, metabolism, and secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167193", "l": "pleated septate junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167203", "l": "T-cell receptor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325647", "l": "gamma-tubulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166959", "l": "ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262853", "l": "cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0101031", "l": "protein folding chaperone complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the non-covalent folding or unfolding, maturation, stabilization or assembly or disassembly of macromolecular structures. Usually active during or immediately after completion of translation. Many chaperone complexes contain heat shock proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230849", "l": "Tubular cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90579005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071123", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-VEGF-C complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to vascular endothelial growth factor C."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005861", "l": "troponin complex", "d": ["A complex of accessory proteins (typically troponin T, troponin I and troponin C) found associated with actin in muscle thin filaments; involved in calcium regulation of muscle contraction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896373", "l": "ATF4-CREB1 transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106139", "l": "symbiont cell surface", "d": ["The cell surface of a secondary, endosymbiont organism with which the first organism is interacting. The symbiont is defined as the smaller of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325703", "l": "megasporocyte nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990788", "l": "GLI-SUFU complex", "d": ["A protein repressing GLI's transcription factor activity when SMO signaling is inactive. Upon ligand binding to the upstream receptor PTC (Patched) GLI dissociates from SUFU and activates transcription of hedgehog-target genes. In mammals it consists of SUFU and one of the GLI family proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098998", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic early endosome membrane", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic early endosome membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030993", "l": "axonemal heterotrimeric kinesin-II complex", "d": ["A kinesin complex found in eukaryotic axonemes that contains two distinct plus end-directed kinesin motor proteins and at least one accessory subunit, and that functions in the anterograde transport of molecules (cargo) from the basal body to the distal tip of the axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038139", "l": "ERBB4-EGFR complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex between the tyrosine kinase receptors ERBB4 (also called HER4) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ERBB1)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033289", "l": "intraconoid microtubule", "d": ["A microtubule located such that it threads through the conoid and projects through the polar ring."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521579", "l": "6q26-q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14032", "l": "6q26-q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521323", "l": "3q26.2-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38473", "l": "3q26.2-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818834", "l": "myosin X complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752237", "l": "female germline ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523439", "l": "RITS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610678", "l": "SNARE complex (Stx3, Snap25, Vamp2)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691118", "l": "enzyme activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061835", "l": "ventral surface of cell", "d": ["The surface of a migrating cell that is in contact with the substratum or cell layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "53.227647859411405", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902494", "l": "catalytic complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of catalytic activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754540", "l": "MLL1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546340", "l": "methyl-H4MPT", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335500", "l": "Surface of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990377", "l": "organomineral extracellular matrix", "d": ["An extracellular matrix consisting of a densely packed organomineral assembly in which the mineral phase represents the majority of the material by weight."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D017629", "l": "Gap Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0206117", "l": "Gap Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13312", "l": "Gap Junction", "d": ["Intercellular connections comprised of complexes of connexin family proteins that permit the transfer of cytoplasmic ions and molecules between connected cells. Each cell contains a hemichannel made up of homo- or hetero-hexamers of connexins."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91451005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521321", "l": "3q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13707", "l": "3q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085026", "l": "tubovesicular membrane network", "d": ["A complex, symbiont-induced host-derived organelle that is comprised of multiple protein and lipid domains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000109", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair complex", "d": ["Any complex formed of proteins that act in nucleotide-excision repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071086", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD9-CD47-platelet glycoprotein Ib complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell surface proteins CD9 and CD47, and the heterodimeric platelet glycoprotein Ib."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337734", "l": "Cytoplasm of endosteal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271577", "l": "glutathione synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039662", "l": "host cell outer membrane", "d": ["A lipid bilayer that forms the outermost layer of the cell envelope, occurring in a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824421", "l": "IscA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819057", "l": "septin bar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098888", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic membrane", "d": ["The component of the presynaptic membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753479", "l": "ISGF3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380153", "l": "5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045246", "l": "cytosolic tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex", "d": ["Any of the heteromeric enzymes, located in the cytosol, that act in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033653", "l": "host cell chloroplast part", "d": ["Any constituent part of a chloroplast as it is found in host cells and which are a chlorophyll-containing plastid with thylakoids organized into grana and frets, or stroma thylakoids, and embedded in a stroma. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044095", "l": "host cell nucleoplasm", "d": ["That part of a host cell's nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus. The host is the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903503", "l": "ATPase inhibitor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of ATPase inhibitor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042406", "l": "extrinsic component of endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The component of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711059", "l": "7q21-q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C48157", "l": "7q21-q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1517140", "l": "Fast-twitch Motor Unit", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32588", "l": "Fast-twitch Motor Unit", "d": ["A muscle fiber that is able to hydrolyze ATP and transmit electrochemical signals rapidly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055211", "l": "Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Inner Segment", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2350297", "l": "Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Inner Segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071154", "l": "G-protein alpha(i)1-synembrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor synembrin with the alpha(i)1 subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523715", "l": "NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824585", "l": "Kir2.1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140595", "l": "MIM complex", "d": ["A large mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex that mediates transport of proteins into mitochondrial compartments. MIM constitutes the major integration site for alpha-helical embedded proteins. In yeast, consists oof Mim1 and Mim2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158816", "l": "CD40 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120217", "l": "DNA gyrase complex", "d": ["A bacterial type IIA topoisomerase that is unique in its function of introducing negative supercoils into DNA at the expense of ATP hydrolysis and is also capable of relaxing positive supercoils, an activity shared with topoisomerase IV. Typically, it is composed of two copies each of an A subunit (GyrA) and a B subunit (GyrB)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167377", "l": "collagen type III location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333783", "l": "Dense tubules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18915006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002837", "l": "Chromaffin Granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008537", "l": "Chromaffin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338410", "l": "Sympathetic visceral efferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752501", "l": "Met-tRNA/eIF2.GTP ternary complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044842", "l": "gut granule lumen", "d": ["The lumen of a gut granule, a lysosome-related organelle contained within the intestinal cells of the nematode C. elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817825", "l": "myosin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061834", "l": "actin filament branch point", "d": ["The part of an actin filament where the structure forks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166762", "l": "actin capping protein of dynactin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005611", "l": "laminin-6 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha3, beta1 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520633", "l": "15q21.1-q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14000", "l": "15q21.1-q21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4763188", "l": "Acellular membrane of vestibular labyrinth", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140266", "l": "Woronin body", "d": ["Peroxisome-derived dense-core vesicle that seals septal pores upon hyphal lysis to prevent excessive cytoplasmic loss. It is specific to several genera of filamentous ascomycetes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521167", "l": "2cen-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13607", "l": "2cen-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2828390", "l": "interleukin-35 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515450", "l": "8q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13574", "l": "8q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000838", "l": "Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase ERAD-M complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that recognizes and ubiquitinates proteins with misfolded membrane domains during ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). In S. cerevisiae, this complex contains the ubiquitin ligase Hrd1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230705", "l": "Lipid droplet, homogeneous", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:4647008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622194", "l": "glyoxysomal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010240", "l": "plastid pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["Complex that carries out the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to form acetyl-CoA; comprises subunits possessing three catalytic activities: pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2), and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3). This complex is found in plant plastids and is distinct from the one found in mitochondria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034206", "l": "enhanceosome", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex formed by the association of a distinct set of general and specific transcription factors with a region of enhancer DNA. The cooperative assembly of an enhanceosome confers specificity of transcriptional regulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1625124", "l": "inhibin B complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821353", "l": "protein complex involved in cell-cell adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824422", "l": "SufA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042601", "l": "endospore-forming forespore", "d": ["Portion of the cell formed during the process of bacterial sporulation that will ultimately become the core of the endospore. An endospore is a type of dormant cell that is resistant to adverse conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005684", "l": "U2-type spliceosomal complex", "d": ["Any spliceosomal complex that forms during the splicing of a messenger RNA primary transcript to excise an intron that has canonical consensus sequences near the 5' and 3' ends."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546718", "l": "tail portion of tanycyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150057", "l": "amylin receptor complex 2", "d": ["A G protein-coupled receptor complex that serves as a receptor for amylin polypeptide (AMY) and consists of a calcitonin receptor (CTR/CALCR) and a receptor activity-modifying protein (RAMP) 2. Amylin receptor complex 2 (AMY2) also serves as a receptor for adrenomedullin (AM/ADM)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621977", "l": "platelet dense tubular network membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031254", "l": "cell trailing edge", "d": ["The area of a motile cell opposite to the direction of movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097137", "l": "BAD-BCL-xl complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of BAD and BCL-xl, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2950066", "l": "Set of somas of pyramidal cells of precentral gyrus of cerebral hemisphere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521066", "l": "20q13.2-q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14030", "l": "20q13.2-q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005918", "l": "septate junction", "d": ["A cell-cell junction that forms a continuous band around each cell in an epithelium; within the septate junction the membranes of adjacent cells maintain a constant distance of approximately 15 nm; found in arthropods."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009521", "l": "photosystem", "d": ["A complex located in a photosynthetic membrane that consists of a photoreaction center associated with accessory pigments and electron carriers. Examples of this component are found in Arabidopsis thaliana and in photosynthetic bacterial and archaeal species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611789", "l": "modulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521119", "l": "Extracellular", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:69320009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245793", "l": "insulin-responsive compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120321", "l": "nuclear envelope adjacent to nuclear pore complex", "d": ["The region of the nuclear envelope situated in close proximity to a nuclear pore complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043264", "l": "extracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring outside the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548460", "l": "glial cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513118", "l": "Membranous Canal of the Cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33088", "l": "Membranous Canal of the Cochlea", "d": ["The portion of the membranous labyrinth found in the cochlea of the inner ear, which contains the organ of corti, and is concerned with hearing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753308", "l": "BRISC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0051077", "l": "secondary cell septum", "d": ["Cell wall structures composed of linear polysaccharides which are deposited at both sides of the primary septum at 90 degrees to the primary septum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090694", "l": "Scc2-Scc4 cohesin loading complex", "d": ["A eukaryotically conserved heterodimeric protein complex (comprising adherin and the chromatid cohesion factor MAU2/Scc4/Ssl3) required for the loading of a cohesin, complex onto DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515472", "l": "8q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14026", "l": "8q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754406", "l": "histone pre-mRNA 3'end processing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158880", "l": "NOS2-CD74 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098843", "l": "postsynaptic endocytic zone", "d": ["A stably positioned site of clathrin adjacent and physically attached to the postsynaptic specialization, which is the site of endocytosis of post-synaptic proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045268", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core", "d": ["The hexamer that possesses the catalytic activity of the plasma membrane hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase. Examples of this component are found in Bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0101002", "l": "ficolin-1-rich granule", "d": ["Highly exocytosable gelatinase-poor granules found in neutrophils and rich in ficolin-1. Ficolin-1 is released from neutrophil granules by stimulation with fMLP or PMA, and the majority becomes associated with the surface membrane of the cells and can be detected by flow cytometry."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5219152", "l": "Karyotype|Prid|Urine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034753", "l": "nuclear aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex", "d": ["An aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) complex found in the nucleus; ; consists of ligand-bound AhR and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333831", "l": "Reilly body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:87369008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247058", "l": "Mei2 nuclear dot complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032478", "l": "heterotetrameric decaprenyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane that possesses di-trans,poly-cis-decaprenylcistransferase activity; involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis. In S. pombe it is a heterotetramer of Dlp1 and Dps1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325795", "l": "Golgi to vacuole transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5392875", "l": "Coronavirus Replication-Transcription Complexes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520376", "l": "11q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38887", "l": "11q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752519", "l": "apical pole of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140288", "l": "GBAF complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF subcomplex that incorporates two mutually exclusive paralogs, GLTSCR1 (glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 1) or GLTSCR1L (GLTSCR1-like), BRD9 (bromodomain-containing 9) and the BAF subunits BAF155, BAF60, SS18, BAF53a, and BRG1/BRM."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071595", "l": "Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex", "d": ["A protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex that is involved in nuclear envelope organization, and contains proteins known in budding yeast as Nem1p and Spo7p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180015", "l": "Smooth endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.315929082021214", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071738", "l": "IgD immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgD isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. An IgD immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244317", "l": "proteasome accessory complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754394", "l": "Kv4.2-KChIP1 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044311", "l": "exoneme", "d": ["A dense granule-like organelle of the apical complex of merozoites, released into the parasitophorous vacuole, mediating protease-dependent rupture and parasite exit from the infected erythrocyte."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137203", "l": "TGFbeta2 ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520651", "l": "15q26.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28606", "l": "15q26.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032163", "l": "hyphal septin band", "d": ["A septin band, i.e. a diffuse ring composed of a series of septin bars running parallel to the long axis of the cell, located at the junction between the mother cell and the germ tube (hypha) of a fungal cell growing filamentously."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690286", "l": "HCN1 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097661", "l": "SCF-Ctf13 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Ctf13 in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325609", "l": "F-actin capping protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017053", "l": "transcription repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses activity that prevents or downregulates transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247661", "l": "type II polyketide synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031612", "l": "cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex", "d": ["The subcomplex of the proteasome regulatory particle that directly associates with the proteasome core complex located in the cytosol of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246491", "l": "amyloplast envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158485", "l": "SCC2/SCC4 loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000152", "l": "nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex found in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072494", "l": "host multivesicular body", "d": ["A late endosome in which regions of the limiting host cell endosomal membrane invaginate to form internal vesicles; host membrane proteins that enter the internal vesicles are sequestered from the host cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613218", "l": "plasma membrane-derived chromatophore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036436", "l": "Isw1a complex", "d": ["An Isw1 complex that binds DNA and has nucleosome-stimulated ATPase activity. In S. cerevisiae, contains an Isw1p ATPase subunit in complex with Ioc3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180318", "l": "Cilium of olfactory receptor cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523498", "l": "mitochondrial mRNA editing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4084932", "l": "adhesion plaque", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009360", "l": "DNA polymerase III complex", "d": ["The DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is a complex that contains 10 different types of subunits. These subunits are organized into 3 functionally essential sub-assemblies: the pol III core, the beta sliding clamp processivity factor and the clamp-loading complex. The pol III core carries out the polymerase and the 3'-5' exonuclease proofreading activities. The polymerase is tethered to the template via the sliding clamp processivity factor. The clamp-loading complex assembles the beta processivity factor onto the primer template and plays a central role in the organization and communication at the replication fork."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893691", "l": "hemidesmosome associated protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230537", "l": "Nuclear envelope, outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:22809002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814891", "l": "nuclear MIS12/MIND complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521692", "l": "8p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13893", "l": "8p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546684", "l": "bacterial degradosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179103", "l": "Radial spoke of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521176", "l": "Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38698001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520984", "l": "1p36.3-p36.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13594", "l": "1p36.3-p36.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521020", "l": "1q43-q44", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13957", "l": "1q43-q44", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043667", "l": "pollen wall", "d": ["The wall surrounding a mature pollen grain; a multilayered structure consisting of a pectocellulosic intine surrounded by a sporopollenin-based exine, which itself contains two layers, the inner nexine and the outer sexine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167342", "l": "Gram-positive-bacterium-type cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097691", "l": "bacterial extracellular vesicle", "d": ["Small membrane vesicle (< 1 um) that buds off a prokaryotic cell plasma membrane, able to carry proteins, phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides, nucleic acids, viruses, and more. Important in intercellular communication and pathogenesis; can exist within host cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166829", "l": "dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034366", "l": "spherical high-density lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A mature high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particle, converted from discoidal HDL particles following the esterification of cholesterol in the particle by phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase (lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase; LCAT)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166916", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location, catalytic sector F(1)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380005", "l": "curli secretion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754316", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-tumstatin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754111", "l": "U2-type precatalytic spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690917", "l": "Sm-like protein family complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326923", "l": "sensory cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825983", "l": "3q13.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82133", "l": "3q13.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246494", "l": "attachment organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621453", "l": "Swi1-Swi3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752456", "l": "host cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247019", "l": "BRCA2-MAGE-D1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4484191", "l": "Neutrophil membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230512", "l": "Apical region of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14906008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521063", "l": "20q13.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25020", "l": "20q13.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030667", "l": "secretory granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a secretory granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097147", "l": "NOXA-BCL-2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of NOXA and BCL-2, members of the Bcl-2 family of anti- and proapoptotic regulators."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451215", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum protein-containing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140284", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-endosome membrane contact site", "d": ["A contact site between the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and the endosome membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820609", "l": "Isw1b complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824256", "l": "DiaA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523867", "l": "intracellular organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180093", "l": "Part of smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.820554254294692", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D006056", "l": "Golgi Apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0018042", "l": "Golgi Apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13238", "l": "Golgi Apparatus", "d": ["A stack of flattened vesicles located between the nucleus and the secretory pole or surface of a cell. Functions in posttranslational processing and sorting of proteins, receiving them from the rough endoplasmic reticulum and directing them to secretory vesicles, lysosomes, or the cell membrane. The movement of proteins takes place by transfer vesicles that bud off from the rough endoplasmic reticulum or golgi apparatus and fuse with the golgi, lysosomes or cell membrane."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:65251009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520936", "l": "1p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13797", "l": "1p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179138", "l": "Wall of transverse tubule of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167374", "l": "fibrillar collagen location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061202", "l": "clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520991", "l": "1q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26545", "l": "1q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327176", "l": "MKS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097520", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex involved in damage recognition, DNA helix unwinding, and endonucleolytic cleavage at the site of DNA damage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179919", "l": "Cavity of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33016", "l": "Lumen of the Endosome", "d": ["The area within the membrane of an endosomal compartment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070187", "l": "shelterin complex", "d": ["A nuclear telomere cap complex that is formed by the association of telomeric ssDNA- and dsDNA-binding proteins with telomeric DNA, and is involved in telomere protection and recruitment of telomerase. The complex is known to contain TERF1, TERF2, POT1, RAP1, TINF2 and ACD in mammalian cells, and Pot1, Tpz1, Rap1, Rif1, Rif2 and Taz1 in Saccharomyces. Taz1 and Rap1 (or their mammalian equivalents) form a dsDNA-binding subcomplex, Pot1 and Tpz1 form an ssDNA-binding subcomplex, and the two subcomplexes are bridged by Poz1, which acts as an effector molecule along with Ccq1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166939", "l": "peroxisomal matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754404", "l": "Kv4.3-DPP10 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515516", "l": "9q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13675", "l": "9q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071204", "l": "histone pre-mRNA 3'end processing complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein that binds to specific sites in, and is required for cleavage of, the 3'-end of histone pre-mRNAs. The complex contains the U7 snRNP and additional proteins, including the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP) and the exonuclease 3'hExo/Eri-1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325618", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IB", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521416", "l": "4q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26576", "l": "4q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180100", "l": "Membrane protein of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323120", "l": "Invaginated segment of nuclear membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110158", "l": "calpain complex", "d": ["A calcium-dependent protease complex that processes its substrate by limited proteolysis rather than degrading it. In some cases limited proteolysis is required for the activation of its substrate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166675", "l": "nucleosome location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012519", "l": "Sarcoplasmic Reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0036226", "l": "Sarcoplasmic Reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33514", "l": "Sarcoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["The endoplasmic reticulum of striated muscle, specialised for the sequestration of calcium ions that are released upon receipt of a signal relayed by the T tubules from the neuromuscular junction."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:770100001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244319", "l": "eukaryotic ribosomal LSU", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3814045", "l": "post-anaphase microtubule array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0932035", "l": "Cell metabolite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520967", "l": "1p35-p34.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25001", "l": "1p35-p34.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061638", "l": "CENP-A containing chromatin", "d": ["The specialized chromatin located in the centromeric core region or the entire centromeric region in organisms with point centromeres, which is enriched for CENP-A-containing nucleosomes. This chromatin forms a 3-dimensional structure which provides a platform for kinetochore assembly and microtubule attachment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271118", "l": "mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation multienzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819205", "l": "ribonuclease H2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268335", "l": "ribose phosphate diphosphokinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.41723220320425", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097730", "l": "non-motile cilium", "d": ["A cilium which may have a variable array of axonemal microtubules but does not contain molecular motors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990909", "l": "Wnt signalosome", "d": ["A multiprotein protein complex containing membrane-localized Wnt receptors and cytosolic protein complexes, which is capable of transmitting the Wnt signal. Contains at least a Wnt protein, LRP5 or LRP6, a member of the Frizzled (Fz) family, Axin and and a Dishevelled (DVL) protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158845", "l": "Mon1-Ccz1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043511", "l": "inhibin complex", "d": ["Heterodimeric hormone composed of an inhibin alpha subunit complexed with either an inhibin beta-A subunit, to form inhibin A, or an inhibin beta-B subunit, to form inhibin B."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2350308", "l": "Circulating Cell-Derived Microparticles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380122", "l": "RNA polymerase II transcription regulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271327", "l": "ribonucleoprotein granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167334", "l": "mating projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000783", "l": "nuclear telomere cap complex", "d": ["A complex of DNA and protein located at the end of a linear chromosome in the nucleus that protects and stabilizes a linear chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610866", "l": "Snt2C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038141", "l": "ERBB4-ERBB4 complex", "d": ["A homodimeric complex containing two monomers of the tyrosine kinase receptor ERBB4 (also called HER4)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325700", "l": "germ cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031616", "l": "spindle pole centrosome", "d": ["A centrosome from which one pole of a mitotic or meiotic spindle is organized."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071339", "l": "MLL1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that can methylate lysine-4 of histone H3. MLL1/MLL is the catalytic methyltransferase subunit, and the complex also contains the core components ASH2L, HCFC1/HCF1 WDR5 and RBBP5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180259", "l": "Zone of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167385", "l": "classical-complement-pathway C3/C5 convertase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137190", "l": "Mus81-Eme1 holliday resolvase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167512", "l": "translation release factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326931", "l": "Tenascin-W", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1901588", "l": "dendritic microtubule", "d": ["Any microtubule in a dendrite, a neuron projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180174", "l": "Outer filament of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030669", "l": "clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521627", "l": "7p21-p15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25109", "l": "7p21-p15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894307", "l": "omegasome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0544923", "l": "tubulo-reticular structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333849", "l": "Hematoxylin body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:80680000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090652", "l": "basolateral cytoplasm", "d": ["The region of the cytoplasm located at the basolateral side of the cell. Used in reference to animal polarized epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450906", "l": "complete virus particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520998", "l": "1q23-q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13600", "l": "1q23-q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167308", "l": "photosystem I antenna complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520408", "l": "11q24-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26587", "l": "11q24-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520375", "l": "11pter-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13925", "l": "11pter-p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090661", "l": "box H/ACA telomerase RNP complex", "d": ["A box H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the RNA component of vertebrate telomerase, the enzyme essential for the replication of chromosome termini in most eukaryotes. This ribonucleoprotein complex is a structural box H/ACA RNP, which does not have the catalytic pseudouridylation function shared by the majority of H/ACA RNPs present in the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520360", "l": "11p12-p11.22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13614", "l": "11p12-p11.22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271551", "l": "presynaptic periactive zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070464", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-collagen alpha3(VI) complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to the alpha3 chain of type VI collagen; the integrin binds most strongly to unfolded collagen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230819", "l": "Secondary lysosome undergoing exocytosis", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:33787008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331178", "l": "Axon of interneuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682532", "l": "subcellular membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030893", "l": "meiotic cohesin complex", "d": ["A cohesin complex that mediates sister chromatid cohesion during meiosis; has a subunit composition distinct from that of the mitotic cohesin complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044301", "l": "climbing fiber", "d": ["The axon of inferior olive neuron that projects to the cerebellar cortex, largely via the inferior cerebellar peduncle. They range in diameter from 1-3 um and are myelinated until they enter the granule cell layer. They give off collaterals to the deep cerebellar nuclei. They synapse extensively with the dendrites of Purkinje cells in the molecular layer, where each fiber branches repeatedly to climb along the Purkinje cell dendritic tree. Each Purkinje cell is innervated by only a single climbing fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038201", "l": "TOR complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains at least TOR (target of rapamycin) in complex with other signaling components. Mediates the phosphorylation and activation of downstream signaling components including PKB (AKT) or S6K."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691155", "l": "postsynaptic Golgi apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546706", "l": "dendritic branch point", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546234", "l": "peripheral astrocyte process", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612914", "l": "6S-nuclear aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor ligand-activated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821060", "l": "Tnfr1-CII", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5554876", "l": "Bulk Nucleus Specimen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C178224", "l": "Bulk Nucleus Specimen", "d": ["A biospecimen consisting of multiple nuclei as a pool."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451461", "l": "autolysosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549076", "l": "viral inner capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031240", "l": "external side of cell outer membrane", "d": ["The side of the outer membrane that is opposite to the side that faces the periplasm of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098585", "l": "host cell synaptic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a host synaptic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328900", "l": "postsynaptic recycling endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622256", "l": "endospore-forming forespore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744677", "l": "ferredoxin hydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030891", "l": "VCB complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses ubiquitin ligase activity; the complex is usually pentameric; for example, in mammals the subunits are pVHL, elongin B, elongin C, cullin-2 (Cul2), and Rbx1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137566", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990711", "l": "beta-catenin-ICAT complex", "d": ["Transcription factor complex that inhibits binding of Tcf to beta-catenin while preserving interaction of catenin with cadherin thus inhibiting transcription mediated by beta-catenin-Tcf complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043658", "l": "host symbiosome", "d": ["A double-enveloped cell compartment, composed of the endosymbiont with its plasmalemma (as inner envelope) and an outer envelope (the perisymbiontic membrane) derived from the host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042581", "l": "specific granule", "d": ["Granule with a membranous, tubular internal structure, found primarily in mature neutrophil cells. Most are released into the extracellular fluid. Specific granules contain lactoferrin, lysozyme, vitamin B12 binding protein and elastase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904423", "l": "dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005894", "l": "interleukin-3 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-3; comprises an alpha and a beta subunit. The alpha chain is specific to the interleukin-3 receptor, whereas the beta chain is shared with the receptors for granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035449", "l": "extrinsic component of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The component of a plastid thylakoid membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325632", "l": "GPI-anchor transamidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515501", "l": "9p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25127", "l": "9p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521386", "l": "4q12-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26603", "l": "4q12-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520579", "l": "14q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13782", "l": "14q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236679", "l": "cluster of actin-based cell projections", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825753", "l": "19q13.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81834", "l": "19q13.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178971", "l": "Part of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672479", "l": "STAGA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624567", "l": "cytoplasmic replisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000417", "l": "HIR complex", "d": ["A protein complex proposed to be involved in replication-independent nucleosome assembly, by promoting histone deposition onto DNA. For example, in Saccharomyces, the complex contains Hir1p, Hir2p, Hir3p, and Hpc2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3826677", "l": "Bacterial cell walls", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824454", "l": "nuclear exosome focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682534", "l": "internal protein monolayer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322307", "l": "Vagal nerve parasympathetic fiber to pulmonary plexus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166680", "l": "Interphase chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13431", "l": "Interphase Chromosome", "d": ["Interphase chromosomes are decondensed chromosomes that reside in the interphase nucleus in the form of chromatin. Two types of chromatin, euchromatin and heterochromatin, can be discerned microscopically."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036488", "l": "CHOP-C/EBP complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that is composed of the transcription factor CHOP (GADD153) and a member of the C/EBP family of transcription factors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.991992031210344", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002185", "l": "creatine kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex having creatine kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120098", "l": "procentriole", "d": ["A cellular structure that is the site of a developing centriole, which will become a microtubule organizing center. During the canonical pathway of centriole duplication that occurs during the cell division cycle, procentrioles grow at the proximal ends of both mother and daughter centrioles. In the newly divided cells, the original mother and daughter centrioles become mother centrioles while the procentrioles become the new daughter centrioles. Procentrioles can also arise from de novo pathways that occur in multiciliated cells. In ciliated epithelial cells, numerous procentrioles arise form electron dense material referred to as fibrous granules and deuterosomes. The pathway of procentriole formation in multiciliated protists appears to be similar to that in mammalian multiciliated epithelium. In sperm of primative land plants, multiple procentrioles are formed from a blepharoplast giving rise to multicilated sperm cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097512", "l": "cardiac myofibril", "d": ["A cardiac myofibril is a myofibril specific to cardiac muscle cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031680", "l": "G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex", "d": ["The heterodimer formed by the beta and gamma subunits of a heterotrimeric G protein, which dissociates from the alpha subunit upon guanine nuclotide exchange."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610713", "l": "VAMP4-syntaxin-6-syntaxin-16-Vti1a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166994", "l": "plastid inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521621", "l": "7p15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28524", "l": "7p15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033116", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi intermediate compartment system."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062242", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory membrane", "d": ["One of the two endoplasmic reticulum-derived lipid bilayer membranes that bound a double membrane vesicle viral factory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990657", "l": "iNOS-S100A8/A9 complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of stimulus-inducible nitric-oxide synthase activity. S-nitrosylates cysteine residues in target proteins, a principal mechanism of nitric oxide (NO)-mediated signal transduction. In mammals consists of NOS2, S100A8 and S100A9. S100A9 acts both as an adaptor linking NOS2 to its target and as a transnitrosylase that transfers the nitric oxide moiety from NOS2 to its target, via its own S-nitrosylated cysteine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070067", "l": "syntaxin-6-syntaxin-16-Vti1a complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains syntaxin 6, syntaxin 16, and Vti1a (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230687", "l": "Dense-cored synaptic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:35056004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824423", "l": "SufA dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033167", "l": "ARC complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains members of the Argonaute family of proteins, additional protein subunits, and duplex siRNA; required for heterochromatin assembly and siRNA generation. Possibly involved in the conversion of ds siRNA to ss siRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071065", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to vascular cell adhesion molecule-1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030117", "l": "membrane coat", "d": ["Any of several different proteinaceous coats that can associate with membranes. Membrane coats include those formed by clathrin plus an adaptor complex, the COPI and COPII complexes, and possibly others. They are found associated with membranes on many vesicles as well as other membrane features such as pits and perhaps tubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516545", "l": "Chromosome Territory", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13436", "l": "Chromosome Territory", "d": ["The physical volume occupied by a specific chromosome in the interphase nucleus. The territories from distinct chromosomes do not appear to overlap, preventing an intermingling of the decondensed chromatin. Relative to a nuclear landmark (e.g. nucleolus), chromosome territories appear to differ from cell to cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752537", "l": "mitochondrial crista junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179902", "l": "Cavity of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33017", "l": "Lumen of the Lysosome", "d": ["The area within the membrane of a lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521628", "l": "7p21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39916", "l": "7p21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150034", "l": "distal axon", "d": ["That part of an axon close to and including the growth cone or the axon terminus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0546449", "l": "Plasma membrane receptor site for glucagon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071743", "l": "IgE immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgE isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071203", "l": "WASH complex", "d": ["A protein complex that localizes at the surface of endosomes, where it recruits and activates the Arp2/3 complex to induce actin polymerization. In human, the WASH complex is composed of F-actin-capping protein subunits alpha and beta, WASH1, FAM21, KIAA1033, KIAA0196 and CCDC53."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990329", "l": "IscS-TusA complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric protein complex involved in the sulfur-relay system required for 2-thiolation of 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (mnm5s2U) at tRNA wobble positions. In E. coli it consists of a central IscS dimer with the two TusA protomers bound to one of the IscS units each via persulfide (-SSH) groups."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622605", "l": "NatC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.271174895061641", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015630", "l": "microtubule cytoskeleton", "d": ["The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of microtubules and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710741", "l": "11p14.3-p15.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C44523", "l": "11p14.3-p15.2", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the short (p) arm of chromosome 11."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521309", "l": "3q21-q28", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13781", "l": "3q21-q28", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230535", "l": "Nuclear envelope, evagination", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:41803006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13372", "l": "Response Element", "d": ["A nucleotide sequence that plays a role in the expression of a nearby gene because it can be recognized by specific transcription factors or coregulatory proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621540", "l": "spindle pole centrosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990398", "l": "Cus cation efflux complex", "d": ["Transmembrane complex that mediates resistance to copper and silver by cation efflux directly from the cell using the proton-motive force. Spans the inner membrane, periplasm, and outer membrane. Primarily activated under anaerobic conditions by CusR and CusS but also expressed under extreme copper stress, in aerobic growth."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106172", "l": "COPI-coated vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a COPI-coated endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521638", "l": "7q11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25111", "l": "7q11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818895", "l": "micropexophagy-specific membrane apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230911", "l": "Basal lamina, anchoring filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:61929001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167266", "l": "rhabdomere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521543", "l": "6p22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26298", "l": "6p22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521110", "l": "22q12.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28674", "l": "22q12.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2827579", "l": "6q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C84999", "l": "6q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335026", "l": "Protoplasm of corneal endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071012", "l": "catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the displacement of the two snRNPs from the precatalytic spliceosome; three snRNPs including U5 remain associated with the mRNA. This complex, sometimes called the activated spliceosome, is the catalytically active form of the spliceosome, and includes many proteins in addition to those found in the associated snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042765", "l": "GPI-anchor transamidase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex which in humans and yeast consists of at least five proteins; for example, the complex contains GAA1, GPI8, PIG-S, PIG-U, and PIG-T in human, and Gaa1p, Gab1p, Gpi8p, Gpi16p, and Gpi17p in yeast. Catalyzes the posttranslational attachment of the carboxy-terminus of a precursor protein to a GPI-anchor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000124", "l": "SAGA complex", "d": ["A SAGA-type histone acetyltransferase complex that deubiquitinates H2A and/or H2B. This complex is organized into several functional submodules: a structural core including the activator binding module and consisting of ADA1 or a homolog, members of the SPT and TAF protein families as well as promotor recruitment factor TRRAP/TRA1, a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) module consisting of GCN5/KAT2A or PCAF/KAT2B, ADA2, ADA3/NGG1, and SGF29 or homologues thereof, a histone deubiquitinase (DUB) module consisting of ATXN7/SGF73, ATXN7L3/SGF11, ENY2/SUS1 and USP22/UBP8 or homologues thereof, and in some taxa a splicing module consisting of SF3B3 and SF3B5 or homologues thereof (not in fungi). In budding yeast also contains Spt8 which distinguishes it from SAGA-like (SLIK) complex (GO:0046695)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179966", "l": "Cell appendage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043700", "l": "pterinosome", "d": ["A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which pteridine pigments are synthesized and stored. Pterinosomes are synthesized in xanthophores and erythrophore cells and are yellow, orange or red in appearance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048238", "l": "smooth endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691247", "l": "CRF1-DNF3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166983", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0170010", "l": "nonsense-mediated decay complex", "d": ["A highly conserved protein complex that recognises and elicits the rapid degradation of mRNAs in which an amino-acid codon has changed to a nonsense codon; occurs when the 3' end is not protected by a 3'-poly(A) tail; degradation proceeds in the 3' to 5' direction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157098", "l": "CNTFR-CLCF1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230526", "l": "NUCLEUS AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033095", "l": "aleurone grain", "d": ["A membrane-bounded storage granule found in cells of the aleurone layer in plants; contains either a protein matrix, protein-carbohydrate bodies and/or globoids. Aleurone grains are formed by the vacuole, rough endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183333", "l": "Sarcoplasmic reticulum of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167343", "l": "fungal-type cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230590", "l": "Intranuclear tubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:20489003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4082187", "l": "acidocalcisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167002", "l": "proplastid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622079", "l": "SCF5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097342", "l": "ripoptosome", "d": ["A protein complex whose core components are the receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinases RIPK1 and RIPK3 (also called RIP1 and RIP3). Formation of the ripoptosome can induce an extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway or a necroptotic signaling pathway. The composition of this protein complex may depend on several factors including nature of the signal, cell type and more."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180063", "l": "Axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230917", "l": "Basal lamina, inclusion in subepithelial location", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:4677002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071159", "l": "NF-kappaB complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of a homo- or heterodimer of members of a family of structurally related proteins that contain a conserved N-terminal region called the Rel homology domain (RHD). In the nucleus, NF-kappaB complexes act as transcription factors. In unstimulated cells, NF-kappaB dimers are sequestered in the cytoplasm by IkappaB monomers; signals that induce NF-kappaB activity cause degradation of IkappaB, allowing NF-kappaB dimers to translocate to the nucleus and induce gene expression."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546432", "l": "peripheral ER", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518450", "l": "Nucleolar-Associated Chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33181", "l": "Nucleolar-Associated Chromatin", "d": ["Heterochromatin that is associated with the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896426", "l": "mutator focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071439", "l": "clathrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of three clathrin heavy chains and three clathrin light chains, organized into a symmetrical three-legged structure called a triskelion. In clathrin-coated vesicles clathrin is the main component of the coat and forms a polymeric mechanical scaffold on the vesicle surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520494", "l": "12q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13848", "l": "12q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009527", "l": "plastid outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the plastid envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546508", "l": "TRAPPI protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098834", "l": "presynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component", "d": ["The cytoplasmic component of the presynaptic endocytic zone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246386", "l": "Fc-gamma receptor I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990083", "l": "DnaA-Hda complex", "d": ["A protein complex that inactivates the function of DnaA by inhibiting the phosphorylation of DnaA-ADP to DnaA-ATP and thereby preventing multiple events of replication initiation. In E. coli, this complex is composed of DnaA and Hda."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520394", "l": "11q14.2-q14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24923", "l": "11q14.2-q14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990221", "l": "L-cysteine desulfurase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of cysteine desulfurase activity decomposing L-cysteine to L-alanine and sulfur. It belongs to a ubiquitous family of pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes. In E. coli it consists of a SufS dimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548880", "l": "amphisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325311", "l": "Protoplasm of granular leukocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030125", "l": "clathrin vesicle coat", "d": ["A clathrin coat found on a vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235120", "l": "trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896272", "l": "archaeal proton-transporting A-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824544", "l": "Bfa1-Bub2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896283", "l": "exon-exon junction subcomplex mago-y14", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549330", "l": "early phagosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544408", "l": "ensheathing process of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098571", "l": "lumenal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the plastid thylakoid membrane that faces the lumen, and any proteins embedded in it or loosely bound to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097221", "l": "M/G1 phase-specific MADS box-forkhead transcription factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains a MADS-box protein and two forkhead domain proteins, and binds to and regulates transcription from promoters of genes transcribed during the M/G1 transition of the cell cycle. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the complex contains the MADS-box protein Mbx1 and two forkhead proteins, Sep1 and Fkh2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034745", "l": "APC-IQGAP1-Rac1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), the small GTPase Rac1, and the Rac1 and Cdc42 effector IQGAP1; may play a role in cytoskeleton organization and cell migration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019013", "l": "viral nucleocapsid", "d": ["The complete protein-nucleic acid complex that is the packaged form of the genome in a virus particle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824290", "l": "L-glutamate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071070", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin-2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to thrombospondin-2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754999", "l": "membrane-bound IgM", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.503937487960073", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990351", "l": "transporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex facilitating transport of molecules (proteins, small molecules, nucleic acids) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230718", "l": "M line", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:27112006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521201", "l": "2q12-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38889", "l": "2q12-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5395463", "l": "Autologous cultured chondrocyte 30 million unit/mL conventional release intraarticular implant", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:840613000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327112", "l": "mitotic spindle astral microtubule end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520640", "l": "15q22.3-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24959", "l": "15q22.3-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598269", "l": "intracellular ground substance", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548417", "l": "sorting endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034060", "l": "cyanelle stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of a cyanelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821075", "l": "multivesicular body, internal vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043258", "l": "laminin-9 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha4, beta2 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167389", "l": "insulin-like growth factor binding protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990350", "l": "glucose transporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex facilitating glucose transport into, out of or within a cell, or between cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335813", "l": "Protoplasm of Type Mo enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520290", "l": "10q24.1-q24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26516", "l": "10q24.1-q24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521216", "l": "2q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13648", "l": "2q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042599", "l": "lamellar body", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle, specialized for the storage and secretion of various substances (surfactant phospholipids, glycoproteins and acid phosphates) which are arranged in the form of tightly packed, concentric, membrane sheets or lamellae. Has some similar properties to, but is distinct from, a lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016602", "l": "CCAAT-binding factor complex", "d": ["A heteromeric transcription factor complex that binds to the CCAAT-box upstream of promoters; functions as both an activator and a repressor, depending on its interacting cofactors. Typically trimeric consisting of NFYA, NFYB and NFYC subunits. In Saccharomyces, it activates the transcription of genes in response to growth in a nonfermentable carbon source and consists of four known subunits: HAP2, HAP3, HAP4 and HAP5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754269", "l": "ITGA2b-ITGB3-CD9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.944488487207011", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032838", "l": "plasma membrane bounded cell projection cytoplasm", "d": ["All of the contents of a plasma membrane bounded cell projection, excluding the plasma membrane surrounding the projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020439", "l": "Growth Cones", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0596632", "l": "Growth Cones", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752386", "l": "CLRC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819305", "l": "photoreceptor cell cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167441", "l": "DNA polymerase V complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.364738370903289", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043025", "l": "neuronal cell body", "d": ["The portion of a neuron that includes the nucleus, but excludes cell projections such as axons and dendrites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097038", "l": "perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The portion of endoplasmic reticulum, the intracellular network of tubules and cisternae, that occurs near the nucleus. The lumen of the perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum is contiguous with the nuclear envelope lumen (also called perinuclear space), the region between the inner and outer nuclear membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325833", "l": "vimentin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820479", "l": "UvrB-UvrC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622372", "l": "ruffle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032164", "l": "hyphal septin cap", "d": ["A faint structure formed of septins found at the leading edge of growth in hyphae of fungal cells growing filamentously. This cap of septins colocalizes with a region of the plasma membrane that is rich in ergosterol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520988", "l": "1q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13891", "l": "1q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326170", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of endosteal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167229", "l": "interleukin-12 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008930", "l": "Mitochondria, Liver", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026239", "l": "Mitochondria, Liver", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137529", "l": "rod photoreceptor disc lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5828341", "l": "Mitochondrial Organizing Structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097126", "l": "cyclin B2-CDK1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin B2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332550", "l": "Membrane layer of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521058", "l": "20q12-q13.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C30158", "l": "20q12-q13.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.820554254294692", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013569", "l": "Synapses", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0039062", "l": "Synapses", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13281", "l": "Synapse", "d": ["A cell-cell junction between a neuron and another neuron or a cell in a target organ. At this interface, the presynaptic neuron can transmit chemical (neurotransmitter) or electical signals (nerve impulses) to the postsynaptic target."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:69147006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990158", "l": "DnaB-DnaC-DnaT-PriA-PriB complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex consisting of the helicase loading complex DnaB-DnaC, replication restart proteins DnaT, PriA and PriB, and associated DNA. Involved in the restart of DNA replication after a stalled replication fork has been repaired."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005770", "l": "late endosome", "d": ["A prelysosomal endocytic organelle differentiated from early endosomes by lower lumenal pH and different protein composition. Late endosomes are more spherical than early endosomes and are mostly juxtanuclear, being concentrated near the microtubule organizing center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016611", "l": "iron-iron nitrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex containing an iron-iron cluster found in species such as the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. It is composed of two main subunits, dinitrogenase and nitrogenase reductase. Dinitrogenase, the iron-iron containing subunit, has an alpha1-beta2 or alpha2-beta2 structure, and the nitrogenase reductase subunit is a homodimer. Functions in the catalysis of the formation of oxidized ferredoxin and ammonia from reduced ferredoxin and nitrogen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071153", "l": "G-protein alpha(o)-synembrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor synembrin with the alpha(o) subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235342", "l": "rod bipolar cell terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090642", "l": "microsporidian-type exospore", "d": ["The dense, protein rich outermost layer of a microsporidian spore wall that lies above the endospore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042764", "l": "ascospore-type prospore", "d": ["An immature spore undergoing development. The spore usually consists of nucleic acid, prospore membrane(s) that encase the nucleic acid, and ultimately a cell wall that covers the membrane(s). This type of spore is observed in ascospore-forming fungi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C118478", "l": "17q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990508", "l": "CKM complex", "d": ["Cyclin-dependent kinase complex which reversibly associates with the Mediator complex. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae it consists of SSN2, SSN3, SSN8 and SRB8."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271228", "l": "dTOR/dRaptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045336", "l": "clathrin-coated phagocytic vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-coated, membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle that arises from the ingestion of particulate material by phagocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061908", "l": "phagophore", "d": ["A disk-like structure that expands, rounds up into a cup-shaped structure, and eventually closes around its cargo (for example cytoplasmic components) to become an autophagosome or Cvt vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902716", "l": "cell cortex of growing cell tip", "d": ["Any cell cortex that is part of a growing cell tip."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546712", "l": "F bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098845", "l": "postsynaptic endosome", "d": ["An endosomal compartment that is part of the post-synapse. Only early and recycling endosomes are typically present in the postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754325", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-VEGF-C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.432554362561859", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002893", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008666", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13219", "l": "Human Chromosome 3", "d": ["The designation for each member of the third largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 3 spans almost 200 million base pairs and represents about 6.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113355002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824223", "l": "DnaB-DnaC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546556", "l": "cyclin K-CDK13 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521195", "l": "2p25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25998", "l": "2p25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546543", "l": "methyl coenzyme M reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546520", "l": "CHD-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097650", "l": "B axonemal microtubule", "d": ["An incomplete microtubule containing 10 protofilaments that fuses with a complete microtubule called A tubule (containing 13 protofilaments) to form an axonemal outer doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521562", "l": "6q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13611", "l": "6q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325709", "l": "generative cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035579", "l": "specific granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a specific granule, a granule with a membranous, tubular internal structure, found primarily in mature neutrophil cells. Most are released into the extracellular fluid. Specific granules contain lactoferrin, lysozyme, vitamin B12 binding protein and elastase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672478", "l": "STAGA coactivator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230816", "l": "Secondary lysosome with distinctive content", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:85930007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070440", "l": "Mad-Max-mSin3B complex", "d": ["A transcriptional repressor complex that contains a heterodimer of the bHLH-ZIP proteins Mad and Max, plus mSin3B, a homolog of the yeast Sin3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451211", "l": "7SK snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230602", "l": "Cell membrane, apical aspect of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51374002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322668", "l": "Plasma membrane of fibrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990425", "l": "ryanodine receptor complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated calcium-release channel complex of the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum. It plays an important role in the excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling of muscle cells. RyR comprises a family of ryanodine receptors, widely expressed throughout the animal kingdom."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623156", "l": "EC2S complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005821", "l": "intermediate layer of spindle pole body", "d": ["Structure between the central and outer plaques of the spindle pole body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034682", "l": "integrin alphav-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphav subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612812", "l": "ITGA10-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246459", "l": "Rad51C-XRCC3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262843", "l": "collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825760", "l": "6q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81842", "l": "6q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245788", "l": "Golgi trans face membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071155", "l": "G-protein alpha(13)-synembrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor synembrin with the alpha(13) subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043510", "l": "activin B complex", "d": ["A nonsteroidal regulator, composed of two covalently linked inhibin beta-B subunits (sometimes known as activin beta-B or activin/inhibin beta-B)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062049", "l": "protein phosphatase inhibitor complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that inhibits protein phosphatase activity by directly binding to a protein phosphatase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1750262", "l": "trifunctional enzyme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156015", "l": "satellite fibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230790", "l": "Smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33085", "l": "Membrane of the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["A lipid bilayer enclosing the portion of the endoplasmic reticulum that is free of ribosomes."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113359008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548434", "l": "nematosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821301", "l": "active sex chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235140", "l": "canonical inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042622", "l": "photoreceptor outer segment membrane", "d": ["The membrane surrounding the outer segment of a vertebrate photoreceptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097665", "l": "SCF-Mdm30 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Mdm30 in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323876", "l": "Body of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D006366", "l": "Heinz Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0018871", "l": "Heinz bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34672", "l": "Heinz Body", "d": ["Intracellular red blood cell inclusions comprised of denatured hemoglobin."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:42222008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690177", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV pre-assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166781", "l": "Microtubule cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.348348598122641", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097014", "l": "ciliary plasm", "d": ["All of the contents of a cilium, excluding the plasma membrane surrounding the cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120099", "l": "procentriole replication complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a chaperone or scaffold for centriolar proteins during the maturation of the procentriole. Some of its members may become integrated into the growing centriole. Examples are the CPAP(CENPJ)-STIL complex, CEP192-PLK4 complex or CEP152-PLK4 complex in vertebrates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180041", "l": "Dendrite proper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005753", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting ATP synthase complex found in the mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990385", "l": "meiotic spindle midzone", "d": ["The area in the center of the meiotic spindle where the spindle microtubules from opposite poles overlap."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000080882", "l": "Ribosomal Protein L10", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D065206", "l": "Extracellular Traps", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3850090", "l": "Extracellular Traps", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036409", "l": "histone H3-K14 acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that can catalyze the acetylation of lysine at position 14 in histone H3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039721", "l": "peristromal region viral factory", "d": ["A nuclear viral factory formed at the periphery of the host cell nucleus by Baculoviruses."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098525", "l": "excitatory neuromuscular junction of somatic myotube", "d": ["A neuromuscular junction that functions in the excitation of somatic muscle myotubes, such as an arthropod somatic muscle cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1718354", "l": "Spermatozoa IgA binding location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690843", "l": "RNA polymerase II termination complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752508", "l": "hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase, F1 sector location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247086", "l": "host cell mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824531", "l": "collagen type XXII trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820750", "l": "spherule viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036000", "l": "mucocyst", "d": ["A small subcellular vesicle, surrounded by a membrane, in the pellicle of ciliate protozoans that discharges a mucus-like secretion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005927", "l": "muscle tendon junction", "d": ["A cell-substrate junction found at the terminal anchorage site of skeletal muscle cells to tendons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179487", "l": "Schwann cell cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380218", "l": "DNA gyrase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754331", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-LPP3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097693", "l": "ocelloid", "d": ["Eye-like subcellular structure found in dinoflagellates (a large group of single-celled eukaryotes). Consists of subcellular analogues to a cornea, lens, iris, and retina. Ocelloids are built from pre-existing organelles, including a cornea-like layer made of mitochondria and a retinal body made of anastomosing plastids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031903", "l": "microbody membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a microbody."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825757", "l": "3q26.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81838", "l": "3q26.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235122", "l": "Nbp35-Cfd1 ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235125", "l": "phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140366", "l": "galectin lattice", "d": ["A non-stoichiometric protein complex formed by several galectins crosslinking glycosylated ligands to form a dynamic lattice. The galectin lattice modulates receptor kinase signaling and the functionality of membrane receptors, by regulating the diffusion, compartmentalization and endocytosis of plasma membrane glycoproteins and glycolipids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546209", "l": "autotransporter system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3154978", "l": "T-bar ribbon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610659", "l": "Vamp2-Snap25-Stx1a-Cplx2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235104", "l": "MWP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159202", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520546", "l": "13q14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24944", "l": "13q14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689789", "l": "Kir6.x complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.151319539368089", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048770", "l": "pigment granule", "d": ["A small, subcellular membrane-bounded vesicle containing pigment and/or pigment precursor molecules. Pigment granule biogenesis is poorly understood, as pigment granules are derived from multiple sources including the endoplasmic reticulum, coated vesicles, lysosomes, and endosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167067", "l": "heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3146233", "l": "F1 Particle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32502", "l": "F1 Particle", "d": ["The portion of the mitochondrial ATP synthase that is found inside the matrix. This protein complex can catalyze the conversion of adenosine diphosphate to adenosine triphosphate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019910", "l": "mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex", "d": ["A mitochondrial complex of a regulatory and catalytic subunit that catalyzes the dephosphorylation and concomitant reactivation of the alpha subunit of the E1 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. An example of this component is found in Mus musculus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167383", "l": "membrane attack complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990323", "l": "collagen type XXIV trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXIV) chains; type XXIV collagen triple helices may participate in regulating type I collagen fibrillogenesis at specific anatomical locations during fetal development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044327", "l": "dendritic spine head", "d": ["Distal part of the dendritic spine, that carries the post-synaptic density."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246499", "l": "type VI protein secretion system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062071", "l": "Pi Mi complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex composed of a homeodomain protein and the M-specific peptide Mi that acts at the regulatory region of genes required for the activation of meiosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235145", "l": "Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000015", "l": "phosphopyruvate hydratase complex", "d": ["A multimeric enzyme complex, usually a dimer or an octamer, that catalyzes the conversion of 2-phospho-D-glycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate and water."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325781", "l": "cytosolic ribosomal RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157030", "l": "pollen tube tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.024411547311772", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097525", "l": "spliceosomal snRNP complex", "d": ["A small ribonucleoprotein complex involved in formation of the spliceosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097123", "l": "cyclin A1-CDK2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin A1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754405", "l": "WASH complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002843", "l": "Chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071114", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-tumstatin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to tumstatin, the NC1 domain of the alpha3 chain of type IV collagen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D042581", "l": "Intranuclear Space", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1257788", "l": "Intranuclear Space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035098", "l": "ESC/E(Z) complex", "d": ["A multimeric protein complex that can methylate lysine-27 and lysine-9 residues of histone H3. In Drosophila the core subunits of the complex include ESC, E(Z), CAF1 (NURF-55) and SU(Z)12. In mammals the core subunits of the complex include EED, EZH2, SUZ12 and RBBP4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234985", "l": "CMA receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167159", "l": "replication compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099126", "l": "transforming growth factor beta complex", "d": ["A protein complex acting as ligand of the transforming growth factor beta receptor complex, typically a homodimer of any of the TFGbeta isoforms. The precursor of TGFbeta proteins is cleaved into mature TGFbeta and the latency-associated peptide (LAP), which remains non-covalently linked to mature TGFbeta rendering it inactive. TGFbeta is activated by dimerization and dissociation of the LAP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754263", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-TNC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230639", "l": "Fenestration, endothelial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:54924009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001674", "l": "female germ cell nucleus", "d": ["The nucleus of the female germ cell, a reproductive cell in females."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380217", "l": "matrilin-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157048", "l": "cilial cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710781", "l": "14q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C44957", "l": "14q13.3", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 14."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893639", "l": "dinoflagellate antapical horn", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752177", "l": "neuronal cell body membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030874", "l": "nucleolar chromatin", "d": ["The portion of nuclear chromatin associated with the nucleolus; includes the DNA encoding the ribosomal RNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754979", "l": "IgA B cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623291", "l": "chloroplast membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3814875", "l": "mTOR complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610680", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157024", "l": "plant cell papilla", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690166", "l": "CAX1 homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.866383925293761", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090575", "l": "RNA polymerase II transcription regulator complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521305", "l": "3q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13764", "l": "3q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336322", "l": "Protoplasm of peripheral blood stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325549", "l": "chlorosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323182", "l": "External arcuate tract of medulla", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515446", "l": "8q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13585", "l": "8q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952634", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of juxtaglomerular cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823126", "l": "GABA-A receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167480", "l": "vanadium-iron nitrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031317", "l": "tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic transporter complex", "d": ["A complex consisting of two membrane proteins and one extracytoplasmic solute receptor. Such transporters transport a variety of substrates without direct ATP power, instead using energy from ion gradients."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230784", "l": "Ribosome, attached to GER membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:79916000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824217", "l": "SeqA-DNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120209", "l": "cone telodendria", "d": ["Cone telodendria are projections that originate from the cone pedicle and form gap junctions with other photoreceptors within the outer plexiform layer of the retina."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896231", "l": "skeletal muscle L-type voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271467", "l": "senescence-associated heterochromatin focus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754164", "l": "yeast U12-type spliceosomal complex A2-2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167051", "l": "nuclear exosome (RNase complex)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C129881", "l": "TRAF1-C5 Locus", "d": ["An intergenic gene locus on the short arm of human chromosome 9 located between the TRAF1 and C5 genes. Polymorphism in this region may be associated with increased susceptibility for rheumatoid arthritis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236681", "l": "actin filament bundle of stereocilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034967", "l": "Set3 complex", "d": ["A histone deacetylase complex that is involved in transcriptional regulation. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of Set3p, Snt1p, Hos4p, Sif2p, Cpr1p, Hos2p, and Hst1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896411", "l": "VPS4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896371", "l": "FtsQBL complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230700", "l": "Membrane-coating granule, amorphous", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:8045006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230776", "l": "Intracisternal material, periodic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:28469000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.33826728305938", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002886", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 17", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008659", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 17", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13212", "l": "Human Chromosome 17", "d": ["The designation for each member of the seventeenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 17 spans more than 81 million base pairs and represents between 2.5 and 3% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45201007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521572", "l": "6q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25100", "l": "6q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120125", "l": "PNGase complex", "d": ["A protein complex responsible for the catalysis of the reaction: 4-N-(N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl)-protein + H2O = N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminylamine + peptide L-aspartate. This reaction is the hydrolysis of an N4-(acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl)asparagine residue in which the N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residue may be further glycosylated, to yield a (substituted) N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminylamine and the peptide containing an aspartic residue."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180038", "l": "Tip of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000939", "l": "inner kinetochore", "d": ["The region of a kinetochore closest to centromeric DNA which contains many CENP proteins organized in various subcomplexes including CENP-C, CENP-LN, CENP-HIKM, CENP-OPQUR and CENP-TWSX, but excluding the CENP-A containing heterochromatin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246366", "l": "kainate selective glutamate receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340531", "l": "Protoplasm of goblet cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.054967706738452", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071736", "l": "IgG immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgG isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824515", "l": "RAD6-UBR2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167217", "l": "inaD signaling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824448", "l": "uniplex complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156156", "l": "XPC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167415", "l": "acetate CoA-transferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4082184", "l": "peristromal region viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754952", "l": "membrane-bound IgG", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903113", "l": "copper ion transmembrane transporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of copper ion transmembrane transporter activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1760025", "l": "constriction (cell component)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611795", "l": "PIK3C3-PIK3R4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326883", "l": "Plasma membrane of leukocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690093", "l": "leading edge of axonal growth cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "52.39411137921384", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043292", "l": "contractile fiber", "d": ["Fibers, composed of actin, myosin, and associated proteins, found in cells of smooth or striated muscle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451210", "l": "DNA recombinase auxiliary factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120003", "l": "hinge region between urothelial plaques of apical plasma membrane", "d": ["A narrow rim of non-thickened membrane in between urothelial plaques in apical plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821364", "l": "collagen sheet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521319", "l": "3q25.1-q25.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25053", "l": "3q25.1-q25.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.416584539456984", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005929", "l": "cilium", "d": ["A specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface and of some cytoplasmic parts. Each cilium is largely bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored to a basal body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2756054", "l": "TIMELESS-TIPIN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230696", "l": "Endothelial cell granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:41135009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327134", "l": "ferroxidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000440", "l": "core TFIIH complex portion of NEF3 complex", "d": ["The core TFIIH complex when it is part of the nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 (NEF3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323789", "l": "Axon of preganglionic neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009525", "l": "phragmosome", "d": ["A flattened membranous vesicle containing cell wall components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521647", "l": "7q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13996", "l": "7q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325702", "l": "germinal vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098898", "l": "dense core granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the dense core granule membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030445", "l": "yeast-form cell wall", "d": ["The wall surrounding a cell of a dimorphic fungus growing in the single-cell budding yeast form, in contrast to the filamentous or hyphal form."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179893", "l": "Part of Golgi vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513343", "l": "Mitochondrial Matrix Granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33134", "l": "Mitochondrial Matrix Granule", "d": ["A detectable particle containing phospholipids, protein and calcium found in the mitochondrial matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325651", "l": "Mitochondrial nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033176", "l": "proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex that couples ATP hydrolysis to the transport of protons across a concentration gradient. The resulting transmembrane electrochemical potential of H+ is used to drive a variety of (i) secondary active transport systems via H+-dependent symporters and antiporters and (ii) channel-mediated transport systems. The complex comprises a membrane sector (V0) that carries out proton transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (V1) that catalyzes ATP hydrolysis. V-type ATPases are found in the membranes of organelles such as vacuoles, endosomes, and lysosomes, and in the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13551", "l": "21p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 21"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824489", "l": "PDGF-CC-receptor beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325583", "l": "central element", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022181", "l": "COP-Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887886", "l": "COP-Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167317", "l": "vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521112", "l": "22q12.3-q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13602", "l": "22q12.3-q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893548", "l": "distal appendage of basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520631", "l": "15q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13638", "l": "15q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515526", "l": "9q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13931", "l": "9q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020011", "l": "apicoplast", "d": ["The plastid organelle found in apicomplexans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612536", "l": "lipid droplet outer lipid monolayer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036062", "l": "presynaptic periactive zone", "d": ["A region that surrounds the active zone of the presynaptic plasma membrane, and is specialized for the control of synaptic development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338330", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of glomerular capsule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155987", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C63582", "l": "3' Region", "d": ["Sequences immediately following a point of interest."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180261", "l": "Rod Cell Inner Segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005814", "l": "centriole", "d": ["A cellular organelle, found close to the nucleus in many eukaryotic cells, consisting of a small cylinder with microtubular walls, 300-500 nm long and 150-250 nm in diameter. It contains nine short, parallel, peripheral microtubular fibrils, each fibril consisting of one complete microtubule fused to two incomplete microtubules. Cells usually have two centrioles, lying at right angles to each other. At division, each pair of centrioles generates another pair and the twin pairs form the pole of the mitotic spindle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2827581", "l": "1p31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C85001", "l": "1p31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030055", "l": "cell-substrate junction", "d": ["A cell junction that forms a connection between a cell and the extracellular matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753461", "l": "outer mucus layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330503", "l": "Cytosol of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166682", "l": "Meiotic chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.186222083173888", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045111", "l": "intermediate filament cytoskeleton", "d": ["Cytoskeletal structure made from intermediate filaments, typically organized in the cytosol as an extended system that stretches from the nuclear envelope to the plasma membrane. Some intermediate filaments run parallel to the cell surface, while others traverse the cytosol; together they form an internal framework that helps support the shape and resilience of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990520", "l": "separase-securin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that includes separase (a protease which cleaves cohesin as part of chromosome separation) and securin, a protease inhibitor. Chromosome separation is inhibited until securin is degraded by the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753845", "l": "synaptotagmin-synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-syntaxin-1b-Unc13 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090725", "l": "peripheral region of growth cone", "d": ["The non-central region or periphery of the migrating motile tip of a growing nerve cell axon or dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337181", "l": "Plasma membrane of primary oocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044568", "l": "secondary cell wall cellulose synthase complex", "d": ["A large, multimeric protein complex which catalyzes the biosynthesis of cellulose for the plant secondary cell wall. In Arabidopsis, contains the essential component proteins CESA8, CESA7, and CESA4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000071040", "l": "Axon Initial Segment", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1179989", "l": "Axon Initial Segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246552", "l": "cytoskeletal calyx", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334311", "l": "Protoplasm of Type D1 enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034716", "l": "Gemin3-Gemin4-Gemin5 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains Gemin3 (DDX20), Gemin4, and Gemin5, and can bind to snRNAs; may be an intermediate in SMN complex assembly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328919", "l": "extrinsic component of presynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110001", "l": "toxin-antitoxin complex", "d": ["A bacterial protein complex that neutralises its own toxin by complexing the toxin with the antitoxin. The antitoxin can be either a protein or an RNA. The neutralising toxin-antitoxin complex also acts as a transcriptional repressor of the toxin-antitoxin operon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1661200", "l": "carboxysome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893476", "l": "Cbf1-Met4-Met28 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451207", "l": "ATP-independent citrate lyase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521502", "l": "5q35.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25088", "l": "5q35.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822518", "l": "vacuolar HOPS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5158848", "l": "Cellular material | Calculus (stone) | Specimen information", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098859", "l": "actin filament bundle of actin-based cell projection", "d": ["A bundle of cross-linked actin filaments that is part of an actin-based cell protrusion, in which filaments are oriented such that the plus (barbed) ends are at the tip of the protrusion, capped by a tip complex which stabilizes the filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824295", "l": "VEGF-A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167401", "l": "Maurer's cleft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611791", "l": "PA28gamma-20S proteasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820165", "l": "lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327153", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell tracheobronchial tree", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186722", "l": "Gelatinous subnucleus of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520993", "l": "1q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28648", "l": "1q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521567", "l": "6q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13588", "l": "6q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622729", "l": "thylakoid lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183334", "l": "Sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990617", "l": "CHOP-ATF4 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric transcription factor complex that is composed of CHOP (C/EBP homology protein, GADD153) and ATF4 (activating transcription factor 4, also known as cAMP response element binding protein-2/CREB-2) subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236601", "l": "perisynaptic space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167129", "l": "CCAAT-binding factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179061", "l": "Cell body of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235343", "l": "basolateral part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990901", "l": "old cell pole", "d": ["The cell pole distal from the most recent cell division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754270", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD9-CD47-platelet glycoprotein Ib complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0206523", "l": "Chromoplasts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271954", "l": "macropinosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099128", "l": "mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of frataxin, cysteine desulfurase, an accessory protein and a Fe-S scaffold protein. In human these genes correspond to FXN, NFS1, ISD11 and ISCU respectively. This complex assembles Fe-S clusters onto the scaffolding protein using the substrates ferrous iron, electrons, and sulfur from l-cysteine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097208", "l": "alveolar lamellar body", "d": ["A specialized secretory organelle found in type II pneumocytes and involved in the synthesis, secretion, and reutilization of pulmonary surfactant."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520488", "l": "12q12-12q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13654", "l": "12q12-12q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824220", "l": "SeqA-hemimethylation dsDNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820216", "l": "presynaptic active zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034673", "l": "inhibin-betaglycan-ActRII complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of inhibin, type III transforming growth factor beta receptor (also known as betaglycan), and the type II activin receptor ActRII. The complex is thought to negatively regulate the activity of activin B."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140494", "l": "migrasome", "d": ["A vesicular organelle that forms on retraction fibers behind migrating cells and mediates the release of cytoplasmic contents during cell migration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610682", "l": "Stx4-Snap25-Vamp2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097426", "l": "glial filament", "d": ["An intermediate filament composed of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and found in astrocytes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179140", "l": "Junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902677", "l": "left caudal basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a left caudal flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179918", "l": "Sarcoplasm of skeletal muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030938", "l": "collagen type XVIII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XVIII) chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000262", "l": "mitochondrial chromosome", "d": ["A chromosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166938", "l": "P6 peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521695", "l": "8p11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25117", "l": "8p11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903144", "l": "actomyosin contractile ring actin filament", "d": ["Any actin filament that is part of a actomyosin contractile ring."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990332", "l": "Ire1 complex", "d": ["A type-I transmembrane protein complex located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) consisting of an IRE1-IRE1 dimer, which forms in response to the accumulation of unfolded protein in the ER. The dimeric complex has endoribonuclease (RNase) activity and evokes the unfolded protein response (UPR) by cleaving an intron of a mRNA coding for the transcription factor HAC1 in yeast or XBP1 in mammals; the complex cleaves a single phosphodiester bond in each of two RNA hairpins (with non-specific base paired stems and loops of consensus sequence CNCNNGN, where N is any base) to remove an intervening intron from the target transcript."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821190", "l": "ventral disc lateral crest", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820608", "l": "Isw1a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523471", "l": "intraciliary transport particle A", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072379", "l": "ER membrane insertion complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in the post-translational delivery of tail-anchored (TA) membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum. TA membrane proteins, also called type II transmembrane proteins, contain a single C-terminal transmembrane region. Some ER membrane insertion complex subunits are conserved between different species such as mammals and budding yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C105921", "l": "5p15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520747", "l": "17p12-17p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26595", "l": "17p12-17p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166741", "l": "Golgi to ER transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180045", "l": "Kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071513", "l": "phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes decarboxylation of 4'-phosphopantothenoylcysteine to yield 4'-phosphopantetheine; this is the third step in the biosynthesis of Coenzyme A. The complex is homotrimeric in many eukaryotes, but is a heterotrimer in Saccharomyces."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097612", "l": "dinoflagellate sulcus", "d": ["A cell surface furrow that occurs on the ventral side of a dinoflagellate cell. It partially houses the longitudinal flagellum. The sulcus intersects with the cingulum on the ventral side of a dinoflagellate cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071055", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM9 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM9."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263094", "l": "carbamoyl-phosphate synthase arginine-specific complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070195", "l": "growth hormone receptor complex", "d": ["A receptor complex that consists of two identical subunits and binds growth hormone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032010", "l": "phagolysosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle formed by maturation of an early phagosome following the ingestion of particulate material by phagocytosis; during maturation, phagosomes acquire markers of late endosomes and lysosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820751", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031097", "l": "medial cortex", "d": ["A medial cortical band overlaying the nucleus which acts as a landmark for contractile ring positioning and plays a role in cell cycle regulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.552154022789225", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043679", "l": "axon terminus", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters. The axon terminus is considered to be the whole region of thickening and the terminal button is a specialized region of it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231719", "l": "Wnt receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043188", "l": "cell septum edging", "d": ["The cell wall material that surrounds the septum in fungal cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819013", "l": "deep fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990712", "l": "HFE-transferrin receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing at least HFE and a transferrin receptor (either TFR1/TFRC or TFR2), proposed to play a role in the sensing of transferrin-bound Fe (Fe2-Tf) on the plasma membrane to regulate hepcidin transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042647", "l": "proplastid nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a proplastid to which the DNA is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186712", "l": "Wall of early endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036020", "l": "endolysosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an endolysosome. An endolysosome is a transient hybrid organelle formed by fusion of a late endosome with a lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325623", "l": "VPS4A-VPS4B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167413", "l": "3-isopropylmalate dehydratase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610231", "l": "polycystin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150015", "l": "apical proximal dendrite", "d": ["The dendrite of the dendritic tree, which emerges near the apical pole of a neuron, and which is the closest to the cell body of the neuron (the soma)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160056", "l": "macropinosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a macropinosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690691", "l": "synapsis initiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624053", "l": "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1661194", "l": "APC inhibitor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817827", "l": "unconventional myosin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166648", "l": "basal ring of apical complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230717", "l": "H zone", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:25771000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020015", "l": "glycosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle found in organisms from the order Kinetoplastida that houses the enzymes of glycolysis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "55.88992925563489", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031982", "l": "vesicle", "d": ["Any small, fluid-filled, spherical organelle enclosed by membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820074", "l": "myosin I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612605", "l": "protein storage vacuole lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032997", "l": "Fc receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of a subunit or subunits capable of binding the Fc portion of an immunoglobulin with additional signaling components. The complex functions as a receptor for immunoglobulin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0501411", "l": "Somatic afferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610714", "l": "SNARE complex (Vamp4, Stx6, Stx16, Vti1a)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167111", "l": "nuclear RNA export factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031379", "l": "RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses RNA-directed RNA polymerase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034675", "l": "integrin alpha6-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha6 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.249098858391747", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000324", "l": "fungal-type vacuole", "d": ["A vacuole that has both lytic and storage functions. The fungal vacuole is a large, membrane-bounded organelle that functions as a reservoir for the storage of small molecules (including polyphosphate, amino acids, several divalent cations (e.g. calcium), other ions, and other small molecules) as well as being the primary compartment for degradation. It is an acidic compartment, containing an ensemble of acid hydrolases. At least in S. cerevisiae, there are indications that the morphology of the vacuole is variable and correlated with the cell cycle, with logarithmically growing cells having a multilobed, reticulated vacuole, while stationary phase cells contain a single large structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009840", "l": "chloroplastic endopeptidase Clp complex", "d": ["A Clp endopeptidase complex located in the chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325588", "l": "GINS complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230581", "l": "Pars amorpha of nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17001008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043540", "l": "6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric, bifunctional enzyme complex which catalyzes the synthesis and degradation of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and is required for both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167094", "l": "RNA polymerase II, holoenzyme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818838", "l": "myosin XIV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612826", "l": "Itgal-Itgb2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327594", "l": "Set of raphe nuclei of pontine tegmentum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5554879", "l": "Single Nucleus Specimen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C178227", "l": "Single Nucleus Specimen", "d": ["A biospecimen that contains the contents of a single nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230765", "l": "Golgi cisternae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32326", "l": "Cisterna of the Golgi Apparatus", "d": ["One of the flattened membrane-bound disks of the Golgi apparatus."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:67203002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.875378082774276", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061702", "l": "canonical inflammasome complex", "d": ["A cytosolic protein complex that is capable of activating caspase-1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819070", "l": "septin collar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622513", "l": "platelet alpha granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327160", "l": "vesicle tethering complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824567", "l": "terminal web", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120026", "l": "host cell uropod", "d": ["A host cell membrane projection with related cytoskeletal components at the trailing edge of a cell in the process of migrating or being activated, found on the opposite side of the cell from the leading edge or immunological synapse, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167465", "l": "HslUV protease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1750252", "l": "GIM complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521178", "l": "Hirano body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57458003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327592", "l": "Cell nucleus of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.796139606449842", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060187", "l": "cell pole", "d": ["Either of two different areas at opposite ends of an axis of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167213", "l": "extrinsic to plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520552", "l": "13q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13868", "l": "13q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521291", "l": "3p24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25046", "l": "3p24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031415", "l": "NatA complex", "d": ["A conserved complex that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to an N-terminal Ser, Ala, Gly, or Thr residue of a protein acceptor molecule. In Saccharomyces the complex includes Nat1p and Ard1p, and may contain additional proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690228", "l": "SMAD3 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044184", "l": "host cell late endosome", "d": ["A prelysosomal endocytic organelle differentiated from host early endosomes by lower lumenal pH and different protein composition. Host late endosomes are more spherical than early endosomes and are mostly juxtanuclear, being concentrated near the microtubule organizing center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070461", "l": "SAGA-type complex", "d": ["A histone acetyltransferase complex that acetylates nucleosomal histones H2B, H3, or H4 and is required for the expression of a subset of Pol II-transcribed genes. This complex includes the acetyltransferases GCN5/KAT2A or PCAF/KAT2B, several proteins of the ADA, SGF and SPT families, and several TBP-associate proteins (TAFs)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333763", "l": "Central cores", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:29144003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263087", "l": "mRNA cap binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158946", "l": "mesangial cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753895", "l": "tertiary granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150001", "l": "primary dendrite", "d": ["A dendrite emerging from the cell body (the soma) of a neuron."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990032", "l": "parallel fiber", "d": ["A parallel fiber results from the bifurcation of a cerebellar granule cell axon in the molecular layer into two diametrically opposed branches, that are oriented parallel to the long axis of the folium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825759", "l": "3p22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81841", "l": "3p22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521631", "l": "7p22-p15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13606", "l": "7p22-p15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325710", "l": "Mre11 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821366", "l": "beads on a string", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527252", "l": "Endosome Proton", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32520", "l": "Endosome Proton Pump", "d": ["A protein complex found in the membrane of the endosome that transports hydrogen ions into the lumen to increase its acidity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1656978", "l": "cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230870", "l": "Chondriosphere", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:64760005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071747", "l": "IgA B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An IgA immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgA isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548413", "l": "spine mat", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230540", "l": "Perinuclear cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33303", "l": "Perinuclear Cisternal Space", "d": ["The area between the inner and outer nuclear membranes that is contiguous with the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:58526008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236729", "l": "nonmotile primary cilium membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071751", "l": "secretory IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A polymeric IgA immunoglobulin complex that is complexed with one chain of secretory component (SC). Polymeric IgA is present in mucosal areas, having been transported via a transcytosis mechanism in mucosal epithelial cells relying on the polymeric Ig receptor, a portion of which then remains bound to the polymeric IgA as secretory component."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070056", "l": "prospore membrane leading edge", "d": ["The region of the prospore membrane that extends to surround the spore nucleus; coated with specific proteins that are thought to play a role in prospore membrane organization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090653", "l": "apical recycling endosome", "d": ["Tubulo-vesicular structure located in the apical cytoplasm that participates in apical cargo recycling in polarized epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623500", "l": "inhibin A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0170027", "l": "SKA complex", "d": ["An outer kinetochore complex involved in the attachment of microtubule ends to the chromosomes during mitosis. In humans, it contains the subunits SKA1, SKA2 and SKA3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5166607", "l": "Hemoglobin H inclusion bodies | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044280", "l": "subplasmalemmal coating", "d": ["Electron dense material observed coating the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane in certain regions of a neuron, e.g., the axon initial segment; the nodal membrane at the Node of Ranvier."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325551", "l": "Cytoplasmic chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1751154", "l": "Golgi-associated vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167525", "l": "viral scaffold", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005868", "l": "cytoplasmic dynein complex", "d": ["Any dynein complex with a homodimeric dynein heavy chain core that catalyzes movement along a microtubule. Cytoplasmic dynein complexes participate in many cytoplasmic transport activities in eukaryotes, such as mRNA localization, intermediate filament transport, nuclear envelope breakdown, apoptosis, transport of centrosomal proteins, mitotic spindle assembly, virus transport, kinetochore functions, and movement of signaling and spindle checkpoint proteins. Some complexes participate in intraflagellar transport. Subunits associated with the dynein heavy chain mediate association between dynein heavy chain and cargoes, and may include light chains and light intermediate chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072380", "l": "TRC complex", "d": ["A protein complex found in yeast that contains GET4, MDY2 (GET5), SGT2, and at least two heat shock proteins, HSP104 and YBR137W. The TRC complex transfers tail-anchored (TA) proteins to GET3 for targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523557", "l": "BLOC-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098788", "l": "dendritic knob", "d": ["The terminal swelling of an apical dendrite of a ciliated olfactory receptor neuron. Each knob gives rise to 5 to 20 long delicate nonmotile cilia, which extend into the mucus covering the sensory epithelium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690304", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic density membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523461", "l": "cortical microtubule cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1656977", "l": "cell cortex of cell tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610832", "l": "DRM complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754125", "l": "yeast U2-type spliceosomal complex A2-2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819928", "l": "laminin-12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690272", "l": "phagophore assembly site peripheral membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520797", "l": "18p11.31-p11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13633", "l": "18p11.31-p11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002736", "l": "Chloroplasts", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008266", "l": "Chloroplasts", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13199", "l": "Chloroplast", "d": ["Photosynthetic organelle containing chlorophyll, the photosynthetic pigment, in cells of leaves and young stems of higher plants. Lens-shaped and rather variable in size but approximately 5 m long. Surrounded by a double membrane and contains circular DNA (though not enough to code for all proteins in the chloroplast). Like the mitochondrion, it is semi-autonomous. It resembles a cyanobacterium from which, on the endosymbiont hypothesis, it might be derived. Chlorophyll is associated with the membrane of vesicles (thylakoids) that are stacked to form grana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546216", "l": "head/capsid fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046816", "l": "virion transport vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle used to transport the partial or complete virion between cellular compartments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523883", "l": "extraorganismal space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754390", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-a1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520174", "l": "Xp11.3-p11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25137", "l": "Xp11.3-p11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520283", "l": "10q23.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13650", "l": "10q23.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271524", "l": "TCTN-B9D complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824470", "l": "PDGF-AA dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990305", "l": "RAD6-UBR2 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of RAD6 and UBR2 components. It may act in a quality control pathway for proteins synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes. The UBR2 component lacks sequence motifs required for N-end rule degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044296", "l": "dendritic tuft", "d": ["The terminal specialization found in some types of dendrites which consists of numerous small terminal branches, giving the dendrite a tufted appearance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235098", "l": "Ubp3-Bre5 deubiquitination complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071067", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-ADAM23 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM23."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098984", "l": "neuron to neuron synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which pre and post-synaptic cells are neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990469", "l": "Rhino-Deadlock-Cutoff Complex", "d": ["Protein complex found in Drosophila consisting of the gene products of cuff, del and rhi. It regulates the licensing of transcription of dual-strand PIWI interacting RNA (piRNA) source loci by binding to dual-strand-cluster chromatin, probably via the H3K9me3-binding activity of Rhi. Rhi binding brings the putative termination cofactor Cuff in close proximity to the nascent piRNA precursor transcript which it appears to protect from degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099524", "l": "postsynaptic cytosol", "d": ["The region of the cytosol consisting of all cytosol that is part of the postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137192", "l": "Mus81-Eme2 holliday resolvase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520487", "l": "12q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24930", "l": "12q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048269", "l": "methionine adenosyltransferase complex", "d": ["A multimeric enzyme complex composed of variable numbers of catalytic alpha subunits, and noncatalytic beta subunits. The beta subunits are believed to have a regulatory function. The enzyme complex catalyzes the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), which is the major methyl group donor, participating in the methylation of proteins, DNA, RNA, phospholipids, and other small molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230584", "l": "Nucleolar channel system", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:39319005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754972", "l": "IgE immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060105", "l": "epicuticle of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["A lipid-containing layer of cuticle that lies between the cortical layer and the surface coat. An example of this component is found in Caenorhabditis elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230716", "l": "I band", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:50989007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245779", "l": "apical lamina of hyaline layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009549", "l": "cellulose microfibril", "d": ["A microfibril composed of cellulose arranged in orthogonal layers. Cellulose is a straight chain polysaccharide composed of B(14) linked glucose subunits. It is a major component of plant cell walls. Higher plant microfibrils are about 10nm in diameter and extremely long in relation to their width. The cellulose molecules are oriented parallel to the long axis of the microfibril in a paracrystalline array, which provides great tensile strength. The microfibrils are held in place by the wall matrix and their orientation is closely controlled by the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520280", "l": "10q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26557", "l": "10q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340145", "l": "Cytoplasm of hyalocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179927", "l": "Wall of smooth endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819697", "l": "myosin III complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990325", "l": "collagen type XXVII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXVII) chains. These trimers form thin, non-striated fibrils. Type XXVII collagen triple helices play a role during the calcification of cartilage and the transition of cartilage to bone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "57.081694182206974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097708", "l": "intracellular vesicle", "d": ["Any vesicle that is part of the intracellular region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033276", "l": "transcription factor TFTC complex", "d": ["A protein complex that does not contain either a TATA-binding protein (TBP) or a TBP-like factor, but is composed of several TAFIIs and other proteins, including a histone acetyltransferase. This complex is able to nucleate transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II, can mediate transcriptional activation, and has histone acetyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271930", "l": "Odland body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269074", "l": "cyclin B3-CDK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380152", "l": "hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.97739419478313", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005840", "l": "ribosome", "d": ["An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045263", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o)", "d": ["All non-F1 subunits of a hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase, including integral and peripheral membrane proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1176286", "l": "anaphase-promoting complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823671", "l": "protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167010", "l": "organellar ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034515", "l": "proteasome storage granule", "d": ["An aggregation of proteasome core protease (CP) and regulatory particle (RP) complexes that localizes in the cytoplasm as dot-like structures when cells are in a quiescent state."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180050", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166997", "l": "plastid stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896280", "l": "mitotic spindle microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248597", "l": "leucosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327479", "l": "post-anaphase array microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071797", "l": "LUBAC complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex that catalyzes linear head-to-tail polyubiquitin conjugation on its targets. In human the complex consists of RBCK1, RNF31 and SHARPIN, and has an MW of approximately 600 kDa, suggesting a heteromultimeric assembly of its subunits. LUBAC stands for Linear Ubiquitin Chain Assembly Complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902676", "l": "right ventral basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a right ventral flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156611", "l": "other organism presynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624579", "l": "nuclear DNA replication factor C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990199", "l": "MsbA transporter complex", "d": ["An ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex made up of a dimer of MsbA. Facilitates the export across the plasma membrane of, amongst others, lipid A and lipopolysaccharide. In contrast to most ABC transporter complexes, each chain of the homodimer contains both the transmembrane domain (TMD) and the cytoplasmic ATP-binding domain (NBD)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521483", "l": "5q23-q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25080", "l": "5q23-q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070332", "l": "CD20-Lck-Lyn-Fyn complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell-surface protein CD20 and the Src family tyrosine kinases Lck, Lyn and Fyn."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159005", "l": "meiotic recombination initiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824385", "l": "oxidoreductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887888", "l": "COPII-Coated Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030446", "l": "hyphal cell wall", "d": ["The cell wall surrounding a fungal hypha."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167235", "l": "interleukin-5 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520472", "l": "12p12.1-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24927", "l": "12p12.1-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071003", "l": "penta-snRNP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that is formed by the association of the U1, U2, U4/U6 and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166802", "l": "subpellicular network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070312", "l": "RAD52-ERCC4-ERCC1 complex", "d": ["A nucleotide-excision repair complex formed by the association of the heterodimeric endonuclease XPF/ERCC4-ERCC1 (Rad1p and Rad10p in S. cerevisiae) with the RAD52 protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157035", "l": "mitochondrial inner boundary membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623433", "l": "pre-T cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824228", "l": "DnaA-DNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820748", "l": "nuclear viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611287", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-talin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036240", "l": "septal periplasm", "d": ["The region between the plasma membrane and the cell wall, as found in organisms such as filamentous fungi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166864", "l": "mannosyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032589", "l": "neuron projection membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a neuron projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009334", "l": "3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase complex", "d": ["Enzyme complex consisting of four proteins: the two subunits of the hydroxylase component (hcaE and hcaF), a ferredoxin (hcaC) and a ferredoxin reductase (hcaD). Converts 3-phenylpropionic acid (PP) into cis-3-(3-carboxyethyl)-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,2-diol (PP-dihydrodiol)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318929", "l": "Tenascin-C cell component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048353", "l": "primary endosperm nucleus", "d": ["Nucleus resulting from the fusion of the male gamete and two polar nuclei in the central cell of the embryo sac."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690298", "l": "potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325602", "l": "GARP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035805", "l": "egg coat", "d": ["A specialized extracellular matrix that surrounds the plasma membrane of the ovum of animals. The egg coat provides structural support and can play an essential role in oogenesis, fertilization and early development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0796363", "l": "Chromosome 7q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13386", "l": "7q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520496", "l": "12q13.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24933", "l": "12q13.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450347", "l": "cell septum surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167347", "l": "yeast-form cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610630", "l": "intracellular organelle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613142", "l": "Sid2-Mob1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020302", "l": "Weibel-Palade Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0600532", "l": "Weibel-Palade Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236542", "l": "extrinsic component of matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339861", "l": "Set of pulvinar nuclei", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017059", "l": "serine C-palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the transfer of a palmitoyl on to serine, forming 3-dehydro-D-sphinganine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180327", "l": "Zone of kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0600315", "l": "Filopodia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32605", "l": "Filopodia", "d": ["A slender projection of the plasma membrane at the leading edge of migrating cells. This protrusion contains bundles of long, crosslinked actin filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120282", "l": "autolysosome lumen", "d": ["The volume that is enclosed within the autolysosome single-membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231737", "l": "galectin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754283", "l": "ITGA3-ITGB1-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523805", "l": "acrosomal matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062074", "l": "pollen aperture", "d": ["An area where exine is reduced or absent, in the pollen wall."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071761", "l": "IgZ immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgZ isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. The IgZ isotype is also known as the IgT isotype in certain species of fish."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060053", "l": "neurofilament cytoskeleton", "d": ["Intermediate filament cytoskeletal structure that is made up of neurofilaments. Neurofilaments are specialized intermediate filaments found in neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329007", "l": "Mitochondrion of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548999", "l": "nuclear pore central transport channel", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328911", "l": "postsynaptic early endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990006", "l": "amorphous vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle first described in dendrites, categorized by smooth membranes, electron-lucent interiors and irregular shapes. Sometimes occurs in clumps. Amorphous vesicles have been found to contain material taken up from the extracellular space, therefore suggesting that they may be part of the endosomal pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690927", "l": "membrane fusion priming complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902937", "l": "inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of inward rectifier potassium channel activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230693", "l": "Complex melanin-containing granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91389001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098637", "l": "protein complex involved in cell-matrix adhesion", "d": ["Any protein complex that is capable of carrying out some part of the process of cell-matrix adhesion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246375", "l": "protein-carbohydrate complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331166", "l": "Extruded cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C32581", "l": "F-actin", "d": ["A fibrillar actin polymer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045253", "l": "pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex", "d": ["A complex of a regulatory and catalytic subunit that catalyzes the dephosphorylation and concomitant reactivation of the alpha subunit of the E1 component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821156", "l": "right ventral flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043190", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex", "d": ["A complex for the transport of metabolites into and out of the cell, typically comprised of four domains; two membrane-associated domains and two ATP-binding domains at the intracellular face of the membrane, that form a central pore through the plasma membrane. Each of the four core domains may be encoded as a separate polypeptide or the domains can be fused in any one of a number of ways into multidomain polypeptides. In Bacteria and Archaebacteria, ABC transporters also include substrate binding proteins to bind substrate external to the cytoplasm and deliver it to the transporter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031096", "l": "platelet dense tubular network lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the platelet dense tubular network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271480", "l": "rhabdomere microvillus membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450339", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, centrosomal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324939", "l": "Plasma membrane of granular leukocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071817", "l": "MMXD complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the proteins MMS19, MIP18 and XPD, localizes to mitotic spindle during mitosis, and is required for proper chromosome segregation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754364", "l": "CMG complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521378", "l": "4p16.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14033", "l": "4p16.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13384", "l": "7q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 7"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230919", "l": "Prokaryotic cell component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C17711", "l": "Prokaryotic Cell Component", "d": ["A structure or space in a prokaryotic cell."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:108360005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137286", "l": "RPB4-RPB7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451523", "l": "migrasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098683", "l": "cochlear hair cell ribbon synapse", "d": ["A ribbon synpase of an auditory hair cell of the cochlear. These ribbon synapses contain spherical synaptic ribbons and lack and arciform density."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380154", "l": "HIU hydrolase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520186", "l": "Xq22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25142", "l": "Xq22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896478", "l": "Golgi cis cisterna membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055036", "l": "virion membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a virion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000313", "l": "organellar ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome contained within a subcellular membrane-bounded organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3813157", "l": "messenger ribonucleoprotein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230591", "l": "Intranuclear glycogen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:36660006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754174", "l": "yeast U2-type spliceosomal complex A2-3", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380086", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325622", "l": "proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178975", "l": "Part of rough endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031595", "l": "nuclear proteasome complex", "d": ["A proteasome found in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521322", "l": "3q26.1-q26.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25054", "l": "3q26.1-q26.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042719", "l": "mitochondrial intermembrane space protein transporter complex", "d": ["Soluble complex of the mitochondrial intermembrane space composed of various combinations of small Tim proteins; acts as a protein transporter to guide proteins to the Tim22 complex for insertion into the mitochondrial inner membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896192", "l": "Pex14 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230508", "l": "CELLULAR AND SUBCELLULAR STRUCTURES", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179923", "l": "Part of endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752551", "l": "climbing fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230834", "l": "Microbody nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:19275003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612415", "l": "cell envelope Sec protein transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521490", "l": "5q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14126", "l": "5q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521052", "l": "20q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13495", "l": "20q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031900", "l": "chromoplast outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the chromoplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034734", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIC1 complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that forms part of the TFIIIC complex, observed in human. The complex is poorly characterized, but contains the 250-kDa form of HsBdp1, and is thought to include nuclear factor 1 (NF1). It stimulates binding by human TFIIIC2 and is required for transcription activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034098", "l": "VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex", "d": ["A multiprotein ATPase complex required for the efficient dislocation of ER-lumenal degradation substrates, and their subsequent proteolysis by the proteasome. In budding yeast, this complex includes Cdc48p, Npl4p and Ufd1p proteins. In mammals, this complex includes a hexamer of VCP/p97 (a cytosolic ATPase) and trimers of each of its cofactors UFD1L and NPL4 (NPLOC4) (e.g. a 6:3:3 stoichiometry)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166841", "l": "serine C-palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036454", "l": "growth factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that has growth factor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236702", "l": "cytoskeleton of dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521549", "l": "6p24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28576", "l": "6p24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061957", "l": "NVT complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of contributing to protein localization by the NVT pathway. In fission yeast, the Nvt complex consists of Ape2, Lap2 and Nbr1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711102", "l": "Xp11.4-p11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C43237", "l": "Xp11.4-p11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016610", "l": "nitrogenase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex composed of two proteins, dinitrogenase and nitrogenase reductase; dinitrogenase is tetrameric with an alpha2-beta2 structure and nitrogenase reductase is a homodimer, and both are associated with metal ions, which differ between species. Both proteins are required for the enzyme activity of the complex, the formation of oxidized ferredoxin and ammonia from reduced ferredoxin and nitrogen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167228", "l": "interleukin-1 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611229", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-collagen alpha3(VI) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328507", "l": "Basal lamina of endothelium of hepatic sinusoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346543", "l": "3p21.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C73643", "l": "3p21.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180297", "l": "Central singlet microtubule of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167263", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex III location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613166", "l": "SC5b-7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034669", "l": "integrin alpha4-beta7 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha4 subunit and one beta7 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329408", "l": "End bulb of Ruffini", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333499", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of skeletal muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158484", "l": "chromatin loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896471", "l": "PCSK9-AnxA2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034981", "l": "FHL3-CREB complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains CREB and FHL3, and is involved in transcriptional regulation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0086697", "l": "Nerve Endings, Sensory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990361", "l": "PKM2 pyruvate kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of pyruvate kinase activity. PKM2 only exists as homotetramer when bound to beta-d-fructofuranose 1,6-bisphosphate (CHEBI:28013)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071187", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-b4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v4 and protocadherin-gamma-b4, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020016", "l": "ciliary pocket", "d": ["Invagination of the plasma membrane from which a cilium (also called flagellum) protrudes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071093", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta1 integrin complex bound to fibronectin and tissue transglutaminase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156003", "l": "LUBAC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167476", "l": "nitrite reductase complex [NAD(P)H]", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247082", "l": "host cell endomembrane system", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822530", "l": "thiazole synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346525", "l": "10q11.2-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68580", "l": "10q11.2-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13381", "l": "8p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 8"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622100", "l": "plasma membrane Sec complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13534", "l": "13q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 13"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520751", "l": "17p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13628", "l": "17p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044317", "l": "rod spherule", "d": ["A specialized neuron projection which is the site of synaptic transmission produced by retinal rod cells. Rod spherules are small round enlargements of the axon (3-5 micrometers diameter) or even extensions of the cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346555", "l": "7p15.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C73640", "l": "7p15.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546222", "l": "viral tail", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610652", "l": "alphav-beta5 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "31.848746210095207", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005886", "l": "plasma membrane", "d": ["The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.866383925293761", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009507", "l": "chloroplast", "d": ["A chlorophyll-containing plastid with thylakoids organized into grana and frets, or stroma thylakoids, and embedded in a stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062128", "l": "MutSgamma complex", "d": ["A heterodimer involved in the stabilization of DNA recombination intermediates, the promotion of crossover recombination, and the proper assembly of the synaptonemal complex in meiotic prophase nuclei. In yeast the complex consists of two subunits, Msh4 and Msh5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039715", "l": "nuclear viral factory", "d": ["A viral factory located in the nucleus of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167224", "l": "histamine-gated chloride channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521390", "l": "4q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25063", "l": "4q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060106", "l": "cortical layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": ["The cuticle layer that lies directly beneath the lipid-containing epicuticle. The cortical layer contains collagens and insoluble, non-collagenous cuticulins and is characterized by a distinct annular pattern consisting of regularly spaced annular ridges delineated by annular furrows. An example of this component is found in Caenorhabditis elegans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821169", "l": "right nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520840", "l": "19p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13651", "l": "19p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521184", "l": "2p22-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13647", "l": "2p22-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752367", "l": "NADH-Q oxidoreductase complex, peripheral segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005688", "l": "U6 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U6, the Lsm2-8 heptameric ring complex, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U6 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U6 snRNA both while the U6 snRNP is free or assembled into the U4/U6 snRNP or into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043663", "l": "host bacteroid-containing symbiosome", "d": ["A symbiosome containing any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants, of a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990061", "l": "bacterial degradosome", "d": ["The degradosome is a protein complex playing a key role in mRNA degradation and RNA processing. It includes a RNA helicase, a 3'-5' phosphate-dependent PNPase and a RNase E bound-enolase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "54.952077629029013", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032993", "l": "protein-DNA complex", "d": ["A macromolecular complex containing both protein and DNA molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332262", "l": "Cell nucleus of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338921", "l": "Nerve ending within Pacinian corpuscle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097649", "l": "A axonemal microtubule", "d": ["A complete microtubule with 13 protofilaments that fuses with an incomplete microtubule called B tubule (containing 10 protofilaments only) to form an axonemal outer doublet. Inner and outer dynein arms, as well as the radial spoke, are attached to the A tubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824370", "l": "MetNIQ complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611234", "l": "RC-1 DNA recombination complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2937342", "l": "tubulin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612763", "l": "organelle-enclosing lipid monolayer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819069", "l": "germ tube septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754218", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-ADAM15 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333960", "l": "Cell nucleus of epithelial cell of stratum corneum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097671", "l": "SCF-YDR131C ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is YDR131C in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521214", "l": "2q31-q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13712", "l": "2q31-q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990971", "l": "EMILIN complex", "d": ["Glycoprotein complex of the C1q/TNF superfamily found in the extracellular matrix (ECM) where it is an important component of the elastic fiber system. A homotrimer that will combine to form supramolecular EMILIN structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546713", "l": "C bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158873", "l": "sperm fibrous sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755837", "l": "flagellar basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005963", "l": "magnesium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex", "d": ["An intracellular enzyme complex that catalyzes the removal of serine- or threonine-bound phosphate groups from a wide range of phosphoproteins, including a number of enzymes that have been phosphorylated under the action of a kinase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.534762107606241", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13555", "l": "3q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 3"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521544", "l": "6p22.2-p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39636", "l": "6p22.2-p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325611", "l": "Platelet glycoprotein Ia* complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346539", "l": "16p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68738", "l": "16p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268718", "l": "clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905862", "l": "ferroxidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of ferroxidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033000", "l": "Fc-gamma receptor I complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of an Fc-gamma RI alpha chain and an Fc-epsilon RI gamma chain dimer with or without additional signaling components. The complex functions primarily as an activating receptor for IgG."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754163", "l": "mammalian U12-type spliceosomal complex C1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167181", "l": "1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "40.63779276941866", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043231", "l": "intracellular membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754121", "l": "U2-type catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326589", "l": "HEX S complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097648", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains G protein-coupled receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271511", "l": "protein C inhibitor-TMPRSS11E complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031095", "l": "platelet dense tubular network membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the platelet dense tubular network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520966", "l": "1p35-p32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14012", "l": "1p35-p32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157047", "l": "phagocytic vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030142", "l": "COPI-coated Golgi to ER transport vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle that mediates transport from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337812", "l": "Cytoplasm of fibrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230646", "l": "Intracellular canaliculus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:68895008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032039", "l": "integrator complex", "d": ["A protein complex that stably associates with the C-terminus of RNA polymerase II and mediates 3'-end processing of small nuclear RNAs generated by RNA polymerase II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824383", "l": "SsuE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271504", "l": "endolysosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001401", "l": "SAM complex", "d": ["A large complex of the mitochondrial outer membrane that mediates sorting of some imported proteins to the outer membrane and their assembly in the membrane; functions after import of incoming proteins by the mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821171", "l": "lateral part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1263424", "l": "LYSP100-associated nuclear domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120338", "l": "radial spoke head 3", "d": ["The portion of the radial spoke 3 that is orthogonal to the elongated stalk and which projects towards the central pair of microtubules within the ciliary axoneme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330463", "l": "Plasma membrane of neuroglial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546240", "l": "flame-shaped neurofibrillary tangle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005824", "l": "outer plaque of spindle pole body", "d": ["One of three laminate structures that form the spindle pole body; the outer plaque is in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039641", "l": "viral inner membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer of a virion contained inside the protein capsid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325723", "l": "MBF transcription complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990357", "l": "terminal web", "d": ["An actin-rich cytoskeletal network located beneath the microvilli of the apical plasma membrane of polarized epithelial cells. In addition to actin filaments, the terminal web may contain actin-binding proteins, myosin motor proteins, and intermediate filaments. The terminal web can function as a contractile structure that influences the spatial distribution of microvilli as well as the development and morphogenesis of tissues containing polarized epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097209", "l": "epidermal lamellar body", "d": ["A specialized secretory organelle found in keratinocytes and involved in the formation of an impermeable, lipid-containing membrane that serves as a water barrier and is required for correct skin barrier function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016272", "l": "prefoldin complex", "d": ["A multisubunit chaperone that is capable of delivering unfolded proteins to cytosolic chaperonin, which it acts as a cofactor for. In humans, the complex is a heterohexamer of two PFD-alpha and four PFD-beta type subunits. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it also acts in the nucleus to regulate the rate of elongation by RNA polymerase II via a direct effect on histone dynamics."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071199", "l": "Kv4.1-DPP10 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the peptidase-related protein DPP10 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521054", "l": "20q11.22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39289", "l": "20q11.22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896515", "l": "MAD1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033588", "l": "elongator holoenzyme complex", "d": ["A heterohexameric protein complex composed two discrete heterotrimeric subcomplexes that is involved in modification of wobble nucleosides in tRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520759", "l": "17q11-q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13882", "l": "17q11-q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332089", "l": "Cytoplasm of reticular cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611289", "l": "CAK-ERCC2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611190", "l": "Grb2-EGFR complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000445", "l": "THO complex part of transcription export complex", "d": ["The THO complex when it is part of the TREX (TRanscription EXport) complex that is involved in coupling transcription to export of mRNAs to the cytoplasm. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of four subunits: Hpr1, Tho2, Thp1, and Mft1, while the human complex is composed of 7 subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157049", "l": "microtubule-based flagellar matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002923", "l": "Cilia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008778", "l": "Cilia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32318", "l": "Cilium", "d": ["An organelle that protrudes outward from the cell body. It consists of a specialized arrangement of 9 doublet microtubules in a ring with or without a core of 2 microtubules and is enclosed in a plasma membrane coat. Motile cilia contain the motor protein dynein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990281", "l": "efflux pump complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is capable of efflux transmembrane transporter activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672799", "l": "dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621592", "l": "14S cohesin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039625", "l": "viral inner capsid", "d": ["The inner layer of a double or triple concentric icosahedral capsid. Inner capsids are part of reoviridae and cystoviridae virions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325816", "l": "protein location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990501", "l": "exon-exon junction subcomplex mago-y14", "d": ["Component of the core exon-exon-junction complex (EJC). Fairly conserved in eukaryotes; in Drosophila, consists of the Mago and Y14 (tsunagi) gene products. Important for coupling nuclear and cytoplasmic events in gene expression. Inhibits the ATPase activity of eIF4AIII (Q9VHS8) to ensure a stable association of the EJC core with the mRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4282088", "l": "dynactin complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520405", "l": "11q23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13483", "l": "11q23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521065", "l": "20q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13859", "l": "20q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.314050959231352", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031461", "l": "cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["Any ubiquitin ligase complex in which the catalytic core consists of a member of the cullin family and a RING domain protein; the core is associated with one or more additional proteins that confer substrate specificity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521412", "l": "4q31.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14125", "l": "4q31.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106124", "l": "reservosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of a reservosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031986", "l": "proteinoplast", "d": ["A leucoplast in which protein is stored."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329174", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.078697315966167", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905368", "l": "peptidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of peptidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520196", "l": "Xq26-q28", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28712", "l": "Xq26-q28", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166967", "l": "PSI associated light-harvesting complex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339657", "l": "Cytoplasm of enterocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137202", "l": "TGFbeta1-beta2 ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090730", "l": "Las1 complex", "d": ["A four subunit complex, that comprises all the necessary RNA processing enzymes (endonuclease, polynucleotide kinase, and exonuclease) to mediate 'cistronic rRNA transcript ITS2 (internal transcribed spacer) cleavage' (GO:0000448)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009279", "l": "cell outer membrane", "d": ["A lipid bilayer that forms the outermost membrane of the cell envelope; enriched in polysaccharide and protein; the outer leaflet of the membrane contains specific lipopolysaccharide structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235118", "l": "heparanase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230600", "l": "Intranuclear body, rod shaped", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:89235004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044190", "l": "host cell mitochondrial envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the host cell mitochondrion and separating its contents from the host cell cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754947", "l": "IgG2b antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044232", "l": "organelle membrane contact site", "d": ["A zone of apposition between the membranes of an organelle with another membrane, either another membrane of the same organelle, a membrane of another organelle, or the plasma membrane. Membrane contact sites (MCSs) are structured by bridging complexes. They are specialized for communication, including the efficient traffic of small molecules such as Ca2+ ions and lipids, as well as enzyme-substrate interactions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893434", "l": "mitotic spindle astral microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902508", "l": "2-iminoacetate synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of 2-iminoacetate synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137279", "l": "SLAC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098575", "l": "lumenal side of lysosomal membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the lysosomal membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D032961", "l": "Sperm Midpiece", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1135945", "l": "Sperm Midpiece", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098031", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, collar", "d": ["A small disk located at the base of some icosahedral virus capsids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106002", "l": "mCRD-mediated mRNA stability complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to, and promotes stabilization of, mRNA molecules containing the major coding region instability determinant (mCRD) by bridging the mCRD domain and the poly(A) tail of the mRNA. In human, it consists of CSDE1, HNRPD, PABPC1, PAIP1 and SYNCRIP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043195", "l": "terminal bouton", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters. The axon terminus is considered to be the whole region of thickening and the terminal bouton is a specialized region of it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821298", "l": "lumenal side of membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030931", "l": "heterotetrameric ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of four different subunits that possesses ADPG pyrophosphorylase activity. An example of this process is found in Mus musculus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097538", "l": "ciliary necklace", "d": ["A protein complex located on the cilium membrane in the ciliary transition zone; it is connected to the cilium axoneme via Y-shaped links."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235137", "l": "P-TEFb complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521315", "l": "3q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26071", "l": "3q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009424", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum hook", "d": ["The portion of the bacterial-type flagellum that connects the filament to the basal body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018404", "l": "Isochromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338699", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of prostate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247087", "l": "host cell plastid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523437", "l": "glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755751", "l": "AT-AC spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120149", "l": "host cell peroxisome", "d": ["A small host cell organelle enclosed by a single membrane, and found in most eukaryotic cells. Contains peroxidases and other enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic processes including free radical detoxification, lipid catabolism and biosynthesis, and hydrogen peroxide metabolism."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521466", "l": "5q11.2-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26540", "l": "5q11.2-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817256", "l": "dense plaque", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230642", "l": "Diaphragm of fenestration", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:34662001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044354", "l": "macropinosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded, uncoated intracellular vesicle formed by the process of macropinocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520539", "l": "13q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13518", "l": "13q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611174", "l": "G-protein beta/gamma-Raf-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990084", "l": "DnaA-Dps complex", "d": ["A protein complex that negatively regulates strand-opening at the origin of replication, thereby interfering with replication initiation. This complex is thought to be involved in the regulation of replication under oxidative stress conditions. In E. coli, this complex is composed of DnaA and Dps."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752215", "l": "female germline ring canal outer rim", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521379", "l": "4p16.3-p16.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C40964", "l": "4p16.3-p16.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235126", "l": "HCN channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097125", "l": "cyclin B1-CDK1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin B1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819347", "l": "actin filament bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521694", "l": "8p11.2-p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13681", "l": "8p11.2-p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033179", "l": "proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": ["A protein complex that forms part of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase and mediates proton transport across a membrane. The V0 complex consists of at least four different subunits (a,c,d and e); six or more c subunits form a proton-binding rotor ring."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247248", "l": "basal labyrinth", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031312", "l": "extrinsic component of organelle membrane", "d": ["The component of an organelle membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.551441031963407", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0205708", "l": "Cytoplasmic inclusion (cell structure)", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32423", "l": "Cytoplasmic Inclusion", "d": ["A stainable aggregation of protein, lipid or small molecules in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:29015002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269086", "l": "BID-BCL-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754264", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-CD47-FCER2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164747", "l": "Cytoband Range Start Band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009518", "l": "PSI associated light-harvesting complex I", "d": ["Protein-pigment complex associated with photosystem I."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155988", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum tubular network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521495", "l": "5q33.2-q33.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13703", "l": "5q33.2-q33.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824548", "l": "laminin-14 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090537", "l": "CERF complex", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (specifically SNF2L in mammals, which contain two ISWI homologs) and a CECR2 homolog. In mammals, CERF is involved in regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521395", "l": "4q21.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26036", "l": "4q21.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D057907", "l": "Post-Synaptic Density", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1817671", "l": "Post-Synaptic Density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754292", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-paxillin-Pyk2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230751", "l": "Peripheral microtubular doublet of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:44987008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070353", "l": "GATA1-TAL1-TCF3-Lmo2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the zinc finger transcription factor GATA1, the LIM domain protein Lmo2 (RBTN2), the basic helix-loop-helix protein TAL1 and its binding partner TCF3. The complex is involved transcriptional regulation in hematopoiesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167039", "l": "vacuolar lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230803", "l": "Annulate lamella, cisternal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:3488009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085042", "l": "periarbuscular membrane", "d": ["A host-derived membrane surrounding the symbiont arbuscule during symbiosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.10827943762402", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0010851", "l": "Cytoskeletal Filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32603", "l": "Cytoskeleton Filament", "d": ["A group of three types of polymeric protein structures that impart shape to a cell and are involved in cellular motility, organelle localization and vesicular targeting."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521497", "l": "5q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25086", "l": "5q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179049", "l": "Cilium of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821245", "l": "neuromuscular junction of somatic muscle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038144", "l": "ERBB4:ERBB2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex between the tyrosine kinase receptor ERBB2 and a ligand-activated receptor ERBB4. ERBB2, which does not bind any known ligand, is activated through formation of a heterodimer with another ligand-activated ERBB family member such as ERBB4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036449", "l": "microtubule minus-end", "d": ["The end of a microtubule that does not preferentially grow (polymerize)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097422", "l": "tubular endosome", "d": ["A network of fine tubules in the vicinity of the Golgi complex and around the centriole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520847", "l": "19p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13569", "l": "19p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.314050959231352", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045271", "l": "respiratory chain complex I", "d": ["Respiratory chain complex I is an enzyme of the respiratory chain. It consists of several polypeptide chains and is L-shaped, with a horizontal arm lying in the membrane and a vertical arm that projects into the matrix. The electrons of NADH enter the chain at this complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009534", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid", "d": ["Sac-like membranous structures (cisternae) in a chloroplast combined into stacks (grana) and present singly in the stroma (stroma thylakoids or frets) as interconnections between grana. An example of this component is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166775", "l": "troponin complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088242", "l": "Paraspeckles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1167109", "l": "Paraspeckles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "43.130079049610629", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005634", "l": "nucleus", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236777", "l": "apical recycling endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1827736", "l": "Remnant of necrotic cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:423946005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682682", "l": "myelinated axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754381", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166998", "l": "plastid ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033391", "l": "chromatoid body", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex found in the cytoplasm of male germ cells, composed of exceedingly thin filaments that are consolidated into a compact mass or into dense strands of varying thickness that branch to form an irregular network. Contains mRNAs, miRNAs, and protein components involved in miRNA processing (such as Argonaute proteins and the endonuclease Dicer) and in RNA decay (such as the decapping enzyme DCP1a and GW182)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099086", "l": "synaptonemal structure", "d": ["A proteinaceous scaffold found between homologous chromosomes during meiosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379847", "l": "super elongation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754134", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex B", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546479", "l": "sperm protein complex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016029", "l": "subrhabdomeral cisterna", "d": ["A membrane-bounded compartment that is found at the base of the rhabdomere and contains stored calcium, InsP3 receptors and smooth endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521203", "l": "2q12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13909", "l": "2q12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612870", "l": "SMN-Sm protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825754", "l": "18q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81835", "l": "18q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.876091073600094", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034357", "l": "photosynthetic membrane", "d": ["A membrane enriched in complexes formed of reaction centers, accessory pigments and electron carriers, in which photosynthetic reactions take place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034693", "l": "U11/U12 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that is formed by the association of the U11 and U12 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339952", "l": "Type A alpha axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248598", "l": "pterinosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621536", "l": "cytosolic proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13564", "l": "9q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 9"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268414", "l": "tRNA-specific adenosine-34 deaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031607", "l": "nuclear proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": ["The subunits forming the inner ring of the core complex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D035341", "l": "Telomeric Repeat Binding Protein 2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230767", "l": "Golgi vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91414004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167470", "l": "methionyl glutamyl tRNA synthetase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622539", "l": "SCAR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521576", "l": "6q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38352", "l": "6q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166764", "l": "cytoplasmic dynein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034702", "l": "monoatomic ion channel complex", "d": ["A protein complex that spans a membrane and forms a water-filled channel across the phospholipid bilayer allowing selective monoatomic ion transport down its electrochemical gradient."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611213", "l": "imaginal disc-derived wing hair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043668", "l": "exine", "d": ["The outer layer of the pollen grain wall which is composed primarily of sporopollenin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896382", "l": "IRE1alpha-AIP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623460", "l": "outer endospore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262845", "l": "collagen and cuticulin-based exoskeleton extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246705", "l": "eukaryotic 80S initiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820115", "l": "RNA polymerase IV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337836", "l": "Protoplasm of osteocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521117", "l": "22q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13908", "l": "22q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520515", "l": "12q24.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24940", "l": "12q24.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178974", "l": "Vimentin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520181", "l": "Xq11.2-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28540", "l": "Xq11.2-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451133", "l": "TEAD-3-YAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326591", "l": "HEX A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005606", "l": "laminin-1 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha1, beta1 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C106318", "l": "3p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099012", "l": "neuronal dense core vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a neuronal dense core vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752470", "l": "host cell Golgi apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030093", "l": "chloroplast photosystem I", "d": ["Photosystem located in the chloroplast that functions as a light-dependent plastocyanin-ferredoxin oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from plastocyanin to ferredoxin. An example of this is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753955", "l": "SOSS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043660", "l": "bacteroid-containing symbiosome", "d": ["A symbiosome containing any of various structurally modified bacteria, such as those occurring on the root nodules of leguminous plants."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690718", "l": "EDS1-SAG101 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821179", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt1p-Pmt3p dimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186723", "l": "Magnocellular subnucleus of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009532", "l": "plastid stroma", "d": ["The proteinaceous ground substance of plastids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045273", "l": "respiratory chain complex II", "d": ["A part of the respiratory chain, containing the four polypeptide subunits of succinate dehydrogenase, flavin-adenine dinucleotide and iron-sulfur. Catalyzes the oxidation of succinate by ubiquinone. Connects the TCA cycle with the respiratory chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752479", "l": "host cell lipid droplet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097517", "l": "contractile actin filament bundle", "d": ["An actin filament bundle in which the filaments are loosely packed (approximately 30-60 nm apart) and arranged with opposing polarities; the loose packing allows myosin (usually myosin-II) to enter the bundle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019029", "l": "helical viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles; the subunits are arranged to form a protein helix with the genetic material contained within. Tobacco mosaic virus has such a capsid structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5392876", "l": "Positive Strand RNA Virus Replication-Transcription Complexes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520469", "l": "12p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24926", "l": "12p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523846", "l": "lysosomal lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821180", "l": "Pmt1p-Pmt3p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325745", "l": "MHC protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328979", "l": "non-motile cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070390", "l": "transcription export complex 2", "d": ["A protein complex that couples SAGA-dependent gene expression to mRNA export at the inner side of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The TREX-2 complex is tethered to the inner side of the NPC via the nucleoporins Nup1 and Nup60; in S. cerevisiae it contains Sac3p, Thp1p, Sem1, Sus1p and Cdc31p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824474", "l": "PDGF-DD dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180295", "l": "Cilium of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754993", "l": "sIgA1 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032046", "l": "micropexophagy-specific membrane apparatus", "d": ["A membrane-bounded flattened sac that is formed during micropexophagy between the membrane tips of an engulfing vacuole, completing the engulfment and sequestration of peroxisomes from the cytosol, and forming a micropexophagic body within the lumen of the vacuole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990202", "l": "FMN reductase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of FMN reductase activity. Reduces FMN to FMNH2 in a NAD(P)H-dependent manner. In E.coli, consists of a SsuE dimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821135", "l": "ciliary necklace", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672477", "l": "SPT3-TAF9-PCAF acetylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155706", "l": "type Is terminal button", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325765", "l": "acidic keratin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167140", "l": "SLIK (SAGA-like) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520639", "l": "15q22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13883", "l": "15q22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098857", "l": "membrane microdomain", "d": ["A membrane region with a lipid composition that is distinct from that of the membrane regions that surround it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990265", "l": "platelet-derived growth factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of two chains of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) subunits. PDGF dimers bind to PDGF receptors in the plasma membrane and induce receptor dimerization and activation. PDGFs are involved in a wide variety of signaling processes. PDGFs are found in all vertebrates where at least 2 different chains (A and B) exist. In human (and other mammals), four types of PDGF chains (A, B, C, and D) are known which form five different dimers (AA, AB, BB, CC and DD)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325800", "l": "importin, alpha-subunit transport factor location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512190", "l": "Electron-Lucent Plasma Membrane Layer", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32500", "l": "Electron-Lucent Plasma Membrane Layer", "d": ["The hydrophobic portion of the plasma membrane as seen during transmission electron microscopy because there is little to no binding of the detection reagent."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140224", "l": "SLAC complex", "d": ["A protein complex that regulates Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin nucleation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520645", "l": "15q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26439", "l": "15q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230605", "l": "Fractured membrane E face", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:86072003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002189", "l": "ribose phosphate diphosphokinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex having ribose phosphate diphosphokinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022624", "l": "proteasome accessory complex", "d": ["A protein complex, that caps one or both ends of the proteasome core complex and regulates entry into, or exit from, the proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328852", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521103", "l": "22q11.1-q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26424", "l": "22q11.1-q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167425", "l": "beta-galactosidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521218", "l": "2q32.2-q32.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26140", "l": "2q32.2-q32.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000312", "l": "plastid small ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The smaller of the two subunits of a plastid ribosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062048", "l": "lymphotoxin complex", "d": ["A homo- or heterotrimeric protein containing complex consisting of alpha and beta lymphotoxin subunits in different stoichiometric combinations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.41723220320425", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D045586", "l": "Intranuclear Inclusion Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1366904", "l": "Nuclear Inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C36017", "l": "Nuclear Inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:13698008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.168002017049517", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019028", "l": "viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles. It comprises numerous regularly arranged subunits, or capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014704", "l": "intercalated disc", "d": ["A complex cell-cell junction at which myofibrils terminate in cardiomyocytes; mediates mechanical and electrochemical integration between individual cardiomyocytes. The intercalated disc contains regions of tight mechanical attachment (fasciae adherentes and desmosomes) and electrical coupling (gap junctions) between adjacent cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523389", "l": "mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520852", "l": "19pter-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38585", "l": "19pter-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060107", "l": "annuli extracellular matrix", "d": ["The extracellular matrix that is a regularly spaced circumferential ridge present in the cortical region of the cuticle. Annuli are delineated by annular furrows and are present throughout the cuticle with the exception of lateral regions where longitudinal alae are present."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071061", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta4 integrin complex bound to the tetraspanin CD151."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527274", "l": "collagen type XVIII location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520259", "l": "10p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24897", "l": "10p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520635", "l": "15q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24958", "l": "15q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070386", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex, alpha(I) type", "d": ["A procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex that contains alpha subunits of the type I isoform; its activity is readily inhibited by poly(L-proline)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062136", "l": "low-density lipoprotein receptor complex", "d": ["A plasma membrane protein complex capable of low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity. It may also bind xenobiotic toxins and deliver them into the cell via endocytosis. While most substrates get degraded via the endosome the receptor is recycled to the plasma membrane. It may also act as a transducer of intracellular signal pathways and often acts in corporation with other cell-surface receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379987", "l": "cargo receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167250", "l": "lipid raft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520860", "l": "19q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13655", "l": "19q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061822", "l": "ciliary cap", "d": ["An intracellular compartmentalized cilium structure found in insect spermatids which is bounded by a membrane derived from the invagination of the cell membrane that remains associated with the primary cilium as it is internalized. The ciliary cap is maintained at the end of the axoneme distal to the centriole and is separated from the cytosolic axoneme/cytoplasm by a putative transition zone, which may extend into the ciliary cap, and include a structure at the base of the ciliary cap termed the ring centriole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099005", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic recycling endosome membrane", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic recycling endosome membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167069", "l": "Inner nuclear membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25938", "l": "Nuclear Inner Membrane", "d": ["The nuclear envelope has two membranes, each with a typical unit membrane in structure. They enclose a flattened sac and are connected at the nuclear pore sites. The inner nuclear membrane separates the perinuclear cistern of the endoplasmic reticulum from the nucleoplasm. It is attached to and supported by the lamina. A growing number of proteins that are specifically located to this membrane seem to participate in functionally organizing the nucleus. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009519", "l": "middle lamella", "d": ["Layer of intercellular material, chiefly pectic substances, cementing together the primary walls of contiguous cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753843", "l": "endobrevin-synaptobrevin 2-alpha-SNAP-NSF-syntaxin-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896255", "l": "synaptic vesicle, resting pool", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2828354", "l": "organelle membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262866", "l": "basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based exoskeleton extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D016501", "l": "Neurites", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0085103", "l": "Neurites", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044678", "l": "CoB-CoM heterodisulfide reductase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is composed of six subunits, and in Methanosarcina barkeri contains is composed of either two subunits or nine subunits. Catalyzes the conversion of coenzyme B, coenzyme M, and methanophenazine to form N-{7-[(2-sulfoethyl)dithio]heptanoyl}-3-O-phospho-L-threonine and dihydromethanophenazine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752495", "l": "host cell nuclear outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167510", "l": "sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.713478367176648", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098798", "l": "mitochondrial protein-containing complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is part of a mitochondrion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008622", "l": "epsilon DNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric DNA polymerase complex that catalyzes processive DNA synthesis in the absence of PCNA, but is further stimulated in the presence of PCNA. The complex contains a large catalytic subunit and three small subunits, and is best characterized in Saccharomyces, in which the subunits are named Pol2p, Dpb2p, Dpb3p, and Dpb4p. Some evidence suggests that DNA polymerase epsilon is the leading strand polymerase; it is also involved in nucleotide-excision repair and mismatch repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070519", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD63 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to membrane protein CD63, a member of the tetraspan family."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071131", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-laminin alpha-4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to laminin alpha-4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044227", "l": "methane-oxidizing organelle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic, membrane-bounded compartment found within Methanotrophic bacteria that contains enzymes and electron transfer proteins for methane catabolism. This structure is analogous to the thylakoid of Cyanobacteria and the anammoxosome of anaerobic ammonium oxidation organisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005675", "l": "transcription factor TFIIH holo complex", "d": ["A complex that is capable of kinase activity directed towards the C-terminal Domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and is essential for initiation at RNA polymerase II promoters in vitro. It is composed of the core TFIIH complex and the TFIIK complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752515", "l": "host cell synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752239", "l": "ovarian ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451565", "l": "spore inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035450", "l": "extrinsic component of lumenal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The component of a plastid thylakoid membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its lumenal surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893433", "l": "glutamine amidotransferase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167037", "l": "storage vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235134", "l": "membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070622", "l": "UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-lysosomal-enzyme N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-lysosomal-enzyme N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase activity; the bovine complex contains disulfide-linked homodimers of 166- and 51-kDa subunits and two identical, noncovalently associated 56-kDa subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235105", "l": "GLI-SUFU complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544406", "l": "somatic portion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331953", "l": "Set of chemically-defined cell groups of neuraxis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120341", "l": "radial spoke base 2", "d": ["The short portion of the radial spoke 2 (RS2) that is directly anchored to the A microtubule of an axonemal microtubule doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.912498735596799", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098687", "l": "chromosomal region", "d": ["Any subdivision of a chromosome along its length."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4046100", "l": "Exovesicles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672798", "l": "rixosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098554", "l": "cytoplasmic side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the plasma membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338671", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type P enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005658", "l": "alpha DNA polymerase:primase complex", "d": ["A complex of four polypeptides, comprising large and small DNA polymerase alpha subunits and two primase subunits, which are capable of catalyzing the synthesis of an RNA primer on the lagging strand of replicating DNA and the subsequent synthesis of a smal stretch of DNA. The smaller of the two primase subunits alone can catalyze oligoribonucleotide synthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033768", "l": "SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A nuclear ubiquitin ligase complex that specifically targets SUMOylated proteins; the complex is formed of homodimers or heterodimers of RNF4 family ubiquitin ligases and is conserved in eukaryotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520962", "l": "1p34.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25000", "l": "1p34.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120202", "l": "rod photoreceptor disc membrane", "d": ["Stack of disc membranes located inside a rod photoreceptor outer segment, and containing densely packed molecules of rhodopsin photoreceptor proteins that traverse the lipid bilayer. It is thought that rod disc membranes arise as evaginations of the ciliary membrane near the base of the outer segment, which then become completely separated from the ciliary membrane, during the development of the rod outer segment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824382", "l": "FMN oxidoreductase complex, NAD(P)H-dependent", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009422", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum hook-filament junction", "d": ["The region of the bacterial-type flagellum where the hook and filament meet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549081", "l": "T=7 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230683", "l": "Secretory granule, endocrine, known content", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:55048008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263081", "l": "complement component C1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070533", "l": "BRCA1-C complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimer, CtIP and Mre11/Rad50/NBS1 (M/R/N) complex, and binds to DNA at DNA damage sites. BRCA1-C binding ta damaged DNA is required for DNA damage-induced Chk1 phosphorylation and the G2/M transition checkpoint."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016008", "l": "major mitochondrial derivative", "d": ["The larger of the two mitochondrial derivatives that arise by the unfolding of the Nebenkern during flagellum elongation; the major mitochondrial derivative is ovoid and darker than the minor derivative."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158836", "l": "Nrd1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D035321", "l": "Telomeric Repeat Binding Protein 1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097121", "l": "cyclin A1-CDK1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin A1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166676", "l": "perichromatin fibrils", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818829", "l": "myosin V complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182678", "l": "Smooth columnar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167492", "l": "protein kinase CK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520863", "l": "19q13.3-q13.4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13701", "l": "19q13.3-q13.4", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.080133905744418", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015629", "l": "actin cytoskeleton", "d": ["The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of actin and associated proteins. Includes actin cytoskeleton-associated complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179437", "l": "Plasma membrane of erythrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097732", "l": "9+2 non-motile cilium", "d": ["A non-motile cilium where the axoneme has a ring of nine outer microtubule doublets plus two central microtubules (and is therefore called a 9+2 axoneme)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520780", "l": "17q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13862", "l": "17q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896409", "l": "NPR1 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030014", "l": "CCR4-NOT complex", "d": ["The Ccr4-Not complex is an eukaryotically conserved deadenylase that can initiate cytoplasmic mRNA decay, and reduce translation by releasing poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1/PABPC1). Ccr4-Not contains seven core subunits, including two poly(A)-specific exonucleases, Ccr4/CNOT6/CNOT6L and Caf1/Pop2/CNOT7/CNOT8."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896421", "l": "cardiac PLN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031467", "l": "Cul7-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul7 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by a Skp1 linker and an F-box protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097268", "l": "cytoophidium", "d": ["A subcellular filamentary structure where CTP synthase is compartmentalized in a range of organisms including bacteria, yeast, fruit fly, rat and human."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033150", "l": "cytoskeletal calyx", "d": ["A large cytoskeletal structure located at the posterior end of the perinuclear theca of a mammalian sperm head. The nucleus is tightly associated with the calyx, which contains calicin and basic cylicin proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005723", "l": "alpha-heterochromatin", "d": ["A small, compact region of heterochromatin located in the middle of the polytene chromosome chromocenter, which undergoes little or no replication during polytenization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.432745995597372", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682537", "l": "Nucleoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13950", "l": "Nucleoplasm", "d": ["The nuclear contents other than the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520590", "l": "14q23-q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24949", "l": "14q23-q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752524", "l": "host cell envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334767", "l": "Plasma membrane of polar body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520971", "l": "1p35.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25002", "l": "1p35.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612816", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008929", "l": "Mitochondria, Heart", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026238", "l": "Mitochondria, Heart", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623466", "l": "endospore external encapsulating structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166705", "l": "telomerase holoenzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005925", "l": "focal adhesion", "d": ["A cell-substrate junction that anchors the cell to the extracellular matrix and that forms a point of termination of actin filaments. In insects focal adhesion has also been referred to as hemi-adherens junction (HAJ)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819053", "l": "meiotic contractile ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005588", "l": "collagen type V trimer", "d": ["A collagen heterotrimer containing type V alpha chains; [alpha1(V)]2alpha2(V) and alpha1(V)alpha2(V)alpha3(V) trimers have been observed; type V collagen triple helices associate to form fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097165", "l": "nuclear stress granule", "d": ["A dense aggregation in the nucleus composed of proteins and RNAs that appear when the cell is under stress."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137533", "l": "cone telodendria", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.385242451594038", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042101", "l": "T cell receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains a disulfide-linked heterodimer of T cell receptor (TCR) chains, which are members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, and mediates antigen recognition, ultimately resulting in T cell activation. The TCR heterodimer is associated with the CD3 complex, which consists of the nonpolymorphic polypeptides gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, and, in some cases, eta (an RNA splice variant of zeta) or Fc epsilon chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819048", "l": "cell division site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328774", "l": "postsynaptic specialization, intracellular component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611010", "l": "Rad3-Rad26 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622924", "l": "female pronucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008247", "l": "Lysosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0024369", "l": "Lysosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13253", "l": "Lysosome", "d": ["A class of morphologically heterogeneous cytoplasmic membrane-bound vesicle in animal and plant tissues characterized by their content of a wide variety of glycoprotein hydrolytic enzymes active at an acid pH and the structure-linked latency of these enzymes. The intracellular functions of lysosomes depend on their lytic potential. The single unit membrane of the lysosome acts as a barrier between the enzymes enclosed in the lysosome and the external substrate. The activity of the enzymes contained in lysosomes is limited or nil unless the vesicle in which they are enclosed is ruptured. Such rupture serves to digest exogenous material, such as bacteria, as well as effete organelles of the cells and is supposed to be under metabolic (hormonal) control."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52971004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268864", "l": "Meiotic Spindle Apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622108", "l": "cytosolic proteasome core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030096", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the membrane-derived thylakoid, containing the P680 reaction center. In the light, PSII functions as a water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from water to plastoquinone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031478", "l": "myosin VIII complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a dimer of class VIII myosin heavy chains and associated light chains. Myosin VIII is predicted to be dimeric, and contain an unusual 100-190 residue N-terminal extension prior to their motor domains, 3-4 IQ motifs, a short region (~70 residues) of predicted alpha-helical coiled coil and a C-terminal domain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097445", "l": "presynaptic active zone dense projection", "d": ["Electron dense projection extending from the cytomatrix into the cytoplasm on which synaptic vesicles are tethered."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055087", "l": "Ski complex", "d": ["A protein complex that regulates RNA degradation by the exosome complex. In Saccharomyces the complex has a heterotetrameric stoichiometry consisting of one copy each of Ski2p and Ski3 and two copies of Ski8p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990876", "l": "cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore", "d": ["The side of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990527", "l": "Tec1p-Ste12p-Dig1p complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that is involved in the transcriptional regulation of primarily filamentation genes, but also mating genes, in the yeast S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000113", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 4 complex", "d": ["One of several protein complexes involved in nucleotide-excision repair; possesses DNA damage recognition and DNA-dependent ATPase activities. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Rad7p and Rad16p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230547", "l": "Interchromatin granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:71549003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660776", "l": "platelet dense tubular network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513046", "l": "Medial Golgi", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33065", "l": "Medial Golgi", "d": ["A network of membrane components where both post-translational modification and sorting of proteins takes place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610684", "l": "SNARE complex (Stx1a, Snap25, Vamp8)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048786", "l": "presynaptic active zone", "d": ["A specialized region of the plasma membrane and cell cortex of a presynaptic neuron; encompasses a region of the plasma membrane where synaptic vesicles dock and fuse, and a specialized cortical cytoskeletal matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380220", "l": "subapical part of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097596", "l": "ventral disc supernumerary microtubule array", "d": ["A partial left-handed spiral array of microtubules that lies generally dorsal to the main ventral disc microtubule array in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896256", "l": "MTREC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825765", "l": "1p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81847", "l": "1p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044284", "l": "mitochondrial crista junction", "d": ["A tubular structure of relatively uniform size that connects a mitochondrial crista to the mitochondrial inner boundary membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062051", "l": "lipopolysaccharide transport system", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that functions to transport lipopolysaccharide from its site of synthesis at the cytoplasmic membrane across the periplasm to the outer membrane in an ATP-dependent manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070250", "l": "mating projection membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a mating projection, the projection formed by unicellular fungi in response to mating pheromone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034674", "l": "integrin alpha5-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha5 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754330", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032580", "l": "Golgi cisterna membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the thin, flattened compartments that form the central portion of the Golgi complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166901", "l": "mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180008", "l": "Golgi complex of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330449", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type S enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167044", "l": "vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4085691", "l": "prostatic acid phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824331", "l": "MalFGK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043261", "l": "laminin-12 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha2, beta1 and gamma3 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005921", "l": "gap junction", "d": ["A cell-cell junction composed of pannexins or innexins and connexins, two different families of channel-forming proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521639", "l": "7q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38353", "l": "7q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167373", "l": "Type XVI collagen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230702", "l": "Alpha-Glycogen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52043008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044567", "l": "primary cell wall cellulose synthase complex", "d": ["A large, multimeric protein complex which catalyzes the biosynthesis of cellulose for the plant primary cell wall. In Arabidopsis, contains the essential component proteins CESA1 and -3, and a CESA6-related protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1718355", "l": "Spermatozoa IgG binding location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271850", "l": "ERBB4-EGFR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061826", "l": "podosome ring", "d": ["The ring structure surrounding the podosome core, containing proteins such as vinculin and talin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990906", "l": "accessory outer segment", "d": ["A cilium-like cell projection emanating from the inner segment and running alongside the outer segment of photoreceptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325728", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338436", "l": "Set of raphe nuclei of pontile tegmentum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521658", "l": "7q33-q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13625", "l": "7q33-q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754288", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246387", "l": "IgG receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325758", "l": "activin A complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015934", "l": "large ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005663", "l": "DNA replication factor C complex", "d": ["A complex that loads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto DNA, thereby permitting processive DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase. In eukaryotes the complex consists of five polypeptides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005633", "l": "ascus lipid droplet", "d": ["Any particle of coalesced lipids in an ascus or ascospore. May include associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034777", "l": "recycling endosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of a recycling endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043846", "l": "DNA polymerase III, clamp loader complex", "d": ["A heptamer that includes the tau and gamma products of the dnaX gene and the chi/psi subcomplex. Confers structural asymmetry that allows the polymerase to replicate both leading and lagging strands."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098015", "l": "virus tail", "d": ["Part of the virion that may be used to recognize, attach and inject the viral genome and accessory proteins into the host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167499", "l": "protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sugar phosphotransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036284", "l": "tubulobulbar complex", "d": ["Actin-based structures involved in establishing close contact between Sertoli-Sertoli cells or Sertoli-spermatids in the seminiferous tubules of the testes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821105", "l": "dendritic cell dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005953", "l": "CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric enzyme, composed of an alpha and a beta subunit. Participates in the post-translational C-terminal modification of several small GTPases, allowing their targeting to the membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752469", "l": "host cell filopodium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328324", "l": "Set of reticular nuclei of pontine tegmentum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166869", "l": "hydrogenosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814910", "l": "chromosome, centromeric inner repeat region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0678927", "l": "chromosome type", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520701", "l": "16q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13485", "l": "16q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033178", "l": "proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, catalytic domain", "d": ["A protein complex that forms part of a proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex and catalyzes ATP hydrolysis or synthesis. The catalytic domain (F1, V1, or A1) comprises a hexameric catalytic core and a central stalk, and is peripherally associated with the membrane when the two-sector ATPase is assembled."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621367", "l": "cytoplasmic membrane bounded vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327152", "l": "chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752463", "l": "host cell smooth endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0684076", "l": "ribonucleoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.741169254015119", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902554", "l": "serine/threonine protein kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of protein serine/threonine kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821076", "l": "multivesicular body, internal vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512777", "l": "Inhibitory Synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32803", "l": "Inhibitory Synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which the firing of the presynaptic cell reduces the probability of firing of the postsynaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549280", "l": "septal periplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2266172", "l": "main terminal branch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821139", "l": "axonemal basal plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033290", "l": "eukaryotic 48S preinitiation complex", "d": ["The protein-ribosome-tRNA complex that has just recognized the start codon of a capped mRNA. It is composed of the small ribosomal subunit, eukaryote initiation factors (eIF) eIF3 complex, eIF1, eIF1A, eIF2-GDP, eIF4 complex and initiatior-methionine-tRNA. Recognition of the start codon triggers downstream steps in the pathway, including eIF1 dissociation; Pi release from eIF2; and conversion to the closed, scanning-arrested conformation of the PIC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070357", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-CD47 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to CD47 (also known as IAP)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140365", "l": "RNP body", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein granule located in the cytoplasm of bacteria, minimally containing the RNase E protein and RNA molecules. Bacterial RNP-bodies are similar to eukaryotic P-bodies and stress granules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691249", "l": "Dnf2-Lem3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890365", "l": "dendritic lamellar body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332971", "l": "Plasma membrane of stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13716", "l": "Internal Ribosome Entry Site", "d": ["Internal ribosome entry site (IRES) is a translational cis-acting element that directs ribosomes to the start codon by a cap-independent mechanism. IRESs are usually about 450 nucleotides in length and were first identified in picornavirus RNAs. IRESs can fold into a stable secondary hairpin structure to be incompatible with efficient translation by ribosomal scanning. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235143", "l": "transferase complex, transferring phosphorus-containing groups", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328053", "l": "fusiform vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019819", "l": "P1 peroxisome", "d": ["A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P1 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content; they contain fewer peroxisomal proteins than the other subforms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001411", "l": "hyphal tip", "d": ["The end, or tip, of a fungal hypha, where polarized growth occurs during hyphal elongation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520748", "l": "17p12-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38359", "l": "17p12-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990320", "l": "collagen type XXI trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXI) chains; type XXI collagen triple helices found in the extracellular matrix component of blood vessel walls and in the cytoplasm of cultured human aortic smooth muscle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008352", "l": "katanin complex", "d": ["A complex possessing an activity that couples ATP hydrolysis to the severing of microtubules; usually a heterodimer comprising a catalytic subunit (often 60kDa) and a regulatory subunit (often 80 kDa)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622186", "l": "filamentous actin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167079", "l": "fibrillar center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033165", "l": "interphotoreceptor matrix", "d": ["A specialized extracellularc matrix that surrounds the photoreceptors of the retina and lies between them and the apical surface of the retinal pigment epithelium. The IPM has been implicated in several important activities required for photoreceptor function and maintenance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099073", "l": "mitochondrion-derived vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle derived via budding from a mitochondrion. These vesicles often contain inner membrane and, much more rarely, cristae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520173", "l": "Xp11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13135", "l": "Xp11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "43.520200000184069", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099081", "l": "supramolecular polymer", "d": ["A polymeric supramolecular structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032398", "l": "MHC class Ib protein complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex composed of a MHC class Ib alpha chain and, in most cases, an invariant beta2-microglobin chain, and with or without a bound peptide or lipid antigen. Class Ib here refers to non-classical class I molecules, such as those of the CD1 or HLA-E gene families."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1662129", "l": "SCF complex inhibitor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167418", "l": "alkyl hydroperoxide reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610651", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB1-SPP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167133", "l": "ecdysone receptor holocomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325754", "l": "mating projection base", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451459", "l": "ciliary pro-basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520982", "l": "1p36.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13527", "l": "1p36.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071782", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum tubular network", "d": ["A subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum consisting of tubules having membranes with high curvature in cross-section."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820747", "l": "cytoplasmic viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753898", "l": "SHREC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031390", "l": "Ctf18 RFC-like complex", "d": ["A heptameric complex related to replication factor C, which loads the DNA polymerase processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) onto DNA and plays a vital role in chromosome cohesion. In Saccharomyces the subunits are known as Ctf18p, Rfc2p, Rfc3p, Rfc4p, Rfc5p, Dcc1p, and Ctf8p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071084", "l": "alpha2-beta1 integrin-CD47 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha2-beta1 integrin complex bound to the cell surface protein CD47."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325646", "l": "equatorial microtubule organizing center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690229", "l": "SMAD1-SMAD4 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520697", "l": "16q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28527", "l": "16q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621911", "l": "50S ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017122", "l": "protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of protein N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity, the addition of nucleotide-activated sugars onto the polypeptide according to reaction: UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine + protein = UDP + 4-N-(N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl)-protein. The complex has different compositions in different species: In mammals it is often a homotrimer, in bacteria a heterotetramer of 2 different subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044199", "l": "host cell nuclear envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the host nucleus and separating its contents from the rest of the host cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space, a gap of width 20-40 nm (also called the perinuclear space)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035869", "l": "ciliary transition zone", "d": ["A region of the cilium between the basal body and proximal segment that is characterized by Y-shaped assemblages that connect axonemal microtubules to the ciliary membrane. The ciliary transition zone appears to function as a gate that controls ciliary membrane composition and separates the cytosol from the ciliary plasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451080", "l": "lateral wall of outer hair cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.653457143972261", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13533", "l": "12q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 12"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110115", "l": "Cdr2 medial cortical node complex", "d": ["A megadalton-sized complex at the medial cortex organized as an oligomeric core of SAD family protein kinases involved in cell size-dependent localization and phosphorylation of Wee1 during interphase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045250", "l": "cytosolic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["Complex that carries out the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to form acetyl-CoA; comprises subunits possessing three catalytic activities: pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2), and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3). Usually contains fewer subunits than its eukaryotic counterpart; for example, the E. coli complex contains 12 E1 dimers, 8 E2 trimers, and 6 E3 dimers arranged in highly symmetric cubic order."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622587", "l": "E2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156613", "l": "NLRP1 inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612818", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167024", "l": "food vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005637", "l": "nuclear inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the nuclear envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523385", "l": "mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819950", "l": "multi-eIF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150004", "l": "dendritic spine origin", "d": ["The part of the dendritic spine neck where the spine arises from the dendritic shaft."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990014", "l": "orthogonal array", "d": ["Square array of closely spaced intramembrane particles, 4-6 nm in size, that form supramolecular aggregates found in the plasma membrane of astrocytes, skeletal muscle and epithelial cells. They have been shown to contain aquaporins (water channels)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329701", "l": "Set of nuclei of neuraxis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070450", "l": "interleukin4-interleukin-4 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is formed by the association of a heterodimeric interleukin-4 receptor complex with an interleukin-4 molecule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450343", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, interphase microtubule organizing center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031430", "l": "M band", "d": ["The midline of aligned thick filaments in a sarcomere; location of specific proteins that link thick filaments. Depending on muscle type the M band consists of different numbers of M lines."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824371", "l": "MetNIQ transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.512517444778005", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019814", "l": "immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that in its canonical form is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds and sometimes complexed with additional proteins. An immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.249019171186291", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099503", "l": "secretory vesicle", "d": ["A cytoplasmic, membrane bound vesicle that is capable of fusing to the plasma membrane to release its contents into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061850", "l": "growth cone leading edge", "d": ["That part of the growth cone which represents the distal part of the structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054974", "l": "Costameres", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990328", "l": "RPB4-RPB7 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that cycles between the nucleus where it is part of the RNA polymerase II and the cytoplasmic mRNA processing body where it mediates the two major cytoplasmic mRNA decay pathways."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546350", "l": "oligodendrocyte compact myelin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009843", "l": "cyanelle thylakoid", "d": ["A thylakoid found in a cyanelle, which is a type of plastid found in certain algae. The cyanelle contains a photosynthetic membrane resembling that of cyanobacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022502", "l": "Stress Fibers", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887904", "l": "Stress Fibers", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546709", "l": "pericellular basket", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327150", "l": "amyloid-beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896197", "l": "lower tip-link density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611008", "l": "ATR-ATRIP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042588", "l": "zymogen granule", "d": ["A membrane-bounded, cytoplasmic secretory granule found in enzyme-secreting cells and visible by light microscopy. Contain zymogen, an inactive enzyme precursor, often of a digestive enzyme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520965", "l": "1p35-p31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13993", "l": "1p35-p31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166727", "l": "trans-Golgi network transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180348", "l": "Golgi complex of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752287", "l": "pre-B cell receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622630", "l": "nuclear proteasome core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612811", "l": "integrin alpha10-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166917", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase, catalytic core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166647", "l": "apical complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819352", "l": "cuticular plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044193", "l": "host cell mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": ["The outer, i.e. cytoplasm-facing, lipid bilayer of the host cell mitochondrial envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902493", "l": "acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of acetyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749482", "l": "80S ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824532", "l": "collagen type XXIII trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520992", "l": "1q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14024", "l": "1q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005666", "l": "RNA polymerase III complex", "d": ["RNA polymerase III, one of three nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerases found in all eukaryotes, is a multisubunit complex; typically it produces 5S rRNA, tRNAs and some of the small nuclear RNAs. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits (generally ten or more), some of which are also found in RNA polymerase I and others of which are also found in RNA polymerases I and II. Although the core is competent to mediate ribonucleic acid synthesis, it requires additional factors to select the appropriate template."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336937", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of erythrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896307", "l": "Rvs161p-Rvs167p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030289", "l": "protein phosphatase 4 complex", "d": ["A protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex formed by the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 4 plus one or more regulatory subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327174", "l": "Tapasin-ERp57 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.760981911179996", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990777", "l": "lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A spherical particle containing non-covalently associated proteins and lipids. Examples are plasma lipoprotein particles which transport lipids in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622556", "l": "extrinsic component of periplasmic side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245787", "l": "trans-Golgi network membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521644", "l": "7q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13771", "l": "7q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167150", "l": "negative cofactor 2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337142", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of medial Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157099", "l": "sCNTFR-CLC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612825", "l": "integrin alphaL-beta2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823016", "l": "right ventral basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166961", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071082", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-tenascin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the extracellular matrix protein tenascin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819037", "l": "4-aminobutyrate transaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752236", "l": "testicular ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754289", "l": "ITGA3-ITGB1-THBS1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002111", "l": "BRCA2-BRAF35 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex of BRCA2 and BRAF35 (BRCA2-associated factor 35). The BRCA2-BRAF35 complex is often associated with condensed chromatin during mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.201143870267188", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019898", "l": "extrinsic component of membrane", "d": ["The component of a membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546357", "l": "mushroom dendritic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231705", "l": "beta-catenin/T-cell factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896229", "l": "L-type voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032177", "l": "cellular bud neck split septin rings", "d": ["Two separate septin rings that are formed from the septin collar at the time of cytokinesis in cells that divide by budding. These two rings are thought to delineate a special compartment in which factors involved in cytokinesis are concentrated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179073", "l": "Column component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325660", "l": "mitochondrial ribonuclease P complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230947", "l": "Spore cytoplasmic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:75242002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235124", "l": "carbon phosphorus lyase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752548", "l": "dendritic tuft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235356", "l": "cytoplasmic side of dendritic spine plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682529", "l": "biological membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030134", "l": "COPII-coated ER to Golgi transport vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle with a coat formed of the COPII coat complex proteins. The COPII coat complex is formed by the Sec23p/Sec24p and the Sec13p/Sec31p heterodimers. COPII-associated vesicles transport proteins from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus (anterograde transport)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090552", "l": "unicellular trichome apex", "d": ["A cell projection part that is the apical most portion of a unicellular trichome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328981", "l": "9+0 motile cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157026", "l": "stigma papilla", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044204", "l": "host cell nuclear matrix", "d": ["The dense fibrillar network lying on the inner side of the host nuclear membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230671", "l": "Cytoplasmic inclusion, crystalline", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:15065000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C48691", "l": "Coding Region", "d": ["The sequences on a gene or messenger RNA that are translated into protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752488", "l": "nucleoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005619", "l": "ascospore wall", "d": ["The specialized cell wall of the ascospore (spore), which is the product of meiotic division. Examples of this component are found in Fungi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010369", "l": "chromocenter", "d": ["A region in which centric, heterochromatic portions from more than one chromosomes form a compact structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624050", "l": "GET complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262861", "l": "annular furrow extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016013", "l": "syntrophin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that includes alpha-, beta1-, beta2-syntrophins and syntrophin-like proteins; the syntrophin complex binds to the second half of the carboxy-terminal domain of dystrophin; also associates with neuronal nitric oxide synthase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612790", "l": "ITGA3-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167261", "l": "plasma membrane fumarate reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5177574", "l": "Platelet dense bodies | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451018", "l": "sub-telomeric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167046", "l": "plant-type vacuole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005642", "l": "annulate lamellae", "d": ["Stacks of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes containing a high density of nuclear pores, thought to form from excess nuclear membrane components, that have been described in a number of different cells. Annulate lamellar membranes are continuous with and embedded within the ER."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140368", "l": "decoy receptor complex", "d": ["A receptor complex that recognizes, binds and sequesters a specific receptor ligand to prevent it from binding to its regular receptor. May be soluble or membrane bound."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549080", "l": "T=13 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905354", "l": "exoribonuclease complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of exoribonuclease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019820", "l": "P2 peroxisome", "d": ["A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P2 peroxisomes are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content; they are the least dense of the subforms observed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269172", "l": "M/G1 phase-specific MADS box-forkhead transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.449113659480474", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005759", "l": "mitochondrial matrix", "d": ["The gel-like material, with considerable fine structure, that lies in the matrix space, or lumen, of a mitochondrion. It contains the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and, in some organisms, the enzymes concerned with fatty acid oxidation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235131", "l": "inner mitochondrial membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167313", "l": "ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030128", "l": "clathrin coat of endocytic vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin coat found on an endocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610681", "l": "SNARE complex (Stx4, Snap25, Vamp2)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520276", "l": "10q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C37282", "l": "10q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520302", "l": "10q26.13-q26.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24910", "l": "10q26.13-q26.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622123", "l": "plasma membrane-derived thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521530", "l": "6p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38891", "l": "6p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451054", "l": "subcortical maternal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005673", "l": "transcription factor TFIIE complex", "d": ["A transcription factor which in humans consists of a complex of two alpha and two beta chains. Recruits TFIIH to the initiation complex and helps activate both RNA polymerase II and TFIIH."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596291", "l": "cell stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990203", "l": "MdtBC Complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing two transmembrane subunits; a MdtB dimer and one unit of MdtC. Capable of exporting substrates across the cell membrane. Involved in conferring antibiotic resistance of Gram-negative bacteria by transporting drugs across the membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265213", "l": "chitin- and beta-glucan-containing cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546241", "l": "brainstem Lewy body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054748", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large, Archaeal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1956040", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large, Archaeal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156027", "l": "DUBm complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824301", "l": "maltose transporter inhibitor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167105", "l": "mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000067128", "l": "Extracellular Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3894683", "l": "Extracellular Vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C153165", "l": "Extracellular Vesicle", "d": ["Bilayer membrane fragments present in the blood plasma that are released by different cell types upon activation or death. Extracellular vesicles are usually classified as either exosomes (formed by the membranes of intracellular compartments, 50-100 nm in diameter) and ectosomes (also called microparticles or microvesicles, formed from plasma membrane, 100-1000 nm in diameter)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017086", "l": "3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the reaction 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate + lipoamide = S-(2-methylpropanoyl)-dihydrolipoamide + carbon dioxide (CO2). This requires thiamine diphosphate; the enzyme also acts on (S)-3-methyl-2-oxopentanoate and 4-methyl-2-oxo-pentanoate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5239889", "l": "protein aggregate center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167393", "l": "middle lamella", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230844", "l": "Mitochondrial cristae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33132", "l": "Mitochondrial Crista", "d": ["A thin space between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes formed by an invagination of the inner mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90494006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520973", "l": "1p36.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13847", "l": "1p36.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097381", "l": "photoreceptor disc membrane", "d": ["Stack of disc membranes located inside a photoreceptor outer segment, and containing densely packed molecules of photoreceptor proteins that traverse the lipid bilayer. Disc membranes arise as evaginations of the ciliary membrane during the development of the outer segment and may or may not remain contiguous with the ciliary membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549321", "l": "muscle cell projection membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1440968", "l": "Mitochondria M2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335654", "l": "Cytoplasm of endo-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336897", "l": "Nuclear filament component of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3656800", "l": "4p16.3 chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323110", "l": "Prophase cell nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520478", "l": "12p13.1-p12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24929", "l": "12p13.1-p12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137270", "l": "Yae1-Lto1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005863", "l": "striated muscle myosin thick filament", "d": ["Bipolar filaments formed of polymers of a muscle-specific myosin II isoform, found in the middle of sarcomeres in myofibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269078", "l": "cyclin D1-CDK6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036063", "l": "acroblast", "d": ["A cone-shaped structure in the head of a spermatozoon, which is formed by the coalescence of Golgi fragments following the completion of meiosis. The acroblast is situated adjacent to the acrosomal vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325629", "l": "rough endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167101", "l": "transcription factor TFIIF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815440", "l": "macropinosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896159", "l": "silver efflux system", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323160", "l": "Fibrous sheath of tail of sperm cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236699", "l": "postsynaptic density membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166774", "l": "muscle thin filament tropomyosin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230913", "l": "Basal lamina, inclusion consisting of cell process", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:23300002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1901589", "l": "axon microtubule bundle", "d": ["An arrangement of closely apposed microtubules running parallel to each other in the axon hillock and initial segment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521471", "l": "5q12.2-q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13760", "l": "5q12.2-q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166833", "l": "Sarcoglycan Complexes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2349164", "l": "Xq11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C68720", "l": "Xq11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009376", "l": "HslUV protease complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses ATP-dependent protease activity; consists of an ATPase large subunit with homology to other ClpX family ATPases and a peptidase small subunit related to the proteasomal beta-subunits of eukaryotes. In the E. coli complex, a double ring-shaped homohexamer of HslV is capped on each side by a ring-shaped HslU homohexamer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072357", "l": "PTW/PP1 phosphatase complex", "d": ["A protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex that contains a catalytic subunit (PPP1CA, PPP1CB or PPP1CC) and the regulatory subunits PPP1R10 (PNUTS), TOX4 and WDR82, and plays a role in the control of chromatin structure and cell cycle progression during the transition from mitosis into interphase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521531", "l": "6p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13768", "l": "6p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754315", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-ICAM-4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048225", "l": "suberin network", "d": ["An extracellular matrix part that consists of fatty acid-derived polymers, including both aromatic and aliphatic components. The suberin network is found in specialized plant cell walls, where it is laid down between the primary wall and plasma membrane, forms protective and wound-healing layers, and provides a water-impermeable diffusion barrier."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098861", "l": "actin filament bundle of filopodium", "d": ["A parallel bundle of actin filaments that is part of filopodium. Filaments are oriented such that the plus (barbed) ends are at the tip of the protrusion, capped by a tip complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000836", "l": "Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that recognizes and ubiquitinates proteins with misfolded luminal and membrane domains during ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). In S. cerevisiae, this complex contains the ubiquitin ligase Hrd1p. In mammals, this complex contains the ubiquitin ligase HRD1 (Synoviolin) or AMFR (gp78)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044383", "l": "host chromosome", "d": ["A structure composed of a very long molecule of DNA and associated proteins (e.g. histones) that carries hereditary information, occurring within a host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621522", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034494", "l": "microneme lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the microneme membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099147", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic density membrane", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic density membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896228", "l": "eaf5/7/3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120281", "l": "autolysosome membrane", "d": ["A lipid bilayer that surrounds an autolysosome, a single-membrane-bounded vesicle in which endogenous cellular material is degraded."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246674", "l": "CORVET complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820124", "l": "plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548369", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, neck fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044666", "l": "MLL3/4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that can methylate lysine-4 of histone H3, and which contains either of the protein subunits MLL3 or MLL4 in mammals, or equivalent in other species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621432", "l": "cell trailing edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166736", "l": "synaptic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623055", "l": "platelet dense tubular network lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230836", "l": "Microbody nucleoid, periodic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:16955002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031244", "l": "extrinsic component of cell outer membrane", "d": ["The component of the cell outer membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042721", "l": "TIM22 mitochondrial import inner membrane insertion complex", "d": ["A multi-subunit complex embedded in the mitochondrial inner membrane that mediates the inner membrane insertion of multi-transmembrane spanning proteins that contain internal targeting elements. In yeast cells, TIM22 is a 300-kDa complex, consisting of four membrane integral subunits, Tim22, Tim54, Tim18 and Sdh3, and a peripheral chaperone complex consisting of the small TIM proteins, Tim9-Tim10-Tim12."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044233", "l": "mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["A zone of apposition between endoplasmic-reticulum and mitochondrial membranes, structured by bridging complexes. These contact sites are thought to facilitate inter-organelle calcium and phospholipid exchange."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179840", "l": "Subdivision of lipid bilayer of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548370", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, collar fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520258", "l": "10p11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24896", "l": "10p11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893601", "l": "A axonemal microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071261", "l": "Ssh1 translocon complex", "d": ["A translocon complex that contains a core heterotrimer of alpha, beta and gamma subunits, and may contain additional proteins (translocon-associated proteins or TRAPs); in budding yeast the core proteins are Ssh1p, Sbh2p, and Sss1p. The Ssh1 translocon complex is involved in the cotranslational pathway of protein transport across the ER membrane, and recognizes proteins bearing strongly hydrophobic signal sequences."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520698", "l": "16q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13684", "l": "16q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097495", "l": "H-NS-Hha complex", "d": ["A trimeric protein complex made up of an H-NS homodimer and an Hha monomer. In Enterobacteriaceae, this complex negatively regulates transcription of a range of genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235127", "l": "trans-synaptic protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062011", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV pre-assembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contributes to and regulates mitochondrial respiratory chain complex IV (COX) formation. It acts by regulating mitochondrial COX1 translation and by promoting the assembly of COX components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140092", "l": "bBAF complex", "d": ["A brain-specific SWI/SNF-type complex that contains eight or nine proteins, including both conserved (core) and nonconserved components; contains the ATPase product of either the SMARCA4/BAF190A/BRG1 gene, the mammalian ortholog of the yeast SNF2 gene, or the SMARCA2/BAF190B/BRM gene, the mammalian ortholog of the Drosophila brm (brahma) gene, or an ortholog of either of these genes. Compared to the neuron-specific nBAF complex (GO:0071565) it does not contain DPF1, DPF3 or SMARCC1 or their orthologs. May contain PB1/BAF180."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328153", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of neuroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516781", "l": "Condensed Configuration of the Mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32363", "l": "Condensed Configuration of the Mitochondrion", "d": ["Mitochondria with a polymorphic and condensed matrix and reduced volume but an increased density. The inner membrane displays an irregular folding pattern and the volume of both the outer compartment and intracristal space is increased."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754343", "l": "SMAD protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034664", "l": "Ig heavy chain-bound endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is formed by the association of an immunoglobulin heavy chain with the proteins of the ER chaperone complex; the latter include BiP, GRP94; CaBP1, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), ERdj3, cyclophilin B, ERp72, GRP170, UDP-glucosyltransferase, and SDF2-L1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033202", "l": "DNA helicase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses DNA helicase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451199", "l": "nuclear condensin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904096", "l": "protein tyrosine phosphatase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of protein tyrosine phosphatase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380296", "l": "counting factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "48.926107491785132", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002875", "l": "Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008633", "l": "Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13202", "l": "Chromosome", "d": ["A structure found in cells that is comprised of a strand of linearized double-stranded DNA plus proteins that package the DNA in a condensed coil form and regulate chromosomal function."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91272006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521566", "l": "6q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13690", "l": "6q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520779", "l": "17q22-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24977", "l": "17q22-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824536", "l": "collagen type XXVIII trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711193", "l": "2q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45169", "l": "2q31.1", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061830", "l": "concave side of sperm head", "d": ["The concave part of the late spermatid head or spermatozoon head that forms the ventral portion of the head, particularly in some rodent species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235097", "l": "nuclear membrane complex Bqt3-Bqt4", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246583", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326922", "l": "9+2 non-motile cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097232", "l": "lamellar body membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a lamellar body. A lamellar body is a membrane-bounded organelle, specialized for the storage and secretion of various substances (surfactant phospholipids, glycoproteins and acid phosphates) which are arranged in the form of tightly packed, concentric, membrane sheets or lamellae. Has some similar properties to, but is distinct from, a lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043670", "l": "foot layer", "d": ["The inner layer of the ectexine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000801", "l": "central element", "d": ["A structural unit of the synaptonemal complex found between the lateral elements."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170453", "l": "Lamellar bodies | Amniotic fluid | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903293", "l": "phosphatase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of phosphatase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166645", "l": "ciliary pocket", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548419", "l": "basal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160132", "l": "meisosome", "d": ["A cell part that is composed of multifold plasma membrane of the epidermis where it is in direct contact with apical extracellular matrix. Meisosome, or multiple eisome is named because of its superficial similarity to yeast eisosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061851", "l": "leading edge of lamellipodium", "d": ["That part of the lamellipodium which represents the distal part of the structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235132", "l": "outer mitochondrial membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752452", "l": "host thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031941", "l": "filamentous actin", "d": ["A two-stranded helical polymer of the protein actin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521625", "l": "7p15.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39637", "l": "7p15.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262721", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, substrate-binding subunit-containing", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044647", "l": "host-symbiont bicellular tight junction", "d": ["An occluding cell-cell junction formed between the membranes of the apical end of an invading cell (e.g. a merozoite in Plasmodium) and a host target cell (e.g. erythrocyte for Plasmodium infection). The junction is a stable yet dynamic structure that moves around the symbiont cell during invasion, enclosing it in a vacuole surrounded by a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690914", "l": "neuron projection cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035693", "l": "NOS2-CD74 complex", "d": ["A protein complex comprising nitric oxide synthase 2 and CD74. This stable complex formation is thought to prevent CD74 degradation by caspases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521050", "l": "20q11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13845", "l": "20q11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.552154022789225", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520762", "l": "17q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13619", "l": "17q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820005", "l": "pollen wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752483", "l": "host cell mitochondrial envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071182", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch4 (ICN4), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-3 (MAML3); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097013", "l": "phagocytic vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a phagocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546515", "l": "MCM core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054681", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1956021", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515448", "l": "8q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13765", "l": "8q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520403", "l": "11q23.1-q23.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29737", "l": "11q23.1-q23.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098579", "l": "active sex chromosome", "d": ["A sex chromosome that has not been inactivated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167287", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521474", "l": "5q13-q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13752", "l": "5q13-q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071546", "l": "pi-body", "d": ["A P granule that contains the PIWIL2-TDRD1 module, a set of proteins that act in the primary piRNA pathway. The pi-body corresponds to the cementing material between mitochondria found in gonocytes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523872", "l": "protein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340314", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of trans Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098685", "l": "Schaffer collateral - CA1 synapse", "d": ["A synapse between the Schaffer collateral axon of a CA3 pyramidal cell and a CA1 pyramidal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010006", "l": "Toc complex", "d": ["Protein translocon complex at the chloroplast outer membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990020", "l": "recurrent axon collateral", "d": ["Axon collateral that ramifies in the area of the soma of the cell of origin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380048", "l": "actin wave", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821258", "l": "lumenal side of transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167375", "l": "collagen type I location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098538", "l": "lumenal side of transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The side (leaflet) of the transport vesicle membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097562", "l": "left lateral basal body pair", "d": ["Set of two basal bodies found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It comprises the anterior and ventral basal bodies located to the right of the left nucleus of the trophozoite when viewed dorsally."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1519334", "l": "Sister Chromatid", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13455", "l": "Sister Chromatid", "d": ["Sister chromatids are the two newly synthesized daughter chromatids derived from the same chromosome parent. During chromosomal pairing in meiosis, recombination occurs exclusively between non-sister chromatids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904115", "l": "axon cytoplasm", "d": ["Any cytoplasm that is part of a axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034400", "l": "gerontoplast", "d": ["A plastid found in senescing, formerly green tissues that is derived from a chloroplast that undergoes an organized developmental program of senescence."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0599444", "l": "Cell body of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32270", "l": "Perikaryon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5444564", "l": "TOM complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034730", "l": "SmD-containing SMN-Sm protein complex", "d": ["An SMN-Sm protein complex formed by the association of the methylated Sm proteins B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F, and G with the SMN complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520597", "l": "14q31-q32.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24950", "l": "14q31-q32.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071005", "l": "U2-type precatalytic spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the recruitment of the preassembled U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP to the prespliceosome. Although all 5 snRNPs are present, the precatalytic spliceosome is catalytically inactive. The precatalytic spliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U1, U2 and U4/U6.U5 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070048", "l": "endobrevin-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains endobrevin (VAMP8), SNAP-25, and syntaxin 1a (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002479", "l": "Inclusion Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007637", "l": "Inclusion Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623160", "l": "ethanolamine degradation polyhedral organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521376", "l": "4p16", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14027", "l": "4p16", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.402148175302344", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002880", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008653", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13206", "l": "Human Chromosome 11", "d": ["The designation for each member of the eleventh largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 11 spans about 134.5 million base pairs and represents between 4 and 4.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:16312006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380405", "l": "cellular anatomical entity", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231708", "l": "flagellar pore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700344", "l": "17q24.3-q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75450", "l": "17q24.3-q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230852", "l": "Prism-shaped cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66293000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.028446044353302", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005815", "l": "microtubule organizing center", "d": ["An intracellular structure that can catalyze gamma-tubulin-dependent microtubule nucleation and that can anchor microtubules by interacting with their minus ends, plus ends or sides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903958", "l": "nitric-oxide synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of nitric-oxide synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890160", "l": "ryanodine receptor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184885", "l": "Base of external pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020006", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuolar membrane network", "d": ["Tubular network of extensions from the symbiont-containing vacuole membrane that protrude into the host cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167509", "l": "succinate-CoA ligase complex (ADP-forming)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033557", "l": "Slx1-Slx4 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that possesses an endonuclease activity that specifically cleaves certain types of branched DNA structures; because such structures often form during the replication ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats, the complex plays a role in the maintenance of rDNA. The subunits are known as Slx1 and Slx 4 in budding and fission yeasts, and are conserved in eukaryotes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070578", "l": "RISC-loading complex", "d": ["A trimeric protein complex required for the formation of a mature RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). In humans the complex is composed of the endonuclease Dicer (DICER1), TRBP (TARBP2) and the Argonaute protein Ago2 (EIF2C2/AGO2). Within the complex, Dicer and TRBP are required to process precursor miRNAs (pre-miRNAs) to mature miRNAs and then load them onto Ago2. Ago2 bound to the mature miRNA constitutes the minimal RISC and may subsequently dissociate from Dicer and TRBP. This complex has endoribonuclease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515532", "l": "9q34.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13828", "l": "9q34.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072588", "l": "box H/ACA RNP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains an RNA of the box H/ACA type and the four core proteins dyskerin, NOP10, NHP2, and GAR1 (human protein nomenclature). RNA pseudouridylation (isomerization of uridine to pseudouridine) is the major, and most likely the ancestral, function of H/ACA RNPs. Pseudouridylation targets include both large and small ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), and small nuclear RNA (U2 snRNA). In addition to these catalytic H/ACA RNPs, a less abundant but more diverse class of structural H/ACA RNPs exists, which does not have pseudouridylation activity. These include the vertebrate telomerase RNP complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990303", "l": "UBR1-RAD6 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of UBR1 and RAD6 components. It polyubiquitinates proteins containing non-acetylated N-terminal residues causing their subsequent degradation by the proteasome as part of the Ac/N-End Rule pathway. It recognizes non-acetylated N-terminal methionine if it is followed by a hydrophobic residue. Additionally, it acts in an N-end rule independent manner as a component of a novel quality control pathway for proteins synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031471", "l": "ethanolamine degradation polyhedral organelle", "d": ["An organelle found in bacteria consisting of a proteinaceous coat containing enzymes for the degradation of ethanolamine whose purpose is the protection of the rest of the cell from the toxic acetaldehyde product of the enzyme ethanolamine ammonia lyase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821365", "l": "collagen beaded filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097667", "l": "SCF-Rcy1/Pof6 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Rcy1 in S. cerevisiae (Pof6 in S. pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821162", "l": "right middle basal body pair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520986", "l": "1pter-p22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25007", "l": "1pter-p22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990037", "l": "Lewy body core", "d": ["The center portion of a Lewy body. In Parkinson's disease, it contains a matted meshwork of filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033011", "l": "perinuclear theca", "d": ["A condensed cytoplasmic structure that covers the nucleus of mammalian spermatozoa except for a narrow zone around the insertion of the tail. It shows two distinct regions, a subacrosomal layer and, continuing caudally beyond the acrosomic system, the postacrosomal sheath. The perinuclear theca has been considered a cytoskeletal scaffold responsible for maintaining the overall architecture of the mature sperm head; however, recent studies indicate that the bulk of its constituent proteins are not traditional cytoskeletal proteins but rather a variety of cytosolic proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754228", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-vitronectin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380192", "l": "reelin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672802", "l": "NLRP6 inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1301179", "l": "Hemoglobin H body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:397061000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179883", "l": "Matrix of smooth endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005788", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754135", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex B1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170015", "l": "Karyotype | Amniotic fluid | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071010", "l": "prespliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by association of the 5' splice site and the branch point sequence with specific snRNPs. The prespliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the bound snRNPs. Commitment to a given pair of 5' and 3' splice sites occurs at the time of prespliceosome formation. Prespliceosome complexes are not active for splicing, but are instead an early step in the assembly of a spliceosomal complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070112", "l": "organellar chromatophore membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround an organellar chromatophore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520554", "l": "13q33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13137", "l": "13q33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819927", "l": "laminin-11 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033018", "l": "sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140720", "l": "subtelomeric heterochromatin", "d": ["Heterochromatin that is located adjacent to the telomere, and characterized by methylated H3 histone at lysine 9 (H3K9me2/H3K9me3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451442", "l": "ciliary microtubule quartet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325628", "l": "DNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513286", "l": "Microtubule triplet", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33111", "l": "Microtubule Triplet", "d": ["A structure made of three cylindrical tubulin polymers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325796", "l": "AP-1 adaptor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711019", "l": "5p13-p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41011", "l": "5p13-p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450423", "l": "small ribonucleoprotein", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166609", "l": "prospore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691248", "l": "Dnf1-Lem3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548416", "l": "spine apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.866383925293761", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098858", "l": "actin-based cell projection", "d": ["A cell projection supported by an assembly of actin filaments, and which lacks microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043220", "l": "Schmidt-Lanterman incisure", "d": ["Regions within compact myelin in which the cytoplasmic faces of the enveloping myelin sheath are not tightly juxtaposed, and include cytoplasm from the cell responsible for making the myelin. Schmidt-Lanterman incisures occur in the compact myelin internode, while lateral loops are analogous structures found in the paranodal region adjacent to the nodes of Ranvier."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044229", "l": "host cell periplasmic space", "d": ["The region between the inner (cytoplasmic) and outer host membrane (Gram-negative Bacteria) or inner host membrane and host cell wall (Fungi)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325655", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I, peripheral segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032969", "l": "endosomal scaffold complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains MAPKSP1 (MP1, Map2k1ip1) and ROBLD3 (p14, Mapbpip), is anchored to late endosomes, and is involved in selective activation of the ERK1 in ERK/MAPK signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754356", "l": "G-protein alpha(i)1-synembrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821314", "l": "mucin granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622553", "l": "periplasmic side of cell outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820749", "l": "viroplasm viral factory", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234202", "l": "peripheral cytoplasm of front of cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521623", "l": "7p15-p14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13127", "l": "7p15-p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.151319539368089", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002884", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008657", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13210", "l": "Human Chromosome 15", "d": ["The designation for each member of the fifteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 15 spans about 106 million base pairs and represents between 3 and 3.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:71678009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098646", "l": "collagen sheet", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of collagen triple helices associated to form a sheet-like network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323115", "l": "Apical part of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612284", "l": "perivacuolar space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098893", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic endocytic zone", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic endocytic zone membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611821", "l": "intracellular ferritin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230677", "l": "Secretory granule, exocrine, known content", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:72754007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824415", "l": "SufE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611171", "l": "nonhomologous end joining complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13532", "l": "12p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 12"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820534", "l": "Kibra-Ex-Mer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821046", "l": "RNA polymerase II transcription repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005712", "l": "chiasma", "d": ["A connection formed between chromatids, visible during meiosis, thought to be the point of the interchange involved in crossing-over."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621644", "l": "i-AAA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061177", "l": "type Is terminal bouton", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon of a glutamatergic neuron, containing the specialized apparatus necessary for the phasic release neurotransmitters that will induce the contraction of muscle. Type Is terminal boutons are smaller than type Ib terminal boutons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035371", "l": "microtubule plus-end", "d": ["The growing (plus) end of a microtubule. In vitro, microtubules polymerize more quickly at the plus end than at the minus end. In vivo, microtubule growth occurs only at the plus end, and the plus end switches between periods of growth and shortening, a behavior known as dynamic instability."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230860", "l": "Mitochondrial matrix inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:72149009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180292", "l": "Part of peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167349", "l": "primary cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520170", "l": "Xp11.2-p11.4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13470", "l": "Xp11.2-p11.4", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896142", "l": "meiotic spindle midzone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5141355", "l": "Fetal Y chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246383", "l": "IgE receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097047", "l": "DNA replication termination region", "d": ["A chromosomal region that contains fork pausing elements influencing the progression and merging of DNA replication forks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005839", "l": "proteasome core complex", "d": ["A multisubunit barrel shaped endoprotease complex, which is the core of the proteasome complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1883641", "l": "4p15.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C67354", "l": "4p15.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337098", "l": "Protoplasm of osteoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167197", "l": "plasmodesmatal cytoplasmic sleeve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070505", "l": "pollen coat", "d": ["A layer of extracellular matrix deposited onto the surface of the pollen wall upon disintegration of the tapetal layer of the anther wall in the late stages of pollen development. The composition of this material is highly heterogeneous and includes waxes, lipid droplets, small aromatic molecules, and proteins. The pollen coat is proposed to have many functions, such as holding pollen in the anther until dispersal, facilitation of pollen dispersal, protection of pollen from water loss and UV radiation, and facilitation of adhesion of pollen to the stigma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009275", "l": "Gram-positive-bacterium-type cell wall", "d": ["A layer of peptidoglycan found outside of the cytoplasmic membrane. The peptidoglycan is relatively thick (20-80nm) and retains the primary stain of the Gram procedure, thus cells appear blue after Gram stain. The cell walls often contain teichoic acids (acidic anionic polysaccharides) bound to the peptidoglycan. Examples of this component are found in Gram-positive bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230583", "l": "Nucleolar cap", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:81971007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D064448", "l": "Filamins", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520285", "l": "10q24-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24902", "l": "10q24-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546723", "l": "laminated body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990819", "l": "mating projection actin fusion focus", "d": ["A focus at the mating projection tip where the cell wall is degraded during conjugation with cellular fusion. Actin filaments form an aster-like structure from this location."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "56.577051761575696", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005576", "l": "extracellular region", "d": ["The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D034881", "l": "Nuclear Lamina", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1136039", "l": "Nuclear Lamina", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13809", "l": "Nuclear Lamina", "d": ["The nuclear lamina is a proteinaceous filamentous meshwork of lamin proteins interacting with integral proteins of the inner nuclear membrane, including emerin, and is thought to play a role in nuclear stability, chromatin structure, and gene expression. Lamins are highly conserved in evolution and members of the intermediate filament protein family. Mammalian lamins are classified into two major types, A and B, with two subspecies of each: lamins A and C for the A type and B1 and B2 for the B type. Lamins A and C arise from one gene by alternative splicing. Pre-lamin A contains a carboxyl CAAX box that can be modified by farnesylation. During mitosis, the lamina meshwork is reversibly disassembled in parallel with phosphorylation of the lamins."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:77440008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896493", "l": "miRNA-lipoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612910", "l": "aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990578", "l": "perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The membrane of the perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum, which is the portion of endoplasmic reticulum, the intracellular network of tubules and cisternae, that occurs near the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000221", "l": "vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": ["The V1 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the vacuolar membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322799", "l": "Cytoplasm of ependymal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520596", "l": "14q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14067", "l": "14q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754955", "l": "membrane-bound IgG2a", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334842", "l": "Plasma membrane of basophil", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070387", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex, alpha(II) type", "d": ["A procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex that contains alpha subunits of the type II isoform; its activity is inhibited by poly(L-proline) only at high concentrations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "40.043616245465337", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043227", "l": "membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246511", "l": "cyanelle thylakoid lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031613", "l": "nuclear proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex", "d": ["The subunits that form the peripheral lid of the regulatory particle of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818830", "l": "myosin VI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179974", "l": "Region of cytoplasm of neuron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322308", "l": "Vagal nerve parasympathetic fiber to kidney", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1517655", "l": "Karyosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32893", "l": "Karyosome", "d": ["A cluster of highly aggregated chromatin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054680", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1956020", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Small, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180308", "l": "Zone of inner segment of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893619", "l": "SCF-Rcy1/Pof6 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020018", "l": "ciliary pocket membrane", "d": ["That part of the plasma membrane found in the ciliary pocket (also called flagellar pocket)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034998", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase I complex", "d": ["An oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) complex that contains at least seven polypeptides and is the major OST complex in mammalian cells. Of the three forms of mammalian OST complex identified, the OSTI complex has the weakest affinity for ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070702", "l": "inner mucus layer", "d": ["The inner of two mucus layers secreted by epithelial cells in the colon; the inner mucus layer is firmly attached to the epithelium, is densely packed with a compact stratified appearance and is devoid of bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166610", "l": "ascospore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269081", "l": "cyclin E1-CDK2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120205", "l": "photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium", "d": ["The proximal region of the photoreceptor connecting cilium is similar to the transition zone of unspecialized primary cilia and houses several major transition zone complexes, including NPHP, MKS, and RPGR."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166879", "l": "gamma-tubulin small complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893569", "l": "PTEX complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990075", "l": "periciliary membrane compartment", "d": ["A plasma membrane region adjacent to the base of eukaryotic cilia and flagella that is enriched in endocytosis-associated proteins and vesicles and that appears to regulate ciliary membrane homeostasis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137644", "l": "multiple synapse bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.923108426128749", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008305", "l": "integrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of one alpha subunit and one beta subunit, both of which are members of the integrin superfamily of cell adhesion receptors; the complex spans the plasma membrane and binds to extracellular matrix ligands, cell-surface ligands, and soluble ligands."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451127", "l": "nuclear bridge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521060", "l": "Ascus (fungus)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030892", "l": "mitotic cohesin complex", "d": ["A cohesin complex that mediates sister chromatid cohesion during mitosis; has a subunit composition distinct from that of the meiotic cohesin complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005628", "l": "prospore membrane", "d": ["The prospore membrane is a double-membraned structure that extends from the cytoplasmic face of the spindle pole bodies to encompass the spindle pole bodies and the four nuclear lobes that are formed during meiosis. It helps isolate the meiotic nuclei from the cytoplasm during spore formation and serves as a foundation for the formation of the spore walls. An example of this component is found in Schizosaccharomyces pombe."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610679", "l": "Stx3-Snap25-Vamp2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235268", "l": "old cell pole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327141", "l": "endopeptidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156571", "l": "host cell viral assembly compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166812", "l": "6-phosphofructokinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690806", "l": "AMT1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099634", "l": "postsynaptic specialization membrane", "d": ["The membrane component of the postsynaptic specialization. This is the region of the postsynaptic membrane in which the population of neurotransmitter receptors involved in synaptic transmission are concentrated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548465", "l": "photoreceptor disc membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325555", "l": "Nuclear telomeric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230785", "l": "Ribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:31905000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236701", "l": "postsynaptic recycling endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247085", "l": "host intracellular membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166877", "l": "AP-4 adaptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D004910", "l": "Erythrocyte Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0014780", "l": "Erythrocyte Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623115", "l": "extrinsic component of organelle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819188", "l": "plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167350", "l": "cellulose microfibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904511", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule plus-end", "d": ["Any microtubule plus-end that is part of a cytoplasmic microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156588", "l": "perineuronal net (cell component)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821142", "l": "axonemal outer doublet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235138", "l": "chaperone-mediated autophagy translocation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0521180", "l": "Marinesco body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:23048007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002906", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 6-12 and X", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008650", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, 6-12 and X", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990972", "l": "multimerin complex", "d": ["Glycoprotein complex of the C1q/TNF superfamily involved in cell adhesion. A homotrimer that will combine to form supramolecular Multimerin structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515553", "l": "Xp22.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C37316", "l": "Xp22.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097545", "l": "axonemal outer doublet", "d": ["Part of an axoneme consisting in a doublet microtubule. Nine of these outer doublets form the 9+0 axoneme, while the 9+2 axoneme also contains a central pair. Dynein arms attached to the doublets provide the mechanism of movement of the cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902507", "l": "thiazole synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of thiazole synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180027", "l": "Cis face of Golgi stack", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230749", "l": "Membrane of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:39336002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048237", "l": "rough endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521704", "l": "8p22-p11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13840", "l": "8p22-p11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167222", "l": "glycine-gated chloride channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824351", "l": "cobalamin transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071185", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-a3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v4 and protocadherin-gamma-a3, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521298", "l": "3p26.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13758", "l": "3p26.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887878", "l": "Microspikes, Cell Surface", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690288", "l": "HCN3 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451134", "l": "TEAD-4-YAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520486", "l": "12q11-q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13982", "l": "12q11-q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546722", "l": "presynaptic grid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2259897", "l": "fungal-type vacuole lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090695", "l": "Wpl/Pds5 cohesin loading/unloading complex", "d": ["A eukaryotically conserved heterodimeric protein complex (comprising Wings apart-like protein and the Pds5 Armadillo repeat cohesin associated protein) involved in the loading and unloading of a cohesin complex onto DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030660", "l": "Golgi-associated vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a vesicle associated with the Golgi apparatus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179085", "l": "adaptin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326633", "l": "Plasma membrane of epithelial cell of stratum spinosum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033017", "l": "sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the sarcoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672801", "l": "serine-tRNA ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520752", "l": "17p13.1-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38485", "l": "17p13.1-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893615", "l": "SCF-Dia2/Pof3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.534762107606241", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044309", "l": "neuron spine", "d": ["A small membranous protrusion, often ending in a bulbous head and attached to the neuron by a narrow stalk or neck."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691274", "l": "pathogen-occupied vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752552", "l": "dentate gyrus mossy fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623142", "l": "Sgs1-Top3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179985", "l": "Myelinated segment of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754389", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-b4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031205", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum Sec complex", "d": ["An endoplasmic reticulum membrane-associated complex involved in the translocation of proteins that are targeted to the ER. In yeast, this complex consists of two subcomplexes, namely, the Sec61 complex and the Sec62/Sec63 complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034774", "l": "secretory granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a secretory granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019033", "l": "viral tegument", "d": ["A structure lying between the capsid and envelope of a virus, varying in thickness and often distributed asymmetrically."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754152", "l": "AT-AC precatalytic spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515500", "l": "9p21-p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26297", "l": "9p21-p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333007", "l": "Protoplasm of mesenchymal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062157", "l": "mitochondrial ATP-gated potassium channel complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that is capable of the ATP-dependent diffusion of a potassium ion across the mitochondrial inner membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346540", "l": "16q21-q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C73646", "l": "16q21-q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269080", "l": "cyclin D3-CDK6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036029", "l": "protein C inhibitor-KLK3 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and prostate-specific antigen (KLK3); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of prostate-specific antigen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450340", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex, eMTOC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248596", "l": "iridosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990251", "l": "nuclear exosome focus", "d": ["An nuclear body involved in nuclear mRNA surveilllance. Contains at least Mmi1, or an ortholog of it, and the nuclear exosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824487", "l": "PDGF-CC-receptor alpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001652", "l": "granular component", "d": ["A structure found in the nucleolus, which contains nearly completed preribosomal particles destined for the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005681", "l": "spliceosomal complex", "d": ["Any of a series of ribonucleoprotein complexes that contain snRNA(s) and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), and are formed sequentially during the spliceosomal splicing of one or more substrate RNAs, and which also contain the RNA substrate(s) from the initial target RNAs of splicing, the splicing intermediate RNA(s), to the final RNA products. During cis-splicing, the initial target RNA is a single, contiguous RNA transcript, whether mRNA, snoRNA, etc., and the released products are a spliced RNA and an excised intron, generally as a lariat structure. During trans-splicing, there are two initial substrate RNAs, the spliced leader RNA and a pre-mRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612798", "l": "inhibin-betaglycan-ActRII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098860", "l": "actin filament bundle of stereocilium", "d": ["A bundle of hundreds of cross-linked actin filaments (an actin cable), that is the supporting structure of a stereocilium. Filaments are oriented such that the the plus (barbed) ends are at the tip of the protrusion and are capped by a tip complex which bridges to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0699040", "l": "Cell surface", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33974", "l": "Cell Surface", "d": ["The part of the cell membrane that faces the exterior of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325695", "l": "methionine adenosyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611293", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD63 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824231", "l": "DNA bending complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166801", "l": "outer plaque of spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044188", "l": "host cell lysosomal membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the host cell lysosome and separating its contents from the host cell cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611201", "l": "integrin alphaIIb-beta3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166730", "l": "AP-2 adaptor complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180012", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546527", "l": "FAR/SIN/STRIPAK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035550", "l": "urease complex", "d": ["A multiprotein nickel-containing complex that possesses urease activity (catalysis of the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034678", "l": "integrin alpha8-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha8 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005923", "l": "bicellular tight junction", "d": ["An occluding cell-cell junction that is composed of a branching network of sealing strands that completely encircles the apical end of each cell in an epithelial sheet; the outer leaflets of the two interacting plasma membranes are seen to be tightly apposed where sealing strands are present. Each sealing strand is composed of a long row of transmembrane adhesion proteins embedded in each of the two interacting plasma membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896148", "l": "DNA repair complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682680", "l": "group Ia axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521109", "l": "22q12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14022", "l": "22q12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340312", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type I enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520591", "l": "14q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13904", "l": "14q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009515", "l": "granal stacked thylakoid", "d": ["Appressed thylakoid membranes that are part of a granum (stacked regions). A characteristic of these appressed regions is the preferential localization of photosystem II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753400", "l": "Ubisch body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035454", "l": "extrinsic component of stromal side of plastid inner membrane", "d": ["The component of a plastid inner membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to its stromal surface, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682678", "l": "neuron structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166702", "l": "polytene chromosome interband", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902503", "l": "adenylyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of adenylyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180094", "l": "Wall of smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754981", "l": "membrane-bound IgA1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018717", "l": "Purple Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0034149", "l": "Purple Membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160115", "l": "axonemal microtubule doublet ribbon", "d": ["The 3 protofilaments A11, A12, and A13 of the A tubule along with associated inner sheath microtuble inner proteins (MIPs), either in the lumen of the A tubule or of the B tubule, which stabilize these three filiments within the axonemal doublet microtubule. The ribbon protofilaments separate the lumens of the A and B tubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326878", "l": "amyloid-beta protein 40/42 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046858", "l": "chlorosome", "d": ["A large enclosure of aggregated pigment, typically bacteriochlorophyll c (BChl c), that acts as a light-harvesting antenna structure and is characteristic of green photosynthetic bacteria (e.g. Chlorobiaceae). The BChl aggregates are organized into lamellar elements by pigment-pigment rather than pigment-protein interactions. Chlorosomes also contain BChl a, carotenoids, quinones, lipids, and proteins, and are attached to the cytoplasmic membrane via a BChl a-containing protein baseplate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329000", "l": "site of DNA damage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749486", "l": "bacterial inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905760", "l": "post-anaphase array microtubule end", "d": ["Any microtubule end that is part of a post-anaphase array microtubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521651", "l": "7q31.1-q31.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28488", "l": "7q31.1-q31.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179118", "l": "Lipid bilayer of annulate lamella cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896463", "l": "Nkx-2.5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905961", "l": "protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611188", "l": "Shc-EGFR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990101", "l": "DnaA-oriC complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex containing the initiator protein DnaA bound to high-affinity recognition sites in the unique origin of replication, oriC. DnaA-oriC binding is the first step in assembly of a bacterial pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) and is responsible for the timely initiation of replication once per cell cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085035", "l": "haustorium", "d": ["A projection from a cell or tissue that penetrates the host's cell wall and invaginates the host cell membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.672771840408203", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005775", "l": "vacuolar lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the vacuolar membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038143", "l": "ERBB3:ERBB2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex between the tyrosine kinase receptor ERBB2 and a ligand-activated receptor ERBB3. ERBB2, which does not bind any known ligand, is activated through formation of a heterodimer with another ligand-activated ERBB family member such as ERBB3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166616", "l": "neck ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166778", "l": "keratin filament location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325746", "l": "MHC class I protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071541", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex, eIF3m", "d": ["An eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex that contains the PCI-domain protein eIF3m."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824417", "l": "iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520480", "l": "12p13.2-p12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26473", "l": "12p13.2-p12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071014", "l": "post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed following the release of the spliced product from the post-spliceosomal complex and contains the excised intron and three snRNPs, either U2 or U12, U5, and either U6 or U6atac."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546549", "l": "starch utilization system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818835", "l": "myosin XI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005945", "l": "6-phosphofructokinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses 6-phosphofructokinase activity; homodimeric, homooctameric, and allosteric homotetrameric forms are known."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612287", "l": "prolyl 4-hydroxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521202", "l": "2q12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25033", "l": "2q12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990063", "l": "Bam protein complex", "d": ["Protein complex which is involved in assembly and insertion of beta-barrel proteins into the outer membrane. In E. coli it is composed of BamABCDE, of the outer membrane protein BamA, and four lipoproteins BamB, BamC, BamD and BamE. BamA interacts directly with BamB and the BamCDE subcomplex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5166446", "l": "Heinz bodies | Blood | Hematology and Cell counts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0080085", "l": "signal recognition particle, chloroplast targeting", "d": ["A complex consisting of a protein and RNA component which binds the signal sequence of some proteins and facilitates their export to the chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097441", "l": "basal dendrite", "d": ["A dendrite that emerges near the basal pole of a neuron. In bipolar neurons, basal dendrites are either on the same side of the soma as the axon, or project toward the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016914", "l": "follicle-stimulating hormone complex", "d": ["A gonadotrophic glycoprotein hormone secreted, in mammals, by the anterior pituitary gland; consists of alpha and beta subunits, the latter of which confers hormonal specificity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523399", "l": "Smc5-Smc6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5185139", "l": "Viral inclusion bodies | XXX | Cytology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071957", "l": "old mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["The spindle pole body that exists in a cell prior to spindle pole body duplication. An old spindle pole body segregates to the daughter cell upon mitosis, and lacks active proteins involved in signaling exit from mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235146", "l": "Derlin-1-VIMP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090397", "l": "stigma papilla", "d": ["A plant cell papilla that is part of a stigma papilla cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167410", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class IA", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137205", "l": "cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (Cdk9)-cyclin T2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752454", "l": "host cell cytoplasmic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754254", "l": "fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097226", "l": "sperm mitochondrial sheath", "d": ["The tightly packed helical sheath of ATP-producing mitochondria restricted to the midpiece of the sperm flagellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672475", "l": "PCAF histone acetylase-associated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754299", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB8-MMP14-TGFB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230812", "l": "Membrane of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33081", "l": "Membrane of the Lysosome", "d": ["A lipid bilayer that encloses a lysosome."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:2502001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179984", "l": "Mitochondrial matrix proper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325636", "l": "TAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071740", "l": "IgD B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An IgD immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgD isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090741", "l": "pigment granule membrane", "d": ["Any membrane that is part of a pigment granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060293", "l": "germ plasm", "d": ["Differentiated cytoplasm associated with a pole of an oocyte, egg or early embryo that will be inherited by the cells that will give rise to the germ line."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338972", "l": "Protoplasm of epithelioid cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546506", "l": "TRAPPIII protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325792", "l": "fibrinogen gamma chain location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008623", "l": "CHRAC", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (SNF2H in mammals, Isw2 in S. cerevisiae), an ACF1 homolog, and additional small histone fold subunits (generally two of these, but Xenopus has only one and some additional non-conserved subunits). CHRAC plays roles in the regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription and in DNA replication and repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520985", "l": "1p36.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25006", "l": "1p36.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990302", "l": "Bre1-Rad6 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of Bre1 and Rad6 that mediates monoubiquitination of histone H2B to form H2BK123ub1. H2BK123ub1 gives a specific tag for epigenetic transcriptional activation, elongation by RNA polymerase II, telomeric silencing, and is also a prerequisite for H3K4me and H3K79me formation. It thereby plays a central role in histone code and gene regulation. It also modulates the formation of double-strand breaks during meiosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893681", "l": "skeletal muscle myofibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622064", "l": "N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325541", "l": "suberin network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515449", "l": "8q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13787", "l": "8q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610641", "l": "interleukin-12-interleukin-12 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451129", "l": "spore membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.683039265630129", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005930", "l": "axoneme", "d": ["The bundle of microtubules and associated proteins that forms the core of cilia (also called flagella) in eukaryotic cells and is responsible for their movements."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3665580", "l": "Immunoglobulin complex location, circulating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824353", "l": "BtuCD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032133", "l": "chromosome passenger complex", "d": ["A eukaryotically conserved protein complex that localizes to kinetochores in early mitosis, the spindle mid-zone in anaphase B and to the telophase midbody. It has been proposed that the passenger complex coordinates various events based on its location to different structures during the course of mitosis. Complex members include the BIR-domain-containing protein Survivin, Aurora kinase, INCENP and Borealin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159207", "l": "dendritic spine head", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156618", "l": "Endothelial Cell-Derived Microparticle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C120028", "l": "Endothelial Cell-Derived Microparticle", "d": ["A small, membrane bound vesicle circulating in the blood that was shed by an endothelial cell. Increased concentrations of endothelial microparticles in plasma may be a marker for cardiovascular disease."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090733", "l": "tenascin complex", "d": ["A extracellular matrix complex involved in cell adhesion and cell migration. Typically homotrimeric or homohexameric. In mammals, four complexes exist: Tenascin-C, Tenascin-N (also known as Tenascin-W), Tenascin-X and Tenascin-R."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323061", "l": "Filamentous nuclear body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098892", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic specialization membrane", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic specialization membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032936", "l": "SREBP-SCAP complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) and SREBP-cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) in the ER membrane; in the absence of sterols, the SREBP-SCAP complex is packaged into COPII vesicles and travels to the Golgi apparatus to be processed."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043672", "l": "nexine", "d": ["The inner, non-sculptured part of the exine which lies below the sexine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515468", "l": "8q24.11-q24.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13692", "l": "8q24.11-q24.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140593", "l": "host apoplast", "d": ["The apoplast region surrounding a host plant cell. Plants may be described as having two major compartments: the living symplast and the non-living apoplast. The apoplast is external to the plasma membrane and includes cell walls, intercellular spaces and the lumen of dead structures such as xylem vessels. Water and solutes pass freely through it. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150005", "l": "enzyme activator complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of activating an enzyme. Activating subunits may dissociate from the catalytic unit before the enzyme is active."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327698", "l": "gerontoplast stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902793", "l": "glutamate decarboxylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of glutamate decarboxylase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031942", "l": "i-AAA complex", "d": ["Protease complex of the mitochondrial inner membrane whose catalytic residues lie on the intermembrane space side of the inner membrane; involved in mitochondrial protein turnover. Contains a subunit belonging to the AAA family of ATP-dependent metalloproteases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166846", "l": "Signal recognition particle (sensu Eukaryota) location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230711", "l": "12 nm filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:37491003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546539", "l": "CoB-CoM heterodisulfide reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690287", "l": "HCN2 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179515", "l": "Plasma membrane of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010445", "l": "nuclear dicing body", "d": ["A small round nuclear body, measuring 0.2-0.8 microns in diameter that is diffusely distributed throughout the nucleoplasm. Several proteins known to be involved in miRNA processing have been localized to these structures. D-bodies are thought to be involved in primary-miRNA processing and/or storage/assembly of miRNA processing complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819005", "l": "cohesin loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045179", "l": "apical cortex", "d": ["The region that lies just beneath the plasma membrane on the apical edge of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325725", "l": "Virus-like particle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14324", "l": "Virus-like Particle", "d": ["Non-infectious particle(s) derived from viral structural proteins. These particles are used as vaccines to stimulate a host immune response against the virus that the particles were derived from."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612791", "l": "integrin alpha4-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166978", "l": "chloroplast photosystem II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515503", "l": "9p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25128", "l": "9p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167078", "l": "RNA polymerase I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090658", "l": "cone matrix sheath", "d": ["A biochemically and structurally distinct domain of the retinal interphotoreceptor matrix that is specifically associated with cone photoreceptor cell inner and outer segments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009357", "l": "protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sugar phosphotransferase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate from protein N(PI)-phosphohistidine to a sugar molecule. It is enzyme II of the phosphotransferase system."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521472", "l": "5q12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25078", "l": "5q12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097544", "l": "ciliary shaft", "d": ["The mid part of a cilium between the ciliary base and ciliary tip that extends into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623134", "l": "nuclear RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612371", "l": "preribosome, small subunit precursor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140363", "l": "TIS granule", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein granule located in the cytoplasm that is formed by the RNA-binding protein TIS11B and RNA molecules, enriched in membrane protein-encoding mRNAs with multiple AU-rich elements. TIS granules are reticular meshworks intertwined with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268456", "l": "Viral Components", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:115424005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546545", "l": "MLL3/4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548384", "l": "viral capsid, minor subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167233", "l": "interleukin-3 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061831", "l": "apical ectoplasmic specialization", "d": ["Testis-specific junction between mature spermatids and Sertoli cells at the luminal end of the Sertoli cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331717", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of hemal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031518", "l": "CBF3 complex", "d": ["A multisubunit protein complex that binds to centromeric DNA and initiates kinetochore assembly. In yeast, this complex consists of four subunits, namely Ctf13p, Skp1p, Cep3p and Cbf2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157031", "l": "unicellular trichome branch", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045240", "l": "dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.088320895280148", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033655", "l": "host cell cytoplasm part", "d": ["Any constituent part of the host cell cytoplasm, all of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754116", "l": "U2-type catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754354", "l": "G-protein alpha(q)-synembrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271857", "l": "NRG1/2:ERBB3:ERBB2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071958", "l": "new mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["The spindle pole body that is formed by spindle pole body duplication, and to which proteins involved in mitotic exit signaling (for example, the septation initiation network in fission yeast) localize."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613169", "l": "alphav-beta5 integrin-vitronectin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097415", "l": "cortical Lewy body", "d": ["Cytoplasmic inclusion similar to a classical Lewy body but lacking a halo of protein fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158978", "l": "host cell postsynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521384", "l": "4q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13842", "l": "4q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3542023", "l": "tubulobulbar complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817483", "l": "katanin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231697", "l": "AIP1-ERN1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520378", "l": "11q12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26577", "l": "11q12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034665", "l": "integrin alpha1-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha1 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097487", "l": "multivesicular body, internal vesicle", "d": ["A membrane-bounded vesicle wholly contained within a multivesicular body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755005", "l": "IgZ immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0599132", "l": "Photosystem II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13737", "l": "20S Proteasome", "d": ["The 20S proteasome, as proteolytic core of the proteasome system, is essential in ATP dependent ubiquitin protein complex degradation and in antigen processing in antigen presenting cell. It has 13-15 subunits each of which has three or four different peptidase activities. 26S proteasomes may be formed in an ATP dependent fashion from a 20S proteasome and additional components, CF1 (660 kD), CF2 (250 kD) and CF3 (600 kD). The 20S proteasome interacts with additional subunits, PA700 and PA28, to form an ATP-dependent multicatalytic proteinase complex (MPC) involved in the ATP ubiquitin degradation pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520509", "l": "12q23-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24936", "l": "12q23-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097686", "l": "dinoflagellate apical horn", "d": ["A horn-shaped dinoflagellate apex found in thecate species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521657", "l": "7q33-q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25114", "l": "7q33-q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030691", "l": "Noc2p-Noc3p complex", "d": ["A heterodimer associated with 66S preribosomes; predominantly nucleoplasmic, but also locates to the nucleolus; involved in ribosomal large subunit biogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157085", "l": "DNA replication termination region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893612", "l": "SCF-Cdc4 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520678", "l": "16p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13930", "l": "16p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179895", "l": "Presynaptic component of chemical synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071141", "l": "SMAD protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of only SMAD proteins; may be homomeric or heteromeric. Heteromeric complexes act as transcription factors while homomeric complexes exist but are transcriptionally inactive. Hetero- versus homotrimerization is largely enthalpy driven."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061846", "l": "dendritic spine cytoplasm", "d": ["The region of the neuronal cytoplasm located in dendritic spines."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896505", "l": "USH2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754138", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex B*", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325275", "l": "adhesive extracellular matrix constituent", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099092", "l": "postsynaptic density, intracellular component", "d": ["A network of proteins adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane forming an electron dense disc. Its major components include neurotransmitter receptors and the proteins that spatially and functionally organize neurotransmitter receptors in the adjacent membrane, such as anchoring and scaffolding molecules, signaling enzymes and cytoskeletal components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099013", "l": "neuronal dense core vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by a neuronal dense core vesicle membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070691", "l": "P-TEFb complex", "d": ["A dimeric positive transcription elongation factor complex b that comprises a cyclin-dependent kinase containing the catalytic subunit, Cdk9, and a regulatory subunit, cyclin T."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230859", "l": "Mitochondrial inclusion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:6750002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016606", "l": "LYSP100-associated nuclear domain", "d": ["A nuclear body that is enriched in the lymphoid cell-specific protein LYSp100B; LANDs are globular, electron-dense structures and are morphologically distinct from the annular structures characteristic of PML bodies."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334443", "l": "Protoplasm of hemal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000439", "l": "transcription factor TFIIH core complex", "d": ["The 7 subunit core of TFIIH that is a part of either the general transcription factor holo-TFIIH or the nucleotide-excision repair factor 3 complex. In S. cerevisiae/humans the complex is composed of: Ssl2/XPB, Tfb1/p62, Tfb2/p52, Ssl1/p44, Tfb4/p34, Tfb5/p8 and Rad3/XPD."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990713", "l": "survivin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that negatively regulates apoptotic processes. In human, this anti-apoptotic complex is a homodimer of BIRC5 (survivin) and provides one survivin molecule to the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451019", "l": "subtelomeric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045239", "l": "tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex", "d": ["Any of the heteromeric enzymes that act in the TCA cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045025", "l": "mitochondrial degradosome", "d": ["A mitochondrial protein complex with 3' to 5' exoribonuclease activity that participates in intron-independent turnover and processing of mitochondrial transcripts. In humans, the mitochondrial degradosome is a pentameric complex, and in yeast it exists as a heterodimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512067", "l": "Drug Binding Site", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13405", "l": "Drug Binding Site", "d": ["The reactive parts of a macromolecule that directly participate in its specific combination with a drug."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236696", "l": "postsynaptic early endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752450", "l": "host cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520865", "l": "19q13.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26608", "l": "19q13.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0934892", "l": "Acellular anatomical structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523834", "l": "cell septum edging", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324979", "l": "Cytoplasm of endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246405", "l": "sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071256", "l": "translocon complex", "d": ["A protein complex that constitutes a specific site of protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum, which involves the signal recognition particle receptor. The complex contains a core heterotrimer of alpha, beta and gamma subunits, and may contain additional proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754388", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-b2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611173", "l": "DNA ligase III-XRCC1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515463", "l": "8q22.3-q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25122", "l": "8q22.3-q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269017", "l": "interferon regulatory factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334214", "l": "Cytoplasm of chromaffin cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690719", "l": "nuclear membrane microtubule tethering complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3642146", "l": "6q11-q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C105369", "l": "6q11-q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752462", "l": "host cell rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180043", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325802", "l": "insulin-like growth factor binding protein location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179956", "l": "Nuclear lamin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33180", "l": "Nuclear Lamin", "d": ["An intermediate filament located in the nucleus of a cell, which plays a role in the maintenance of nuclear structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521578", "l": "6q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25102", "l": "6q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753944", "l": "investment cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236643", "l": "exocytic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010317", "l": "pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": ["Refers to the alpha subunit of the heterodimeric complex that possesses pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821134", "l": "Y-shaped link", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824229", "l": "DnaA-DiaA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328940", "l": "parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896346", "l": "I(KACh) inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179052", "l": "Neck of cone cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150006", "l": "urease activator complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the activation of urease. Activator subunits dissociate before urease has catalytic function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520544", "l": "13q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13816", "l": "13q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098844", "l": "postsynaptic endocytic zone membrane", "d": ["The region of the postsynaptic membrane that is part of the postsynaptic endocytic zone. This region of membrane is associated with stable clathrin puncta."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167464", "l": "holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521660", "l": "7q34-q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25115", "l": "7q34-q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522782", "l": "chloroplast ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000326", "l": "protein storage vacuole", "d": ["A storage vacuole that contains a lytic vacuole; identified in plants."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042582", "l": "azurophil granule", "d": ["Primary lysosomal granule found in neutrophil granulocytes. Contains a wide range of hydrolytic enzymes and is released into the extracellular fluid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821153", "l": "left posteriolateral flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039719", "l": "tube viral factory", "d": ["A cytoplasmic viral factory derived from the Golgi in which Bunyaviridae replication takes place. Tubes are membranous structures close to the assembly and budding sites, and their function may be to connect viral replication and morphogenesis inside viral factories."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246365", "l": "myosin thick filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990710", "l": "MutS complex", "d": ["A homodimeric mismatch repair complex involved in binding to and correcting insertion/deletion mutations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070520", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD81 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha4-beta1 integrin complex bound to membrane protein CD81, a member of the tetraspan family."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055037", "l": "recycling endosome", "d": ["An organelle consisting of a network of tubules that functions in targeting molecules, such as receptors transporters and lipids, to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824535", "l": "collagen type XXVII trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336600", "l": "Mitochondrial protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1368372", "l": "vesicle/vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159072", "l": "ciliary transition zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248891", "l": "GEM domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824304", "l": "DnaB-DnaG primosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817579", "l": "PFK complex, alpha-subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548414", "l": "dendritic tree", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520696", "l": "16q2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26528", "l": "16q2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610685", "l": "Stx1a-Snap25-Vamp8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523505", "l": "glutamate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "69.34709754747162", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002883", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008656", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13209", "l": "Human Chromosome 14", "d": ["The designation for each member of the fourteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 14 spans about 105 million base pairs and represents between 3 and 3.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66933007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268716", "l": "clathrin-sculpted acetylcholine transport vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034424", "l": "Vps55/Vps68 complex", "d": ["A membrane-associated protein complex that is required for a late stage of endosomal transport. In budding yeast, this complex consists of Vps55p and Vps68p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140451", "l": "counting factor complex", "d": ["A secreted multiprotein complex composed of 4 proteins, regulating group size during aggregation in cooperative development. An example of this complex is found in Dictyostelium discoideum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548998", "l": "nuclear pore cytoplasmic filaments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097518", "l": "parallel actin filament bundle", "d": ["An actin filament bundle in which the filaments are tightly packed (approximately 10-20 nm apart) and oriented with the same polarity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379980", "l": "Msh4-Msh5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521191", "l": "2p24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13593", "l": "2p24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.760981911179996", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098862", "l": "cluster of actin-based cell projections", "d": ["A cell part consisting of multiple, closely packed actin-based cell projections."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893627", "l": "SCF-Hrt3/Pof7 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097575", "l": "lateral cell cortex", "d": ["The region directly beneath the plasma membrane of the lateral portion of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521696", "l": "8p11.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13830", "l": "8p11.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521396", "l": "4q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25065", "l": "4q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230613", "l": "Zonula Adherens", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13736", "l": "Zonula Adherens", "d": ["The best understood cell-cell junction required for adhesion between cells in the epithelium. It seals adjacent epithelial cells together, preventing the passage of most dissolved molecules from one side of the epithelial sheet to the other. Adherens junctions are located most apically in insect cells and just basal to the tight junction in vertebrate cells. It is formed by the fusion of adjacent cell membranes which encircle the apical cell surface like a belt or fence based on homophilic association between molecules of the transmembrane protein E-cadherin, which is linked on its cytoplasmic side to the actin cytoskeleton via b-catenin (Drosophila Armadillo) and a-catenin. The adherens junctions and associated cytoskeleton form a continuous band (zonula adherens) around the apical circumference of each cell, thus uniting the cells of the epithelium into a coherent sheet."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:35273006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043564", "l": "Ku70:Ku80 complex", "d": ["Heterodimeric protein complex composed of a 70 kDa and a 80 kDa subunit, binds DNA through a channel formed by the heterodimer. Functions in DNA double stranded break repair, chromosome maintenance, transcription regulation, V(D)J recombination, and activation of DNA-PK."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035448", "l": "extrinsic component of thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The component of a thylakoid membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098831", "l": "presynaptic active zone cytoplasmic component", "d": ["A specialized region below the presynaptic membrane, characterized by electron-dense material, a specialized cytoskeletal matrix and accumulated (associated) synaptic vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612370", "l": "preribosome, large subunit precursor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039713", "l": "viral factory", "d": ["An intracellular compartment in a host cell which increases the efficiency of viral replication, and shields the virus from host defenses. Viral factories can be either cytoplasmic or nuclear and often arise from extensive rearrangement of host cell cytoskeletal and/or cell membrane compartments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005934", "l": "cellular bud tip", "d": ["The end of a cellular bud distal to the site of attachment to the mother cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166947", "l": "phragmosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.385242451594038", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031966", "l": "mitochondrial membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround the mitochondrion and form the mitochondrial envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990012", "l": "complex laminated body", "d": ["A cytoplasmic inclusion body found in some lateral geniculate neurons and composed of sheets of tubules (25 nm in diameter) separated by dense material (about 75 nm wide), which together with the tubules whorl give a structure resembling a fingerprint."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002887", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 18", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008660", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 18", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13213", "l": "Human Chromosome 18", "d": ["The designation for each member of the eighteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 18 spans about 76 million base pairs and represents about 2.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:11698001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990684", "l": "protein-lipid-RNA complex", "d": ["A macromolecular complex containing separate protein, lipid and RNA molecules. Separate in this context means not covalently bound to each other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034518", "l": "RNA cap binding complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds to an RNA cap structure to mediate RNA processing and/or translation initiation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166638", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682650", "l": "Interoceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323148", "l": "Cytoplasmic marginal fold", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019774", "l": "proteasome core complex, beta-subunit complex", "d": ["The proteasome core subcomplex that constitutes the two inner rings of the proteasome core complex. An example of this component is found in Mus musculus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548791", "l": "central plaque of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179143", "l": "Sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2253855", "l": "perinuclear region of cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325580", "l": "Condensed nuclear chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450525", "l": "AP-1 related adapter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325665", "l": "magnesium chelatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754133", "l": "precatalytic spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090619", "l": "meiotic spindle pole", "d": ["Either of the ends of a meiotic spindle, a spindle that forms as part of meiosis, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333719", "l": "Plasma membrane of peripheral blood stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072517", "l": "host cell viral assembly compartment", "d": ["A membrane-bounded compartment that forms in the cytoplasm of the host cell, in which virus assembly takes place."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0170014", "l": "ankyrin-1 complex", "d": ["A complex composed of ANK1, RHCE, RHAG, SLC4A1, EPB42, GYPA, GYPB and AQP1, that functions in the stability and shape of the erythrocyte membrane in human."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236512", "l": "ficolin-1-rich granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167518", "l": "viral nucleocapsid location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005876", "l": "spindle microtubule", "d": ["Any microtubule that is part of a mitotic or meiotic spindle; anchored at one spindle pole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902673", "l": "left posteriolateral basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a left posteriolateral flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106232", "l": "hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex", "d": ["A hydrolase complex that converts 5-hydroxyisourate (HIU) to 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline. This is the second step of the three-step enzymatic reaction that degrades uric acid to (S)-allantoin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0242435", "l": "Bacterial Pilus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098690", "l": "glycinergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses glycine as a neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230823", "l": "Autolysosome containing recognizable cytoplasmic organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51214005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137452", "l": "clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520289", "l": "10q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14120", "l": "10q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159070", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-IGF-1-IGF1R complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097127", "l": "cyclin B3-CDK2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin B3 and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990295", "l": "post-anaphase microtubule array", "d": ["A cytoskeletal part that consists of an array of microtubules and associated molecules that forms at the end of anaphase, and in which microtubules are nucleated from an equatorial microtubule organizing center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824452", "l": "transcription-coupled nucleotide-excision repair, DNA damage recognition complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905347", "l": "endodeoxyribonuclease complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of endodeoxyribonuclease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230680", "l": "Mucus granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90905009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325586", "l": "condensin complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061672", "l": "glutathione hydrolase complex", "d": ["Enzyme complex that in S. cerevisiae has components Dug2/Dug3 and is able to catalyze the cleavage of glutathione into glutamate and Cys-Gly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097687", "l": "dinoflagellate antapical horn", "d": ["A horn-shaped dinoflagellate antapex found in thecate species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2953711", "l": "Cytoskeleton of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324622", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179943", "l": "Part of smooth endoplasmic reticulum cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167442", "l": "DNA topoisomerase type II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034385", "l": "triglyceride-rich plasma lipoprotein particle", "d": ["A plasma lipoprotein particle that has a hydrophobic core enriched in triglycerides surrounded by an amphipathic monolayer of phospholipids, cholesterol and apolipoproteins. Triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles transport lipids, which are non-covalently associated with the particles, in the blood."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262863", "l": "medial layer struts", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031977", "l": "thylakoid lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by a thylakoid membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821361", "l": "network-forming collagen trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690728", "l": "Bug1-Grh1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818832", "l": "myosin VIII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.024411547311772", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13380", "l": "5q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 5"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546513", "l": "type V protein secretion system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230740", "l": "Triplet, centriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60928000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.601382156057369", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002882", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008655", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13208", "l": "Human Chromosome 13", "d": ["The designation for each member of the thirteenth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 13 spans about 113 million base pairs and represents between 3.5 and 4% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:55401003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521324", "l": "3q26.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13958", "l": "3q26.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622263", "l": "debranching enzyme complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1625133", "l": "interleukin-12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990341", "l": "thrombospondin complex", "d": ["A homotrimeric or homopentameric glycoprotein that functions at the interface of the cell membrane and the extracellular matrix through its interactions with proteins and proteoglycans, such as collagens, integrins and fibronectin, to regulate matrix structure and cellular behaviour."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120208", "l": "telodendria", "d": ["Telodendria are projections that originate from the axon pedicle and form gap junctions with other neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070435", "l": "Shc-EGFR complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the adaptor protein Shc, and is involved in linking EGFR activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002081", "l": "outer acrosomal membrane", "d": ["The acrosomal membrane region that underlies the plasma membrane of the sperm. This membrane fuses with the sperm plasma membrane as part of the acrosome reaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.756683046408256", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005740", "l": "mitochondrial envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the mitochondrion and separating its contents from the cell cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090404", "l": "pollen tube tip", "d": ["The region at growing end of the pollen tube cell, where polarized growth occurs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990468", "l": "NuA3b histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A NuA3 complex that catalyzes the acetylation of Histone H3. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of Eaf6p, Nto1p, Sas3p, Taf14p, Pdp3 and associates with H3K4me3 via Pdp3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070719", "l": "alphaPDGFR-PLC-gamma-1-PI3K-SHP-2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (alphaPDGFR; PDGFRA), phospholipase C-gamma-1 (PLC-gamma-1), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and the adaptor protein SHP-2, and is involved signaling via the PDGFR signaling pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070369", "l": "beta-catenin-TCF7L2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains beta-catenin and TCF7L2 (TCF4), binds to the TCF DNA motif within a promoter element, and is involved in the regulation of WNT target gene transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120203", "l": "rod photoreceptor disc lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a rod photoreceptor cell disc membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230820", "l": "Residual body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:66068005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896361", "l": "perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098745", "l": "RNA decapping complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a Dcp1 regulatory subunit and a Dcp2 catalytic subunit that has mRNA cap binding activity and is involved in decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0260040", "l": "Myelinated neurofibrils", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752485", "l": "active ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328773", "l": "postsynaptic density, intracellular component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323113", "l": "Intranuclear annulate lamella", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000937", "l": "dolipore septum", "d": ["A septum, or cross-wall, between two portions of a cell or hypha; contains a central pore around which the septum is swollen to form a barrel-shaped structure; pore is covered on each side of the septum by a septal pore cap (parenthosome)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820932", "l": "acyl-CoA ceramide synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245268", "l": "cellular bud neck polarisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1186713", "l": "Wall of late endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820217", "l": "presynaptic active zone membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753312", "l": "TAF4B-containing transcription factor TFIID complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005942", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and containing subunits of any phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) enzyme. These complexes are divided in three classes (called I, II and III) that differ for their presence across taxonomic groups and for the type of their constituents. Catalytic subunits of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase enzymes are present in all 3 classes; regulatory subunits of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase enzymes are present in classes I and III; adaptor proteins have been observed in class II complexes and may be present in other classes too."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002079", "l": "inner acrosomal membrane", "d": ["The acrosomal membrane region that underlies the acrosomal vesicle and is located toward the sperm nucleus. This region is responsible for molecular interactions allowing the sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida and fuses with the egg plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4511182", "l": "Population of all isolated tail of spermatozoa in portion of fluid", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:725386004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036396", "l": "RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A RNA methyltransferase complex that catalyzes the post-transcriptional methylation of adenosine to form N6-methyladenosine (m6A). In budding yeast, the MIS complex consists of Mum2p, Ime4p and Slz1p. In vertebrates, the complex consists of METTL3, METTL14 and associated components WTAP, ZC3H13, VIRMA, CBLL1/HAKAI and in some cases of RBM15 (RBM15 or RBM15B)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033774", "l": "basal labyrinth", "d": ["A region in the lower half of some cells formed from extensive infoldings of the basal plasma membrane; includes cytoplasm adjacent to the infolded membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090577", "l": "RNA polymerase IV transcription regulator complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase IV."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520945", "l": "1p22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13801", "l": "1p22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032040", "l": "small-subunit processome", "d": ["A large ribonucleoprotein complex that is an early preribosomal complex. In S. cerevisiae, it has a size of 80S and consists of the 35S pre-rRNA, early-associating ribosomal proteins most of which are part of the small ribosomal subunit, the U3 snoRNA and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610864", "l": "ASTRA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823672", "l": "pyruvate kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183337", "l": "Minus end of actin filament", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33130", "l": "Minus End of the Actin Filament", "d": ["The end of an actin filament that is polymerizing at a slower rate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749877", "l": "prokaryotic small ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333780", "l": "Sarcoplasmic bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:2019006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753946", "l": "mating projection tip membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155526", "l": "endosome recycling compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520763", "l": "17q11.2-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13622", "l": "17q11.2-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236751", "l": "ocelloid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5395460", "l": "Autologous cultured chondrocyte-containing product", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:840611003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179466", "l": "Fibrillar component of intercellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230715", "l": "A band", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51878007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689787", "l": "Kir6.2-SUR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070439", "l": "Mad-Max-mSin3A complex", "d": ["A transcriptional repressor complex that contains a heterodimer of the bHLH-ZIP proteins Mad and Max, plus mSin3A, a homolog of the yeast Sin3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247585", "l": "isolation membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167176", "l": "GT-AG spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990862", "l": "nuclear membrane complex Bqt3-Bqt4", "d": ["A protein complex that resides in the inner nuclear membrane and anchors telomeres to the nuclear envelope. In fission yeast, it is composed of Bqt3 and Bqt4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230596", "l": "Intranuclear body, filamentous", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:61382000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071754", "l": "IgM immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": ["A polymer of five or six IgM core units each composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgM isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds; the individual IgM core units are held together via disulfide bonds with a single J chain polypeptide acting as a bridge between two of the polymeric units. Circulating IgM is present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179076", "l": "Central plug of nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097540", "l": "axonemal central pair", "d": ["Part of the axoneme consisting of the inner two microtubule doublets of the 9+2 axoneme occurring in most motile cilia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339300", "l": "Free nerve ending innervating dermis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "50.918450113629355", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179962", "l": "Cytoplasmic organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13269", "l": "Cytoplasmic Organelle", "d": ["A subcellular feature in the cytoplasm of a cell with a definite structure and a specific role in the function of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610566", "l": "yolk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167431", "l": "caspase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824199", "l": "replication inhibiting complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754303", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-PXN complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061499", "l": "outer plaque of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": ["One of three laminate structures that form the mitotic spindle pole body; the outer plaque is in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157075", "l": "perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824262", "l": "Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990900", "l": "ciliary pocket collar", "d": ["A constriction site at the junction of the plasma, flagellar and flagellar pocket membranes where the flagellum emerges from the cell body. Observed in some unicellular eukaryotic species such as Chlamydomonas, Giardia and Trypanosoma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819996", "l": "host symbiosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031093", "l": "platelet alpha granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the platelet alpha granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2950800", "l": "Set of somas of Golgi neurons", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821202", "l": "supernumerary microtubule array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990434", "l": "lower tip-link density", "d": ["An electron-dense plaque at the lower end of a stereocilia tip link that provides the anchor in the stereocilia membrane at the tip of the stereocilium from which the tip link rises."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.186222083173888", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902911", "l": "protein kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of protein kinase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4233649", "l": "microtubule plus end of non-spindle-associated astral microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325752", "l": "dolipore septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520686", "l": "16p13.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13897", "l": "16p13.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097362", "l": "MCM8-MCM9 complex", "d": ["A hexameric protein complex composed of MCM8 and MCM9 and involved in homologous recombination repair following DNA interstrand cross-links."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030981", "l": "cortical microtubule cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the microtubule cytoskeleton that lies just beneath the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013077", "l": "Sperm Head", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0037844", "l": "Sperm Head", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C12603", "l": "Head of the Spermatozoon", "d": ["The anterior, often oval-shaped, part of a mature spermatozoon, which contains haploid male nuclear material."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180051", "l": "Tip of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269175", "l": "PCB binding factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4234986", "l": "chaperone-mediated autophagy receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752546", "l": "dendritic growth cone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546341", "l": "coenzyme M methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070514", "l": "SRF-myogenin-E12 complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that contains the serum response factor (SRF) and the basic helix-loop-helix proteins myogenin and E12, and is involved in activating transcription of muscle-specific genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520937", "l": "1p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24989", "l": "1p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001669", "l": "acrosomal vesicle", "d": ["A structure in the head of a spermatozoon that contains acid hydrolases, and is concerned with the breakdown of the outer membrane of the ovum during fertilization. It lies just beneath the plasma membrane and is derived from the lysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231734", "l": "shedding vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167471", "l": "molybdopterin synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230720", "l": "Z line material", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57294002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990513", "l": "CLOCK-BMAL transcription complex", "d": ["Transcription factor complex which interacts with E-box regulatory elements in target genes, including Period (Per1, Per2, Per3) and Cryptochrome (Cry1, Cry2), to activate their transcription during the daytime. The CRY-PER complexes inhibit CLOCK-BMAL1-driven transcription in a negative feedback loop to generate circadian rhythms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097409", "l": "glial cytoplasmic inclusion", "d": ["Non-membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusions composed of 10-40 nm granule-coated fibrils. These inclusions have an abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein protein and are found in association with multiple system atrophy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821051", "l": "RNA polymerase III transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179932", "l": "Vacuoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044173", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments of the host cell ER-Golgi intermediate compartment system."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097741", "l": "mastigoneme", "d": ["A hair-like structure covering the flagella found in some algae (heterokonts and cryptophytes). It is approximately 15 nm in diameter, and usually consist of a tubular shaft that itself terminates in smaller hairs. It is composed of glycoproteins and, likely, carbohydrates. Mastigonemes may assist in locomotion by increasing the surface area of a flagellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990483", "l": "Clr6 histone deacetylase complex I''", "d": ["A histone deacetylase complex involved in chromatin organization. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe this complex consists of Clr6, Nts1, Mug165, and Png3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070765", "l": "gamma-secretase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that has aspartic-type endopeptidase activity and contains a presenilin catalytic subunit (either PSEN1 or PSEN2), an APH1 subunit (multiple genes and splice variants exist), nicastrin (NCT), and presenilin enhancer (aka PEN-2 or Psenen), as the core complex. Variants of the complex with different subunit compositions differ in localization and specific substrates. Additionally, variants of the complex exist that contain a additional regulatory subunit as well as the four core subunits; known regulatory subunits include gamma-secretase-activating protein (aka gSAP), TMP1 (aka TMED10), and CD147 antigen (aka basigin). Gamma-secretase cleaves type I transmembrane protein substrates, including the cell surface receptor Notch and the amyloid-beta precursor protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896156", "l": "copper efflux complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755932", "l": "cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 holoenzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611141", "l": "transcription export complex 2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328769", "l": "vestibular calyx terminal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120082", "l": "smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisterna", "d": ["A subcompartment of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum consisting of lumenal expansion into a flattened, disc-shaped cavity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235152", "l": "cytoplasmic side of nuclear pore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036457", "l": "keratohyalin granule", "d": ["A cytoplasmic, non-membrane bound granule of, at least, keratinocyte. Associated to keratin intermediate filaments and partially crosslinked to the cell envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990270", "l": "platelet-derived growth factor receptor-ligand complex", "d": ["A tetrameric protein complex consisting of two platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor subunits and two PDGF ligand subunits. Binding of the PDGF ligand dimer to the PDGF receptor in the plasma membrane induces receptor dimerization and activation. PDGFs are involved in a wide variety of signaling processes and are found in all vertebrates. At least two different receptor chains (A and B) and four types of ligand chains (A, B, C, and D) are known forming a wide variety of combinations of receptor-ligand complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262864", "l": "basal layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548436", "l": "cortical Lewy body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5544379", "l": "Transcriptional Condensates", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1514582", "l": "Proximal Part of the Lumen of the Centriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33418", "l": "Proximal Part of the Lumen of the Centriole", "d": ["A portion of the interior of the centriole that is located near the minus ends of the microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325642", "l": "glycosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611072", "l": "synaptotagmin-synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-syntaxin-1b-Rab3a-complexin II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263089", "l": "cellular bud", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031911", "l": "cytoproct", "d": ["Stable, specialized structure for extrusion of waste by the cell into the surrounding medium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167495", "l": "myosin phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032992", "l": "protein-carbohydrate complex", "d": ["A macromolecular complex containing separate protein and carbohydrate molecules. Separate in this context means not covalently bound to each other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167479", "l": "molybdenum-iron nitrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035859", "l": "Seh1-associated complex", "d": ["A GTPase-activating protein (GAP) complex that regulates TORC1 signaling by interacting with the Rag GTPase. In S. cerevisiae the complex contains Seh1p, Sec13p, Npr2p, Npr3p, Iml1p, Mtc5p, Rtc1p, and Sea4p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549084", "l": "T=3 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070421", "l": "DNA ligase III-XRCC1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains DNA ligase III and XRCC1, and is involved in base excision repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520293", "l": "10q24.3-10qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13641", "l": "10q24.3-10qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183329", "l": "Axon of bipolar cell of retina", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271160", "l": "IFT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179887", "l": "Part of Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325729", "l": "miRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520215", "l": "Yp11.1-q11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25147", "l": "Yp11.1-q11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Yp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520545", "l": "13q14-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39776", "l": "13q14-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450541", "l": "box C/D snoRNP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610710", "l": "SNARE complex (Vamp3, Vamp4, Vam8, Stx6)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611231", "l": "ITGA1-ITGB1-COL6A3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622086", "l": "filopodium membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031316", "l": "extrinsic component of nuclear outer membrane", "d": ["The component of a nuclear outer membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621883", "l": "CPSF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622564", "l": "TRAIL death-inducing signaling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821086", "l": "H-NS-Hha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042580", "l": "mannosome", "d": ["A specialised tubular organelle, assembled in hexagonal bundles within an external membrane. Mannosomes are specific to molluscs and are thought to be involved in a general stress reaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325720", "l": "histone methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2322931", "l": "Protoplasm of Type P enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230741", "l": "Centriole, central vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:79792009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106234", "l": "outer membrane protein complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of the bacterial outer membrane. An example In E.coli, is RcsF associated with any one of several outer membrane beta-barrel proteins (OMPs), such as OmpA, OmpF, or OmpcC."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D048631", "l": "Micronucleus, Germline", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1449863", "l": "Micronucleus, Germline", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140552", "l": "TEAD-YAP complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that is composed of the one DNA binding protein of the TEAD family and the transcriptional coactivator YAP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.925319206868252", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002896", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 6", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008669", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 6", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13222", "l": "Human Chromosome 6", "d": ["The designation for each member of the sixth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 6 spans more than 170 million base pairs and represents between 5.5 and 6% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45202000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754403", "l": "Kv4.3-DPP6 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000088123", "l": "Cytoplasmic Ribonucleoprotein Granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3893297", "l": "Cytoplasmic Ribonucleoprotein Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071752", "l": "secretory dimeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A dimeric form of secretory IgA immunoglobulin complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230798", "l": "GER tubular array", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62280008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893701", "l": "Dcp1-Dcp2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005893", "l": "interleukin-2 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-2; comprises alpha, beta, and gamma subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520862", "l": "19q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14041", "l": "19q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033010", "l": "paranodal junction", "d": ["A highly specialized cell-cell junction found in vertebrates, which forms between a neuron and a glial cell, and has structural similarity to Drosophila septate junctions. It flanks the node of Ranvier in myelinated nerve and electrically isolates the myelinated from unmyelinated nerve segments and physically separates the voltage-gated sodium channels at the node from the cluster of potassium channels underneath the myelin sheath."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167221", "l": "inward rectifying potassium channel", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682533", "l": "membrane layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033650", "l": "host cell mitochondrion", "d": ["A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle as found in host cells that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cell cytoplasm. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071097", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-paxillin-Pyk2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to paxillin and the FAK-related kinase Pyk2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612488", "l": "triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325618", "l": "EMILIN-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046540", "l": "U4/U6 x U5 tri-snRNP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that is formed by the association of the U4/U6 and U5 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612909", "l": "hScrib-APC-beta-catenin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230927", "l": "Surface convolutions of cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:81385009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990661", "l": "S100A8 complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of a S100A8 dimer and capable of binding to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031526", "l": "brush border membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the brush border."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262704", "l": "plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071004", "l": "U2-type prespliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by association of the 5' splice site with the U1 snRNP, while the branch point sequence is recognized by the U2 snRNP. The prespliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U1 and U2 snRNPs. Commitment to a given pair of 5' and 3' splice sites occurs at the time of prespliceosome formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246582", "l": "proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611286", "l": "SRF-myogenin-E12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5444849", "l": "ATP-dependent citrate lyase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1526985", "l": "exon-exon junction complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246972", "l": "monopolin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D019108", "l": "Tight Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242358", "l": "Tight Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13333", "l": "Tight Junction", "d": ["Found near the apical surface of cells in simple epithelia. Forms a sealing \"gasket\" around the cell by the fusion of adjacent cell membranes which encircle the apical cell surface like a belt or fence. Prevents fluid moving through the intercellular gap and the lateral diffusion of intrinsic membrane proteins between apical and basolateral domains of the plasma membrane as well as occludes the movement of solute molecules between cells. Various proteins components of this junction have been identified, but how they are linked to form the ultrastructure of the junction is not known."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:24206002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167075", "l": "RNA nuclear export complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268448", "l": "Cytokeratin filaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13368", "l": "Keratin Filament", "d": ["A class of intermediate filaments that form a network within epithelial cells and anchor to desmosomes, thus imparting tensile strength to the tissue"], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:115569001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325559", "l": "nucleolar chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019036", "l": "viral transcriptional complex", "d": ["Specific locations and structures in the virus infected cell involved in transcribing the viral genome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2346544", "l": "4q28", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C73644", "l": "4q28", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262786", "l": "neurofilament cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166725", "l": "clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325762", "l": "isoamylase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098521", "l": "inhibitory neuromuscular junction", "d": ["The junction between the axon of a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. In response to the arrival of action potentials, the presynaptic button releases molecules of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These diffuse across the cleft and transmit the signal to the postsynaptic membrane of the muscle fiber, leading to a change in post-synaptic potential that inhibits muscle contraction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099020", "l": "perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membranes of the perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246694", "l": "TAT protein translocation system complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098854", "l": "podocyte primary projection", "d": ["A cell projection originating from a renal glomerular podocyte and extending to the renal glomerular podocyte foot."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019815", "l": "B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and that in its canonical form is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005858", "l": "axonemal dynein complex", "d": ["A dynein complex found in eukaryotic cilia and flagella; the motor domain heads interact with adjacent microtubules to generate a sliding force which is converted to a bending motion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045009", "l": "chitosome", "d": ["An intracellular membrane-bounded particle found in fungi and containing chitin synthase; it synthesizes chitin microfibrils. Chitin synthase activity exists in chitosomes and they are proposed to act as a reservoir for regulated transport of chitin synthase enzymes to the division septum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236778", "l": "basolateral cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990941", "l": "mitotic spindle kinetochore microtubule", "d": ["Any of the mitotic spindle microtubules that attach to the kinetochores of chromosomes by their plus ends, and maneuver the chromosomes during mitotic chromosome segregation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612564", "l": "Mpp10 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623090", "l": "anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682703", "l": "neuron covering", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009342", "l": "glutamate synthase complex (NADPH)", "d": ["A complex that possesses glutamate synthase (NADPH) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515509", "l": "9pter-p22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38478", "l": "9pter-p22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180105", "l": "Hydrogen ion pump of membrane of lysosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167212", "l": "external side of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D005407", "l": "Flagella", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0016192", "l": "Flagella", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612462", "l": "discoidal high-density lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990319", "l": "collagen type XX trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XX) chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167137", "l": "ATAC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030661", "l": "chitosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a chitosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060205", "l": "cytoplasmic vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by a cytoplasmic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246385", "l": "IgA receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044614", "l": "nuclear pore cytoplasmic filaments", "d": ["Filamentous extensions on cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). In S. cerevisiae, Nup159p, Nup82p, and Nup42p contribute to the cytoplasmic filaments. In vertebrates, Nup358 is a major component."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247635", "l": "Tor2-Mei2-Ste11 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167225", "l": "hydrogen/potassium-exchanging ATPase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031211", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": ["A complex of the endoplasmic reticulum that catalyzes S-palmitoylation, the addition of palmitate (C16:0) or other long-chain fatty acids to proteins at a cysteine residue."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230594", "l": "Intranuclear mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88303009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070769", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CIB complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to CIB, a protein that binds calcium as well as the alphaIIb-beta3 integrin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612440", "l": "TAT protein transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246666", "l": "Bcl3/NF-kappaB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032152", "l": "meiotic septin complex", "d": ["A heterooligomeric septin complex that acts during meiotic cell division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008250", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is found in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane of eukaryotes and transfers lipid-linked oligosaccharide precursor to asparagine residues on nascent proteins. In yeast, the complex includes at least nine different subunits, whereas in mammalian cells at least three different forms of the complex have been detected."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819096", "l": "post-lysosomal vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903439", "l": "calcitonin family receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of calcitonin family receptor activity. Calcitonin family receptors may form dimers, trimers or tetramers; adrenomedullin and amylin receptors have only been observed as dimers so far."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166688", "l": "Mitotic chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13430", "l": "Mitotic Chromosome", "d": ["Condensed chromosomes observed during the M phase of the cell cycle. Individual chromosomes can be discerned and differentiated morphologically."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690297", "l": "potassium/sodium hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2 tetramer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000839", "l": "Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase ERAD-L complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that recognizes and ubiquitinates proteins with misfolded luminal domains during ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). In S. cerevisiae, this complex contains the ubiquitin ligase Hrd1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031487", "l": "myosin XVII complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing one or more class XVII myosin heavy chains and associated light chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179972", "l": "Kinocilium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32897", "l": "Kinocilium", "d": ["A motile cilium-like structure found in hair cells of the sensory epithelium of the inner ear. It has a core microtubule structure similar to that of a cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623153", "l": "CBC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990233", "l": "intramolecular phosphotransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalyzing the transfer of a phosphate group from one position to another within a single molecule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236779", "l": "apical cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821354", "l": "protein complex involved in cell adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327719", "l": "Cytosol of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034044", "l": "exomer complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a coat structure on vesicles involved in exocytosis of proteins from the trans-Golgi network to the cell surface; in Saccharomyces, the complex contains Chs5p, Chs6p, and Chs6p paralogues."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235095", "l": "FNIP-folliculin RagC/D GAP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325568", "l": "inner kinetochore plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034749", "l": "Scrib-APC complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the Scribble protein (a cell polarity determinant) and the tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC); may be involved in the control of cell proliferation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034464", "l": "BBSome", "d": ["A ciliary protein complex involved in cilium biogenesis. It consists of at least seven Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) proteins and BBIP10. It moves in association with IFT trains through cilia (likely as an IFT-A/B adaptor or cargo), and is required for the integrity of IFT-A and IFT-B."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262860", "l": "annulus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137280", "l": "DNA topoisomerase III-beta-TDRD3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521655", "l": "7q32-q36", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13501", "l": "7q32-q36", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893311", "l": "somatodendritic compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D001369", "l": "Axons", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0004461", "l": "Axon", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:60436000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000177", "l": "Acrosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0001216", "l": "Acrosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:30516005", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52568003", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:75801009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009697", "l": "Nucleolus Organizer Region", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0028609", "l": "Nucleolus Organizer Region", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:80861004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090123", "l": "lysosomal glycocalyx", "d": ["The polysaccharide-based coating on the inner side of a lysosomal membrane. It may be involved in protecting the membrane from digestion by lysosomal enzymes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070931", "l": "Golgi-associated vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a Golgi-associated vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325548", "l": "cortical microtubule, transverse to long axis", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520191", "l": "Xq22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25144", "l": "Xq22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042151", "l": "nematocyst", "d": ["An organelle found in cnidoblast (nematoblast) cells. When matured, these stinging organelles store toxins and can deliver them when the cnidocil (a short extension of the cnidocyst) is stimulated by a prey or another stimulus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893464", "l": "U2AF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548406", "l": "terminal loop", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521057", "l": "20q12-q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14034", "l": "20q12-q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179489", "l": "Schwann cell cytoplasm proper", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000275", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, catalytic sector F(1)", "d": ["The catalytic sector of the mitochondrial hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase; it comprises the catalytic core and central stalk, and is peripherally associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane when the entire ATP synthase is assembled."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451203", "l": "nuclear pericentric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036057", "l": "slit diaphragm", "d": ["A specialized cell-cell junction found between the interdigitating foot processes of the glomerular epithelium (the podocytes) in the vertebrate kidney, which is adapted for facilitating glomerular filtration."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13296", "l": "Enhancer", "d": ["A 50-150bp DNA sequence that increases the rate of transcription of coding sequences. It may be located at various distances and in either orientation upstream from, downstream from or within a structural gene. When bound by a specific transcription factor it increases the levels of expression of the gene, but is not sufficient alone to cause expression. Distinguished from a promoter, that is alone sufficient to cause expression of the gene when bound."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099631", "l": "postsynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component", "d": ["The cytoplasmic component of the postsynaptic endocytic zone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184882", "l": "Head of internal pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521414", "l": "4q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25069", "l": "4q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896230", "l": "cardiac muscle L-type voltage-gated calcium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097684", "l": "dinoflagellate antapex", "d": ["The anterior most point of a dinoflagellate hypocone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990331", "l": "Hpa2 acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A tetrameric protein complex capable of acetyltransferase activity. It can catalyze the transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to an acceptor residue on histone H-3, histone H-4, or on polyamines. The complex is also capable of acetylating certain small basic proteins. The two Hpa2 dimers that make up the tetramer are held together by interactions between the bound acetyl-CoA molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265258", "l": "Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520388", "l": "11q13.4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24921", "l": "11q13.4", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611172", "l": "Ku-DNA ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016010", "l": "dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that forms a strong mechanical link between the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix; typical of, but not confined to, muscle cells. The complex is composed of transmembrane, cytoplasmic, and extracellular proteins, including dystrophin, sarcoglycans, dystroglycan, dystrobrevins, syntrophins, sarcospan, caveolin-3, and NO synthase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612708", "l": "synaptic vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327157", "l": "supramolecular complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380212", "l": "matrilin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13550", "l": "20p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 20"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990526", "l": "Ste12p-Dig1p-Dig2p complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that is involved in the transcription regulation of mating genes in the yeast S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230515", "l": "Infranuclear region of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49757006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099401", "l": "caveola bulb", "d": ["The region of a caveola that extends into the cytoplasm, excluding the neck (rim). This region is associated with intracellular caveola proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070263", "l": "external side of fungal-type cell wall", "d": ["The side of the fungal-type cell wall that is opposite to the side that faces the cell and its contents."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009425", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body", "d": ["One of the three major substructures of the bacterial-type flagellum, the basal body is embedded in the cell envelope (the plasma membrane, peptidoglycan cell wall, and, if one is present, the outer membrane); it houses the secretion apparatus that exports the more distal components and the flagellar motor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097433", "l": "dense body", "d": ["An electron dense body which may contain granules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990353", "l": "Fused-Smurf ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex. In D. melanogaster, it regulates ubiquitination and proteolysis of the BMP receptor Thickveins in cystoblasts, potentially by controlling Tkv ubiquitination and degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "60.917681219318517", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D007425", "l": "Intracellular Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0021868", "l": "Intracellular Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32876", "l": "Intracellular Membrane", "d": ["A thin pliable sheet separating organelles from the protoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030933", "l": "chloroplast ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex", "d": ["An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in the chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612901", "l": "APC-IQGAP1-Cdc42 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180034", "l": "Zone of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902710", "l": "GABA receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of GABA receptor activity. Upon binding of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) it transmits the signal from one side of the membrane to the other to initiate a change in cell activity. Major inhibitory receptor in vertebrate brain. Also found in other vertebrate tissues, invertebrates and possibly in plants. Effective benzodiazepine receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167298", "l": "ribonucleoprotein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521664", "l": "7q36.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13753", "l": "7q36.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520178", "l": "Xp22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25139", "l": "Xp22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090712", "l": "basal pole of outer hair cell", "d": ["The end of the outer hair cell which receives and transmits neural signals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246396", "l": "nucleomorph", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1182677", "l": "Glandular columnar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178985", "l": "Zone of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755003", "l": "IgX immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990476", "l": "synaptic vesicle, resting pool", "d": ["A synaptic vesicle belonging to the pool that remain unreleased even after prolonged stimulation causes a saturating degree of vesicular turnover. 50-80% of the total number of synaptic vesicles at a resting terminal bouton are in this pool."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009897", "l": "external side of plasma membrane", "d": ["The leaflet of the plasma membrane that faces away from the cytoplasm and any proteins embedded or anchored in it or attached to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055028", "l": "cortical microtubule", "d": ["Arrays of microtubules underlying and connected to the plasma membrane in the cortical cytosol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167316", "l": "NE-ER continuum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032301", "l": "MutSalpha complex", "d": ["A heterodimer involved in the recognition and repair of base-base and small insertion/deletion mismatches. In human the complex consists of two subunits, MSH2 and MSH6."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000812", "l": "Swr1 complex", "d": ["A multisubunit protein complex that is involved in chromatin remodeling. It is required for the incorporation of the histone variant H2AZ into chromatin. In S. cerevisiae, the complex contains Swr1p, a Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase, and 12 additional subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034681", "l": "integrin alpha11-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha11 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.2284025111056", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904949", "l": "ATPase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of ATPase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031040", "l": "micronucleus", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle of ciliated protozoan cells that contains a diploid copy of the cell's complete genome. Sections of contiguous sequence in the macronucleus are often interrupted by internal eliminated sequences (IES), and may be permuted, in micronuclei. Genic transcription is not found in micronuclei. Some ciliate species may contain multiple micronuclei per cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071737", "l": "IgG B cell receptor complex", "d": ["An IgG immunoglobulin complex that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgG isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521467", "l": "5q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26436", "l": "5q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682685", "l": "Synaptic cleft", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33715", "l": "Synaptic Cleft", "d": ["The space between the presynaptic terminal and the postsynaptic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043527", "l": "tRNA methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A multimeric protein complex involved in the methylation of specific nucleotides in tRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230755", "l": "Central pair of microtubules, cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:149003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034099", "l": "luminal surveillance complex", "d": ["A multiprotein complex that recognizes ERAD-luminal misfolded substrates and brings them to the ubiquitination/extraction machinery. In yeast, this complex consists of Yos9p, Kar2p and Hrd3p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.449113659480474", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054829", "l": "RING Finger Domains", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1521759", "l": "Ring Finger Domain", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13746", "l": "Ring Finger Domain", "d": ["The RING finger is a specialized type of Zn-finger consisting of 40 to 60 residues, which has the consensus sequence CX2CX(9-39)CX(1-3)HX(2-3)C/HX2CX(4-48)CX2C, that binds two atoms of zinc, and is involved in mediating protein-protein interactions. The RING domain mediates the interaction with the appropriate E2 enzyme. Unlike HECT E3 enzymes that form a thiol-ester with ubiquitin, RING fingers likely mediate ubiquitination by facilitating the direct transfer of ubiquitin from E2 enzyme to lysine residues on the target substrate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042646", "l": "plastid nucleoid", "d": ["The region of a plastid to which the DNA is confined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044174", "l": "host cell endosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle that carries materials newly ingested by endocytosis. It passes many of the materials to host cell lysosomes for degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016456", "l": "X chromosome located dosage compensation complex, transcription activating", "d": ["An RNA-protein complex localized to the X chromosome of males where it is required for the hyper-transcriptional activation of the X chromosome. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034999", "l": "oligosaccharyltransferase II complex", "d": ["An oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) complex that contains the seven polypeptides found in OST complex I, plus heterotrimeric Sec61alpha-beta-gamma. Of the three forms of mammalian OST complexes identified, the OSTII complex has intermediate affinity for ribosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166931", "l": "nascent polypeptide-associated complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160064", "l": "multi-pass translocon complex", "d": ["A protein complex that mediates the insertion of multi-pass transmembrane proteins into endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Substrates enter via the lateral gate of the Sec61 translocon. The complex comprises the GEL subcomplex (composed of RAB5IF/OPTI and TMCO1), the BOS subcomplex (composed of NCLN/Nicalin, NOMO and TMEM147) and the PAT subcomplex (composed of WDR83OS/Asterix and CCDC47)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120001", "l": "apical plasma membrane urothelial plaque", "d": ["A scallop-shaped plaque, also referred to as an asymmetric unit membrane (AUM), found in the apical plasma membrane of urothelial superficial (umbrella) cells which form a a barrier to the passage of water and soluble toxic compounds found in urine. The plaques are thickened regions of membrane composed of uroplakin transmembrane proteins which form a crystalline array."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896240", "l": "lateral cortical node", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814890", "l": "Mtw1p Including Nnf1p-Nsl1p-Dsn1p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179086", "l": "Muscle cell protoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235142", "l": "pituitary gonadotropin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521556", "l": "6q13-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25094", "l": "6q13-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005677", "l": "chromatin silencing complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that mediates changes in chromatin structure that result in transcriptional silencing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325713", "l": "brahma complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230936", "l": "Mesosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51869001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140714", "l": "large ribosomal subunit pre-assembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex that assists early maturation of nascent 60S ribosomal subunits. The complex interacts with the large ribosomal subunit rRNA via one of the components (Urb2 in S. cerevisiae) and requires a RNA helicase (Dbp6 in S. cerevisiae)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230817", "l": "Secondary lysosome with laminated content", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:12176006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890163", "l": "thin aggregative fimbrae", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622046", "l": "RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070388", "l": "procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex, alpha(III) type", "d": ["A procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase complex that contains alpha subunits of the type III isoform."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824221", "l": "core primosome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4316798", "l": "Auer rod", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25287", "l": "Auer Rod", "d": ["Rod-shaped structures of uncertain nature in the cytoplasm of immature myeloid cells, especially myeloblasts, in acute myelocytic leukemia; may be an abnormal form of lysosomes; they contain peroxidase and acid phosphatase, and stain red by azure-eosin stains."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:726590005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158622", "l": "extrinsic component of plastid inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325823", "l": "small nucleolar RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033583", "l": "rhabdomere membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the rhabdomere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071521", "l": "Cdc42 GTPase complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the small GTPase Cdc42 with additional proteins. In Schizosaccharomyces the complex contains the Cdc42, Ras1, Scd1, Scd2, andShk1 proteins, and functions in the Ras1-Scd GTPase signaling pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.176141984063477", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031965", "l": "nuclear membrane", "d": ["Either of the lipid bilayers that surround the nucleus and form the nuclear envelope; excludes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265789", "l": "spectrin-associated cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818669", "l": "membrane extension", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262942", "l": "stereocilium membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520958", "l": "1p33-p32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24997", "l": "1p33-p32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043197", "l": "dendritic spine", "d": ["A small, membranous protrusion from a dendrite that forms a postsynaptic compartment, typically receiving input from a single presynapse. They function as partially isolated biochemical and an electrical compartments. Spine morphology is variable:they can be thin, stubby, mushroom, or branched, with a continuum of intermediate morphologies. They typically terminate in a bulb shape, linked to the dendritic shaft by a restriction. Spine remodeling is though to be involved in synaptic plasticity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755851", "l": "dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754293", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-PXN-PTK2b complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178965", "l": "Region of Golgi complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752596", "l": "Cut1-Cut2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612808", "l": "ITGA8-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097071", "l": "interferon regulatory factor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of two interferon regulatory proteins (IRFs); may be homodimeric or heterodimeric. The activation of a latent closed conformation of IRF in the cytoplasm is triggered by phosphorylation of Ser/Thr residues in a C-terminal region. Phosphorylation stimulates the C-terminal autoinhibitory domain to attain a highly extended conformation triggering dimerization through extensive contacts to a second subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990753", "l": "equatorial cell cortex", "d": ["The region of the cell cortex in a mitotically dividing cell that flanks the central spindle and corresponds to the site of actomyosin ring formation that results in cleavage furrow formation and ingression."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036502", "l": "Derlin-1-VIMP complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing, in mammals, Derlin-1 and VCP-interacting membrane protein (VIMP). The complex links the p97/VCP-containing ATPase complex with Derlin-1 during translocation of protein substrates from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol for degradation by the cytosolic proteasome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008931", "l": "Mitochondria, Muscle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026240", "l": "Mitochondria, Muscle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098895", "l": "postsynaptic endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a postsynaptic endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325835", "l": "glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754172", "l": "GT-AG post-spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451130", "l": "TEAD-1-YAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610631", "l": "sucrase-isomaltase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055252", "l": "Cell-Derived Microparticles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2350307", "l": "Cell-Derived Microparticles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C120025", "l": "Microparticle", "d": ["A small, membrane-bound vesicle between 100 nm to 1000 nm in size found in the circulatory system. These vesicles are plasma membrane fragments shed from cells. The protein composition is similar to that of the cell that shed the particle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048222", "l": "glycoprotein network", "d": ["An extracellular matrix part that consists of cross-linked glycoproteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055354", "l": "Exosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2350332", "l": "Exosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C104457", "l": "Exosome", "d": ["A secretory vesicle between 30 and 90 nm in diameter that can play a role in receptor recycling, plasma membrane protein shedding, and the secretion of proteins and RNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520299", "l": "10q25.3-q26.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24908", "l": "10q25.3-q26.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0805525", "l": "Cell Fraction", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C17169", "l": "Cell Fraction", "d": ["Components of a cell produced by various separation techniques which, though they disrupt the delicate anatomy of a cell, preserve the structure and physiology of its functioning constituents for biochemical and ultrastructural analysis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754800", "l": "Nem1-Spo7 phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097522", "l": "protein-DNA ISRE complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex formed through interaction of the protein(s) with an interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) in the DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520952", "l": "1p32-p31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13568", "l": "1p32-p31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090636", "l": "outer dense plaque of desmosome", "d": ["The desmosomal part containing plakoglobins, plakophilins, the N-termini of desmoplakins, as well as the cytoplasmic tails of the desmosomal cadherins, which together attach the plaque to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818662", "l": "multimeric ribonuclease P complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521381", "l": "4q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25061", "l": "4q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008091", "l": "spectrin", "d": ["Membrane associated dimeric protein (240 and 220 kDa) of erythrocytes. Forms a complex with ankyrin, actin and probably other components of the membrane cytoskeleton, so that there is a mesh of proteins underlying the plasma membrane, potentially restricting the lateral mobility of integral proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331083", "l": "Plasma membrane of hepatic stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016514", "l": "SWI/SNF complex", "d": ["A SWI/SNF-type complex that contains 8 to 14 proteins, including both conserved (core) and nonconserved components; contains the ATPase product of the yeast SNF2 or mammalian SMARCA4/BAF190A/BRG1 gene, or an ortholog thereof."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005838", "l": "proteasome regulatory particle", "d": ["A multisubunit complex, which caps one or both ends of the proteasome core complex. This complex recognizes and unfolds ubiquitinated proteins, and translocates them to the proteasome core complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022221", "l": "Chromosomes, Artificial, Mammalian", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328915", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic specialization membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009338", "l": "exodeoxyribonuclease V complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes exonucleolytic cleavage (in the presence of ATP) in either 5' to 3' or 3' to 5' direction to yield 5'-phosphooligonucleotides. Exodeoxyribonuclease V shows a preference for double-stranded DNA and possesses DNA-dependent ATPase activity. It acts endonucleolytically on single-stranded circular DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754385", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-protocadherin-gamma complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014705", "l": "C zone", "d": ["A region of the A band in which myosin-binding protein C is located and that can be seen by electron microscopy. This is a functional zone that also includes myosin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246563", "l": "melanosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334159", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type 1 vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451212", "l": "mannan polymerase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521179", "l": "2p15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38472", "l": "2p15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002142", "l": "stereocilia ankle link complex", "d": ["A complex of proteins that connect growing stereocilia in developing cochlear hair cells, composed of Vlgr1, usherin, vezatin, and whirlin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097582", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt1p-Pmt2p dimer complex", "d": ["A protein dimer complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity and, in S. cerevisiae, is composed of Pmt1p-Pmt2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521470", "l": "5q12.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26174", "l": "5q12.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097670", "l": "SCF-Ufo1/Pof10 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Ufo1 in S. cerevisiae (Pof10 in S. pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896311", "l": "Lem3p-Dnf1p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062167", "l": "complement component C1q complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex composed of six subunits of each of the three homologous polypeptide chains C1QA, C1QB, and C1QB. It is a subunit of the complement C1 complex. In addition to complement activation, C1q appears to have roles in homeostasis and cellular development, superoxide (O2-) production by neutrophils, blood coagulation and neurological synapse pruning."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268326", "l": "5-lipoxygenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097658", "l": "Asi complex", "d": ["A nuclear ubiquitin ligase multiprotein complex located in the inner nuclear membrane (INM) that recognizes and ubiquitinates misfolded INM proteins and also some proteins involved in sterol biosynthesis, during ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). In S. cerevisiae, this complex contains the ubiquitin ligases Asi1p and Asi3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710907", "l": "1q24.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C54558", "l": "1q24.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821053", "l": "RNA polymerase V transcription factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167341", "l": "peptidoglycan-based cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329065", "l": "growth cone leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520519", "l": "12q24.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24941", "l": "12q24.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167198", "l": "plasmodesmatal desmotubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.348348598122641", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033647", "l": "host intracellular organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the host cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166936", "l": "P4 peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235102", "l": "H-gal-GP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893617", "l": "SCF-Mdm30 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164508", "l": "End Chromosome Band", "d": ["The cytoband that contains the terminus of the range, expressed without the chromosome or arm designation. (BRIDG)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043509", "l": "activin A complex", "d": ["A nonsteroidal regulator, composed of two covalently linked inhibin beta-A subunits (sometimes known as activin beta-A or activin/inhibin beta-A)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754344", "l": "SMAD2 homotrimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030089", "l": "phycobilisome", "d": ["Any of the granules, approximately 32 nm x 48 nm and consisting of highly aggregated phycobiliproteins, that are attached in arrays to the external face of a thylakoid membrane in algae of the phyla Cyanophyta and Rhodophyta, where they function as light-harvesting devices in photosynthesis. Excitation energy in the phycobilisome flows in the sequence: phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin before passing to the antenna chlorophyll of photosystem II."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044676", "l": "formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase (molybdenum enzyme) complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of three polypeptides which also contains molybdenum, a molybdopterin guanine dinucleotide and iron-sulfur clusters. This protein complex catalyzes the reversible conversion of CO2 and methanofuran to formylmethanofuran during methanogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167017", "l": "cytosolic tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045274", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex II", "d": ["A part of the respiratory chain located in the plasma membrane, containing the four polypeptide subunits of succinate dehydrogenase, flavin-adenine dinucleotide and iron-sulfur. Catalyzes the oxidation of succinate by ubiquinone. Connects the TCA cycle with the respiratory chain. Examples of this component are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990433", "l": "CSL-Notch-Mastermind transcription factor complex", "d": ["A DNA-binding transcription factor complex consisting of CSL and mastermind proteins in complex with the cleaved, intracellular domain of Notch. It is required for both repression and activation of Notch target genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711085", "l": "9q34.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45165", "l": "9q34.11", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 9."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005935", "l": "cellular bud neck", "d": ["The constriction between the mother cell and daughter cell (bud) in an organism that reproduces by budding."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235113", "l": "Lsm1-7-Pat1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034740", "l": "TFIIIC-TOP1-SUB1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains TFIIIC, topoisomerase 1, and Sub1/PC4. Characterized in human, the complex is involved in regulating transcription from RNA polymerase III (Pol III) promoters. Topoisomerase 1 and Sub1 enhance the accuracy of transcription termination, and promote reinitiation by Pol III."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520398", "l": "11q22.2-q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28430", "l": "11q22.2-q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042597", "l": "periplasmic space", "d": ["The region between the inner (cytoplasmic) and outer membrane (Gram-negative Bacteria) or cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall (Fungi and Gram-positive Bacteria)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515444", "l": "8p23.2-p23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25120", "l": "8p23.2-p23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167457", "l": "glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548432", "l": "tubular endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332907", "l": "Neuroepithelial receptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0597956", "l": "bacterial cyst", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042652", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I, peripheral segment", "d": ["The peripheral segment of respiratory chain complex I located in the mitochondrion. Respiratory chain complex I is an enzyme of the respiratory chain, consisting of at least 34 polypeptide chains. The electrons of NADH enter the chain at this complex. The complete complex is L-shaped, with a horizontal arm lying in the membrane and a vertical arm that projects into the matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005831", "l": "steroid hormone aporeceptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a steroid receptor associated with nonreceptor proteins, minimally a dimer of Hsp90 and a monomer of hsp56/FKBP59; forms in the absence of bound ligand."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325653", "l": "Mitochondrial electron transport chain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061174", "l": "type I terminal bouton", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon of a glutamatergic neuron, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters that will induce the contraction of muscle. The axon terminus is considered to be the whole region of thickening and the terminal bouton is a specialized region of it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520555", "l": "13q34", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24946", "l": "13q34", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613232", "l": "perispore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546462", "l": "neurotubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044195", "l": "nucleoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["Long, dynamic tubular channels, formed by invagination of the nuclear envelope, that extend deep into the nucleoplasm. The channels have an underlying lamina and are implicated in functioning in signaling and transport."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032798", "l": "Swi5-Sfr1 complex", "d": ["A conserved DNA recombinase mediator complex that contains two Swi5 monomers and one Sfr1 monomer in Schizosaccharomyces, or orthologs thereof (e.g. Sae3p and Mei5p in Saccharomyces)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044611", "l": "nuclear pore inner ring", "d": ["A subcomplex of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that forms the inner rings of the core scaffold, a lattice-like structure that gives the NPC its shape and strength. In S. cerevisiae, the two inner rings are each composed of Nup192p, Nup188p, Nup170p and Nup157p. In vertebrates, the two inner rings are each composed of Nup205, Nup188 and Nup155. Components are arranged in 8-fold symmetrical 'spokes' around the central transport channel. A single 'spoke', can be isolated and is sometimes referred to as the Nup170 complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521170", "l": "2p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14005", "l": "2p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268228", "l": "Cell region", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:127958007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825989", "l": "Xq12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82139", "l": "Xq12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380087", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520649", "l": "15q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26386", "l": "15q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325608", "l": "actomyosin, myosin complex part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167019", "l": "cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905754", "l": "ascospore-type prospore nucleus", "d": ["Any nucleus that is part of a ascospore-type prospore."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179128", "l": "Stereocilium of cochlear hair cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184880", "l": "Rod of pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0596975", "l": "mossy fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817249", "l": "laminin-6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042405", "l": "nuclear inclusion body", "d": ["An intranuclear focus at which aggregated proteins have been sequestered."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230850", "l": "Branching cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:53812007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137491", "l": "magnetosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164626", "l": "Start Chromosome Band", "d": ["The cytoband that contains the beginning of the range, expressed without the chromosome or arm designation. (BRIDG)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179843", "l": "Inner layer of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230688", "l": "Distinctive cytoplasmic granule of specialized cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:89670008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333787", "l": "Replication of triads", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45494005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269176", "l": "pombe cell cycle box binding factor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710697", "l": "Xp11.4-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45199", "l": "Xp11.4-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990017", "l": "somatic portion of tanycyte", "d": ["Portion of a tanycyte that lies within the ependyma and contains the nucleus. A tanycyte is a specialized elongated ventricular ependymal cell that has processes that extend to the outer, or pial, surface of the CNS."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450979", "l": "EGO complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031978", "l": "plastid thylakoid lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by a plastid thylakoid membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3891282", "l": "Monocyte-Derived Microparticle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C120027", "l": "Monocyte-Derived Microparticle", "d": ["A small, membrane bound vesicle circulating in the blood that was shed by a monocyte. These particles may induce coagulation or cell apoptosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098025", "l": "virus tail, baseplate", "d": ["Multiprotein component at the distal (head) end of the virus tail to which fibers of tailed viruses may be attached."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318837", "l": "perisynaptic extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522988", "l": "Holliday junction resolvase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324173", "l": "Telocentric centromere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521455", "l": "5p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25074", "l": "5p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824367", "l": "MetNI transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327149", "l": "toxin-antitoxin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097131", "l": "cyclin D1-CDK6 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.395526581658856", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005911", "l": "cell-cell junction", "d": ["A cell junction that forms a connection between two or more cells of an organism; excludes direct cytoplasmic intercellular bridges, such as ring canals in insects."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246580", "l": "proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex, catalytic domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013367", "l": "Submitochondrial Particles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0038563", "l": "Submitochondrial Particles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000071182", "l": "Autophagosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3887595", "l": "Autophagosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32167", "l": "Autophagosome", "d": ["An organelle with a double membrane that sequesters proteins and other organelles which may be targeted for degradation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031906", "l": "late endosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a late endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754221", "l": "ITGA3-ITGB1-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179950", "l": "Wall of rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821110", "l": "microvillar actin bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167504", "l": "ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070721", "l": "ISGF3 complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that consists of a Stat1-Stat2 heterodimer and the IRF9 protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520940", "l": "1p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24991", "l": "1p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183423", "l": "Plasma membrane of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000933", "l": "adventitious septum", "d": ["A cell septum whose formation is independent of nuclear division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821141", "l": "inversin compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325862", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of nephron", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752770", "l": "epispore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825770", "l": "10q24.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81852", "l": "10q24.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166894", "l": "mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070648", "l": "formin-nucleated actin cable", "d": ["An actin filament bundle that consists of short filaments organized into bundles of uniform polarity, and is nucleated by formins. In fungal cells, myosin motors transport cargo along actin cables toward sites of polarized cell growth; actin cables may play a similar role in pollen tube growth."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099571", "l": "postsynaptic cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the cytoskeleton contained within the postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158753", "l": "specific granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179986", "l": "Unmyelinated segment of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520802", "l": "18q21.1-q21.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38182", "l": "18q21.1-q21.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622074", "l": "propanediol degradation polyhedral organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824472", "l": "PDGF-BB dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263051", "l": "MIS12/MIND type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180057", "l": "Kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179875", "l": "Golgi network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990230", "l": "iron-sulfur cluster transfer complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalyzing the transfer of an iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755790", "l": "yeast spliceosomal complex CC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166788", "l": "microtubule associated complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000325", "l": "plant-type vacuole", "d": ["A closed structure that is completely surrounded by a unit membrane, contains liquid, and retains the same shape regardless of cell cycle phase. An example of this structure is found in Arabidopsis thaliana."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325584", "l": "lateral element", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D012730", "l": "Sex Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0036869", "l": "Sex Chromosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33542", "l": "Human Chromosome 23", "d": ["The X or Y chromosome in human beings that determines the sex of an individual. Females have two X chromosomes in diploid cells; males have an X and a Y chromosome. The sex chromosomes comprise the 23rd chromosome pair in a human karyotype."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:312238009", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:32247007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166798", "l": "half bridge of spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030486", "l": "smooth muscle dense body", "d": ["Electron-dense region associated with a smooth muscle contractile fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623212", "l": "plastid NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5170021", "l": "Karyotype | Products of Conception | Molecular pathology", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230782", "l": "Granular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57492000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035692", "l": "macrophage migration inhibitory factor receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds macrophage migration inhibitory factor. Comprises CD74 and CD44 cell surface proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044288", "l": "puncta adhaerentia", "d": ["A small version of the zonula adherens type junction, characterized by a symmetrical adherent point between two cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031604", "l": "nuclear proteasome core complex, alpha-subunit complex", "d": ["The subunits forming the outer ring of the core complex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450982", "l": "GTPase-containing complex for Gap1p sorting in the endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167015", "l": "snRNA cap binding complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817582", "l": "stromule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338116", "l": "Cytoplasm of adipocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611193", "l": "Grb2-Shc complex, EGF stimulated", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D013570", "l": "Synaptic Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0039063", "l": "Synaptic Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:81881007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140672", "l": "ATAC complex", "d": ["A chromatin remodeling complex that regulates transcription via acetylation primarily of nucleosomal histones H3 and possibly H4. Shares the histone acetylation (HAT) module of GCN5/PCAF-ADA2-ADA3-SGF29 (or orthologs) with the related SAGA complex (GO:0000124). Contains HAT subunits GCN5 or PCAF in a mutually exclusive manner. In addition to the HAT module contains DR1/NC2B, KAT14, MBIP, WDR5, YEATS2 and ZZZ3 or orthologs. Also regulates the activity of non-histone targets and orchestrates mitotic progression by regulating Cyclin A degradation through acetylation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752525", "l": "host cell presynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "62.786953246377834", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098588", "l": "bounding membrane of organelle", "d": ["The lipid bilayer that forms the outer-most layer of an organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030496", "l": "midbody", "d": ["A thin cytoplasmic bridge formed between daughter cells at the end of cytokinesis. The midbody forms where the contractile ring constricts, and may persist for some time before finally breaking to complete cytokinesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754987", "l": "monomeric IgA1 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0796365", "l": "8p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13388", "l": "8p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379785", "l": "central bladder", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070049", "l": "endobrevin-SNAP-25-syntaxin-2 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains endobrevin (VAMP8), SNAP-25, and syntaxin 2 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336721", "l": "Plasma membrane of multipotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824386", "l": "taurine dioxygenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "39.383067088669335", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178969", "l": "Cardinal cell part", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C34070", "l": "Cell Part", "d": ["The components of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752465", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180328", "l": "Triplet microtubule of kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323211", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type EC enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0918262", "l": "plant cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2700287", "l": "Xq26.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C75452", "l": "Xq26.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097519", "l": "DNA recombinase complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex consisting of a higher-order oligomer of strand exchange proteins (recombinases) on single-stranded DNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001114", "l": "protein-DNA-RNA complex", "d": ["A macromolecular complex containing protein, DNA, and RNA molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754223", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB1-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071561", "l": "nucleus-vacuole junction", "d": ["An organelle membrane contact site formed between the vacuole membrane and the outer nuclear membrane. In S. cerevisiae these contacts are mediated through direct physical interaction between Vac8p and Nvj1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000127", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIC complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric transcription factor complex that is involved in regulating transcription from RNA polymerase III (Pol III) promoters. TFIIIC contains three conserved subunits that associate with the proximal Pol III promoter element, and additional subunits that associate with sequence elements downstream of the promoter and are more diverged among species. It also functions as a boundary element to partition genome content into distinct domains outside Pol III promoter regions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044302", "l": "dentate gyrus mossy fiber", "d": ["Hippocampal mossy fiber produced by dentate gyrus granule cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990140", "l": "MPT synthase complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex which catalyses sulfur transfer from the sulfur carrier subunit of MPT synthase to precursor Z to synthesize MPT as part of molybdopterin cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis. In E. coli the subunits are MoaE and MoaD; in human, MOCS2B and MOCS2A. Moco biosynthesis and its constituent molecules are evolutionarily conserved."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896291", "l": "PYM-mago-Y14 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819017", "l": "dense core granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328839", "l": "neuronal dense core vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521234", "l": "2q37", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13134", "l": "2q37", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097443", "l": "sorting endosome", "d": ["A multivesicular body surrounded by and connected with multiple tubular compartments with associated vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682528", "l": "cell and cell structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748484", "l": "porous septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071117", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-fibronectin-NOV complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta1 integrin complex bound to fibronectin and the extracellular matrix protein NOV."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893290", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III, type I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325640", "l": "glycine reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325676", "l": "Nucleolar preribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164926", "l": "Performed Genetic Observation Genetic Region of Interest", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039629", "l": "T=219 icosahedral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=219 symmetry. T=219 icosahedral capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 2180 hexameric capsomeres for a total of 13140 capsid proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990007", "l": "membrane stack", "d": ["A configuration of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) found in Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and in axons in the lateral vestibular nucleus, consisting of parallel and interconnecting tubules whose outer surfaces are covered by particles or ringlike structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520581", "l": "14q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13656", "l": "14q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005853", "l": "eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex", "d": ["A multisubunit nucleotide exchange complex that binds GTP and aminoacyl-tRNAs, and catalyzes their codon-dependent placement at the A-site of the ribosome. In humans, the complex is composed of four subunits, alpha, beta, delta and gamma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753375", "l": "Grb2-Sos complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055038", "l": "recycling endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a recycling endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.348834789597348", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035770", "l": "ribonucleoprotein granule", "d": ["A non-membranous macromolecular complex containing proteins and translationally silenced mRNAs. RNA granules contain proteins that control the localization, stability, and translation of their RNA cargo. Different types of RNA granules (RGs) exist, depending on the cell type and cellular conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.496617203483822", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905348", "l": "endonuclease complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of endonuclease activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166930", "l": "smooth muscle dense body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896309", "l": "GPI-MT-I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548404", "l": "Lewy Neurites", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752281", "l": "Histone Locus Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690922", "l": "flagella connector", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000782", "l": "telomere cap complex", "d": ["A complex of DNA and protein located at the end of a linear chromosome that protects and stabilizes a linear chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548401", "l": "somatic spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521301", "l": "3q13.1-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13924", "l": "3q13.1-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167490", "l": "protein farnesyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546512", "l": "maltose transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754145", "l": "post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265810", "l": "terminal cisterna", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824431", "l": "transferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.432745995597372", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016469", "l": "proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex", "d": ["A large protein complex that catalyzes the synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP by a rotational mechanism, coupled to the transport of protons across a membrane. The complex comprises a membrane sector (F0, V0, or A0) that carries out proton transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (F1, V1, or A1) that catalyzes ATP synthesis or hydrolysis. Two major types have been characterized: V-type ATPases couple ATP hydrolysis to the transport of protons across a concentration gradient, whereas F-type ATPases, also known as ATP synthases, normally run in the reverse direction to utilize energy from a proton concentration or electrochemical gradient to synthesize ATP. A third type, A-type ATPases have been found in archaea, and are closely related to eukaryotic V-type ATPases but are reversible."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030896", "l": "checkpoint clamp complex", "d": ["Conserved heterotrimeric complex of PCNA-like proteins that is loaded onto DNA at sites of DNA damage."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043245", "l": "extraorganismal space", "d": ["The environmental space outside of an organism; this may be a host organism in the case of parasitic and symbiotic organisms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824405", "l": "bacterial chaperonin ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098966", "l": "perisynaptic extracellular matrix", "d": ["The portion of the extracellular matrix that lies within the perisynaptic space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511236", "l": "Body of the Spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32220", "l": "Body of the Spermatozoon", "d": ["A part of a sperm cell, also known as the middle piece, between the head and the tail consisting of the neck and connection piece. This area contains a large number of mitochondria that produce energy to power the tail."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521411", "l": "4q31.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39941", "l": "4q31.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097595", "l": "ventral disc crossbridge", "d": ["Structure horizontally linking adjacent microribbons of the ventral disc in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). The composition of crossbridges is not fully known yet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2828355", "l": "IgG2c", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120334", "l": "radial spoke 2", "d": ["The radial spoke of each group of radial spokes, whether grouped as triplets or doublets, that is immediately distal to radial spoke 1 (RS1). Radial spoke 2 (RS2), similarly to RS1, is comprised of four domains: 1) a very short base anchored to the A microtubule, 2) an elongaged stalk, 3) a bifurcated neck, and 4) an orthogonal head. The base of RS2 is connected to the tail of the inner dynein arm c."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167211", "l": "clathrin-coated pit location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:C000719328", "l": "smoker's inclusion bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C5565036", "l": "smoker's inclusion bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005602", "l": "complement component C1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of six subunits of C1q, each formed of the three homologous polypeptide chains C1QA, C1QB, and C1QB, and tetramer of two C1QR and two C1QS polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014803", "l": "longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum envelope. The longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen is continuous with the lumen contained within the terminal cisternae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752550", "l": "cell body membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990572", "l": "TERT-RMRP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that has RNA-directed RNA polymerase (RdRP) activity, and is composed of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and the non-coding RNA component of mitochondrial RNA processing endoribonuclease (RMRP)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521642", "l": "7q21.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25112", "l": "7q21.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754991", "l": "dimeric IgA1 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034662", "l": "CFTR-NHERF-ezrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains ezrin, Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF, also called EBP50), and two copies of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR molecules interact with NHERF via their cytoplasmic tail domains; the complex is thought to link the CFTR channel to the actin cytoskeleton and contribute to the regulation of channel activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017090", "l": "meprin A complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is located in the cell membrane, and is involved in the metabolism of peptides, including neuropeptides. The complex has metalloendopeptidase activity that catalyzes the hydrolysis of protein and peptide substrates, preferentially on carboxyl side of hydrophobic residues."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236014", "l": "cytoplasmic microtubule plus-end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167052", "l": "extrachromosomal circular DNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521105", "l": "22q11.21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13688", "l": "22q11.21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 22q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546702", "l": "Lewy body core", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156198", "l": "Ragulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690748", "l": "reservosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622071", "l": "ECS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183330", "l": "Dendrite of bipolar cell of retina", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990453", "l": "nucleosome disassembly/reassembly complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the disassembly and subsequent reassembly of nucleosomes. It associates with the coding region of transcriptionally active genes where it interacts with the RNA polymerase II and affects its processivity during co-transcriptional RNA processing and maturation. It exists as a functionally independent part of the NuA4 complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521059", "l": "20q12-q13.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13844", "l": "20q12-q13.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097610", "l": "cell surface furrow", "d": ["A furrow that may be found on the cell surface. Examples include the cingulum and sulcus found in some dinoflagellates."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000123", "l": "histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses histone acetyltransferase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.857986167591278", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031984", "l": "organelle subcompartment", "d": ["A compartment that consists of a lumen and an enclosing membrane, and is part of an organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000067617", "l": "Telopodes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C4042929", "l": "Telopodes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520363", "l": "11p14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24915", "l": "11p14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098836", "l": "cytoskeleton of dendritic spine", "d": ["The portion of the cytoskeleton that lies within a dendritic spine. The actin component of this cytoskeleton is involved in spine head remodeling in response to postsynaptic signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167468", "l": "magnesium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032999", "l": "Fc-alpha receptor I complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of an Fc-alpha R alpha chain and an Fc-epsilon RI gamma chain dimer with or without additional signaling components. The complex functions primarily as an activating receptor for IgA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000222", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V0 domain", "d": ["The V0 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072492", "l": "host cell mitochondrial intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the host cell mitochondrial envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072536", "l": "interleukin-23 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-23 and that consists of, at a minimum, a dimeric interleukin and its two receptor subunits as well as optional additional kinase subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180001", "l": "Axodendritic synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32176", "l": "Axodendritic Synapse", "d": ["A synapse between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183513", "l": "Intracristal matrix of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048788", "l": "cytoskeleton of presynaptic active zone", "d": ["The specialized cytoskeletal matrix of the presynaptic active zone. It has specialized functions in organizing synaptic events such as immobilisation or translocation of synaptic vesicles, and assembling active zone components. It is believed to form a molecular scaffold that organizes neurotransmitter release sites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167305", "l": "plasma membrane light-harvesting complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166695", "l": "Prophase chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520273", "l": "10q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13699", "l": "10q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179899", "l": "Postsynaptic component of chemical synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.305790483933691", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030658", "l": "transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520778", "l": "17q22-q23.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24976", "l": "17q22-q23.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034668", "l": "integrin alpha4-beta1 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha4 subunit and one beta1 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622552", "l": "protein acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.553878612054035", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005618", "l": "cell wall", "d": ["The rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the cell membrane of plant, fungal, most prokaryotic cells and some protozoan parasites, maintaining their shape and protecting them from osmotic lysis. In plants it is made of cellulose and, often, lignin; in fungi it is composed largely of polysaccharides; in bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan; in protozoan parasites such as Giardia species, it's made of carbohydrates and proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521705", "l": "8p22-p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14121", "l": "8p22-p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000347", "l": "THO complex", "d": ["The THO complex is a nuclear complex that is required for transcription elongation through genes containing tandemly repeated DNA sequences. The THO complex is also part of the TREX (TRanscription EXport) complex that is involved in coupling transcription to export of mRNAs to the cytoplasm. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of four subunits: Hpr1p, Tho2p, Thp1p, and Mft1p, while the human complex is composed of 7 subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005596", "l": "collagen type XIV trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XIV) chains; type XIV collagen triple helices may link sheet-forming or fibrillar collagens to other structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520185", "l": "Xq21.33-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25141", "l": "Xq21.33-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520970", "l": "1p35.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13796", "l": "1p35.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546708", "l": "pinceau fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246460", "l": "Rad51B-Rad51C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246564", "l": "microneme membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000813", "l": "ESCRT I complex", "d": ["An endosomal sorting complex required for transport. It consists of the class E vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) proteins and interacts with ubiquitinated cargoes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520844", "l": "19p13.1-p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13584", "l": "19p13.1-p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689945", "l": "protein-protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230701", "l": "Cytoplasmic metabolite, structurally distinctive", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62697005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520699", "l": "16q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13577", "l": "16q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167538", "l": "viral procapsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0026258", "l": "Mitotic Spindle Apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:113357005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000791", "l": "euchromatin", "d": ["A dispersed and relatively uncompacted form of chromatin that is in a transcription-competent conformation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044530", "l": "supraspliceosomal complex", "d": ["Multicomponent complex of RNA and proteins that is composed of four active spliceosomes, termed native spliceosomes, connected to each other by the pre-mRNA. The supraspliceosome is the nuclear machine where the pre-mRNA processing takes place, like the 5'-end capping, 3'-end cleavage, splicing and editing."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821181", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt5p-Pmt2p dimer complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821047", "l": "RNA polymerase III transcription repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520497", "l": "12q13.2-q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13522", "l": "12q13.2-q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690900", "l": "vacuole-isolation membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000118", "l": "histone deacetylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses histone deacetylase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325279", "l": "antisense RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824419", "l": "SufBCD complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156340", "l": "TRC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755952", "l": "Prp19 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521068", "l": "20q13.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13790", "l": "20q13.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167427", "l": "CAAX-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611786", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4048301", "l": "micronucleus - structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622519", "l": "septin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098561", "l": "methyl accepting chemotaxis protein complex", "d": ["A transmembrane protein complex that consists of multiple methyl-accepting chemoreceptor protein subunits, a histidine kinase and a connector protein and which functions in the regulation of flagellar rotary motor activity in response to an external chemical stimulus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071096", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-gelsolin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to gelsolin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071085", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD9 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaIIb-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell surface protein CD9."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070718", "l": "alphaPDGFR-SHP-2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (alphaPDGFR; PDGFRA) and the adaptor protein SHP-2, and is involved signaling via the PDGFR signaling pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896519", "l": "beta-catenin-ICAT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520766", "l": "17q12-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24973", "l": "17q12-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167041", "l": "vacuolar membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032473", "l": "cytoplasmic side of mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": ["The external (cytoplasmic) face of the mitochondrial outer membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1455763", "l": "Cell adhesive strip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0544949", "l": "Lysosomal debris", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:125455000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166791", "l": "kinesin I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097408", "l": "fibrillary inclusion", "d": ["Cellular inclusion consisting of circular areas filled with fine slender filaments about 10 nanometers in diameter, delimited by a wall of varying complexity (either a single continuous membrane or a tubular network consisting of a fine filamentous material giving the wall a honeycomb appearance). Fibrillary inclusions are found in the cytoplasm of giant cells of Dieters in the lateral vestibular nucleus of the rat; similar structures have been described in the ventral cochlear nucleus, spinal cord, and substantia nigra."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001651", "l": "dense fibrillar component", "d": ["A structure found in the nucleolus, which contains newly synthesized preribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) and a collection of proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042717", "l": "plasma membrane-derived chromatophore membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer associated with a plasma membrane-derived chromatophore; surrounds chromatophores that form complete vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158623", "l": "extrinsic component of stromal side of plastid inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009782", "l": "photosystem I antenna complex", "d": ["The antenna complex of photosystem I. A photosystem has two closely linked components, an antenna containing light-absorbing pigments and a reaction center. Each antenna contains one or more light-harvesting complexes (LHCs)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0014701", "l": "junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The part of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane that contains calcium release channels, is devoted to calcium release and is juxtaposed to transverse tubule membrane. The junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane consists of the junctional region of the terminal cisterna membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070993", "l": "translation preinitiation complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the small ribosomal subunit, a translation initiation ternary complex (i.e. an initiator tRNA, GTP, and an IF2 or eIF2 complex), and an mRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044799", "l": "NarGHI complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric protein complex with iron-sulfur and molybdenum cofactors that functions as a terminal reductase in electron transport pathways that operate during anaerobic nitrate respiration. In E. coli electrons are passed from the FdnGHI complex to the NarGHI complex via menoquinone and menaquinol. Within NarGHI, electrons are passed from the two heme molecules in the NarI subunit down a Fe-S cluster chain in the NarH and NarG subunits to the Molybdenum cofactor, Mo-bisMGD, in the NarG subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031470", "l": "carboxysome", "d": ["An organelle consisting of a proteinaceous coat and enzymes for the fixation of CO2. It augments the concentration of CO2 in the vicinity of RuBisCO to increase the efficiency of CO2 fixation under atmospheric conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031264", "l": "death-inducing signaling complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of signaling proteins with a death receptor upon ligand binding. The complex includes procaspases and death domain-containing proteins in addition to the ligand-bound receptor, and may control the activation of caspases 8 and 10."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031039", "l": "macronucleus", "d": ["A membrane-bounded organelle of ciliated protozoan cells that contains polyploid copies of a portion of the cell's complete genome. Transcription of genes occurs in macronuclei. Some ciliate species may contain multiple macronuclei per cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548377", "l": "virus tail, baseplate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070864", "l": "sperm individualization complex", "d": ["A cellular structure that includes cytoskeletal components and part of the cell membrane. Forms at the nuclear end of a male germline syncytium, or cyst, and translocates the over the length of the syncytium in the course of sperm individualization. Each complex contains an array of 64 investment cones, one per nucleus, that move synchronously along the spermatogenic cyst."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099522", "l": "cytosolic region", "d": ["Any (proper) part of the cytosol of a single cell of sufficient size to still be considered cytosol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137199", "l": "TGF-beta1-beta2 ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179842", "l": "Outer layer of plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621461", "l": "ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043514", "l": "interleukin-12 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of an interleukin-12 alpha (p35, product of the IL12A gene) and an interleukin-12 beta subunit (p40, product of the IL12B gene) and is secreted into the extracellular space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1513106", "l": "Membrane-Attached Polyribosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33086", "l": "Membrane-Attached Polyribosome", "d": ["A cluster of ribosomes that is associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520841", "l": "19p13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13503", "l": "19p13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236706", "l": "peri-centrosomal recycling endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033115", "l": "cyanelle thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer membrane of any thylakoid within a cyanelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1511992", "l": "Distal Connecting Fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32468", "l": "Distal Connecting Fiber", "d": ["A protein complex associated with the distal end of the centriole which that is involved in centriole localization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520583", "l": "14q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24947", "l": "14q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098547", "l": "lumenal side of Golgi membrane", "d": ["The side of the Golgi membrane that faces the lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230862", "l": "Intramitochondrial crystal", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:90984005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824512", "l": "Bre1-Rad6 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166654", "l": "apical cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D048648", "l": "Macronucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1456768", "l": "Macronucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451425", "l": "vascular endothelial glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010278", "l": "chloroplast outer membrane translocon", "d": ["The protein transport machinery of the chloroplast outer membrane that contains at least three components Toc159, Toc75 and Toc34, interacts with precursor proteins which are imported into the chloroplast in a GTP dependant manner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005905", "l": "clathrin-coated pit", "d": ["A part of the endomembrane system in the form of an invagination of a membrane upon which a clathrin coat forms, and that can be converted by vesicle budding into a clathrin-coated vesicle. Coated pits form on the plasma membrane, where they are involved in receptor-mediated selective transport of many proteins and other macromolecules across the cell membrane, in the trans-Golgi network, and on some endosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612618", "l": "chromosome, centromeric core domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521014", "l": "1q42", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14037", "l": "1q42", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520407", "l": "11q24-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24925", "l": "11q24-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.366655523270992", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003593", "l": "Cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0010834", "l": "Cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13226", "l": "Cytoplasm", "d": ["That portion of the cell contained within the plasma membrane but excluding the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016234", "l": "inclusion body", "d": ["A discrete intracellular part formed of aggregated molecules such as proteins or other biopolymers."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167202", "l": "secondary plasmodesma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546210", "l": "bacteriophage tail shaft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754161", "l": "AT-AC catalytic step 2 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521010", "l": "1q32.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13899", "l": "1q32.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019821", "l": "P3 peroxisome", "d": ["A subform of peroxisome that corresponds to an intermediate in a peroxisome assembly pathway, which operates by conversion of peroxisomal subforms in the direction P1, P2 -> P3 -> P4 -> P5 -> P6. P3 peroxisomes are formed by fusion of P1 and P2 peroxisomes, and are distinguished from the other subforms on the bases of buoyant density and protein content."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690923", "l": "flagellum attachment zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754953", "l": "membrane-bound IgG1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896419", "l": "phospholamban complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016471", "l": "vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex found in the vacuolar membrane, where it acts as a proton pump to mediate acidification of the vacuolar lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4084936", "l": "glycoprotein Ib-IX-V complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990047", "l": "spindle matrix", "d": ["A proteinaceous, nuclear-derived structure that embeds the microtubule spindle apparatus from pole to pole in a microtubule-independent manner during mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D020460", "l": "Melanosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0025213", "l": "Melanosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325652", "l": "mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043592", "l": "exosporium", "d": ["The outermost layer of a bacterial endospore, which is loosely attached and located outside of the endospore coat. It is generally composed of protein, carbohydrate, and perhaps lipid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009569", "l": "chloroplast starch grain", "d": ["Plant storage body for amylose and amylopectin, 1-100um in diameter, and located in chloroplasts. Also contains small amounts of enzymes, amino acids, lipids and nucleic acids. The shape of the grain varies widely amongst species, but is often spherical or disk-shaped."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167230", "l": "interleukin-13 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179987", "l": "Neck of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325589", "l": "nuclear origin of replication recognition complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990682", "l": "CSF1-CSF1R complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF1, also called M-CSF) dimer bound to a dimerized receptor (CSF1R, also called FMS). Receptor dimerization requires the presence of the ligand."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4553256", "l": "tripartite attachment complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527278", "l": "provirus location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5181352", "l": "Spermatozoa IgA binding location | Semen | Fertility testing", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005586", "l": "collagen type III trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(III) chains; type III collagen triple helices associate to form fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753273", "l": "sodium pump location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097574", "l": "lateral part of cell", "d": ["The region of a polarized cell other than its tips or ends (in some cell types, one end may be called the apex and the other the base). For example, in a polarized epithelial cell, the lateral part includes the cell sides which interface adjacent cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821238", "l": "excitatory neuromuscular junction", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097662", "l": "SCF-Das1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Das1 in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822732", "l": "endoribonuclease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824368", "l": "MetNI transporter", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120107", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum rotor complex", "d": ["The rotor complex of the bacterial-type flagellum consists of a membrane-anchored ring and the motor switch complex, which participates in the conversion of proton/Na+ energy into the mechanical work of rotation and controls the direction of flagellar rotation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548412", "l": "astrocyte projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324874", "l": "Plasma membrane of osteoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754997", "l": "IgM immunoglobulin complex, circulating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265232", "l": "flagellar basal body, distal rod, P ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325439", "l": "Tapered end of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098999", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic endosome membrane", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic endosome membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521296", "l": "3p26-p24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25047", "l": "3p26-p24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269173", "l": "PBF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236524", "l": "postsynaptic specialization membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "61.133503718432891", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C198952", "l": "Short Arm of Chromosome", "d": ["The shorter arm of the chromosome based on the distance from the most distal point to the centromere."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097463", "l": "gemmule", "d": ["Spine-like process found on some neurons, e.g., periglomerular cells of olfactory cortex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035976", "l": "transcription factor AP-1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric transcription factor complex composed of proteins from the c-Fos, c-Jun, activating transcription factor (ATF) or JDP families. The subunits contain a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) domain that is essential for dimerization and DNA binding. Jun-Fos heterodimers bind preferentially to a heptamer consensus sequence (TPA responsive element (TRE)), whereas Jun-ATF dimers bind the cyclic AMP responsive element (CRE) to regulate transcription of target genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2360312", "l": "Megakaryocytic nuclei", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825970", "l": "1q31.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82115", "l": "1q31.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2259896", "l": "plant-type vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042585", "l": "germinal vesicle", "d": ["The enlarged, fluid filled nucleus of a primary oocyte, the development of which is suspended in prophase I of the first meiotic division between embryohood and sexual maturity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896488", "l": "CSF1-CSF1R complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031899", "l": "chromoplast inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the chromoplast envelope; also faces the chromoplast stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179988", "l": "Zone of tail of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098850", "l": "extrinsic component of synaptic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The component of the synaptic vesicle membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990111", "l": "spermatoproteasome complex", "d": ["A proteasome specifically found in mammalian testis. Contains the proteasome activator PA200 in the regulatory particle, and beta1i, beta2i, beta5i and/or alpha4s in the core (20S) subunit. Beta1i, beta2i and beta5i are inducible catalytic subunits, closely related to beta1, beta2 and beta5. Alpha4s is a sperm-specific 20S subunit, but unlike other alternative 20S subunits alpha4s lies in the outer alpha-ring and lacks catalytic activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622653", "l": "centrosomal corona", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097584", "l": "dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase Pmt5p-Pmt2p dimer complex", "d": ["A protein dimer complex that possesses dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity and, in S. cerevisiae, is composed of Pmt5p-Pmt2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097597", "l": "ventral disc", "d": ["Specialized organelle found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage) and characterized by a spiral array of microtubules and microtubule-associated structures including dorsal microribbons and crossbridges. The edge of the ventral disc narrows into a lateral crest. The ventral disk mediates mechanical attachment of the trophozoite to the host's intestinal wall, and contains the contractile proteins actinin, alpha-actinin, myosin, and tropomyosin working towards contraction of the disk involved in adherence."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010368", "l": "chloroplast isoamylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex whose composition varies amongst species; in rice it probably exists in a homo-tetramer to homo-hexamer form and in Gram negative bacteria as a dimer. Functions in the hydrolysis of alpha-(1,6)-D-glucosidic branch linkages. Isoamylases in plants are intracellular and probably chloroplast localized."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.151319539368089", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032432", "l": "actin filament bundle", "d": ["An assembly of actin filaments that are on the same axis but may be oriented with the same or opposite polarities and may be packed with different levels of tightness."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032154", "l": "cleavage furrow", "d": ["The cleavage furrow is a plasma membrane invagination at the cell division site. The cleavage furrow begins as a shallow groove and eventually deepens to divide the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034751", "l": "aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as an aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor. Cytosolic and nuclear Ah receptor complexes have different subunit composition, but both contain the ligand-binding subunit AhR."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001931", "l": "uropod", "d": ["A membrane projection with related cytoskeletal components at the trailing edge of a cell in the process of migrating or being activated, found on the opposite side of the cell from the leading edge or immunological synapse, respectively."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521198", "l": "2q11.2-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25030", "l": "2q11.2-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137645", "l": "multiple synapse bouton, contacting single dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236787", "l": "microsporidian-type exospore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035632", "l": "mitochondrial prohibitin complex", "d": ["A complex composed of two proteins, prohibitin 1 and prohibitin 2 (PHB1/PHB-1 and PHB2/PHB-2) that is highly conserved amongst eukaryotes and associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane. The mitochondrial prohibitin complex is a macromolecular supercomplex composed of repeating heterodimeric subunits of PHB1 and PHB2. The mitochondrial prohibitin complex plays a role in a number of biological processes, including mitochondrial biogenesis and function, development, replicative senescence, and cell death."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070420", "l": "Ku-DNA ligase complex", "d": ["A nonhomologous end joining complex that contains one or more Ku monomers and one or more DNA ligase molecules from the LigC or LigD family, and mediates nonhomologous end joining in bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.923108426128749", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034703", "l": "cation channel complex", "d": ["An ion channel complex through which cations pass."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070722", "l": "Tle3-Aes complex", "d": ["A transcriptional repressor complex that consists of a heterodimer of the proteins Tle3 (also known as Grg3b) and Aes (Grg5), which are homologs of the Drosophila groucho gene product."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896282", "l": "eif4e-cup complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045248", "l": "cytosolic oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A cytosolic complex of multiple copies of three enzymatic components: oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) (E1), dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2) and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3); catalyzes the overall conversion of 2-oxoglutarate to succinyl-CoA and carbon dioxide (CO2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009359", "l": "type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex", "d": ["A protein complex that functions as an endonuclease to cleave DNA at or near a specific recognition site, when that site is unmethylated. These complexes may be dimers or tetramers; it is also possible for the endonuclease to be in a complex with the corresponding methyltransferase that methylates the recognition site. DNA restriction systems such as this are used by bacteria to defend against phage and other foreign DNA that may enter a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009426", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod", "d": ["The portion of the central rod of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body that is distal to the cell membrane; spans most of the distance between the inner and outer membranes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824408", "l": "ProVWX complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009986", "l": "cell surface", "d": ["The external part of the cell wall and/or plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754320", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-NOV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903349", "l": "omegasome membrane", "d": ["Any membrane that is part of an omegasome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325641", "l": "glycogen granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005950", "l": "anthranilate synthase complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric enzyme complex made up of two components I and two components II. Catalyzes the formation of anthranilate, pyruvate and L-glutamate from chorismate and L-glutamine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754802", "l": "cellular birth scar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230610", "l": "Dense zone, internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:63568009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821058", "l": "necrosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822550", "l": "thioredoxin-disulfide reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326936", "l": "CATCHR family complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166822", "l": "fatty acid elongase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158751", "l": "azurophil granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000936", "l": "primary cell septum", "d": ["A cell septum that forms following nuclear division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097217", "l": "sieve area", "d": ["A pit-like area in the cell wall of a sieve element; contains pores lined with callose and occupied by strands of protoplasmic material that interconnect the protoplasts of contiguous sieve elements."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325558", "l": "Nuclear nucleosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817247", "l": "laminin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451017", "l": "nuclear subtelomeric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690850", "l": "stereocilium shaft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326383", "l": "Plasma membrane of microfold cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180380", "l": "Sarcolemma of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329001", "l": "cofilin-actin rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622954", "l": "ribosomal RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333907", "l": "Plasma membrane of monocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005582", "l": "collagen type XV trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XV) chains; a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan often found in specialized basement membranes where it bridges between fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140737", "l": "encapsulin nanocompartment", "d": ["Intracellular non-membrane bound organelle, consisting of proteinaceous polyhedral shells that encapsulate enzymes, protecting the contents from their surrounding milieu and/or the milieu from reactants in their interior. The self-assembling, 25-42 nm nanocompartment shell, unlike larger bacterial microcompartments, is made of only one protein, and has only a few proteins inside. Shells about vary from about 25-42 nm in diameter. The shell protein has an HK97-like fold and probably evolved from a viral protein. Artificial encapsulin nanocompartments can be expressed and filled with cargo proteins for biotechnological uses. They are found in many bacterial and a few archaeal phyla."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520969", "l": "1p35.1-p36.23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14001", "l": "1p35.1-p36.23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818893", "l": "DSIF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036452", "l": "ESCRT complex", "d": ["An endosomal sorting complex involved in membrane fission processes related to sorting of multivesicular bodies (MVB) in the endocytic pathway, cytokinesis and viral budding among other processes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815080", "l": "MEN signalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623053", "l": "platelet alpha granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.523252184396", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990904", "l": "ribonucleoprotein complex", "d": ["A macromolecular complex that contains both RNA and protein molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318503", "l": "ciliary vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030685", "l": "nucleolar preribosome", "d": ["Any complex of pre-rRNAs, ribosomal proteins, and associated proteins formed in the nucleolus during ribosome biogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339970", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754023", "l": "cytokinetic ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451214", "l": "nuclear protein-containing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246490", "l": "aleurone grain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546534", "l": "HICS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4518052", "l": "Entire nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:726785009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817257", "l": "nexin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904813", "l": "ficolin-1-rich granule lumen", "d": ["Any membrane-enclosed lumen that is part of a ficolin-1-rich granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450465", "l": "gamma-tubulin small complex, spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450981", "l": "GSE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.149017510826027", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098802", "l": "plasma membrane signaling receptor complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of the plasma membrane and which functions as a signaling receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896293", "l": "Cry-Per complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1660265", "l": "plastid thylakoid lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166974", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, core complex, LHCIIa subcomplex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824277", "l": "molybdopterin cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis sulfurtransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1458149", "l": "Entire axon", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:362293000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166718", "l": "cell plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890162", "l": "eyespot apparatus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097727", "l": "blepharoplast", "d": ["An intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle found in multi-ciliated sperm cells of some primitive land plants, and consisting of many radially arranged ninefold symmetric cylinders. The blepharoplast is involved in de novo formation of multiple centrioles; it enlarges and then disintegrates into many procentrioles, which elongate and ultimately nucleate cilia on the surface of the sperm cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754131", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal complex A", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521460", "l": "5p15.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13733", "l": "5p15.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230795", "l": "ER related to mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:24894003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753848", "l": "alphaIIb-beta3 integrin-CD47-Src complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1156020", "l": "Microtubule Bundle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13448", "l": "Microtubule Bundle", "d": ["It is the aggregated products of microtubules during mitosis where chromosomes line up prior to the segregation process. Many antineoplastic agents cause cytotoxicity by inducing microtubular bundle formation irreversibly. (NCI)"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044172", "l": "host cell endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment", "d": ["A complex system of membrane-bounded compartments located between host cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the host Golgi complex, with a distinctive membrane protein composition; involved in ER-to-Golgi transport."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613167", "l": "RasGAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819076", "l": "sterol-rich membrane band", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523869", "l": "intracellular membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179123", "l": "Subdivision of sarcolemma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000131", "l": "incipient cellular bud site", "d": ["The portion of the budding yeast plasma membrane where a daughter cell will emerge. The yeast marks this spot with bud-site selection proteins before bud emergence occurs. Actin is polarized to this spot just prior to and during bud emergence."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000144", "l": "cellular bud neck septin ring", "d": ["A ring-shaped structure that forms at the site of cytokinesis in the bud neck of a budding cell; composed of members of the conserved family of filament forming proteins called septins as well as septin-associated proteins. In S. cerevisiae, this structure forms at the time of bud emergence and the septins show a high rate of exchange."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0597234", "l": "photosystem", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611169", "l": "DNA-dependent protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183504", "l": "Apical part of epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754393", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-b4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521619", "l": "7p14-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13849", "l": "7p14-p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230761", "l": "Fibrous sheath of spermatozoa tail", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:14167003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167428", "l": "calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896226", "l": "Parkin-HSel-10-Cullin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621833", "l": "regulation of cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753314", "l": "alphaM-beta2 integrin-CD63 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167381", "l": "collagen type VIII location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520482", "l": "12p13.32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13896", "l": "12p13.32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167299", "l": "succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005621", "l": "cellular bud scar", "d": ["Crater-like ring of chitinous scar tissue located on the surface of the mother cell. It is formed after the newly emerged daughter cell separates thereby marking the site of cytokinesis and septation. The number of bud scars that accumulate on the surface of a cell is a useful determinant of replicative age."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990130", "l": "GATOR1 complex", "d": ["A GTPase-activating protein (GAP) complex that regulates TORC1 signaling by interacting with the Rag GTPase. In human, the GATOR1 complex consists of DEPDC5, NPRL2, and NPRL3. In S. cerevisiae, this complex is referred to as SEACIT and contains the Iml1p, Npr2p, and Npr3p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002167", "l": "VRK3/VHR/ERK complex", "d": ["A ternary complex consisting of VRK3, VHR (Dusp3), and ERK1 (Mapk3) existing in neuronal cells, and is involved in regulation of the ERK signaling pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325679", "l": "Noc4p-Nop14p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520274", "l": "10q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38480", "l": "10q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754238", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM12 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546720", "l": "neck portion of tanycyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990796", "l": "photoreceptor cell terminal bouton", "d": ["A specialized region of the axon terminus portion of a photoreceptor cell axon. A photoreceptor cell is a neuron specialized to detect and transduce light."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814895", "l": "NMS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324229", "l": "Plasma membrane of fibroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754956", "l": "membrane-bound IgG2b", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106037", "l": "apicomedial cortex", "d": ["The region that lies just beneath the plasma membrane in the middle of the apical edge of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327096", "l": "mother centriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230742", "l": "Procentriole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32768", "l": "Procentriole", "d": ["An immature form of a centriole or basal body."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:50421000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009330", "l": "DNA topoisomerase type II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) complex", "d": ["Complex that possesses DNA topoisomerase II (double strand cut, ATP-hydrolyzing) activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824451", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair, DNA damage recognition complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005765", "l": "lysosomal membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the lysosome and separating its contents from the cell cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754212", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246978", "l": "rDNA heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515498", "l": "9p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13489", "l": "9p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034469", "l": "Golgi stack lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by any of the membranes of the thin, flattened cisternae that form the central portion of the Golgi complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099544", "l": "perisynaptic space", "d": ["The extracellular region immediately adjacent to to a synapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330898", "l": "Cytoplasm of osteocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030315", "l": "T-tubule", "d": ["Invagination of the plasma membrane of a muscle cell that extends inward from the cell surface around each myofibril. The ends of T-tubules make contact with the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097229", "l": "sperm end piece", "d": ["The short tip of the sperm flagellum, adjacent to the sperm principal piece and furthest from the sperm head, which contains only the axoneme surrounded by the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044308", "l": "axonal spine", "d": ["A spine that originates from the axon, usually from the initial segment."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032766", "l": "NHE3/E3KARP/ACTN4 complex", "d": ["A heterotrimeric protein complex formed by the association of NHE3, E3KARP and alpha-actinin upon an increase in calcium ion concentration; found in clusters localized on plasma membrane and in intracellular compartments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166667", "l": "septin ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754291", "l": "ITGAV-ITGB3-Gsn complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1753314", "l": "cellular entity storage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.87435383147438", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000781", "l": "chromosome, telomeric region", "d": ["The end of a linear chromosome, required for the integrity and maintenance of the end. A chromosome telomere usually includes a region of telomerase-encoded repeats the length of which rarely exceeds 20 bp each and that permits the formation of a telomeric loop (T-loop). The telomeric repeat region is usually preceded by a sub-telomeric region that is gene-poor but rich in repetitive elements. Some telomeres only consist of the latter part (for eg. D. melanogaster telomeres)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179125", "l": "Sarcotubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4324037", "l": "Nucleus of right pudendal nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035749", "l": "myelin sheath adaxonal region", "d": ["The region of the myelin sheath nearest to the axon."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033565", "l": "ESCRT-0 complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the recycling of Golgi proteins, formation of lumenal membranes and sorting of ubiquitinated proteins into those membranes. This complex includes Vps1p and Hse1p in yeast and the Hrs and STAM proteins in mammals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230620", "l": "Intercalated disc of myocardium", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:12488002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071191", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v7-protocadherin-gamma-b4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the cell adhesion molecules protocadherin-alpha-v7 and protocadherin-gamma-b4, and is involved in the regulation of protein localization to the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521420", "l": "4q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25071", "l": "4q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155704", "l": "type II terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893415", "l": "centromeric core domain chromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325620", "l": "proteasome complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044352", "l": "pinosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded, uncoated intracellular vesicle formed by the process of pinocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824542", "l": "Ire1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990467", "l": "NuA3a histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A NuA3 complex that catalyzes the acetylation of Histone H3. In S. cerevisiae, this complex consists of Eaf6p, Nto1p, Sas3p, Taf14p, Yng1p and associates with H3K4me3 using Yng1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097565", "l": "right middle basal body pair", "d": ["Set of two basal bodies found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It comprises the caudal and posteriolateral basal bodies located to the left of the right nucleus of the trophozoite when viewed dorsally."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167001", "l": "proplastid stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166811", "l": "proteasome activator complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622099", "l": "hyphal tip polarisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035841", "l": "new growing cell tip", "d": ["A cell tip that was newly formed at the last cell division, and that has started to grow after the cell has activated bipolar cell growth (i.e. in which new end take-off, NETO, has taken place). New end take-off is when monopolar cells initiate bipolar growth."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326729", "l": "Type C axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521417", "l": "4q34-q35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13512", "l": "4q34-q35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328909", "l": "dense core granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166721", "l": "SCF ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061823", "l": "ring centriole", "d": ["A ring-like structure observed at the base of the ciliary cap of insect spermatids. This structure may anchor the axoneme to the ciliary cap membrane and/or act as a diffusion barrier, proposed to be analogous to the annulus of mammalian sperm flagellum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179459", "l": "Region of plasma membrane of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167166", "l": "U2 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034995", "l": "SC5b-7 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consist of complement components C5b6 and C7 stably inserted in a cell membrane. Formation of the SC5b-7 complex is the first phase of membrane attack complex assembly."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166919", "l": "mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location, coupling factor F(o)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331721", "l": "Golgi complex of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754319", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-fibronectin-NOV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904564", "l": "Nbp35-Cfd1 ATPase complex", "d": ["An iron-sulfur cluster assembly complex that is capable of weak ATPase activity. In yeast it consists of two subunits, Nbp35 and Cfd1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329866", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum of striated muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520396", "l": "11q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13916", "l": "11q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824303", "l": "DnaB-DnaG complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328789", "l": "dynamic microtubule bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904176", "l": "carbon phosphorus lyase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of carbon phosphorus lyase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062039", "l": "biofilm matrix", "d": ["A structure lying external to microbial cells. A biofilm is an aggregate of surface-associated cells, and the biofilm matrix is the envelope of polymeric substances that surrounds the cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230738", "l": "Interzonal microtubules of spindle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:20763002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752538", "l": "bridge contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071176", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch2 (ICN2), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-2 (MAML2); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246496", "l": "cellular bud membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323669", "l": "Plasma membrane of T lymphocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820373", "l": "pre-autophagosomal structure", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166932", "l": "cytosolic oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324751", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of leukocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332815", "l": "Unencapsulated nerve ending innervating skin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520603", "l": "14q32.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13469", "l": "14q32.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158817", "l": "mitochondrial prohibitin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045334", "l": "clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-coated, membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle formed by invagination of the plasma membrane around an extracellular substance."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "38.28087764747653", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043226", "l": "organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, and prokaryotic structures such as anammoxosomes and pirellulosomes. Excludes the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990392", "l": "EFF-1 complex", "d": ["A trimeric cell-cell fusion complex that serves as a scaffold for zippering up the extracellular domains, bringing the transmembrane segments into close proximity such that they can continue zippering within the two membranes into one. Two prefusion monomers cluster at the surface of adjacent cells. Parallel EFF-1 interactions occur across cells and a third monomer, which can come from either cell, adds on to make an intermediate, extended trimer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521200", "l": "2q12-q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25032", "l": "2q12-q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000176", "l": "nuclear exosome (RNase complex)", "d": ["A ribonuclease complex that has 3-prime to 5-prime processive and distributive hydrolytic exoribonuclease activity and endoribonuclease activity, producing 5-prime-phosphomonoesters. Participates in a multitude of cellular RNA processing and degradation events preventing nuclear export and/or translation of aberrant RNAs. Restricted to processing linear and circular single-stranded RNAs (ssRNA) only. RNAs with complex secondary structures may have to be unwound or pre-processed by co-factors prior to entering the complex, esp if the 3-prime end is structured."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820105", "l": "EKC/KEOPS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820011", "l": "sexine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033620", "l": "Mei2 nuclear dot complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that forms during meiotic prophase in a fixed position in the horsetail nucleus; contains Mei2 and meiRNA. May play a role in the progression of meiosis I."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621882", "l": "CstF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164746", "l": "Cytoband Range End Chromosome Arm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824310", "l": "DnaB helicase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236576", "l": "postsynaptic cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824429", "l": "PMM-2 dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327130", "l": "actin cytoskeleton-regulatory complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0022625", "l": "cytosolic large ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The large subunit of a ribosome located in the cytosol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336508", "l": "Protoplasm of endo-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691109", "l": "pathogen-containing compartment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520361", "l": "11p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13632", "l": "11p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612285", "l": "phagophore assembly site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031972", "l": "chloroplast intermembrane space", "d": ["The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of a chloroplast envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611306", "l": "BRCA1-C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520297", "l": "10q25.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24906", "l": "10q25.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000428", "l": "DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses DNA-directed RNA polymerase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824376", "l": "SsuD-SsuE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13335", "l": "Origin of Replication", "d": ["A DNA sequence necessary and sufficient for initiation of DNA replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070062", "l": "extracellular exosome", "d": ["A vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. Extracellular exosomes, also simply called exosomes, have a diameter of about 40-100 nm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230846", "l": "Mitochondrial 'bridge'", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56308004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2243196", "l": "CDK8-containing TRAP/mediator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893650", "l": "MIS18 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.301331245594", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030863", "l": "cortical cytoskeleton", "d": ["The portion of the cytoskeleton that lies just beneath the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097550", "l": "transcription preinitiation complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex composed of proteins binding promoter DNA to form the transcriptional preinitiation complex (PIC), the formation of which is a prerequisite for transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071016", "l": "U12-type precatalytic spliceosome", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed by the recruitment of the preassembled U4atac/U6atac.U5 tri-snRNP to the U12-type prespliceosome. Although all 5 snRNPs are present, the precatalytic spliceosome is catalytically inactive. The precatalytic spliceosome includes many proteins in addition to those found in the U11, U12 and U4atac/U6atac.U5 snRNPs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2244323", "l": "chloroplast large ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005964", "l": "phosphorylase kinase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation of phosphorylase b to form phosphorylase a."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521306", "l": "3q21-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25048", "l": "3q21-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179938", "l": "Nucleus of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140498", "l": "mannan polymerase I complex", "d": ["A complex with alpha-(1->6)-mannosyltransferase activity, located in the cis Golgi membrane; adds mannan to N-linked glycans on proteins as part of the priming and elongation of alpha 1,6-linked Man backbone. In S. cerevisiae, contains Mnn9p and Van1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4318737", "l": "intrinsic component of dense core granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520979", "l": "1p36.2-p36.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13515", "l": "1p36.2-p36.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230946", "l": "Spore inner coat", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:10694006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.796139606449842", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042470", "l": "melanosome", "d": ["A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which melanin pigments are synthesized and stored. Melanosomes are synthesized in melanocyte cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070030", "l": "alphav-beta1 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta1 integrin complex bound to osteopontin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008303", "l": "caspase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains one or more cysteine-type endopeptidases (also called caspases), which give the complex a peptidase activity with specificity for the hydrolysis of aspartyl bonds. These complexes may be involved e.g. in apoptotic or inflammation processes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520843", "l": "19p13.1-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13683", "l": "19p13.1-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821144", "l": "synaptic vesicle protein transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990923", "l": "PET complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is composed of at least EXD1, TDRD12 and some PIWI protein. The complex is required for MILI slicing-triggered biogenesis and loading of MIWI2 piRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005849", "l": "mRNA cleavage factor complex", "d": ["Any macromolecular complex involved in cleavage or polyadenylation of mRNA molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062244", "l": "double membrane vesicle viral factory lumen", "d": ["The volume surrounded by the inner membrane of a double membrane vesicle viral factory."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990252", "l": "Syp1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contributes to the endocytic process and bud growth in yeast. It is involved in the precise timing of actin assembly during endocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005607", "l": "laminin-2 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha2, beta1 and gamma1 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544388", "l": "muscle arm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322578", "l": "Segment of corticobulbar tract", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520543", "l": "13q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13872", "l": "13q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325819", "l": "RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005584", "l": "collagen type I trimer", "d": ["A collagen trimer containing alpha(I) chains. The most common form of type I collagen is a heterotrimer containing two alpha1(I) chains and one alpha2(I) chain; homotrimers containing three alpha1(I) chains are also found. Type I collagen triple helices associate to form banded fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893291", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III, type II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071745", "l": "IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the IgA isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds, and sometimes complexed with J chain or J chain and secretory component. An IgA immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523506", "l": "glutamate synthase complex (NADH)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327478", "l": "post-anaphase array microtubule end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754022", "l": "contractile ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230528", "l": "Interphase nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:83778003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990622", "l": "CHOP-ATF3 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that is composed of CHOP (C/EBP homology protein, GADD153) and ATF3 (activating transcription factor 3) subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C118182", "l": "20q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180338", "l": "Wall of annulate lamella cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333774", "l": "Cytoplasmic bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:79339000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271492", "l": "scintillon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325335", "l": "heterotrimeric G-protein location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179141", "l": "Free sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990586", "l": "divisome complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for prokaryotic cell division (FtsZ-dependent cytokinesis). These complexes are assembled and recruited to the cell septum in a strictly controlled sequence and co-ordinate invagination of the cell membrane, inward growth of the peptidoglycan layer, constriction of the outer membrane and separation of daughter cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521235", "l": "2q37.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25043", "l": "2q37.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235341", "l": "photoreceptor cell terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546550", "l": "[Ni-Fe] hydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246384", "l": "Fc-alpha receptor I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000817", "l": "COMA complex", "d": ["A kinetochore multiprotein complex that bridges the subunits that are in contact with centromeric DNA and the subunits bound to microtubules during kinetochore assembly. In yeast, consists of Ctf19p, Okp1p, Mcm21p, and Ame1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324503", "l": "Cell nucleus of mesothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893584", "l": "extrinsic component of pre-autophagosomal structure membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247013", "l": "elongator holoenzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140268", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-plasma membrane contact site", "d": ["A contact site between the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and the plasma membrane, structured by bridging complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896422", "l": "IRE1-RACK1-PP2A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071137", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-CD98 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to the cell surface antigen CD98."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748473", "l": "cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005958", "l": "DNA-dependent protein kinase-DNA ligase 4 complex", "d": ["A large protein complex which is involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks and, in mammals, V(D)J recombination events. It consists of the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), the DNA end-binding heterodimer Ku, the nuclear phosphoprotein XRCC4 or a homolog thereof, and DNA ligase IV."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325569", "l": "Outer kinetochore of condensed chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521473", "l": "5q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13829", "l": "5q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034992", "l": "microtubule organizing center attachment site", "d": ["A region of the nuclear envelope to which a microtubule organizing center (MTOC) attaches; protein complexes embedded in the nuclear envelope mediate direct or indirect linkages between the microtubule cytoskeleton and the nuclear envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184884", "l": "Base of internal pillar cell of cochlea", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166896", "l": "mitochondrial oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032282", "l": "plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex", "d": ["An acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex located in the stroma of a plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548437", "l": "classical Lewy body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157061", "l": "MPP7-DLG1-LIN7 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032865", "l": "ERMES complex", "d": ["A protein complex that links the endoplasmic reticulum with mitochondria and may have a role in promoting exchange of calcium and phospholipids between the two organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754233", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061827", "l": "sperm head", "d": ["The part of the late spermatid or spermatozoon that contains the nucleus and acrosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008043", "l": "intracellular ferritin complex", "d": ["A ferritin complex located in the cell. Intracellular ferritin complexes contain 24 subunits, in a mixture of L (light) chains and H (heavy) chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610716", "l": "cytochrome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235727", "l": "ficolin-1-rich granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893248", "l": "vesicular component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754118", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex B*", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120340", "l": "radial spoke base 1", "d": ["The short portion of the radial spoke 1 (RS1) that is directly anchored to the A microtubule of an axonemal microtubule doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179105", "l": "Region of fibrillar component of nucleolus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754954", "l": "membrane-bound IgG2", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097526", "l": "spliceosomal tri-snRNP complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal snRNP complex that is formed by the association of the U4/U6 (or U4atac/U6atac) snRNP with the U5 snRNP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034735", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIC2 complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that forms part of the TFIIIC complex, observed in human; composed of five subunits (GTF3C1/hTFIIIC220/TFIIICalpha, GTF3C2/hTFIIIC110/TFIIICbeta, GTF3C3/hTFIIIC102/TFIIICgamma, GTF3C4/hTFIIIC90/TFIIICdelta and GTF3C5/hTFIIIC63/TFIIICepsilon in human) that together recognize the type 2 RNA polymerase III promoter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034492", "l": "hydrogenosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the hydrogenosome membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167082", "l": "ribonuclease MRP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521561", "l": "6q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13521", "l": "6q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167014", "l": "small cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896390", "l": "IRE1-TRAF2-ASK1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520372", "l": "11p15.4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14133", "l": "11p15.4", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005577", "l": "fibrinogen complex", "d": ["A highly soluble, elongated protein complex found in blood plasma and involved in clot formation. It is converted into fibrin monomer by the action of thrombin. In the mouse, fibrinogen is a hexamer, 46 nm long and 9 nm maximal diameter, containing two sets of nonidentical chains (alpha, beta, and gamma) linked together by disulfide bonds."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166881", "l": "Pericentriolar Matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598070", "l": "plasmalemmal vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "73.921857375477728", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000793", "l": "condensed chromosome", "d": ["A highly compacted molecule of DNA and associated proteins resulting in a cytologically distinct structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "44.803618958905105", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043232", "l": "intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle", "d": ["Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, not bounded by a lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes ribosomes, the cytoskeleton and chromosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166926", "l": "mRNA cap complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0040419", "l": "Tonofilaments", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070916", "l": "inositol phosphoceramide synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses inositol phosphoceramide synthase activity and contains a catalytic subunit and a regulatory subunit (Aur1p and Kei1p, respectively, in Saccharomyces)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13297", "l": "Promoter", "d": ["A DNA sequence at which RNA polymerase binds and initiates transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072324", "l": "ascus epiplasm", "d": ["Ascus cytoplasm that is not packaged into ascospores."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332560", "l": "Zone of cell body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098584", "l": "host cell synaptic vesicle", "d": ["A secretory organelle of a host cell, some 50 nm in diameter, of presynaptic nerve terminals; accumulates in high concentrations of neurotransmitters and secretes these into the synaptic cleft by fusion with the 'active zone' of the presynaptic plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610479", "l": "photoreceptor inner segment membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236529", "l": "postsynaptic specialization of symmetric synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322306", "l": "Vagal nerve parasympathetic fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235135", "l": "glycoprotein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623277", "l": "late endosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690717", "l": "EDS1-PAD4-SAG101 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523554", "l": "nuclear pore outer ring", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098975", "l": "postsynapse of neuromuscular junction", "d": ["The postsynapse of a neuromuscular junction. In vertebrate muscles this includes the motor end-plate, consisting of postjunctional folds of the sarcolemma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325738", "l": "interleukin-20 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042589", "l": "zymogen granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a zymogen granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001534", "l": "radial spoke", "d": ["Protein complex that links the outer microtubule doublet of a 9+2 type ciliary or flagellar axoneme with the sheath that surrounds the central pair of microtubules. Composed of a stalk that attaches to each doublet microtubule and a globular structure (spoke head) that projects toward the central pair of microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033573", "l": "high-affinity iron permease complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of a multicopper ferroxidase that oxidizes Fe(II) to Fe(III), and a ferric iron permease that transports the produced Fe(III) into the cell. In high-affinity transport the transporter is able to bind the solute even if it is only present at very low concentrations."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546551", "l": "secondary cell wall cellulose synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236622", "l": "presynaptic cytosol", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.653457143972261", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097478", "l": "leaflet of membrane bilayer", "d": ["Any of the two layers of lipid molecules that constitute a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231717", "l": "WNT-FZD-LRP6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689785", "l": "Kir6.1-SUR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820698", "l": "viral capsid, turret", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020004", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuolar space", "d": ["The space between a symbiont plasma membrane and the symbiont-containing vacuole membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752467", "l": "host cell endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520303", "l": "10q26.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26077", "l": "10q26.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005742", "l": "mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex", "d": ["A large complex of the mitochondrial outer membrane that mediates transport of proteins into all mitochondrial compartments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825767", "l": "12p13.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81849", "l": "12p13.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752272", "l": "Toll-like receptor 1-Toll-like receptor 2 protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337207", "l": "Protoplasm of pancreatic ductal cell (epithelial cell)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548420", "l": "apical dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990318", "l": "collagen type XIX trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XIX) chains; type XIX collagen triple helices localize to basement membrane zones in differentiating muscle cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099143", "l": "presynaptic actin cytoskeleton", "d": ["The actin cytoskeleton that is part of a presynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334041", "l": "Nerve ending within end bulb of Ruffini", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623088", "l": "external side of outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324522", "l": "Cytoplasm of fibroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000446", "l": "nucleoplasmic THO complex", "d": ["The THO complex when it is acting as a nuclear complex that is required for transcription elongation through genes containing tandemly repeated DNA sequences. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of four subunits: Hpr1, Tho2, Thp2, and Mft1, while the human complex is composed of 7 subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332876", "l": "Plasma membrane of neural cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754242", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166687", "l": "Mitochondrial chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325619", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class III", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.335741739186091", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044306", "l": "neuron projection terminus", "d": ["The specialized, terminal region of a neuron projection such as an axon or a dendrite."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520851", "l": "19p13.3-p13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13762", "l": "19p13.3-p13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.168002017049517", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045259", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex that catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP during oxidative phosphorylation. The complex comprises a membrane sector (F0) that carries out proton transport and a cytoplasmic compartment sector (F1) that catalyzes ATP synthesis by a rotational mechanism; the extramembrane sector (containing 3 a and 3 b subunits) is connected via the d-subunit to the membrane sector by several smaller subunits. Within this complex, the g and e subunits and the 9-12 c subunits rotate by consecutive 120 degree angles and perform parts of ATP synthesis. This movement is driven by the hydrogen ion electrochemical potential gradient."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3476765", "l": "Y chromosome AZFc region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754124", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex C1", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328783", "l": "actin body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325379", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type ECL enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990667", "l": "PCSK9-AnxA2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of the serine protease PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin-9) and annexin A2 (AnxA2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326425", "l": "Unencapsulated nerve ending innervating Merkel's disc", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167034", "l": "symbiont-containing vacuole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893909", "l": "copper ion transmembrane transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033117", "l": "esterosome", "d": ["A vesicle filled with crystalline protein that shows sequence similarities with various esterases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520637", "l": "15q22-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26521", "l": "15q22-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099501", "l": "exocytic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an exocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167038", "l": "protein storage vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821309", "l": "bounding membrane of organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235044", "l": "gas vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520956", "l": "1p33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24996", "l": "1p33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.445890902706076", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005604", "l": "basement membrane", "d": ["A collagen-containing extracellular matrix consisting of a thin layer of dense material found in various animal tissues interposed between the cells and the adjacent connective tissue. It consists of the basal lamina plus an associated layer of reticulin fibers."], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0004799", "l": "Basement membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13191", "l": "Basement Membrane", "d": ["Ubiquitous supportive tissue adjacent to epithelium and around smooth and striated muscle cells. This tissue contains intrinsic macromolecular components such as collagen, laminin, and sulfated proteoglycans. As seen by light microscopy one of its subdivisions is the basal (basement) lamina."], "t": []}, {"i": "UBERON:0005769", "l": "basement membrane of epithelium", "d": ["An acellular membrane that is part of the epithelium, lies adjacent to the epithelial cells, and is the fusion of the the basal lamina and the reticular lamina."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009289", "l": "pilus", "d": ["A proteinaceous hair-like appendage on the surface of bacteria ranging from 2-8 nm in diameter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824539", "l": "IscS-TusA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031560", "l": "cellular bud neck polarisome", "d": ["Protein complex that has a role in determining cell polarity, found at the neck of a fungal bud before and during cytokinesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036064", "l": "ciliary basal body", "d": ["A membrane-tethered, short cylindrical array of microtubules and associated proteins found at the base of a eukaryotic cilium (also called flagellum) that is similar in structure to a centriole and derives from it. The cilium basal body is the site of assembly and remodeling of the cilium and serves as a nucleation site for axoneme growth. As well as anchoring the cilium, it is thought to provide a selective gateway regulating the entry of ciliary proteins and vesicles by intraflagellar transport."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612832", "l": "Itgad-Itgb2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754401", "l": "Kv4.1-DPP10 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D008841", "l": "Actin Cytoskeleton", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0025979", "l": "Microfilaments", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13255", "l": "Actin Filament", "d": ["The finest filamentous element of the cytoskeleton, having a diameter of about 5 nm and consisting primarily of actin."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:9186008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030679", "l": "cyanelle ribonuclease P complex", "d": ["A ribonuclease P complex located in the cyanelle, where it catalyzes the 5' endonucleolytic cleavage of precursor tRNAs to yield mature tRNAs. The best characterized cyanelle ribonuclease P complex, from the alga Cyanophora paradoxa, contains a single RNA molecule that is necessary but not sufficient for catalysis, and several protein molecules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610686", "l": "endobrevin-SNAP-25-syntaxin-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005693", "l": "U12 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains small nuclear RNA U12, a heptameric ring of Sm proteins, as well as several proteins that are unique to the U12 snRNP, most of which remain associated with the U12 snRNA both while the U12 snRNP is free or assembled into a series of spliceosomal complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749483", "l": "20S core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340176", "l": "Protoplasm of Type X enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520374", "l": "11p15.5-p15.4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24917", "l": "11p15.5-p15.4", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098938", "l": "actin cytoskeleton of dendritic spine", "d": ["The actin cytoskeleton that is part of a dendritic spine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035453", "l": "extrinsic component of plastid inner membrane", "d": ["The component of a plastid inner membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000214", "l": "tRNA-intron endonuclease complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the endonucleolytic cleavage of pre-tRNA, producing 5'-hydroxyl and 2',3'-cyclic phosphate termini, and specifically removing the intron."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032996", "l": "Bcl3-Bcl10 complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing Bcl3 and Bcl10, which forms when Akt1 is activated by TNF-alpha to phosphorylate Bcl10; the Bcl3-Bcl10 complex is translocated to the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235094", "l": "CST complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137197", "l": "paaABCE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520578", "l": "14q11.1-q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26620", "l": "14q11.1-q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990220", "l": "GroEL-GroES complex", "d": ["Bacterial chaperonin complex consisting of a heptameric 10kDa chaperonin subunit GroES and a tetradecameric (2x7) 60kDa chaperonin subunit GroEL. The 60kDa subunit possesses ATPase activity while the holo-enzyme is responsible for the correct folding of proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328859", "l": "neuronal dense core vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.775903698273282", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045177", "l": "apical part of cell", "d": ["The region of a polarized cell that forms a tip or is distal to a base. For example, in a polarized epithelial cell, the apical region has an exposed surface and lies opposite to the basal lamina that separates the epithelium from other tissue."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0110092", "l": "nucleus leading edge", "d": ["The area of a motile nucleus closest to the direction of movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621278", "l": "positive regulation of cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690291", "l": "K/Na hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070211", "l": "Snt2C complex", "d": ["A histone deacetylase complex that is part of the chromatin remodeling machinery. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae this complex contains Snt2p, Ecm5p and Rpd3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097569", "l": "lateral shield", "d": ["Region of the ventral side of the cell body found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is located posterior on either side of the ventral groove; the upper boundary is the ventral disc, and the lower boundary is marked by the posteriolateral flagella."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179964", "l": "Component of elastic fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335077", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of pluripotent stem cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450421", "l": "nuclear centric heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990322", "l": "collagen type XXIII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXIII) chains; type XXIII collagen triple helices span the plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009528", "l": "plastid inner membrane", "d": ["The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the plastid envelope; also faces the plastid stroma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179111", "l": "B-tubule of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520189", "l": "Xq22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13792", "l": "Xq22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753924", "l": "TACC/TOG complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515519", "l": "9q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13604", "l": "9q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521646", "l": "7q21.3-q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13769", "l": "7q21.3-q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005680", "l": "anaphase-promoting complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex that degrades mitotic cyclins and anaphase inhibitory protein, thereby triggering sister chromatid separation and exit from mitosis. Substrate recognition by APC occurs through degradation signals, the most common of which is termed the Dbox degradation motif, originally discovered in cyclin B."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521487", "l": "5q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13988", "l": "5q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098578", "l": "condensed chromatin of inactivated sex chromosome", "d": ["A condensed form of chromatin that is associated with an inactivated sex chromosome and which is responsible for its inactivation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016324", "l": "apical plasma membrane", "d": ["The region of the plasma membrane located at the apical end of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325654", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I, membrane segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821168", "l": "left nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13547", "l": "2p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 2"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033110", "l": "Cvt vesicle membrane", "d": ["Either of the two lipid bilayers surrounding a Cvt vesicle, a vesicle that functions in the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061201", "l": "clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the clathrin-sculpted gamma-aminobutyric acid transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031002", "l": "actin rod", "d": ["A cellular structure consisting of parallel, hexagonally arranged actin tubules, comprising filamentous actin and associated proteins. Actin rod structures are found in diverse organisms, having been observed in spores of Dictyostelium discoideum, Drosophila melanogaster oocytes, as well as in numerous animal cells under stress conditions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611130", "l": "exocytic vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3826337", "l": "Flagella (Microbiology)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D019897", "l": "Periplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0525009", "l": "periplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167273", "l": "light-harvesting complex, core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329225", "l": "Plasma membrane of epithelial cell of stratum germinativum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031416", "l": "NatB complex", "d": ["A conserved complex that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl group to the N-terminal residue of a protein acceptor molecule that has a Met-Glu, Met-Asp, Met-Asn, or Met-Met N-terminus. In Saccharomyces the complex includes Nat3p and Mdm20p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031089", "l": "platelet dense granule lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the platelet dense granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2330490", "l": "Plasma membrane of brush cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990324", "l": "collagen type XXVI trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(XXVI) chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1657453", "l": "extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044353", "l": "micropinosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded, uncoated intracellular vesicle formed by the process of micropinocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621948", "l": "alpha-glucosidase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039624", "l": "viral outer capsid", "d": ["The outer layer of a double or triple concentric icosahedral capsid. Outer capsids are part of reoviridae and cystoviridae virions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137198", "l": "TGF-beta1 ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071152", "l": "G-protein alpha(q)-synembrin complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor synembrin with the alpha(q) subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744675", "l": "alpha DNA polymerase:primase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167152", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269095", "l": "BCL-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D041322", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Y", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1136736", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Y", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13286", "l": "Human Chromosome Y", "d": ["The smaller of the two human sex chromosome. Its presence usually determines the development of a fetus as male, while its absence usually determines the development of a fetus as female."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022101", "l": "Microtubule-Organizing Center", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0242607", "l": "Microtubule-Organizing Center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520771", "l": "17q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13504", "l": "17q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893549", "l": "distal appendage of centriole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030131", "l": "clathrin adaptor complex", "d": ["A membrane coat adaptor complex that links clathrin to a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097204", "l": "phagocytic cup base", "d": ["The older part of the phagocytic cup where the actin cytoskeleton disassembles, allowing early incoming and outgoing vesicular trafficking."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515470", "l": "8q24.12-q24.13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13676", "l": "8q24.12-q24.13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323125", "l": "Photoreceptor membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D022041", "l": "Euchromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0059882", "l": "Euchromatin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13289", "l": "Euchromatin", "d": ["Euchromatin. The parts of chromosomes that, during interphase, are uncoiled dispersed threads and not stained by ordinary dyes; metabolically active, in contrast to the inert heterochromatin."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:82983007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D016631", "l": "Lewy Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0085200", "l": "Lewy Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43127003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009382", "l": "imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase complex", "d": ["Complex that possesses imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230914", "l": "Basal lamina, inclusion consisting of dense deposit", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:21833006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521637", "l": "7q11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26631", "l": "7q11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246492", "l": "amyloplast membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167432", "l": "citrate lyase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166995", "l": "plastid intermembrane space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520503", "l": "12q14.3-q15", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13674", "l": "12q14.3-q15", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031562", "l": "hyphal tip polarisome", "d": ["Protein complex that has a role in determining cell polarity, found at the tip of a growing fungal hypha."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230647", "l": "Intercellular canaliculus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91197003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C113415", "l": "Expression Quantitative Trait Locus", "d": ["A stretch of DNA at a particular chromosomal location that is able to regulate the expression of a specific mRNA or protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167384", "l": "Postsynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33390", "l": "Postsynaptic Membrane", "d": ["The membrane of the postsynaptic cell that is enriched with neurotransmitter receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754542", "l": "medial cortical node", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990612", "l": "Sad1-Kms1 LINC complex", "d": ["A LINC complex implicated in the connection of DNA double strand breaks to the cytoskeleton during DNA double-strand break repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824559", "l": "transporter complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032783", "l": "super elongation complex", "d": ["A transcription elongation factor complex that increases the overall rate of RNA polymerase II transcription elongation by suppressing transient polymerase pausing. At minimum, the complex contains a transcription factor of the ELL family, an EAF protein, and an AFF family protein or distant relative and most likely also P-TEFb and AF9 or ENL. The complex is conserved from yeast to humans. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe it contains Ell1, Eaf1, and Ebp1, but it is absent from S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990917", "l": "ooplasm", "d": ["The cytoplasm of an ovum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990374", "l": "Kir2 inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": ["A inward rectifier potassium channel complex. Homo- or heterotetramer composed of subunits of the eukaryotic Kir2 protein family. Plays a key role in maintaining the correct resting potential in eukaryotic cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328910", "l": "spine apparatus membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325562", "l": "condensed chromosome, pericentric region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520947", "l": "1p31-p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13879", "l": "1p31-p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990316", "l": "Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of Atg1 (or Atg1 homologs e.g. ULK1, ULK2 in mammals) and Atg13 along with other proteins that regulate its function (e.g. Atg17 in yeast or RB1CC1(FIP200) in mammals). This complex has serine/threonine protein kinase activity and is involved in autophagosome formation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271154", "l": "Secretory Granule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26062", "l": "Secretory Granule", "d": ["Usually a protein, it is produced in the granular endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex. Morphologically, it is defined as a membrane-bound particle."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:51925009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325578", "l": "mitotic cohesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821269", "l": "cytoplasmic side of Golgi membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0228080", "l": "Central nervous system axis cylinder", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:47514008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179067", "l": "Rod spherule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034997", "l": "alphav-beta5 integrin-vitronectin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that comprises one integrin alphav subunit, one integrin beta5 subunit, and vitronectin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755000", "l": "pentameric IgM immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071100", "l": "alphaV-beta8 integrin-MMP14-TGFbeta-1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta8 integrin complex bound to matrix metalloproteinase 14 and transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFbeta-1)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C164925", "l": "Performed Genetic Observation Genetic Location Of Interest", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13371", "l": "5' Untranslated Region", "d": ["Sequences on the 5' end of messenger RNAs that are not translated into protein. 5'UTR extends from the transcription start site to just before the ATG translation initiation codon. This region contains the ribosome binding site and other transcription and translation regulating sequences."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166891", "l": "mitochondrial endopeptidase Clp complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328544", "l": "Cytoplasm of epithelial cell of stratum germinativum of esophagus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031466", "l": "Cul5-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul5 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by an elongin-BC adaptor and a SOCS/BC box protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000795", "l": "synaptonemal complex", "d": ["A proteinaceous scaffold found between homologous chromosomes during meiosis. It consists of 2 lateral elements and a central element, all running parallel to each other. Transverse filaments connect the lateral elements to the central element."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4325614", "l": "Multimerin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230675", "l": "Cytoplasmic vacuole, not related to GERL", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:29720005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097075", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 3-interferon regulatory factor 7 complex", "d": ["An interferon regulatory factor complex that consists of a heterodimer of interferon regulatory factor 3 and interferon regulatory factor 7."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097570", "l": "cyst wall", "d": ["The specialized envelope lying outside the cell membrane of a cyst. A cyst is a resting or dormant stage of a microorganism, usually a bacterium or a protist or rarely an invertebrate animal, that helps the organism to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions. In protists such as protozoan parasites alternating cystic- and non-cystic stages, the cyst wall is usually composed of carbohydrates and proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3894139", "l": "phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235112", "l": "tubulin folding cofactor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896528", "l": "C1 axonemal microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754251", "l": "CUGBP1-eIF2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710980", "l": "3q27.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45172", "l": "3q27.1", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009350", "l": "ethanolamine ammonia-lyase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the breakdown of ethanolamine to form acetaldehyde and ammonia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156614", "l": "NLRP3 inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819608", "l": "ELL-EAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622966", "l": "CFII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331109", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type L enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612801", "l": "integrin alpha6-beta1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.755473255981116", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016459", "l": "myosin complex", "d": ["A protein complex, formed of one or more myosin heavy chains plus associated light chains and other proteins, that functions as a molecular motor; uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to move actin filaments or to move vesicles or other cargo on fixed actin filaments; has magnesium-ATPase activity and binds actin. Myosin classes are distinguished based on sequence features of the motor, or head, domain, but also have distinct tail regions that are believed to bind specific cargoes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031474", "l": "myosin IV complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing one or more class IV myosin heavy chains and associated light chains; myosin IV is relatively uncharacterized, but is predicted to have a single motor domain, one IQ motif and a tail with a Myosin Tail Homology (myTH4) domain homologous to that in the tails of myosins VII and XV."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515453", "l": "8q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13944", "l": "8q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000094282", "l": "Schaffer Collaterals", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3544403", "l": "Schaffer Collaterals", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097448", "l": "spine mat", "d": ["A configuration of neuron spines found on ciliary ganglion neurons in the embryonic and adult brain consisting of patches of closely spaced spines lying flat against the soma."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.923594617603442", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005795", "l": "Golgi stack", "d": ["The set of thin, flattened membrane-bounded compartments, called cisternae, that form the central portion of the Golgi complex. The stack usually comprises cis, medial, and trans cisternae; the cis- and trans-Golgi networks are not considered part of the stack."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339341", "l": "Plasma membrane of Type TG enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690666", "l": "apicomedial cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903114", "l": "silver ion transmembrane transporter complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of silver ion transmembrane transporter activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166794", "l": "plus-end kinesin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070522", "l": "ERCC4-ERCC1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric nucleotide-excision repair complex that has endonuclease activity specific for bubble structures characteristic of certain DNA lesions. The subunits are known as XPF/ERCC4 and ERCC1 in mammals, and Rad1p and Rad10p in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156132", "l": "Cleavage Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D011554", "l": "Pseudopodia", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0033827", "l": "Pseudopodia", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033193", "l": "Lsd1/2 complex", "d": ["A nucleosome-binding protein complex that comprises two SWIRM domain histone demethylases and two PHD finger proteins. The complex is involved in transcriptional regulation via heterochromatic silencing and the regulation of chromatin boundary formation, and was first identified in fission yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896273", "l": "A-type ATPase protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322721", "l": "Intranuclear microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.168002017049517", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070938", "l": "contractile ring", "d": ["A cytoskeletal structure composed of filamentous protein that forms beneath the membrane of many cells or organelles, in the plane of cell or organelle division. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two daughter cells or organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823076", "l": "glucosidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893950", "l": "adrenomedullin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691268", "l": "TOC-TIC supercomplex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061696", "l": "pituitary gonadotropin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is a protein hormone secreted by gonadotrope cells of the anterior pituitary of vertebrates. capable of regulating normal growth, sexual development, and reproductive function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690832", "l": "horsetail nucleus leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097454", "l": "Schwann cell microvillus", "d": ["Small finger-like extension of a Schwann cell that contacts the nodal membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824407", "l": "SufS complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612848", "l": "calcium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325727", "l": "THO complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D055214", "l": "Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Outer Segment", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230759", "l": "Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Outer Segment", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:56930007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033651", "l": "host cell plastid", "d": ["Any member of a family of organelles as found in the cytoplasm of host cells, which are membrane-bounded and contain DNA. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048476", "l": "Holliday junction resolvase complex", "d": ["An endodeoxyribonuclease complex that resolves the 4-way DNA intermediates of a Holliday junction into two separate duplex DNA molecules. Can be branch-migration associated."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039620", "l": "T=7 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=7 symmetry. The T=7 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 60 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180303", "l": "B-peripheral microtubule of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329974", "l": "Cytoplasm of olfactory epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520868", "l": "19q13.42", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24988", "l": "19q13.42", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158115", "l": "Phagophores", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045247", "l": "cytosolic electron transfer flavoprotein complex", "d": ["A protein complex located in the cytosol containing flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) that, together with an acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, forms a system that oxidizes an acyl-CoA molecule and reduces ubiquinone and other acceptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520695", "l": "16q13-q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26515", "l": "16q13-q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612731", "l": "GCH1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183490", "l": "Cytoplasmic organelle matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332329", "l": "Plasma membrane of cementoblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036375", "l": "Kibra-Ex-Mer complex", "d": ["An apical protein complex that contains the proteins Kibra, Expanded and Merlin (Mer), or orthologs thereof. In humans, the complex contains KIBRA, FDM6 and NF2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520470", "l": "12p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13500", "l": "12p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824374", "l": "ModE complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610688", "l": "Stx2-Snap25-Vamp8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896306", "l": "Tec1p-Ste12p-Dig1p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622586", "l": "RNAi effector complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042648", "l": "chloroplast chromosome", "d": ["A circular DNA molecule containing chloroplast encoded genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034689", "l": "integrin alphaX-beta2 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphaX subunit and one beta2 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339995", "l": "Plasma membrane of marrow fibroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821240", "l": "neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072589", "l": "box H/ACA scaRNP complex", "d": ["A box H/ACA RNP complex that is located in the Cajal body of the nucleoplasm. In higher eukaryotes, box H/ACA RNP located in Cajal bodies mediate pseudouridylation of spliceosomal snRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031298", "l": "replication fork protection complex", "d": ["A protein complex conserved in eukaryotes and associated with the replication fork; the complex stabilizes stalled replication forks and is thought to be involved in coordinating leading- and lagging-strand synthesis and in replication checkpoint signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000091582", "l": "Biomolecular Condensates", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C5544475", "l": "Biomolecular Condensates", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248600", "l": "carotenoid vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752544", "l": "dendrite terminus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521373", "l": "4p14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25058", "l": "4p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140093", "l": "esBAF complex", "d": ["An embryonic stem cell-specific SWI/SNF-type complex that contains eight or nine proteins, including both conserved (core) and nonconserved components; contains the ATPase product of either the SMARCA4/BAF190A/BRG1 gene, the mammalian ortholog of the yeast SNF2 gene, or an ortholog thereof. Compared to many other BAF complexes never contains ACTL6B/BAF53B, ARID1B/BAF250B, SMARCA2/BRM, SMARCC2/BAF170 or SMARCD3/BAF60C but contains PHF10/BAF45A, DPF2/BAF45D and possibly one of BCL7A/B/C."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230625", "l": "cell process structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:30545007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1718686", "l": "Basement membrane zone BP180", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016590", "l": "ACF complex", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (SNF2H in mammals, Isw2 in S. cerevisiae), an ACF1 homolog, and generally no other subunits, though Xenopus is an exception with a third non-conserved subunit. ACF plays roles in regulation of RNA polymerase II transcription and in DNA replication and repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691252", "l": "Lem3-Dnf1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044156", "l": "host cell junction", "d": ["A plasma membrane part that forms a specialized region of connection between two host cells or between a host cell and the host extracellular matrix. At a host cell junction, anchoring proteins extend through the host plasma membrane to link cytoskeletal proteins in one cell to cytoskeletal proteins in neighboring cells or to proteins in the extracellular matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002133", "l": "polycystin complex", "d": ["A stable heterodimeric complex composed of polycystin-1 and polycystin-2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521643", "l": "7q21.2-q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14066", "l": "7q21.2-q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167485", "l": "phosphorylase kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230640", "l": "Fenestration, endothelial, with diaphragm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:35652001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167172", "l": "U7 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167328", "l": "sodium ion-transporting two-sector ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.683039265630129", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032994", "l": "protein-lipid complex", "d": ["A macromolecular complex containing separate protein and lipid molecules. Separate in this context means not covalently bound to each other."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179069", "l": "Matrix of early endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1748485", "l": "primary cell septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0020038", "l": "subpellicular network", "d": ["A mechanically stable cytoskeletal structure associated with the cytoplasmic face of the pellicle and surrounding the microtubule-based cytoskeleton."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691043", "l": "mBAF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815113", "l": "nonsense-mediated decay complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033553", "l": "rDNA heterochromatin", "d": ["A region of heterochromatin located at the rDNA repeats in a chromosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328312", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of striated muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044674", "l": "methyl coenzyme M reductase complex", "d": ["A hexameric complex consisting of three polypeptides in an alpha2beta2gamma2 arrangement. Involved in the reduction of the coenzyme M-bound methyl group to methane, which is the final step in methanogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516804", "l": "Ellipsoid Portion of the Inner Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32503", "l": "Ellipsoid Portion of the Inner Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": ["The mitochondria rich section of a photoreceptor within the retina that provides phosphates to the outer segment and is the source of the dark current that when suppressed by light induces a voltage change and subsequent release of transmitters from the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097710", "l": "viral terminase, small subunit", "d": ["The part of the viral terminase complex that acts as a phage DNA-recognition component and regulates the activity of the large subunit. The small subunit usually assembles as a heterooligomer with the large subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546544", "l": "7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179498", "l": "Protoplasm of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520705", "l": "16q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24966", "l": "16q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247678", "l": "Cdc48p-Npl4p-Ufd1p AAA ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323129", "l": "Cell body proper of photoreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246296", "l": "SREBP-SCAP-Insig complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690322", "l": "postsynaptic specialization of symmetric synapse, intracellular component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098890", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic membrane", "d": ["The component of the postsynaptic membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331428", "l": "Protoplasm of Type L enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097464", "l": "thorny excrescence", "d": ["Large complex spine protruding from a dendrite. Each excrescence is formed by a cluster of spine heads."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690903", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum motor", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034684", "l": "integrin alphav-beta5 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphav subunit and one beta5 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230902", "l": "Connective tissue microfibrils", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:65953004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070865", "l": "investment cone", "d": ["A cytoskeletal part that consists of a microfilament-rich cone that forms round each nucleus in a spermatogenic cyst and translocates the length of the cyst during sperm individualization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325576", "l": "Condensed chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043699", "l": "leucosome", "d": ["A tissue-specific, membrane-bounded cytoplasmic organelle within which uric acid and/or purines crystalize in reflective stacks. Leucosomes are synthesized in leucophore cells and have a whitish cast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326590", "l": "HEX B complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "72.449113659480474", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005816", "l": "spindle pole body", "d": ["The microtubule organizing center in fungi; functionally homologous to the animal cell centrosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061825", "l": "podosome core", "d": ["The F-actin-rich core of an adhesion structure characterized by formation upon cell substrate contact and localization at the substrate-attached part of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520769", "l": "17q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24974", "l": "17q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521067", "l": "20q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13756", "l": "20q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754346", "l": "heteromeric SMAD protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824483", "l": "PDGF-AB-receptor beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016516", "l": "interleukin-4 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-4 (IL-4) and consists of an alpha chain that binds IL-4 with high affinity and a gamma common chain that also forms part of the interleukin-2 receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5672623", "l": "biological condensate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.421949063212963", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0018995", "l": "host cellular component", "d": ["Any cellular component of a host cell. The host is an organism in which another organism, for instance a parasite or symbiont, spends part or all of its life cycle and from which it obtains nourishment and/or protection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005969", "l": "serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the formation of hydroxypyruvate and alanine from serine and pyruvate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070821", "l": "tertiary granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a tertiary granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032160", "l": "septin filament array", "d": ["Arrays of septin filaments, or bars, found in a series of filamentous structures. Such structures have been observed in the prospore membrane during spore formation in S. cerevisiae and in the chlamydospore membrane during chlamydospore formation in C. albicans."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245790", "l": "dendrite membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236753", "l": "bacterial extracellular vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896310", "l": "Cdc50p-Drs2p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009541", "l": "etioplast prolamellar body", "d": ["A three dimensional regular lattice found in etioplasts. It is composed of a continuous system of tubules but when exposed to light the symmetrical arrangement is rapidly lost as tubules become pinched off into two dimensional sections of lattice. These for perforated sheets of membrane that move apart, extend and increase, finally establishing the typical granal and intergranal lamellae of the mature chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097554", "l": "left anterior flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It originates at the left anterior basal body, extends laterally through the cytoplasm, crosses the right anterior axoneme, and exits as a membrane-bound flagellum on the anterior left side of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "77.126200859969501", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13539", "l": "15q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 15"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546728", "l": "amorphous vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520279", "l": "10q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14015", "l": "10q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754284", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-fibronectin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044777", "l": "single-stranded DNA-binding protein complex", "d": ["A homotetrameric protein complex that is essential for DNA replication. It supercoils the single-stranded DNA preventing DNA duplexing before the polymerase holoenzyme passes and synthesizes the complementary strand. It is also involved in DNA recombination and repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179121", "l": "Actin myofilament", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33764", "l": "Thin Filament", "d": ["A myofilament composed of actin and tropomyosin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624605", "l": "Ku70:Ku80 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010330", "l": "cellulose synthase complex", "d": ["A large, multimeric protein complex, organized in a rosette, which catalyzes the biosynthesis of cellulose for the plant cell wall."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450473", "l": "citrate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521476", "l": "5q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13640", "l": "5q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000344", "l": "plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase complex B", "d": ["A plastid-encoded DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex that resembles eubacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases with a core composed of alpha, beta, and beta-prime subunits. An additional subunit, a sigma factor, is required for promoter recognition. PEP-B is distinguished from PEP-A by its sensitivity to the antibiotic rifampicin. PEP-B is found in both etioplasts and chloroplasts, but is the predominate form in etioplasts. It forms the core of the PEP-A form; the conversion from PEP-B to PEP-A occurs during chloroplast maturation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019035", "l": "viral integration complex", "d": ["A nucleoprotein complex containing viral genetic material and the viral integrase, required for genome integration into the host's genome. May contain other proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039623", "l": "T=25 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=25 symmetry. The T=25 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 240 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166979", "l": "chromoplast stroma", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005850", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex", "d": ["Complex of three heterogeneous polypeptide chains, that form a ternary complex with initiator methionyl-tRNA and GTP. This ternary complex binds to free 40S subunit, which subsequently binds the 5' end of mRNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097122", "l": "cyclin A2-CDK1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of cyclin A2 and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Cyclins are characterized by periodicity in protein abundance throughout the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinases represent a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that become active upon binding to a cyclin regulatory partner."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246404", "l": "sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054351", "l": "Electrical Synapses", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1179884", "l": "Electrical Synapses", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32498", "l": "Electrical Synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which electrical connection is made directly through the cytoplasm, via gap junctions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819998", "l": "bacteroid-containing symbiosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334532", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of intermediate tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035062", "l": "omega speckle", "d": ["A nucleoplasmic speckle distributed in the interchromatin space of cells in close proximity to chromatin. Omega speckles are distinct from interchromatin granules and contain heterogeneous nuclear RNA-binding proteins (hnRNPs)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515513", "l": "9q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28462", "l": "9q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.596980055916873", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098651", "l": "basement membrane collagen trimer", "d": ["Any collagen timer that is part of a basement membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017054", "l": "negative cofactor 2 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that can stably associate with TATA-binding protein on promoters, thereby preventing the assembly of transcription factors TFIIA and TFIIB and leading to repression of RNA polymerase II transcription. The two subunits, NC2alpha (Drap1) and NC2beta (Dr1), dimerize through histone fold domains of the H2A/H2B type present in the amino termini."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1519091", "l": "Pinocytotic Vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33324", "l": "Pinocytotic Vesicle", "d": ["A vesicle formed by the fusion of the plasma membrane, which captures extracellular fluids and solutes during pinocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062151", "l": "catalase complex", "d": ["A protein-containing complex that is capable of catalase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823018", "l": "right caudal basal body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753482", "l": "BMP receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990317", "l": "Gin4 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in septin ring formation during mitosis. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae it consists of BNI5, CDC3, CDC10, CDC11, CDC12, GIN4, NAP1 and SHS1. At least 2 GIN4 molecules are involved."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044754", "l": "autolysosome", "d": ["A type of secondary lysosome in which a primary lysosome has fused with the outer membrane of an autophagosome. It is involved in the second step of autophagy in which it degrades contents with acidic lysosomal hydrolases."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379979", "l": "MutSgamma complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097467", "l": "type III terminal bouton", "d": ["Terminal inflated portion of the axon of a non-glutamatergic neuron, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters at a regulatory synapse. The axon terminus is considered to be the whole region of thickening and the terminal bouton is a specialized region of it. Type III terminal boutons are larger than type II ones."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522740", "l": "COMA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005895", "l": "interleukin-5 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-3; comprises an alpha and a beta subunit. The alpha chain is specific to the interleukin-5 receptor, whereas the beta chain is shared with the receptors for granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521550", "l": "6p24.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13962", "l": "6p24.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137272", "l": "transforming growth factor beta ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034081", "l": "polyketide synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that carries out enzymatic reactions involved in the biosynthesis of polyketides, any of a diverse group of natural products synthesized via linear poly-beta-ketones."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246973", "l": "monopolin subcomplex Csm1/Lrs4", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031428", "l": "box C/D RNP complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex containing a box C/D type RNA that can carry out ribose-2'-O-methylation of target RNAs. Box C/D type RNAs are widespread in eukaryotes and in Archaea, suggesting that an RNA-based guide mechanism for directing specific RNA 2'-O-ribose methylations was present in the common ancestor of Archaea and Eukarya."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044220", "l": "host cell perinuclear region of cytoplasm", "d": ["The host cell cytoplasm situated near, or occurring around, the host nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167345", "l": "hyphal cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167108", "l": "speckle domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032009", "l": "early phagosome", "d": ["A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle as initially formed upon the ingestion of particulate material by phagocytosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451213", "l": "mannan polymerase I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3534388", "l": "Mitochondria M2-3E", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070449", "l": "elongin complex", "d": ["A transcription elongation factor complex that suppresses RNA polymerase II pausing, and may act by promoting proper alignment of the 3'-end of nascent transcripts with the polymerase catalytic site. Consists of a transcriptionally active Elongin A subunit (about 100 kDa) and two smaller Elongin B (about 18 kDa) and Elongin C (about 15 kDa) subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612571", "l": "BBSome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043033", "l": "isoamylase complex", "d": ["A protein complex whose composition varies amongst species; in rice it probably exists in a homo-tetramer to homo-hexamer form and in Gram-negative bacteria as a dimer. Functions in the hydrolysis of alpha-(1,6)-D-glucosidic branch linkages."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327035", "l": "Plasma membrane of endo-epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.534762107606241", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001750", "l": "photoreceptor outer segment", "d": ["The outer segment of a vertebrate photoreceptor that contains a stack of membrane discs embedded with photoreceptor proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262847", "l": "surface coat of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009345", "l": "glycine-tRNA ligase complex", "d": ["A multimeric enzyme complex which, in bacteria, is usually a tetramer of two alpha and two beta chains and in eukaryotes, is usually a homodimer. Functions in the ligation of glycine and tRNA(Gly) to form glycyl-tRNA(Gly)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521553", "l": "6p25.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39634", "l": "6p25.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1367884", "l": "Aster microtubules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167460", "l": "glycine-tRNA ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045098", "l": "type III intermediate filament", "d": ["A type of intermediate filament, typically made up of one or more of the proteins vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and peripherin. Unlike the keratins, the type III proteins can form both homo- and heteropolymeric IF filaments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325670", "l": "plastid nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521568", "l": "6q22.1-q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13798", "l": "6q22.1-q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.080620097219125", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030659", "l": "cytoplasmic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a cytoplasmic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325682", "l": "43S preribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230631", "l": "Axopod", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:49612007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521181", "l": "2p16.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38942", "l": "2p16.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120267", "l": "pellicular membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding the pellicle, a structure enclosing some parasite cells such as certain apicomplexa and Euglenozoa. These membranes are associated with an infrastructure of microtubules, microfilaments, and other organelles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331640", "l": "Wall of trans Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990706", "l": "MAD1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex that in turn inhibits the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061700", "l": "GATOR2 complex", "d": ["A multiprotein subcomplex of the GATOR complex that regulates TORC1 signaling by interacting with the Rag GTPase. In human, this complex consists of WDR24, WDR59, MIOS, SEH1L, and SEC13. In S. cerevisiae, this complex is referred to as SEACAT and contains the Sea2p, Sea3p, Sea4p, Seh1p, Sec13p proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043218", "l": "compact myelin", "d": ["The portion of the myelin sheath in which layers of cell membrane are tightly juxtaposed, completely excluding cytoplasm. The juxtaposed cytoplasmic surfaces form the major dense line, while the juxtaposed extracellular surfaces form the interperiod line visible in electron micrographs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090576", "l": "RNA polymerase III transcription regulator complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase III."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691107", "l": "pathogen-containing vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230915", "l": "Basal lamina, inclusion in central location", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:77744003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896150", "l": "3M complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000811", "l": "GINS complex", "d": ["A heterotetrameric protein complex that associates with replication origins, where it is required for the initiation of DNA replication, and with replication forks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030992", "l": "intraciliary transport particle B", "d": ["The larger subcomplex of the intraciliary transport particle; characterized complexes have molecular weights around 550 kDa."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070985", "l": "transcription factor TFIIK complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that forms part of the holo TFIIH complex. In Saccharomyces/human, TFIIK contains Ccl1p/Cyclin H, Tfb3p/MAT1 and Kin28p/CDK7."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523878", "l": "Fanconi anaemia nuclear complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326745", "l": "Plasma membrane of hemal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230799", "l": "AER aggregate", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:57216004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098527", "l": "neuromuscular junction of somatic muscle", "d": ["A neuromuscular junction in which the target muscle cell is a somatic muscle cell, such as those found in nematodes and arthropods."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031380", "l": "nuclear RNA-directed RNA polymerase complex", "d": ["A complex required for RNAi mediated heterochromatin assembly. In S. pombe this contains RNA-directed RNA polymerase, a putative helicase and a protein containing a pap25 associated domain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3812193", "l": "CoA-synthesizing protein complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821300", "l": "condensed chromatin of inactivated sex chromosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036038", "l": "MKS complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is located at the ciliary transition zone and consists of several proteins some of which are membrane bound. Acts as an organiser of transition zone inner structure, specifically the Y-shaped links, in conjunction with the NPHP complex. The MKS complex also acts as part of the selective barrier that prevents diffusion of proteins between the ciliary cytoplasm and cellular cytoplasm as well as between the ciliary membrane and plasma membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548787", "l": "outer plaque of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042600", "l": "egg chorion", "d": ["A protective, noncellular membrane that surrounds the eggs of various animals including insects and fish."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140225", "l": "DNA topoisomerase III-beta-TDRD3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that has DNA topoisomerase type I and RNA topoisomerase activities."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030175", "l": "filopodium", "d": ["Thin, stiff, actin-based protrusion extended by the leading edge of a motile cell such as a crawling fibroblast or amoeba, or an axonal or dendritic growth cone, or a dendritic shaft."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106174", "l": "phagolysosome vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of a phagolysosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042022", "l": "interleukin-12 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-12 and that consists of, at a minimum, a dimeric interleukin and its two receptor subunits as well as optional additional kinase subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521537", "l": "6p21.1-p21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13617", "l": "6p21.1-p21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333786", "l": "Swollen sarcoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:1561008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612528", "l": "autophagosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097674", "l": "SCF-YLR352W ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is YLR352W in S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246596", "l": "Lsd1/2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820114", "l": "HIR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "42.688683657712609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0729605", "l": "Subcellular structure", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13282", "l": "Subcellular Structure", "d": ["An anatomical element found within cells or tissues that are smaller than cells and are at or below the size that can be resolved by light microscopy."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:67185001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819189", "l": "plastid acetate CoA-transferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622606", "l": "NatB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13803", "l": "Long Interspersed Element", "d": ["A highly repetitive retrotransposon-like sequence that is 6000-8000 base pairs in length. It may contain an RNA polymerase II promoter domain, repetitive target sequences, and open reading frames encoding proteins with endonuclease and reverse transcriptase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329038", "l": "cleavage furrow leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549000", "l": "nuclear pore linkers", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5575570", "l": "ADA complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520261", "l": "10p12.3-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24898", "l": "10p12.3-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120106", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, distal actin filament layer", "d": ["The region of the mitotic actomyosin ring containing actin filaments and cross linkers, myosin motors, and connections to the plasma membrane through the intermediate layer. It is further from the plasma membrane than the intermediate layer which it is adjacent to."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819302", "l": "MutLbeta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120238", "l": "sperm glycocalyx", "d": ["The carbohydrate rich layer at the outermost periphery of a sperm cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548407", "l": "spiny bracelet of Nageotte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819186", "l": "AMPA glutamate receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120249", "l": "lateral wall of outer hair cell", "d": ["The lateral wall of an outer hair cell (OHC) is a unique trilaminate composite consisting of the plasma membrane, an underlying cytoskeletal network containing an actin-spectrin cortical lattice, and an adjacent system of circumferential lamellar organelles known as the subsurface cisternae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822552", "l": "glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042106", "l": "gamma-delta T cell receptor complex", "d": ["A T cell receptor complex in which the TCR heterodimer comprises gamma and delta chains, associated with the CD3 complex; recognizes antigen directly, without a requirement for processing and presentation by an MHC protein."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817246", "l": "laminin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521402", "l": "4q26-q27", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25067", "l": "4q26-q27", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548814", "l": "karyomere", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520638", "l": "15q22.1-q22.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13961", "l": "15q22.1-q22.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106125", "l": "reservosome matrix", "d": ["A matrix composed of planar membranes, vesicles and lipid inclusions within the reservosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990333", "l": "mitotic checkpoint complex, CDC20-MAD2 subcomplex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in the spindle checkpoint, preventing the activation of the anaphase-promoting complex until all chromosomes are correctly attached in a bipolar fashion to the mitotic spindle. In budding yeast this complex consists of Mad2p and Cdc20p, and in mammalian cells it consists of MAD2 and CDC20."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166830", "l": "dystrobrevin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520188", "l": "Xq22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14023", "l": "Xq22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3811401", "l": "mycolate outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521288", "l": "3p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13620", "l": "3p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120135", "l": "distal portion of axoneme", "d": ["The portion of the axoneme that is close to the tip of the cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754747", "l": "eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex, eIF3m", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230939", "l": "Nuclear material, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:48512009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071181", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN3 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of the intracellular domain of Notch3 (ICN3), the DNA-binding transcription factor RBP-Jkappa, and the transcriptional coactivator Mastermind-like-3 (MAML3); the complex is involved in transcriptional activation in response to Notch-mediated signaling."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621476", "l": "invertasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520941", "l": "1p21-p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13473", "l": "1p21-p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820811", "l": "retroviral intasome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5450329", "l": "TCTC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009349", "l": "riboflavin synthase complex", "d": ["An flavoprotein that catalyzes the reaction the breakdown of dimethyl(ribityl)lumazine to form riboflavin and ribitylamino-amino-dihydroxypyrimidine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137525", "l": "cone photoreceptor outer segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158754", "l": "specific granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691114", "l": "primary dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2949852", "l": "Cytoskeleton of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752597", "l": "tRNA thiouridylase", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754209", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-ADAM1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527009", "l": "axon varicosity", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269022", "l": "transforming growth factor beta activated kinase 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009427", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, L ring", "d": ["One of the rings of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body; anchors the basal body to the outer membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4232496", "l": "activation of endothelial cell-matrix adhesion via fibronectin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990342", "l": "heterochromatin island", "d": ["A region of facultative heterochromatin formed dynamically at specific loci in response to environmental signals, independently of RNAi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247871", "l": "Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520368", "l": "11p15.2-p14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13855", "l": "11p15.2-p14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4231738", "l": "galectin-1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893604", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class II", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179092", "l": "Part of peripheral doublet microtubule of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D009045", "l": "Motor Endplate", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0026608", "l": "Motor Endplate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3714912", "l": "heterochromatin domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167329", "l": "sodium ion-transporting F-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098686", "l": "hippocampal mossy fiber to CA3 synapse", "d": ["One of the giant synapses that form between the mossy fiber axons of dentate gyrus granule cells and the large complex spines of CA3 pyramidal cells. It consists of a giant bouton known as the mossy fiber expansion, synapsed to the complex, multiheaded spine (thorny excresence) of a CA3 pyramidal cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520768", "l": "17q21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13481", "l": "17q21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D014617", "l": "Vacuoles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0042219", "l": "Vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13284", "l": "Vacuole", "d": ["Any membrane-enclosed spaces or cavities within a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032117", "l": "horsetail-astral microtubule array", "d": ["An array of astral microtubules that emanates from the spindle pole body during meiosis and facilitates horsetail nuclear movement."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612804", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180342", "l": "Region of myofibril", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179913", "l": "Protoplasm of skeletal muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043332", "l": "mating projection tip", "d": ["The apex of the mating projection in unicellular fungi exposed to mating pheromone; site of polarized growth."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3895121", "l": "taste receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.912498735596799", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000935", "l": "division septum", "d": ["A cell septum which forms as part of the division site and functions in the compartmentalization of a cell into two daughter cells at division. A division septum spans a cell and does not allow exchange of organelles or cytoplasm between compartments."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824428", "l": "PMM-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990393", "l": "3M complex", "d": ["A protein complex, at least composed of CUL7, CCDC8 and OBSL1, that is required for maintaining microtubule and genome integrity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2340419", "l": "Protoplasm of microfold cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624049", "l": "6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520288", "l": "10q24-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24903", "l": "10q24-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13244", "l": "Immunoglobulin Switch Region", "d": ["Nucleotide sequences found upstream of exons encoding the constant regions of immunoglobulin heavy chains where exon rearrangement can occur. The combination of exons selected in a B-cell determines the immunoglobulin isotype produced by that cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120121", "l": "tripartite attachment complex", "d": ["A three-part cytoskeletal structure in kinetoplastid species linking mitochondrial DNA organised in a kinetoplast through the mitochondrial membranes to the basal body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2248766", "l": "DNA polymerase III, clamp loader complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178972", "l": "Protoplasm of cardiac muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520386", "l": "11q13.3-q13.5", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24920", "l": "11q13.3-q13.5", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990391", "l": "DNA repair complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in DNA repair processes including direct reversal, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, photoreactivation, bypass, double-strand break repair pathway, and mismatch repair pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097234", "l": "epidermal lamellar body membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an epidermal lamellar body, a specialized secretory organelle found in keratinocytes and involved in the formation of an impermeable, lipid-containing membrane that serves as a water barrier and is required for correct skin barrier function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752745", "l": "mating projection tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521192", "l": "2p24.3-q21.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25029", "l": "2p24.3-q21.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821243", "l": "excitatory neuromuscular junction of somatic myotube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0796364", "l": "17p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13387", "l": "17p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520540", "l": "13q12-13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24943", "l": "13q12-13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990615", "l": "Kelch-containing formin regulatory complex", "d": ["A protein complex that regulates actin cable formation, polarized cell growth, and cytokinesis in a formin-dependent manner. In S. cerevisiae the complex is composed of Bud14p and two Kelch family proteins, Kel1p and Kel2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167302", "l": "isocitrate dehydrogenase complex (NAD+)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752288", "l": "UBC13-UEV1A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4761336", "l": "photoreceptor distal connecting cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.726571417587891", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990204", "l": "oxidoreductase complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that possesses oxidoreductase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140007", "l": "KICSTOR complex", "d": ["A protein complex that regulates the TORC1 signaling pathway in response to nutrients. The KICSTOR complex is composed of KPTN, ITFG2, C12orf66 and SZT2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009783", "l": "photosystem II antenna complex", "d": ["The antenna complex of photosystem II. A photosystem has two closely linked components, an antenna containing light-absorbing pigments and a reaction center. Each antenna contains one or more light-harvesting complexes (LHCs)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D045524", "l": "Phycobilisomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0136979", "l": "Phycobilisomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167093", "l": "SWI/SNF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009328", "l": "phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the ligation of phenylalanine to tRNA(Phe), forming L-phenylalanyl-tRNA(Phe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990475", "l": "synaptic vesicle, recycling pool", "d": ["A synaptic vesicle belonging to the pool that repopulate vacancies within the readily releasable pool (RRP) of synaptic vesicles, and require more significant stimuli than the RRP in order to release neurotransmitter; about 10-15% of the total number of synaptic vesicles at a resting terminal bouton are in this state."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262869", "l": "alae of collagen and cuticulin-based exoskeleton extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030124", "l": "AP-4 adaptor complex", "d": ["An AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex that consists of beta4, epsilon, mu4 and sigma4 subunits and is found associated with membranes in the trans-Golgi network; it is not clear whether AP-4 forms clathrin coats in vivo."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325782", "l": "cytosolic small ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379893", "l": "mitochondrial inner-outer membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044158", "l": "host cell wall", "d": ["The rigid or semi-rigid envelope lying outside the host cell membrane of plant, fungal, and most prokaryotic cells, maintaining their shape and protecting them from osmotic lysis. In plants it is made of cellulose and, often, lignin; in fungi it is composed largely of polysaccharides; in bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140275", "l": "MIB complex", "d": ["A mitochondrial intermembrane space bridging complex consisting of components of the MICOS complex in the inner mitochondrial membrane, the SAM complex in the outer membrane, a conserved DNAJ protein (human DNAJC11) and Metaxin 1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0015627", "l": "type II protein secretion system complex", "d": ["A large protein complex, containing 12-15 subunits, that spans the cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria and mediates the movement of proteins into the extracellular environment. The complex includes a component in the cytoplasm, an inner membrane subcomplex that reaches into the periplasmic compartment and a secretion pore in the outer membrane. Proteins using the Type II pathway are transported across the cytoplasmic membrane by the Sec or Tat complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328917", "l": "extrinsic component of postsynaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180260", "l": "Zone of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690957", "l": "PAR polarity complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179095", "l": "Inner dynein arm of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230827", "l": "Multivesicular body, internal vesicles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:621009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179063", "l": "Nucleus of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005828", "l": "kinetochore microtubule", "d": ["Any of the spindle microtubules that attach to the kinetochores of chromosomes by their plus ends, and maneuver the chromosomes during mitotic or meiotic chromosome segregation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166732", "l": "clathrin coat of trans-Golgi network vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754137", "l": "catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246507", "l": "Cvt vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008074", "l": "guanylate cyclase complex, soluble", "d": ["Complex that possesses guanylate cyclase activity and is not bound to a membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034456", "l": "UTP-C complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a subcomplex of the 90S preribosome. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Rrp7p, Utp22p, Ckb1p, Cka1p, Ckb2p and Cka2p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755001", "l": "hexameric IgM immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691251", "l": "DRS2-CDC50 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071095", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-thrombospondin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha3-beta1 integrin complex bound to thrombospondin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.490486312819655", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016604", "l": "nuclear body", "d": ["Extra-nucleolar nuclear domains usually visualized by confocal microscopy and fluorescent antibodies to specific proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527253", "l": "Lysosome Proton", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33042", "l": "Lysosome Proton Pump", "d": ["A protein complex found in the membrane of the lysosome that transports hydrogen ions into the lumen to increase its acidity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521649", "l": "7q22.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26073", "l": "7q22.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005589", "l": "collagen type VI trimer", "d": ["A collagen heterotrimer containing type VI alpha chains in alpha1(VI)alpha2(VI)alpha3(VI) trimers; type VI collagen triple helices associate to form beaded fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611226", "l": "SAGA-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893298", "l": "Staufen granule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009568", "l": "amyloplast starch grain", "d": ["Plant storage body for amylose and amylopectin, 1-100um in diameter, and located in amyloplasts. Also contains small amounts of enzymes, amino acids, lipids and nucleic acids. The shape of the grain varies widely amongst species, but is often spherical or disk-shaped."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323438", "l": "Cytoplasm of nonkeratinized epidermal cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167482", "l": "p-aminobenzoate synthetase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326884", "l": "Abeta-derived diffusible ligand complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819674", "l": "Cytoplasm of dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179109", "l": "Zone of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520550", "l": "13q14.2-q14.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38358", "l": "13q14.2-q14.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 13q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179066", "l": "Internal fiber of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268820", "l": "Neuronal Ribonucleoprotein Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263082", "l": "cellular bud scar", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327163", "l": "Las1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328976", "l": "DIM/DIP cell wall layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4689783", "l": "KCNJ8-SURx complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3154920", "l": "homodimeric serine palmitoyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230858", "l": "Zig-zag configuration of cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:17529004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690904", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum stator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D019276", "l": "Glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0061622", "l": "Glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32689", "l": "Glycocalyx", "d": ["An extracellular coating of polymeric sugars or glycoproteins."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:19052001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002799", "l": "Cholinergic Fibers", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008422", "l": "Cholinergic Fibers", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324371", "l": "Protoplasm of fibrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333788", "l": "Honeycomb structures", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38423007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179130", "l": "Kinocilium of vestibular sensory cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038037", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor dimeric complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains two G protein-coupled receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13557", "l": "4p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 4"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754220", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-CD151 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044293", "l": "dendriole", "d": ["Small dendrites that makes up a brush structure found as the terminal specialization of a dendrite of a unipolar brush cell (UBC)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031904", "l": "endosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166611", "l": "chitosan layer of spore wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546541", "l": "formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase (molybdenum enzyme) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520786", "l": "17q24-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24978", "l": "17q24-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754727", "l": "Cdc42 GTPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166951", "l": "chloroplast envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990033", "l": "dendritic branch point", "d": ["The part of a dendritic tree where it branches, giving rise to a dendritic branch."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030670", "l": "phagocytic vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a phagocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071942", "l": "XPC complex", "d": ["A nucleotide-excision repair complex that is involved in damage sensing during global genome nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER). It is part of the pre-incision (or initial recognition) complex bound to sites of DNA damage. In human, it is composed of XPC, RAD23B and CETN2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167200", "l": "plasmodesmatal plasma membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097632", "l": "extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane", "d": ["The component of the phagophore assembly site membrane consisting of gene products and protein complexes that are loosely bound to one of its surfaces, but not integrated into the hydrophobic region."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332954", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell of collecting duct of renal tubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032127", "l": "dense core granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a dense core granule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322309", "l": "Vagal nerve parasympathetic fiber to intestine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896402", "l": "Bud14-Kel1-Kel2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752234", "l": "male germline ring canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613149", "l": "FHL2-CREB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520402", "l": "11q23.1-q23.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25909", "l": "11q23.1-q23.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821172", "l": "lateral cell cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034752", "l": "cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex", "d": ["An aryl hydrocarbon receptor complex found in the cytosol, in which the ligand-binding subunit AhR is not bound to ligand; consists of AhR, two molecules of HSP90, the protein kinase c-Src, and the immunophilin XAP2/AIP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246374", "l": "protein-containing complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905379", "l": "beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167491", "l": "protein histidine kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032159", "l": "septin cap", "d": ["A faint structure formed of septins found at the leading edge of growth in germ tubes and hyphae in fungal cells growing filamentously. This cap of septins colocalizes with a region of the plasma membrane that is rich in ergosterol."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896381", "l": "AIP1-IRE1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521557", "l": "6q14.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38580", "l": "6q14.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247868", "l": "PtdIns-3-kinase complex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179991", "l": "Principal part of tail of spermatozoon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0106186", "l": "cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane, cell tip", "d": ["The leaflet the plasma membrane at the cell tip that faces the cytoplasm and any proteins embedded or anchored in it or attached to its surface."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071757", "l": "hexameric IgM immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A circulating form of IgM consisting of a hexamer of IgM core units with a single J chain polypeptide."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030061", "l": "mitochondrial crista", "d": ["Any of the inward folds of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Their number, extent, and shape differ in mitochondria from different tissues and organisms. They appear to be devices for increasing the surface area of the mitochondrial inner membrane, where the enzymes of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation are found. Their shape can vary with the respiratory state of the mitochondria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120342", "l": "radial spoke base 3", "d": ["The short portion of the radial spoke 3 (RS3 )that is directly anchored to the A microtubule of an axonemal microtubule doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017109", "l": "glutamate-cysteine ligase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the ligation of glutamate to cysteine, forming glutamylcysteine."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.835725707519245", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D051336", "l": "Mitochondrial Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0596952", "l": "Mitochondrial Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25937", "l": "Mitochondrial Membrane", "d": ["The double membrane structure surrounding the mitochondrion and separating it from the cell cytoplasm. The two membranes are separated by an intermembrane space. The electron transport chain resides in the inner mitochondrial membrane."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:312240004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032169", "l": "prospore septin ring", "d": ["A tight ring-shaped structure that forms in the division plane at the site of cytokinesis in a prospore; composed of septins as well as septin-associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000311", "l": "plastid large ribosomal subunit", "d": ["The larger of the two subunits of a plastid ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548403", "l": "gemmule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611291", "l": "alpha4-beta1 integrin-CD53 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034719", "l": "SMN-Sm protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of several methylated Sm proteins with the SMN complex; the latter contains the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein and at least eight additional integral components, including the Gemin2-8 and unrip proteins; additional proteins, including galectin-1 and galectin-3, are also found in the SMN-SM complex. The SMN-Sm complex is involved in spliceosomal snRNP assembly in the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1268457", "l": "Viral core", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:115426007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335965", "l": "Golgi complex of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062246", "l": "exocytic vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by an exocytic vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236633", "l": "supramolecular fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380124", "l": "RNA polymerase IV transcription regulator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331945", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of chondrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13530", "l": "10p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 10"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046809", "l": "replication compartment", "d": ["Globular nuclear domains where the transcription and replication of the viral genome occurs. More than one site can be present simultaneously."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1904269", "l": "cell leading edge cell cortex", "d": ["The cell cortex of the leading edge of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325735", "l": "retromer, cargo-selective complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.723777338832122", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230770", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum, membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C190035", "l": "Membrane of the Endoplasmic Reticulum", "d": ["A lipid bilayer enclosing the endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:19973003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328980", "l": "9+2 motile cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325601", "l": "zymogen granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610711", "l": "Vamp3-Vamp4-Vam8-Stx6 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328782", "l": "supramolecular polymer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098032", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, collar fiber", "d": ["A fiber attached to the collar structure of some icosahedral viral capsids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521385", "l": "4q12-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13685", "l": "4q12-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521217", "l": "2q32.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25038", "l": "2q32.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5451536", "l": "mitotic nuclear bridge stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521189", "l": "2p23.3-p23.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25027", "l": "2p23.3-p23.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754894", "l": "endocytic vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120339", "l": "radial spoke base", "d": ["The short portion of the radial spoke that is directly anchored to the A microtubule of an axonemal microtubule doublet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327131", "l": "NPHP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338868", "l": "Desmosome of epithelium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034592", "l": "synaptic vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the synaptic vesicle membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000408", "l": "EKC/KEOPS complex", "d": ["A protein complex involved in t6A tRNA modification. For example, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the complex contains Bud32p, Kae1p, Gon7p, Cgi121p, and Pcc1p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045323", "l": "interleukin-1 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-1; comprises an alpha and a beta subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159044", "l": "endonuclear canal", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622655", "l": "PMT family mannosyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1752771", "l": "exospore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009575", "l": "chromoplast stroma", "d": ["The space enclosed by the double membrane of a chromoplast but excluding the photosynthetic material."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034657", "l": "GID complex", "d": ["A protein complex with ubiquitin ligase activity that, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is involved in proteasomal degradation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase during the transition from gluconeogenic to glycolytic growth conditions. It appears to play a broader role in cellular homeostasis and development in other species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262862", "l": "medial layer of collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157097", "l": "CLF-CLC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822729", "l": "serine/threonine protein kinase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0017119", "l": "Golgi transport complex", "d": ["A multisubunit tethering complex of the CATCHR family (complexes associated with tethering containing helical rods) that has a role in tethering vesicles to the Golgi prior to fusion. Composed of 8 subunits COG1-8."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098635", "l": "protein complex involved in cell-cell adhesion", "d": ["Any protein complex that is capable of carrying out some part of the process of cell-cell adhesion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009524", "l": "phragmoplast", "d": ["The phragmoplast is a plant cell specific cytoplasmic structure composed of cytoskeletal polymers, membranes, and associated cytosolic proteins that functions as the focused secretory module for assembling the cell plate."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230847", "l": "Distinctive shape of mitochondrial cristae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:9779008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824430", "l": "intramolecular phosphotransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520192", "l": "Xq24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41229", "l": "Xq24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002199", "l": "zona pellucida receptor complex", "d": ["A multisubunit complex comprising the chaperonin-containing T-complex and several other components involved in mediating sperm-oocyte Interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896443", "l": "C/EBPbeta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521454", "l": "5p13-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25073", "l": "5p13-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000923", "l": "equatorial microtubule organizing center", "d": ["A microtubule organizing center formed by a band of gamma-tubulin that is recruited to a circumferential band of F-actin at the midpoint of a cell and which nucleates microtubules from the cell division site at the end of mitosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140364", "l": "GW body", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein granule located in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. GW-bodies minimally contain the Argonaute2 (Ago2) and TNRC6B proteins, together with specific target RNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824584", "l": "Kir2 inward rectifier potassium channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548373", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, spike", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235110", "l": "VCP-NSFL1C complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336127", "l": "Nerve ending within Golgi tendon organ", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "63.855431920422888", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032153", "l": "cell division site", "d": ["The eventual plane of cell division (also known as cell cleavage or cytokinesis) in a dividing cell. In Eukaryotes, the cleavage apparatus, composed of septin structures and the actomyosin contractile ring, forms along this plane, and the mitotic, or meiotic, spindle is aligned perpendicular to the division plane. In bacteria, the cell division site is generally located at mid-cell and is the site at which the cytoskeletal structure, the Z-ring, assembles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137200", "l": "TGF-beta2 ligand-receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3272078", "l": "NSL complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754387", "l": "protocadherin-alpha-v4-protocadherin-gamma-a3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098524", "l": "neuromuscular junction of somatic muscle myotube", "d": ["A neuromuscular junction in which the target muscle cell is a somatic muscle myotube, such as an arthropod somatic muscle cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3820657", "l": "interferon-alpha/beta receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1828470", "l": "Horsetail-astral microtubule array", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179905", "l": "Cavity of peroxisome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33018", "l": "Lumen of the Peroxisome", "d": ["The area within the membrane of a peroxisome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819994", "l": "host intracellular region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2328051", "l": "Trans Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754806", "l": "Sphere Organelles", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520284", "l": "10q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13596", "l": "10q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546552", "l": "primary cell wall cellulose synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043036", "l": "starch grain", "d": ["Plant storage body for amylose and amylopectin, 1-100um in diameter. Also contains small amounts of enzymes, amino acids, lipids and nucleic acids. The shape of the grain varies widely amongst species, but is often spherical or disk-shaped."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3268795", "l": "clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071597", "l": "cellular birth scar", "d": ["Crater-like ring of chitinous scar tissue located on the surface of the daughter cell, in budding fungi, at the site of separation from the mother cell. It is formed after the newly emerged daughter cell separates, thereby marking the site of cytokinesis and septation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332214", "l": "Cell segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235358", "l": "lipoprotein particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902674", "l": "right posteriolateral basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a right posteriolateral flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098826", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum tubular network membrane", "d": ["The membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum tubular network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070356", "l": "synaptotagmin-synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-syntaxin-1b-Rab3a complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptotagmin, synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, syntaxin 1a, syntaxin1b, and Rab3a (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005590", "l": "collagen type VII trimer", "d": ["A collagen homotrimer of alpha1(VII) chains; type VII collagen triple helices form antiparallel dimer, which in turn associate laterally to form anchoring fibrils that connect type IV collagen in the basal lamina to plaques in the underlying connective tissue. It binds laminin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005668", "l": "RNA polymerase transcription factor SL1 complex", "d": ["A RNA polymerase I-specific transcription factor complex that contains the TATA-box-binding protein (TBP) and at least three TBP-associated factors including proteins known in mammals as TAFI110, TAFI63 and TAFI48."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690208", "l": "lymphotoxin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090536", "l": "NoRC complex", "d": ["An ISWI complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the ISWI family (specifically SNF2H in mammals, which contain two ISWI homologs) and a Tip5 homolog. In mammals, NoRC is involved in regulation of transcription from RNAP I and RNA polymerase III promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1905543", "l": "interleukin-15 receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that binds interleukin-15 (IL-15) and that consists of, at a minimum, an interleukin, an alpha, beta and gamma chain as well as optional additional kinase subunits. The alpha chain is unique to binds IL-15 while it shares the beta chain with the IL-2 receptor and the cytokine receptor common gamma chain with multiple interleukin receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5379891", "l": "other organism pre-synaptic membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521560", "l": "6q16.1-q16.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25095", "l": "6q16.1-q16.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271515", "l": "protein C inhibitor-KLK3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167369", "l": "facit collagen location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515455", "l": "8q21-q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13971", "l": "8q21-q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3891816", "l": "dinoflagellate cingulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032178", "l": "medial membrane band", "d": ["A sterol-rich region of the plasma membrane which forms at the cell surface overlying the contractile ring and spreads into the invaginating plasma membrane surrounding the septum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893354", "l": "6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621489", "l": "Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754147", "l": "U12-type prespliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893250", "l": "trans face", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0089716", "l": "Pip2-Oaf1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric complex consisting of Zn(2)Cys(6) containing transcription factors Pip2 and Oaf1. It binds to the oleate response element (ORE), found in the promoters of fatty acid-inducible genes in Saccharomyces where, in the presence of oleate this bound complex activates the transcription of genes encoding peroxisomal proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016942", "l": "insulin-like growth factor binding protein complex", "d": ["A complex of proteins which includes the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and a number of IGF-binding proteins. The complex plays a role in growth and development."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120269", "l": "ciliary centrin arm", "d": ["A rod-shaped protein complex containing Centrin4 protein that flanks the flagellum attachment zone (FAZ) filament and the quartet microtubules."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230679", "l": "Secretory granule, exocrine, known content undergoing exocytosis", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:16688006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008247", "l": "1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex composed of two catalytic alpha subunits, which form a catalytic dimer, and a non-catalytic, regulatory beta subunit; the catalytic dimer may be an alpha1/alpha1 or alpha2/alpha2 homodimer, or an alpha1/alpha2 heterodimer. Modulates the action of platelet-activating factor (PAF)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690901", "l": "glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180313", "l": "Matrix of annulate lamella cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516791", "l": "Connecting Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32366", "l": "Connecting Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": ["The section of a photoreceptor within the retina between the outer and inner segment which contains altered nonmotile cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755839", "l": "reaction center", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1522751", "l": "hyphal tip", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271497", "l": "cyanelle inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546236", "l": "MVB-tubule complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691111", "l": "pathogen inclusion membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167304", "l": "antenna complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0072487", "l": "MSL complex", "d": ["A histone acetyltransferase complex that catalyzes the acetylation of a histone H4 lysine residue at position 16. In human, it contains the catalytic subunit MOF, and MSL1, MSL2 and MSL3."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048046", "l": "apoplast", "d": ["The cell membranes and intracellular regions in a plant are connected through plasmodesmata, and plants may be described as having two major compartments: the living symplast and the non-living apoplast. The apoplast is external to the plasma membrane and includes cell walls, intercellular spaces and the lumen of dead structures such as xylem vessels. Water and solutes pass freely through it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158724", "l": "urease complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179882", "l": "Chemical synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32302", "l": "Chemical Synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which an action potential causes the exocytosis of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic cell, which diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to ligand gated ion channels on the post synaptic cell. These ion channels then affect the resting potential of the post synaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754769", "l": "Myo2p-Vac17p-Vac8p transport complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327484", "l": "ascospore-type prospore nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045171", "l": "intercellular bridge", "d": ["A direct connection between the cytoplasm of two cells that is formed following the completion of cleavage furrow ingression during cell division. They are usually present only briefly prior to completion of cytokinesis. However, in some cases, such as the bridges between germ cells during their development, they become stabilised."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "66.421949063212963", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005938", "l": "cell cortex", "d": ["The region of a cell that lies just beneath the plasma membrane and often, but not always, contains a network of actin filaments and associated proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "59.797456398864092", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070013", "l": "intracellular organelle lumen", "d": ["An organelle lumen that is part of an intracellular organelle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520938", "l": "1p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13652", "l": "1p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166703", "l": "polytene chromosome puff", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230703", "l": "Beta-Glycogen", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:85705003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520359", "l": "11p12-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24913", "l": "11p12-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005746", "l": "mitochondrial respirasome", "d": ["The protein complexes that form the mitochondrial electron transport system (the respiratory chain), associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane. The respiratory chain complexes transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor and are associated with a proton pump to create a transmembrane electrochemical gradient."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271754", "l": "IKKalpha-IKKalpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098981", "l": "cholinergic synapse", "d": ["A synapse that uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060198", "l": "clathrin-sculpted vesicle", "d": ["A clathrin-sculpted lipid bilayer membrane-enclosed vesicle after clathrin release."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235265", "l": "accessory outer segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520796", "l": "18p11.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13697", "l": "18p11.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 18p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744676", "l": "light-harvesting complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179912", "l": "Smooth endoplasmic reticulum vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521043", "l": "20p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25017", "l": "20p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031901", "l": "early endosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an early endosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752557", "l": "axonal spine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612852", "l": "methyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325663", "l": "Toc complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.566751859216453", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002502", "l": "Centrioles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0007708", "l": "Centrioles", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32283", "l": "Centriole", "d": ["One of two small cylindrical cell organelles composed of 9 triplet microtubules."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:314244007", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:9208002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031598", "l": "nuclear proteasome regulatory particle", "d": ["The regulatory subcomplex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030114", "l": "slime layer", "d": ["A slime layer is an easily removed, diffuse, unorganized layer of extracellular material that surrounds a cell. Specifically this consists mostly of exopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycolipids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167209", "l": "caveolar membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033016", "l": "rhoptry membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a rhoptry."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1156123", "l": "plastid membrane organization", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896254", "l": "synaptic vesicle, recycling pool", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009355", "l": "DNA polymerase V complex", "d": ["A DNA polymerase complex that contains two UmuD' and one UmuC subunits, and acts in translesion DNA synthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820166", "l": "lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990528", "l": "Rvs161p-Rvs167p complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is involved in endocytosis in the yeast S. cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167423", "l": "anthranilate synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098855", "l": "HCN channel complex", "d": ["A cation ion channel with a preference for K+ over Na+ ions, which is activated by membrane hyperpolarization, and consists of a tetramer of HCN family members. Some members of this family (HCN1, HCN2 and HCN4) are also activated when cAMP binds to their cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD). Channel complexes of this family play an important role in the control of pacemaker activity in the heart."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710805", "l": "16q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45162", "l": "16q24.1", "d": ["Part of the chromosome bands present on the long (q) arm of chromosome 16."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008231", "l": "repressor ecdysone receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of a heterodimer of Ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (usp) plus an associated corepressor such as SMRTER, which represses transcription of target genes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167074", "l": "NLS-dependent protein nuclear import complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236694", "l": "postsynaptic endocytic zone membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097233", "l": "alveolar lamellar body membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an alveolar lamellar body, a specialized secretory organelle found in type II pneumocytes and involved in the synthesis, secretion, and reutilization of pulmonary surfactant."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521563", "l": "6q21-q22.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25096", "l": "6q21-q22.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326721", "l": "Factor VII - TF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235115", "l": "cytoplasmic periphery of the nuclear pore complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549086", "l": "T=1 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326898", "l": "Plasma membrane of B lymphocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002141", "l": "stereocilia ankle link", "d": ["A stereocilia coupling link that is composed of a fine filament present in developing stereocilia that couples the bases of individual stereocilia to one another. They are not present in mature stereocilia."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167274", "l": "B875 antenna complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0228442", "l": "lateral lemniscal nuclei", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "55.260132764916236", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030017", "l": "sarcomere", "d": ["The repeating unit of a myofibril in a muscle cell, composed of an array of overlapping thick and thin filaments between two adjacent Z discs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1527268", "l": "signal recognition particle location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071092", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha3-beta1 integrin complex bound to tissue transglutaminase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754255", "l": "FN-TGM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338562", "l": "Plasma membrane of chondrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269094", "l": "NOXA-BCL-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814911", "l": "chromosome, centromeric outer repeat region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613143", "l": "Swi5-Swi2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0180022", "l": "RQC-trigger complex", "d": ["A ribosome disassembly complex which dissociates stalled ribsome subunits as part of the ribosome quality control pathway. RQT complex is composed of a RNA helicase-family protein yeast Rqt2 (human ASCC3), a ubiquitin-binding protein yeast Rqt3, (human ASCC2), and Rqt4 (Human TRIP4)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327837", "l": "Cytoplasm of retinal pigment epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520974", "l": "1p36.1-p35", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25003", "l": "1p36.1-p35", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070310", "l": "ATR-ATRIP complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the protein kinase ATR and ATR-interacting protein (ATRIP) and binds single-stranded DNA; ssDNA binding affinity is increased in the presence of replication protein A."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230611", "l": "Cell adhesion specialization", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:91396004", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613146", "l": "ABIN2-NFKB1-MAP3K8 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754117", "l": "GT-AG catalytic step 1 spliceosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520277", "l": "10q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13865", "l": "10q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512189", "l": "Electron-Dense Plasma Membrane Layer", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32499", "l": "Electron-Dense Plasma Membrane Layer", "d": ["The hydrophilic portions of the plasma membrane as seen during transmission electron microscopy. This electron density is caused by abundant staining by heavy metal-containing dyes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621314", "l": "CPF complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896458", "l": "calprotectin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044225", "l": "apical pole of neuron", "d": ["Portion of a neuron cell soma closest to the point where the apical dendrite emerges."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896198", "l": "upper tip-link density", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030668", "l": "merozoite dense granule membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a dense granule of the type found in apicomplexan parasites."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333779", "l": "Reducing bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:86661009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520756", "l": "17q11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13981", "l": "17q11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045265", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase, stator stalk", "d": ["One of two stalks that connect the catalytic core of the hydrogen-transporting ATP synthase to the membrane-associated Fo proteins; is thought to prevent futile rotation of the catalytic core."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034467", "l": "esterosome lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of an esterosome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325592", "l": "replisome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043160", "l": "acrosomal lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed within the acrosome membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179933", "l": "Free ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32634", "l": "Free Ribosome", "d": ["A ribosome that is not associated with the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166656", "l": "basal cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098023", "l": "virus tail, tip", "d": ["The basal end of the virus tail, which is used by the virus to attach to the host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323149", "l": "Cytoplasmic granule of endothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036117", "l": "hyaluranon cable", "d": ["A cable structure, surrounding some cell types (e.g. proximal or bronchial tubular epithelial cells), and composed of hyaluranon (HA), a ubiquitous connective tissue glycosaminoglycan."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178988", "l": "Hydrogen ion pump of membrane of endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.615561148098521", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098793", "l": "presynapse", "d": ["The part of a synapse that is part of the presynaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754384", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097613", "l": "dinoflagellate epicone", "d": ["The part of a dinoflagellate cell above the cingulum; also referred to as the anterior portion of a dinoflagellate cell. It is separated from the hypocone by the cingulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030115", "l": "S-layer", "d": ["A crystalline protein layer surrounding some bacteria."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044673", "l": "7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase complex", "d": ["A heterodimer which catalyses the reaction of 5-amino-6-(D-ribitylamino)uracil and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate to form 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin (FO), an intermediate of coenzyme F420."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821043", "l": "nuclear transcriptional repressor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.375074843138819", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002894", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008667", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 4", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13220", "l": "Human Chromosome 4", "d": ["The designation for each member of the fourth largest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 4 spans more than 186 million base pairs and represents between 6 and 6.5% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:78901007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140738", "l": "NLRP6 inflammasome complex", "d": ["An inflammasome complex that consists of NLRP6, PYCARD/ASC and caspase-1 or caspase-4/caspase-11."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061742", "l": "chaperone-mediated autophagy translocation complex", "d": ["A lysosomal membrane protein complex that enables the translocation of a target protein across the lysosomal membrane as part of chaperone-mediated autophagy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896520", "l": "HFE-transferrin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821167", "l": "cyst wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265763", "l": "C zone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236776", "l": "basolateral recycling endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13559", "l": "6p", "d": ["Proximal (short) arm of chromosome 6"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008180", "l": "COP9 signalosome", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the deneddylation of proteins, including the cullin component of SCF ubiquitin E3 ligase; deneddylation increases the activity of cullin family ubiquitin ligases. The signalosome is involved in many regulatory process, including some which control development, in many species; also regulates photomorphogenesis in plants; in many species its subunits are highly similar to those of the proteasome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754380", "l": "MAML2-RBP-Jkappa-ICN4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323151", "l": "Concentric crista of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546211", "l": "bacteriophage tail sheath", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824529", "l": "collagen type XX trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031898", "l": "chromoplast envelope", "d": ["The double lipid bilayer enclosing the chromoplast and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166666", "l": "exocyst", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180358", "l": "Minus-end of actin myofilament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098029", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, spike", "d": ["A short structure attached to an icosahedral virion capsid, and used for attachment to the host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137204", "l": "cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (Cdk9)-cyclin T1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.245308234813891", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033643", "l": "host cell part", "d": ["Any constituent part of a host cell. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520977", "l": "1p36.13-p36.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13694", "l": "1p36.13-p36.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610763", "l": "organellar chromatophore", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044816", "l": "Nsk1-Dlc1 complex", "d": ["A dimer of Nsk1 (nucleolus spindle kinetochore 1) and the dynein light chain, Dlc1. The dimers form an oligomeric chain structure. Functions in the regulation of kinetochore-microtubule interactions and chromosome segregation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821191", "l": "lateral crest", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137527", "l": "cone photoreceptor disc membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515456", "l": "8q21.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28487", "l": "8q21.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071750", "l": "dimeric IgA immunoglobulin complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two monomeric IgA immunoglobulin complexes linked through both direct disulfide bonds and through a disulfide binded monomer of J chain acting as a bridge. Each IgA monomer consists of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgA isotype and two identical immunoglobulin light chains, held together by disulfide bonds. Dimeric IgA is sometimes complexed additionally with secretory component, and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523863", "l": "nuclear SCF ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2325976", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum of cardiac myocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009420", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum filament", "d": ["The long (approximately 20 nm), thin external structure of the bacterial-type flagellum, which acts as a propeller."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523470", "l": "intraciliary transport particle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610715", "l": "Vamp4-Stx6-Stx16-Vti1a complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235116", "l": "DAPK1-calmodulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262856", "l": "annuli extracellular matrix", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13373", "l": "3' Untranslated Region", "d": ["Sequences on the 3' end of messenger RNAs that are not translated into protein. The 3'UTR is involved in many post-transcriptional regulatory pathways, including regulating translation efficiency, mRNA stability, and polyadenylation signals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038104", "l": "nodal receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing at least a type II activin receptor, a type I activin receptor, and a coreceptor (EGF-CFC protein) such as Cripto or Cryptic. Nodal receptor complexes are capable of binding a nodal protein and transducing the signal into the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824366", "l": "MetNI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036410", "l": "Mst2 histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that can catalyze the acetylation of lysine at position 14 in histone H3, and contains Mst2 as the catalytic subunit. In fission yeast, contains at least Mst2, Nto1, Ptf2, Ptf1 and Eaf6."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690937", "l": "distal portion of axoneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D007181", "l": "Inclusion Bodies, Viral", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0021158", "l": "Inclusion Bodies, Viral", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:53012008", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071022", "l": "U12-type post-spliceosomal complex", "d": ["A spliceosomal complex that is formed following the second splicing event and contains the spliced product, the excised intron, and three snRNPs, U5, U12 and U6atac."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323969", "l": "Unencapsulated nerve ending innervating hair follicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061576", "l": "acyl-CoA ceramide synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the reaction acyl-CoA + sphingosine = CoA + N-acylsphingosine. In S. cerevisiae it contains three subunits: lag1, lac1 and lip1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521328", "l": "3q28", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25055", "l": "3q28", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032437", "l": "cuticular plate", "d": ["A dense network of actin filaments found beneath the apical cell surface of hair cells, and into which stereocilia are inserted."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034399", "l": "nuclear periphery", "d": ["The portion of the nuclear lumen proximal to the inner nuclear membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752477", "l": "host cell late endosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821111", "l": "contractile actin filament bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061793", "l": "chromatin lock complex", "d": ["A chromatin silencing complex that binds and bridges separate nucleosomal histones resulting in heterochromatin assembly and chromatin looping."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691153", "l": "cerebellar granule cell to Purkinje cell synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331222", "l": "Set of raphe nuclei of tegmentum of midbrain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048180", "l": "activin complex", "d": ["A nonsteroidal regulator, composed of two covalently linked inhibin beta subunits, inhibin beta-A and inhibin beta-B (sometimes known as activin beta or activin/inhibin beta). There are three forms of activin complex, activin A, which is composed of 2 inhibin beta-A subunits, activin B, which is composed of 2 inhibin beta-B subunits, and activin AB, which is composed of an inhibin beta-A and an inhibin beta-B subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097073", "l": "interferon regulatory factor 5 complex", "d": ["An interferon regulatory factor complex that consists of a homodimer of interferon regulatory factor 5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031010", "l": "ISWI-type complex", "d": ["Any nuclear protein complex that contains an ATPase subunit of the imitation switch (ISWI) family. ISWI ATPases are involved in assembling chromatin and in sliding and spacing nucleosomes to regulate transcription of nuclear RNA polymerases I, II, and III and also DNA replication, recombination and repair."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1621525", "l": "Mis6-Sim4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030700", "l": "glycine reductase complex", "d": ["Complex that possesses glycine reductase activity; usually comprises three subunits, of which two are selenoproteins; the subunits are typically designated selenoprotein A, selenoprotein B and protein C."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622017", "l": "leading edge membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623295", "l": "organelle envelope lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167306", "l": "photosynthetic electron transport chain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158935", "l": "myelin sheath abaxonal region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5814950", "l": "Mcm21", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822730", "l": "PDR16 complex dimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3272063", "l": "supraspliceosomal complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D018087", "l": "Plastids", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0206524", "l": "Plastids", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:68008002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159064", "l": "site of double-strand break", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323123", "l": "GER-attached polysomal ribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1624585", "l": "phage terminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061703", "l": "pyroptosome complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an assemble of ASC dimers that is capable of inducing pyroptosis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990629", "l": "phospholamban complex", "d": ["A protein complex found as a homopentamer of the phospholamban (PLN) protein in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane of cardiomyocytes. Cardiac PLN is a main determinant of muscle contraction and relaxation, by regulating intracellular calcium levels."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331535", "l": "Cytoplasm of cementocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2339269", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of epithelial cell exocrine pancreas", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246678", "l": "internode region of axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325675", "l": "Preribosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.991992031210344", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13389", "l": "11q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 11"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622568", "l": "pseudopodium membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753214", "l": "lipid tube", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817365", "l": "polkadots", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824411", "l": "rhoptry neck", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167454", "l": "glutamate synthase complex (NADPH)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825988", "l": "Xp11.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C82138", "l": "Xp11.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520595", "l": "14q24.3-q31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13490", "l": "14q24.3-q31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821281", "l": "cytoplasmic side of late endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005616", "l": "larval serum protein complex", "d": ["A multisubunit protein complex which, in Drosophila, is a heterohexamer of three subunits, alpha, beta and gamma. The complex is thought to store amino acids for synthesis of adult proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896294", "l": "CLOCK-BMAL transcription complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3159071", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-HMGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098017", "l": "viral capsid, major subunit", "d": ["The part of the viral capsid that comprises the most common capsomere type. For example, in a T=3 icosahedral capsid, which is composed of 12 pentameric and 20 hexameric capsomeres, the hexameric capsomeres are major subunits."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523859", "l": "lateral loop", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235128", "l": "chloroplast thylakoid membrane protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245464", "l": "cellular bud neck split septin rings", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179924", "l": "Part of smooth endoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2243180", "l": "vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "47.59933173358904", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098642", "l": "network-forming collagen trimer", "d": ["A collagen trimer that forms networks."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.58909006025462", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005747", "l": "mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I", "d": ["A protein complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane that forms part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It contains about 25 different polypeptide subunits, including NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone), flavin mononucleotide and several different iron-sulfur clusters containing non-heme iron. The iron undergoes oxidation-reduction between Fe(II) and Fe(III), and catalyzes proton translocation linked to the oxidation of NADH by ubiquinone."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754276", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035363", "l": "histone locus body", "d": ["A nuclear body associated with the histone gene locus that is thought to contain all of the factors necessary for histone mRNA transcription and pre-mRNA processing. In Drosophila, U7 snRNP is located in the histone locus body rather than the distinct Cajal body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520278", "l": "10q22.1-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13990", "l": "10q22.1-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2323350", "l": "Endoplasmic reticulum of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1817348", "l": "acrosomal membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546555", "l": "ISWI-type complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327172", "l": "laminin-5B complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825766", "l": "3p21.33", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81848", "l": "3p21.33", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097666", "l": "SCF-Met30/Pof1 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["An SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in which the F-box protein is Met30 in S. cerevisiae (Pof1 in S pombe)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230530", "l": "Prophase nucleus", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:77747005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265809", "l": "longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098569", "l": "internal side of mycolate outer membrane", "d": ["The side of the mycolate outer membrane that faces the cell wall peptidoglycan. It is rich in long-chain mycolic acids (hydroxylated branched-chain fatty acids) that are covalently linked to the cell wall peptidoglycan via an arabinogalactan network."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1519416", "l": "Soluble Enzyme of the Citric Acid Cycle", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33577", "l": "Soluble Enzyme of the Citric Acid Cycle", "d": ["An enzyme found in the mitochondrial matrix that catalyzes a reaction that is a part of the citric acid cycle, which convert the products of glycolysis into the substrates for the electron transport chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044290", "l": "mitochondrial intracristal space", "d": ["The space bounded by the mitochondrial cristae membranes, continuous with the intermembrane space."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896281", "l": "raps-insc complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622602", "l": "Rdr1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167227", "l": "integrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156617", "l": "blood microparticle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.293541249655362", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005768", "l": "endosome", "d": ["A vacuole to which materials ingested by endocytosis are delivered."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180076", "l": "Membrane protein of inner membrane of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326109", "l": "Set of transverse temporal gyri", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166740", "l": "COPI-coated vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824219", "l": "SeqA-hemimethylated DNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819923", "l": "cell soma cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0085041", "l": "arbuscule", "d": ["Highly branched symbiont haustoria within host root cortex cells, responsible for nutrient exchange."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611196", "l": "Mad-Max-mSin3A complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005643", "l": "nuclear pore", "d": ["A protein complex providing a discrete opening in the nuclear envelope of a eukaryotic cell, where the inner and outer nuclear membranes are joined."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230948", "l": "Spore cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:43228000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622620", "l": "Cul7-RING ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990498", "l": "mitotic spindle microtubule", "d": ["Any microtubule that is part of a mitotic spindle; anchored at one spindle pole."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031084", "l": "BLOC-2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the biogenesis of specialized organelles of the endosomal-lysosomal system, such as melanosomes and platelet dense granules. The human complex contains the Hps3, Hps5, and Hps6 proteins; the mouse complex contains ru2 and ru."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0062247", "l": "chloroplast vesicle", "d": ["A intracellular vesicle that is part of a chloroplast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.677825603451893", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005783", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum", "d": ["The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327737", "l": "Lipid bilayer of wall of cis Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520385", "l": "11q13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13514", "l": "11q13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246704", "l": "eukaryotic 48S initiation complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326932", "l": "Tenascin-N", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691119", "l": "urease activator complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035145", "l": "exon-exon junction complex", "d": ["A multi-subunit complex deposited by the spliceosome upstream of messenger RNA exon-exon junctions. The exon-exon junction complex provides a binding platform for factors involved in mRNA export and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166713", "l": "radial spoke head", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046818", "l": "dense nuclear body", "d": ["A location in the host cell nucleus where viral proteins colocalize late in infection prior to the onset of viral DNA synthesis. More than one site can be present simultaneously."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137451", "l": "phagolysosome vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337420", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of ciliary muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236794", "l": "extracellular core region of desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520978", "l": "1p36.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38888", "l": "1p36.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612886", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIB-alpha complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818661", "l": "dimeric ribonuclease P complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036387", "l": "pre-replicative complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex that forms at the origin of replication during the initial step of DNA replication and allows the origin to become competent, or 'licensed', for replication."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166826", "l": "phosphopyruvate hydratase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990073", "l": "perforation plate", "d": ["A cell wall part that is the part of a wall of a vessel member and bears one or more openings (perforations)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690311", "l": "serotonergic synapse", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755789", "l": "mammalian spliceosomal E complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754208", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167199", "l": "desmotubule central rod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896479", "l": "Golgi medial cisterna membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137268", "l": "ATG2-ATG18 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230937", "l": "Cell contents, prokaryotic", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:58906003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548418", "l": "CA3 pyramidal cell dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612603", "l": "melanosome lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043196", "l": "varicosity", "d": ["Non-terminal inflated portion of the axon, containing the specialized apparatus necessary to release neurotransmitters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610634", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-thrombospondin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521388", "l": "4q13.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14021", "l": "4q13.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097591", "l": "ventral disc lateral crest", "d": ["Fibrillar repetitive structure surrounding the ventral disc edge in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). The composition of the lateral crest is not fully known yet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520745", "l": "17p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24968", "l": "17p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520864", "l": "19q13.31", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28650", "l": "19q13.31", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 19q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754128", "l": "mammalian U2-type spliceosomal complex I", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167256", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location, coupling factor F(o)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612847", "l": "cation channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031897", "l": "Tic complex", "d": ["The translocon of the inner envelope of chloroplasts, which facilitates the import of proteins across the chloroplast inner membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032390", "l": "MutLbeta complex", "d": ["A heterodimer involved in the recognition of base-base and small insertion/deletion mismatches. In human the complex consists of two subunits, MLH1 and PMS1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097181", "l": "protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor V complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex that contains protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) and coagulation factor V (F5); formation of the complex inhibits the serine protease activity of coagulation factor V."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043684", "l": "type IV secretion system complex", "d": ["A complex of proteins related to those involved in bacterial DNA conjugative transfer, that permits the transfer of DNA or proteins into the extracellular milieu or directly into host cells. In general the type IV complex forms a multisubunit cell-envelope-spanning structure composed of a secretion channel and often a pilus or other surface filament or protein(s)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4233509", "l": "serotonin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2327144", "l": "Lysosome of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033255", "l": "SAS acetyltransferase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that possesses histone acetyltransferase activity and links histone acetylation to the assembly of transcriptionally silent chromatin. In vitro, the complex acetylates lysine 16 of histone H4 and lysine 14 of histone H3, although the latter may not be relevant in vivo. The complex contains a catalytic subunit and at least two other subunits; in Saccharomyces, the catalytic subunit is Sas2p and additional subunits are Sas4p and Sas5p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070117", "l": "organellar chromatophore thylakoid lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by an organellar chromatophore thylakoid membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2265261", "l": "Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase ERAD-L complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0501410", "l": "Somatic efferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13249", "l": "Intron", "d": ["Non-coding, intervening sequences of DNA that are transcribed, but are removed from within the primary gene transcript and rapidly degraded during maturation of messenger RNA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167119", "l": "delta DNA polymerase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032477", "l": "homodimeric decaprenyl diphosphate synthase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric complex that possesses di-trans,poly-cis-decaprenylcistransferase activity; involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546548", "l": "AP-5 adaptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521700", "l": "8p21-p11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25118", "l": "8p21-p11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030905", "l": "retromer, tubulation complex", "d": ["The dimeric subcomplex of the retromer, believed to be peripherally associated with the membrane. This dimeric complex is responsible for remodeling endosomal membranes to form a tube-structure to which cargo molecules are selected for recycling. The budding yeast complex comprises Vps5p and Vps17p, and may contain multiple copies of a Vps5p/Vps17p dimer. The mammalian complex contains SNX1 or SNX2 dimerized with SNX5 or SNX6."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1711060", "l": "7q22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C45197", "l": "7q22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.156270827921489", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D002892", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0008665", "l": "Chromosomes, Human, Pair 22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13218", "l": "Human Chromosome 22", "d": ["The designation for each member of the smallest human autosomal chromosome pair. Chromosome 22 spans about 49 million base pairs and represents between 1.5 and 2% of the total DNA in normal diploid cells."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:79229009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005598", "l": "short-chain collagen trimer", "d": ["Any collagen trimer that does not form fibrils and that is relatively short compared to the collagen trimers that do form fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752451", "l": "host cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097651", "l": "phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class I", "d": ["A phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex that contains a catalytic and a regulatory subunit of a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) enzyme, plus one or more adaptor proteins. Class I PI3Ks phosphorylate phosphatidylinositol [PI], phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate [PI(4)P] and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2], and are divided into subclasses A and B according to the type of adaptor subunit with which they associate. The class I PI3K subfamily of genes comprises members in vertebrates, worm and fly, but none in yeast."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179057", "l": "Myoid part of inner segment of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326658", "l": "Set of raphe nuclei of medulla oblongata", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039619", "l": "T=4 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": ["The protein coat that surrounds the infective nucleic acid in some virus particles where the subunits (capsomeres) are arranged to form an icosahedron with T=4 symmetry. The T=4 capsid is composed of 12 pentameric and 30 hexameric capsomeres."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523873", "l": "receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990674", "l": "Golgi cis cisterna membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the thin, flattened compartments that form the cis portion of the Golgi complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070860", "l": "RNA polymerase I core factor complex", "d": ["A RNA polymerase I-specific transcription factor complex that is required for the transcription of rDNA by RNA polymerase I. In yeast the complex consists of Rrn6p, Rrn7p, and Rrn11p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000069396", "l": "Mitochondrial Ribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1166893", "l": "Mitochondrial Ribosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4235114", "l": "galectin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3895082", "l": "cortical microtubule plus-end", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046612", "l": "lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain", "d": ["The V1 domain of a proton-transporting V-type ATPase found in the lysosomal membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "70.301331245594", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098803", "l": "respiratory chain complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that is part of a respiratory chain."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097225", "l": "sperm midpiece", "d": ["The highly organized segment of the sperm flagellum which begins at the connecting piece and is characterized by the presence of 9 outer dense fibers (ODFs) that lie outside each of the 9 outer axonemal microtubule doublets and by a sheath of mitochondria that encloses the ODFs and the axoneme; the midpiece terminates about one-fourth of the way down the sperm flagellum at the annulus, which marks the beginning of the principal piece."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180331", "l": "B-tubule of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1903502", "l": "translation repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of translation repressor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755381", "l": "RNA polymerase V complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070442", "l": "integrin alphaIIb-beta3 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alphaIIb subunit and one beta3 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098804", "l": "non-motile cilium membrane", "d": ["The portion of the plasma membrane surrounding a non-motile cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031561", "l": "cellular bud tip polarisome", "d": ["Protein complex that has a role in determining cell polarity, found at the tip of a growing fungal bud."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520754", "l": "17p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13492", "l": "17p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032126", "l": "eisosome", "d": ["A cell part that is composed of the eisosome membrane or MCC domain, a furrow-like plasma membrane sub-domain and associated integral transmembrane proteins, and the proteins (eisosome filaments) that form a scaffolding lattice on the cytoplasmic face. Eisosomes broadly affect overall plasma membrane organization."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "46.850776303231854", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005581", "l": "collagen trimer", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of three collagen chains assembled into a left-handed triple helix. These trimers typically assemble into higher order structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3157095", "l": "TRAF2-GSTP1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "68.626384042261094", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D007365", "l": "Intercellular Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0021721", "l": "Intercellular Junctions", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13983", "l": "Cell Junction", "d": ["Cell junction is the specialized focal contact between cell-cell or cell-matrix in all tissues. Cell junctions have various functions either communication, anchoring or organization. There are specific protein associated with subtype of cell junctions and most of the junctions are too small to be resolved by light microscope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "58.801430586242311", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098643", "l": "banded collagen fibril", "d": ["A supramolecular assembly of fibrillar collagen complexes in the form of a long fiber (fibril) with transverse striations (bands)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016605", "l": "PML body", "d": ["A class of nuclear body; they react against SP100 auto-antibodies (PML, promyelocytic leukemia); cells typically contain 10-30 PML bodies per nucleus; alterations in the localization of PML bodies occurs after viral infection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824568", "l": "xylanosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1760035", "l": "PA700 proteasome activator location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819999", "l": "peribacteroid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337507", "l": "Plasma membrane of chondroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690134", "l": "NVT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090641", "l": "microsporidian-type endospore", "d": ["The middle layer in a microsporidian spore wall that lies under the exospore and outside the plasma membrane, containing chitin and proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167433", "l": "cysteine synthase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044753", "l": "amphisome", "d": ["Intermediate organelles formed during macroautophagy through the fusion between autophagosomes and endosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690908", "l": "mitotic actomyosin contractile ring, intermediate layer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326594", "l": "Plasma membrane of retinal pigment epithelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896428", "l": "proximal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070029", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-osteopontin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to osteopontin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016607", "l": "nuclear speck", "d": ["A discrete extra-nucleolar subnuclear domain, 20-50 in number, in which splicing factors are seen to be localized by immunofluorescence microscopy."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328840", "l": "neuronal dense core vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990340", "l": "laminin-15 complex", "d": ["A laminin complex composed of alpha5, beta2 and gamma3 polypeptide chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520169", "l": "Xp11.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13498", "l": "Xp11.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.126913850795333", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016591", "l": "RNA polymerase II, holoenzyme", "d": ["A nuclear DNA-directed RNA polymerase complex containing an RNA polymerase II core enzyme as well as additional proteins and transcription factor complexes, that are capable of promoter recognition and transcription initiation from an RNA polymerase II promoter in vivo. These additional components may include general transcription factor complexes TFIIA, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, or TFIIH, as well as Mediator, SWI/SNF, GCN5, or SRBs and confer the ability to recognize promoters."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099400", "l": "caveola neck", "d": ["A membrane microdomain that forms a necklace around the bulb (crater) of a caveola. Intramembrane particles are concentrated in this region and cytoskeletal components, including actin, are highly enriched in the area underlying it."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071200", "l": "Kv4.2-DPP6 channel complex", "d": ["A voltage-gated potassium channel complex that contains the peptidase-related protein DPP6 associated with the channel via interaction with the Kv alpha subunit 4.2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1623281", "l": "plastid thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521394", "l": "4q21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25064", "l": "4q21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245486", "l": "Rpd3S/Clr6-CII complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246665", "l": "I-kappaB/NF-kappaB complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158987", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, transmembrane substrate-binding subunit-containing", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902560", "l": "GMP reductase complex", "d": ["An oxidoreductase complex which is capable of GMP reductase activity. It catalyses the irreversible reaction: GMP + 2 H+ + NADPH => IMP + NADP+ + NH4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521409", "l": "4q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C39632", "l": "4q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230804", "l": "Annulate lamella, fenestration", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:28936009", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269130", "l": "protein C inhibitor-coagulation factor XI complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521046", "l": "20pter-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13953", "l": "20pter-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034977", "l": "ABIN2-NFKB1-MAP3K8 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the precursor form of NF-kappaB (p105), the NF-kappaB inhibitor ABIN-2, and the kinase TPL-2 (MAP3K8); the complex stabilizes TPL-2 and is involved in signaling in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230788", "l": "Polyribosome, attached to outer nuclear membrane", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18285007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166669", "l": "euchromatin location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328972", "l": "mastigoneme", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3544384", "l": "Schwann cell paranodal termination", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821178", "l": "Pmt1p-Pmt2p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611305", "l": "BRCA1-B complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1184053", "l": "Nuclear wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036087", "l": "glutathione synthase complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of two or more polypeptide subunits, and which possesses glutathione synthase activity (catalysis of the reaction: L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteine + ATP + glycine = ADP + glutathione + 2 H+ + phosphate). In eukaryotes, the complex is homodimeric, in E. coli glutathione synthase exists as a tetramer, and in S. pombe the complex exists as a homodimer or a heterotetramer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622657", "l": "SUMO activating enzyme complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821276", "l": "lumenal side of rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1664970", "l": "meiotic cell cycle regulator", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1710783", "l": "14q23.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C54570", "l": "14q23.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158752", "l": "azurophil granule lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045320", "l": "chloroplast proton-transporting ATP synthase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting ATP synthase complex found in the chloroplast thylakoid membrane; it catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP during photo-phosphorylation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0392916", "l": "Intracellular ferritin", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:25475005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167407", "l": "viral transcriptional complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230811", "l": "LYSOSOME AND ASSOCIATED STRUCTURES. MICROBODY", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1744671", "l": "Signal recognition particle receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690961", "l": "PAR3/PAR6/aPKC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070264", "l": "transcription factor TFIIIE complex", "d": ["A transcription factor complex that is involved in regulating transcription from RNA polymerase III (Pol III) promoters. TFIIIE contains a specific subset of ribosomal proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521406", "l": "4q28.2-q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38183", "l": "4q28.2-q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246702", "l": "intraconoid microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166954", "l": "chloroplast starch grain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327155", "l": "transforming growth factor beta complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4329082", "l": "concave side of sperm head", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990205", "l": "taurine dioxygenase complex", "d": ["A protein complex capable of catalyzing the conversion of taurine and alpha-ketoglutarate to sulfite, aminoacetaldehyde and succinate under sulfur or cysteine starvation conditions. Its expression is repressed by the presence of sulfate or cysteine. In E. coli it is a homodimer or homotetramer of the protein TauD."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071089", "l": "alphaV-beta3 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaV-beta3 integrin complex bound to tissue transglutaminase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179094", "l": "Outer dynein arm of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167011", "l": "organellar small ribosomal subunit", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690168", "l": "CAX3 homodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622182", "l": "organelle outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753478", "l": "Grb2-SHP-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033066", "l": "Rad51B-Rad51C complex", "d": ["A DNA recombinase mediator complex that contains the Rad51 paralogs RAD51B and RAD51C, or orthologs thereof."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548575", "l": "eisosome membrane domain/MCC", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611040", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-Shc-Grb2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071052", "l": "alpha9-beta1 integrin-ADAM1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha9-beta1 integrin complex bound to the transmembrane metallopeptidase ADAM1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518452", "l": "Nucleolar Granular Material", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33183", "l": "Nucleolar Granular Material", "d": ["A collection of preribosomes in the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070558", "l": "alphaM-beta2 integrin-CD63 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphaM-beta2 integrin complex bound to membrane protein CD63, a member of the tetraspan family."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009545", "l": "elaioplast", "d": ["A leucoplast in which oil is stored."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070470", "l": "plasma membrane respirasome", "d": ["A respiratory chain located in the plasma membrane of a cell; made up of the protein complexes that form the electron transport system (the respiratory chain), associated with the plasma membrane. The respiratory chain complexes transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor and are associated with a proton pump to create a transmembrane electrochemical gradient."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521383", "l": "4q11-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14127", "l": "4q11-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 4q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1178973", "l": "Sarcoplasm of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230901", "l": "Elastic fiber, microfilamentous component", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:40506000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523419", "l": "transmembrane collagen trimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.599657566792573", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030062", "l": "mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme complex", "d": ["Any of the heteromeric enzymes, located in the mitochondrion, that act in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137287", "l": "BCOR complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045172", "l": "germline ring canal", "d": ["Germline specific intercellular bridge. During cyst formation in insects, ring canals interconnect the cells of the cyst, facilitating the passage of cytoplasmic components between cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180003", "l": "Axoaxonic synapse", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32175", "l": "Axoaxonic Synapse", "d": ["A synapse between the axons of two neurons."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2952117", "l": "Dendrite of pyramidal cell of primary motor cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016327", "l": "apicolateral plasma membrane", "d": ["The apical end of the lateral plasma membrane of epithelial cells."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D064201", "l": "Trichomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3658255", "l": "Trichomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030988", "l": "high molecular weight kininogen receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that acts as a receptor for high molecular weight kininogens. In humans, this receptor includes the CK1 and uPAR proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3156612", "l": "IPAF inflammasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071212", "l": "subsynaptic reticulum", "d": ["An elaborate tubulolamellar membrane system that underlies the postsynaptic cell membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612828", "l": "Itgam-Itgb2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611041", "l": "ITGA6-ITGB4-SHC-GRB2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "64.804144929543213", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098794", "l": "postsynapse", "d": ["The part of a synapse that is part of the post-synaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612866", "l": "pICln-Sm protein complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071088", "l": "alpha5-beta1 integrin-tissue transglutaminase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha5-beta1 integrin complex bound to tissue transglutaminase."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098835", "l": "presynaptic endocytic zone membrane", "d": ["The region of the presynaptic membrane that is part of the presynaptic endocytic zone - where synaptic vesicles are endocytosed and recycled following release."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325831", "l": "untranslated RNA location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030478", "l": "actin cap", "d": ["Polarized accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins (including F-actin) and regulatory proteins in a cell. An example of this is the actin cap found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323132", "l": "Microtubule singlet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009523", "l": "photosystem II", "d": ["A photosystem that contains a pheophytin-quinone reaction center with associated accessory pigments and electron carriers. In cyanobacteria and chloroplasts, in the presence of light, PSII functions as a water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase, transferring electrons from water to plastoquinone, whereas other photosynthetic bacteria carry out anoxygenic photosynthesis and oxidize other compounds to re-reduce the photoreaction center."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523101", "l": "secondary cell septum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612604", "l": "microneme lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325808", "l": "membrane attack complex protein beta2 chain", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752354", "l": "nuclear outer membrane-endoplasmic reticulum membrane network", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158697", "l": "NF-kappa p105/RelA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2951905", "l": "Set of somas of spiny stellate cells of cerebral cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010005", "l": "cortical microtubule, transverse to long axis", "d": ["Arrays of microtubules underlying and connected to the plasma membrane, in the cortical cytosol, oriented mainly with their axes transverse to the long axis of the cell (and root in plants). In plants it influences the direction of cellulose microfibril deposition."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183436", "l": "Region of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230748", "l": "Shaft of cilium or flagellum, not bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88077001", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247083", "l": "host intracellular part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990620", "l": "ANPR-A receptor complex", "d": ["A receptor complex composed of two ANPR-A molecules and expressed in the heart atrium in mammals; it plays a major role in the regulation of blood pressure and salt-fluid volume homeostasis. Binding of the ligand AMP in response to atrial distension (high blood volume) leads to guanylate cyclase activity of the ANPR-A receptor complex, thereby elevating intracellular cGMP levels. The end result is a reduction in blood volume and, therefore, a reduction in cardiac output and systemic blood pressure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097504", "l": "Gemini of coiled bodies", "d": ["Nuclear bodies frequently found near or associated with Cajal bodies (also called coiled bodies or CBs). Gemini of coiled bodies, or 'gems', are similar in size and shape to CBs, and often indistinguishable under the microscope. Unlike CBs, gems do not contain small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs); they contain a protein called survivor of motor neurons (SMN) whose function relates to snRNP biogenesis. Gems are believed to assist CBs in snRNP biogenesis, and to play a role in the etiology of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546663", "l": "Schaffer axon collateral", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753897", "l": "HDA1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167097", "l": "Cdc73/Paf1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269072", "l": "cyclin B1-CDK1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754398", "l": "Kv4.3-KChIP1 channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3549085", "l": "T=2 icosahedral viral capsid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13314", "l": "Proteasome", "d": ["Proteolytic complexes, proteolytic core of the proteasome system, that degrade cytosolic and nuclear proteins are implicated in ATP dependent ubiquitin protein complex degradation and in antigen processing in antigen presenting cells. The 20S proteasome (700 kD), essential in ATP ubiquitin degradation pathway, has 13-15 subunits each of which has three or four different peptidase activities. The 20S proteasome interacts with additional subunits, PA700 and PA28, to form an ATP-dependent multicatalytic proteinase complex (MPC) involved in the degradation of ubiquitinated cellular proteins and certain non-ubiquitinated proteins. 26S proteasomes may be formed in an ATP dependent fashion from a 20S proteasome and additional components, CF1 (660 kD), CF2 (250 kD) and CF3 (600 kD)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821160", "l": "left middle basal body pair", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166715", "l": "cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0008278", "l": "cohesin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is required for sister chromatid cohesion in eukaryotes. The cohesin complex forms a molecular ring complex, and is composed of structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) and kleisin proteins. For example, in yeast, the complex is composed of the SMC proteins Smc1p and Smc3p, and the kleisin protein Scc1p. In vertebrates, the complex is composed of the SMC1 (SMC1A or SMC1B) and SMC3 heterodimer attached via their hinge domains to a kleisin (RAD21, REC8 or RAD21L) which links them, and one STAG protein (STAG1, STAG2 or STAG3)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236541", "l": "matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754170", "l": "yeast spliceosomal complex A2-3", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070046", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-3 complex", "d": ["A SNARE complex that contains synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2), SNAP-25, and syntaxin 3 (or orthologs thereof)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326797", "l": "Cytoplasm of neurite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137450", "l": "phagolysosome vesicle lumen", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0160111", "l": "axonemal A tubule inner sheath", "d": ["A structural network of microtubule inner proteins (MIPs) located inside the lumen of the A tubule of the axonemal microtubule doublet that helps stabilize the A tubule."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322288", "l": "White matter of lumbosacral segment of spinal cord", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515505", "l": "9p22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13669", "l": "9p22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754294", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-Fyn complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752517", "l": "pirellulosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1516507", "l": "30 nm Chromatin Fiber", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13433", "l": "Chromatin Fiber", "d": ["A level of DNA packaging in chromatin above that of the nucleosome, the fundamental subunit of chromatin structure. The chromatin fiber has a thickness of about 30 nanometers and results from the folding of a linear array of nucleosomes (thickness about 10 nm) into a more compact fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821207", "l": "sperm cytoplasmic droplet", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043671", "l": "endexine", "d": ["The inner part of the exine, which stains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166988", "l": "etioplast prolamellar body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180304", "l": "Dynein arm of axoneme of flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331265", "l": "Plasma membrane of natural killer cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329109", "l": "Protoplasm of fibroblast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333775", "l": "Rod bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:112659007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611781", "l": "55S ribosome, mitochondrial", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896233", "l": "pexophagosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246382", "l": "Fc-epsilon receptor I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000943", "l": "retrotransposon nucleocapsid", "d": ["A complex of the retrotransposon RNA genome, reverse transcriptase, integrase, and associated molecules required for reproduction and integration of the retrotransposon into the host genome; the main structural molecule of the nucleocapsid is often a gag protein homolog."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754456", "l": "cytoplasmic U snRNP body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752453", "l": "host thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4322725", "l": "Crystalline microbody nucleoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326973", "l": "coenzyme Q-cytochrome c reductase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167022", "l": "lytic vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "67.291624097287666", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042579", "l": "microbody", "d": ["Cytoplasmic organelles, spherical or oval in shape, that are bounded by a single membrane and contain oxidative enzymes, especially those utilizing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0038038", "l": "G protein-coupled receptor homodimeric complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains two G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) of the same subtype. Formation of a GPCR homodimer may be important for the transport of newly formed receptors to the cell surface, and the function of the receptor."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166700", "l": "polytene chromosome chromocenter", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090405", "l": "unicellular trichome branch", "d": ["A cell projection part that is a branch of a unicellular trichome."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521308", "l": "3q21-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13626", "l": "3q21-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754995", "l": "secretory dimeric IgA1 antibody", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753853", "l": "MOZ/MORF histone acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230511", "l": "Peripheral region of cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45770006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0010168", "l": "ER body", "d": ["A novel compartment found in plant cells that is derived from the ER. The structures have a characteristic shape and size (10 mm long and 0.5 mm wide) and are surrounded with ribosomes. They have been found in Arabidopsis thaliana and related Brassicaceae species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166738", "l": "trans-Golgi network transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.59917137531788", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13549", "l": "20q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 20"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690949", "l": "host cell centrosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179514", "l": "Plasma membrane proper of Schwann cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035097", "l": "histone methyltransferase complex", "d": ["A multimeric complex that is able to catalyze the addition of methyl groups to histone proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520761", "l": "17q11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24972", "l": "17q11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183338", "l": "Region of microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612817", "l": "integrin alphav-beta3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "75.653457143972261", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13543", "l": "17q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 17"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323133", "l": "Apical plasma membrane of polarized cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4326876", "l": "amyloid beta heterodimer", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099160", "l": "postsynaptic intermediate filament cytoskeleton", "d": ["The intermediate filament cytoskeleton that is part of a postsynapse."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033596", "l": "TSC1-TSC2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of at least tumerin and hamartin; its formation may regulate hamartin homomultimer formation. The complex acts as a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for the small GTPase (Rheb), and inhibits the TOR signaling pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043219", "l": "lateral loop", "d": ["Non-compact myelin located adjacent to the nodes of Ranvier in a myelin segment. These non-compact regions include cytoplasm from the cell responsible for synthesizing the myelin. Lateral loops are found in the paranodal region adjacent to the nodes of Ranvier, while Schmidt-Lantermann clefts are analogous structures found within the compact myelin internode."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167443", "l": "DNA topoisomerase IV complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262973", "l": "clathrin-sculpted vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3822746", "l": "Hpa3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523638", "l": "Rb-E2F complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523491", "l": "Ino80 complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2335653", "l": "Set of nuclei of amygdala", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005871", "l": "kinesin complex", "d": ["Any complex that includes a dimer of molecules from the kinesin superfamily, a group of related proteins that contain an extended region of predicted alpha-helical coiled coil in the main chain that likely produces dimerization. The native complexes of several kinesin family members have also been shown to contain additional peptides, often designated light chains as all of the noncatalytic subunits that are currently known are smaller than the chain that contains the motor unit. Kinesin complexes generally possess a force-generating enzymatic activity, or motor, which converts the free energy of the gamma phosphate bond of ATP into mechanical work."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990025", "l": "F bouton", "d": ["Synaptic bouton found in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. F boutons range in diameter from 0.5 to 7 um and contain flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166957", "l": "chloroplastic endopeptidase Clp complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0036362", "l": "ascus membrane", "d": ["A double layer of lipid molecules that surrounds an ascus, a capsule containing the sexual spores in some fungi."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325648", "l": "gamma-tubulin large complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001405", "l": "PAM complex, Tim23 associated import motor", "d": ["Protein complex located on the matrix side of the mitochondrial inner membrane and associated with the TIM23 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase complex (GO:0005744); ATPase motor activity to drive import of proteins into the mitochondrial matrix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070436", "l": "Grb2-EGFR complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Grb2, and is involved in linking EGFR activation to the p21-Ras pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754382", "l": "MAML3-RBP-Jkappa-ICN2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071081", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-CD63 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha3-beta1 integrin complex bound to the tetraspanin CD63."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521618", "l": "7p14-p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28584", "l": "7p14-p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2262859", "l": "annule(s)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521060", "l": "20q12-q13.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13898", "l": "20q12-q13.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005793", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment", "d": ["A complex system of membrane-bounded compartments located between endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi complex, with a distinctive membrane protein composition; involved in ER-to-Golgi and Golgi-to-ER transport."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521279", "l": "3p14.2", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13658", "l": "3p14.2", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821112", "l": "parallel actin filament bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060203", "l": "clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding a clathrin-sculpted glutamate transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521459", "l": "5p15.1-p14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14046", "l": "5p15.1-p14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546518", "l": "TAM protein secretion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515451", "l": "8q13-qter", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13689", "l": "8q13-qter", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D003594", "l": "Cytoplasmic Granules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0010837", "l": "Cytoplasmic Granules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338568", "l": "Plasma membrane of enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520217", "l": "Yp11.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41840", "l": "Yp11.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Yp"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820031", "l": "extracellular region part", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009332", "l": "glutamate-tRNA ligase complex", "d": ["An enzyme complex that catalyzes the ligation of glutamate and tRNA(Glu) to form glutamyl-tRNA(Glu)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325813", "l": "nucleic acid location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520512", "l": "12q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C28634", "l": "12q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034359", "l": "mature chylomicron", "d": ["A chylomicron that contains apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2), a cofactor for lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, and has a mean diameter of 500 nm and density of 0.95g/ml. Mature chylomicron particles transport exogenous (dietary) lipids from the intestines to other body tissues, via the blood and lymph."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137276", "l": "Aim21-Tda2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C33264", "l": "Paranemin", "d": ["A type III intermediate filament protein found in striated muscle cells that provides cytoskeletal integrity and strength."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0045276", "l": "plasma membrane respiratory chain complex III", "d": ["A part of the respiratory chain located in the plasma membrane, containing about 10 polypeptide subunits including four redox centers: cytochrome b/b6, cytochrome c1 and an 2Fe-2S cluster. Catalyzes the oxidation of ubiquinol by oxidized cytochrome c1. Examples of this component are found in bacterial species."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4761342", "l": "photoreceptor proximal connecting cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179087", "l": "Central part of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325737", "l": "activin receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031486", "l": "myosin XVI complex", "d": ["A myosin complex containing a class XVI myosin heavy chains and associated light chains; myosin XVI heavy chains contain ankyrin repeat."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166739", "l": "coated vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035866", "l": "alphav-beta3 integrin-PKCalpha complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alphav-beta3 integrin complex bound to protein kinase C alpha."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818860", "l": "late phagosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327139", "l": "beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546711", "l": "hippocampal mossy fiber expansion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2337882", "l": "Cytoplasm of connective tissue cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167386", "l": "complement component C1q complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752486", "l": "host cell mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179122", "l": "Transverse tubule of muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610980", "l": "ferritin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031371", "l": "ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex", "d": ["Any complex that possesses ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.330956682939657", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005583", "l": "fibrillar collagen trimer", "d": ["Any triple helical collagen trimer that forms fibrils."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893547", "l": "centriolar distal appendage", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032157", "l": "prospore contractile ring", "d": ["A contractile ring, i.e. a cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments and myosin, that forms beneath the plasma membrane of the prospore envelope in meiotic cells in preparation for completing cytokinesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611893", "l": "NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071665", "l": "gamma-catenin-TCF7L2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains gamma-catenin and TCF7L2 (TCF4), binds to the TCF DNA motif within a promoter element, and is involved in the regulation of WNT target gene transcription."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230896", "l": "Collagen fibrils, 64 nm spacing", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:24245007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520687", "l": "16p13.13-p13.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C29968", "l": "16p13.13-p13.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521650", "l": "7q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13943", "l": "7q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C172363", "l": "APC Promoter 1B", "d": ["A distal promoter element in the 5' regulatory region of the APC gene on chromosome 5."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2245786", "l": "protein storage vacuole membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0682679", "l": "neuron body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034274", "l": "Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex", "d": ["A protein complex required for the expansion of the autophagosomal membrane. In budding yeast, this complex consists of Atg12p, Atg5p and Atg16p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0002197", "l": "xanthine dehydrogenase complex", "d": ["A homodimeric protein complex having xanthine dehydrogenase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824218", "l": "SeqA-dsDNA complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167021", "l": "contractile vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009428", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, distal rod, P ring", "d": ["One of the rings of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body; anchors the basal body to the peptidoglycan layer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612851", "l": "chloride channel complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521204", "l": "2q14", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13523", "l": "2q14", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 2q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166673", "l": "intercalary heterochromatin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269076", "l": "cyclin D2-CDK4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236704", "l": "presynaptic endocytic zone cytoplasmic component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "82.582265651609575", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521545", "l": "6p22.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14132", "l": "6p22.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 6p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167170", "l": "U6 snRNP location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2324049", "l": "Protoplasm of Type I enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236632", "l": "polymeric cytoskeletal fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167016", "l": "spectrosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D062607", "l": "Fungal Capsules", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C3494343", "l": "Fungal Capsules", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2263091", "l": "cellular bud neck", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030677", "l": "ribonuclease P complex", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that catalyzes cleavage of the leader sequence of precursor tRNAs (pre-tRNAs), generating the mature 5' end of tRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690271", "l": "extrinsic component of phagophore assembly site membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167307", "l": "cytochrome b6f complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13634", "l": "Retinoic Acid Response Element", "d": ["A cis-acting transcription regulatory element. It is bound by the retinoic acid receptors."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0055051", "l": "ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex, integrated substrate binding", "d": ["A complex for the transport of metabolites out of the cell, consisting of 4 domains: two ATP-binding domains and two membrane spanning domains. In some cases, all 4 domains are contained on 1 polypeptide, while in others one ATP-binding domain and one membrane spanning domain are together on one polypeptide in what is called a half transporter. Two half-transporters come together to form a functional transporter. Transport of the substrate across the membrane is driven by the hydrolysis of ATP."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5545221", "l": "Sponge Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520194", "l": "Xq25-q26", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25145", "l": "Xq25-q26", "d": ["A chromosome band present on Xq"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3546233", "l": "vellous process", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691117", "l": "dendritic spine origin", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4691125", "l": "apical distal dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4236647", "l": "caveola bulb", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000938", "l": "GARP complex", "d": ["A quatrefoil tethering complex required for retrograde traffic from the early endosome back to the late Golgi and biogenesis of cytoplasmic vesicles."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821356", "l": "protein complex involved in cell-matrix adhesion", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167282", "l": "proton-transporting ATP synthase complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.726079367374183", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0042651", "l": "thylakoid membrane", "d": ["The pigmented membrane of any thylakoid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0031309", "l": "Phagolysosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33315", "l": "Phagolysosome", "d": ["An organelle formed by the fusion of a phagosome with the lysosome, where the contents of the phagosome are degraded."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:6023000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753376", "l": "Shc-Grb2-Sos complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009921", "l": "auxin efflux carrier complex", "d": ["The protein complex associated with the plasma membrane of certain plant cells (e.g. root cortex, epidermal cells) that functions to transport auxin out of the cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071601", "l": "sphere organelle", "d": ["A nuclear body that is found in the germinal vesicles of amphibian oocytes, and consist of three major parts: a remarkably spherical body about 5-10 pm in diameter, smaller spherical or nearly spherical granules on the surface, and inclusions of various sizes that strongly resemble the surface granules. The parts of the sphere organelle have distinct compositions, including splicing snRNAs and proteins."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046930", "l": "pore complex", "d": ["A protein complex providing a discrete opening in a membrane that allows the passage of gases and/or liquids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520485", "l": "12q11-q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38944", "l": "12q11-q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610865", "l": "Rpd3L-Expanded complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001772", "l": "immunological synapse", "d": ["An area of close contact between a lymphocyte (T-, B-, or natural killer cell) and a target cell formed through the clustering of particular signaling and adhesion molecules and their associated membrane rafts on both the lymphocyte and the target cell and facilitating activation of the lymphocyte, transfer of membrane from the target cell to the lymphocyte, and in some situations killing of the target cell through release of secretory granules and/or death-pathway ligand-receptor interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D057146", "l": "Multivesicular Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0230825", "l": "Multivesicular body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33144", "l": "Multivesicular Body", "d": ["A membrane-bound vesicle that encompasses several smaller membrane-bound vesicles."], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:80097007", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4328032", "l": "host cell uropod", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754211", "l": "ITGA9-ITGB1-ADAM2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548410", "l": "glial limiting end-foot", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.078697315966167", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009277", "l": "fungal-type cell wall", "d": ["A rigid yet dynamic structure surrounding the plasma membrane that affords protection from stresses and contributes to cell morphogenesis, consisting of extensively cross-linked glycoproteins and carbohydrates. The glycoproteins may be modified with N- or O-linked carbohydrates, or glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors; the polysaccharides are primarily branched glucans, including beta-linked and alpha-linked glucans, and may also include chitin and other carbohydrate polymers, but not cellulose or pectin. Enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesis are also found in the cell wall. Note that some forms of fungi develop a capsule outside of the cell wall under certain circumstances; this is considered a separate structure."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2329143", "l": "Protoplasm of neutrophil", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2331699", "l": "Protoplasm of mesothelial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269170", "l": "compound sieve plate", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033593", "l": "BRCA2-MAGE-D1 complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex formed of BRCA2 and MAGE-D1; may mediate the synergistic activities of the two proteins in regulating cell growth."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1749467", "l": "soluble", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167469", "l": "methane monooxygenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752533", "l": "subplasmalemmal coating", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520255", "l": "10p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24895", "l": "10p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 10p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521477", "l": "5q21-q22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13581", "l": "5q21-q22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030694", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum basal body, rod", "d": ["The central portion of the bacterial-type flagellar basal body, which spans the periplasm and threads through the rings."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3548789", "l": "inner plaque of mitotic spindle pole body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521697", "l": "8p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26547", "l": "8p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323118", "l": "Actin-like and myosin-like filament bundle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3896480", "l": "Golgi trans cisterna membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098033", "l": "icosahedral viral capsid, neck fiber", "d": ["A fiber attached to the neck at the base of some icosahedral viral capsids."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097537", "l": "Y-shaped link", "d": ["A Y-shaped protein complex in the ciliary transition zone that connects the cilium axoneme to the ciliary necklace. Both protein sorting and protein gating occur at this point in the cilium allowing some, but not all proteins to enter the cilium."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044312", "l": "crystalloid", "d": ["A transient, cytoplasmic organelle found in Plasmodium species that resembles a cytoplasmic inclusion body and whose function is poorly understood. Crystalloids form in ookinetes and disappear after ookinete-to-oocyst transformation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824551", "l": "thrombospondin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0089701", "l": "U2AF complex", "d": ["A heterodimeric protein complex consisting of conserved large and small U2AF subunits that contributes to spliceosomal RNA splicing by binding to consensus sequences at the 3' splice site. U2AF is required to stabilize the association of the U2 snRNP with the branch point."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.007505823603481", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0019005", "l": "SCF ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": ["A ubiquitin ligase complex in which a cullin from the Cul1 subfamily and a RING domain protein form the catalytic core; substrate specificity is conferred by a Skp1 adaptor and an F-box protein. SCF complexes are involved in targeting proteins for degradation by the proteasome. The best characterized complexes are those from yeast and mammals (with core subunits named Cdc53/Cul1, Rbx1/Hrt1/Roc1)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.906202702420444", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0048475", "l": "coated membrane", "d": ["A single or double lipid bilayer with any of several different proteinaceous coats that can associate with membranes. Membrane coats include those formed by clathrin plus an adaptor complex, the COPI and COPII complexes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325523", "l": "cell projection", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "76.923108426128749", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099572", "l": "postsynaptic specialization", "d": ["A network of proteins within and adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane. Its major components include neurotransmitter receptors and the proteins that spatially and functionally organize them such as anchoring and scaffolding molecules, signaling enzymes and cytoskeletal components."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166754", "l": "Secretory granule membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334323", "l": "Set of cytoplasmic organelles of neuroglial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2338254", "l": "Wall of cis Golgi cistern", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521702", "l": "8p21.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25119", "l": "8p21.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990589", "l": "ATF4-CREB1 transcription factor complex", "d": ["Transcription factor complex consisting of ATF4 and CREB1 subunits that is capable of binding to cAMP response element (CRE) (consensus: 5'-GTGACGT[AC][AG]-3') as part of the positive regulation of transcription. Regulatory targets include the GRP78 (HSPA5) promoter in humans, whose activation by this complex is part of the ER stress response pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120212", "l": "sperm head-tail coupling apparatus", "d": ["A centrosome-based structure consisting of two cylindrical microtubule-based centrioles and associated components which anchors the flagellum to the sperm head."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120240", "l": "platelet glycocalyx", "d": ["The carbohydrate rich layer at the outermost periphery of a platelet."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031251", "l": "PAN complex", "d": ["A complex that possesses poly(A)-specific ribonuclease activity; catalyzes the message-specific shortening of mRNA poly(A) tails. Contains at least two subunits, known as Pan2p and Pan3p in Saccharomyces."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4324038", "l": "Nucleus of left pudendal nerve", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098562", "l": "cytoplasmic side of membrane", "d": ["The side of a membrane that faces the cytoplasm."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.300839195380277", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520474", "l": "12p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13509", "l": "12p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0120260", "l": "ciliary microtubule quartet", "d": ["A set of four specialized microtubules that originates from the basal bodies and wraps around the ciliary pocket membrane, likely supporting its distinct flask shape."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323112", "l": "Nuclear organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035843", "l": "endonuclear canal", "d": ["A membrane-bound structure present in the nucleus of a spermatozoon. There is variation in the number of endonuclear canals between sperm of different organisms, and some species lack these structures altogether. The endonuclear canal may provide a supporting role for the sperm nucleus, and originates during spermiogenesis from an invagination of the nuclear envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521300", "l": "3q13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14045", "l": "3q13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 3q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610956", "l": "external side of fungal-type cell wall", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990231", "l": "STING complex", "d": ["A protein dimer containing two STING monomers. It binds cyclic purine di-nucleotides. Activation of the sting complex by 2',5'-3'-5'-cyclic GMP-AMP activates nuclear transcription factor kB (NF-kB) and interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) which then induce transcription of the genes encoding type I IFN and cytokines active in the innate immune response."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824261", "l": "GATOR1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3155705", "l": "type Ib terminal bouton", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893581", "l": "omegasome peripheral membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325684", "l": "cytosol pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140573", "l": "histone H3-containing nucleosome", "d": ["A complex comprised of DNA wound around a multisubunit core and associated proteins containing the histone H3, which forms the primary packing unit of DNA into higher order structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0333792", "l": "Herpes simplex virus intranuclear inclusion body", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:45667000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179112", "l": "C-tubule of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610657", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin II complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821274", "l": "lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030868", "l": "smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding the smooth endoplasmic reticulum."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3271498", "l": "cyanelle outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5815110", "l": "interphase SIN signalling complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179096", "l": "Tangential link of axoneme of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520997", "l": "1q23-q25", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13980", "l": "1q23-q25", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520599", "l": "14q32", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13941", "l": "14q32", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "83.071377031489931", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000803", "l": "sex chromosome", "d": ["A chromosome involved in sex determination."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180172", "l": "Matrix of perinuclear space", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246812", "l": "Chromatoid Bodies", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4055390", "l": "Basophilic Phagolysosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C120868", "l": "Basophilic Phagolysosome", "d": ["Intracytoplasmic phagolysosomes that are strongly basophilic. These structures are usually seen within the tubular epithelium and glomeruli of the kidney in response to antisense oligonucleotides."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520679", "l": "16p11.2-12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24962", "l": "16p11.2-12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520785", "l": "17q24", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13857", "l": "17q24", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 17q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0044099", "l": "polar tube", "d": ["A highly specialized structure unique to microsporidia that is required for host cell invasion. In the spore, the polar tube is connected at the anterior end, and then coils around the sporoplasm. Upon appropriate environmental stimulation, the polar tube rapidly discharges out of the spore, pierces a cell membrane and serves as a conduit for sporoplasm passage into the new host cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0501413", "l": "Branchial afferent nerve fiber", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327137", "l": "interleukin-15 receptor complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824238", "l": "RQC complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167255", "l": "plasma membrane proton-transporting ATP synthase, central stalk", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030015", "l": "CCR4-NOT core complex", "d": ["The core of the CCR4-NOT complex. In Saccharomyces the CCR4-NOT core complex comprises Ccr4p, Caf1p, Caf40p, Caf130p, Not1p, Not2p, Not3p, Not4p, and Not5p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521044", "l": "20p12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14008", "l": "20p12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061845", "l": "neuron projection branch point", "d": ["The location where a secondary projection arises from a neuron projection."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166756", "l": "Transport vesicle membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2336348", "l": "Plasma membrane of central neuroglial cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520476", "l": "12p13-p12.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24928", "l": "12p13-p12.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 12p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180381", "l": "Sarcolemma of smooth muscle cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167271", "l": "bacterial thylakoid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0061468", "l": "karyomere", "d": ["A membrane-bound intermediate cleavage-stage structure of individual or groups of chromosomes that coalesces and fuses with other karyomeres to form a nucleus during interphase. Karyomere formation occurs in blastomeres undergoing rapid cell division."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034663", "l": "endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and is composed of chaperone proteins, including BiP, GRP94; CaBP1, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), ERdj3, cyclophilin B, ERp72, GRP170, UDP-glucosyltransferase, and SDF2-L1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D000096322", "l": "Mitochondria Associated Membranes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C2752526", "l": "ER-mitochondrion membrane contact site", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166911", "l": "respiratory chain complex III location sensu Eukarya", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821116", "l": "UvrA(2)B(2) complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4327165", "l": "Scc2-Scc4 cohesin loading complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3476763", "l": "Y chromosome AZFa region", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611779", "l": "17S U2 snRNP", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520397", "l": "11q22-q23", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13754", "l": "11q22-q23", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230807", "l": "Photoreceptor membrane lamellae", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:58489002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D049229", "l": "Dendritic Spines", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0872341", "l": "Dendritic Spines", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:62670003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2333041", "l": "Cytoplasm of hepatocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D054658", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1167008", "l": "Ribosome Subunits, Large", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034676", "l": "integrin alpha6-beta4 complex", "d": ["An integrin complex that comprises one alpha6 subunit and one beta4 subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752593", "l": "stereocilia ankle link complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030689", "l": "Noc complex", "d": ["Any of several heterodimers containing one or two Noc proteins, associated with preribosomal complexes; involved in ribosome biogenesis."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821292", "l": "lumenal side of plastid thylakoid membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754243", "l": "ITGA4-ITGB1-THBS2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3541837", "l": "pre-synaptic ribbon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820000", "l": "peribacteroid fluid", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1820006", "l": "exine", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326530", "l": "Protoplasm of Type S enteroendocrine cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0001741", "l": "XY body", "d": ["A structure found in a male mammalian spermatocyte containing an unpaired X chromosome that has become densely heterochromatic, silenced and localized at the nuclear periphery."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521047", "l": "20pter-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13884", "l": "20pter-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269092", "l": "BAK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0140615", "l": "ATP-dependent citrate lyase complex", "d": ["A protein complex that catalyzes the cleavage of citrate into oxaloacetate and acetyl-CoA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690293", "l": "K/Na hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2247084", "l": "host intracellular organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612819", "l": "integrin alphav-beta5 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070289", "l": "extracellular ferritin complex", "d": ["A ferritin complex located in the extracellular region. Extracellular ferritin complexes contain L (light) chains but few or no H (heavy) chains."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612900", "l": "APC-IQGAP complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3543859", "l": "neurofibrillary tangle (cell component)", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "79.024897738786478", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0030286", "l": "dynein complex", "d": ["Any of several large complexes that contain two or three dynein heavy chains and several light chains, and have microtubule motor activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819391", "l": "cytoplasmic side of mitochondrial outer membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031429", "l": "box H/ACA snoRNP complex", "d": ["A box H/ACA RNP complex that is located in the nucleolus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3823107", "l": "superoxide dismutase copper chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032449", "l": "CBM complex", "d": ["A protein complex comprising Bcl10, MALT1 and a CARD domain-containing protein (CARD9, CARD10 or CARD11); plays a role in signal transduction during NF-kappaB activation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520577", "l": "14q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C41014", "l": "14q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167053", "l": "2-micrometer circle DNA", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.802976799984464", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D021601", "l": "trans-Golgi Network", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0887838", "l": "trans-Golgi Network", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33802", "l": "Trans-Golgi Network", "d": ["A network of membrane components where vesicles bud off the Golgi apparatus to bring proteins, membranes and other components to the plasma membrane, secretory vesicles and endosomes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230665", "l": "Distinctive form of cell envelope", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:18228006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1818663", "l": "medial cortex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515496", "l": "9p13", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25125", "l": "9p13", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0039716", "l": "viroplasm viral factory", "d": ["A cytoplasmic viral factory that is electron dense due to high levels of viral RNA. Produced by nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDV) like Poxviridae, Asfarviridae and Iridoviridae, and dsRNA viruses like Reoviridae."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520356", "l": "11p11.2-p11.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C24911", "l": "11p11.2-p11.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071080", "l": "alpha3-beta1 integrin-basigin complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha3-beta1 integrin complex bound to the cell surface protein basigin."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902671", "l": "left anterior basal body", "d": ["Any ciliary basal body that is part of a left anterior flagellum found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2334198", "l": "Plasma membrane of epithelioid cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2752478", "l": "host cell late endosome membrane", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0338063", "l": "Glycogen vacuole", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:8668003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821027", "l": "unicellular trichome apex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3541466", "l": "Lewy body corona", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612784", "l": "Ig heavy chain-bound endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179968", "l": "Nuclear lamin filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1902693", "l": "superoxide dismutase complex", "d": ["A protein complex which is capable of superoxide dismutase activity."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "74.731030655927583", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033644", "l": "host cell membrane", "d": ["Double layer of lipid molecules as it encloses host cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles; may be a single or double lipid bilayer; also includes associated proteins. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520976", "l": "1p36.12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25004", "l": "1p36.12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167156", "l": "nucleotide-excision repair factor 4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521049", "l": "20q11-q12", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13536", "l": "20q11-q12", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 20q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5137526", "l": "rod photoreceptor outer segment", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521630", "l": "7p22", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13649", "l": "7p22", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 7p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097560", "l": "left caudal flagellum", "d": ["A cilium (also called flagellum) found in Giardia species (trophozoite stage). It is nucleated by the left caudal basal body, extending cytoplasmically and exiting at the posterior end of the cell body."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1277044", "l": "Entire sarcolemma", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:361809003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4323232", "l": "Set of enamel prisms", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070021", "l": "transforming growth factor beta ligand-receptor complex", "d": ["A protein complex that is formed by the association of a TGF-beta dimeric ligand with 2 molecules of each receptor molecule, TGF-beta type I receptor and TGF-beta type II receptor. The receptor molecules may form homo- or heterodimers but only once bound by the ligand."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0180028", "l": "mitotic spindle pole body attachment site", "d": ["A region of the nuclear envelope to which a spindle pole body (SPB) attaches; protein complexes embedded in the nuclear envelope mediate direct or indirect linkages between the microtubule cytoskeleton and the nuclear envelope."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035861", "l": "site of double-strand break", "d": ["A region of a chromosome at which a DNA double-strand break has occurred. DNA damage signaling and repair proteins accumulate at the lesion to respond to the damage and repair the DNA to form a continuous DNA helix."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "85.498354445609536", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520975", "l": "1p36.11", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13947", "l": "1p36.11", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 1p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230806", "l": "Distinctive intracytoplasmic membrane system, not Golgi complex or ER", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:38272002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0031601", "l": "nuclear proteasome core complex", "d": ["The core complex of a proteasome located in the nucleus of a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070701", "l": "mucus layer", "d": ["An extracellular region part that consists of a protective layer of mucus secreted by epithelial cells lining tubular organs of the body such as the colon or secreted into fluids such as saliva. Mucus is a viscous slimy secretion consisting of mucins (i.e. highly glycosylated mucin proteins) and various inorganic salts dissolved in water, with suspended epithelial cells and leukocytes."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824541", "l": "Hpa2 acetyltransferase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070826", "l": "paraferritin complex", "d": ["A cytoplasmic protein complex that contains integrin, mobilferrin and a flavin monooxygenase, is capable of reducing Fe(III) to Fe(II) utilizing NADPH, and is involved in iron transport. Fe(II) is required in the cell as the substrate for ferrochelatase in the synthesis of heme."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167165", "l": "snRNP U12 location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0229493", "l": "Desmosome of cochlear duct", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:81367002", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180036", "l": "Zone of dendrite", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2611670", "l": "host cell PML body", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990039", "l": "hypolemmal cisterna", "d": ["Specialized part of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum that closely underlies the plasma membrane, usually within 60 nm or closer."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230854", "l": "Close packing of cristae of mitochondrion", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:31782006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "61.949834901597264", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0043235", "l": "receptor complex", "d": ["Any protein complex that undergoes combination with a hormone, neurotransmitter, drug or intracellular messenger to initiate a change in cell function."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4316807", "l": "Cytoplasmic microtubule", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:34783000", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5181360", "l": "Spermatozoa IgM binding location | Semen | Fertility testing", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0598099", "l": "cell envelope", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167055", "l": "pilus shaft", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0098682", "l": "arciform density", "d": ["An electron dense structure that anchors a synaptic ribbon to the presynaptic membrane."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071136", "l": "alpha7-beta1 integrin-laminin alpha-2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha7-beta1 integrin complex bound to laminin alpha-2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0016014", "l": "dystrobrevin complex", "d": ["A protein complex comprising alpha- and beta-dystrobrevin; forms part of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "88.174417394798667", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521458", "l": "5p13.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13831", "l": "5p13.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 5p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "65.912498735596799", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009536", "l": "plastid", "d": ["Any member of a family of organelles found in the cytoplasm of plants and some protists, which are membrane-bounded and contain DNA. Plant plastids develop from a common type, the proplastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2754996", "l": "IgM immunoglobulin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230722", "l": "Filament insertion into dense zone on internal aspect of cell membrane, not desmosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:88643005", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1515520", "l": "9q31.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C38477", "l": "9q31.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 9q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1166971", "l": "PSII associated light-harvesting complex II, core complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005683", "l": "U7 snRNP", "d": ["A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains the U7 snRNA and is required for the 3'-end processing of replication-dependent histone pre-mRNAs."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520629", "l": "15q15.3", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C25928", "l": "15q15.3", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 15q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D010861", "l": "Fimbriae, Bacterial", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C0031921", "l": "Bacterial Fimbria", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:42529003", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:54566003", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3821355", "l": "cell adhesion complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1180344", "l": "Terminal cistern of sarcoplasmic reticulum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690817", "l": "TTT complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520593", "l": "14q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13818", "l": "14q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 14q"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032797", "l": "SMN complex", "d": ["A protein complex that contains the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein and at least eight additional integral components, including the Gemin2-8 and Unrip proteins; the complex is found in the cytoplasm and in nuclear Gems, and is involved in spliceosomal snRNP assembly in the cytoplasm and in pre-mRNA splicing in the nucleus."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2332698", "l": "Cytoplasm of odontoclast", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097685", "l": "dinoflagellate apical groove", "d": ["A cell surface furrow (or groove) found on a dinoflagellate apex. It typically loops around the apex."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2753900", "l": "paraferritin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167399", "l": "host cell cytoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325681", "l": "Noc2p-Noc3p complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521699", "l": "8p21", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C14018", "l": "8p21", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 8p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990666", "l": "PCSK9-LDLR complex", "d": ["A protein complex consisting of the serine protease PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin-9) and a low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR). Interaction typically occurs through the epidermal growth factor-like repeat A (EGF-A) domain of the LDLR, and complex formation promotes degradation of the LDLR through the endosome/lysosome pathway."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1183509", "l": "Cytosol of endoplasm", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "78.247531668414297", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13562", "l": "8q", "d": ["Distal (long) arm of chromosome 8"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "43.429546381372788", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0099080", "l": "supramolecular complex", "d": ["A cellular component that consists of an indeterminate number of proteins or macromolecular complexes, organized into a regular, higher-order structure such as a polymer, sheet, network or a fiber."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990160", "l": "DnaB-DnaC-Rep-PriC complex", "d": ["A protein-DNA complex consisting of the helicase loading complex DnaB-DnaC, replication restart proteins Rep and PriC, and associated DNA. Involved in the restart of DNA replication after a stalled replication fork has been repaired."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2755534", "l": "lysosomal glycocalyx", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2610654", "l": "synaptobrevin 2-SNAP-25-syntaxin-1a-complexin I complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3812197", "l": "catalytic complex location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819925", "l": "laminin-9 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4551783", "l": "ER to Golgi transport vesicle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0089713", "l": "Cbf1-Met4-Met28 complex", "d": ["A heteromeric complex consisting of Cbf1 and basic leucine zipper (bZIP) containing transcriptional activators, Met4 and Met28, that forms over the sequence TCACGTG in the upstream activating sequence (UAS) of genes involved in sulfur amino acid metabolism, resulting in their transcriptional activation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "89.377736627990572", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1512787", "l": "Inner Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32811", "l": "Inner Segment of the Photoreceptor Cell", "d": ["The portion of the photoreceptor cell between the outer segment and nucleus that is divided into an ellipsoid and myoid section."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000159", "l": "protein phosphatase type 2A complex", "d": ["A protein complex that has protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity that is polycation-stimulated (PCS), being directly stimulated by protamine, polylysine, or histone H1; it constitutes a subclass of several enzymes activated by different histones and polylysine, and consists of catalytic, scaffolding, and regulatory subunits. The catalytic and scaffolding subunits form the core enzyme, and the holoenzyme also includes the regulatory subunit."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325585", "l": "transverse filament", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070082", "l": "clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle lumen", "d": ["The volume enclosed by the membrane of the clathrin-sculpted monoamine transport vesicle."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "43.121719348281296", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1521913", "l": "Chromosome band", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C13432", "l": "Chromosome Band", "d": ["Chromosomal bands observed after staining with specific dyes. The band pattern is the result of differential interactions between the dye and nonadjacent chromosomal regions."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2825762", "l": "11q24.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C81844", "l": "11q24.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 11q."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824560", "l": "BRE1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0150017", "l": "basal proximal dendrite", "d": ["Any dendrite in a dendritic tree that emerges near the basal pole of a neuron (e.g. in bipolar neurons, basal dendrites are either on the same side of the soma as the axon, or project toward the axon), and which is the closest to the cell body of the neuron (the soma)."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1523865", "l": "membrane-bounded organelle", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0230837", "l": "Adhesion specialization between microbodies", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "SNOMEDCT:52676006", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612788", "l": "ITGA2-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612780", "l": "CFTR-NHERF-ezrin complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518586", "l": "Oolemma", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33210", "l": "Oolemma", "d": ["The specialized plasma membrane of an oocyte."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009421", "l": "bacterial-type flagellum filament cap", "d": ["The proteinaceous structure at the distal tip of the bacterial-type flagellar filament."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034455", "l": "t-UTP complex", "d": ["A protein complex that forms a subcomplex of the 90S preribosome and is required for the subsequent assembly of the rest of the preribosome. In S. cerevisiae, it is composed of Utp5p, Utp4p, Nan1p, Utp8p, Utp9p, Utp10 and Utp15p."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0005835", "l": "fatty acid synthase complex", "d": ["A multienzyme complex that catalyses the synthesis of fatty acids from acetyl CoA."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "71.41723220320425", "identifiers": [{"i": "NCIT:C13268", "l": "Nucleosome", "d": ["A DNA packaging complex comprised of approximately 200 base pairs of DNA wound around a protein core, which is formed by an octomer of histones. The histone octomer includes two dimers of histones H2A and H2B that surround a tetramer consisting of two molecules of histone H3 and two molecules of histone H4."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1518566", "l": "Olfactory Chemoreceptor", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C33201", "l": "Olfactory Chemoreceptor", "d": ["Sensory receptors located in the olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity that respond to airborne chemicals."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0071142", "l": "homomeric SMAD protein complex", "d": ["A protein complex composed of a single type of SMAD family proteins. In the absence of Smad4, phosphorylation of R-SMADs results in their homotrimerization. However, these complexes do not appear to import into the nucleus and are assumed to be transcriptionally inactive."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "87.157025479615683", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0060077", "l": "inhibitory synapse", "d": ["A synapse in which an action potential in the presynaptic cell reduces the probability of an action potential occurring in the postsynaptic cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622081", "l": "Myb complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893394", "l": "pre-synaptic active zone component", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893559", "l": "dinoflagellate epicone", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "95.425240171993906", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990125", "l": "DiaA complex", "d": ["A homotetrameric protein complex consisting of a symmetrical pair of DiaA homodimers. Facilitates DnaA binding to the origin of replication during replication initiation."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070313", "l": "RGS6-DNMT1-DMAP1 complex", "d": ["A protein complex formed by the association of RGS6, a negative regulator of heterotrimeric G protein signaling, with the DMAP1-Dnmt1 transcriptional repressor complex; in the complex, RGS6 inhibits the transcriptional repressor activity of DMAP1."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "92.749177222804775", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0046611", "l": "lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex", "d": ["A proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex found in the lysosomal membrane, where it acts as a proton pump to mediate acidification of the lysosomal lumen."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009841", "l": "mitochondrial endopeptidase Clp complex", "d": ["A Clp endopeptidase complex located in the mitochondrion."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "86.275720515981703", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0033061", "l": "DNA recombinase mediator complex", "d": ["A protein complex containing accessory proteins which bind a recombinase (e.g. Rad51) and bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), and promote nucleation of the recombinase onto ssDNA through facilitating recombinase-RPA exchange."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0090573", "l": "RNA polymerase IV transcription repressor complex", "d": ["A protein complex, located in the nucleus, that possesses activity that prevents or downregulates transcription from a RNA polymerase IV promoter."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C5380216", "l": "matrilin-3 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2612786", "l": "ITGA1-ITGB1 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "80.22821697197837", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0034705", "l": "potassium channel complex", "d": ["An ion channel complex through which potassium ions pass."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824525", "l": "Mcs4 RR-MAPKKK complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2246514", "l": "esterosome", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3824424", "l": "STING complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1325529", "l": "giant axon", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167477", "l": "nitrogenase complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179053", "l": "External fiber of rod cell", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3269085", "l": "BAD-BCL-2 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0097653", "l": "unencapsulated part of cell", "d": ["The part of a cell encompassing the intracellular environment and the plasma membrane; it excludes any external encapsulating structures."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2326233", "l": "Cytoplasm of mature erythrocyte", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "81.700960687975609", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C0887883", "l": "Early endosome", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32489", "l": "Early Endosome", "d": ["The endosomal compartment that fuses with endocytic vesicles and sorts the plasma membrane components from any internalized molecules that are targeted for lysosomal degradation."], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C32512", "l": "Endocytotic Vesicle", "d": ["A membrane-bound vesicle that is involved in transport of extracellular factors into a cell."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C4690831", "l": "nucleus leading edge", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0000421", "l": "autophagosome membrane", "d": ["The lipid bilayer surrounding an autophagosome, a double-membrane-bounded vesicle in which endogenous cellular material is sequestered."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:1990567", "l": "DPS complex", "d": ["A protein serine/threonine phosphatase complex that in S. pombe consists of the proteins Dis2, Ppn1, and Swd22."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3893555", "l": "longitudinal flagellum", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C2613168", "l": "p21(ras)GAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex, thrombin stimulated", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1179110", "l": "A-tubule of triplet microtubule of kinetosome of cilium", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0032579", "l": "apical lamina of hyaline layer", "d": ["A fibrous network that is part of the hyalin layer extracellular matrix. The apical lamina is thought to be principally composed of the glycoproteins fibropellins. This matrix has been found in echinoderms."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3158696", "l": "NF-kappa p105/p65 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0035323", "l": "male germline ring canal", "d": ["An intercellular bridge that connects the germline cells of a male cyst."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "84.173931203323974", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0009842", "l": "cyanelle", "d": ["A plastid that contains unstacked, phycobilisome-bearing thylakoid membranes and is surrounded by a double membrane with a peptidoglycan layer in the intermembrane space between the two envelope membranes. Cyanelles are characteristic of algae in the class Glaucophyta, and may represent an ancestral form of plastid."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1622646", "l": "cytosolic proteasome complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "90.850480343987797", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1520683", "l": "16p12.1", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "NCIT:C26005", "l": "16p12.1", "d": ["A chromosome band present on 16p"], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "ic": "100", "identifiers": [{"i": "GO:0070333", "l": "alpha6-beta4 integrin-Shc-Grb2 complex", "d": ["A protein complex that consists of an alpha6-beta4 integrin complex bound to the adaptor proteins Shc and Grb2."], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "MESH:D044603", "l": "Cellulosomes", "d": [], "t": []}, {"i": "UMLS:C1257924", "l": "Cellulosomes", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1819590", "l": "NHE3/E3KARP/ACTN4 complex", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []} {"type": "biolink:CellularComponent", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C1167376", "l": "collagen type II location", "d": [], "t": []}], "taxa": []}